The Diocese Marches for Life Bishop and Diocesan Contingent Participate in National March

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The Diocese Marches for Life Bishop and Diocesan Contingent Participate in National March Think Green 50¢ February 1, 2009 Recycle this paper Volume 83, No. 5 Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend ’’ A gift for you TTODAYODAY SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Get to know your Today’s Catholic Pages 3, 12-13, 18 The diocese marches for life Bishop and diocesan contingent participate in national march Postcard campaign BY DIANE FREEBY Help fight FOCA WASHINGTON, D.C. — “I’m glad I’m here. ... I Page 3 should have come before!” Bishop John M. D’Arcy’s face lit up as he smiled broadly while making his way along Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., for the 2009 March for Life. Wells of Hope Bishop D’Arcy was among the hundreds of thou- St. Pius ministry welcomes sands of men, women and children who gathered in the nation’s capital Jan. 22 to stand up for the unborn, Catholics home while marking the infamous date when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion 36 years ago. This Page 9 was Bishop D’Arcy’s first time participating in the March for Life. “I thank Fred and Lisa (Everett, co-directors of the Office of Family Life) for urging me to come,” said Taking it to the Bishop D’Arcy as he stood shoulder to shoulder with young people from the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South streets Bend. “Most exciting is the young people. Many young people came from all over the world, who Marches, rallies campaign for through their whole lives will stand for the child who DIANE FREEBY has no one except us. I’m very impressed with the Bishop John M. D’Arcy joins with pro-life marchers from the Diocese and Fort Wayne-South protection of the unborn number of bishops... the enthusiasm and the interest. Bend gather around the diocesan banner at the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. Pages 10-11 The dedication to this cause is very moving. It’s simi- Jan. 22. lar to World Youth Day, except pointed to one particu- lar cause.” Fred Everett says the timing was right for an thought it was especially important ... to Turnout from the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South even stronger turnout. come out and say ‘no it’s not over,’ and it Bend was exceptionally high, with organizers esti- “This year, given the context of the elec- won’t be over as long as Christians take ‘Eve’ mating an all-time record of over 500 young people tion and the fact that some voices in the their vocations seriously, and they believe and their chaperones. The first diocesan trip took Catholic community saying the pro-life that everyone should have the right to life.” Book of the Month Club place in 1998, with the Catholic high schools taking effort, at least legislatively and constitution- Page 20 over a few years later and organizing their own trips. ally, was over,” explained Everett, “we MARCH, PAGE 20 TELLING OUR FAITH STORY Bishop D’Arcy welcomes “When I joined the readers of Today’s Catholic Catholic Church at “Three times I have been shipwrecked; a the Easter Vigil in A new beginning: A part of the night and a day I have been adrift at sea; on 2006, I found the new evangelization frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, With this edition, we begin something danger from robbers, danger from my own Sunday Mass to be a fresh and new. Christ told the apostles that people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the spiritual oasis in a they should, “set out into the deep.” Pope city, danger in the wilderness, danger at John Paul II took this saying, and made it sea, danger from false brethren; in toil and troubled world. The symbolic of spiritual renewal for the new hardship, through many a sleepless night, Scriptures from the millennium. It means taking a risk for in hunger and thirst, often without food, in Christ, and is rooted in the mission Christ cold and exposure. And, apart from other Bible come alive has given to the church, to the apostles, and things, there is the daily pressure upon me when I hear the homilies from the pulpit. through them to the bishops who are their of my anxiety for all the churches. Who is successors. weak and I am not weak? Who is made to And most importantly, when I see the It is especially important that in this year fall, and I am not indignant?” image of the suffering Christ on the cross of St. Paul, devoted to the greatest evange- — 2 Cor 11:25-29 lizer and catechist who ever lived, that we The new evangelization means that it is and partake of the Eucharist, I am remind- try new methods of bringing Christ to oth- not only to far away countries, but is right ed of God’s sacrifice for us and my respon- ers. here. Even in our best and most vital parish- Paul undertook anything and everything es — and there are many of them — there sibility to make small sacrifices to others so that the Gospel of Christ could be spread, are a large number of people who do not go and so that people would know Jesus Christ to church. With this issue, Today’s Catholic through stewardship and love.” and him crucified. In one place, he recounts will be placed in every home in the diocese. Karen Clifford, St. Pius X Parish, Granger some of his hardships he undertook for the (and Today’s Catholic contributor) sake of the Gospel. WELCOME, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 1, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Church is blessed with reach of Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy the Congregation of Holy Cross EDITOR: Tim Johnson served all over the world; in Nigeria, cially the Sisters of Life, as well as the Uganda, Bangladesh, Brazil, Haiti, Chile, Sisters of Charity, founded by Blessed NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad Mexico, Peru, Tanzania and many others. I Mother Teresa of Calcutta. saw my old friend, Father Bob Hoffman, Up at six the next morning, and break- Editorial Department CSC, who served in our diocese in St. fast with Fred and Lisa Everett and their PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan NEWS Patrick’s Parish as pastor for many years. I three children, who were my guides around FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, had lunch with Father Ted Hesburgh, so Washington. Off early to the Verizon Ann Carey, Michelle Castleman, Karen &NOTES well known and respected throughout the Center, to hear confessions. People have Clifford, Elmer J. Danch, Michelle world, over 92 years of age and living a full asked me what was the most impressive Donaghey, Bonnie Elberson, Denise BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY priestly life even yet. We recalled the first part of the trip, and I think maybe this was Fedorow, Diane Freeby, May Lee day I came to this diocese, when I had it. A large restaurant in the upper reaches of Johnson, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, lunch with him, and Father Ned Joyce, this huge auditorium, where professional Joe Kozinski and Deb Wagner A hidden gem CSC, along with Bishop William basketball and hockey teams played, was This past week, in concert with the feast McManus, my predecessor, and Father open only for confessions. A huge line, and Business Department day observed in honor of Blessed Basil Terry Place. when you went in, priests and a few bish- Anthony Moreau, I continued some pas- I also recall the day of our official visit ops everywhere hearing confessions. My BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice in June, and how we walked across the friend of 50 years, Archbishop Al Hughes, AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber toral visitations of places cared for by the Congregation of Holy Cross. This was sub- campus and made a visit to the Blessed was there ahead of me. BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol Sacrament at the beautiful Alumni Hall Sisters — members of fairly new con- [email protected] sequent to offering Mass at St. Joseph Parish, South Bend, in honor of Father Chapel. I told about the Holy Cross semi- gregations, most of them new to me, many Moreau, friend of the Holy Cross narians with whom I had visited the previ- from the eastern part of our country, Advertising Sales ous Sunday and how several of them said it accompanied the young people to the Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) Congregation. First, I went to Holy Cross College as was the presence of a priest in their resi- priests. I thought it was like bringing them (260) 456-2824 part of my visitations to the colleges and dence, which was instrumental in their to Christ, which it really was. I heard con- Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) universities, which have graced this dio- choice of Holy Cross. fessions for about an hour and a half. (574) 234-0687 cese, some of them for over 160 years. Another candidate, a Notre Dame gradu- Then a beautiful Mass before 25,000 Web site: What is most evident at this small ate and an attorney, said at the meeting that people. I was so proud that we had over Catholic college, located in the midst of a he had been drawn to Holy Cross through 200 young people, probably the largest in Published weekly except the fourth great complex of Catholic higher education the instrumentality of Father John the history of this event, from our diocese.
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