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SOMALI PROSODIC Systemsl SOMALI PROSODIC SYSTEMS l John William Johnson A recent breakthrough by two Somali scholars, lished by Andrzejewski and Lewis in their book Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac and Cabdullaahi Diiriye Somali Poetry: An Introduction (J 964). The mod­ Guuleed,2 has repopened the question of Somali em poem, which is also oral in nature and which has prosodic systems and has led to an understanding of had a powerful impact on recent Somali social and the units by which Somali classical and other poetry political life, is called the heel/o or hees. It was is scanned. These two scholars discovered, appa­ described in its historical context and examples of it rently independently, that the four classical genres were published in my book Heellooy Heel/eel/ooy: are scanned quantitatively, that is by counting tem­ The Developmel1l of the Genre Heello in Modern poral units on the line, They are not scanned by Somali Poetry (1974),' The present essay will con­ tone, or by stress patterns, or by any other method. centrate only on a detailed textual description of the What stumped us for years was the exact nature of prosodic systems of the four classical genres called the units which were to be scanned, Maxamed and gabay. jiiflO. geeraar, and buraambur. The reader Cabdullaahi discovered that the mora (also called may refer to the above mentioned books for such chronos and chroneme), and not the syllable, is the other topics as function and context of Somali oral key unit in Somali classical prosody. We shall re­ poetry. Let us put the four classical genres into turn to this unit later, but first a bit of background for perspective in relation to the rest of Somali poetry. t' the sake of orientation would be useful here. Until the advent of the two radio stations in Somalia,6 and the birth and growth of the modem The Somalis live on the eastern Hom of Africa. heello, Somali poets were non-professional as the They number somewhere around five million and great majority of them remain even today. That is to are approximately 70 to 80 percent nomadic, being say, poets did not earn their living by their skills, herders of camels, sheep and goats, and (in the Indeed, everyone was permitted and encouraged for southern regions) cattle. Their literature is almost reasons of gaining prestige to participate in this entirely oral, although there is now a growing body artistic endeavor, but, obviously, a minority were of written literature due to the government's deci­ really genius at it. The four classical genres were sion to use the Latin alphabet for transcribing the considered the highest forms of poetic expression language.3 By far the most important form of oral and were reserved for the serious political, social, literature in Somalia is some 35 (or more) genres of and philosophical com;nentary: thus, our designa­ poetry, all of which have been skillfully described tion of them as "classical" by the Somali scholar Muuse Xaaji Ismaaciil Ga­ The Somali poetic creative context is very in­ laal. 4 The most important of the traditional genres teresting to many students of oral literature and were described and examples of them were pub­ folklore in that, while oral in nature, it is not for­ . , • Volume 2. 10 . 3 HOR 1 OF AFRICA / 47 mulaic in the Perry-Lord sense of that ternl' In other aspects of prosody not dealt with here. but by other words. composition and recitation are not Somali standards only. In shon, a genre of Somali usually simultaneous. Verbatim or near verbatim poetry may be defined here as a form to which a memorization. an old topic in folkloristics recently Somali name has been assigned. reopened by Ruth Finnegan.~ is very important in First of all, as mentioned above, there is quan­ the diffusion and ultimate preservation of this type titative scansion. The numbers and combinations of of oral an. When variation of a specific poem oc­ numerical units differentiate some of the genres of curs. which is relatively rare. it usually takes the Somali poetry. Another major method is melody. In fonn of transposition or omission of entire lines Somali poetics, all genres can be sung; some may , rather than of words on a single line. Such memori­ also be recited as well as sung, while others must be ,.' zation is made possible by the incredible constraints put to music. Examples of the latter case are the j ( of prosody placed on the genres, the rules of which genres we call miniature. In Somali they are called ,I are ex plained below. wiglo. dhaaJ1lo. hirwo. and hehvo, and they last I" Exceptions to the nornlal practice of composition from two to ten lines in length. With these genres it '.1 in private occur. Friends sometimes assist a poet in is the melody that makes the difference.~ An ex­ his creative process of composition. Moreover, periment I tried with the Somali poet and playwright ""' poetic combats in Somalia often require an on-the­ Xasan Sheekh Muumin sought to prove this thesis. I spot response to a poetic challenge, which, inci­ later leamed that B. W. Andrzejewski had carried dentally, requires the same alliteration in the reply out the same experiment with the Somali scholar as was found in the challenging poem. In these Muuse Xaaji Ismaaciil Galaal some years earlier cases, license is given the poet, a license which and obtained the same results. The hypothesis was would not be permitted in other contexts. The poet this: recited, the genres could not be differentiated; is given more time to work out his lines: he is sung, the genres could be identified. The method I permitted to leave a line unfinished while he pro­ used to test this theory was simple. If melody were i ceeds wilh other lines and to return to the difficult the only factor differentiating the genres, then the I. line later; and he is permitted to "struggle through" same tex!. regardless of its generic designation, I! a line, sometimes mumbling through part of the line could be sung to any of the four melodies. This : with which he is having difficulty. In the latter case, assumption in fact turned out to be true. A wiglo text repetition is allowed, each repeat producing more was chosen, and the poet was asked to "convert" it words and fewer mumbling as the line is completed from a wig/o to a dhaanro, then to a hirwo, and and perfected. finally to a he/wo, simply by changing the melody. One result orthe normal composition in private is Other genres appear to be differentiated by a that the contexts of composition and performance combination of quantitative scansion and the appro­ I may be separated; therefore, composer and reciter priate subject matter reserved for the form. Hees­ represent two different, albeit overlapping, skills. geel. "camel-song," and hees-adhi, "sheep and Once composition of the poem is completed in pri­ goat song," are examples. Context even appears to vate, it can be recited by either the poet or by an come into play, as with such genre differentiation as agent to whom the poet has taught his poem. In this hees-wadaameed, "first camel watering song," context, authorship of specific poems may be as­ and hees-rakaadeed, "second camel watering signed and remembered. This practice in fact is a song." The first time the camels are watered, the pan of Somali poetic tradition. genre employed is rapid and rhythmic, as the We must now tum to the question of how genres workmen are not yet tired out and can keep up a of Somali poetry are differentiated, for there is more quick pace in slinging water containers up and down than one method by which this process is ac­ sometimes very deep wells dug into dry river beds. complished, and it is imponant to point out that The "second camel watering song," however, ". metrical structure is not the only method. We are finds two very tired workmen whose slower pace is designating a genre as such, not by a cross-cultural matched by a very milch slower rhythm to the song. theory, which is cenainly valid when discussing But more research is needed to be certain of these - 48 / HORN OF AFRICA Volume 2, o. 3 rules, and this research is being vigorously pursued long vowel, then, is equivalent to two morae. In­ by several scholars and their students at the Depart­ stead of counting syllables, as we tried for years to ment of Somali Language and Literature in the do, we have learned to count morae. Monosemic National University of Somalia and at the Academy units are one mora in length, while disemic units are of Somali culture,IO a research and publishing in­ two morae in length. The latter may consist of two stitute funded by the Somali government. The latter short syllables, or a long vowel, or a diphthong has accepted for publication the works on scansion followed by a consonant. 16 by the two Somalis mentioned at the beginning of The next largest unit on the classical line is the this essay]J At the moment only Maxamed's work metron or foot, which can be defined as a pen­ has seen print in the national daily newspaper, Xid­ tasemic unit. Put another way, a classical foot con­ diglQ OklOobar (October Star)12 tains from three to five syllables, equivalent to five The modem heello is delivered as a lyric to song morae. music and is differentiated from other genres by The remaining sublinear unit, the hemistich or several criteria.
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    Available online at JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES ISSN: 1305-578X Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(Special Issue 1), 672-682; 2021 Difficulties encountered by Albanian students while pronouncing English minimal pairs Zamira Metaj Alimemaja1 aUniversity of Vlora, Albania APA Citation: Alimemaj, Z.M. (2021). Difficulties encountered by Albanian students while pronouncing English minimal pairs. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(Special Issue 1), 672-682. Submission Date:15/01/2020 Acceptance Date:17/11/2020 Abstract Many foreign language learners encounter difficulties in pronouncing English language sounds, which potentially leads to misunderstanding in oral communication. Sometimes, the Albanian learners find pronunciation quite tricky when learning English language because they have to replicate lots of new strange sounds that are completely unknown to them. The present paper tackles the difficulties of producing English sounds with focus on minimal pairs, which is not an easy task, especially when the learners are not exposed to the native speakers in their environment. This research focuses on pronunciation errors with the minimal pairs committed by students of English language who study at the University of Vlora in Albania. As an experienced teacher of English Language in Albania, I have had the opportunity to observe the difficulties the Albanian speaking learners usually face in learning English pronunciation and what I have concluded is that Minimal pairs bear great benefits in pronunciation teaching and learning. There were 20 students who participated in this research and all of them had been studying English Phonology for a semester at the university.
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