Field Trip Report What Is APT? Atlanta, Georgia Field Trip
Field Trip Report By F. LeBlanc, Head, Field Projects APT Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA Sept. 14-17, 2006 APT 2006 Conference - When mod- ern becomes historic Barbara Campagna, President of APT What is APT? The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is a cross-disciplinary, membership organization dedicated to promoting the best technology for conserving historic structures and their settings. APT members, who hail from more than 30 countries, include preserva- tionists, architects, engineers, conservators, consultants, contractors, craftspersons, curators, developers, educators, historians, landscape ar- chitects, students, technicians, and other persons directly involved in the application of methods and materials to maintain, conserve, and protect historic structures and sites for future use and appreciation. The 2006 Annual Conference was held in Atlanta, GA. More than 400 participants attended the various events. Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta is home of the famous Coca Cola company and the international news network CNN In contrast to the genteel old south image of Atlanta conjured up in Mar- garet Mitchell’s best selling novel, Gone With the Wind, Atlanta has always been considered a brash, dynamic, no-holds-barred center of a 1 uniquely American variety of commerce. Founded at the edge of the Georgia wilderness in 1837, Atlanta’s early development had more in common with the booming cities of the Ameri- can west than with the euro-centric east coast metropolises. To quote Atlanta historian Franklin Garrett, “While the number of good, moral citizens was increasing... the town was characterized as tough. It grew distinctively as a railroad center with the vices common to rough frontier settlements.
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