SPORTS: Division III Titan rugby falters INSIDE: Social justice in bid for Division II status, page 10 resist ignorance, provoke FEATURES: The proper way to place both thought, incite change, page 3 male and female condoms, page 5 Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 39 Tuesday April 21, 2009 DailyThe Student Voice of California StateTitan University, Fullerton DTSHORTHAND Jon Wilhite fundraiser ASI looks to cut leaders’ stipends Lucky Strike Orange is hosting a fundraising event with a portion of BY SEAN BELK increase in overall funding, some or- amendments have increased the of the proposed $101,573. the proceeds going to charities in Daily Titan Assistant News Editor ganizations were left short. surplus from $835 to over $15,000 “I think we student leaders can honor of those who lost their lives
[email protected] The main reason is because the – money that can now be used to make some cuts,” Hernandez said. and a portion will be going to a fund university plans to curtail enroll- fund other areas. To cut costs, the “It’s not a whole lot, but it can make for Jon Wilhite to help him through Board of Directors debates slashing student pay as ment by 2 to 4 percent this Summer ASI Board approved reducing board a difference. It can be more effective the recovery process. university expects 2 to 4 percent cut to enrollment and Fall because of the state’s eco- travel funds and eliminating a stu- somewhere else.” nomic downturn, which is expected dent position at the Irvine campus, The proposal produced widespread Where: With campus organizations pro- get that currently projects $6.9 mil- to bring down student fee income along with keeping its contracts, fees contention among board members, 20 City Blvd.