
Carpathian Issue: Original Article

From Scientific Research to Geoconservation and Geopark

Dan Alexandru Grigorescu Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, , 2A Mareşal Constantin Prezan Bd.,

©Author(s) 2020, this article is published with open access at http://gcr.khuisf.ac.ir

Abstract The Haţeg region of -Romania, known as the “Haţeg Country”, due to its specific character as a region wholly encircled by mountains, has been renowned for over a century for its palaeontological geosites from which bones of several , dinosaur eggs and hatchlings, were unearthed along with numerous other taxa representative of all the major vertebrate groups: fishes, amphibians, , and . The region illustrates the phenomenon of “”, linked to the lengthy persistence of in isolated habitats. Palaeontological research in the region took place across two periods, separated by a 50- gap in which no systematic studies were carried out. The first, closely associated with Franz Nopcsa, spanned between 1897 and 1929; the second period, begun in 1977, continues to this day. The main achievements of these two periods are briefly presented. After 1990, the region also became a center Corresponding Author: for geoconservation, incorporating a complex activity of research, protection and Dan Alexandru Grigorescu valorisation of existing dinosaur sites, under the tutelage of geologists from the Institute for Advanced Studies in University of Bucharest. These efforts led to UNESCO recognizing the region as Levant Culture and Civilization, the “Haţeg Country Geopark” in 2005. Afterwards, it became a leading Bucharest, 2A Mareşal Constantin centre for geoeducation and geotourism in Romania. Here, we discuss the roles Prezan Bd., Romania played in this achievement by enduring scientific research in the fields of https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4811-9698 and palaeontology across the region, the efforts for the geoconservation of the Email: [email protected] fossiliferous sites and not least local authorities’ involvement and cooperation.

Keywords: UNESCO geopark, Haţeg - Transylvania, Dinosaurs, Geoconservation, Regional development

Introduction paradigm shift in geology from which new terms In his excellent book on geodiversity, Gray (2013) emerged, such as geosite (geotope), geoconserva- shows that the term ‘geodiversity’ was first proposed tion, geoeducation, geotourism and geopark. By in 1993 by Wiedenbein (1993), in counterpoint to the virtue of its practical nature as an action designed to established term ‘biodiversity’, and this generated a conserve and prevent the destruction of geosites, se- lected in accordance to their respective importance Access this article online and levels of risk, geoconservation is the essential,

DOI: 10.30486/gcr.2020.1904340.1026 defining feature of the paradigm, from which stem the applied efforts to capitalize upon geodiversity: Received: 11 Jul, 2020 Accepted: 1 Sept, 2020 geoeducation, geotourism and the geopark.

8 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN:2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 8 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

The geopark is the corollary to the geodiversity lies with local stakeholder groups, building upon a paradigm, bringing together its constitutive com- sound knowledge of the region with regard to UN- ponents in an interconnected nexus aimed at con- ESCO requirements, which affords them a realistic serving and capitalizing upon natural and cultural estimate of the advantages and risks associated with heritage sites through tourism and education, and the endeavor, once the necessary funding pathways therefore supporting the socio-economic develop- have been secured. In other cases, when the region- ment of a region, with beneficial effects on local al potential is insufficiently apparent to the local communities. actors (due, in most part, to insufficient scientific research having been carried out to attest the natural The concept of the geopark emerged in the late and cultural potential of the region in comparison to 1980s as a consequence of the ProGEO movement other candidates), the initiative to create a geopark in Europe, whose efforts in highlighting the urgent falls to a group of researchers who, although hail- need for geological protection led to the idea that ing from outside the region, have been made aware only through practical demonstration in a coherent of its geopark potential by way of research; in this system could these values and needs be understood case, a significant part of the endeavour to create and understood by a broader segment of the popula- a geopark will see this group of outsiders carrying tion. This idea was supported by UNESCO, which out popularization and information activities to launched the concept of a geopark in 1997, based on raise awareness among local stakeholders, in a series of principles and recommendations (Patzak to broaden the pool of potential available partners. & Eder 1998). Such was the case with the Hațeg Country Dino- saurs Geopark, where extensive research carried out Soon after UNESCO announced the principles over the , and the continuous highlighting of and the main guidelines governing the creation of its natural and cultural values, coupled with a grow- geoparks, the first four were created in Europe; ing concern for geoconservation, are presented be- by June 2020, their number on the Old Continent low (Fig. 1). has increased to 76, across 26 different countries (www.europeangeoparks.org). From 1995 onwards, Hațeg Country geoparks were also established on other continents: The Hațeg Country covers a 1024 sq. km depression primarily in Asia (61), but also in North America in the south-westernmost corner of Transylvania, its (5), South and Central America (3) and Africa (2). average altitude of 450 m is guarded on all sides The new UNESCO Geoscience and Geopark Pro- by the mountain ranges of the Southern Carpath- gram, the International Geoscience and Geoparks ians which rise to heights of up to 2500 m (2509 Programme (IGGP), established in 2015, provides m at Peleaga Peak). This gives it the character of more robust support in advising the creation of new a vast organic citadel, with natural portcullises dug geoparks, which have proved to represent a proper athwart valleys leading to Romania’s various re- organizational framework for the development of gions: northwards to Transylvania; south-eastwards integrative approaches, coupled with geodiversi- to Oltenia; and south-westwards to the Banat. The ty and biodiversity in natural research on the one almost entirely enclosed nature of the region lent it hand, and natural and cultural heritage management the term of “country”, used in Romanian geograph- on the other, while altogether supporting and fur- ical topology – similar to the French word “pays” thering the sustainable development of the regions. – to denote such regions (Fig. 1).

There is no perfect recipe for the creation of The relatively small territory of the Hațeg Country geoparks, across any region that meets the estab- nevertheless testifies to a lengthy human history lished UNESCO criteria. In some cases, the initiative spanning over 100,000 years, with the earliest evi-

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Figure 1. Map of Romania with geographical regions and Haţeg Basin location in South-Western Transylvania.

dence dating to the Middle Palaeolithic. The Dacian the Hațeg Country is unmatched anywhere else in period, understood as the crucible from which the Romania, a country itself known for its particularly Romanian people emerged, saw the earliest battles rich cultural heritage (Fig. 2). fought between the Dacians and the Romans, in 101-102 AD, near the Iron Gates of Transylvania This extensive historical and cultural record is inte- (ancient Tapae), towards the western edge of the grated in a wondrous natural tableau, featuring many depression. The victorious Romans then erected a rare and endemic species of plants and animals (of military garrison (castrum) at this location, which which some fall under the protection of the European soon became the capital of the Roman province Commission Natura 2000 reservations), breath-tak- of Dacia under the name of Sarmizegetusa Ulpia ing vistas towards the neighbouring mountain peaks Traiana. The Mediaeval period (12th–16th centuries) (with particular deference to the summits of the Re- is particularly well represented by stone churches tezat Mountains, mostly contained within Retezat Na- (unique in Romania), the ruins of stone-walled cit- tional Park), numerous glacial lakes, forests of oak, adels dating to the early feudal Romanian voivode- beech, fir and pine (including the European cedar, ships (cnezate in Romanian) in the region – later Pinus cembra), chamois herds and marmot colonies. incorporated into the Kingdom of Hungary – and Moreover, the Hațeg Country also boasts a heightened through stone watchtowers, built atop heights in ethnographic specificity, expressed through traditional order to keep watch over invaders. The sheer den- dress (still worn by the older generations on festive oc- sity of historically and culturally relevant sites in casions), local songs and dances, wooden and woolen

10 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

Figure 2. Hațeg Country cultural monuments. Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana, the capital of the Roman province Dacia (II-III century AD): A) Amphitheatre. B) The Great temple, Middle Age stone churches. C) Densuş: XIII century, Orthodox, Romanic style. D) Suseni: XIV century, Orthodox, Late Romanic style. E) Sântămaria Orlea: XIII century, Reformed Calvin, formerly Catholic, Late Romanic style. F) Răchitova watch tower, XIV century. G) Mălăiesti Fortress, XIV century. Ruins and recent reconstruction. H) Kendeffi castle, XVIII century.

craftsmanship and culinary traditions (Fig. 2). The deposits correspond to the uplift phase of the Lastly, geology serves to enhance the Hațeg Coun- Southern Carpathians following an almost complete try’s specificity and scientific value: the geological series of marine strata, from Lower Juras- strata of the hills which surround the lowlands bear sic to upper (). The tectonic vestiges of some of the last dinosaurs ever to walk uplift that interrupted the marine evolution of the the Earth before their extinction 66 million years region was associated with powerful volcanic erup- ago (Ma). The dinosaur remains together with sev- tions whose products are interbedded through the eral other contemporary animals, mainly crocodiles, sedimentary sequences. Compared to related spe- , , and mammals, are found in flu- cies uncovered in other regions, the Haţeg dinosaurs vio-lacustrine deposits, corresponding to the Maas- reveal a chronic dwarfism; little wonder, then, that trichtian, the last Cretaceous stage (72–66 Ma). palaeontologists have popularized them as “Tran-

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Figure 3. Representatives of the fauna of the Hațeg Basin, reconstructed by Jakub Kowalski (by the permis- sion of the Transylvanian Museum Society): A) Paralatonia transylvanica (Anura, Discoglossidae). B) hatzegiensis (, Borioteiioidea). C) Nidophis insularis (Serpentes, Madtsoiidae). D) bajazidi (Chelonia-cryptodirae). E) precedens (Crocodilia, Allodaposuchidae). F) Theriosuchus sympiestodon (Mesoeucrocodilia, ). G) dacus (, Titanosauridae). H) Paludititan nalatzensis (Sauropoda, Titanosauridae). I) (, ). J) Richardoestesia sp. (Theropoda, ). K) sp. (Theropda, ). L) squiperorum (Euornithopoda, Rhabdodontidae). M) Zalmoxes robustus (Euornithopoda, Rhabdodontidae). N) Tel- matosaurus transsylvanicus (, ). O) transylvanicus (Ankylosauria. ). P) Hatzegopteryx thambema (Pterosauria, Azhdarchidae). Q) Euenantiornithine birds. R) Kogaionon ungureanui (Multituberculat -Kogaionidae).

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sylvanian dwarf dinosaurs” (Fig. 3). be identified as from a hadrosaur (). The Scientific Treasure Unveils Its Secrets: The After graduating from secondary education, Nopc- “Giants” Were Dwarf Dinosaurs sa’s discoveries informed his decision to enrol in It is fortunate that the first dinosaur found the Faculty of Science at the University of Vien- in the Hațeg Country were on the lands belonging na, where he studied under the renowned geologist to the lands of Baron Franz Nopcsa (1877–1933). Eduard Suess (1831–1914). Franz Nopcsa eagerly His younger sister, Ilona, found them when she was awaited his introduction to Professor Suess, think- only 12. However, the shepherds driving their flocks ing it would prove a good opportunity to show the along the Sibișel Valley, between Săcel (the site of scholar several of the bones he had collected; yet the Nopcsa family manor) and Sânpetru had long their meeting proved a disappointment to the as- known of such strange bones, which were washed piring palaeontologist. Neither Suess nor the other out by mountain torrents which followed the spring university professors were able to offer any advice, thaws. The shepherds treated these bones with great other than that he would have to rely on his own apprehension and avoided even touching them, as in faculties: “then, learn it” he was told (Weishampel popular belief these were the bones of “giants” that & Jianu 2011). This was perhaps unsurprising, since had once called these lands home, bringing ill for- at the time there were few people across Europe tune to whoever laid hands on them. This account who might have been able to offer any input, even comes from a certain Doenel Vulc, whom I had the though the term “dinosaur” had entered academic great fortune of having guide my earliest forays into parlance some 50 years earlier, a combination of the the region (1977–1980), and who in turn had heard Ancient Greek deinos (“terrible”) and sauros (“liz- it from one of the village elders who had personally ard”, “”). And, indeed, Nopcsa did succeed met Franz Nopcsa and had assisted him in retrieving on his own, guided only by the tomes contained in dinosaur bones. the University library, among them the works of two American pioneers in dinosaur research: Othniel Ilona’s discovery irreversibly altered the course of Marsh and Edwin Cope as well as the writings of Franz Nopcsa’s life, irresistibly luring him to the Louis Dollo, famous for his excavations in southern study of reptile palaeontology. In the area his sister Belgium which unearthed several nearly complete indicated, Nopcsa uncovered several bones, includ- Iguanodon skeletons, restored and displayed in the ing a greatly fragmented skull which would later Brussels Royal Museum (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. A) Franz von Nopcsa (1877-1933). B) Outcrop in the dino- saur-bearing strata on the Sibişel val- ley, south of Sânpetru village. The outcrops on the Sibişel River banks, provided most of the -remains studied by F. Nopcsa.

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With great ambition, tenacity and above all natural summarized as follows: talent, Nopcsa embarked upon his laborious self- 1. In the field of geological cartography, he creat- study from the early years of his time in Vienna, ac- ed the geological map of the region between Alba quiring an extensive knowledge of osteology, com- Iulia-Deva and Rusca Montană, which comprises parative anatomy and functional morphology. His the Hațeg Basin, for his doctoral thesis which he research on the Sânpetru skull, initially presented defended in Vienna in 1903 and published in 1905 as Limnosaurus transsylvanicus and later renamed (Nopcsa 1905). On this map, he dated the conti- as Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus in 1903 (having nental strata rich in dinosaur fossils to the Danian, realized that Marsh had already coined the earlier which at the time was considered to be the upper- name for a crocodile) was presented to the Hungari- most stage of the Cretaceous period. The broader an Geological Society in Budapest in 1899 (Nopcsa area of these deposits extends far outside the Hațeg 1900). That same year, he gave the same presenta- Basin into greater Transylvania. tion at the Vienna Academy of Science, where his former mentor Eduard Suess expressed his pleas- 2. Nopcsa also showed that the underlying conti- ant surprise at how quickly Nopcsa had managed to nental deposits, where they can be observed, are complete his complicated inquiry (Fig. 4). Campanian-aged marine sediments, with the contact between the two facies characterised by a continu- Stimulated by the abundance of fossils in the hills ous transition, interspersed in places by a brackish around his Săcel manor, not only did Franz Nopcsa sequence. The Danian strata are termed the Sânpetru publish numerous articles, but he also penned am- (Szentpéterfalva) sandstone, named after the village ple monographs on several of the representative ex- in the Sibișel Valley where the majority of fossils amples of this palaeofauna, such as the ornithopod were found. The Sânpentru sandstone is interpreted (renamed Zamolxes: Weishampel et al. as being of riverine or wetland origin, with the sedi- 1993), the stem- Kallokobotion, and the anky- mentary layers interspersed with remnants of volca- losaurid Struthiosaurus transylvanicus. Many other nic eruptions (tuff and other volcanic rocks) towards articles feature reviews of fossil reptile specimens the western and north-western parts of the basin. found in the collections of the great European Natu- ral History Museums he visited. These sojourns also 3. In the field of systematic palaeontology, Nopcsa allowed him to make the acquaintance of many re- described nine species of dinosaurs and other co- nowned palaeontologists such as Otto Jaeckel, Fer- eval reptiles, of which five still retain their original dinand Broili, Carl Wiman, Friederich von Huene, taxonomic status: Kallokibotion bajazidi Nopcsa, Albert Gaudry, Luis Dollo, Arthur Smith Woodward 1923, a primitive turtle; Allodaposuchus precedens and Richard Lydekker, among others. At a remark- Nopcsa, 1928, a crocodilian; Magyarosaurus dacus able pace, Nopcsa soon made a name for himself as Nopcsa, 1915 (emend Huene, 1932), a sauropod a leading scientific scholar in the fields of palaeon- dinosaur; Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus Nopcsa, tology and the paleobiology of Mesozoic reptiles, a 1903, a basal hadrosaurid dinosaur; and Struthio- reputation undimmed to the present day. Following saurus transylvanicus Nopcsa, 1915, a basal nodo- his dramatic death in 1933, Luis Dollo evoked his saurid (Nopcsa 1929). The ornithopod Rhabdodon life and work as follows: “A comet racing across robustum (Nopcsa, 1915), previously Mochlodon our paleontological skies spreading but a diffuse robustum (Nopcsa 1902,1904) was revised as the sort of light” (Weishampel & Jianu 2011). new Zalmoxes with two species: Z. shqipero- rum and Z. robustus (Weishampel et al. 2003). Two Franz Nopcsa’s primary contributions to document- other taxa, hungaricus (theropod) ing the Hațeg Basin and to the palaeontology of the and Ornithidesmus sp. () are invalid due to dinosaur fossil layers found in this region can be the loss of the specimens (Fig. 5).

14 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

Figure 5. Dinosaurs and other contemporary reptiles described by F) Nopcsa in the ‘Hațeg Country’ region. The hadrosauroid Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus (described initially as Limnosaurus and Orthomerus): A) Skull (BMNH R 3386). B) Humerus (MAFI 3126) and femur (MAFI 10338). The ornithopod Rhabdodon robustum var. suessi (now Zalmoxes robustus Weishampel et al. 2003). C) Dentary and maxillary teeth. The titanosaurid sauropod Magyarosaurus dacus (described as dacus, cor- rected by F. Huene, (1932)). D) Caudal vertebra. E) Claw. The crocodile Crocodylus affulevensis (later Allodaposuchus precedens Nopcsa, 1928). F) Skull roof. The turtle Kallokibotion bajazidi. G) Carapace. The ankylosaurid dinosaur Struthiosaurus transylvan- icus. H) Lateral view of the skull (BMNH R 4966). I) Caudal vertebra. J) Nopcsa’s reconstruction of Struthiosaurus transylvanicus.

Abbreviation: BMNH R -British Museum Natural History, London. Reptile collection. MAFI – Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet Budapest.

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4. Regarding the evolution of species, Nopcsa War, and not least with his adventurous life – highlighted dwarfism as a primary characteristic seemingly inspired by the novels of Karl May of the faunal assemblage, with most of the un- (some of his favourite early reading) or from the covered species much smaller than their closest local myths romanticizing the brigandism of his relatives from other regions of Europe. Moreover, own grandfather, Baron Vasile Nopcsa, the sup- Nopcsa also noted the primitiveness and ende- posed “Blackface” in the Jókay Mór novel “The mism of the taxa which, despite their Late Creta- poor plutocrats”, with a first Magyar edition in ceous age, appear to be much more closely relat- 1860. ed to Late and forms. He interpreted both aspects as deriving from the An Unwanted Interruption to the Continuity of isolated nature of the regional ecosystem, situat- Nopcsa’s Studies ed on an island inhabited by the dinosaurs and Due to their taxonomic abundance and diversity coeval animals over a long period of time; before as well as their specific evolutionary patterns, the Nopcsa, similar conditions had been highlight- discoveries from the Hațeg Country, the majority ed in the fossil record of several Mediterranean of which Nopcsa published in German and Hun- islands, where dwarf mammals (elephants, deer garian, seemed to foreshadow a region of great etc.) were found to have lived during the Pliocene interest for palaeontologists specializing in dino- and Quaternary periods. saurs and other coeval animals. These early ex- pectations were never fulfilled, however, due to a 5. In the field of paleobiology, Franz Nopcsa doc- series of overlapping factors: the that umented the effects of sexual dimorphism on the involved him in both military and political af- bone morphology and morphometry in dinosaurs fairs; his research in Albania, which restricted his and other fossil reptiles. Nopcsa is also recognized available time for some 15 years; his pronounced as an early proponent of the theory of avian evolu- streak of individualism, which prevented him tion from dinosaurs, which was then far from the from developing close collaborations and foster- general view and yet is seen as correct today, as ing a new generation of palaeontological research well as the theory of the cursorial origin of in the region; and, not least, the estrangement of flight. his extensive collection contributed to a suspen- sion of systematic research into the dinosaur fos- 6. Finally, Franz Nopcsa carried out extensive sil deposits of the Hațeg Basin which lasted well research, over 15 years (1903–1918) in northern over half a century. Albania, across a broad array of disciplines such as geology (his geological map of the region is During these 50 years, some regional stratigraphic still current), geography, archaeology and eth- research facilitated the discovery of several isolated nography. Numbering over 40 scientific trea- bones, which were entrusted to the palaeontological tises, Nopcsa’s collected works on the region collection of the University of Bucharest (Mamu- constitute an extremely valuable scientific and lea 1953a, b; Dincă et al. 1972). In this period, a historical record. floristic association made up of leaf impressions of fern and angiosperm plants was uncovered from His qualities as a researcher of various broad tuffite deposits in the Densuș area (Mărgarit & Măr- fields, yet one capable of attaining the pinnacle garit, 1967). The Geological Institute of Bucharest of achievement in each, are interwoven through- commissioned a cartographic study of the Haţeg out the tapestry of Nopcsa’s life with his military region, carried out by Laufer (1925). These studies and political spirit, his insidious interference in confirmed the Danian age of the local deposits and the Balkan conflicts around the time of the Great delineated two distinct and stratigraphically super-

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imposed lithofacies. The lower, predominantly la- summer field training, beginning in 1973. I was custrine layer saw significant interspersions of vol- aware that much more would need to be done, espe- canic material, while the upper, riverine-lacustrine cially the creation of a small team of students who layer, had no volcanic inputs. The Danian age of the would agree to accompany me, as volunteers, over continental deposits was supported by later research their summer holidays. and was only revised to the once the International Stratigraphy Commission in 1970 had As luck would have it, it was not difficult to as- reclassified the Danian as the oldest stage of the Pa- semble this team, as the discussions I had with laeocene. my students during laboratory classes and in particular the lectures I gave at the university Picking up the Thread following my visit to the United States proved Even though no systematic research into the con- successful in sparking much greater interest than tinental fossil-bearing deposits of the region had I had anticipated. Now, the problem became se- been undertaken after Nopcsa left the region, curing the funds for travel, as Hațeg lies 400 km following Transylvania’s political and admin- from Bucharest, as well as the accommodation istrative reorganization occasioned by its post- and meals for the students during the ten days war incorporation into the Romanian state, the I had estimated the research would take. It was issue was far from forgotten: it would not only impossible to draw these funds from either the be discussed by the few Romanian palaeontolo- faculty or university budget, as our endeavour gists during national scientific colloquiums, but it was, to many eyes, more recreational than ed- would also routinely be brought up by foreign pa- ucational. I managed to persuade the leaders of laeontologists during meetings, occasioned by in- the National Association of Communist Students ternational conferences and symposia. One such that our research was motivated by patriotism, reunion was the one I attended in the summer of and that the new discoveries would reinstate 1975 in Corvallis, Oregon, on “Advances in the the region’s international prestige and rebuild a systematics of marine mammals” symposium to valuable scientific collection that had long been which the Smithsonian Institute had invited me to estranged. In this manner, for nine years (1977–- present the discovery of seals in Southern Dobro- 1985), we managed to secure a small sum each gea. For the six weeks of my American sojourn, I summer, which we stretched to cover our field met a great many dinosaur scholars at the Muse- expenses; at the end of each research campaign, ums of Natural History in New York, Washington we would compile reports on the scientific finds DC and Los Angeles, who continuously asked me we had made. For the first few years, our prima- why no studies were forthcoming on the Transyl- ry objective was to identify fossil-bearing sites vanian dinosaurs. The question put me in an awk- along the Sibișel Valley, south of Sânpetru, from ward position, as I was loath to confess that, over where most of the fossils Nopcsa studied were half a century, Romania had failed to produce a sourced. We were greatly aided by one local per- single specialist in that field, or that international son in particular, Doenel Vulc, whose unbounded collaborations, which would have been one solu- appreciation of his native land encouraged him tion, were actively discouraged by the Commu- to accompany us in the field and allowed us the nist regime. use his own much-needed digging implements.

I returned from America determined to do my ut- Throughout the early years of our research, we col- most to resume the Hațeg research. I was somewhat laborated closely with Ion Groza of the Deva Mu- familiar with the region, from day trips to Sânpetru seum, a fresh graduate of the Faculty of Geography that I led for my 2nd-year students as part of their in Bucharest, housed in the same building with Ge-

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ology. While a student, Ion, a native of a commune size of mammals during the dinosaur age did (Boșorod) that neighboured Hațeg, would some- not exceed that of modern rats. From among times visit me to inquire about my plans for Hațeg the remains we uncovered, Teresa and Halsz- Country. I suggested that he join the Deva Museum, ka, specializing in ankylosaurid and ornitho- which at the time was seeking staff specializing in pod dinosaurs respectively, highlighted the the natural sciences, and that he join my team, and osteological characteristics of each of the two in return, I would aid him in creating a palaeonto- groups, both well represented in our growing logical collection for the Deva Museum, since Ion collection. lacked geological, and much more, palaeontologi- cal training. Both his native village and the Deva In response to the Polish palaeontologists’ visit, museum were relatively close to the fossil deposits in September 1981 I took part in the Second In- (20 and 60 km, respectively), which allowed Ion to ternational Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial continue digs on potential fossiliferous sites after Ecosystems, held in Jadwisin in Southern Poland. we had to leave. There, I presented the results of our early years of research, with particular focus on the sedimento- A significant number of bones were discovered logical and taphonomic aspects and only incor- in sites lying on either bank of the Sibișel Val- porating some palaeoecological deductions, since ley, while the ongoing research afforded me the the dinosaur systematics was difficult to approach, knowledge of the sedimentological and taphonom- mainly from lack of comparative material. The ic characteristics of the uncovered deposits. It was paper was published in 1983, alongside the other much harder to assign the fossils to dinosaurian proceedings of the symposium, in Acta Palaeon- taxa, since this required extensive knowledge of tologica Polonica (Grigorescu 1983). The reunion osteology and comparative anatomy which can in Jadwisin marked my entry into the world of di- only be gained through hard work on rich materi- nosaur specialists, where I met Eric Buffetaut and als in large museums. My expertise at the time lay Philippe Taquet from Paris, José Luis Sanz from in the osteology of marine mammals (pinnipeds, Madrid, Philip Currie of Drumheller Museum, cetaceans), an entirely different field from dino- Canada, David Archibald of the University of San saur osteology. Diego, California, as well as many other renowned specialists. Assistance would come from several foreign specialists who, having heard of the resump- A series of visits to Hațeg by French, British and tion of research in the Hațeg Basin, popular- American scientists followed that event, which I ized through Nopcsa’s work, were eager to returned by attending some international sympo- learn more, and initiated inter-academic ex- sia such as the Third International Symposium changes. The first such visit was by a Polish on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (Tübingen, team led by Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska along- 1984), meetings of the International Geological side Teresa Maryańska and Halszka Osmólska, Correlation program on Nonmarine Cretaceous of who at the beginning of the 1960s had taken the World (IGCP 245) in which I was catalyst for part in three joint Polish-Mongolian palae- Eastern Europe, in Urumqi (China 1988) and Alma ontological research expeditions to the Gobi Ata (Kazahstan 1990), also visits to Montpellier Desert, which made many new discoveries of University (1984), to the London Natural History dinosaurs and mammals in Upper Cretaceous Museum and the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sci- deposits. Zofia provided us with a powerful ences in Cambridge (1987), in exchange with the impetus to seek out mammal remains via the visits by French and English colleagues to Haţeg micropaleontological method, given that the (Fig. 6).

18 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

Figure 6. Main Upper Cretaceous geosites that provided vertebrate assemblages in the Hațeg Basin. A) Lepidosteid fish. B) Other fishes. C) Frogs D) Albanerpetontids. E) Turtle (Kallokibotion) F) Dortokid turtles. G) Borioteiioid lizards. H) Other lizards. I) Madtsoiid snakes. J) Doratodon crocodilian. K) Theriosuchus crocodyliform. L) Allodaposuchus. M) Acynodon crocodile. N) Azhdarchoid pterosaurs. O) Titanosaurian sauropods. P) Dromeosaurid theropods. Q) Other non-avian theropods. R) Birds S) Rhabdodontids ornithopods. T) Hadrosauroids. U) Nodosaurid ankylosaurs. V) Dinosaur megaloolithid eggs. W) Kogaionid multituberculates. (From Csiki-Sava Z. et al. 2015).

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 19 Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation …. Geoconservation Research

Throughout, our research continued, summer af- fishes to mammals, which gives a complex insight ter summer, and new fossiliferous sites were add- into the Latest Cretaceous biodiversity of the region ed to the known ones (Fig. 6). Intensive use of the (Fig. 7). New large vertebrates were also discov- screen-washing method led to a spectacular increase ered, among them the sauropod Paludititan (Csiki in the number of taxa of fishes, frogs, lizards, and et al. 2010), the giant pterosaur Hatzegopteryx (Buf- snakes, but mostly crocodiles and crocodyliforms, fetaut et al. 2003), ornithuran and enantiornithine theropods and multituberculate mammals, whose birds (Wang X et al. 2011a & Wang X et al. 2011b). small teeth were frequently found in the micropa- As noted before, the revision of Nopcsa’s iguano- leontological samples. No fewer than 70 taxa are dontid Rhabdodon revealed two species of the new known today, some of them only classifiable to euornithopod genus Zalmoxes (Weishampel et al. higher ranks (family, order), including representa- 2003) (Fig. 8). tives of all the major groups of vertebrates, from

Figure 7. Discoveries after 1977. Microvertebtates. Amphibians: A) Paralatonia transylvanica -ilium (FGGUBv 455). B) Hatzego- batrachus grigorescui-ilium (FGGUBv 433). C) Albanerpetontid lissamphibian- partial dentary (FGGUBv 842). D) Scinomorph lizard Becklesius nopcsai – partial dentary (FGGUBv 809). E) Madtsoiid snake, Nidophis insularis -articulated vertebrae (FGGU- Bv 547) F) Ataposaurid crocodyliform Theriosuchus sympiestodon -anterior tooth (FGGUBv 825). G) Eusuchian crocodyliform cf. Acynodon anterior tooth (FGGUBv 804) and posterior tooth (FGGUBv 829). H) Ziphosuchian crocodyliform Doratodon sp. anterior tooth (FGGUBv 859). Theropod teeth: I) Richardoestesia (FGGUB R 2287). J) Troodontid (FGGUB R 2286). K) Dro- maeosaurid (FGGUB R 2289). L) Indeterminate nodosaurid ankylosaur (FGGUB R 2182). Multituberculate teeth: M) The first Cretaceous mammal in Romania: Multituberculate lower molar (occlusal view) assigned to Paracimexomys ? dacicus (Grigorescu & Hahn,1987). N) Indeterminate kogaionid multituberculate: upper molar (FGGUB M 1672) in occlusal (a) and labial (b) views. O) Dinosaur megaloolithid eggshell. Abbreviation: FGGUB R – Faculty of Geology and Geophysics University of Bucharest. Reptile collection. FGGUB M – Faculty of Geology and Geophysics University of Bucharest. Mammal collection. Scale bar 1mm.

20 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

Figure 8. Discoveries in the Hateg basin after 1977. Macrovertebrates. The euornithopod Zalmoxes shqiperorum: A) Femur (FGUB R 1608). B) Tibia (FGUB R 1087). Zalmoxes robustus: C) Tibia (FGUB R 0008). D) Fibula (FGUB R 1365). The titanosaurid Magyarosaurus dacus: E) Femur (FGUB R 1046) and humerus (FGUB R 1047). F) Isolated osteoderm (FGUB R 1410). The titano- saurid Paludititan nalatzensis: G) Dorsal vertebra (UBB NVM1-43). The ataposaurid crocodyliform Theriosuchus sympiestodom: H) Maxilla (MCDRD 793). The azhdarchid pterosaur Hatzegopteryx thambema: I) Occipital (FGGUB R 1083). J) Humerus -pro- ximal part (FGGUB R 1082). Indeterminate ornithuran bird: K) Tibiotars fragment (FGGUB R 1902). Multituberculate mammal Barbatodon transylvanicus. L) Maxilla (FGGUB M 1635). Scale bars: A, B, C, D, F, I, J - 5 cm. E, G - 10 cm. H – 2 cm. K, L – 1 cm.

Abbreviation: FGGUB R – Faculty of Geology and Geophysics University of Bucharest. Reptile collection. FGGUB M – Faculty of Geology and Geophysics University of Bucharest. Mammal collection. MCDRD - Museum of Dacian-Roman Civilization Deva. UBB NVM – University Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca Vertebrate collection.

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 21 Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation …. Geoconservation Research

A new chapter in the history of research at Haţeg -The Haţeg island” (Z. Csiki and M. J. Benton was opened in 1988 by the discovery of dinosaur Eds.), was published in 2010. The 15 articles in the eggs in a gully near Tuştea village in the northern volume covered multidisciplinary investigations on part of the basin, since then not known in any other the Haţeg fauna and flora, and palaeoenvironmen- part of Romania. The report was accepted for publi- tal and evolutionary aspects. Some papers endorsed cation in Nature (Grigorescu et al. 1990). Soon after the insular condition of Transylvania (Haţeg Island) the eggs, neonate remains of the hadrosauroid Tel- during the Late Cretaceous; palaeomagnetic studies matosaurus were found near the egg clutches; this indicated its palaeolatitude as 22.6 ± 5.9º N within initiated a dispute around the “Tuştea puzzle”, the the Mediterranean sector of the Tethys (Panaiotu & megaloolithid of egg discovered there being al- Panaiotu 2010). The evolutionary effects of the in- most unanimously attributed to sauropod dinosaurs sularity were analysed through phylogeny and bone (Grigorescu 2010a) (Fig. 9). histology by Benton et al. (2010), and at least a few taxa (Magyarosaurus, Telmatosaurus, and possibly After Tuştea, dinosaur eggs were found in five other Zalmoxes) were confirmed as dwarf dinosaurs. A places in the Haţeg Basin, but also in different re- historical overview of studies on the latest Creta- gions of Southern Transylvania, and in some cases ceous fauna in the Haţeg Basin is included in the the geosites proved to represent the incubation plac- volume (Grigorescu 2010b). That issue also sug- es used repeatedly by dinosaurs. Of all of these, the gested a number of aspects that should be further Tuștea site is unique, beyond the primacy of the dis- considered, among these clarification on the tempo- covery itself, in being the only location in Europe, ral and spatial distribution of the taxa, interrelation- including the abundant dinosaur incubation areas of ships within the biota, and the paleobiogeographic southern France and northern Spain, to feature di- origin of some forms. nosaur hatchling bones alongside the more common fossils of dinosaur nests. Not only are scientists in- Above these scientific aspects, there is a practical terested in the dinosaur eggs from Transylvania, but need for geoconservation to be more professional- also thieves, euphemistically called “fossil hunters” ly approached and sustained by local communities, (Fig. 9K). aware of the positive consequences that the geosites, well preserved and presented to visitors, might have The new systematic discoveries allowed a on their lives. The creation of the Hațeg Country comprehensive reconstruction of the great Dinosaur Geopark, that followed a long period of biodiversity at the end of the Cretaceous in studies and approaches to the local people, created a Transylvania, which stimulated phylogenetic good foundation for this endeavour. and palaeobiological analysis on the faunas and paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on the The Need for Geoconservation stable isotope distribution in fossil soils (Bojar et al. From my earliest years of study, I noticed that the 2010). Further, it has been established that the latest sites our professors would choose for field trips or Cretaceous Haţeg and Transylvanian fauna is a summer practical sessions in order to explain dif- point of reference in analysing palaeobiogeographic ferent geological phenomena were the most direct aspects at a global scale (Weishampel et al. 2010) or and the most attractive way to both gain a practical the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary (K-Pg) event understanding of geology and to familiarize oneself (Csiki-Sava et al. 2015). with the field. This initial impression has crystal- lised over the course of my studies and would lat- A special issue of the journal Palaeogeography, er inform my approach to teaching the subject. I Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, under the title would provide concrete examples of the phenomena “European island faunas of the Late Cretaceous described, either from those sites the students had

22 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

Figure 9. Dinosaur eggs and neonate remains. A, B) Dinosaur megaloolithid egg clutches from Tuştea, presumably representing original nests. Maximum 13 eggs were found in a clutch. C) Megaloolithid dinosaur egg, apparently unhatched. D) Eggshell with rounded nodes, 2.0-2.5 mm thick. E) Eggshell radial thin section. Neonate skeletal remains found in Tuştea, associated with the egg clutches: F) dentary fragment with teeth (FGGUB R 1850). G) Limb bones: homers (FGGUB R 1851) and tibia (FGGUB R 1853). H) Articulated partial skeleton of a neonate Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus (FGGUB R 2087). I, J) Discovery and preparation of dinosaur egg clutches in field. K) Dinosaur eggs stolen in the Hațeg Basin, recuperated by the Italian carabinieri and returned to Romania, now in the University of Bucharest collection. Abbreviation: hu- humerus sc-scapula dv-dorsal vertebrae.

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already visited or were about to, in the course of Earth Science Conservation journal of the British their practical fieldwork. Outside class, we would Nature Conservancy Council. Soon after, in June discuss the importance of geological reservations 1991, I attended the first International Symposium already known at the time; my students stressed that on the protection of geological heritage, held in many other sites deserved the same status and that Digne-les-Bains, France. they, as young geologists, could play an important role in the creation of new geological reservations. On that occasion, representatives from over 30 countries in attendance signed the Declaration of Such talks eventually led to the creation of the Stu- the Rights of the Memory of the Earth, which pro- dent Association for the Protection of the Geologi- vided a powerful stimulus to the European ProGEO cal Environment in the autumn of 1977, within the movement for the study of geological heritage, the Faculty of Geology of the University of Bucha- protection of geological sites and their capitaliza- rest. The group’s stated aim of protection stemmed tion through education and tourism. As a conse- from youthful ambition, as the students themselves quence of the activities of ProGEO, six years later lacked the means of practically implementing such UNESCO launched the concept of the “geopark”, measures. I chose not to temper their enthusiasm, which saw a flurry of geoparks created worldwide, knowing that, were they allowed to proceed, they at first in Europe, and then across the world’s other would naturally implement the essential prerequi- continents. In order to make their activity more ef- site step to effective protection, namely to apply ficient, a number of regional ProGEO work groups scientific inquiry through fieldwork and to the sci- were created throughout Europe, among them, the entific justification of studied sites’ geological im- Balkan Group, which brought together the countries portance. Over the course of the seven years of the of south-eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Her- Association’s activity, our students indeed drafted zegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, North Mace- many studies; groups of students would voluntarily donia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, travel to sites of geological significance over their Hungary and, more recently, Kosovo) and Turkey. summer holidays: to sites relevant for volcanism International symposia were periodically organized and its associated mineral accretions (in the Banat, in one of these countries, which facilitated both a around Deva and in Maramureș), to stratigraphy better mutual understanding, the launch of region- and palaeontology (the Jurassic reefs of Dobrogea, al projects and elaboration of joint studies, whose the continental Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing depos- effects positively contributed to the knowledge, its in Hațeg) or to geological phenomena (the mud protection and capitalization of notable geological volcanoes of the Buzău Valley). During the academ- sites (Grigorescu 1996; Maran & Grigorescu 2006). ic year, monthly communication sessions were held, The number of scientific articles dedicated to geo- and the studies were periodically published in the conservation has continuously increased across all Association’s collected volumes. After the Roma- Balkan countries, and special volumes on the topic nian Revolution of December 1989, geoconserva- have been published in the majority of these (for tion activities were amplified through the Society example, Geologica Balcanica, Sofia 1996; Revue for the Protection of the Geological Environment, a Roumaine de Géologie, 2018). Moreover, from non-governmental organization established in 1990 their 1995 session in Athens onwards, all Congress- and open to a broader range of interested parties es of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association than to just university professors and their students have featured dedicated sections on geodiversity as the prior Association had been. and geoconservation, as well as an increasing num- ber of contributions. One overarching synthesis of In 1990, I published an article on geoconservation the state of geoconservation in Europe is provid- in Romania, co-authored by David Norman, in the ed by the ProGEO volume entitled “Geoheritage

24 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

in Europe and its Conservation” (Wimbledon & quirements merely had to be reorganized in accor- Smith-Meyer eds. 2012). Further, the vast number dance with the administrative recommendations of research publications tackling geoconservation, for natural and cultural sites; these are approached steadily increasing after 1995, had impacts on pub- holistically as intertwined elements of regional her- lic authorities who began to allot more funds to the itage in conservation initiatives, and capitalized geoheritage protection projects – far less than the upon through education and tourism, with a view to optimal levels of funding required, however. the sustainable development of the region.

In this encouraging atmosphere for geoconserva- A geopark represents a special setting to promote tion, UNESCO drafted a document, disseminated scientific research in the fields of geoscience and to a select circle of groups, that outlined the crite- life sciences, to develop new methods for geocon- ria and conditions for geopark creation (Patzak & servation, and to innovate in the fields of geoeduca- Eder 1998). In reading them, I had the impression tion and geotourism. that in drafting, UNESCO took inspiration from the realities of Hațeg Country; such was the overlap be- Of particular importance among UNESCO’s recom- tween the requirements and the realities of the re- mendations was the issue of the geopark’s adminis- gion. In the list of three UNESCO requisites, I note tration: “The Geopark is run by a designated local how the Hațeg Country fits: authority or several authorities having an adequate management of infrastructure, qualified personnel 1. A geographically well-defined territory, of and adequate financial support.” a size sufficient to allow activities related to economic development – a territory of 1020 sq. To achieve this criterion, so distinct from all others, km., surrounded by mountain ranges which impart required us to embark on an intense campaign to, the region a definite individuality (hence the term first, persuade local authorities, through discussions “country” attributed it). and practical demonstrations, of the potential ben- efits of a geopark; and then, to tackle the practical 2. The existence of geological sites of particular sci- and organizational challenges inherent in creating entific and aesthetic value – besides the numerous the management scheme and securing the necessary palaeontological sites found within the continental funding for planned activities and required person- Cretaceous deposits, over 30 other geosites in de- nel. posits of different ages. The 25 years of consistent research into the palae- 3. The existence of sites representative of local fau- ontology and geology of the region proved decisive na and flora, as well as of the history of the region, factors in convincing locals that the initiative of cre- in addition to sites of geological importance – nu- ating a geopark, albeit coming from outside the lo- merous species of rare and endemic plants and ani- cal community, would realistically improve the wel- mals, archaeological sites of the late Roman period, fare of the region and of its inhabitants. The lengthy Mediaeval stone churches under UNESCO protec- periods spent with students and researchers, Roma- tion. nian and foreign alike, meant that I was a known quantity in the region; in turn, I attempted to resolve As shown above, UNESCO’s requirements had al- some of the locals’ own pressing issues, especially ready been met: the first through the nature of the those related to the creation of rural schools. region, and the other two through the region’s nat- ural and cultural significance, documented through Ultimately, I succeeded in persuading local and extensive scientific research and inquiry. The re- regional authorities of the geopark’s usefulness in

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 25 Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation …. Geoconservation Research

developing the region, and of the need for local any former Communist country in Eastern Europe. authorities to be invested in the management and Prior to the award, the geopark had already received leadership of the reservation. To this end, I initiat- national recognition in November 2004. ed the Hațeg Country Inter-Communal Association, a non-governmental organization with legal status Among the primary objectives outlined upon the which brings together the mayors and representa- geopark’s creation were to elaborate the park’s man- tives of the region’s 12 settlements, one city (Hațeg, agement plan, with a focus on protecting valuable population 10,000) and 11 communes (around natural and cultural sites; to consolidate its relation- 30,000 inhabitants total), alongside delegates from ship with local authorities and local communities two universities: the University of Bucharest, and aim to promote local specificity and enterprise; where I was active at the time, and the University of to revitalise local folkloric and artisanal traditions; Petroșani (geographically close to the region, only to create educational and touristic information loca- 20 km from its eastern boundary). The leadership of tions, to be made available both online and in situ; the University of Bucharest, through the good will to strengthen the geopark’s strategic partnerships of its chancellor, agreed to sponsor the salaries of and secure its financing pathways (Fig.10). five essential staff, while the local councils agreed to allot a pooled annual budget for the geopark’s ac- Over the course of its 15 years of operation, the tivities. Hațeg Country Dinosaur Geopark has experienced successes and failures, a careful analysis of which, Thus, the region saw the creation of a new type alongside an account of the valuable experience of partnership, in which the usefulness of the aca- gained for future sustainable development initia- demic partner had to be showcased to locals both tives, is forthcoming. quickly and efficiently. To this end, qualification courses were organized, open to locals on behalf of Although not quite achieving our most optimistic the geopark’s two partner universities, which were expectations, the creation of the Hațeg Country Di- joined by the University of Agriculture and Zoo- nosaur Geopark has had far-reaching consequences technics in Timișoara, also geographically close to of utmost importance both for the region itself and Hațeg. The preparatory courses in agriculture and the academic environment that initiated and guid- zootechnics this university offered (which were ed the effort. For the Hațeg Country region, nota- novel fields in Romania at the time, given that over ble is the fostering of social cohesion through the the 45 years of Communist rule up to the December establishment of the Inter-Communal Association, 1989 Revolution, farmers had only had the expe- as the region’s twelve mayors periodically assemble rience of collectivization and state-run agricultural to discuss joint projects and organize folklore fes- enterprises) would prove to be the most sought-af- tivals specific to the Haţeg Country. The numbers ter, and their attendees awarded diplomas from of visitors to the region from Romania and abroad, the University of Timișoara following a year-long attracted by local dinosaur sites, archaeological course of week-end learning and practical activities monuments or by the region’s natural beauty has in- in the field. creased substantially, primarily through promotion on the geopark’s sizeable IT footprint. As a direct On the basis of its portfolio, compiled in accordance consequence of the increased flow of visitors, the with UNESCO requirements, the Hațeg Country numbers of restaurants and available accommo- Dinosaur Geopark, thus named in order to highlight dation have also increased, as has the impetus the its primary scientific relevance, was recognised as geopark provided to the craftsmanship of regionally a UNESCO geopark in March 2005, only the 18th specific items and objects, highly sought-after by geopark to be consecrated as such and the first in tourists.

26 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

Figure 10. A) The Geopark Educational center in the General Berthelot commune. B) Magyarosaurus dacus in the Educational center garden. Reconstruction by Brian Cooley (Canada). C) “House of the dwarf dinosaurs” in Sânpetru village. D) “Volcanoes house” in Densuş village. E, F) Images from the Geopark Information center in Hațeg town (Source www.hateggeoparc.ro)

For the academic environment, the benefits of the on field research, which has been reinforced by geopark are particularly resonant at the Faculty of the creation of a research center for Life and Earth Geology and Geophysics at the University of Bu- Sciences within the geopark itself, on the initiative charest, where it has provided a great impulse to of the Romanian Academy in partnership with the the applied facet of geological training, focusing University of Bucharest (Fig. 11).

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 27 Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation …. Geoconservation Research

Figure 11. A) The Research centre in Life and Earth Sciences of the Romanian Academy in the General Berthelot commune. The centre is open to the scientific researches in the Geopark. B) The Hațeg Country village museum in Peşteana village. C-F) The tradition of weaving artisanal clothes is kept by the women in Santa Maria-Orlea commune (Source: www.hateggeoparc.ro).

28 Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 Geoconservation Research Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation ….

A new Masters’ degree course in geology, Applied Through the geopark’s creation, the Hațeg region Biology for the Conservation of Natural and Cultural of Transylvania saw the establishment of a unitary Heritage was created in the Department of Geology framework for experimentation and innovation in of the University of Bucharest. The course stimulates geoconservation strategies and methodologies, the interdisciplinary research, while also aiming to con- results of which could easily be extended to other secrate the new career path of geoconservationist. regions as examples of good practice.

The establishment of the Hațeg Country Dinosaur Conflict of Interest Geopark has also had far-reaching international ef- The author declares that he has no competing in- fects, both within the European Geopark Network terest. and the Global Geopark Network. Across both bod- ies, the geopark’s representatives actively contribute Acknowledgments to discussions in the ProGEO Balkans and Turkey I thank Prof. Michael Benton, who visited Hateg Working Group, offering to share their experiences and studied the dinosaur’s dwarfism, for the invita- with other partner countries that may wish to create tion to contribute to the Geoconservation Research a UNESCO geopark. Issue on Geoconservation in the Carpathians and the suggestion he made on the article’s theme. I am Conclusions very grateful to Ms. Mahshid Pezeshki for editorial The history of the more than 100 years between the advice. I thank Mr. Maxim Onofrei for the English first documented record of dinosaur fossils in Hațeg translation and Mr. Ion Scutelnicu for the illustra- Country and the creation of the Hațeg Country Di- tion arrangement. nosaur Geopark, briefly summarised in this article, illustrates a series of systematic approaches and References strategies that led to the creation of this new struc- - Benton M.J, Csiki Z, Grigorescu D, Redelstorff R, ture: Sander M.P, Stein K. and Weishampel D.B (2010). Di- • In-depth and applied research carried out nosaurs and the island rule: The dwarfed dinosaurs from throughout the geographical extent of the re- Haţeg Island [Special Issue: European island faunas of gion, thematically diversified and holistically the Late Cretaceous-The Haţeg Island (Csiki Z & Benton approached. M.J Eds.)]. Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo- • The familiarization of students with field re- ecology. 293: 438-454. search methods, on a voluntary basis, and the continued guidance of laboratory activities of - Bojar A-V, Csiki Z, Grigorescu D (2010). Stable isotope those most interested. distribution in Maastrichtian vertebrates and paleosols • The dissemination of discoveries and their from the Haţeg Basin, South Carpathians. [Special Is- scientific significance to local communities, sue: European island faunas of the Late Cretaceous-The alongside actions to raise awareness of the Haţeg Island. (Csiki Z & Benton M.J Eds.)]. Paleogeog- raphy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 293:329-342. need to safeguard natural and cultural sites. • The creation of partnerships between dif- - Buffetaut E, Grigorescu D, Csiki Z (2003). Giant ferent groups within academia with diverse azhdarchid from the terminal Cretaceous of Transylva- interests in researching the region and local nia (western Romania). Evolution and Paleobiology of authorities, and the involvement of as many Pterosaurs. 217: 91-104. local stakeholders as possible in projects aim- ing to conserve and capitalise upon the natu- - Csiki Z, Codrea V, Jipa-Murzea C, Godefroit P (2010) ral and cultural heritage of the region by way A partial titanosaur (Sauropoda, Dinosauria) skeleton of education and tourism. from the Maastrichtian of Nălaţ-Vad, Haţeg Basin, Ro-

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 29 Grigorescu: Research to Geoconservation …. Geoconservation Research

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How to cite: Grigorescu D. A (2020). From Scientific Research to Geoconservation and Geopark. Geoconser- vation Research. 3(2):1-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.30486/gcr.2020.1904008.1025

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / pages(8-31) e-ISSN: 2588-7343 p-ISSN: 2645-4661 31