Number : AHU-AH.01.03-0027129

Encl. : Notary Public

Subject : Acknowledgment of the MALA MUKTI, S.H., LLM.

Notice of Amendment Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 18


Association of PT. SELATAN (South Jakarta



In accordance with the data in the ‘Change’ Form stored in the System of Administration of Legal Entities, under

Notarial Deed Number 57, dated 23 February 2016, drawn up by the Notary Public MALA MUKTI, S.H., LLM, legally domiciled in

SOUTH JAKARTA ADMINISTRATIVE CITY, along with the document in support thereof, received on 26 February 2016 concerning the

Alteration to and Modification of Article 5, Article 6,

Article 7, Article 8, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11,

Article 11 verse 3, Article 12, Article 13, Article 14,

Article 15, Article 16, Article 17, Article 18, Article 19,

- 1 - Article 20, Article 21, Article 22, Article 23, Article 24,

Article 25, Article 26, Article 27, Article 28, Article 29

Amendment to the Articles of Association of the Articles of

Association of PT. BENTOEL INTERNASIONAL INVESTAMA Tbk., legally domiciled in SOUTH JAKARTA ADMINISTRATIVE CITY, they have been received and recorded in the System of

Administration of Legal Entities.

Amendment to the Articles of Association, as contemplated above, takes effect as of the date of issue of this notification.


PRINTED ON THE DATE OF 29 February 2016

Number in the Register of Companies: AHU-0026072.AH.01.11.TAHUN

2016 Date 26 February 2016

- 2 - [Official Translation]

MALA MUKTI, S.H., LL.,M. NOTARY PUBLIC JAKARTA SPECIAL CAPITAL REGION Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. C.373. HT.03.02.Th.2003 Date 3 April 2003


Number : 57

Date : 23 FEBRUARY 2016

AXA Tower 27th Floor # 06 Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio [Lot] Kav. 18, Jakarta 12940 Tel: (021) 3005 6229, Fax (021) 3005 6373




Number: 57

-At 11:45 W.I.B. (eleven, forty five Western Indonesian Time), on Tuesday, the twenty third day of February two thousand sixteen (23-2-2016);------

-Appeared before me, MALA MUKTI, Sarjana Hukum (Bachelor of

Law), Lex Legibus Magister, a Notary Public in and for

Jakarta, in the presence of the witnesses who are to me, the said Notary Public, known and whose names will be mentioned at the end of this notarial instrument or deed:------

-Ms. MERCY FRANCISCA SINAGA, born in Denpasar, on the

eighth day of January nineteen hundred seventy three (8-

1-1973), an Indonesian citizen, private individual,

residing in Jakarta, at [Street] Jalan Tebet Timur I A

Number 6, [Residents’ Association] Rukun Tetangga 011,

[Citizens Association] Rukun Warga 005, [Lowest

Administrative Unit] Kelurahan Tebet Timur, [Jakarta-

specific Municipal Sub-division] Kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta

Selatan (South Jakarta), the holder of Resident’s

Identity Card Number 317401481730003; ------

-according to her statement, acting in her capacity based

on “Circular Resolutions of Board of Directors of PT


- 2 - INTERNASIONAL INVESTAMA Tbk, a public limited liability company incorporated under the law of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia and legally domiciled in

South Jakarta (further on referred to as the "Company"), whose articles of association have been adjusted to Law

Number 40 Year 2007 (two thousand seven) on Limited

Liability Company, as contained in:------

-the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

under Number 18 dated the third day of March two

thousand nine (3-3-2009), Supplement thereto Number


-Deed Number 28 dated the fourth day of December two

thousand nine (4-12-2009), drawn up before AULIA

TAUFANI, Sarjana Hukum (Bachelor of Law), acting for

SUTJIPTO, Sarjana Hukum (Bachelor of Law), then

being a Notary Public in and for Jakarta; which deed

was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights

of the Republic of Indonesia, as it is shown in the

Decree thereof under Number AHU-60718.AH.01.02.Tahun

[Year] 2009 dated the eleventh day of December two

thousand nine (11-12-2009) and the notice of which

was delivered to, and received by the Ministry of

Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia as

it shown in letter Number AHU-AH.01.10-23076 dated

- 3 - the seventeenth day of December two thousand nine


-Deed of the "Minutes of Extraordinary General

Meeting of Shareholders of PT BENTOEL INTERNASIONAL

INVESTAMA, Tbk.," under Number 33, dated the

thirteenth day of May two thousand fifteen (13-5-

2015), drawn up by me, the said Notary Public;------

-The last composition of the members of the Board of

Directors and that of the members of the Board of

Commissioners were as contained in Deed Number 60,

dated the twenty second day of May two thousand

fifteen (22-5-2015), drawn up before me, the said

Notary Public, the notice of which was delivered to,

and received by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

of the Republic of Indonesia, as it is shown in

letter Number AHU-AH.01.03-0934282 dated the twenty

fifth day of May two thousand fifteen (25-5-2015)

(further on referred to as the "Company").------

-The Person so appearing or Party hereto, acting in her above- mentioned capacity, first declares as follows:------

-That refer to Clause 19 verse 19 Article of Association of the Company, Board of Directors of the Company, has resolved outside the meeting which included in “Circular Resolutions of


- 4 - Tbk.”,which made privately, with enough stamp, which has been signed by the Board of Directors, as follow :

1. Mr. JASON FITZGERALD MURPHY, born in Sydney, on the

twenty seventh day of October nineteen seventy (27-10-

1970), Australia Citizen, private, domiciled in Atmaya

Residence, Jalan Pelita Dalam Nomor 8, Kaveling C, hold

Australian Passport Number E3045163 and Limited Stay

Permit Card Number 2C21JE2428-P, President Director of

the Company;------

2. Mr. TANG CHUNG LEONG, born in Perak, Malaysia on the

twenty forth day of March nineteen fifty nine (24-3-

1959), Malaysia Citizen, private, domiciled in Jalan

bukit DIeng 1, Kota Malang, Province East Java, hold

Malaysia Passport Number A24734727 and Limited Stay

Permit Card Number 2C23CC0035-P, Director of the


3. Mr. HARDEEP KHANGURA, born in Hillingdon on the twenty

sixth day of December nineteen seventy two (26-12-1972),

English Citizen, private, domiciled in Kemang Dalam X

No,or E-8, Kelurahan Bangka, Kecamatan Mampang, Jakarta

Selatan hold United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland Passport Number 510537362 and Limited Stay Permit

Card Number 2C21JE2779AN, Director of the Company;------

- 5 - 4. Mr. PRIJUNATMOKO SUTRISNO, born in Blora on the sixteenth

day of December nineteen sixty two (16-12-1962),

Indonesia Citizen, private, domiciled in Malang, Villa

Puncak Tidar Blok F-21, Rukun Tetangga 003, Rukun Warga

003, Desa Karangwidoro, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang,

Province East Java, hold Identity Card Number

3507221612620001, Director of the Company;------

-the original of which has been produced to me, the said

Notary Public and the photocopy of which is attached to the minutes of this deed (further on referred to as the ”Board of

Directors’ Circular Resolutions”).------

-That the Board of Directors’ Circular Resolutions, the

Company’s Board of Directors state that the Board of

Directors’ Circular Resolution shall take effect as of the day on which the last signature was put to the Board of Directors’

Circular Resolutions, namely the twenty second day of February two thousand sixteen (22-2-2016);------

-That the party hereto now intends to declare and confirm the resolution so made in the Board of Directors’ Circular

Resolutions, namely:------

A. To declare that the Company’s shareholders as of the

thirty first day of January two thousand sixteen (31-1-

2016) have been as found in the Register of Shareholders

issued by the Bureau of Administration of Corporate

- 6 - Securities (Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan), namely PT

DATINDO ENTRYCOM (attached hereto); ------

B. Accordingly, the structure of capitalization and the

composition of shareholders of the Company shall be as


-Structure of Capitalization ------

-Authorized Capital: IDR1,077,300,000,000,00 (one trillion

seventy seven billion three hundred

million rupiahs) divided into

21,546,000,000 (twenty one billion

five hundred forty six million)

shares of stock, each having a

nominal value of IDR 50.00 (fifty

rupiahs); ------

-Issued Capital : IDR362,000,250,000.00 (three hundred

sixty two billion two hundred fifty

thousand rupiahs) divided into

7,240,005,000 (seven billion two

hundred forty million five thousand)

shares; ------

-Paid-up Capital : IDR362,000,250,000.00 (three hundred

sixty two billion two hundred fifty

thousand rupiahs) divided into

7,240,005,000 (seven billion two

- 7 - hundred forty million five thousand)

shares; ------

-Composition of Shareholders: ------

-The Public : 7,240,005,000 (seven billion two

hundred forty million five thousand)

shares in a total nominal value of

IDR 7,240,005,000 (seven billion two

hundred forty million five thousand)

shares). ------

C. For ease of perusal thereof, the Board of Directors has

decided to re-declare the contents of the Company’s

Articles of Association, in 1 (one) complete document; --

D. To grant authority to Ms. MERCY FRANCISCA HUTAHAEAN with

the right of substitution (i) to re-declare the

resolutions above before a Notary Public, (ii) to make,

sign, and deliver any deeds and to submit reports and/or

obtain the consent of the competent officials, including,

but not limited to, the Minister of Law and Human Rights,

(iii) to amend, alter, and modify, and/or add in any form

whatsoever reasonably necessary to obtain such consent,

and (iv) to do and perform any and all things and acts

necessary or appropriate for such purposes under the

regulations and law applicable to the Unitary State of

the Republic of Indonesia. ------

- 8 - -Further on, the party hereto, acting in her capacity as described above, declares and confirms that the contents of the Company’s Articles of Association are as follows:------

------#ARTICLE 1------

------NAME AND DOMICILE ------

1.1. This Company shall be named the limited liability

company: ------


(further on in these Articles of Association or

Incorporation shortened to the "Company"), having

its legal domicile and head office in South Jakarta

Municipality (Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan), Jakarta

Province and Special Capital Region.------

1.2. The Company shall be eligible to open branch offices

or marketing/representative offices elsewhere, both

inside and outside the territory of the Republic of

Indonesia, as decided by the Board of Directors.----

------ARTICLE 2 ------


The Company shall be incorporated and operate for an

indefinite period commencing as of the fourth day of

February nineteen hundred eighty nine (4-2-1989), with

- 9 - due regard to Law Number 25 Year 2007 (two thousand seven) on Capital Investment.------

------ARTICLE 3 ------


3.1. The Company's purpose and objective shall be to do

business in general trade, industries, services,

except those at law and tax.------

3.2. For the purpose of attaining the above-mentioned

purpose and objective, the Company shall be eligible

to perform the following main business activities:--

a. to do business in trading, among others import

and export, and to act as an agent, supplier,

wholesaler, and distributor of cigars,

cigarettes, and other products made of tobacco

in accordance with laws and regulations

applicable thereto;------

b. to do business in industries, including a

variety thereof, among others, those

manufacturing white/ordinary, clove-flavored

(kretek), and other cigarettes, and other

products made of tobacco, cigarette

ingredients/ flavors, and klobot (wrapped in

the bracts of the corn ear)/kawung (wrapped in

sugar palm leaves) cigarettes in accordance

- 10 - with laws and regulations applicable thereto;

and to perform industrial activities of drying

and/or processing tobacco.------

3.3. In order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose and

objective, and to support the Company’s above-

mentioned main business activities, the Company

shall be eligible to perform supporting business

activities, namely to do business in the services of

management, operation, maintenance, management

consulting, and others, except for those in law and


------ARTICLE 4 ------

------CAPITAL ------

4.1. The Company's authorized capital shall amount to

IDR/Rp. 1,077,300,000,000.00 (one trillion seventy

seven billion three hundred million rupiahs) divided

into 21,546,000,000 (twenty one billion five hundred

forth six million) shares of stock, each having a

nominal value of IDR 50.00 (fifty rupiahs). ------

4.2. Of the authorized capital, has been paid in and paid

up 33.60% (thirty three point six zero percent) or a

number of 7,240,005,000 (seven billion two hundred

forty million five thousand) shares of stock in a

total nominal value of IDR 362,000,250,000.00 (three

hundred sixty two billion two hundred fifty thousand

- 11 - rupiahs) to the Company by each shareholder whose

particulars and nominal shares values will be

specified in the section before the end of this


4.3. Paying up of the Company’s shares capital can be

made in money and/or other forms:------

a. paying up of the shares capital so made in

money shall obligatorily be evidenced by valid

paying up slips to the Company’s cash or bank


b. paying up of the shares in other forms than

money, be they tangible or intangible, shall

mandatorily comply with the following legal


(1) objects to be made the paid-up capital

shall obligatorily be made public at the

time of convening the General Meeting of

Shareholders ("GMS/GMS/RUPS") on the

paying up thereof;

(2) objects to be made the paid-up capital

shall obligatorily be appraised by an

Appraiser registered with the Financial

Services Authority (OJK);

(3) being approved by a GMS/RUPS;------

- 12 - (4) where the objects so made paid-up capital

take the form of shares of stock of a

company (companies) listed on Security

Exchanges, the prices thereof shall be

fixed based on fair market values; and----

(5) where the paying up thereof comes from the

Company’s retained earnings, premiums on

capital stock in excess of a par value,

net profits, and/or other elements of

equity, they shall have been contained in

the latest Annual Financial Statements

examined by Public Accountants registered

with the OJK with a qualified opinion.----

A GMS/RUPS that decides to approve a Public

Offering, shall decide the maximum number of shares

to be issued to the public, and grant authority to

the Board of Commissioners to declare realization of

the number of shares so issued in such public


4.4. Issue of Equity Securities------

a. Any addition to the capital through the issue

of Equity Securities on order, shall

obligatorily be made by granting a Preemptive

Right ("PR/HMETD") to the shareholders whose

names are registered in the Company’s Register

- 13 - of Shareholders on the date specified by a

GMS/RUPS approving issue of such Equity

Securities in the number proportional to the

number of shares registered in the Company’s

Register of Shareholders in the name of each

shareholder on the date.------b. Issue of Equity Securities without granting the

PR/HMETD to such shareholders shall be made

possible in the case of issue of shares of


(1) intended for the employees, members of the

Board of Directors, and/or those of the

Board of Commissioners of the Company

and/or of a Controlled Company that meets

the requirements to own the Company’s


(2) intended for other bonds or securities

being capable of conversion into the

shares issued with the consent of a


(3) for purposes of reorganization and/or

restructuring approved by a GMS/RUPS;


- 14 - (4) in accordance with regulations on Capital

Markets permitting the addition of capital

with no PR/HMETD.------c. PR/HMETD shall be transferable and tradeable

within a period as specified in Regulation

Number IX-D.1. on PR/HMETD.------d. Equity Securities issued by the Company but not

subscribed to by a PR/HMETD holder shall be

allocated to all shareholders that have

ordered/ subscribed to such additional Equity

Securities, with the proviso that if the number

of Equity Securities so ordered exceed the

number of Equity Securities to be issued, the

Equity Securities not subscribed to shall

mandatorily be allocated in proportion to the

number of PR/HMETD implemented by each

shareholder that have ordered such additional

Equity Securities.------e. Where such Equity Securities remain not

subscribed to by the shareholders, as

contemplated in point d above, and where there

are stand-by buyers, such Equity Securities

shall obligatorily be allocated to particular

parties acting as such stand-by buyers at the

same price and under the same terms and


- 15 - f. Issue of shares of stock in the portfolio to

the holders of Securities being convertible

into shares of stock or Securities containing

the right over shares of stock, shall be made

possible by the Board of Directors based on the

previous GMS/RUPS which has approved the issue

of such Securities.------

g. Addition to the paid-up capital will take

effect upon payment, and the shares so issued

shall be of the same rights as those having the

same classification and issued by the Company,

without prejudice to the Company’s obligations

to process notice to the Minister of Law and

Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.-----

4.5. Addition to the authorized capital------

a. Addition to the Company’s authorized capital

will be made possible only under a resolution

of a General Meeting of Shareholders. Amendment

to the articles of association for the purpose

of change of the authorized capital shall be

approved by the Minister of Law and Human


b. Addition to the Company’s authorized capital

resulting in the paid-in capital and paid-up

capital getting less than 25% (twenty five

- 16 - percent) of the authorized capital, will be feasible to the extent that:------

(1) the addition has been approved by a

General Meeting of Shareholders for the

purpose of addition to the authorized


(2) the addition has been approved by the

Minister of Law and Human Rights;------

(3) the addition of the paid-in capital and

paid-up capital so as to get less than 25%

(twenty five percent) of the authorized

capital shall mandatorily be made within a

period no later than 6 (six) months after

the consent of the Minister of Law and

Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia;

(4) where the addition to the authorized

capital, as contemplated in point 3 above

cannot be achieved in whole, the Company

shall re-amend its articles of

association, so that the authorized

capital and paid-up capital comply with

the provisions of Article 33, paragraph

(1) and paragraph (2) of the Law on

Limited Liability Companies (LoLLC/UUPT),

within a period of 2 (two) months after

- 17 - the period in point 3 above has not yet

been fulfilled; ------

(5) the consent of a General Meeting of

Shareholders shall, as contemplated in

point 1, include the consent to amend the

articles of association as contemplated in

point 4 above.------

c. Amendment to the articles of association for

the purpose of addition to the authorized

capital will come into force upon payment of

the capital resulting in the amount of the

authorized capital getting at least 25% (twenty

five percent) of the authorized capital, and

having the same rights as other shares issued

by the Company, without prejudice to the

Company’s obligation to have the consent of

amendment to the articles of association by the

Minister of Law and Human Rights processed for

the addition to the paid-up capital. ------

------ARTICLE 5 ------

------SHARES ------

5.1. All shares issued by the Company shall be registered

shares, with due regard to the provisions of the articles

of association and to laws and regulations on Capital


- 18 - 5.2. The Company shall be eligible to issue shares at a or

with no nominal value.------

5.3. Issue of such shares with no nominal value shall

obligatorily comply with laws and regulations on Capital


5.4. Fractions of the Nominal Value of a Share------

a. if 1 (one) share, for any cause whatsoever, becomes

the property of more than 1 (one) person, the Board

of Directors shall, at the request of the interested

parties, be eligible to break up the nominal value

of the share, with due regard to the provisions of

laws and regulations applicable thereto on Capital


b. the holder of a fraction of the nominal value of a

share shall not be given an individual voting right,

unless the holder thereof, both severally and

jointly with other holders of the fractions of the

nominal value thereof whose shares classification is

equally of the nominal value of 1 (one ) nominal

share. ------

Those holders of the fractions of the nominal value

thereof shall be obliged to appoint in writing one

of them or another person as their joint


- 19 - c. a holder of a fraction of the nominal value of a

share in the shares classification is equal to other

holders of the fractions of the nominal value of a

share whose shares classification is equally of the

nominal value of 1 (one) nominal share of the same

classification as the fractions of the nominal value

of the share.------

5.5. All the shares issued by the Company shall be capable of

collateralization by complying with the provisions of

laws and regulations on collateralization of shares, and

with those on Capital Markets and with the Law on Limited

Liability Companies (LoLLC/UUPT). ------

5.6. The Company recognizes only one natural person or 1 (one)

legal person or entity as the owner of 1 (one) share,

namely the person or legal entity whose name is recorded

as the owner of the share in the Register of

Shareholders, without prejudice to statutory and

regulatory provisions.------

5.7. If a share, for any factors whatsoever, becomes the

property of several persons, those so jointly owning will

be obliged to appoint in writing one of them or another

as their joint representative and only the name of the

person so authorized or appointed that will be entered in

the Register of Shareholders and shall be deemed as the

- 20 - shareholder of the share and be entitled to exercise the

rights conferred by law on the share.------

5.8. So long as the provision in paragraph 5.7. above has not

yet been implemented, the shareholders shall not be

entitled to cast votes in a GMS/RUPS, while payment of

dividends thereon shall be postponed. ------

5.9. The owner and holder of one or more shares shall

automatically and under law be subject to the articles of

association, to all resolutions made lawfully in a

General Meeting of Shareholders, and to applicable laws

and regulations. ------

------ARTICLE 6 ------


6.1. Where shares in the Company do not belong to Collective

Custody in the Settlement and Safekeeping Institution,

the Company will be obliged to give the evidence of

ownership of such shares in the form of a Share

Certificate or Collective Share Certificate, to other


6.2. Where shares in the Company belong to Collective Custody

in the Settlement and Safekeeping Institution, the

Company will be obliged to give a Certificate or Written

Confirmation to the Settlement and Safekeeping

- 21 - Institution as the evidence of recordation in the

Company’s Register of Shareholders.------

6.3 Where there are fractions of the nominal value of a

share, the Company will be obliged to give the evidence

of ownership the share in the form of a Fractional Share

Certificate to the holder thereof.------

6.4. A share certificate shall at least bear:------

a. the name and address of the shareholder;------

b. serial number of the share certificate;------

c. date of issue of the share certificate;------

d. nominal value of the share;------

e. identification card/document as will be determined

by the Board of Directors. ------

6.5. A collective share certificate shall at least bear:------

a. the name and address of each shareholder;------

b. serial number of the collective share certificate;--

c. date of issue of the collective share certificate;--

d. nominal value of the share;------

e. number of shares;------

f. identification card/document as will be determined

by the Board of Directors.------

6.6. A fractional share certificate shall at least bear:------

- 22 - a. the name and address the holder of the fractional

nominal value-based share;------

b. serial number of the share certificate on which the

fraction of the share nominal value is based;------

c. serial number of the fractional share certificate;--

d. date of issue of the fractional share certificate;--

e. identification card/document as will be determined

by the Board of Directors.------

6.7. Share Certificates, Collective Share Certificate and

Fractional Share Certificates shall be printed in

accordance with laws and regulations on Capital Markets

and be signed by President Director. The signature, too,

can be printed directly on such Share Certificates,

Collective Share Certificate and Fractional Share


------ARTICLE 7 ------


7.1. If a share certificate gets defaced, the replacement

thereof will be made possible if:

a. the party who submits the application for the

replacement of the share certificate is the owner

thereof; and------

b. the Company has received the defaced share

certificate. ------

- 23 - 7.2. The Company shall be obliged to destroy the defaced share

certificate after giving the replacement thereof.------

7.3. If a share certificate gets lost, the replacement thereof

will be made possible if:------

a. the party who submits the application for the replacement

of the share certificate is the owner thereof; ------

b. the Company has received the reporting document from

the local Police of the Republic of Indonesia on the

loss of the share certificate;------

c. the party who submits the application for the

replacement of the share certificate shall give a

guarantee deemed sufficient by the Company’s Board

of Directors; and------

d. the plan for the issue of the lost share certificate

in replacement thereof has been announced on the

Stock Exchange where the Company’s shares are listed

within at least 14 (fourteen) days of issuance of

the share certificate in replacement thereof.------

7.4. All expenses of issuance of the share certificate in

replacement thereof shall be borne by the interested

shareholder. ------

7.5. The provisions on Share Certificates in paragraphs 7.1.,

7.2., 7.3. and 7.4. of this article shall also apply to

- 24 - Collective Share Certificates and Fractional Share

Certificates. ------

------ARTICLE 8 ------


8.1. The Board of Directors shall be obliged to maintain and

keep in the best possible manner a Register of

Shareholders and Special Register in the Company’s legal


8.2. In the Register of Shareholders shall be recorded:------

a. the name and address of each shareholder;------

b. number, serial number, and date of acquisition of

the share certificates or collective share

certificates owned by each shareholder;------

c. amount of money paid for each share;------

d. name and address of the person or legal entity

having the lien on such shares and the date of

acquisition of the lien;------

e. details of payment of the shares in another form

than money; and------

f. other information deemed necessary by the Board of

Directors and/or required by laws and regulations

applicable thereto.------

- 25 - 8.3. In the Special Register are recorded the particulars of

ownership of shares of stock by the members of the Board

of Directors and by those of the Board of Commissioners

and by the family of each in the Company and/or in

others; and the date on which such shares have been


8.4. A shareholder shall give notice of any change of address

by letter to the Company’s Board of Directors. So long as

such notice has not yet been received by the Board of

Directors, all summonses/ invitations and notices to such

shareholder and other correspondence, dividends sent to

such shareholder, and rights such shareholder can

exercise will be valid if sent to the shareholder’s

latest address recorded in the Register of Shareholders.

8.5. The Board of Directors shall be obliged to keep and

maintain the Register of Shareholders and Special

Register in the best possible manner.------

8.6. The Board of Directors shall be eligible to appoint and

authorize the Bureau of Securities Administration to

record and administer the Company’s shares in the

Register of Shareholders.------

8.7. Each shareholder or lawful representative thereof shall

have access to the Register of Shareholders and Special

Register relative to the person of the shareholder

concerned during the Company’s business hours.------

- 26 - 8.8. Recordation and/or change of the Register of Shareholders

and Special Register shall be approved by the Board of

Directors and the recordation of change shall be signed

by President Director.------

8.9. To any registration or recordation in the Register of

Shareholders, including that of a sale, transfer of

title, or transfer (cessie) relative to shares or to the

rights to or interests in such shares to be done in

accordance with the provisions of the articles of

association, for the shares listed on a Stock Exchange,

shall apply the regulations thereof on which such shares

have been listed without prejudice to laws and

regulations applicable thereto.------

A pledge of shares of stock shall be recorded in the

Register of Shareholders and in the Special Register

contemplated in Article 50 of LoLLC/UUPT, in the manner

specified by the Board of Directors based on evidence

acceptable to the Board of Directors of the pledge of

such shares.------

Evidence of submission of the notice of the pledge of

such shares to the Company can be given with the

recordation of the pledge in the Company’s Register of

Shareholders signed in accordance with the articles of


------ARTICLE 9 ------

- 27 ------COLLECTIVE CUSTODY ------

9.1. Shares of the Company in Collective Custody with the

Safekeeping and Settlement Institution shall be recorded

in the Register of Shareholders on behalf of the

Safekeeping and Settlement Institution in the interests

of the account holder in the relevant Safekeeping and

Settlement Institution.------

9.2. Shares of the Company in Collective Custody with a

Custodian Bank or Securities Firm in a securities account

with the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution shall be

recorded on behalf of the Custodian Bank or Securities

Firm in the interest of the holder of the account with

the relevant Custodian Bank or Securities Firm.------

9.3. if the shares of the Company in Collective Custody with

such Custodian Bank form part of a Reksa Dana (Mutual

Fund) Portfolio in the form of a collective investment

contract and are not included in Collective Custody with

the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution, the Company

will record such shares in the Company’s Register of

Shareholders on behalf of the Custodian Bank in the

interest of the owner of the Unit of Participation in

such Reksa Dana in the form of the collective investment


9.4. The Company shall be obliged to issue a certificate or

written confirmation to the Safekeeping and Settlement

- 28 - Institution, as contemplated in paragraph 9.1 above or to

the Custodian Bank, as contemplated in paragraph 9.3 as

the evidence slip of recordation thereof in the Company’s

Register of Shareholders.------

9.5. The Company shall be obliged to transfer the Company’s

shares of stock in Collective Custody registered in the

name of the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution or

Custodian Bank for the Reksa Dana (Mutual Fund) in the

form of a collective investment contract in the Company’s

Register of Shareholders to be in the name of the party

appointed by the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution

or Custodian Bank. The application for transfer shall be

delivered by the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution

or Custodian Bank to the Company or Bureau of Securities

Administration appointed by the Company.------

9.6. The Safekeeping and Settlement Institution, Custodian

Bank, or Securities Firm shall be obliged to issue a

confirmation to the account holder as the slip of

evidence of recordation in the securities account.------

9.7. In the Collective Custody any share of the same type and

classification issued by the Company shall be equivalent

and exchangeable between on and the other.------

9.8. The Company shall be obliged to reject the recordation of

shares of stock in the Collective Custody if such share

certificates are lost or destroyed, unless the party that

- 29 - has asked for the transfer can give sufficient evidence

and/or guarantee that the party is the true shareholder

and that it is true that the shares are lost or


9.9. The Company shall be obliged to reject the recordation of

such shares in the Collective Custody if such shares have

been pledged, put in seizure under a court ruling or have

been seized for the purpose of trial of a criminal case.-

9.10 The holder of a securities account whose securities are

recorded in the Collective Custody shall be entitled to

be present and/or cast a vote in a General Meeting of

Shareholders of the Company in accordance with the number

of shares he/she owns in the securities account.------

9.11 The Custodian Bank and Securities Firm shall be obliged

to deliver a register of securities accounts together

with the number of the Company’s shares owned by the

respective account holders with the Custodian Bank and

Securities Firm to the Safekeeping and Settlement

Institution for further delivery to the Company no later

than 1 (one) working day prior to the summons to a

General Meeting of Shareholders.------

9.12 The Investment Manager shall be entitled to be present

and to cast a vote in such General Meeting of

Shareholders of the Company, included in the Collective

Custody with the Custodian Bank, constituting the

- 30 - portfolio of Mutual Fund (Reksa Dana) Securities in the

form of a collective investment contract and not included

in the Collective Custody with the Safekeeping and

Settlement Institution under the provision that the

Custodian Bank shall be obliged to submit the name of the

Investment Manager to the Company no later than 1 (one)

working day prior to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

9.13 The Company shall be obliged to deliver dividends, shares

bonuses or other rights relative to the ownership of such

shares to the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution, on

the shares in the Collective Custody with the Safekeeping

and Settlement Institution and further on, the

Safekeeping and Settlement Institution will deliver such

dividends, shares bonuses or other rights to the

Custodian Bank and to the Securities Firm in the

interests of the respective holders of the accounts with

the Custodian Bank and Securities Firm.------

9.14 The Company shall be obliged to deliver such dividends,

shares bonuses or other rights relative to the ownership

of such shares of the Company to the Custodian Bank

forming part of the portfolio of Mutual Fund (Reksa Dana)

Securities in the form of a collective investment

contract and not included in the Collective Custody with

the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution.------

- 31 - 9.15 The deadline of determining a securities account holder

being entitled to obtain dividends, bonus shares or other

rights relative to the ownership of shares in the

Collective Custody shall be determined by a General

Meeting of Shareholders with the proviso that the

Custodian Bank and Securities Firm shall obligatorily

deliver the Register of Securities Shareholders together

with the Company’s number of shares owned by the

respective securities account holders to the Safekeeping

and Settlement Institution, no later than the date on

which are based the determination of the shareholders

being entitled to obtain dividends, bonus shares or other

rights, to be further delivered to the Company no later

than 1 (one) working day after the date on which are

based the determination of the shareholders being

entitled to obtain dividends, bonus shares or other


------ARTICLE 10 ------


10.1 Transfer of shares shall be evidenced in a document

signed by or in the name of the transferor and by or in

the name of the transferee concerned. ------

The document of transfer of shares shall take the form as

determined or approved by the Board of Directors.

- 32 - 10.2 From the day of the convening of a GMS to that of such

GMS, inclusive, no transfer of shares shall be allowed,

among others with due regard to the legal provisions

applicable to Capital Markets.

10.3 The form of and procedure for the transfer of shares

traded in on Capital Markets shall obligatorily comply

with laws and regulations on Capital Markets.------

10.4 Transfer of shares included in Collective Custody shall

be done by transfer from one securities account to

another at the Safekeeping and Settlement Institution,

Custodian Bank, and Securities Firm.------

10.5 In case of transfer of the ownership of a share in the

Company, the original owner that has been registered in

the Company’s Register of Shareholders shall continue to

be deemed as a shareholder of the Company until the name

of a new shareholder has been recorded correctly in the

Company’s Register of Shareholders, without prejudice to

permission of the authorities.------

10.6 A person who obtains the title to shares as a result of

the death of a shareholder or for another reason causing

the ownership of a share to change under law by

submitting the evidence of the title as from time to time

required as a condition by the Board of Directors, shall

be eligible to submit an application in writing for the

purpose of registration as a shareholder.------

- 33 - Registration thereof shall be made possible only if the

Board of Directors can accept the evidence of the title,

without prejudice to the provisions in the articles of

association, and with due regard to the provisions of the

Stock Exchange where such shares have been listed.------

------ARTICLE 11 ------


11.1 The Company’s GMS/RUPS shall consist of: ------

a. an annual GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in Article 12 of

these articles of association; and------

b. another GMS/RUPS held depending on necessity

(further on in the articles of association referred

to as an extraordinary GMS/RUPS).------

11.2 The term of GMS/RUPS shall, in these articles of

association, mean both, namely: the Annual GMS/RUPS and

extraordinary GMS/RUPS, unless explicitly specified


11.3 Conduct of a GMS/RUPS shall, as contemplated in Article

11 of these articles of association, be made possible at

the request of:------

a. 1 (one) or more shareholders jointly representing

1/10 (one tenth) or more of the total number of

voting shares;------

- 34 - b. the Board of Commissioners.------

11.4 The request for the conduct of such GMS/RUPS shall be

submitted to the Company’s Board of Directors by

registered mail along with the reasons therefor, a copy

of which shall be delivered to the Company’s Board of

Commissioners, and such request shall be made in

accordance with the Regulation of the OJK, namely:------

a. being made in good faith;------

b. taking into account the Company’s interests;------

c. constituting the request in need of a resolution by

a GMS/RUPS;------

d. being accompanied by the reasons therefor and the

fact that the materials are associated with the item

to be decided in such GMS/RUPS; and ------

e. being not in breach of laws and regulations

applicable thereto.------

11.5 The Board of Directors shall be obliged to give notice of

such GMS/RUPS to the Company’s shareholders within a

period of no later than 15 (fifteen) days as of the date

on which the request for the conduct of such GMS/RUPS is

received by the Board of Directors.------

11.6 If the Board of Directors does not give notice of such

GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in paragraph 11.5. of this

article, the shareholders may re-submit the request for

- 35 - the conduct of such GMS/RUPS to the Board of

Commissioners. ------

11.7 The Board of Commissioners shall be obliged to give

notice of such GMS/RUPS to the Company’s shareholders

within a period of no later than 15 (fifteen) days as of

the date on which the request for the conduct of such

GMS/RUPS is received by the Board of Commissioners.------

11.8 If neither the Board of Directors nor the Board of

Commissioners does not give notice of such GMS/RUPS

within a period as contemplated in paragraph 11.5. and

paragraph 11.7. of this article, the Board of Directors

or the Board of Commissioners shall be obliged to give

notice of the request of the Company’s shareholders for

the conduct of such GMS/RUPS and the reasons for the non-

conduct of such GMS/RUPS, within a period of no later

than 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the request of the

Company’s shareholders for the conduct of such GMS/RUPS,

at least through:------

a. 1 (one) Indonesian-language daily newspaper of

nation-wide circulation;------

b. the website of the relevant Stock Exchange;------

c. the Company’s website, in Indonesian and foreign

languages, with the proviso that the foreign

language so used shall be at least English. In case

- 36 - of difference in the interpretation between the

information so announced in the foreign language and

that announced in the Indonesian language, the

information to be referred to shall be the

information in the Indonesian language.------

11.9 Evidence of the announcement of the GMS/RUPS, as

contemplated in paragraph 11.8. the sub-point of letter a

of this article together with a copy of the letter of

request for the conduct of the GMS/RUPS shall be

delivered to the OJK no later than 2 (dua) two) working

days after the announcement thereof.------

11.10 If the Board of Commissioners does not give notice of

such GMS/RUPS as contemplated paragraph 11.7., the

shareholders who have submitted the request for the

conduct of such GMS/RUPS may submit a request that a

GMS/RUPS be conducted to the Head of the Court of First

Instance whose jurisdiction includes the Company’s legal

domicile in order to decide the grant of permission for

the conduct of such GMS/RUPS.------

11.11 The Shareholders who have obtained the court ruling for

the conduct of such GMS/ RUPS shall be obliged to:------

a. give notice of, make a summons to the conduct of

such GMS/RUPS, and give notice of the summary of the

minutes of such GMS/RUPS so conducted in accordance

with the Regulation of the OJK. ------

- 37 - b. give notice of the planned conduct of a GMS/RUPS,

and the evidential items of the notice, of the

convening, of the minutes of such GMS/RUPS, and of

notice of the summary of the minutes of such

GMS/RUPS so conducted to the OJK in accordance with

the Regulation of the OJK.------

c. attach a document containing the names of

shareholders and the number of shares in the Company

so owned and having obtained the court ruling for

the conduct of such GMS/RUPS and the court ruling in

the notification as contemplated in the sub-point of

letter b above to the OJK relative to the planned

conduct of such GMS/RUPS.------

11.12 The shareholders who have requested the conduct of such

GMS/RUPS shall be prohibited from transferring their

shares within a period of at least 6 (six) months of such

GMS/RUPS, if the request for the conduct of such GMS/RUPS

is granted by the Board of Directors or Board of

Commissioners or decided by the relevant court. ------

------ARTICLE 12 ------


12.1 The annual GMS/RUPS shall be held each year, no later than 6

(six) months after the Company’s financial year is closed on

31st (the thirty first day of) December year year. ------

- 38 - 12.2 The Board of Directors shall be of the authority to

conduct the annual GMS/RUPS.------

12.3 In the annual GMS/RUPS:------

a. the Board of Directors submits:------

(1) the Company’s annual report, as contemplated in

Article 24.4. to be approved by the annual


(2) the Company’s financial statements as

contemplated in Article 24.4. to be ratified by

the annual GMS/RUPS; ------

b. a resolution is made on the use of profits for the

financial year having recently ended and/or the

previous financial year, if the Company has a

positive profit balance to be approved by the annual

GMS/RUPS; ------

c. certified public accountants are appointed; ------

d. if necessary, the filling of the vacant positions of

the members of the Board of Directors and of the

members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company

and/or the appointment of members of the Board of

Directors and of those of the Board of Commissioners

of the Company;------

e. other items on the agenda may be decided as

appearing in the summons to the annual GMS/RUPS.----

- 39 - 12.4 Approval of the annual report and ratification of the

financial statements by the annual GMS/ RUPS shall mean

fully releasing and discharging the incumbent members of

the Board of Directors and those of the Board of

Commissioners from responsibility the management and

supervision carried out respectively during the past

financial year to the extent that such acts have been

reflected in the annual report and financial statements,

except for embezzlement, fraud, and other criminal acts.

12.5 The Board of Directors shall be obliged to hold the

annual GMS/RUPS at the request of the shareholders and/or

of the Board of Commissioners, as contemplated in Article

11.3. by complying with the Company’s provisions of the

articles of association.------

12.6 If the Board of Directors neglects or fails to hold the

annual GMS/RUPS at the request of the Board of

Commissioners, as contemplated in paragraph 12.5 of this

article, the Board of Commissioners will be entitled to

hold the annual GMS/RUPS in compliance with Company’s

provisions of the articles of association. The items

discussed in the annual GMS/RUPS shall be limited to

those communicated by the Board of Commissioners in the

registered letter contemplated in Article 11.4.------

12.7 If the Board of Directors neglects or fails to hold the

annual GMS/RUPS at the request of the shareholders, as

- 40 - contemplated in paragraph 12.5 of this article, the

shareholders concerned will re-submit the request to the

Board of Commissioners and the Board of Commissioners

shall be obliged to conduct the annual GMS/RUPS in

compliance with Company’s provisions of the articles of


The items discussed in the annual / GMS/RUPS shall be

limited to those delivered by the shareholders in the

registered letter contemplated in Article 11.4.------

12.8 If the Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners does

not hold the annual GMS/RUPS at the request of the

shareholders, as contemplated in Article 11.3., the

shareholders will be entitled to convene for themselves

the annual GMS/RUPS at the Company’s expense after

obtaining permission from the Head of the Court of First

Instance whose jurisdiction includes the Company’s legal

domicile with due regard to the requirements for notice

of the planned conduct of the annual GMS/RUPS and others

for the conduct of such GMS/RUPS as governed in the

Regulation of the OJK.------

12.9 Conduct of the annual GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in

paragraph 12.8 above shall be consistent with the ruling

of the Head of the Court of First Instance who has

granted such permission.------

- 41 - 12.10 Convening of the annual GMS/RUPS shall also include

notice that the annual report as contemplated in Article

24.4. has been available at the Company’s office no later

than 14 (fourteen) days prior to the date of such Meeting

and that copies of the balance sheet and profit and loss

account perhitungan of the recent financial year are

available from the Company at the request, in writing, of

the shareholders.------

------ARTICLE 13 ------


13.1 The Board of Directors shall be of the authority to

conduct an extraordinary GMS/RUPS.------

13.2 The Board of Directors shall be obliged to conduct such

extraordinary GMS/RUPS at the request of the shareholders

and/or the Board of Commissioners, as contemplated in

Article 11.3. in compliance with the provisions of the

Company’s articles of association.------

13.3 If the Board of Directors neglects or fails to hold the

extraordinary GMS/RUPS at the request of the Board of

Commissioners as contemplated in paragraph 12.2 of this

article, the Board of Commissioners will be entitled to

hold the extraordinary GMS/RUPS in compliance with the

provisions of the Company’s articles of association.-----

The items discussed in the extraordinary GMS/RUPS shall

be limited to those delivered by the Board of

- 42 - Commissioners in the registered letter contemplated in

Article 11.4.

13.4 If the Board of Directors neglects or fails to hold the

extraordinary GMS/RUPS at the request of the

shareholders, as contemplated in paragraph 13.2 of this

article, the shareholders concerned will re-submit the

request to the Board of Commissioners and the Board of

Commissioners shall be obliged to hold the extraordinary

GMS/RUPS in compliance with the provisions of the

Company’s articles of association.------

The items discussed in the extraordinary GMS/RUPS shall

be limited to those delivered by the shareholders in the

registered letter contemplated in Article 11.4. ------

13.5 If the Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners does

not hold the extraordinary GMS/RUPS at the request of the

shareholders, as contemplated in paragraph 13.2 of this

article, the shareholders will be entitled to convene for

themselves the extraordinary GMS/RUPS at the Company’s

expense after obtaining permission from the Head of the

Court of First Instance whose jurisdiction includes the

Company’s legal domicile with due regard to the

requirements for the notice of the planned conduct of the

extraordinary GMS/RUPS and others for the conduct of the

GMS/RUPS as governed in the Regulation of the OJK.------

13.6 Conduct of the extraordinary GMS/RUPS as contemplated in

paragraph 13.5 above shall be consistent with the ruling

- 43 - of the Head of the Court of First Instance who has

granted such permission. ------

------ARTICLE 14 ------


14.1 A GMS/RUPS shall be held in:------

a. the Company’s legal domicile; or------

b. the Company’s main place of business; or------

c. the provincial capital of the Company’s legal

domicile or main place of business; or------

d. the province of the legal domicile of the relevant

Stock Exchange where the Company’s shares are

listed. ------

14.2 Such GMS/RUPS shall obligatorily be held in the territory

of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.------

14.3 If the articles of association do not specify otherwise,

the GMS/RUPS will be presided over by:------

a. a member of the Board of Commissioners appointed by

the Board of Commissioners;------

b. In the absence and in the inability of all members

of the Board of Commissioners, for any reasons

whatsoever, of which case it is unnecessary to give

evidence to third parties, the GMS/RUPS shall be

- 44 - presided over by a member of the Board of Directors

appointed by the Board of Directors;------

c. In the absence and in the inability of all members

of the Board of Directors for any reasons

whatsoever, the GMS/RUPS shall be presided over by

any of the shareholders being present in the

GMS/RUPS elected from and by the attendees of the

GMS/RUPS. ------

14.4 In case of conflict of interest, as contemplated in

Article 16.10. of these articles of association, so:-----

a. If the member of the Board of Commissioners so

elected by the Board of Commissioners has conflict

of interest in the items to decide in the GMS/RUPS,

so the GMS/RUPS will be chaired by another member of

the Board of Commissioners having no conflict of

interest, so elected by the Board of Commissioners;-

b. If all the members of the Board of Commissioners

have conflict of interest, the GMS/RUPS will be

chaired by one of the Directors so elected by the

Board of Directors;------

c. If the one of the Directors so elected by the Board

of Directors has conflict of interest in the items

to decide in the GMS/RUPS, so the GMS/RUPS will be

- 45 - presided over by a member of the Board of Directors

having no conflict of interest;------

d. If all the members of the Board of Directors have

conflict of interest, the GMS/RUPS will be chaired

by one of the non-controlling shareholders so

elected by a majority of other shareholders being

present in the GMS/RUPS.------

14.5 Of all the items discussed and decided in the GMS/RUPS,

Minutes of the Meeting will be taken by a Notary Public.

The Minutes of the Meeting will be valid evidence to all

the shareholders and third parties regarding the

resolutions and all the things occurring in the GMS/RUPS.

------ARTICLE 15 ------



15.1 a. The Company shall be obliged first to give the

announcement of the agenda of the Meeting to the OJK

no later than 5 (five) working days prior to the

announcement of the GMS/RUPS, exclusive of the date

of announcement of the GMS/RUPS.------

b. The agenda of the Meeting as contemplated in

paragraph 15.1. the sub-point of letter a shall

obligatorily be disclosed clearly and in detail.----

- 46 - c. In case of change of the agenda of the Meeting as

contemplated in paragraph 15.1. the sub-point of

letter b, the Company shall be obliged to give the

announcement of the change to the OJK no later than

the time of convening the GMS/RUPS. ------

15.2 a. Announcement of the GMS/RUPS shall be given no later

than 14 (fourteen) days prior to the convening of

the GMS/RUPS, exclusive of the date of announcement

and that of the convening of the GMS/RUPS.------

b. Announcement of the GMS/RUPS as contemplated in

paragraph 15.2. the sub-point of letter a above,

shall at least contain:------

(1) the provisions on the shareholders being

entitled to be present in the GMS/RUPS;------

(2) the provisions on the shareholders being

entitled to recommend the agenda of the


(3) the date of conduct of the GMS/RUPS;------

(4) the date of convening the GMS/RUPS;------

(5) If the GMS/RUPS is held at the request of the

Company’s shareholders, it shall be obliged to

contain information that the Company will be

holding the GMS/RUPS at the request of the


- 47 - c. Announcement of the GMS/RUPS, shall be given at

least by placing an advertisement in at least:------

(1) 1 (one) Indonesian-language daily newspaper of

nation-wide circulation;------

(2) the website of the relevant Stock Exchange;----

(3) the Company’s website, in Indonesian and

foreign languages, with the proviso that the

foreign language so used shall be at least

English. In case of difference in the

interpretation between the information so

announced in the foreign language and that

announced in the Indonesian language, the

information to be referred to shall be the

information in the Indonesian language.------

d. Evidence of the announcement of the GMS/RUPS, as

contemplated in paragraph 15.2. the sub-point of

letter c of figure (1) above together with a copy of

the letter of request for the conduct of the

GMS/RUPS (if the GMS/RUPS is held at the request of

the shareholders), shall obligatorily be given to

the OJK no later than 2 (two) working days after the

announcement of the GMS/RUPS.------

15.3 a. the convening of the GMS/RUPS shall be no later than

21 (twenty one) days prior to the GMS/RUPS,

- 48 - exclusive of the date of convening and that of the

GMS/RUPS.------b. the convening of the GMS/RUPS shall be by placing an

advertisement in at least:------

(1) 1 (one) Indonesian-language daily newspaper of

nation-wide circulation;------

(2) the website of the relevant Stock Exchange;----

(3) the Company’s website, in Indonesian and

foreign languages, with the proviso that the

foreign language so used shall be at least

English. In case of difference in the

interpretation between the information so

announced in the foreign language and that

announced in the Indonesian language, the

information to be referred to shall be the

information in the Indonesian language.------c. Evidence of the convening of the GMS/RUPS, as

contemplated in paragraph 15.3. the sub-point of

letter c figure (1), shall obligatorily be given to

the OJK no later than 2 (two) working days after the

convening of the GMS/RUPS.------e. The summons to the GMS/RUPS shall obligatorily to

contain at least: the date, time, place, the

provisions on the shareholders being entitled to be

- 49 - present in the GMS/RUPS, agenda of the Meeting

including the explanatory note on each item on the

agenda of the Meeting and notice that the materials

associated with the agenda of the Meeting have been

available to the shareholders at the Company’s

office as of the convening date to the conduct of

the GMS/RUPS.------

15.4 a. The Company shall be obliged to make available the

materials of the agenda of the Meeting to the

shareholders as of the date of convening the

GMS/RUPS to the conduct of the GMS/RUPS, unless

other laws and regulations govern the obligation of

earlier availability of the materials of the agenda

of the Meeting;------

b. The materials being available of the agenda of the

Meeting may take the form of a copy of the physical

documents and/or a copy of the electronic documents

given free of charge at the Company’s office at the

request, in writing, of the shareholders; or are

accessible or can be downloaded through the

Company’s website;------

c. If the item on the agenda of the Meeting concerns

the appointment of the members of the Board of

Directors and/or of the members of the Board of

Commissioners, the curriculum vitae of each

- 50 - prospective member of the Board of Directors and/or

of each prospective member of the Board of

Commissioners who will be appointed shall

mandatorily be available on the Company’s website at

least as of the convening of the conduct of the

GMS/RUPS or at another time, but no later than at

the conduct of the GMS/RUPS, to the extent this

matter is governed in laws and regulations.------

15.5 a. The Company shall be obliged to make corrections of

the convening of the GMS/RUPS in case of change of

information on the convening of the GMS/RUPS already


b. If the errata of the convening of the GMS/RUPS

contain information on the change of the date of

conduct of the GMS/RUPS and/or on the addition to

the agenda of the GMS/RUPS, the Company will be

obliged to re-convene the meeting. ------

c. The provisions on the obligation to re-convene the

GMS/RUPS will not apply if the errata of the

convening of the GMS/RUPS concerning the change of

the date of the conduct of and/or the addition to

the agenda of the GMS/RUPS are made not through the

fault of the Company.------

d. Evidence of the errata of the convening, as

contemplated in paragraph 15.5. of the sub-point of

- 51 - letter c, shall be delivered to the OJK on the same

day as the making of the errata of the convening.---

15.6 a. Convening of a second GMS/RUPS shall be done at

least 7 (seven) days prior to the second GMS/RUPS,

exclusive of the convening date and that of the

GMS/RUPS and together with the information that the

first GMS/RUPS has been held but fails to fulfill

the quorum of attendance.------

b. Second GMS/RUPS shall be held 10 (ten) days at the

earliest and 21 (twenty one) days at the latest

after the conduct of the first GMS/RUPS.------

c. Convening of a third GMS/RUPS at the request of the

Company shall be decided by the OJK which convening

specifies that the second GMS/RUPS has been held but

fails to fulfill the quorum of attendance.------

d. The date and time of the GMS/RUPS shall be decided

by the party being entitled to conduct the GMS/RUPS

by complying with the provisions on the notice of

and summons to a GMS/RUPS.------

15.7 Recommendations by the shareholders shall be included in

the agenda of the GMS/RUPS if: ------

(a) such recommendations have been put forward in

writing to the Board of Directors by one or more

shareholders (jointly) representing at least 1/20

- 52 - (one twentieth) of the total number of valid voting

shares issued by the Company;------

(b) such recommendations have been received by the Board

of Directors at least 7 (seven) days prior to the

issue of the convening date for the Meeting; and----

(c) according to the Board of Directors, such

recommendations are deemed to be directly associated

with the Company’s business.------

------ARTICLE 16 ------


16.1 a. Unless specified otherwise in statute and/or in the

Company’s articles of association, a GMS/RUPS

regarding the items decided in such GMS/RUPS,

including the issue Equity Securities will be valid

and be entitled to make valid and binding

resolutions, if in such GMS/RUPS over ½ (one half)

of the total number of lawful voting shares are

present/ represented. ------

b. if the quorum as contemplated in Article 16.1. the

sub-point of letter a is not met, the convening of

the second GMS/RUPS will be made possible without

being preceded by the notice of the second GMS/RUPS.

c. Second GMS/RUPS will be valid and be entitled to

make binding if in such GMS/RUPS at least 1/3 (one

third) of the total number of lawful voting shares

- 53 - issued by the Company are present and/or

represented, unless the articles of association

determine a larger quorum.------

d. If the quorum of the second GMS/RUPS is not met, at

the Company’s request, the quorum of attendance,

number of votes to make resolutions, convening, and

time of the conduct of the GMS/RUPS will be decided

by the OJK.------

16.2 a. The shareholders being entitled to be present in the

GMS/RUPS shall be the shareholders whose names are

recorded in the Company’s Register of Shareholders.

1 (one) working day prior to the convening of the

GMS/RUPS. In case of errata of the convening as

contemplated in paragraph 15.5, the shareholders

being entitled to be present in the GMS/RUPS shall

be the shareholders whose names are recorded in the

Company’s Register of Shareholders 1 (one) working

day prior to the errata of the convening of the

GMS/RUPS. ------

b. A shareholder may be represented in the GMS/RUPS by

another shareholder or person under a power of

attorney. The power of attorney shall be made and

signed in the form as determined by the Company’s

Board of Directors, without prejudice to other laws

and regulations applicable thereto on civil evidence

- 54 - and be submitted to the Board of Directors at least

3 (three) working days prior to the date on which

the GMS/RUPS is held.------

16.3 The Chair of the Meeting shall be entitled to demand that

the power of attorney to represent the shareholder be

produced to him/her when the GMS/RUPS proceeds.------

16.4 In the Meeting, each share gives the right to the owner

to cast 1 (one) vote.------

16.5 The members of the Board of Directors, those of the Board

of Commissioners, and employees of the Company may act as

a proxy in the Meeting, but the votes they cast as such

proxy in the Meeting will not be counted in vote casting.

16.6 Votes of a person shall be cast by means of a ballot with

no signature, and votes of other matters shall be cast

verbally, unless the Chair of the Meeting specifies

otherwise with no objection by 1 (one) or more

shareholders jointly representing at least 1/10 (one

tenth) of the total number of lawful voting shares issued

by the Company.------

16.7 The voting shareholders being present in the GMS/RUPS,

but casting no vote (abstaining) will be deemed to have

cast the same votes as those of the majority of the

voting shareholders.------

- 55 - 16.8 All resolutions shall be made under deliberations for a


If resolutions under deliberations for a consensus cannot

be made, resolutions will be made by means of vote

casting based on votes “for” totaling over ½ (one half)

of the total number of voting shares being present in the

GMS/RUPS, unless the articles of association specify

otherwise. If the number of votes ‘for’ and that of votes

‘against’ are equal, so if it concerns a person, the

resolution will be based on a ballot with no signature

and if it concerns other matters, the motion shall be

deemed to have been rejected. ------

16.9 A GMS/RUPS to transfer any of the Company’s assets or

make debt security any of the Company’s assets forming

over 50% (fifty percent) of the Company’s net total

assets in one or more transactions associated with each

other or otherwise, consolidation, merger, takeover,

separation, submission of an application for the Company

to be declared bankrupt, extension of the Company’s

duration of existence and dissolution, shall be done

under the following provisions:------

a. The GMS/RUPS will be valid and be entitled to make

valid and binding resolutions, if in the GMS/RUPS at

least ¾ (three fourths) of the total number of

lawful voting shares are present or represented and

- 56 - such resolutions will be valid if agreed on by over

¾ (three fourths) of the total number of voting

shares are present in the GMS/RUPS.------

b. If the quorum as contemplated in Article 16.9, the

sub-point of letter a is not met, in the second

GMS/RUPS, resolutions will be valid if the meeting

is attended by the shareholders representing at

least 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of lawful

voting shares and if the resolutions are agreed on

by over ¾ (three fourths) of the total number of

lawful voting shares being present in the GMS/RUPS;


c. If the quorum of attendance, as contemplated in

paragraph 16.9. the sub-point of letter b above is

not met, so at the Company’s request, the quorum

attendance, number of votes to make resolutions,

convening and time for the conduct of the GMS/RUPS

will be decided by the OJK.------

16.10 A GMS/RUPS to approve transactions having conflict of

interest shall be done under the following provisions:---

a. the shareholders having conflict of interest will be

deemed to have made the same resolutions as those

agreed on by the independent shareholders having no

conflict of interest.------

- 57 - b. Such GMS/RUPS shall be attended by the independent

shareholders representing over ½ (one half) of the

total number of lawful voting shares owned by the

independent shareholders and such resolutions will

be valid if agreed on by the independent

shareholders representing over ½ (one half) of the

total number of lawful voting shares owned by the

independent shareholders. ------c. If the quorum as contemplated in Article 16.10. the

sub-point of letter a is not met, so in the second

GMS/RUPS, resolutions will be valid if the meeting

is attended by the independent shareholders

representing over ½ (one half) of the total number

of lawful voting shares owned by the independent

shareholders and if agreed on by over ½ (one half)

of the total number of shares owned by the

independent shareholders being present in the

GMS/RUPS; and ------d. If the quorum of attendance as contemplated in

paragraph 16.10. the sub-point of letter c above is

not met, at the Company’s request, the quorum of

attendance, number of votes to make resolutions,

convening and time of the conduct of the GMS/RUPS

will be decided by the OJK. The resolutions of the

GMS/RUPS will be valid if agreed on by the

- 58 - independent shareholders representing over 50%

(fifty percent) of the shares owned by the

shareholders being present.------

e. the shareholders having conflict of interest will be

deemed to have made the same resolutions as those

agreed on by the independent shareholders having no

conflict of interest.------

f. the holders of lawful voting shares being present in

the GMS/RUPS, but abstaining (casting no votes) will

be deemed to have cast the same votes as those of

the majority voting shareholders. ------

16.11 If in the first GMS/RUPS contemplated in paragraph 16.9.

the sub-point of letter a and paragraph 16.10. the sub-

point of letter a the specified quorum is not met, a

second GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance with the

provisions of these articles of association.

16.12 If the second GMS/RUPS does not meet the quorum either, a

third GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance with the

provisions of these articles of association.------

16.13 Any item put forward by the shareholders during

discussion or vote casting in the GMS/RUPS shall meet all

the requirements, as follows:------

- 59 - a. according to the Chair of the Meeting, the item is

directly associated with one of the items on the

agenda of the Meeting; and------

b. according to the Board of Directors the

recommendation is deemed to be directly associated

with the Company’s business.------

------ARTICLE 17 ------


17.1 The Company shall be managed and be led by a Board of

Directors consisting of at least 2 (two) members, namely

one President Director and one Vice President Director or


17.2 With due regard to the provision of regulations

applicable to Capital Markets and laws and regulations

applicable thereto in the Republic of Indonesia, the

appointment, dismissal and change of the composition of

members of the Board of Directors shall be decided in a

GMS/RUPS of the Company.------

17.3 Those being eligible for appointment as a member of the

Board of Directors shall be individuals who meet the

requirements at the time of appointment and while holding

the position:------

a. having good ethics, moral and integrity;------

b. being capable of doing legal acts;------

- 60 - c. within 5 (five) years before being appointed and

while holding the position:------

(1) having never been declared bankrupt;------

(2) having never been a member of the Board of

Directors and/or that of the Board of

Commissioners, declared guilty of causing a

business company to be declared bankrupt;------

(3) having never been convicted of a criminal act

harming the state finances and/or associated

with the financial sector; and------

(4) having never been a member of the Board of

Directors and/or of the Board of Commissioners

who, while holding the position, once failed to

conduct the annual GMS/RUPS, whose

accountability as such member of the Board of

Directors and/or of the Board of Commissioners

was once unacceptable to a GMS/RUPS; or who

once failed to give his/her accountability as a

member of the Board of Directors and/or of the

Board of Commissioners to such GMS/RUPS; who

once caused a business company, which had

obtained permits, approvals, or registrations

from the OJK, to fail to meet the obligation of

submitting the annual report and/or financial

statements to the OJK.------

- 61 - d. having the commitment to comply with laws and


e. having knowledge of and/or expertise in the field

the Company needs.------

17.4 The Board of Directors that will be holding the positions

shall be obliged to submit a statement of satisfaction of

the requirements, as contemplated in paragraph 17.3., to

the Company.------

17.5 The members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed

as of the date specified by the GMS/ RUPS that has so

done them until the closing of the 3rd (third) annual

GMS/RUPS held after the date of the GMS/RUPS that has so

done the members of the Board of Directors, without

prejudice to the rights of the GMS/RUPS to dismiss them

from time to time.------

Members of the Board of Directors whose length of service

has expired shall be capable of re-appointment.------

A person appointed to replace a member of the Board of

Directors who has resigned or been dismissed, as

contemplated in the under-mentioned paragraphs 17.10. and

17.7. or to fill the vacant position of a member of the

Board of Directors; or as an addition to the existing

members of the Board of Directors, shall hold the

position for a term forming the remaining length of

- 62 - service of the other incumbent members of the Board of


17.6 A member of the Board of Directors shall only be eligible

to hold two positions at the same time, as governed and

specified in the OJK regulations and other laws and

regulations, governing more strictly.------

17.7 A GMS/RUPS shall be entitled to dismiss such member of

the Board of Directors from time to time, including,

among others, if he/she does not meet the requirements,

as contemplated in paragraph 17.3., after the member of

the Board of Directors has been given a chance to be

present in such GMS/RUPS for the purpose of self-defense.

The dismissal shall come into force as of the closing of

the Meeting that has decided the dismissal, unless the

GMS/RUPS determines another effective date.------

17.8 One or more members of the Board of Directors shall be

subject to suspension from, his/her (their) position(s)

by the Board of Commissioners under a resolution of a

Meeting of the Board of Commissioners and such suspension

shall mandatorily be notified in writing to the member of

the Board of Directors by specifying the reasons therefor

with due regard to the provisions in this article. The

Company’s Board of Commissioners shall be obliged to hold

a GMS/RUPS within a period of no later than 90 (ninety)

days after the date of suspension in order to revoke or

- 63 - confirm the resolution of suspension and to give a chance

to the member of the Board of Directors defend

him/herself in case of attendance of the member of the

Board of Directors in the relevant GMS/RUPS. If upon a

lapse of the period contemplated by the GMS/RUPS, no

GMS/RUPS has been conducted, the suspension of the member

of the Board of Directors will lapse.------

17.9 The member of the Board of Directors so suspended shall,

as contemplated, be of no authority to manage the Company

in accordance with purpose and objective of the Company,

and represent the Company both in and out of court. The

restriction to the authority shall take effect as of the

resolution on the suspension by the Board of

Commissioners through the existence of another by a

GMS/RUPS or the expiry of the period, as contemplated in

the above-mentioned paragraph 17.8.------

17.10 a. A member of the Board of Directors shall be entitled

to resign from his/her position by giving notice in

writing of his/her intention to the Company at least

30 (thirty) days before the date of his/her

resignation. ------

b. The Company shall be obliged to hold a GMS/RUPS in

order to decide the application for the resignation

of the member of the Board of Directors within a

period of no later than 90 (ninety) days of receipt

of the letter of resignation.------

- 64 - c. The Company shall be obliged to adopt a policy on

informational openness to the public and to submit

the letter to the OJK no later than 2 (two) working

days upon receipt of the letter of resignation and

the proceedings of the GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in

paragraph 17.10. the sub-point of letter b.------

17.11 If the position of President Director gets vacant and so

long as the replacement thereof has not yet been

appointed or not yet held the position, one of the

Directors appointed by the Meeting of the Board of

Directors will perform President Director’s duties and

have the same authority and responsibility as President


17.12 If for any cause whatsoever, all positions of the members

of the Board of Directors become vacant, within a period

of 90 (ninety) days of the vacancies a GMS/RUPS shall be

held in order to appoint a new Board of Directors, and

for the time being, the Company shall be managed by

members of the Board of Commissioners.------

17.13 a. The amount of the salary and benefits and allowances

of each member of the Board of Directors shall be

decided by a GMS/RUPS.

b. The authority of such GMS/RUPS may, as contemplated

in paragraph 17.13. the sub-point of letter a above,

be delegated to the Board of Commissioners.

- 65 - c. Where the authority of the GMS/RUPS is, as

contemplated in paragraph 17.13. the sub-point of

letter a above, delegated to the Board of

Commissioners, amount of the salary and benefits and

allowances will be decided under a resolution of a

meeting of the Board of Commissioners.------

17.14 The position of a member of the Board of Directors will

expire automatically, if such member of the Board of

Directors: ------

a. is declared bankrupt or put under custody under a

court ruling; or ------

b. is dismissed as governed in paragraph 17.7. of this

article; or ------

c. is prohibited from becoming a member of the Board of

Directors because of the provision of a law and

regulation applicable thereto; or ------

d. resigns with notice in writing as governed in

paragraph 17.10. of this article; or ------

e. dies. ------

17.15 A recommendation for the appointment, dismissal, and/or

replacement of a member of the Board of Directors to a

GMS/RUPS shall pay attention to a recommendation from the

Board of Commissioners or committee performing the

function of nomination.------

- 66 ------ARTICLE 18 ------


18.1 The Board of Directors shall fully be responsible for the

management of the Company in the interests of the Company

and in the achievement of its purpose and objective of

the Company.------

The main duties of the Board of Directors shall be:------

a. to preside over and manage the Company in accordance

with the Company’s objective;------

b. to control, maintain, and manage the Company’s

assets in the interest of the Company.------

18.2 Each member of the Board of Directors shall, in good

faith and with full responsibility, be obliged to perform

his/her duties with due regard to laws and regulations

applicable thereto. ------

18.3 The Board of Directors shall be eligible to form a

committee, relative to which the Board of Directors shall

be obliged to evaluate the performance of the committee

every end of the financial year.------

18.4 Each member of the Board of Directors shall be

responsible both jointly and severally for the Company’s

losses caused by the fault or neglect of such member of

the Board of Directors in performing his/her duties. No

- 67 - member of the Board of Directors shall be held

responsible for the Company’s losses if he/she can prove:

a. that such losses are not through his/her own fault

or neglect;------

b. that he/she has done the managing thereof in good

faith, with full responsibility, and prudence in the

interests of and in accordance with the purpose and

objective of the Company;------

c. that he/she has no conflict of interest, both direct

and indirect in the act of management so having

caused such losses; and------

d. that he/she has taken action in order to prevent

such losses from arising or continuing.------

18.5 The Board of Directors shall represent the Company

lawfully and directly both in court and out of court on

all respects and in all occurrences, bind the Company to

other parties and such other parties to the Company, and

perform all acts, in relation to management and

ownership, but with the limitations that:------

a. borrowing or lending monies for and on behalf of the

Company, where these acts exclude withdrawing money

from the credit already opened;------

- 68 - b. acquiring and/or purchasing goods, disposing of

and/or selling, mortgaging, encumbering and pledging

fixed assets;------

c. disposing of and/or selling, mortgaging, encumbering

and pledging fixed goods;

d. binding the Company as a guarantor;------

e. doing equity participation or waiving equity

participation in another company without prejudice

to permission of the authorities;------

shall be with the consent of the Board of Commissioners.-

18.6 The legal act of transferring any of the Company’s assets

or making debt security over 50% (fifty percent) of the

Company’s net total assets in one or more transactions,

associated with each other or otherwise, shall be

approved by a GMS/ RUPS as contemplated in Article 16.9.

of the Company’s articles of association.------

18.7 The legal act, contemplated in paragraph 18.4. above

shall also obligatorily be announced in 2 (two)

Indonesian-language daily newspapers circulating in the

Company’s legal domicile no later than 30 (thirty) days

as of the conduct of the legal act.------

18.8 As to the conduct of a legal act in which there is

conflict of interest between the personal economic

interest of a member of the Board of Directors, of the

- 69 - Board of Commissioners or of a shareholder and that of

the Company, the consent of a GMS/RUPS shall be required

as a condition, as contemplated in Article 16.10. of the

Company’s articles of association.------

18.9 a. None of the members of the Board of Directors shall

be of the authority to represent the Company if:----

(1) a law case arises before a court between the

Company and such member of the Board of

Directors; or------

(2) such member of the Board of Directors has

interests in conflict with those of the


b. In the case referred to in paragraph 18.9. the sub-

point of letter a above, the Company shall be

represented by another member of the Board of

Directors and if all the members of the Company’s

Board of Directors are involved in a law case with

the Company before a court or have interests in

conflict with those of the Company, so in such case,

it is the Company’s Board of Commissioners that is

entitled to act for and on behalf of, and to

represent the Company, without prejudice to the

provision of paragraph 18.9. of this article or

another party appointed by a GMS/RUPS where all the

members of the Board of Directors or those of the

- 70 - Board of Commissioners have interests in conflict

with those of the Company.------

18.10 a. Division and distribution of the duties and powers

of management among the members of the Board of

Directors shall be decided under a resolution of a


b. Where such GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in paragraph

18.10. the sub-point of letter a above does not

decide, the division and distribution of the duties

and powers of the members of the Board of Directors

shall be based on a resolution of the Board of


18.11 Without prejudice to the provision of Article 18

paragraph 18.2., paragraph 18.8. and paragraph 18.10. of

the Company’s articles of association, President Director

shall have the right and authority to act for and on

behalf of the Board of Directors and to represent the

Company. In the absence of President Director for any

cause whatsoever, of which case it is unnecessary to give

evidence to third parties, at least 2 (two) other members

of the Board of Directors will have the right and

authority to act for and on behalf of the Board of

Directors and to represent the Company.------

18.12 Without reducing its responsibility, the Board of

Directors shall, for a particular act, also be entitled

- 71 - to appoint one or more persons as its representative or

attorney-in-fact under the requirements specified by the

Board of Directors in a special power of attorney, and

such authority shall be exercised in accordance with the

provisions of the Company’s articles of association. ----

------ARTICLE 19 ------


19.1 The Board of Directors shall be obliged to hold a Meeting

of the Board of Directors periodically at least 1 (one)

time monthly and anytime if deemed necessary at the

request of President Director or of one or more members

of the Board of Directors, or of a Meeting of the Board

of Commissioners or, in writing, of 1 (one) or more

shareholders jointly owning at least 1/10 (one tenth) of

the total number of lawful voting shares, issued by the


19.2 The Board of Directors shall be obliged to hold a Meeting

of the Board of Directors with the Board of Commissioners

periodically at least 1 (one) time in 4 (four) months in

the context of the Board of Directors needing directions

or reporting the management of the Company to the Board

of Commissioners.------

19.3 Attendance of the members of the Board of Directors, as

contemplated in paragraph 19.1. and paragraph 19.2. shall

mandatorily be disclosed in the Company’s annual report.-

- 72 - 19.4 The Board of Directors shall schedule an obligatory

meeting of the Board of Directors, as contemplated in

this article next year prior to expiry of the financial

year. The materials of the meeting so scheduled shall be

communicated to attendees no later than 5 (five) days

prior to such meeting.------

19.5 In case of a meeting held beyond the schedule arranged,

as contemplated in paragraph 19.4. of this article, the

materials of the meeting shall be communicated to

attendees at the latest prior to such meeting. ------

19.6 Convening of such Meeting of the Board of Directors shall

be done by the member of the Board of Directors being

entitled to represent the Board of Directors pursuant to

the provision of Article 18 of the articles of


19.7 A written summons to such Meeting of the Board of

Directors shall be delivered by hand to each member of

the Board of Directors by receiving an acknowledgment, or

by facsimile confirmed with a registered letter at least

7 (seven) calendar days prior to such meeting, exclusive

of the date of the summons and that of such Meeting of

the Board of Directors. ------

If it is necessary to settle the items to discuss in such

Meeting of the Board of Directors, the convening period

may be shortened to not fewer than 3 (three) calendar

- 73 - days prior to such Meeting exclusive of the date of the

summons and that of the Meeting of the Board of


19.8 The summons to such Meeting of the Board of Directors

shall include the agenda, date, time, and place of such

Meeting of the Board of Directors.------

19.9 Such Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in

the Company’s legal domicile or main place of business

within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia at the

time and in the place specified by the member of the

Board of Directors who has convened such Meeting. ------

If all the members of the Board of Directors are present

or are represented, such prior summons will not be

required as a condition and such Meeting of the Board of

Directors may be held anywhere and be entitled to make

valid and binding resolutions. ------

19.10 Such Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be presided

over by President Director. In the absence or in the

inability of President Director for any reasons

whatsoever, of which case it is unnecessary to give

evidence to third parties, such Meeting of the Board of

Directors shall be presided over by a member of the Board

of Directors elected by and from among the members of the

Board of Directors being present in such Meeting of the

Board of Directors.------

- 74 - 19.11 A member of the Board of Directors may be represented at

such meeting of the Board only by another member of the

Board, under a power of attorney. ------

19.12 Such meeting of the Board of Directors shall be valid and

be entitled to make valid and binding resolutions if more

than ½ (one half) of the members of the Board are present

or are represented at such meeting. ------

19.13 Resolutions of such meeting of the Board of Directors

shall be made on the basis of deliberations for a

consensus. In case of failure thereof, such resolutions

shall be made by an ordinary vote casting based on a

majority of votes.------

19.14 If the number of votes ‘for’ and that of votes ‘against’

are equal, the recommendation or motion shall be deemed

to be refused. ------

19.15 a. Each member of the Board of Directors being present

shall be entitled to cast 1 (one) vote and 1 (one)

additional vote for each member of the Board that

he/she represents lawfully.------

b. Votes of a person shall be cast by means of a ballot

with no signature; those of other matters, verbally,

unless the Chair of the meeting specifies otherwise

with none of those present raising an objection

thereto based on a majority of votes of those being

present. ------

- 75 - c. Blank or invalid votes shall be considered to have

not been cast lawfully, and to be inexistent, and

shall not be counted in determining the number of

votes cast. ------

19.16 The minutes of such Meeting of the Board of Directors

shall be taken by one being present in such meeting and

appointed by the Chair of such meeting and further be

signed by all the members of the Board of Directors being

present and be delivered to all members of the Board of

Directors. These minutes shall constitute valid evidence

to the members of the Board of Directors and to third

parties, of the resolutions made in such meeting and be

documented by the Company.------

If the minutes are taken by a notary public, the signing

thereof will not be required as a condition.------

19.17 The proceedings of such meeting shall, as contemplated in

paragraph 19.2, obligatorily be worded in the minutes of

such meeting, be signed by the members of the Board of

Directors and those of the Board of Commissioners being

present, and be delivered to all members of the Board of

Directors and those of the Board of Commissioners. If any

of the members of the Board of Directors and/or of those

of the Board of Commissioners does not signed the

proceedings, as contemplated in paragraph 19.16. and this

paragraph, the member will be obliged to specify the

- 76 - reasons therefor in writing in a separate letter attached

to the minutes of such meeting.------

19.18 The Board of Directors may also make valid and binding

resolutions without having to hold a meeting of the

Board, on the understanding that all members of the Board

have been given notice in writing of the motions and that

all the members of the Board of Directors have agreed on

the motions submitted in writing, and signed the


Such resolutions so made shall have the same legal force

as those made lawfully at a meeting of the Board of

Directors. ------

------ARTICLE 20 ------


20.1 The Board of Commissioners shall consist of at least 2

(two) members of the Board of Commissioners and 1 (one)

thereof be appointed as President Commissioner. If the

Board of Commissioners consists of 2 (two) members of the

Board of Commissioners, 1 (one) thereof will be an

Independent Commissioner. If the members of the Board of

Commissioners consists of more than 2 (two) members of

the Board of Commissioners, the number of Independent

Commissioners shall be at least 30% (thirty percent) of

the total number of members of the Board of


- 77 - 20.2 Those being eligible for appointment as a member of the

Board shall be individuals who meet the requirements

specified by laws and regulations applicable thereto,

including, among others, OJK Regulations. The Company

shall mandatorily hold a GMS/RUPS in order to replace

members of the Board of Commissioners who, in the length

of service no longer meet the above-mentioned


20.3 With due regard to regulatory provisions applicable to

Capital Markets, and to laws and regulations applicable

in the Republic of Indonesia, the appointment, dismissal,

and change of the composition of members of the Board of

Commissioners shall be decided in a GMS/RUPS.------

20.4 A member of the Board of Commissioners shall only be

eligible to hold two positions at the same time, as

governed and specified in the OJK regulations and other

laws and regulations, governing more strictly.------

20.5 The members of the Board of Commissioners shall be

appointed as of the date of the GMS/ RUPS that has so

done them until the closing of the 3rd (third) annual GMS/

RUPS held after the date of the GMS/RUPS that has so done

the members of the Board of Commissioners, without

prejudice to the rights of the GMS/RUPS to dismiss them

from time to time.------

Members of the Board of Commissioners whose length of

service has expired shall be capable of re-appointment.--

- 78 - A person appointed to replace a member of the Board of

Commissioners who has resigned or been dismissed, as

contemplated in the under-mentioned paragraph 20.7. and

paragraph 20.8. or to fill the vacant position of a

member of the Board of Commissioners or as an addition to

the existing members of the Board of Commissioners, shall

be appointed for a term forming the remaining length of

service of the other incumbent members of the Board of

Commissioners. ------

20.6 An Independent Commissioner who has held his/her position

for 2 (two) periods of service, shall be capable of re-

appointment in the subsequent period as long as such

Independent Commissioner declares that he/she remains

independent to the GMS/RUPS, disclosed in the annual

report. If such Independent Commissioner is on the Audit

Committee, such Independent Commissioner shall be capable

of re-appointment on the Audit Committee only for 1 (one)

period of service in the next Audit Committee. ------

20.7 A GMS/RUPS shall be entitled to dismiss such member of

the Board of Commissioners from time to time after such

member of the Board of Commissioners has been given a

chance to be present in the GMS/RUPS for the purpose of


The dismissal shall come into force as of the closing of

the Meeting that has decided the dismissal, unless the

GMS/RUPS determines another effective date of dismissal.

- 79 - 20.8 The provisions on resignation of a member of the Board of

Directors shall, as contemplated in Article 17.10.,

mutatis mutandis (the necessary changes having been

made), also apply to a member of the Board of


20.9 The members of the Board of Commissioners shall each be

eligible for a salary or honorarium and benefits and

allowances as decided by a GMS/RUPS.------

20.10 The position of a member of the Board of Commissioners

will expire automatically, if such member of the Board of

Commissioners: ------

a. is declared bankrupt or put under custody under a

court ruling; or ------

b. is dismissed as governed in paragraph 20.7 of this

article; or------

c. is prohibited from becoming a member of the Board of

Commissioners because of the provision of a law and

regulation applicable thereto; or ------

d. resigns with notice in writing as governed in

paragraph 20.8 of this article; or------

e. dies.------

20.11 A recommendation for the appointment, dismissal, and/or

replacement of a member of the Board of Commissioners to

a GMS/RUPS shall pay attention to a recommendation from

- 80 - the Board of Commissioners or committee performing the

function of nomination.------

------ARTICLE 21 ------



21.1 The Board of Commissioners shall supervise and be

responsible for the policies on management, course of

management in general, both of the Company and the

Company’s lines of business; advise the Board of

Directors and perform other things, as specified in the

Company’s articles of association.------

21.2 The Board of Commissioners shall be obliged to perform

the function of nomination, namely recommending someone

to be appointed in the position of member of the Board of

Directors or that of the Board of Commissioners and the

function of remuneration, namely fees specified and given

to the members of the Board of Directors and those of the

Board of Commissioners because of the status and role

given in accordance with the duties, responsibilities,

and powers of the members of the Board of Directors and

those of the Board of Commissioners. In performing the

functions, the Board of Commissioners shall be eligible

to set up a Nomination Committee and Remuneration

Committee separately, as governed in the OJK Regulations.

- 81 - 21.3 The members of the Board of Commissioners shall be

obliged to shall be obliged to perform its duties and

responsibilities, as contemplated in paragraph 21.1 of

this article, in good faith, with full responsibility,

and prudence.------

21.4 In support of the effectiveness of implementation of its

duties and responsibilities as contemplated in paragraph

21.1 of this article, the Board of Commissioners shall be

obliged to form an Audit Committee and be eligible for

the formation of another. The Board of Commissioners

shall obligatorily evaluate the performance of each

committee assisting in the implementation of its duties

and responsibilities at the end of each financial year. -

21.5 The provisions on the accountability of the Board of

Directors, as contemplated in Article 18.4 shall, mutatis

mutandis, also apply to the Board of Commissioners.------

21.6 The Board of Commissioners shall be eligible to perform

the act of managing the Company in certain circumstances

for a certain period.------

21.7 The members of the Board of Commissioners shall, both

jointly and severally, anytime during the Company’s

office hours, be entitled to examine all accounts,

letters and documents, and other items of evidence, check

and verify the condition of cash and other things, and to

- 82 - find out about all acts already performed by the Board of


21.8 The Board of Directors and each member of the Board of

Directors shall be obliged to give information on all

things relative to the Company, requested by the members

of the Board of Commissioners, as needed by the members

of the Board of Commissioners to perform their duties.---

21.9 A meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall anytime be

entitled to suspend one or more members of the Board of

Directors if such member of the Board of Directors acts

in contravention of the articles of association and/or

laws and regulations applicable thereto.------

Such suspension shall be notified in writing to the

member concerned, along with the reasons therefor.------

21.10 Within a period of 90 (ninety) days of such suspension,

the Company shall be obliged to hold a GMS/RUPS in order

to decide whether or not the member of the Board of

Directors will be dismissed permanently or be reinstated,

and the member of the Board of Directors so suspended

shall be given a chance to be present in order to defend

him/ herself against accusations against him/ herself.---

21.11 The GMS/RUPS referred to in paragraph 21.10. shall be

chaired by President Commissioner and in the absence of

President Commissioner, of which case it is unnecessary

- 83 - to give evidence to other parties, the Meeting will be

presided over by another member of the Board of

Commissioners being present at the Meeting and in the

absence of all members of the Board of Commissioners, of

which case it is unnecessary to give evidence to other

parties, the GMS/RUPS shall be presided over by someone

elected by and from among those shareholders and/or their

proxies being present at the Meeting.------

21.12 If the GMS/RUPS has not yet been held within 90 (ninety)

days of the suspension, so the suspension will

automatically be cancelled and the member of the Board of

Directors will be entitled to re-hold his/her original


21.13 If all members of the Board of Directors are suspended

and none of the members of the Board of Directors is

available, for the time being, the Board of Commissioners

shall be obliged to manage the Company.------

In such case, the Board of Commissioners shall be

entitled, for the time being, to grant authority to one

or more members of the Board of Commissioners to act for

and on behalf of, and represent the Company. ------

------ARTICLE 22 ------


22.1 A meeting of the Board of Commissioners may be held

anytime, at least 1 (one) time in 2 (two) months, if

- 84 - deemed necessary by President Commissioner or by one of

the members of the Board of Commissioners or at the

request, in writing, of a Meeting of the Board of

Directors or, in writing, of one or more shareholders

jointly representing 1/10 (one tenth) of the total number

of lawful voting shares, issued by the Company.------

22.2 The Board of Commissioners shall be obliged to hold a

meeting with the Board of Directors periodically at least

1 (one) time in 4 (four) months in the context of the

Board of Commissioners performing supervision or giving

directions. Attendance of the members of the Board of

Commissioners, in the meeting shall mandatorily be

disclosed in the annual report.------

22.3 The provisions on the scheduling of the meeting and

submission or delivery of the materials of the meeting of

the Board of Directors shall, as contemplated in

paragraph 19.4. and paragraph 19.5., mutatis mutandis

also apply to the meeting of the Board of Commissioners.-

22.4 Convening of such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

shall be done by President Commissioner. In the absence

of President Commissioner for any causes whatsoever, of

which case it is unnecessary to give evidence to other

parties, the convening of such Meeting of the Board of

Commissioners shall be done by another member of the

Board of Commissioners.------

- 85 - 22.5 The summons to such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

shall be delivered by hand to each member of the Board of

Commissioners by hand, by receiving an appropriate

acknowledgment; or by telex or telefax, to be immediately

confirmed with a registered letter at least 14 (fourteen)

calendar days or in case of urgency at least 3 (three)

calendar days prior to such Meeting of the Board of

Commissioners, exclusive of the date of the summons and

that of such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners.------

22.6 The summons to such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

shall include the agenda, date, time, and place of such

Meeting of the Board of Commissioners.------

22.7 Such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be held

in the Company’s legal domicile or main place of business

within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia at the

time and in the place specified by the party who has

convened such Meeting.------

If all the members of the Board of Commissioners are

present or are represented, such prior summons will not

be required as a condition and such Meeting of the Board

of Commissioners may be held in the Company’s legal

domicile or main place of business or elsewhere, as

determined by the Board of Commissioners and such Meeting

shall be entitled to make valid and binding resolutions.

- 86 - 22.8 Such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be

presided over by President Commissioner. In the absence

or in the inability of President Commissioner, of which

case it is unnecessary to give evidence to third parties,

such Meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be

presided over by a member of the Board of Commissioners

elected by and from among the members of the Board of

Commissioners being present.------

22.9 A member of the Board of Commissioners may be represented

at such meeting of the Board of Commissioners only by

another member of the Board, under a power of attorney.

22.10 Such meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be valid

and be entitled to make binding resolutions only if more

than ½ (one half) of the incumbent members of the Board

of Commissioners are present or are represented at such

Meeting of the Board of Commissioners.------

22.11 Resolutions of such meeting of the Board of Commissioners

shall be made on the basis of deliberations for a

consensus. In case of failure thereof, such resolutions

shall be made by an ordinary vote casting based on a

majority of votes.------

22.12 The provisions on the proceedings of such meeting and

minutes of such meeting of Board of Directors, as

contemplated in Article 19.16 and Article 19.17., shall,

- 87 - mutatis mutandis, also apply to meetings of the Board of

Commissioners. ------

Without prejudice to the provisions governed above, a

Meeting of the Board of Commissioners may also be held by

means of a telephone conference or of another

communications system of the same type in which the

members of the Board of Commissioners participating in

such Meeting can communicate with each other and the

participation is deemed to be attendance in person in

such Meeting. The discussion and resolutions of such

Meeting of the Board of Commissioners in use of the

facility of telephone conference or another

communications system of the same type shall be worded in

the Minutes of such Meeting and further be signed by all

the members of the Board of Commissioners being present

in such Meeting.------

22.13 The Board of Commissioners, too, may make valid and

binding resolutions without having to hold a meeting of

the Board of Commissioners, on the understanding that all

members of the Board of Commissioners have been given

notice in writing of the motions and that all the members

of the Board of Commissioners have agreed on the motions

submitted in writing, and signed the approval. Such

resolutions so made shall have the same legal force as

those made lawfully at a meeting of the Board of


- 88 ------ARTICLE 23 ------



23.1 The Board of Directors shall be obliged to make and carry

out the annual plan of action or working plan.------

23.2 The annual plan of action shall obligatorily be submitted

to the Board of Commissioners to obtain approval.------

The annual plan of action shall be submitted no later

than 14 (fourteen) days prior to commencement of the

coming financial year.------

23.3 The Company’s financial year shall proceed from 1st (the

first day of) January through 31st (the thirty first day

of) December. At the end of December each year, the

Company’s books shall be closed.------

23.4 The Board of Directors shall make the annual report and

annual financial statements in accordance with laws and

regulations applicable thereto, including those on

Capital Markets, and make them available at the Company’s

Offices for the purpose of examination by the

shareholders as of the date of convening the Annual


23.5 It is obligatory for the Company to announce the Balance

Sheet and Profit and Loss Account in an Indonesian-

language daily newspaper being of nation-wide circulation

- 89 - according to the procedure as governed in Regulation

Number X.K.2 on the Obligation to Submit Periodic

Financial Statements.------

23.6 Approval of the annual report, including the ratification

of the annual financial statements and report on the duty

of supervision by the Board of Commissioners shall be

decided by a GMS/RUPS.------

------ARTICLE 24 ------


24.1 A Meeting of the Board of Directors shall put forward a

motion to the Annual GMS/RUPS concerning the use of the

Company’s net profit in a financial year as contained in

the annual financial statements ratified by the Annual

GMS/RUPS, in which motion may be stated how much the

undistributed total net income for use as the reserve

fund, as contemplated in Article 25 below; and another

motion on the amount of dividends likely to be

distributed, without prejudice to the rights of the

GMS/RUPS to decide otherwise.------

24.2 If the Annual GMS/RUPS does not determine other uses, the

net profit, upon deduction of the reserve fund obliged by

statute and by the Company’s articles of association

shall be distributed as dividends.------

24.3 Such dividends can be paid only in accordance with the

Company’s financial ability under a resolution made in

- 90 - such GMS/RUPS, in which resolution the time of payment

and the form of dividends shall also be determined.

Dividends on 1 (one) share of stock shall be paid to the

person in whose name the share is registered in the

Register of Shareholders on the working day to be fixed

by or under the authority of such GMS/RUPS. ------

The payment day shall be announced by the Board of

Directors to all the shareholders / shareholder. Payment

of cash dividends to the rightful shareholders shall be

within a period of no later than 30 (thirty) days of the

announcement of the summary of the Minutes of the

GMS/RUPS which has decided the distribution of such cash

dividends. Article 15.2. of the point of letter b of

these articles of association shall take effect mutatis

mutandis to the announcement. ------

24.4 The Board of Directors shall, under a resolution of a

Meeting of the Board of Directors and with the consent of

a Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, be entitled to

distribute interim dividends if the Company’s financial

condition permits under the provision that such interim

dividends will be included in the calculation of the

dividends that will be distributed under a resolution of

the next Annual GMS/RUPS to be made in accordance with

the provisions of the Company’s articles of association.-

24.5 If the profit and loss account in 1 (one) financial year

indicates losses which cannot be covered with the reserve

- 91 - fund, as referred to in Article 25 below, the losses

shall continue to be recorded in the profit and loss

account and further, in the subsequent years the Company

shall be deemed to have made no profits so long as the

losses so recorded in the profit and loss account have

not yet been completely covered, as such without

prejudice to the provisions of laws and regulations

applicable thereto. ------

24.6 The profit distributed as dividends but not yet taken

within a period of 5 (five) years of its availability for

payment, shall be entered in the reserve fund

particularly allocated thereto.------

The dividends in the special reserve fund may be taken by

the rightful shareholders prior to a lapse of period of 5

(five) years upon entry thereof in the special reserve

fund, by submitting the evidence of his/her right over

such dividends, acceptable to the Company’s Board of

Directors. Dividends not yet taken after the lapse of the

period of 5 (five) years will become the property of the

Company. ------

------ARTICLE 25 ------


25.1 The portion of the net profit set aside for the reserve

fund shall be determined by a GMS/RUPS with due regard to

- 92 - a motion by the Board of Directors (if any) and to laws

and regulations applicable thereto. ------

25.2 The reserve fund of up to at least 20% (twenty percent)

of the paid-in capital shall be capable of use only to

cover the losses incurred by the Company.------

25.3 If the reserve fund has exceeded the 20% (twenty percent)

of the paid-in capital, the GMS/RUPS may decide that the

reserve fund which has exceeded the total as specified in

paragraph 26.2 above should be used in order to meet the

Company’s needs.------

25.4 The Board of Directors shall manage the reserve fund in

order for it to obtain profits, in the manner that the

Board of Directors deems appropriate with the consent of

the Board of Commissioners and with regard to prevailing

laws and regulations.------

------ARTICLE 26 ------


26.1 A GMS/RUPS for the purpose of amendment to the Company’s

articles of association, in need of the consent of the

Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of

Indonesia, except for amendment to the Company’s articles

of association for the purpose of extension of the

Company’s duration of existence shall be done under the

following provisions:------

- 93 - a. Such GMS/RUPS will be valid and be entitled to make

valid and binding resolutions, if in such GMS/RUPS,

at least ⅔ (two thirds) of the total number of

lawful voting shares are present or are represented

and resolutions thereof will be valid if agreed on

over ⅔ (two thirds) of the total number of lawful

voting shares being present in such GMS/RUPS. ------

b. If the quorum, as contemplated in paragraph 26.1.

the sub-point of letter a is not met, so in a second

GMS/RUPS, resolutions thereof will be valid if the

meeting is attended by the shareholders representing

at least 3/5 (three fifths) of the total number of

lawful voting shares and if such resolutions are

agreed on by more than ½ (one half) of the total

number of lawful voting shares being present in such

GMS/RUPS; and------

c. where the quorum of attendance, as contemplated in

paragraph 26.1. the sub-point of letter above is not

met, at the request of the Company, the quorum of

attendance, number of votes to make resolutions,

convening, and time for the conduct of such GMS/RUPS

will be decided by the OJK. ------

26.2 Alteration to and modification of the provisions of the

Company’s articles of association relative to the change

of the Company’s name, purpose and objective, duration of

- 94 - existence, amount of the authorized capital, reduction in

the paid-in capital and/or paid-up capital, and/or status

from being private to public or otherwise, shall

obligatorily be approved by the Minister of Law and Human

Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.------

26.3 Amendment to the articles of association relative to

other things than those specified in paragraph 26.2. of

this article will suffice if notice thereof is given to

the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of

Indonesia within no later than 30 (thirty) days of the

date on which the resolution is made by such GMS/RUPS on

the amendment. ------

26.4 If in the first GMS/RUPS, contemplated in paragraph 26.1.

the sub-point of letter a of this article, the specified

quorum is not met, a second GMS/RUPS may be held in

accordance with the provisions of these articles of


26.5 If the second GMS/RUPS does not meet the quorum either, a

third GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance with the

provisions of these articles of association.------

26.6 The resolution on reduction in the capital shall be

notified in writing to all of the Company’s creditors and

be announced by the Board of Directors in the State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia and in at least 2

(two) Indonesian-language daily newspapers with 1 (one)

- 95 - being of wide circulation in the territory of the unitary

state of the Republic of Indonesia and the other 1 (one)

being published in the Company’s legal domicile, no later

than 7 (seven) days as of the date of the resolution on

the reduction in the capital.------

The provisions specified in the previous paragraphs shall

apply without prejudice to the consent of the authorities

competent therefor, as required as a condition by laws

and regulations applicable thereto.------

------ARTICLE 27 ------


27.1 A GMS/RUPS for purposes of consolidation, merger, take

over, and separation shall be held under the following


a. Such GMS/RUPS will be valid and be entitled to make

valid and binding resolutions if in such General

Meeting of Shareholders at least ¾ (three fourths)

of the total number of lawful voting shares are

present or are represented and resolutions thereof

will be valid if agreed on by over ¾ (three fourths)

of the total number of voting shares being present

in such General Meeting of Shareholders;------

b. if the quorum, as contemplated in paragraph 27.1. of

the sub-point of letter a above is not met, in a

- 96 - second GMS/RUPS, resolutions thereof will be valid

if the meeting is attended by the shareholders

representing at least ⅔ (two thirds) of the total

number of lawful voting shares and if such

resolutions thereof are agreed on by over ¾ (three

fourths) of the total number of voting shares being

present in such GMS/RUPS; and ------

c. where the quorum of attendance, as contemplated in

paragraph 27.1. of the sub-point of letter b above

is not met, at the request of the Company, the

quorum of attendance, number of votes to make

resolutions, convening, and time for the conduct of

such GMS/RUPS will be decided by the OJK. ------

27.2 If in the first GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in paragraph

27.1. of the sub-point of letter a the specified quorum

is not met, a second GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance

with the provisions of these articles of association.----

27.3 If the second GMS/RUPS does not meet the quorum either, a

third GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance with the

provisions of these articles of association.------

27.4 Without prejudice to the provisions of Capital Markets,

the plan for consolidation, merger, takeover, or

separation, approved by the GMS/RUPS shall be made in a

notarial deed and in the Indonesian Language.------

- 97 - 27.5 Consolidation of the Company altering and modifying the

provisions of the articles of association relative to the

change of the Company’s name and/or legal domicile,

purpose and objective, lines of business, duration of

existence, amount of the authorized capital, reduction in

the paid-in capital and/or paid-up capital, and/or status

from being private to public or otherwise, shall

obligatorily be approved by the Minister of Law and Human

Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. ------

27.6 Consolidation of the Company altering and modifying the

provisions of the articles of association relative to

other things than those specified in paragraph 27.5. of

the articles of association will suffice if they are

notified to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the

Republic of Indonesia. ------

27.7 If the consolidation of the Company is not followed by

amendment to the articles of association, a copy of the

deed of consolidation shall be communicated to the

Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of

Indonesia to be recorded in the Register of Companies.---

27.8 Merger of the Company shall mandatorily be ratified as

the legal entity of the Company by the Minister of Law

and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.------

27.9 The Company shall obligatorily give notice to the

Minister of Law and Human Rights, of the take over of the

shares in the Company.------

- 98 ------ARTICLE 28 ------



28.1 A GMS/RUPS on dissolution shall be under the following


a. Such GMS/RUPS shall be valid and be entitled to make

valid and binding resolutions, if in such GMS/RUPS

at least ¾ (three fourths) of the total number of

lawful voting shares are present or are represented

and such resolutions will be valid if approved by

more than ¾ (three fourths) of the total number of

lawful voting shares being present in such GMS/


b. If the quorum, as contemplated in paragraph 28.1. of

the sub-point of letter a above is not met, in the

second GMS/RUPS, resolutions will be valid if the

meeting is attended by the shareholders representing

at least ⅔ (two thirds) of the total number of valid

voting shares and agreed on by over ¾ (three

fourths) of all the valid voting shares being

present in such GMS/ RUPS;------


c. where the quorum of attendance, as contemplated in

paragraph 28.1. the sub-point of letter b above is

- 99 - not met, at the Company’s request, the quorum of

attendance, number of votes for decision making,

convening, and timr of such GMS/RUPS will be decided

by the OJK.------

28.2 If in the first GMS/RUPS, as contemplated in in paragraph

28.1. point 1 [sic], the specified quorum is not met, a

second GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance with the

provisions of these articles of association.------

28.3 If the second GMS/RUPS does not fulfill the quorum

either, a third GMS/RUPS may be held in accordance with

the provisions of these GMS/RUPS.

28.4 If the Company is dissolved at least because of one of

the under-mentioned facts:------

a. under a resolution of a GMS/RUPS;------

b. expiry of the duration of existence in accordance

with the statutory and regulatory provisions

applicable thereto;------

c. under a court ruling;------

d. that with the revocation of bankruptcy under the

commercial court’s final and conclusive ruling, the

Company’s bankruptcy assets are not enough to pay

bankruptcy expenses; ------

e. the Company already declared bankrupt is insolvent,

as governed in the Law on Bankruptcy and Moratorium;


- 100 - f. the revocation of the Company’s business license so

as to oblige the Company to carry out liquidation in

accordance with statutory and regulatory provisions;

so such liquidation shall be carried out by the


28.5 The Board of Directors shall act as the liquidator(s)

thereof if a resolution of GMS/ RUPS or that as

contemplated in paragraph 28.4 hereof does not appoint a


28.6 Such liquidator(s) shall be obliged to register the

Company’s dissolution in the Companies Register, to

announce it in the State Gazette and in 2 (two)

Indonesian-language daily newspapers, 1 (one) being of

wide circulation within the territory of the Unitary

State of the Republic of Indonesia and the other 1 (one)

being published the Company’s legal domicile determined

by the Board of Directors; and with notification of

dissolution to the Company’s creditors; and to report it

to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic

of Indonesia and to the OJK in accordance with laws and

regulations applicable thereto.------

28.7 Fees for such liquidator(s) shall be fixed by a GMS/RUPS

or under a court’s ruling.------

28.8 The articles of association shall, as contained in this

deed along with its amendments in the future, remain

- 101 - effective until the date of ratification of the

liquidation accounts by a GMS/RUPS, with a majority of

votes cast lawfully, and until the granting of full

release and discharge to the liquidator.------

28.9 The net balance of the liquidation account shall be

distributed to the shareholders, each being eligible for

a portion being proportional to the total nominal value

paid in full for their respective shares.------

------ARTICLE 29 ------


Anything not governed or not yet sufficiently so done in these articles of association, will be decided in a GMS/RUPS.------

-Further, the Party hereto, acting in her capacity as described above, declares that the part prior to the last one of this deed of the Company’s articles of association will read as follows:------

I. Of the above-mentioned authorized capital, has been

subscribed to and fully paid up in cash through the

Company’s cash account, 7,240,005,000 (seven billion two

hundred forty million five thousand) shares or a total

nominal value of IDR 362,000,250,000.00 (three hundred

sixty two billion two hundred fifty thousand rupiahs) by

the shareholders, namely:------

- 102 - -THE PUBLIC, 7,240,005,000

(seven billion two hundred

forty million five

thousand) shares or a

nominal value of ...... Rp. 362,000,250,000.00

(three hundred sixty two

billion two hundred fifty

thousand rupiahs);......

-so as to total 7,240,005,000

(seven billion two hundred forty

million five thousand) shares,

in a total nominal value of..... Rp. 362,000,250,000.00

(three hundred sixty two billion

two hundred fifty thousand


-Finally, the Party hereto, acting in her capacity, as mentioned above, hereby declares her giving me, the said

Notary Public, the authority, with the right of substitution, to perform and deal with the process of applying for approval and notification of the amendment to the Company’s articles of association, as declared in this deed to governmental agencies competent therefor, including, but not limited to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and the

Office for the Registration of Companies within the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, as obliged pursuant to

- 103 - laws and regulations applicable thereto, and, for such purposes, to perform all acts and sign all necessary and beneficial documents, without exception.------

- The Party hereto is to me, the said Notary Public, known.---


-Drawn up and completed in Jakarta, on the day, date, and at the time first written above in the presence of:------

1. Zainal Abidin, born in Medan, on the thirtieth day of

September nineteen hundred sixty (30-9-1960), residing in

Jakarta, at Jalan Amsar, Rukun Tetangga 013, Rukun Warga

005, Kelurahan Cipulir, Kecamatan , Jakarta

Selatan, the holder of Resident’s Identity Card Number


2. Erwin, born in Bogor, on the twenty eighth day of October

nineteen hundred seventy six (28-10-1976), residing in

Depok, at Jalan Pelita, Rukun Tetangga 003, Rukun Warga

003 Kelurahan Limo, [Sub-district] Kecamatan Limo, Kota

Depok (Depok City/Municipality), the holder of

Resident’s Identity Card Number 3276042810760001,

temporarily being in Jakarta;------both being employees of the Notary Public’s Office, as the witnesses hereto.------

-Immediately upon perusal by me, the said Notary Public, of this deed to the Party and witnesses hereto, this deed is

- 104 - signed by Party and witnesses hereto, and me, the said Notary


-Drawn up with no change. ------

-The minutes of this deed have been duly signed.------

-Given as a copy.------

signed, duly stamped, and sealed


Notary Public in and for Jakarta

- 105 -