ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 04/09 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 246 - März 2009 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Alle machen blau. Auch wir. Spätestens die Ankündigung von Kinowelt, im Mai des laufenden Jahres eine streng limitierte Sonderausgabe des Sci-Fi-Action-Klassikers TERMINATOR 2 auf Blu-ray Disc zu veröffentlichen, sollte jeden Sammler ins Grübeln bringen. Denn das originell verpackte High-Tech-Werk wird es so nur als Blu-ray-Version geben. Eine Feld-, Wald- und Wiesen-DVD in gleicher Aufmachung ist nicht geplant. Da hilft dann nur eines, wenn man das edle Stück (siehe rechts) haben möchte: sofort zuschlagen! Den dazugehörigen Blu-ray-Player - sofern noch nicht vorhanden - kann man sich ja zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zulegen. An dieser Stelle gilt dann natürlich auch wieder unser Standardspruch: „Wer zu spät kommt, den straft der Hersteller“. Will heissen: Zögern ist die falsche Strategie! Übrigens wird TERMINATOR 2 auch in den USA in derselben Ausführung vermarktet werden. Sammler amerikanischer Scheiben sollten daher auch nicht zu lange überlegen, denn auch die Amis limitieren Die “Limited Skynet Fan Edition” von “Terminator II” stellt in Design und Ausstat- das Sammlerstück. tung alle bisherigen Blu-ray-Veröffentlichungen in den Schatten und präsentiert James Camerons Kultklassiker dank Seamless Branching als Director’s Cut, Kinofassung und Extended Special Edition. Die Blu-ray Disc ist formvollendet in einer ca. 35 cm Da wir gerade vorhin vom Blaumachen hohen und ca. 17,5 cm breiten, silberfarbenen Endoskeleton-Büste mit leuchtenden gesprochen haben (wenn auch in Augen und Soundchip verpackt. Brillante Bild- und Soundqualität, unzählige Extras anderem Zusammenhang), sollten sowie zahlreiche interaktive Features und BD-Live-Funktionen versprechen ein Home Entertainment-Highlight der Extraklasse! Als weiteren Bonus enthält die Edition zu- unsere nächsten tatsächlichen sätzlich eine DVD mit dem “Terminator II Director’s Cut”. Blaumachtermine nicht unerwähnt bleiben. Der erste fällt auf Freitag, den Technische Angaben 13. März 2009. Da ziehen uns die Bild: 2,35:1 Auflösung 1080/24p Full HD digitally remastered 7. Fantasy Filmfest Nights ganztags in Sprachen/Ton: Deutsch (7.1 DTS-HD, HR 2.0 headphone surround), Englisch (5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, 2.0 Dolby headphone surround) ihren Bann, so dass unser Geschäft Untertitel: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Türkisch geschlossen bleibt. Das gilt auch für die Zeit vom 18.03.-25.03.2009, während Extras der wir uns auf dem Bradford DVD mit T2 Director’s Cut; Audiokommentar von Cast & Crew; Audiokommentar von James Cameron und Co- Autor William Wisher; Deleted Scenes mit International Film Festival tummeln Audiokommentaren; Interaktive Features: Picture-in-Picture-Mode, Produktions- werden. daten- und Triviadaten-Modul parallel zum Film, Exklusive Behind-the-Scenes-Kom- mentare zum Film (ca. 100 Min.), Original-Drehbuch und Original-Storyboard paral- Ihr Laser Hotline Team lel zum Film, Interaktiver T2-Quiz-Mode, Interaktive Spiele zum Film; Restaurierte T2-HD-Trailer; Bookmarks, BD-Live D-Box Motion Codes; THX Optimizer (Bild und Ton sind THX zertifiziert)

Die limitierte Auflage ist ab 22. Mai 2009 erhältlich und kostet EUR 89,90

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009

… and I’m here to recruit you! Dieses Jahr waren die Oscars (wieder) politisch. schon froh, dass die Leute überhaupt noch lesen”. Die Zeit der abgeschnittenen, mit Musik überspiel- Oder eben politische Filme gucken. Natürlich ist ten ungemütlichen Dankesreden liegt hinter uns. vieles vereinfacht oder stereotyp dargestellt. In Endlich! Der große Wandel in der US-Regierung “The Kingdom” war es der typische Militärmix à la macht sich hier deutlich spürbar. Die Academy hat Hollywood: eine schöne, starke Frau mit großen nicht nur “Bye-bye Bush” gesagt, sie hat sich mit Lippen (Jennifer Garner), ein schwarzer Team- einem klaren “Don’t let the door hit you on your fat leiter (Jamie Foxx) und ein alter Haudegen mit ass on the way out” von dem Präsidenten verab- großer Schnauze (Chris Carter). Wenn man diese schiedet, den viele Academy-Mitglieder sowieso Elemente braucht, damit die Menschen zuschau- nie als ihren Präsidenten akzeptiert hatten. Doch en, dann bin ich dafür. Denn trotz seiner stereoty- war die diesjährige Oscar-Verleihung nicht der er- pen Besetzung kommentiert der Film bitter die ste filmische Zeige- oder Mittelfinger, der der fortwährende Spirale der Gewalt, an der sowohl Bush-Regierung entgegengereckt wurde. Eher ist die Amerikaner als auch die Terroristen schuld sie der krönende Abschluss eines Kampfes, den sind. “The Kingdom” geht sogar so weit, die Sau- manche Hollywoodianer schon seit acht Jahren dis differenziert darzustellen, um uns endlich den kämpfen. Unterschied zwischen islamistischen Terroristen und Muslimen verstehen zu lassen. Ähnlich kam Was ist seit Michael Moores “Bowling for “Rendition” mit Jake Gyllenhaal daher. Er öffnete Columbine” passiert? Das nicht dokumentarfilm- die Türen zu den dunklen Verließen der CIA, die ende Hollywood hat länger gebraucht, um zu rea- außerhalb des US-Territoriums Menschen festhält gieren. In Bushs erster Amtszeit hielten sich viele und foltert. Selbst ein Trashfilm wie “Zombie noch vornehm zurück. Anti-Bush-Filme von Seiten Strippers!” mit der ehemaligen Porno-Queen der Studios gab es nicht. Dann schenkte das ver- Jenna Jameson, brach 2008 Einnahmerekorde ängstigte amerikanische Volk Dabbelju eine zwei- und wurde zum Instant-Kultfilm. Dass in “Zombie te Legislaturperiode. Die Schrecken, die diese mit sich brachte, wurden von den Künstlern nicht mehr länger ignoriert. Zu viele Amerikaner fielen im Irak, zu oft wurden Menschenrechte wissent- lich verletzt, zu große Umweltsünden willentlich begangen, zu leichtsinnige Banker verspielten das Geld der Bürger. Vieles davon hätte unter den Tep- pich gekehrt werden können, wäre da nicht Holly- wood gewesen, das sich, immer wenn es brenzlig wird, des verschollenen Bildungsauftrages der US-Schulen annimmt und seinen Senf dazugibt. Dass viele die Zusammenhänge erst verstehen, wenn Hollywood sie ihnen erklärt, ist hinreichend bewiesen durch den Erfolg von Al Gores wunder- voll-aufklärerischem “An Inconvenient Truth”. Dar- an ist nicht viel auszusetzen. Wenn ich höre “Mann, diese ganzen Deppen, die diese Twilight- Schnulze lesen!”, dann entgegne ich: “Ich bin

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009

Strippers!” Bush für die Horden von gammelnden vorhandenen ausgehen kann. In “Frost/Nixon” Untoten direkt verantwortlich gemacht, das Militär warnt Ron Howard davor, die Vergangenheit zu mit Sätzen wie “We drink napalm and piss fire!” vergessen und rückt die Republikaner noch ein- veräppelt und Nietzsche über Jesus gestellt wur- mal ganz dezidiert in ein undemokratisches Licht. de, hat in nicht geringem Maße den Erfolg des “Wall-E”, eine ökologische Dystopie im Gewand Films beeinflusst. eines heiteren Animationsfilmes, bekam eine der begehrten Statuetten. Auch hier zeichnet sich ein All diese Filme stemmten sich gegen die neu aktiviertes Umweltbewusstsein ab, das den Angstmacherei der Bush-Regierung und zeigten furchteinflößenden Angewohnheiten der Bush-Re- den Kinogängern, wovor sie wirklich Angst haben gierungen den Garaus machen will. mussten: einer nicht-demokratischen Regierung Vom schwarzen Präsidenten in “24” bis zu Oliver im vermeintlichen Land der Freiheit. Und vor dem Stones Zerstückelung eines Versagers in “W.” – Verbot von Alkohol und Stripclubs. In die Reihe der Hollywood hat in den letzten Jahren einen eigenen Neuen Aufklärung gliederten sich letztendlich auch demokratischen Wahlkampf geführt, der Präsident viele der nominierten Filme der 81. Academy Obama noch vor seiner Kandidatur gedient hat. Awards ein. Wie immer in Hollywood hat auch hier das Gute über das Böse gesiegt. Neu war nur, dass ein wei- ßer Cowboy der Bösewicht war. Was aber ist von “Slumdog Millionaire” zu halten? Der Film stellt das Glück des Einzelnen, die Hoffnung und Freu- de von allen in den Vordergrund. Das ist zwar ein positiver Ausblick, aber es drängt sich die Frage auf, ob Hollywood nun wieder apolitisch wird. Schon kündigen sich die üblichen Actionfilme und romantischen Komödien an. Business as usual. Das Filmland sieht sich selbst gerne zu. Vielleicht gefällt es sich in der Rolle des mysteriösen Superhelden, der die Menschheit rettet und dann verschwindet. Hoffnung kommt aus einer unerwar- teten Ecke. Watchmen stellt die Frage: “Who’s watching the Watchmen?” – Wer überwacht die Aufpasser? Die Antwort ist bestimmt nicht “das Schicksal”. Anna Rudschies

Allen voran “Milk” von Gus van Sant, ein wahrer Anna spricht übrigens nicht nur mit Hollywood, Aufschrei der homosexuellen Gemeinschaft gegen sondern auch mit Ihnen. Möchten Sie ihre Ko- die monströse Verabschiedung der Proposition 8 lumne kommentieren, loben oder gar in Kalifornien und eine Forderung nach Anerken- verreissen? Anna freut sich über jedes Feed- nung und Menschenrechten für alle. In “Changeling” verurteilt Clint Eastwood korrupte back. Ab sofort können Sie sie unter der fol- Autoritäten. “Doubt” thematisierte die Gefahr, die genden E-Mail-Adresse persönlich erreichen: von einer fanatischen Suche nach dem Nicht- [email protected]

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog

Montag, 16. Februar 2009 der Titelrolle “Feierlich reist” – ein fach nicht in eine Schublade passen Nicht animierende Animation schöner Film zur Globalisierung. Auch will. Dort schließt er Freundschaft mit Der heutige Film würde eher zu Super Hans Steinbichlers “Fraktur” mit einem einer alten Ratte und schon bald müs- RTL passen als ins Kino... amoklaufenden Josef Bierbichler konn- sen die beiden eine Prinzessin befrei- te das gewisse Etwas bieten. Mit sei- en... Achtung Eltern: der Film ist nicht WINNETOONS – DIE LEGENDE VOM nen 152 Minuten Spielzeit ist das Pro- geeignet für Kinder unter 12 Jahren, SCHATZ IM SILBERSEE (1:1.85, DD jekt dann aber doch etwas zu lange auch wenn die FSK ihn schon ab 6 frei- 5.1) geraten. gegeben hat. Schön an dem Film fand Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2006 ich eine der Kernaussagen: es gibt kein Verleih: Barnsteiner SHOPAHOLIC – DIE nur gutes oder nur schlechtes Wesen – Regie: Gert Ludewig SCHNÄPPCHENJÄGERIN (1:2.35, DD beides steckt in jedem. Kinostart: 16. April 2009 5.1) OT: Confessions of a Shopaholic Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 Inspiriert von den Heldenfiguren aus Verleih: Walt Disney Ich habe gelacht und geweint den Winnetou-Romanen von Karl May Land/Jahr: USA 2009 Ausklang für die Pressewoche: es gab wird die Geschichte eines kleinen Jun- Regie: P. J. Hogan zwei lachende und zwei weinende Au- gen erzählt, der zusammen mit Old Darsteller: Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy, gen... Shatterhand und Winnetou einen ge- Krysten Ritter, John Goodman heimnisvollen Aztekenschatz aufstö- Kinostart: 12. März 2009 DER ROSAROTE PANTHER 2 (1:1.85, bert. Doch man hätte sich diesen lieb- DD 5.1) los animierten Zeichentrickfilm sparen Da haben wir sie wieder: die typisch OT: Pink Panther 2 sollen! Gähnende Langeweile und lang- überdrehte, amerikanische Komödie. Verleih: Sony Pictures weilige Klischees beherrschen das Ge- Eine Journalistin ist dem Kaufrausch Land/Jahr: USA 2009 schehen auf der Leinwand. Eine Zumu- erlegen. Als sie ihren Job verliert und Regie: Harald Zwart tung. Interessantes kleines Detail: die ihr der böse Inkassomann nachstellt, Darsteller: Steve Martin, Jean Reno, uns gezeigte 35mm-Kopie hatte kurz landet sie ungewollt in der Redaktion Aishwarya Rai Bachchan nach dem Beginn der Endtitel eine Aus- einer Finanzzeitschrift – und hat gro- Kinostart: 12. März 2009 blendung, d.h. es war kein Bild mehr ßen Erfolg. Der sehr an SCHOKOLA- kopiert, sondern nur noch der Ton. DE ZUM FRÜHSTÜCK erinnernde Film Man soll’s nicht glauben, aber da hat Vielleicht war’s ja besser so... mag eigentlich nur denjenigen unter- mich eine amerikanische Komödie mal halten, der auf kreischende Frauenzim- wieder zum Lachen gebracht! Zwar Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009 mer steht, die sich um Schnäppchen nicht die ganze Zeit, aber immerhin “in Deutschlanddepression und Kaufrausch zanken. Sorry, nicht mein Ding. Von selected scenes”. Denn wenn Steve Ein Double Feature ohne richtige Hö- einer Komödie erwarte ich nämlich Martin alias Inspektor Clouseau in die hepunkte... nach wie vor, dass sie mich zum Lachen Rolle des Papstes schlüpft und vom bringt. Aber offensichtlich erwarte ich berühmten Balkon stürzt, dann reizt DEUTSCHLAND 09 – 13 KURZE FIL- einfach zuviel....? das meine Lachmuskeln. Ansonsten ist ME ZUR LAGE DER NATION (1.1.85, der Film eher dahingeplätschert und 2K Digital, PCM 5.1) Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009 konnte eigentlich nur noch durch die Verleih: Piffl Von Ratten und Mäusen indische Schönheit Aishwarya Rai Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Ein computeranimiertes Märchen hat punkten. Zwar nicht schauspielerisch, Regie: Fatih Akin, Wolfgang Becker, mir den Mittag versüßt... aber optisch. Sylke Enders, Dominik Graf, Romuald Karmakar, Nicolette Krebitz, Isabelle DESPEREAUX – DER KLEINE MARLEY & ICH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Stever, Hans Steinbichler, Tom Tykwer, MÄUSEHELD (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Marley & Me Hans Weingartner, Christoph OT: The Tale of Despereaux Verleih: Fox Hochhäusler, Dani Levy, Angela Verleih: Universal Land/Jahr: USA 2008 Schanelec Land/Jahr: USA 2008 Regie: David Frankel Kinostart: 26. März 2009 Regie: Robert Stevenhagen, Sam Fell Darsteller: Owen Wilson, Jennifer Anis- Kinostart: 19. März 2009 ton, Alan Arkin 13 deutsche Filmregisseure liefern in 13 Kinostart: 5. März 2009 Kurzfilmen ihre Sicht auf die aktuelle Wer etwas übrig hat für kleine Mäuse Lage Deutschlands. Fazit: mehr depres- mit übergroßen Ohren und Ratten mit Was ich anfangs als billige Kreisch- siv als aufbauend. Die Kurzfilme sind feinem Geruchssinn, der ist hier richtig nummer eingestuft hatte, überraschte sehr unterschiedlich und reichen von aufgehoben. Ein liebevoll computer- mich angenehmer als mir lieb war. Der bitterem Sarkasmus über schwarzen animierter Film entfaltet sich vor unse- Griff zum Taschentuch am Ende des Humor bis hin zu surrealem Arthouse- ren Augen – in CinemaScope. Der klei- Films war unausweichlich. Eine wun- Kino. Mit am besten gefiel mir Tom ne Despereaux wird von der Mäusewelt derschön erzählte Geschichte über die Tykwers Beitrag mit Benno Fürmann in in die Rattenwelt verbannt, weil er ein- Gründung einer kleinen Familie, die den

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog

Umweg über einen Hund nimmt. Owen stellungen, einem State-of-the-Art Nanking die dortige Dependance der Wilson und Jennifer Aniston verkör- Sounddesign, einer perfekten Film- Firma Siemens leitete. Als die Japaner pern das junge Paar. Und es funktio- musik und einem optimalen Cast prä- Nanking einnehmen, ist er die treiben- niert hervorragend! Nicht das stereoty- sentiert Ole Bornedal einen packenden, de Kraft hinter dem Projekt, das die pe amerikanische Ach-sind-wir-toll- schwarzhumorigen Thriller, bei dem Zivilbevölkerung vor den Greueltaten Paar, sondern ein glaubwürdiges. Und sicherlich Altmeister Hitchcock seinen der Japaner schützen soll. Eindrucks- das ist in amerikanischen Filmen äußert Spaß gehabt hätte. Was mich allerdings voll in Szene gesetzt vermag der groß selten. Dazu noch hervorragend photo- ziemlich gestört hat, das ist die un- angelegte Film durchaus zu fesseln. graphiert. Wer dann noch Hunde mag, glaublich steril klingende deutsche Dank eines großartigen Ulrich Tukur dem wird dieser Film ans Herz wachsen. Synchronfassung. Das dänische Origi- erscheint die Titelrolle zum Greifen nal kam da um Welten besser bei mir nah. Störend empfand ich jedoch die Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 an! Nichtsdestotrotz sei dieser Film all Greueltat des deutschen Verleihs, der Richtig guter Kinoaschermittwoch denjenigen wärmstens empfohlen, die den Film komplett eindeutschen ließ. Was mir an Fasching besonders gut ihn im letzten Jahr nicht auf dem So sprechen dann nicht nur die echten gefällt? Wenn es vorbei ist! Denn dann Fantasy Filmfest sehen konnten. Deutschen hervorragendes Deutsch, nimmt der gewohnte tägliche Kinogang sondern auch Japaner und Chinesen wieder seinen Lauf... RELIGULOUS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) und lassen uns Zuschauer dadurch OT: Religulous geradezu vor Ehrfurcht erschaudern ob Verleih: Central des dialektfrei gesprochenen Deutsch. Land/Jahr: USA 2008 Die Authentizität des Werkes leidet Regie: Larry Charles darunter leider erheblich. Darsteller: Bill Maher Kinostart: 2. April 2009 27. Februar 2009 Gala der Superhelden In bestem Michael Moore Stil mischt Zum Wochenausklang gab es 163 Mi- sich Komödiant Bill Maher unter das nuten lang optische Brillanz! religiöse Volk und fragt ziemlich genau nach, was es denn so auf sich hat mit WATCHMEN – DIE WÄCHTER (1:2.35, der Bibel und dem Koran. Und er bringt DD 5.1) seine streng gläubigen Interviewpart- Verleih: Paramount ner dabei ziemlich in Verlegenheit. Es Land/Jahr: Großbritannien/USA 2009 darf gelacht werden – ob es allen Regie: Zack Snyder schmeckt oder nicht. Ich habe mich Darsteller: Carla Gugino, Billy Crudup, köstlich amüsiert über die Erklärungs- Jeffrey Dean Morgan versuche der “Religionsopfer”. Mein Kinostart: 5. März 2009 Tipp: anschauen! Schier unendlich scheint das Comic- 26. Februar 2009 Reservoir, aus dem sich zeitgenössi- Mein Name ist Rabe sche Filmemacher bedienen. Jetzt war BEDINGUNGSLOS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Unglaublich – unsere Drehbuchautoren WATCHMEN dran. Mit Zack Snyder als OT: Kærlighed på film / Just Another haben wieder einen guten Deutschen Regisseur hat die Comicverfilmung Love Story gefunden J offensichtlich genau ins Schwarze ge- Verleih: MFA (24 Bilder) troffen. Derart visuell beeindruckend Land/Jahr: Dänemark 2007 JOHN RABE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) war zuletzt SIN CITY! Auch inhaltlich Regie: Ole Bornedal Verleih: Majestic (Fox) hat die Sci-Fi-Saga durchaus etwas zu Darsteller: Anders Wodskou Land/Jahr: Deutschland/Frankreich u.a. bieten. Immerhin geht es um eine Hand- Berthelsen, Rebecka Hemse, Nikolaj Lie 2009 voll Superhelden, die der Nixon-Regie- Kaas Regie: Florian Gallenberger rung zum Sieg im Vietnam-Krieg verhel- Kinostart: 9. April 2009 Darsteller: Ulrich Tukur, Daniel Brühl, fen. Und das ist erst der Anfang. Nebst Anne Consigny netten Splattereinlagen bietet das über- Höchst erfreulich ist die Tatsache, dass Kinostart: 2. April 2009 lange Werk unter anderem eine Heldin es mein persönlicher Favorit des letzt- im engen Latex-Kostüm (was sonst?) jährigen Fantasy Filmfests zu einer Manchmal frage ich mich was für Stoffe und einen vergewaltigenden Super- Auswertung in bundesdeutschen Ki- verfilmt werden würden, hätte es den helden. Wer optisch brillante Comic- nos geschafft hat. Wen wundert’s: Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht gegeben. Egal Adaptationen mag, dem sei der Gang nicht nur ist es ein verdammt guter – heute wurde der versammelten Presse ins Kino empfohlen! Film, sondern gleich noch der erfolg- wieder ein erschütterndes Schicksal reichste dänische Film aus 2007. Mit präsentiert: John Rabe, der Ende der opulenten Bildern voll irrwitziger Ein- dreißiger Jahre im chinesischen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Szenen, Bildergalerie, Spiel Dir. Stig Lasseby, Jan Gissberg Trickfilm/Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 FF DD 2.0 (D) Animation 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 97min. 77min. Walt Disney Studios 18.06.2009 starmedia 08.04.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029928 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029902 Affenchaos Aberne Og Det Hemmelige Våben City Hunter-Movie: Magnum with Madagascar / Madagascar 2 (2 Dir. Jannik Hastrup Love and Fate Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1995 FF (D) 60min. City Hunter: Ai To Shukumei No Magnum Madagascar / Madagascar: Escape 2 starmedia 08.04.2009 Booklet Africa Zeichentrick/Action 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029897 Dir. Eric Darnell 2.0 (Jap) 90min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2005-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD AV Visionen ( Video) 30.03.2009 Air Gear-Box - Gesamtausgabe (6 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029817 DVDs) 5.1 (It) 176min. Air Gear Das fehlende Glied Paramount (DreamWorks) 03.04.2009 Screensaver, Wallpaper 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029841 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Le Chaînon Manquant 2.0 (Jap) 625min. Dir. Picha Madagascar / Madagascar 2 (2 Zeichentrick 1980 93min. AV Visionen (Anime Video) 30.03.2009 DVDs) 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029816 WVG Medien (WVG Domestic) 08.05.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029836 Madagascar / Madagascar: Escape 2 Augsburger Puppenkiste - Der Africa Der große Knall Dir. Eric Darnell Prinz von Pumpelonien The Big Bang Trickfilm/Komödie 2005-2008 DD 5.1 (D) DD Dir. Sepp Strubel Dir. Picha 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 169min. Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1990 FF DD 2.0 (D) Zeichentrick/Erotik 1984-1987 93min. Paramount (DreamWorks) 03.04.2009 115min. WVG Medien (WVG Domestic) 08.05.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029840 S.A.D. 20.03.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029837 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029799 Noddy - Bahn frei für Noddy Hänsel und Gretel Noddy Augsburger Puppenkiste - Die Spiel, Film-Quiz, Trailer, Hörbuch, Internetlink Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) Museumsratten (2 DVDs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Dir. Harald Schäfer 60min. Lighthouse 16.03.2009 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1967-1972 256min. starmedia 08.04.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029888 S.A.D. 20.03.2009 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029901 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029800 Noddy - Einmal groß sein He Is My Master - Gesamtausgabe Noddy Augsburger Puppenkiste - Die (4 DVDs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) Opodeldoks Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama 90min. Dir. Sepp Strubel Dir. Shoji Saeki Lighthouse 16.03.2009 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1980 FF DD 1.0 (D) Sammelkarte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029927 115min. Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) S.A.D. 20.03.2009 DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 360min. Nouky & seine Freunde, Vol. 1 - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029801 AV Visionen (Anime Video) 30.03.2009 Lachen macht Spaß und sechs 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029818 weitere Episoden Augsburger Puppenkiste - Die Horseland Vol. 5 - Turnier auf der Kinderfilm min. vergessene Tür / Die Wetterorgel Universal Pictures (Universal Junior) Dir. Sepp Strubel Pferderanch 16.04.2009 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1985-1988 FF DD 2.0 Horseland tba BestellNr.: 20029910 (D) 120min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2008 FF DD S.A.D. 20.03.2009 2.0 (D) 50min. Nouky & seine Freunde, Vol. 2 - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029802 SPV (Panini) 20.03.2009 Nouky erkundet den Garten und 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029958 sechs weitere Episoden Augsburger Puppenkiste - Fünf Horseland Vol. 6 - Besuch auf der Kinderfilm min. auf dem Apfelstern Pferderanch Universal Pictures (Universal Junior) Dir. Sepp Strubel 16.04.2009 Horseland Behind the Scenes, Making of, Denk und Dachte: Uhren tba BestellNr.: 20029911 messen Zeit (1975) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2008 FF DD Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) 2.0 (D) 50min. Nouky & seine Freunde, Vol. 3 - 120min. SPV (Panini) 20.03.2009 S.A.D. 20.03.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029959 Nouky lernt zählen und sechs 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029803 weitere Episoden I’’s Pure & From I’’s - Gesamtaus- Kinderfilm min. Biene Maja - Teil 14 gabe (4 DVDs) Universal Pictures (Universal Junior) Mitsubachi Maya No Boken I’’S 16.04.2009 Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Dir. Mamuro Kanbe tba BestellNr.: 20029912 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 FF DD 1.0 (D) Handytasche, Mobile Cleaner 96min. Zeichentrick/Komödie 2002-2005 FF DD 2.0 Nouky & seine Freunde, Vol. 4 - Warner Home Video 22.05.2009 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) DD 2.0 (Jap) Piraten in der Sonne und vier 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029810 240min. weitere Episoden AV Visionen 30.03.2009 Kinderfilm min. Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Fälle (+ 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029819 DVD) (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures (Universal Junior) Der kleine Kater Pelle 16.04.2009 Bolt tba BestellNr.: 20029913 Dir. Byron Howard, Chris Williams Pelle Swanslös Bonusfilm, Making of, Musikvideo, Featurette, Entfallene

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The Piano Forest DVDs) Asterix & Obelix gegen Caesar Piano No Mori Drama 1960 FF DD 1.0 (D) 500min. (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 29.04.2009 Astérix & Obélix Contre César (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029952 Christian Clavier, Gérard Depardieu, AV Visionen (Anime Video) 27.04.2009 Roberto Benigni, Michel Galabru, Claude tba BestellNr.: 20029918 American Soldiers - Ein Tag im Piéplu, Daniel Prévost, Pierre Palmade, Irak (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Laetitia Casta, Arielle Dombasle, Sim, Mari- Wonder Woman (Einzel-DVD) American Soldiers anne Sägebrecht, Gottfried John, Jean- Wonder Woman Curtis Morgan, Zan Calabretta, Jordan Pierre Castaldi, Jean-Roger Milo, Jean- Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Trailer Brown, Eddie Della Siepe, Ben Gilbank, Jacques Devaux, Hardy Krüger jr., Michel Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2009 DD 5.1 (D) DD Shaun Garrett - Dir. Sidney J. Furie Muller, Olivier Achard, Jacques Delaporte - 5.1 (E) 90min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Dir. Claude Zidi Warner Home Video 15.05.2009 Kriegsfilm/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Komödie/Abenteuer 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DTS- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029850 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 110min. HMH (Great Movies) 19.03.2009 Wonder Woman (Special Edition, Concorde 02.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029884 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029926 2 DVDs) Wonder Woman And Now ... Ladies and Gentle- Das Begräbnis Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Kurzfilm, men hintergrundinfos, Trailer The Funeral Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2009 DD 5.1 (D) DD And Now ... Ladies And Gentlemen Christopher Walken, Chris Penn, Vincent 5.1 (E) 90min. Jeremy Irons, Patricia Kaas, Thierry Gallo, Benicio Del Toro, Annabella Sciorra, Warner Home Video 15.05.2009 Lhermitte, Alessandra Martines, Jean-Marie Isabella Rossellini, Gretchen Mol, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029851 Bigard, Claudia Cardinale, Ticky Holgado, Ventimiglia, Paul Hipp - Dir. Abel Ferrara Yvan Attal, Amidou, Sylvie Loeillet, Patrick Bildergalerie, Trailer Zombie-Loan, DVD 01 Braoudé, Constantin Alexandrow, Stéphane Drama 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 95min. Zonbi Rôn Ferrara, Samuel Labarthe, Paul Freeman, Booklet Souad Amidou, Laura Mayne-Kerbrat, Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD Gregory Reznik, Charles Gérard, Nicholas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029866 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. Jones, Nabil Massad, Mouna Fettou - Dir. AV Visionen (Anime Video) 30.03.2009 Claude Lelouch Blood Car (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029820 2 Fassungen, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Inter- Blood Car views, Filmografien, Promptview Mike Brune, Anna Chlumsky, Katie Rowlett, Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Roudie Augustin, Vince Canlas, Barbara (D) DD 2.0 (F) 106min. Carnes, Jacqueline Flash, Zachary Flash - e-m-s GmbH (3L) 23.04.2009 Dir. Alex Orr Film 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029930 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer Komödie/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Die 3-Groschen-Oper (Einzel-DVD) Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda - Season 1.2 (3 DVDs) DD 2.0 (E) 104min. Rudolf Forster, Carola Neher, Reinhold Ascot Elite (Atomik-Films) 06.04.2009 Andromeda 1.02: Double Helix / Angel Schünzel, Fritz Rasp, Valeska Gert, Lotte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029940 Lenya, Hermann Thimig, Ernst Busch, Paul Dark, Demon Bright Kemp - Dir. Georg Wilhelm Pabst Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Ryder, Lexa Doig - Dir. Boystown (OmU) Michael Rohl, Allan Eastman Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Interview, Booklet Chuecatown Drama/Musical 1931 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 1.0 Science Fiction 2000 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Pablo Puyol, Rosa Maria Sardà, Eduard (D) 105min. (E) 82min. Soto, Montserrat Alcoverro, Ángel Burgos, absolut Medien (absolut Klassik) Ascot Elite (Kurt Media) 06.04.2009 Margarita Calatayud Joral, Eduardo Casa- 13.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029944 nova, Joan Crosas, Carlos Fuentes, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029805 Anna und die Liebe - Box 3 (4 Mariola Fuentes, Pepon Nieto - Dir. Juan Die Abfahrer Flahn DVDs) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Detlev Quandt, Ludger Schnieder, Jeanette Biedermann, Roy Peter Link, Heike Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Sp) DD Anastasios Avgeris, Beate Brockstedt, Jonca, Mathieu Carrière, Karolina Lodyga, 2.0 (Katalan) 93min. Josefine Carree - Dir. Prof. Adolf Winkel- Lars Löllmann, Franziska Matthus, Rainer Pro-Fun Media 09.04.2009 mann Will, Alexander Klaws, Sebastian König - 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029922 Audiokommentar, Kurzfilm, Videokommentar, Soundtrack, Trailer Dir. Cornelia Dohrn, Kai Meyer-Ricks Drama/Komödie 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Komödie/Lovestory 2008 min. Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten 94min. Polyband 29.05.2009 Peter Thom, Max Bössl, Christa Weizmüller, Turbine Medien 16.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029831 Toni Mang - Dir. Rainer Geis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029824 Hintergrundinfos, Bildergalerie, Trailer Asterix & Obelix gegen Caesar Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1959 FF DD Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 11 Astérix & Obélix Contre César 1.0 (D) 74min. Kinowelt 01.04.2009 Erdogan Atalay, René Steinke, Charlotte Christian Clavier, Gérard Depardieu, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029879 Schwab, Gottfried Vollmer, Carina Wiese, Roberto Benigni, Michel Galabru, Claude Piéplu, Daniel Prévost, Pierre Palmade, Dietmar Huhn, Thure Riefenstein, Guntbert Buried Alive - Lebendig begra- Warns, Uwe Bohm, Christian Tasche, Frank Laetitia Casta, Arielle Dombasle, Sim, Mari- Stieren, Henning Baum - Dir. Carmen Kurz, anne Sägebrecht, Gottfried John, Jean- ben (k.J.) Axel Barth, Raoul W. Heimrich, Alexander Pierre Castaldi, Jean-Roger Milo, Jean- Buried Alive Stahl Jacques Devaux, Hardy Krüger jr., Michel Leah Rachel, Erin Lokitz, Tobin Bell, Ger- Action/Kriminalfilm 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) Muller, Olivier Achard, Jacques Delaporte - maine De Leon, Terence Jay, Steve 227min. Dir. Claude Zidi Sandvoss, Lindsey Scott - Dir. Robert Universum Film (RTL video) 08.05.2009 Komödie/Abenteuer 1998 106min. Kurtzman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029835 Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) Bildergalerie, Trailer 02.04.2009 Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Am grünen Strand der Spree (5 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029925 (E) 91min. e-m-s GmbH (3L) 23.04.2009

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20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029931 Dir. Charles Band Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Dokumentationen, Dokumentarfilm, Interviews The Butcher / Drive Thru (2 DVDs) (E) 80min. Drama 1925-1964 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Dän) (k.J.) Sunfilm (marketing-film) 03.04.2009 433min. Kinowelt (Arthaus) 17.04.2009 The Butcher / Drive-Thru 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029812 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029860 Catherine Wreford, Leighton Meester - Dir. Deception - Tödliche Versuchung Edward Gorsuch, Brendan Cowles Eden Lake (k.J.) Trailer, Outtakes Deception Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Ewan McGregor, Hugh Jackman, Michelle Eden Lake DD 5.1 (E) 163min. Williams, Maggie Q, Natasha Henstridge, Michael Fassbender, Kelly Reilly, Thomas e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 23.04.2009 Malcolm Goodwin, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Lynn Turgoose, Jack O’Connell, Bronson Webb, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029932 Cohen - Dir. Marcel Langenegger Shaun Dooley, Finn Atkins - Dir. James Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Watkins Casa de los babys Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Interviews, Outtakes, Featurette / Gekürzte Fassung Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Casa De Los Babys (E) 102min. DD 5.1 (E) 86min. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Marcia Gay Harden, Universum Film (UFA) 08.05.2009 Senator 17.04.2009 Daryl Hannah, Susan Lynch, Mary 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029852 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029857 Steenburgen, Lili Taylor, Rita Moreno, Diary of the Dead (2 DVDs) (k.J.) Vanessa Martinez, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Die Eisbombe Bruno Bichir, Angelina Pelaez, Juan Carlos Diary Of The Dead Eike Weinreich, Karoline Eichhorn, Peer Vives, Miguel Rodarte, David Hevia, Martha Michelle Morgan, Joshua Close, Shawn Martiny, Katharina Schüttler, Heike Jonca, Higareda, Toni Marcin, Lourdes Echevarría, Roberts, Scott Wentworth, Amy Ciupak Leon Wessel - Dir. Oliver Jahn Blanca Loaria, Guillermo Iván Dueñas - Dir. Lalonde, Joe Dinicol, Christopher Violette, Satire 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 John Sayles Tatiana Maslany - Dir. George A. Romero Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos, Interviews Featurettes, Audiokommentar (D) 93min. Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 good!movies (Neue Visionen) 27.03.2009 (Sp) 91min. (E) 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029957 Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 Universum Film (UFA) 08.05.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029942 28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029853 Emmanuelle - Die Kunst der Ek- stase (Special Edition Steelbook) Jackie Chans Hunter Pack: Action Die Didi-Box (6 DVDs) (Blu-ray) Ach du lieber Harry! / Der Schnüffler / Didi Hunter / City Hunter (2 DVDs) Emmanuelle: The Art Of Ecstasy - Der Doppelgänger / Didi und die Rache Dragons Forever / Cheng Shi Lie Ren Natasja Vermeer, Danny Pape, Ava Lake, der Enterbten / Didi auf vollen Touren / Jackie Chan - Dir. Sammo Hung, Jing Wong Molly Greene, Kira Cantrell, Lolana - Dir. Der Experte Eastern/Action 1988-1993 DD 5.1 (D) DD Yamie Philippi Dieter Hallervorden, Tilo Prückner, Manfred 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Kanton) 197min. Erotik 2003 FF DD 3.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Lehmann, Iris Berben Splendid (Amazia) 26.06.2009 HMH (Great Movies) 30.04.2009 Komödie 1981-1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) tba BestellNr.: 20029829 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029859 530min. Chicago Massacre - Richard Turbine Medien 16.03.2009 Ende der Unschuld (2 DVDs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029825 Speck (k.J.) Rolf Hoppe, Walter Kreye, Udo Samel, Jür- Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck Dieses obskure Objekt der Be- gen Hentsch, Hanne Hiob, Jörg Gudzuhn, Fred Düren - Dir. Frank Beyer Corin Nemec, Andrew Divoff, Tony Todd, gierde (2 DVDs) Debbie Rochon, Joanne Chew, Amy Drama 1990 FF DD 1.0 (D) 180min. Cet Obscur Objet Du Désir Lyndon, Daniel Bonjour - Dir. Michael Feifer Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 29.04.2009 Dokumentation Fernando Rey, Carole Bouquet, Ángela 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029953 Thriller/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Molina, Julien Bertheau, André Weber, DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 99min. María Asquerino, David Rocha - Dir. Das Ende der Welt MIG Filmgroup 09.04.2009 Jacques de Baroncelli, ca. 110 Min.), Doku- End Of The World tba BestellNr.: 20029811 mentation „Luis Buñuel, Atheist von Gottes Christopher Lee, Sue Lyon, Kirk Scott, Lew Gnaden“ (1985, Regie: Georg Bense und Ayres, Dean Jagger, Mcdonald Carey - Dir. Jean Cocteau Edition (3 DVDs) Hans Peter Kochenrath, ca. 42 Min.), Doku- John Hayes Orphée / Der Doppeladler / Die schreckli- mentation „Ein Werk vollenden“ (2005, Re- Science Fiction/Horror 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) chen Eltern gie: Luc Lagier, ca. 25 Min.), Fotogalerie, DD 1.0 (E) 88min. Jean Marais, Maria Casarès, Marie Déa, Filminformationen als PDF, Trailer MIG Filmgroup 09.04.2009 Edwige Feuillère - Dir. Jean Cocteau Bonusfilm, Dokumentation, Bildergalerie, Filminfos, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029934 Drama 1977 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Drama 1947-1949 293min. (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 100min. AL!VE (Pierrot Le Fou) 03.04.2009 Erik im Land der Insekten Kinowelt (Arthaus Premium) 17.04.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029792 Erik Of Het Klein Insectenboek 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029861 Jasper Oldenhof, Anne-Mieke Ruyten, Jaak Dannys Mutprobe Divine Weapon (Special Edition, van Assche, Georgina Verbaan, Trudy The Climb Labij, Lenette van Dongen, Yale Sackman, John Hurt, Gregory Smith, David Strathairn, 2 DVDs) Ralph Caspers - Dir. Gidi van Liempd Stephen McHattie, Seth Smith, Sarah Shin Ge Jeon Trailer Buxton, Marla Sokoloff, Matthew Ness - Jeong Jae-yeong, Heo Jun-ho, Ahn Sung- Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD Dir. Bob Swaim kee, Han Eun-jeong - Dir. Kim Yu-jin 2.0 (D) 96min. Drama 1997 Ltbx (D) 94min. Making of, Interviews, Featurette starmedia 08.04.2009 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD starmedia 08.04.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029899 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 129min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029898 Splendid (Amazia) 29.05.2009 The Evil Offspring (k.J.) Dead Man’s Hand - Casino der 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029832 The Evil Offspring Verdammten (k.J.) John Anton, Jim Lewis, Rudy Hatfield - Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer Edition (4 Tommy Brunswick Dead Man’s Hand DVDs) Horror/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Scott Whyte, Robin Sydney, Sid Haig, Wes Der Tag der Rache / Das Wort / Du sollst DD 2.0 (E) 75min. Armstrong, Kristyn Green, Jessica Morris - deine Frau ehren / Gertrud starmedia (Los Banditos) 11.03.2009

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029905 Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen Ascot Elite (Kurt Media) 06.04.2009 Komödie 2008 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029943 Feuer und Schwert - Die Legende (It) DD 5.1 (Tschech) 90min. von Tristan und Isolde (2 DVDs) Warner Home Video 15.05.2009 Das Haus in der Karpfengasse (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029847 Christoph Waltz, Antonia Preser, Peter DVDs) Firth, Leigh Lawson, Brendan Cauldwell, Gnaw (k.J.) Edith Schultze-Westrum, Frantisek Don Foley, Rita Kail, Walo Lüönd, Liam Filipovsky, Ladislav Kriz, Wolfgang Kieling, Gnaw O’Callaghan, Archie O’Sullivan, Kurt Raab, Rosl Schäfer, Jana Brejchová, Helmut Sara Dylan, Oliver Lee Squires, Rachel Vladek Sheybal, Molly von Fürstenberg, Schmid - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann Mitchem, Hiram Bleetman, Julia Vandoorne, Christine Wipf - Dir. Veith von Fürstenberg Drama 1964 FF DD 1.0 (D) 175min. Nigel Croft-Adams - Dir. Gregory Mandry Trailer, ebooks, Mini Hörbuch, Bildergalerie Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.03.2009 Horror/Komödie 2009 min. Historienfilm 1981 Ltbx (D) (E) 95min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029796 AL!VE (Ostalgica) 27.03.2009 Splendid (I-On New Media) 29.05.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029950 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029833 Der Hochzeitstag Großstadtrevier - Box 12, Folge Faithful Fire & Ice - The Dragon Cher, Chazz Palminteri, Ryan O’Neal, Paul Chronicles (Special Edition) 177 bis 192 (4 DVDs) Mazursky, Amber Smith, Elisa Leonetti, Fire & Ice Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, Mark Nassar, Stephen Spinella, Jeffrey Amy Acker, Tom Wisdom, John Rhys- Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter Wright, David Merino, Steven Randazzo, Davies - Dir. Jean-Christophe „Pitof“ Comar Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Olinda Turturro - Dir. Paul Mazursky Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike Bildergalerie, Trailer (E) 99min. Carrière, Kay Sabban Komödie 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Splendid 24.04.2009 Kriminalfilm/Drama 1986-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 88min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029838 2.0 (D) 800min. Kinowelt 03.04.2009 Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 29.04.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029874 Frau Holle - Ein Märchen von 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029954 Goldmarie und Pechmarie Hooligans (Blu-ray) Großstadtrevier - Box 17, Folge Green Street Hooligans Lucie Englisch, Madeleine Binsfeld, Iris Elijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam, Claire Forlani, Mayer, Addi Adametz, Walter Feuchten- 257 bis 272 (4 DVDs) Marc Warren, Leo Gregory, Terence Jay, berg, Alfons Teuber, Rudolf Rhomberg - Dir. Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, Henry Goodman, Geoff Bell, Rafe Spall, Peter Podehl Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter Hintergrundinfos, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Plakate Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Kieran Bew, Ross McCall, Francis Pope, Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1961 FF DD Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike Christopher Hehir - Dir. Lexi Alexander 1.0 (D) 71min. Carrière, Kay Sabban Featurette, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DTS (D) DTS Kinowelt 01.04.2009 Kriminalfilm/Drama 1986-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD (E) 106min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029880 2.0 (D) 800min. Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029945 The Fruit Machine 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029795 The Fruit Machine Hooligans 2 - Stand Your Ground Emile Charles, Tony Forsyth, Robert Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten - Green Street Hooligans 2: Stand Your Stephens, Clare Higgins, Bruce M. Payne, Stars, Fashion & More (2 DVDs) Ground Robbie Coltrane, Carsten Norgaard, Kim Wolfgang Bahro, Ismail Sahin, Jeanette Marina Sirtis, Ross McCall, Timothy V. Christie, Louis Emrick - Dir. Philip Saville Biedermann, Raphaël Vogt, Natalie Alison, Murphy, Vernon Wells, Graham McTavish, Thriller/Drama 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Maike von Bremen, Frank-Thomas Mende, David Mattey, Matthias Hues, Peter DD 2.0 (E) 120min. Josephine Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter Klebsch, O’Meara, Anthony Vitale, Jerry Trimble, Pro-Fun Media 09.04.2009 Roman Roth, Yvonne Catterfeld, Robert Treva Etienne - Dir. Jesse V. Johnson 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029923 Lyons, Nina Bott, Susan Sideropoulos, Behind the Scenes, Hintergrundinfos, Interviews, Making of, Hanne B. Wolharn, Felix von Jascheroff, Originaltrailer Geheimnisse eines Sommers Hans Christiani, Lisa Riecken, Daniel Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Summer Of The Colt Fehlow, Mia Aegerter, Oliver Bender, Ulrike DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Héctor Alterio, Alexandra London, Juan de Frank, Uta Kargel, Neshe Demir, Pete Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 Benedictis - Dir. André Melançon Dwojak, Jörn Schlönvoigt, Anne Menden, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029947 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1990 FF DD 2.0 (D) Jessica Ginkel, Nik Breidenbach, Kristin 92min. Meyer, Sarah Tkotsch, Alexander Becht, Hooligans 2 - Stand Your Ground starmedia 08.04.2009 Raul Richter, Arne Stephan, Janina Uhse, (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029900 Jasmin Weber, Shai Hoffmann - Dir. Jörg Green Street Hooligans 2: Stand Your Wilbrandt, Seyhan Derin, Juri Neumann, Ulf Ground Der geteilte Himmel (2 DVDs) Borchardt, Andreas Morell, Boris Keidies, Marina Sirtis, Ross McCall, Timothy V. Eberhard Esche, Renate Blume, Hilmar Daniel Anderson, Ralph Bridle, Hartwig van Murphy, Vernon Wells, Graham McTavish, Thate, Hans Hardt-Hardtloff, Günter Grab- der Neut, Ariane Zeller, Dominikus Probst, David Mattey, Matthias Hues, Peter bert, Martin Flörchinger, Erica Pelikowsky - Franziska Hörisch, Andreas Tanger, René O’Meara, Anthony Vitale, Jerry Trimble, Dir. Konrad Wolf Wolter, Lars Morgenroth, Michael Ammann, Treva Etienne - Dir. Jesse V. Johnson Booklet, Biografie, Interview Britta Keils, Dieter Laske, Samira Radsi, Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Drama 1964 DD 1.0 (D) 116min. Klaus Witting DD 5.1 (E) 98min. absolut Medien (filmedition Suhrkamp) Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 20.03.2009 Drama 1992-2008 FF DD 1.0 (D) 220min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029946 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029806 Senator 24.04.2009 28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029784 Die Glamour-Clique - Cinderellas In der Hölle ist der Teufel los Hellzapoppin Rache Evelyn Hamanns Geschichten aus Ole Olsen, Harold Ogden „Chic“ Johnson, The Clique dem Leben - Volume 1 (3 DVDs) Robert Paige, Jane Frazee, Lewis Howard, Ellen Marlow, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Sophie Evelyn Hamann Martha Raye, Clarence Kolb, Nella Walker, Anna Everhard, Samantha Boscarino, Interviews, Trailer Mischa Auer - Dir. Henry C. Potter Stephen Guarino, Elisabeth Keifer, Vanessa Komödie/Drama 1993-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Komödie 1941 FF DD 1.0 (D) 81min. Marano - Dir. Michael Lembeck 540min. Universum Film (UFA) 08.05.2009

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029854 Thriller 1971 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Wiedemann, Andrea Grosske, Suzanne (E) 89min. Roquette, Heribert Faßbender, Ralf Gregan, Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 04 (4 Kinowelt 17.04.2009 Gisela Marx, Joachim Richert, Walter DVDs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029862 Spiske, Hans Werner Conen - Dir. Tom Midsomer Murders Toelle Kriminalfilm 1999-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Wong Kar-Wai - Arthaus Close-Up Interview, Audiokommentar, Biografie, Bonusfilm: Smog Thriller/Satire 1970 FF DD 1.0 (D) 95min. (D) DD 2.0 (E) 400min. (3 DVDs) Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 03.04.2009 edel 03.04.2009 Chungking Express / Fallen Angels / 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029814 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029924 Happy Together Dir. Wong Kar Wai Ministerium der Angst Invasion - Angriff der Körper- Intro, 4 versteckte Lieder, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergale- rie, Produktionsnotizen, Trailer Ministry Of Fear fresser Drama 1994-1997 283min. Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds, Carl Infection Kinowelt (Arthaus) 17.04.2009 Esmond, Hillary Brooke, Dan Duryea, Percy Jenny Dare Paulin, Morgan Weisser, Alan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029865 Waram, Alan Napier - Dir. Fritz Lang Abelew, Norbert Weisser, Scott Paulin - Dir. Thriller 1945 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Albert Pyun Kill (OmU) 83min. Trailer, Teaser Kiru Universum Film (UFA) 08.05.2009 Horror/Science Fiction 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD Tatsuya Nakadai, Etsushi Takahashi, Naoko 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029855 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 80min. Kubo, Shigeru Kôyama, Akira Kubo, epiX Media 24.04.2009 Seishiro Kuno, Nami Tamura, Tadao Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029929 Nakamaru - Dir. Kihachi Okamoto Edition 1 (8 DVDs) Trailer The Avengers Je t’aime moi non plus Action/Eastern 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Je T’aime Moi Non Plus Patrick Macnee, Diana Rigg (Jap) 114min. Kurzfilm, Dt. Vorspann, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Jane Birkin, Joe Dallesandro, Hugues Rapid Eye Movies 17.04.2009 Booklet, Trailer Quester, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Gérard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029909 Action/Komödie 1961-1969 FF DD 1.0 (D) Depardieu - Dir. Serge Gainsbourg DD 1.0 (E) 1284min. Bildergalerie, Trailer Takeshi Kitano Collector’s-Box Kinowelt 03.04.2009 Drama 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029790 (F) 85min. (Omu) (3 DVDs) (FSK 18) Violent Cop / Boiling Point / Sonatine Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 Morgendämmerung 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029875 Takeshi Kitano Kinotrailer Come The Morning Jeanne D’Arc Action 1989-1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Jap) Susan Howard, John Schneider, Travis 282min. Knight, Heather Ramsey, Stanley Kamel, Joan Of Arc Rapid Eye Movies 20.03.2009 J.D. Hall - Dir. Michael O. Sajbel LeeLee Sobieski, Jacqueline Bisset, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029822 Drama 1993 60min. Powers Boothe, Neil Patrick Harris, Maury Hänssler-Verlag (Hänssler Video) Chaykin, Olympia Dukakis, Jonathan Hyde, Der kleine Vampir - Alle Abenteu- 16.03.2009 Robert Loggia, Shirley MacLaine, Peter tba BestellNr.: 20029804 O’Toole, Maximilian Schell, Peter Strauss - er (8 DVDs) Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1986-1992 FF DD 2.0 Dir. Christian Duguay Nackter Tango Historienfilm/Drama 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 730min. Naked Tango (D) DD 2.0 (E) 180min. Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.03.2009 Mathilda May, Esai Morales, Vincent Winkler Film 03.04.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029797 D’Onofrio, Fernando Rey, Josh Mostel, Cipe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029813 Marquis de Sade (Uncut Version) Lincovsky - Dir. Leonard Schrader Bildergalerie, Trailer Jede Menge Kohle (FSK 18) Drama/Erotik 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) 85min. Detlev Quandt, Uli Heucke, Hermann Lause, Marquis De Sade Kinowelt 17.04.2009 Martin Lüttge, Tana Schanzara - Dir. Prof. Nick Mancuso, Janet Gunn, Charlotte 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029863 Adolf Winkelmann Nielsen, John Rhys-Davies - Dir. Gwyneth Audiokommentar, Soundtrack, Trailer Gibby No. 12 - Das Haus am Central Drama/Komödie 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Erotik/Drama 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD Park 98min. 5.1 (E) 92min. The Glow Turbine Medien 16.03.2009 HMH 19.03.2009 Portia De Rossi, Dean Cain, Hal Linden, 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029826 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029887 Dina Merrill, Joseph Campanella, Grace Just Friends - No Sex (Blu-ray) Mein Leben & Ich - Die komplette Zabriskie, Sabrina Grdevich, Kari Matchett, Jonas Chernick, Jack Jessop, Joan Just Friends dritte Staffel (3 DVDs) Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart, Anna Faris, Gregson, Yanna McIntosh, Roberta Interviewdokumentation Angelica, Ellen-Ray Hennessy, Richard Chris Klein, Christopher Marquette, Julie Komödie 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) 300min. Fitzpatrick, Jason Blicker, John Gilbert, Hagerty, Stephen Root, Fred Ewanuick, Turbine Medien 10.04.2009 Corrine Connely, Ian Downie - Dir. Craig R. Amy Matysio, Barry Flatman - Dir. Roger tba BestellNr.: 20029788 Kumble Baxley Trailer, Musikvideo, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Mein Leben & Ich - Die komplette Bio- und Filmografien, Originaltrailer, Wendecover Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 MA Thriller 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. vierte Staffel (3 DVDs) (D) DD 2.0 (E) 85min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 09.04.2009 Interviewdokumentation e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 09.04.2009 Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) 300min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029935 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029936 Turbine Medien 10.04.2009 Kalter Schweiß tba BestellNr.: 20029789 Noble House (2 DVDs) Noble House De La Part Des Copains Das Millionenspiel (2 DVDs) Charles Bronson, Liv Ullmann, James Pierce Brosnan - Dir. Gary Nelson Dieter Thomas Heck, Jörg Pleva, Dieter Mason, Jill Ireland, Michel Constantin, Luigi Bildergalerie, Trailer Hallervorden, Joseph Fröhlich, Theo Fink, Action/Abenteuer 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Pistilli, Yannick de Lulle, Paul Bonifas, Sabi- Friedrich Schütter, Peter Schulze-Rohr, (D) DD 1.0 (E) 357min. ne Sun, Jean Topart - Dir. Terence Young Featurette, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografie, Trailer Annemarie Schradiek, Elisabeth Kinowelt 17.04.2009

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029864 reiter: Die komplette Staffel 2 & 3 1.0 (D) 59min. in einer Box (4 DVDs) Kinowelt 01.04.2009 Opfer (Einzel-DVD, OmU) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029881 PS Offret Hans Putz, Wega Jahnke, Detlof Krüger, Erland Josephson, Susan Fleetwood, Schwarz Rot Gold - Folge 01-06 (3 Lutz Mackensy, Liane Hielscher, Friedrich Valérie Mairesse, Allan Edwall, Gudrún Schütter, Günter Pfitzmann, Gerd Baltus - DVDs) Gísladóttir, Sven Wollter, Filippa Franzen, Dir. Claus Peter Witt Uwe Friedrichsen Tommy Kjellquist, Per Kallman, Tommy Drama/Komödie 1975-1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) Kriminalfilm 1982-1995 FF DD 1.0 (D) Nordahl - Dir. Andrej Tarkowski 480min. 540min. Drama 1985 FF DD 2.0 (Schwed) 143min. Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 09.04.2009 Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 29.04.2009 absolut Medien 06.03.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029896 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029956 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029807 Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Pazifikgeschwader 214 - Folge 5, Riekes Wildpferd Wild Horse Button 6 Linda Digernes, Susanne Nielsen, Trygve The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Baa Baa Black Sheep Vassborn, Michael Solhjem, Arild Elias Tor- Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Taraji P. Henson, Robert Conrad, Robert Ginty, John gersen, Bergliot Sandvik, Berit Egset, Julia Ormond, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas, Larroquette, W.K. Stratton, Dana Elcar, Jostein Vagsholm, Gro Ann Uthaug, Lasse Tilda Swinton, Jared Harris, Elle Fanning, Joey Aresco, James Whitmore Jr., Dirk Kolsrud, Henki Kolstad, Kare Kroppan - Dir. Mahershalalhashbaz Ali - Dir. David Fincher Blocker, Jeff MacKay, Simon Oakland, Morten Kolstad Drama/Fantasy 2008 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Steven Richmond, Byron Chung, Red West, Kinderfilm 1994 FF DD 2.0 (D) 86min. 160min. Larry Manetti, Charles Napier - Dir. Alex starmedia 22.04.2009 Warner Home Video 29.05.2009 Beaton, Robert Conrad, Dana Elcar, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029892 tba BestellNr.: 20029842 Lawrence Doheny, Jackie Cooper, Philip DeGuere, Edward Dein, Russell Mayberry, Robin Hood - König der Diebe Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Barry Shear, Jeannot Szwarc, William (Blu-ray) Button (Blu-ray) Wiard Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Komödie 1976-1978 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Christian Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Taraji P. Henson, (E) 90min. Slater, Alan Rickman, Mary Elizabeth Julia Ormond, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas, Zyx 13.03.2009 Mastrantonio, Nick Brimble, Michael Tilda Swinton, Jared Harris, Elle Fanning, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029889 McShane, Geraldine McEwan, Michael Mahershalalhashbaz Ali - Dir. David Fincher Peter Strohm - Staffel 3, Folgen Wincott, Brian Blessed, Sir Sean Connery - Drama/Fantasy 2008 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Dir. Kevin Reynolds 166min. 27-37 (4 DVDs) Abenteuer/Action 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Warner Home Video 29.05.2009 Klaus Löwitsch, Ulrich von Dobschütz, (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029843 Emilio De Marchi, Michèle Marian, Holger 155min. Mahlich, Matthias Ponnier, Katrin Schaake, Warner Home Video 22.05.2009 Shelter (OmU) Angelika Bartsch, Hannelore Hoger, Con- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029844 Shelter stanze Engelbrecht - Dir. Pete Ariel, Sigi Trevor Wright, Ross Thomas, Brad Rowe, Rothemund, Ilse Hofmann, Franz Novotny, Robocop 4 - Law & Order Tina Holmes, Christina Blevins, Katie Lutz Büscher, Werner Woess, Rainer Bär, Robocop - The Future Of Law Enforcement Walder, Matt Bushell - Dir. Jonah Markowitz Sylvia Hoffmann, Kurt W. Oehlschläger, Richard Eden, Yvette Nipar, Blu Mankuma, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Peter Kahane, Kai Wessel, Hans Noever, Cliff De Young, John Rubinstein - Dir. Paul Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 Peter Adam, Urs Egger, Hartmut Griesmayr, Lynch (E) 90min. Jindrich Mann, Bernd Fischerauer, Marian- Filmografien Pro-Fun Media 29.04.2009 ne Lüdcke, Jürgen Roland, Vadim Glowna, Action/Science Fiction 1994 FF DD 5.1 (D) 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029917 Martin Gies DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Kriminalfilm 1988-1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) Sunfilm (marketing-film) 03.04.2009 Sholay (OmU) 550min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029914 Sholay Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 29.04.2009 Amiteb Bachchan 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029955 Rosen blühen auf dem Heidegrab Booklet, Poster Ruth Niehaus, Konrad Mayerhoff, Hilde Action/Abenteuer 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Rosamunde Pilcher Collection Körber, Armin Dahlen, Hermann Schomberg (Hindi) 189min. VIII - Liebe im Herzen (3 DVDs) - Dir. Hans H. König Rapid Eye Movies 27.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029794 Wiedersehen am Fluss / Sommer der Lie- Trailer Drama/Heimatfilm 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) be / Nebel über Schloss Kilrush / Flügel 77min. Sick Pigs der Hoffnung / Der Mann meiner Träume / e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 23.04.2009 Christian Beuter, Eva-Maria Pilz, Felix Sieg der Liebe 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029933 Spiess, Dirk Eykenboom, Heinz Petri, Ralph Drama 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Stieber, Jan Terstiege, Marcus Zollfrank, 540min. Die Ruhrgebietssaga (4 DVDs) Adam Jaskolka, Martin Helstone, Peter Universum Film (ZDF Video) 08.05.2009 Die Abfahrer / Jede Menge Kohle / Super / Dubiel, Stefan Schwenk, Carole Schmitt, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029856 Nordkurve Ramin Shafiai - Dir. Stefan Schwenk Die poetische Kraft der Theorie / Dir. Prof. Adolf Winkelmann Making of, Musikvideo, Interviews, Outtakes, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Kurzfilm, Videokommentar, Soundtrack, Audiokommentar Alle Gefühle glauben an einen Bildergalerien, Interview Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2003-2007 Ltbx 16x9 glücklichen Ausgang (2 DVDs) Komödie/Drama 1978-1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 114min. 450min. starmedia 11.03.2009 Dir. Alexander Kluge Booklet, DVD-ROM-Teil Turbine Medien 16.03.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029906 Kurzfilm 1998-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) 270min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029827 Film & Kunst (Edition Filmmuseum) Siesta 27.02.2009 Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Siesta 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029858 Rosemarie Seehofer, Ursula Herion, Ruth Ellen Barkin, Gabriel Byrne, Julian Sands, von Zerboni - Dir. Erich Kobler Isabella Rossellini - Dir. Mary Lambert PS - Franz Brodzinski & Feuer- Hintergrundinfos, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Thriller 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1955 FF DD (E) 93min.

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Concorde 16.04.2009 1968 Tunnel Rats 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029919 Terminator 2 - Tag der Abrech- Michael Paré, Nate Parker, Brandon Fobbs, nung (Limited Skynet Fan Editi- Rocky Marquette, Jeffrey Christopher Smart People on, Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Todd, Garikayi Mutambirwa, Erik Eidem, Smart People Mitch Eakins, Wilson Bethel, Jane Le, Brad Terminator 2: Judgment Day Dennis Quaid, Ellen Page, Sarah Jessica Schmidt, Scott Cooper, John Wynn, Scott Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Parker, Thomas Haden Church, Ashton Ly, Adrian Collins - Dir. Uwe Boll Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Joe Holmes - Dir. Noam Murro Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar Audiokommentar, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Morton, Xander Berkeley, Earl Boen - Dir. Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer James Cameron DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 96min. Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Interaktive Features Splendid 29.05.2009 Action/Science Fiction 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029834 Kinowelt 05.06.2009 DTS-HD 7.1 HR (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) tba BestellNr.: 20029830 156min. Um Himmels Willen - 6. Staffel (4 Kinowelt 22.05.2009 So finster die Nacht 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029890 DVDs) Fritz Wepper, Janina Hartwig, Rosel Zech, Låt Den Rätte Komma In Karin Gregorek, Emanuela von Franken- Kåre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson, Per Der Terror führt Regie berg, Donia Ben-Jemia, Nathalie Schott, Ragnar, Henrik Dahl, Karin Bergquist, Peter Perché Si Uccide Un Magistrato? Anna Luise Kiss, Andrea Sihler, Andrea Carlberg, Ika Nord, Mikael Rahm, Karl-Ro- Franco Nero, Françoise Fabian, Marco Wildner, Lars Weström, Gerhard Wittmann, bert Lindgren, Anders T. Peedu, Pale Guglielmi, Mico Cundari, Renzo Palmer - Dir. Wolfgang Müller, Helen Zellweger, Anne Olofsson - Dir. Tomas Alfredson Damiano Damiani Trailer, Leseproben, Hintergrundinfos Trailer Weinknecht, Horst Sachtleben - Dir. Ulrich Horror/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Thriller 1974 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (It) 105min. König DD 5.1 (Schwed) 110min. AL!VE (Colosseo) 27.03.2009 Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Ascot Elite (MFA) 20.05.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029809 625min. tba BestellNr.: 20029891 Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.03.2009 This Is (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029798 Spring Breakdown This Is England Spring Breakdown Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Jo United Trash Parker Posey, Amber Tamblyn, Missi Pyle, Hartley, Andrew Shim, Perry Benson, Frank Udo Kier, Kitten Natividad, Joachim Jane Lynch, Mae Whitman, Sophie Monk, Harper - Dir. Tomaschewsky, Johnny Pfeiffer, Jones Justin Hartley, Loretta Devine - Dir. Ryan Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Dokumentation, Muguse, Miklos Königer, Peter Kern, Tho- Hintergrundinfos, Interviews, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen mas Chibwe - Dir. Christoph Schlingensief Shiraki Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Satire 1995 min. Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 103min. Senator 15.05.2009 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 80min. Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029849 Warner Home Video 15.05.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029948 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029848 Tischlein deck dich The Unseen - Zurück ins Leben The Drum Beats Twice Strohfeuer Rolf Bollmann, Hans Elwenspoek, Louise Amy Redford, Costas Mandylor, Charles Margarethe von Trotta, Friedhelm Ptok, Hinne, Margarete Henning-Roth, Erich Hol- Durning, Kenneth Del Vecchio, Eileen Martin Lüttge, Ute Ellin, Nikolaus Vesely, der, Fritz Wepper - Dir. Jürgen von Alten Ruth Hellberg, Walter Sedlmayr, Georg Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer Fulton, Evan Hart, Louis Mandylor, Susan Marischka, Hans Ohly, Wolfgang Bächler, Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1956 FF DD Misner, Robert Clohessy, Laura Bell Bundy, Horatius Haeberle, Wilhelm Grasshoff - Dir. 1.0 (D) 73min. Brooke Lewis, Jeff Quinlan, Eric „Kaos“ Volker Schlöndorff Kinowelt 01.04.2009 Etebari - Dir. Kenneth Del Vecchio Interviews, Pressematerial und Dokumente als PDF, Bilderga- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029882 Trailer lerie, Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Drama 1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) 98min. Trennung (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 starmedia (Los Banditos) 08.04.2009 Disengagement 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029878 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029903 Juliette Binoche, Liron Levo, Jeanne Der Tag, an dem die Erde still- Moreau, Barbara Hendricks, Dana Ivgy, Valmont Hiam Abbass, Tomer Russo, Israel Katorza, Valmont stand (Special Edition, 2 DVDs) Yussef Abu Warda, Uri Ran Klauzner - Dir. Colin Firth, Annette Bening, Meg Tilly, The Day The Earth Stood Still Amos Gitai Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Trailer Fairuza Balk, Sian Phillips, Jeffrey Jones, Bates, Jon Hamm, Jaden Smith, John Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 110min. Henry Thomas - Dir. Milos Forman Cleese, Juan Riedinger - Dir. Scott AL!VE (Pandora) 17.04.2009 Drama 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Derrickson 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029893 (E) 131min. Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Concorde (Concorde Classic Selection) Featurettes Tunnel Rats (Special Edition) 16.04.2009 Science Fiction/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1968 Tunnel Rats 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029920 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 99min. Michael Paré, Nate Parker, Brandon Fobbs, Fox 15.05.2009 Rocky Marquette, Jeffrey Christopher Verraten tba BestellNr.: 20029951 Todd, Garikayi Mutambirwa, Erik Eidem, Drama 20min. Tashunga - Gnadenlose Verfol- Mitch Eakins, Wilson Bethel, Jane Le, Brad Hänssler-Verlag (Hänssler Video) Schmidt, Scott Cooper, John Wynn, Scott 27.02.2009 gung Ly, Adrian Collins - Dir. Uwe Boll tba BestellNr.: 20029808 North Star Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar James Caan, Christopher Lambert, Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD Vivah - Mein Herz bleibt dir treu Catherine McCormack, Burt Young - Dir. 5.1 (E) 92min. Vivah Nils Gaup Splendid 29.05.2009 Shahid Kapoor, Amrita Rao, Anupam Kher - Original Kinotrailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029839 Dir. Sooraj R. Barjatya Abenteuer/Action 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Making of, Trailer (D) DD 2.0 (E) 85min. Tunnel Rats (Special Edition) Drama/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Warner Home Video 22.05.2009 (Blu-ray) DD 5.1 (Hindi) 166min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029845 Rapid Eye Movies 03.04.2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029793 heimnisvolle Reiter / Winde der Wildnis von Alten, Gustav Maler - Dir. Peter Podehl John Wayne Hintergrundinfos, Bildergalerie, Trailer Voces Inocentes - Unschuldige Western FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 165min. Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1957 FF DD Stimmen HMH (Great Movies) 19.03.2009 1.0 (D) 55min. Kinowelt 01.04.2009 Voces Inocentes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029885 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029883 Carlos Padilla, Leonor Varela, Gustavo John Wayne in Farbe (Holzbox Muñoz, José María Yazpik, Ofelia Medina, Zabriskie Point Daniel Giménez Cacho, Jesús Ochoa - Dir. Edition 2) Zabriskie Point Luis Mandoki Gestohlene Ware / Goldgier / Gold in den Daria Halprin, Mark Frechette, Joe Chaikin, Bildergalerie, Featurette, Making of, Trailer Hügeln Rod Taylor, Paul Fix, Harrison Ford, G. D. Drama 2004 DD 5.1 (Sp) 120min. John Wayne Spradlin, Bill Garaway, Kathleen Cleaver - Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 Western FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 165min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029949 Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni HMH (Great Movies) 19.03.2009 Original Kinotrailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029886 Walang kawala - Ohne Ausweg Drama 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) DD 1.0 (It) 109min. (OmU) Wie ein Schrei im Wind Warner Home Video 22.05.2009 Walang Kawala The Trap 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029846 Bildergalerie, Trailer Rita Tushingham, Oliver Reed, Rex Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Sevenoaks, Barbara Chilcott, Linda Zerrissen (Tagalog) 100min. Goranson, Blain Fairman - Dir. Sidney Torn cmv-Laservision 20.03.2009 Hayers Holly Aird, Adam Kotz, Emma Natasha 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029823 Soundtrack, Alternativfassung Miles, Poppy Miller, Nicola Walker, Owen Abenteuer 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD Donovan, Bradley Walsh - Dir. Sarah War Inc. - Sie bestellen Krieg: 1.0 (E) 102min. Harding Schröder Media 07.02.1996 Wir liefern! Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029828 War, Inc. (D) DD 2.0 (E) 106min. John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Marisa Tomei, Wiedersehen mit Brideshead starmedia 11.03.2009 Hilary Duff, Sir Ben Kingsley, Ben Cross, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029907 Shirly Brener, Montel Williams - Dir. Joshua Brideshead Revisited Seftel Matthew Goode, Ben Whishaw, Hayley Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergale- Atwell, Emma Thompson, Michael Gambon, rie Ed Stoppard, Felicity Jones, Greta Scacchi, Satire/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Joseph Beattie, Anna Madley, Patrick Special Interest DD 5.1 (E) 103min. Malahide, Jonathan Cake - Dir. Julian e-m-s GmbH (3L) 09.04.2009 Jarrold 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029937 Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Bugs! - Abenteuer Regenwald in DD 5.1 (E) 128min. 3D (Blu-ray) War Inc. - Sie bestellen Krieg: Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) Bugs! - 3D Wir liefern! (Blu-ray) 16.04.2009 Dir. Mike Slee War, Inc. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029921 Original Kinotrailer, TV-Spots in 3D und nicht-3D, Interviews, John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Marisa Tomei, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Bildergalerie Hilary Duff, Sir Ben Kingsley, Ben Cross, Die Wildgänse kommen / Tobruk Dokumentarfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DTS (D) Shirly Brener, Montel Williams - Dir. Joshua (2 DVDs) DTS (E) DTS (F) 125min. Seftel Wild Geese / Tobruk Ascot Elite 06.04.2009 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergale- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029941 rie Richard Burton, Roger Moore, Richard Harris, Hardy Krüger, Stewart Granger, Satire/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 Comrades in Dreams - Leinwand- MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 107min. Rock Hudson - Dir. Andrew v. McLaglen, e-m-s GmbH (3L) 09.04.2009 Arthur Hiller fieber (OmU) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029938 Kriegsfilm 1966-1978 (D) (E) 234min. Dir. Uli Gaulke e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 09.04.2009 Audiokommentar, Making of, Outtakes, Bildergalerie The Warlords (2 DVDs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029939 Dokumentarfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 (E/F/Korea/ Maha) 94min. Tau Ming Chong AL!VE (Flying Moon) 26.03.2009 Jet Li, Andy Lau, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Jinglei Der Wolf - Box 01 (2 DVDs) 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029904 Xu, Zhou Bo, Gu Bao-ming - Dir. Peter Chan Varg Veum Making of, Original Kinotrailer, Trailer Kriminalfilm 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD (D) 180min. Jacques Cousteau Edition - Ge- 5.1 EX (D) DTS-ES 6.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) S.A.D. 14.04.2009 heimnisse des Meeres, Teil 2 (3 109min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029785 DVDs) KSM 07.05.2009 Jacques-Yves Cousteau 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029915 Der Wolf - Box 02 (2 DVDs) Dokumentation/Natur FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Varg Veum (F) 540min. The Warlords (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 AL!VE (Pierrot Le Fou) 09.04.2009 Tau Ming Chong (D) 180min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029894 Jet Li, Andy Lau, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Jinglei S.A.D. 14.04.2009 Xu, Zhou Bo, Gu Bao-ming - Dir. Peter Chan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029786 Dalai Lama Renaissance Making of, Tagebuch, Trailer Dalai Lama Renaissance Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 Der Wolf - Box 03 (2 DVDs) Dir. Khashyar Darvich DTS-HD 6.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) Varg Veum Trailer, Interviews 113min. Kriminalfilm 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Dokumentarfilm 2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 KSM 07.05.2009 (D) 180min. (E) 81min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029916 S.A.D. 14.04.2009 AL!VE (Horizon Film) 27.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029787 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029821 John Wayne in Farbe (Holzbox Edition 1) Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein Deep Blue - Entdecke das Ge- Feuerwasser und frische Blüten / Der ge- Helmo Kindermann, Harriet Gessner, Jürgen heimnis der Ozeane (Blu-ray)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Deep Blue Grzimek: Ein Platz für Tiere - Rät- ser (Blu-ray) Dir. Alastair Fothergill, Andy Byatt, Martha selhafte Tierwelt Microcosmos Holmes Dir. Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou BD-Live, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interview, Behind the Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek - Dir. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek Making of, Interviews, Trailer Scenes, Isolierte Musikspur, Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Natur 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DTS- Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DTS- Bonus-Sketch und -Film HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 75min. HD 5.1 HR (D) DTS-HD 5.1 HR (E) 91min. Dokumentation/Tiere 1967-1974 FF DD 1.0 Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 (D) 171min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029876 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029867 Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) 03.04.2009 Erde, Wasser, Luft, Eis - Die gro- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029873 Nomaden der Lüfte - Das Ge- ße Naturfilm Edition (4 Discs) heimnis der Zugvögel (Blu-ray) Michael Moore Hates America Le Peuple Migrateur (Blu-ray) Michael Moore Hates America Dir. Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cluzaud, Mi- Die Reise der Pinguine / Deep Blue / No- Michael Wilson, Michael Moore, Penn chel Debats maden der Lüfte / Mikrokosmos Jillette, Albert Maysles - Dir. Michael Wilson BD-Live, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Featurette, Dir. Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, Luc Trailer, Featurette Musikvideo, Vogel-Almanach, Trailer Jacquet, Jacques Perrin, Alastair Fothergill Dokumentarfilm/Politik 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD Dokumentarfilm 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 Diverse 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 94min. MA (D) 98min. Dokumentation/Natur 1996-2005 346min. KSM 09.04.2009 Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 Kinowelt (Arthaus) 03.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029895 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029877 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029868 Mikrokosmos - Das Volk der Grä- Flow - Wasser ist Leben Flow: For Love Of Water Dir. Irena Salina Dokumentation/Gesellschaft 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Sunfilm 03.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029791 Grzimek: Ein Platz für Tiere - Be- drohte Tierwelten Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek - Dir. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek Featurette, Ein Ausschnitt aus einer der ersten Sendungen 1965 (s/w) Dokumentation/Tiere 1967-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) 171min. Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) 03.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029869 Grzimek: Ein Platz für Tiere - Die Edition (4 DVDs) Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek - Dir. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek Featurettes, Ein Ausschnitt aus einer der ersten Sendungen 1965 (s/w), Bonus-Sketch und -Film Dokumentation/Tiere 1967-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) 689min. Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) 03.04.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029870 Grzimek: Ein Platz für Tiere - Die wilde Tierwelt Afrikas Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek - Dir. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek Featurettes Dokumentation/Tiere 1967-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) 171min. Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) 03.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029871 Grzimek: Ein Platz für Tiere - Eu- ropas Tierwelt verstehen Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek - Dir. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grzimek Featurettes Dokumentation/Tiere 1967-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) 173min. Concorde (Concorde Home Edition) 03.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029872

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Virgil Films And Entertainment 07.04.2009 Animation 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084940 ’s Greatest Chases: Volume Two The Mysterious Cities Of Gold: A Bug’s Life (Blu-ray) Comedy, Family, Animated Animals 100min. The Complete Series - Deluxe Warner Bros. 16.06.2009 Denis Leary, Madeline Kahn, Hayden 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084764 Panettiere, Phyllis Diller, Kevin Spacey, Edition Dave Foley, Brad Garrett, David Hyde Adventure, Anime, Family, Foreign, Pierce, Richard Kind, Jonathan Harris Japanese 1982 1120min. Viva Pinata: Lights, Camera, Ac- Journey inside the miniature world of bugs for bigger-than-life Virgil Films And Entertainment 07.04.2009 tion! fun and adventure under every leaf! Crawling with imaginative 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084941 characters, hilarious laughs and colorful animation, Disney Based On Video Game, Comedy, Computer and Pixar’s A Bug’s Life will „delight everyone — young, old Animation, Family, Animated Animals or six-legged.“ (People Magazine) On behalf of „opressed The Spectacular Spider-Man: 100min. bugs everywhere,“ an inventive ant named Flik hires „warrior bugs“ to defend his colony from a horde of freeloading Volume 4 Shout Factory 19.05.2009 grasshoppers, led by Hopper. But when Flik’s cavalry turns Superheroes, Based On Comic Book, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084870 out to be a ragtag group of flea circus performers, the stage is set for comic well as unlikely heroes! Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Featuring a star-studded voice cast, A Bug’s Life presents an Animated Feature Films 92min. We’re Back!: A Dinosaur’s Story amazing new perspective on teamwork and determination - Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated revealing subtle new details each time you watch it! 28.04.2009 Feature Films, Dinosaurs, Family, Fantasy Bugs, Comedy, Computer Animation, Dis- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084680 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 72min. ney, Family, Animated Feature Films 1998 Universal Studios 26.05.2009 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084698 Disney / Buena Vista 19.05.2009 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084851 Season 7 - Part 1 (The Leonardo Slice) Wubbzy’s Big Movie Nickelodeon 82min. Dora The Explorer: Super Babies’ Based On Comic Book, Martial Arts, Ninjas, Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2009 Superheroes, Action 1993 132min. Adventure 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084695 Nickelodeon 2009 95min. Lionsgate 12.05.2009 Nickelodeon 26.05.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084827 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084852 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: HIT Favorites: Playtime Pals Season 7 - Part 2 (The Michel- Film Stop Motion Animation 62min. angelo Slice) 3 Days Of The Condor (Blu-ray) Hit Entertainment 05.05.2009 Based On Comic Book, Martial Arts, Ninjas, Max Von Sydow, John Houseman, Cliff 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084683 Superheroes, Action 1993 154min. Robertson, Faye Dunaway, Robert Redford Lionsgate 12.05.2009 In Sydney Pollack’s critically acclaimed suspense-thriller, Leap Frog: Letter Factory 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084828 Robert Redford (Spy Game) stars as CIA Agent Joe Turner. Leap Frog characters spring to life in this engaging and Code name: Condor. When his entire office is massacred, educational video. A wild adventure to the Letter Factory with Turner goes on the run from his enemies...and his so-called popular LeapFrog characters Leap, Lily and Tad. Led by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: allies. After reporting the murders to his superiors, the wacky Professor Quigley, Tad joins Js jumping on trampolines Season 7 - Part 3 (The Donatello organization wants to bring Condor in - but somebody is and Ks practicing karate kicks as new letters learn their trying to take him out. In his frantic hunt for answers, and in a sounds. Fun songs will have kids singing letter sounds in no Slice) desperate run for his life, Turner abducts photographer Kathy time. Based On Comic Book, Martial Arts, Ninjas, Hale (Faye Dunaway, The Thomas Crown Affair), eventually Animated Animals 2003 35min. seducing her into helping him. Every twist leads Condor to the Superheroes, Action 1993 154min. Lionsgate 12.05.2009 end of his nerves...and will take you to the edge of your seat. Lionsgate 12.05.2009 With nowhere to turn and no one to trust, Turner realizes his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084873 most dangerous enemy may be closer than he ever feared. And 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084829 as he zeroes in on the truth, he discovers there are some secrets people would kill to keep. Leap Frog: Talking Words Factory Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Conspiracies, Murder Mysteries, Special LeapFrog characters spring to life in this engaging and Forces, Spies/Secret Agents, Thrillers 1975 educational video. Leap, Lily, and Tad journey to the Word Season 7 - Part 4 (The Raphael Factory, where the Word Whammer, Sticky-Ick-O-Rama and 117min. more amazing machines take letters and make them into words! Slice) Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 Humorous songs and an out-of-control word machine add to Based On Comic Book, Martial Arts, Ninjas, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084844 the fun. Superheroes, Action 1993 154min. Animated Animals 2003 35min. Lionsgate 12.05.2009 Lionsgate 12.05.2009 Al Diablo Con Guapos 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084830 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084874 Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, 2007 600min. Monsters, Inc. (Blu-ray) Tom And Jerry: The Xenon Entertainment 05.05.2009 John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Jennifer Tilly, Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084681 Penthouse Mouse (1963) The Cat Above and The Mouse Steve Buscemi, James Coburn Below (1964) Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (1964) Much From the Academy Award®-winning creators of Toy Story Ado About Mousing (1964) Snowbody Loves Me (1964) The Anthology Of War On Film comes the world’s #1 computer-animated film that captured the Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse (1964) Ah, Sweet Mouse-story of Patton: Special Edition Sand Pebbles Tora! Tora! Tora!: hearts of fans and critics everywhere. Monsters, Inc. is Life (1965) Tom-ic Energy (1965) Bad Day at Cat Rock Special Edition Von Ryan’s Express: Special Edition A Bridge „visually dazzling, action-packed and hilarious“ (Boston (1965) The Brothers Carry-Mouse Off (1965) Too Far: Collector’s Edition Twelve O’Clock High: Special Herald), featuring groundbreaking animation, imaginative (1965) I’m Just Wild About Jerry (1965) Of Feline Bondage Edition The Great Escape: Special Edition The Battle Of storytelling and unforgettable voice talent. John Goodman (1965) (1965) The Cat’s Me-ouch Britain: Collector’s Edition Platoon: Collector’s Edition stars as the lovable James P. Sullivan (Sulley) and Billy (1965) Duel Personality (1966) Jerry, Jerry, Quite Contrary Vietnam War, War, World War II, Action, Crystal as his wisecracking best friend, Mike Wazowski. (1966) Jerry-Go-Round (1966) Love Me, Love My Mouse Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, (1966) Puss ‘n’ Boats (1966) Filet Meow (1966) Matinee Boxed Sets, Drama, Historical / Period Family, Fantasy, Monsters 2001 93min. Mouse (1966) The A-Tom-inable Snowman (1966) Catty Piece min. Cornered (1966) Cat and Dupli-cat (1966) O-Solar Meow MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Disney / Buena Vista 19.05.2009 (1966) Guided Mouse-ille (1966) Rock ‘n’ Rodent (1967) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084850 Cannery Rodent (1967) The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R. (1967) 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084892 Surf-Bored Cat (1967) Shutter Bugged Cat (1967) Advance The Mysterious Cities Of Gold: and Be Mechanized (1967) Purr-Chance to Dream (1967) Attack Of The Giant Leeches Classics, Comedy, Family, Animated In a small town, the silence is shattered by a rash of The Complete Series Animals 216min. disappearances at the swamp near the old deserted factories. Adventure, Anime, Family, Foreign, Warner Bros. 23.06.2009 Bodies are being discovered with no blood left in their bodies. It’s up to a park ranger and the town sheriff to discover what Japanese 1982 1120min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084903 ungodly creature is responsible for these deaths. It’s only a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 18 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) matter of time before they discover that what they seek are children add their own ideas to these once-upon-a-time tales E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Leeches that have grown to unbelievable size. We bleed- they of heroics and chivalry. Then...magic happens. These feed! nighttime fantasies become Skeeter’s daytime realities, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084872 Horror, Killer Animals, Monsters 76min. leading him on a real-life adventure in search of his own happy ending. Filled with colorful characters, humor and Caleb’s Door Brain Damage Films 12.05.2009 whimsy, this heartwarming comedy will enchant your entire 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084881 family again and again. Caleb, an ex-marine, suffers from horrific nightmares. He jumps from one job and city to the next, searching for answers Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2008 99min. to his problems. He finally moves back to his childhood home Avenging Angelo (Steelbook) Disney / Buena Vista 07.04.2009 to get his life back on track. Unfortunately, he finds that the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084791 life he once knew has completely disappeared. His high Sylvester Stallone, Madeleine Stowe, school sweetheart is engaged and his Parish Priest now Anthony Quinn, Raoul Bova, Harry Van doubts his own faith. Instead of getting better, Caleb’s Gorkum Behind Enemy Lines Ultimate nightmares grow even worse than before. By day he finds Her life is his job.. Action superstar Sylvester Stallone stars Collection himself stuck in a dead end job. In the evening he experiences as Frankie Delano, a tough-as-nails bodyguard who vows to writers block, and worst of all, he spends his nights trying to protect the beautiful Jennifer Barrett (Madeline Stowe), after Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis Of Evil Behind Enemy Lines: elude a mysterious cloaked figure in his dreams. Sleep her father, mafia kingpin Angelo (Anthony Quinn), is gunned Colombia deprived and desperate, he searches for comfort but instead down in cold blood. Now, with nowhere to turn, they must run Navy, Thrillers, War, Action, Boxed Sets, watches as everyone close to him is terrorized by the cloaked for their lives, while being pursued by a murderous hit man creature. Is Caleb losing his mind...or is something trying to Military min. get his attention? determined to eliminate his target at all costs. 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 Action 2002 min. Thrillers 2008 82min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084896 First Look Home Entertainment 04.09.2007 Celebrity Video Distribution 19.05.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084917 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084803 The Best Of Star Trek: The Next B.T.K. Generation Captive Factory Girls 2: The Kane Hodder Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Revolt A middle-aged man who is a leader in his church and works Dorn, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton, Marina After Azusa witnesses a rape at her previous job, she takes a as a compliance officer for the city acts out his need for Sirtis, Gates McFadden, LeVar Burton job at a steel factory in a desolate part of town. Her co- power and control by choosing to prey on and murder innocent workers hate her and her only friend is a young girl, Naomi. A people. He is quickly deemed the „B.T.K.“ killer by the police Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star security guard sexually abuses Azusa and Naomi disappears as his modus operandi is to bind, torture and then kill his Trek 181min. under mysterious circumstances. While the mystery victims. Paramount Pictures 12.05.2009 surrounding Naomi’s disappearance deepens, Azusa finds a Serial Killers, Torture, Horror 2008 85min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084716 clue and the stage is set for a climactic showdown at the Lionsgate 12.05.2009 factory. Thrillers, Erotica 2007 74min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084857 The Best Of Star Trek: The Origi- E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084871 Bedtime Stories nal Series Nichelle Nichols, William Shatner, Leonard Adam Sandler, Guy Pearce, Lucy Lawless, Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Captive Factory Girls: The Courteney Cox, Keri Russell, Teresa James Doohan, Walter Koenig Palmer, Jonathan Pryce, Russell Brand Violation Funnyman Adam Sandler stars in Walt Disney Pictures’ Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star Natsumi (Ai Takeuchi) is forced to work in a steel factory Bedtime Stories, the magical family comedy that’s packed with Trek 201min. notorious for employing women with „dark pasts“ in order to adventure and lots of heart. When Skeeter Bronson (Sandler) Paramount Pictures 12.05.2009 pay off a debt. When one of the workers fails to follow babysits his sister’s (Courteney Cox) children, his instructions, the chief of security rapes her. Natsumi is next imagination runs wild as he dreams up elaborate bedtime 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084717 on his list, but when she tries to fight the insanity she is stories - always casting himself as the hero. Entranced, the hindered by the factory president. It is up to Natsumi to take children add their own ideas to these once-upon-a-time tales Beyond Rangoon on the evildoings of the factory. of heroics and chivalry. Then...magic happens. These Thrillers, Erotica 2007 76min. nighttime fantasies become Skeeter’s daytime realities, Frances McDormand, Spalding Gray, E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 leading him on a real-life adventure in search of his own Patricia Arquette happy ending. Filled with colorful characters, humor and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084869 whimsy, this heartwarming comedy will enchant your entire Drama 1995 Ltbx 16x9 92min. family again and again. Warner Bros. 26.05.2009 Cargo 200 Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2008 99min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084742 The title of Russian director Alexey Balabanov’s twelfth film Disney / Buena Vista 07.04.2009 is a military term for the coffins transporting dead soldiers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084790 Big Shots back home during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The effects of that decade-long conflict provide a unifying theme Comedy, Drama, Foreign 102min. for this highly controversial film that recalls the work of Bedtime Stories (Blu-ray) SISU Entertainment 19.05.2009 Gaspar Noe and Michael Haneke but with a distinctly Russian point-of-view. Cargo 200 begins in 1984 with the Adam Sandler, Guy Pearce, Lucy Lawless, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084925 introduction of two brothers: a Soviet Army colonel, and the Courteney Cox, Keri Russell, Teresa head of the Faculty of Scientific Communism at Leningrad Palmer, Jonathan Pryce, Russell Brand Bunny Chow University. The university professor travels to visit his mother in a remote town. When his car brakes down, he stops Funnyman Adam Sandler stars in Walt Disney Pictures’ Up-and-coming comedians Kags, Joey and Dave make clear Bedtime Stories, the magical family comedy that’s packed with at a rural farmhouse occupied by a husband, wife and their that life in the ‘new’ Johannesburg is not just about hardship Vietnamese farm hand. The professor engages in a adventure and lots of heart. When Skeeter Bronson (Sandler) and townships. It’s also about finding humor in relationships, babysits his sister’s (Courteney Cox) children, his philosophical argument about the existence of God with the hanging out with friends and celebrating life on a raucous family patriarch, whose heated criticisms of official atheism imagination runs wild as he dreams up elaborate bedtime road trip to Oppi Koppi - South Africa’s largest music festival. stories - always casting himself as the hero. Entranced, the are fueled by Utopian dreams and vodka distilled in the family children add their own ideas to these once-upon-a-time tales South African, Comedy, Drama, Foreign barn. Meanwhile, a young man and the daughter of a Soviet of heroics and chivalry. Then...magic happens. These 2006 95min. secretary of a regional party committee meet at a party. The nighttime fantasies become Skeeter’s daytime realities, First Run Features 19.05.2009 couple decides to take a drive, and their destination is th Russian, Thrillers, Drama, Foreign 2007 leading him on a real-life adventure in search of his own 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084813 happy ending. Filled with colorful characters, humor and min. whimsy, this heartwarming comedy will enchant your entire Disinformation 28.04.2009 family again and again. Busty Twins: Lust Connection / Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2008 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084945 Disney / Buena Vista 05.04.2009 Strip For Action (Double Feature) After his wife Susan is found dead, philandering doctor Rick El Cartel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084806 Taylor becomes the prime suspect. Taylor immediately feels the squeeze from detective Blake, who thinks Taylor offed his Thrillers, Action, Drama 2008 87min. Bedtime Stories: Deluxe Edition wife after she uncovered one of his many illicit affairs. Having Polychrome Pictures 12.05.2009 hooked up with numerous insatiable beauties (Monique Adam Sandler, Guy Pearce, Lucy Lawless, Parent, Julie K. Smith, Chasey Lain, Jodie Moore), the doctor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084862 Courteney Cox, Keri Russell, Teresa believes the killer to be one of the women he has slept with. As his remaining hours of freedom quickly pass, Taylor is The Dana Carvey Show Palmer, Jonathan Pryce, Russell Brand consoled by Susan’s equally sexy and voluptuous twin sister, Funnyman Adam Sandler stars in Walt Disney Pictures’ Jenny, who seems to have an uncommonly seductive interest Steve Carell, Dana Carvey, Stephen Colbert Bedtime Stories, the magical family comedy that’s packed with in him. Identical twins Crystal and Jocelyn Potter host a ABC, Comedy, Sketch Comedy 1996 FF adventure and lots of heart. When Skeeter Bronson (Sandler) series of ultra-erotic seduction sequences starring adult babysits his sister’s (Courteney Cox) children, his super-star Taylor Wane and late-night cable vixen Glori-Anne 180min. imagination runs wild as he dreams up elaborate bedtime Gilbert. Shout Factory 12.05.2009 stories - always casting himself as the hero. Entranced, the Thrillers, Double Features, Erotica 170min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084796

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 19 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Happiness and Wild Bees. Doc Drama 113min. Champions Collection Faye Dunaway, Stacy Keach Passion River 06.10.2009 Field Of Dreams Friday Night Lights Seabiscuit Western 1971 96min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084675 Sports, Baseball, Biography, Biopics, MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Boxed Sets, Boxing, Drama, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084887 Football, High School, Horses min. Cowboy Collection Universal Studios 02.06.2009 The Good, The Bad And The Ugly The Magnificent Seven: Dodgeball: Rated (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084920 Collector’s Edition Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Boxed Sets, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Rip Torn, Christi- Classics min. ne Taylor, Justin Long Changing Lanes (Blu-ray) MGM / UA 12.05.2009 You’ll dodge, duck, dip, dive...and laugh out loud watching Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Affleck, William Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller settle their differences in a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084897 winner-take-all dodgeball competition. Under the painful Hurt, Sydney Pollack, Toni Collette, Amanda tutelage of legendary ADAA champ, Patches O’Houlihan (Rip Peet Craving Desire Torn), Peter LaFleur (Vaughn) and his Average Joes take on Modern society draws lines between right and wrong, good the Purple Cobras, led by egomaniacal fitness guru, White and evil, rage and redemption. A moment of self absorption and Serena Grandi, Vittoria Belvedere, Andrea Goodman (Stiller). It’s an over-the-top underdog tale filled a spark of anger will cause the two men to cross them. As the Roncato, Ron Nummi with hilarious sight gags and balls-out fun! battle of wills escalates, both lives are changes forever. Luigi Muscati (Ron Nummi) is a successful man. He is Comedy, Sports 2004 min. Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Affleck star in a provocative and engaged with Cinzia (Simona Borioni), a girl from a wealthy 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 gripping drama that exposes the best and worst in all of us. family, and his career is about to step forward thanks to a Revenge, Thrillers, Action 2002 98min. very profitable business he’s dealing with. During a visit to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084915 Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 Naples, he meets his young cousin Sonia (Vittoria Belvede- re). No longer the little girl he played with as a child, she has Doubt 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084845 blossomed into a sensuous and provocative young woman. On his return home, Sonia turns up on his doorstep needing a Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy The Chick’s Ability place to stay and he invites her to live with him. From that Adams, Viola Davis moment Luigi’s life is transformed from one of quiet stability to From Miramax Films comes one of the most honored and Helena Ramos insane passion as Luigi falls hopelessly in love with Sonia. acclaimed motion pictures of the year, Doubt. Based on the Brazilian legend Helena Ramos stars in this highly erotic He ends his engagement and immerses himself completely in a Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning play, Doubt is a coming-of-age tale. An innocent young girl becomes pregnant series of mind-boggling erotic adventures, until Sonia’s true mesmerizing, suspense-filled drama with four riveting and her newborn child requires life saving medical care. Cast nature is revealed. performances from Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, out by her family, her desperation brings her to a high-class Thrillers, Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1993 Amy Adams and Viola Davis that will have you pinned to the brothel where she sells her flesh to the highest bidders. Non- 101min. edge of your seat. Sister Aloysius Beauvier (Streep), the stop sex and voluptuous bodies fill the screen in this lurid rigid and fear-inspiring principal of the Saint Nicholas tale of a woman who uses sex to save the lives of both herself Mya Communication 28.04.2009 Church School, suffers an extreme dislike for the progressive and her child. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084951 and popular parish priest Father Flynn (Hoffman). Looking for Brazilian, Erotica, Foreign 1984 90min. wrongdoing in every corner, Sister Aloysius believes she’s Impulse Pictures 28.04.2009 Deadly Sweet (Col Cuore In Gola) uncovered the ultimate sin when she hears Father Flynn has 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084946 taken a special interest in a troubled boy. But without proof, Ewa Aulin, Tinto Brass the only thing certain is doubt. Nominated for 5 Academy Starring 17-year-old beauty-contest winner Ewa Aulin Awards and 6 Critics’ Choice awards, there is no Christian Blake (Candy), and Jean-Louis Trintignant (A Man And A Woman), DoubtDOUBT it is „One of the best pictures of the year,“ (USA Today, Rolling Stone, New York Post). Christian Blake. Years later, we find Christian in a barely Deadly Sweet is a most unusual crime story. In the film, a functioning mental asylum run by a sadistic Psychiatrist, Dr. French actor finds his business contact lying murdered on the Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Drama 2008 Rush, and his demented minion Floyd. A young journalist, floor. Rather than call the police, he decides to protect the 103min. Sandra White, is allowed to meet with Christian under the young woman at the scene and nail down the true killers, Miramax 07.04.2009 guise of attempting to understand his past indiscretions. In the which puts him on a collision course with the London beginning her motives appear genuine, but once the real underworld. Deadly Sweet leads us through a mind-bending 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084789 reason for her actions becomes evident, a dormant fury is series of pop-art visuals by renowned erotic cartoonist Guido awakened...will she be able to handle the monster that she Crepax, split screens, triple split screens, and the seductive Doubt (Blu-ray) has awakened? rock score by Armando Trovajoli. Filmmaker Tinto Brass, who later gained fame for his soft-core erotica, wrote the Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy Thrillers, Foreign, Irish, Mental Illness 2008 screenplay in 1967, loosely adapted from a novel by Sergio 88min. Donati, as an outrageous attempt to turn the crime genre on its Adams, Viola Davis Celebrity Video Distribution 19.05.2009 head. It can be said that with this film Cinema Fumetti (comic- From Miramax Films comes one of the most honored and book movies) was invented prior to the more known Danger: acclaimed motion pictures of the year, Doubt. Based on the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084802 Diabolik and BarbarellaA. Cult Epics is proud to present Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning play, Doubt is a Deadly Sweet (aka Heart In His Mouth), a rare giallo thriller mesmerizing, suspense-filled drama with four riveting The Closer: The Complete Fourth unseen since its initial theatrical release, whose lead a performances from Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Giallo, Amy Adams and Viola Davis that will have you pinned to the Season edge of your seat. Sister Aloysius Beauvier (Streep), the Italian 1967 105min. rigid and fear-inspiring principal of the Saint Nicholas Jon Tenney, Corey Reynolds, Kyra Cult Epics 28.04.2009 Church School, suffers an extreme dislike for the progressive Sedgwick, J.K. Simmons, G.W. Bailey, Ro- and popular parish priest Father Flynn (Hoffman). Looking for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084944 wrongdoing in every corner, Sister Aloysius believes she’s bert Gossett, Tony Denison uncovered the ultimate sin when she hears Father Flynn has Detectives, Drama, Independent Women, Designing Women: The Complete taken a special interest in a troubled boy. But without proof, Mystery 2008 690min. the only thing certain is doubt. Nominated for 5 Academy First Season Awards and 6 Critics’ Choice awards, there is no Warner Bros. 26.05.2009 DoubtDOUBT it is „One of the best pictures of the year,“ 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084750 Jean Smart, Annie Potts, Dixie Carter, Delta (USA Today, Rolling Stone, New York Post). Burke, Meshach Taylor Drama, Mystery, Religion/Spirituality 2008 Come Hell Or High Water CBS, Comedy, Independent Women 1986 FF 103min. 510min. Western 2008 min. Miramax 07.04.2009 Shout Factory 26.05.2009 North American Motion Pictures 31.03.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084805 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084797 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084804 Durdy Game: Director’s Cut The Country Teacher Direct Contact Drama, Independent Women 2002 95min. A gifted and well-qualified young teacher takes a job teaching Dolph Lundgren Xenon Entertainment 12.05.2009 natural sciences at a grammar school in the country. Here he Action min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084688 makes the acquaintance of a woman and her troubled 17-year First Look Home Entertainment 02.06.2009 old son. The teacher has no romantic interest in the woman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084916 but they quickly form a strong friendship, each recognizing Earthquake In Chile the other’s uncertainties, hopes and longing for love. When Romance, Drama, Foreign, German 86min. the teacher’s ex-boyfriend comes to visit from the city, he Direct Contact (Blu-ray) quickly realizes that nobody in the village knows that the Facets Video 26.05.2009 teacher is gay and harbors a secret affection for the teenage Dolph Lundgren 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084782 boy. His jealous actions set in motion a series of events that Action min. will test the inner strength and compassion of the teacher, the First Look Home Entertainment 02.06.2009 woman and her son to a breaking point. A beautifully shot, The Eddie Black Story powerfully acted, profoundly moving story of desire, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084956 responsibility, forgiveness and the need to belong, from the Drama, Gangs 2009 85min. internationally-acclaimed director of Something Like Polychrome Pictures 05.05.2009

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084864 Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 Robert Shaw (The Deep, Jaws) and Harrison Ford (The Fugitive, Air Force One) star as fearless World War II 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084846 commandos in this thrilling follow-up to The Guns of El Dorado Navarone. Directed by Guy Hamilton (Goldfinger) and Yvan and Elie are two loners who wander aimlessly through The Fall And Rise Of Reginald adapted to the screen by Robin Chapman (screenplay) and their lives. Yvan is a quick-tempered 40-year-old vintage car Academy Award winner Carl Foreman (screen story), it’s a dealer while Elie is a young burglar and ex-junkie. One day Perrin: The Complete Series large-scale action / adventure saga with „remarkable special Yvan catches Elie trying to rob him. Instead of beating him up, Disillusioned by his unrewarding career at Sunshine Des- effects“ (Los Angeles Times) , a powerful cast and „one hair- he becomes strangely attached to him and agrees to drive him serts, Reginald Perrin (Leonard Rossiter) has a mid-life breadth escape after another“ (Newsweek). In the darkest home to his parents in his old Chevrolet. Yvan and Elie are crisis and fakes his own death. He hilariously attempts to days of World War II, Hitler’s armies are storming through both nostalgic about lost relationships, which is what leads „start over,“ but every time he breaks free, life comes full Europe, annihilating all opposition in their path. But U.S. them to undertake a bizarre journey through a region that is circle and the eccentric Reggie winds up exactly where he Colonel Barnsby (Ford) plots to strike a crippling blow to the as spectacular as it is crazy. Both are trying to find the started. Adapted by David Nobbs from his darkly-comedic brutal Nazi forces. To succeed, he’ll need to help of the most pieces of a puzzle that they want to put back together, but it novels - the complete BBC series as seen on PBS. skilled and lethal soldiers in the world: the Force 10 squad, might be too late. British, Comedy, Foreign 630min. fresh from its triumphant mission at Navarone. Classics, Military, Action, Special Forces, Drama 2008 min. E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Thrillers, War, World War II 1978 125min. Passion River 08.09.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084863 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084669 MGM / UA 12.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084905 Fargo (Blu-ray) El Dorado: Centennial Collection Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Peter Fracture (Blu-ray) John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Paul Fix, Stormare, Steve Buscemi, Harve Presnell Charlene Holt, Michelle Carey, James Caan, Nominated for seven Oscars and winner of two, this darkly Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling, Bob Arthur Hunnicutt amusing thriller combines a first-rate cast, „A Dazzling mix of Gunton, Embeth Davidtz, Rosamund Pike, mirth and malice“ (Rolling Stone) and a bizarre kidnapping Fiona Shaw, David Strathairn, Cliff Curtis, Western, Action, Adventure, Classics 1966 plot that unravels the Midwest like never before. Starring 126min. Frances McDormand, William H. Macy and Steve Buscemi, Billy Burke Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 Fargo is a brilliant tour de force from the creators of Raising Academy Award winner Anthony Hopkins and Academy Award Arizona and O Brother, Where Art Thou? nominee Ryan Gosling are brilliant in this „exceptionally 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084831 suspenseful nail-biter“ (Rex Reed) that’s so smart it „doesn’t Comedy, Cops, Dark Comedy, Kidnapping, let go, even after the final twist“ (Gene Shalit, Today). Ted Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Art Crawford (Hopkins) brutally murders his wife and calmly Electric Blanket House, National Film Registry 1996 Ltbx waits for the police to arrest him. With the weapon and a Drama, Foreign, Israeli 96min. signed confession in hand, Deputy D.A. Willy Beachum 98min. (Gosling), believes a conviction is a slam dunk; that is until SISU Entertainment 19.05.2009 MGM / UA 12.05.2009 the case completely unravels. Now, with little evidence, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084924 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084904 Beachum goes head to head with the cunning Mr. Crawford in a desperate search for the truth and the answer to one burning question: How is this guy getting away with it? End Of The Line Finding Me Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Thrillers Karen, a young psychiatric nurse, boards the last subway train of the night only to have it stop in the middle of the Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2007 113min. tunnel. Suddenly, her nightmare begins: a mysterious cult has 115min. New Line Home Entertainment 16.06.2009 decided that it’s the end of the world and the only way to save TLA Releasing 21.04.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084788 the souls of the living is to kill them in cold blood. As those around her are brutally murdered, Karen and a handful of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084931 survivors must face the homicidal cult, supernatural forces Frankenhood and their own fears of Armageddon in order to survive. Fletch / Happy Gilmore / Mallrats Motown (DeRay Davis) and Darius (Jasper Redd) work in a Horror 2007 95min. morgue, trading put-downs and toiling among the most E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 (Triple Feature) undemanding of customers. But outside of their decidedly Triple Feature, Comedy Ltbx 16x9 min. dreary jobs, the two dream of bigger and better things. If only 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084860 they could win the $25,000 prize that will go to the winners of Universal Studios 05.05.2009 the upcoming 3-on-3 Streetball Tournament. One night, having End Of The Line / Scarce (2 pack) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084700 been demoted to graveyard shift, they run into their semi-sane colleague Franklin (Charlie Murphy) in a dark alley outside Karen, a young psychiatric nurse, boards the last subway the morgue. They find Franklin using the auto battery of train of the night only to have it stop in the middle of the Flirting With Forty Motown’s precious Gremlin to bring to life a monstrous dead tunnel. Suddenly, her nightmare begins: a mysterious cult has Heather Locklear, Vanessa Williams, Robert man (Bob Sapp) whose heart Franklin has just replaced. That decided that it’s the end of the world and the only way to save 3-on-3 basketball tournament isn’t looking so bad...if they can the souls of the living is to kill them in cold blood. As those Buckley just get their new mutant friend to play basketball! around her are brutally murdered, Karen and a handful of Romance, Comedy, Drama 2008 87min. survivors must face the homicidal cult, supernatural forces Sports, Basketball, Comedy, Frankenstein and their own fears of Armageddon in order to survive. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2009 92min. Returning from a snowboarding weekend, three friends take 05.05.2009 Lionsgate 05.05.2009 shelter from a sudden winter storm in an isolated cabin. But 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084822 while waiting out the weather, they are stalked, one by one, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084682 by the cabin’s demented owners. These locals specialize in curing of meat but this time, there is more than venison on the Florence Nightingale The Friends Of Eddie Coyle: The menu. The weekenders find themselves fighting more that the Claire Bloom, Jaclyn Smith, Timothy Dalton, cold; soon they are fighting for their very lives. Criterion Collection 2 Packs, Horror 2007 188min. Jeremy Brett, Timothy West, Peter McEnery Emmy Award-winning director Daryl Duke (TV’s The Thorn Robert Mitchum, Richard Jordan, Peter E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Birds) and Emmy Award-winning writer Rose Leiman Boyle 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084861 Goldemberg (TV’s The Burning Bed) bring this classic TV In one of the best performances of his legendary career, movie to DVD starring Jaclyn Smith and Timothy Dalton. This Robert Mitchum plays small-time gunrunner Eddie „Fingers“ stirring drama is based on the life of Florence Nightingale, an Coyle in Peter Yates’s adaptation of George V. Higgins’s Enemy At The Gates (Blu-ray) aristocratic woman who defied Victorian society to reform acclaimed novel The Friends Of Eddie Coyle. World-weary Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes, Ed Harris, Ron hospital sanitation and to define the nursing profession as it and living hand to mouth, Coyle works on the sidelines of the is known today. After volunteering to travel to Scutari to care seedy Boston underworld just to make ends meet. But when he Perlman, Rachel Weisz, Bob Hoskins for the wounded soldiers of the Crimean war, she was finds himself facing a second stretch of hard time, he’s forced An all-star cast lights up the screen in this riveting epic scorned by her community and faced great opposition for her to weigh loyalty to his criminal colleagues against snitching to hailed as „a vivid dramatization of one of history’s titanic new way of thinking. However, through her selfless acts of stay free. Directed with a sharp eye for its gritty locales and turning points.“ (Gene Shalit, Today) The year is 1942 and the caring, she quickly became known as „The Lady with the an open heart for its less-than-heroic characters, this is one Nazis are cutting a deadly swath through Russia. Under the Lamp,“ the caring nurse whose shadow softened those of the true treasures of 1970s Hollywood filmmaking - a leadership of Khrushchev (Bob Hoskins), the citizens of wounded. suspenseful crime drama in stark, unforgiving daylight. Stalingrad are mounting a brave resistance, spurred by the exploits of their local hero, Vassili Zaitsev (Jude Law). An Romance, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Thrillers, Criterion Collection, Drama 1973 expert sniper, Vassili’s deeds have become legendary - Family, TV Movies 1985 140min. M 102min. thanks to propaganda produced by Vassili’s best friend, a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Criterion 19.05.2009 political officer named Danilov (Joseph Fiennes). To stop Vassili, the Germans dispatch their best sniper, Major Konig 05.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084739 (Ed Harris), to Stalingrad. When Vassili and Danilov both fall 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084823 in love with a beautiful soldier (Rachel Weisz), Danilov Frost / Nixon deserts his friend, leaving Vassili to face his German counterpart alone. As the city burns, Vassili and Konig begin Force 10 From Navarone (Blu-ray) Frank Langella, Sam Rockwell, Rebecca a cunning game of cat and mouse, waging a private war for Edward Fox, Franco Nero, Barbara Bach, Hall, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt, Michael courage, honor and country. Harrison Ford, Robert Shaw, Carl Sheen, Matthew Macfadyen, Toby Jones Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Weathers, Richard Kiel, Alan Badel Politics, Presidents, Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 Thrillers, War, World War II 2001 131min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

DD 5.1 123min. Horror 76min. by putting their current relationships in danger. A story of parenthood, love, married life, betrayal, trust and giving, Universal Studios 21.04.2009 Brain Damage Films 12.05.2009 which touches upon changes in contemporary society and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084792 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084882 family life, as well as the moral and ethical dilemmas brought on by modernity. Frost / Nixon (Blu-ray) Hercules Collection Chinese, Drama, Foreign min. Passion River 09.06.2009 Frank Langella, Sam Rockwell, Rebecca Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott, Reg Park 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084671 Hall, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt, Michael Get ready for a bevy of buxom Amazons, hideous ape men and Sheen, Matthew Macfadyen, Toby Jones gigantic dragons! When the incomparable Steve Reeves was cast as the mythic muscleman Hercules, a screen icon and an In Your Dreams Drama, Politics, Presidents 2008 Ltbx DTS entire film genre was born! Then Mark Forest stars in Mole 123min. Men Against The Son Of Hercules. Maciste (Forest) goes Linda Hamilton, Susan George, Dexter underground to discover the terrifying kingdom of the Mole Fletcher, Parminder Nagra Universal Studios 21.04.2009 Men, who are ruled over by the beautiful but wicked Queen 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084807 Alismoyab (Moira Orfei). Also starring body builder Paul Romance, British, Comedy, Fantasy, Wynter, this is one of the wildest and weirdest of the Italian Foreign 2007 90min. beefcake fests. In Hercules The Avenger, Reg Park returns BFS 14.04.2009 Funny Guy 3 Pack as the mythological son of Jove who undertakes a journey into Office Space: Special Edition With Flair! Young Frankenstein the nether regions battling zombies and monsters along the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084858 National Film Registry, On The Job, Spoofs, way to rescue his son. Then it’s the fantastic Hercules And The Black Pirate, a weird time-travel adventure a la The It Could Happen To You (Blu-ray) Work Sucks, Boxed Sets, Classics, Witch’s Curse. Hercules and Androcles (Ettore Manni), the Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Family, Franken- King of Thebes, venture to Atlantis, where an evil queen Stanley Tucci, Bridget Fonda, Seymour stein, High School min. (played by cult favorite Gay Spain) has hatched a diabolical Cassel, Isaac Hayes, Rosie Perez, J.E. plan for world domination in Hercules And The Captive 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 Women. And Manni is reunited with Reg Park in Hercules, Freeman, Nicolas Cage 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084898 Prisoner Of Nicholas Cage, Bridget Fonda and Rosie Perez star in this irrepressible romantic comedy inspired by the true story of a Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Boxed humble cop who leaves a $2 million tip to a hard-luck Funny Guy 3 Pack (Blu-ray) Sets, Fantasy 787min. waitress. Charlie Lang is a neighborhood cop with a heart of Office Space: Special Edition With Flair! Young Frankenstein Image Ent. 31.03.2009 gold-and a money-hungry wife Muriel who’s always looking for a way to cash in. When she asks Charlie to buy a lottery National Film Registry, On The Job, Spoofs, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084926 ticket, he agrees, then impulsively promises half the winnings Work Sucks, Boxed Sets, Classics, to a waitress, Yvonne. When their numbers hit, the real fun Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Family, Franken- High Hopes begins, as Muriel learns to live large while Charlie and Yvonne learn to love again. A captivating comedy laced with stein, High School min. Edward Furlong, Lacey Chabert, Andy whirlwind romance, „It Could Happen To You should happen to 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 Dick, Danny Trejo, Jason Mewes, David everyone!“ 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084912 Faustino, Corin Nemec, Michael DeLorenzo, Comedy, Romance 1994 101min. Jason Marsden, Edward Bunker Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Gangland: The Complete Season Hollywood hopeful Tom and his posse pin their dreams of 05.05.2009 industry success on Tom’s famous girlfriend starring in their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084842 Three first feature...until she dumps him. Now the plan is to steal a Gangs, History Channel, Reality min. case of government-issued marijuana, return it to the FBI and use the reward money to finance their movie, creating a Ivanhoe! A&E 28.04.2009 hilarious comedy about big plans and the lengths friends will 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084927 go for a good bud. James Mason, Olivia Hussey, Lysette Comedy 2005 93min. Anthony, Sam Neill, Michael Hordern, The Good Bad And The Ugly (Blu- Lionsgate 12.05.2009 Anthony Andrews 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084856 From the famous novelist and poet Sir Walter Scott comes this ray) TV miniseries classic, Ivanhoe! A fictional story of one of the Clint Eastwood, Aldo Giuffre, Lee Van remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the English Hounddog nobility was overwhelmingly Norman, it follows the Saxon Cleef, Eli Wallach, Mario Brega protagonist, Wilfrid of Ivanhoe. Wilfrid has lost favor with his By far the most ambitious, unflinchingly graphic and David Morse, Piper Laurie, Dakota Fanning, father after courting Lady Rowena and proclaiming allegiance stylistically influential western ever mounted, The Good, The Robin Wright Penn, Jill Scott to the Norman king Richard I of England. Set in 1194 after the Bad And The Ugly is an engrossing actioner shot through with end of the Third Crusade, many of the Crusaders were still a volatile mix of myth and realism. Hailed as „pure cinema“ by Drama 2007 min. returning to Europe. King Richard escaped capture by the Robert Rodriguez (director of Once Upon A Time In Mexico) Hannover House 17.03.2009 Duke of Saxony on his way back, but was still presumed to be and „the best directed movie of all time“ by Quentin Tarantino 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084815 held hostage. The legendary Robin Hood, initially under the (director of Pulp Fiction), this epic masterpiece has now been name of Locksley, is also a character in the story, as are his restored to its full glory with 18 minutes of rarely seen „merry men.“ footage! Clint Eastwood returns as the invincible „Man With Hounddog (Blu-ray) Romance, Adventure, Drama, Historical / No Name,“ this time teaming with two gunslingers (Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach) to pursue a fortune in stolen gold. But David Morse, Piper Laurie, Dakota Fanning, Period Piece, Medieval Times, TV Movies teamwork doesn’t come naturally to such strong-willed Robin Wright Penn, Jill Scott 1982 142min. outlaws, and they soon discover that their greatest challenge Drama 2007 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment may be to stay focused - and stay alive - in a country ravaged by war. Forging a vibrant and yet detached style of action that Hannover House 17.03.2009 05.05.2009 had not been seen before, and has never been matched since, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084840 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084821 The Good, The Bad And The Ugly shatters the western mold in true Clint Eastwood style! Classics, Spaghetti Westerns, Western How About You JCVD 1966 Ltbx min. Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Irish 2007 90min. Jean-Claude Van Damme - Dir. Mabrouk El MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Strand Releasing 21.04.2009 Mechri 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084714 The „Muscles from Brussels“ is back and facing the biggest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084906 fight of his life. Returning to his home town for some much needed rest after losing his daughter in a lengthy custody Gunsmoke: The Third Season - Hydra battle, Jean-Claude Van Damme finds himself smack in the Science Fiction min. middle of a bank heist. Even worse, the cops think the Volume Two penniless aging action star is the culprit. Now in the midst of First Look Home Entertainment 16.06.2009 Amanda Blake, James Arness, Milburn a dangerous hostage situation where everyone wants their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084918 piece of Van Damme, JCVD will have to use his Hollywood Stone, Dennis Weaver training to plan an escape. But can Van Damme really be the Western, Classics 1958 523min. underdog hero in real life? Paramount Pictures 26.05.2009 Hydra: Unrated Action, Art House, Comedy, Foreign, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084838 Science Fiction min. French, Hostage Crisis 2008 97min. First Look Home Entertainment 16.06.2009 Peace Arch Entertainment 28.04.2009 Hellbride 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084919 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084735 Everything is working out for Nicole Meadows. She has a great job. She has an adoring boyfriend who has just In Love We Trust JCVD (Blu-ray) proposed. She has a doting father who is preparing the A divorced couple learns that the only way to save their little Jean-Claude Van Damme - Dir. Mabrouk El wedding. She also has a dark secret. And a cursed daughter Hehe, who suffers from a blood disease, is to have engagement ring. Come the wedding day, there will be another child. Now both remarried, Mei Zhu and Xiao Lu are Mechri bloodshed. But at least there will be cake, too. forced to test their love and their commitment to one another The „Muscles from Brussels“ is back and facing the biggest fight of his life. Returning to his home town for some much

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) needed rest after losing his daughter in a lengthy custody Killer 3-Pack (Steelbook) college girl wants to come out to her parents, but her angst- battle, Jean-Claude Van Damme finds himself smack in the ridden efforts keep on ending in futility. middle of a bank heist. Even worse, the cops think the Thrillers, Horror min. Art House, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest penniless aging action star is the culprit. Now in the midst of First Look Home Entertainment 02.06.2009 a dangerous hostage situation where everyone wants their 140min. piece of Van Damme, JCVD will have to use his Hollywood 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084921 First Run Features 19.05.2009 training to plan an escape. But can Van Damme really be the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084817 underdog hero in real life? The King And Four Queens Comedy, Foreign, French, Hostage Crisis, Clark Gable, Eleanor Parker Action, Art House 2008 97min. License To Kill (Blu-ray) Mystery, Adventure, Comedy, Western Peace Arch Entertainment 28.04.2009 Timothy Dalton, Robert Davi, Talisa Soto, 1956 86min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084762 Carey Lowell, Anthony Zerbe MGM / UA 12.05.2009 James Bond, Action, Adventure, Spies/ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084888 Jock 3 Pack Secret Agents 1989 Ltbx DTS 133min. Rocky Dodgeball MGM / UA 12.05.2009 National Film Registry, Romance, Sports, Alexander Korda’s Private Lives: 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084908 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Eclipse From The Criterion Basketball, Boxed Sets, Boxing, Classics, Collection Lions For Lambs (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Family, High School min. Douglas Fairbanks, Elisabeth Bergner, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Robert Redford, MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Charles Laughton, Alexander Korda Peter Berg, Derek Luke, Michael Pena, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084899 Though born to modest means in Hungary, Alexander Korda Andrew Garfield would go on to become one of the most important filmmakers in Robert Redford, Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise deliver „three the history of British cinema. A producer, writer, and director knockout performances“ (Vue Weekly) in this powerful, Jock 3 Pack (Blu-ray) who navigated toward subjects of major historical provocative thriller that explores the consequences of taking Rocky Dodgeball significance and mythical distinction, Korda made a name for a stand. An idealistic professor (Redford) in California National Film Registry, Romance, Sports, his production company, London Films, with the Oscar- attempts to inspire a student to do more with his life, while a winning The Private Life Of Henry VIII. He then continued his charismatic Senator (Cruise) in Washington, D.C. pitches a Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, populist investigation behind the scenes and in the bedrooms new Middle East war strategy to a probing TV journalist Basketball, Boxed Sets, Boxing, Classics, of such figures as Catherine the Great, Don Juan, and (Streep). And halfway across the world, two of the Comedy, Drama, Family, High School min. Rembrandt. Mixing stately period drama with surprising professor’s former students are trapped behind enemy lines in satire, these films are exemplars of grand 1930s moviemaking. Afghanistan, fighting for freedom - and their very lives. As the MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Charles Laughton gulps beer and chomps on mutton, in his tension mounts and the bullets fly, these Americans will 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084913 first of many iconic screen roles, as King Henry VIII, the change each other’s live and the world in ways they never ultimate anti-husband. Alexander Korda’s first major interna- could have imagined. tional success is a raucous, entertaining, even poignant peek Drama, Politics, Thrillers, War, War In The Just Another Love Story into the boudoirs of the infamous king and his six wives. A Director Ole Bornedal (Nightwatch) returns to quicken the quick-witted and compelling dramatization of the troubled Middle East 2007 Ltbx min. pulse of thriller fans with this genre-bending tale of a crime marriage of Catherine II (played by German actress Elisabeth MGM / UA 19.05.2009 scene photographer and family man who is violently shaken Bergner, in her English-language debut) to Peter III (a randy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084907 out of his suburban malaise. After Jonas unintentionally D causes a car accident that leaves Julia crippled with amnesia, Romance, Royalty, Academy Award he’s compelled to visit her in the hospital. But when Julia’s Living Proof family mistakes him for her boyfriend Sebastian, Jonas readily Winners, Biography, Biopics, Boxed Sets, steps into the role. Jonas immediately falls for Julia and British, Classics, Comedy, Criterion Swoosie Kurtz, Bernadette Peters, Amanda becomes enlivened by his new identity - until the day her Collection, Director / Writer Box Sets, Dra- Bynes, Angie Harmon, Harry Connick Jr. memories return. ma, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece TV Movies, Biography, Biopics, Drama 2008 Romance, Danish, Drama, Foreign 2007 383min. 91min. Ltbx 16x9 100min. Criterion 12.05.2009 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084734 05.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084950 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084824 Kavanagh Q.C.: Bearing Witness Lake Tahoe Teenage Juan crashes his family’s car into a telegraph pole Locusts: The 8th Plague John Thaw on the outskirts of town, and then scours the streets David Keith, Jeff Fahey, Julie Benz, Dan British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, searching for someone to help him fix it. His quest will bring him to Don Heber, an old paranoid mechanic whose only Cortese Lawyers / Legal Issues, Mystery 228min. companion is Sica, his almost human boxer dog; to Lucia, a Watch the skies... and run! Terror is breeding at a remote BFS 28.04.2009 young mother who is convinced that her real place in life is as Midwestern government facility, where top-secret lab 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084938 a lead singer in a punk band, and to „The One who Knows“, a experiments have resulted in genetically-engineered locusts teenage mechanic obsessed with martial arts and Kung Fu able to devour the flesh from any humans in their path. When philosophy. The absurd and bewildering worlds of these the swarm escapes, a determined researcher (Dan Cortese, Kavanagh Q.C.: Memento Mori characters drag Juan into a one day journey in which he will MTV Sports) heads a team to stop the menace before it come to accept what he was escaping from in the first place— consumes the world! Also starring Julie Benz (Dexter, Buffy John Thaw an event both as natural and inexplicable as a loved one’s The Vampire Slayer) and David Keith (Firestarter). British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, death. Science Fiction, Bugs, Horror, Thrillers, TV Lawyers / Legal Issues, Mystery 228min. Drama min. Movies 2005 Ltbx 16x9 88min. BFS 28.04.2009 Passion River 04.08.2009 Image Ent. 24.03.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084937 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084672 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084774

Kavanagh Q.C.: Previous Last Of The Summer Wine: Lookin’ To Get Out: Director’s Cut Convictions Vintage 1979 Jon Voight, Burt Young John Thaw BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Comedy, Gambling 1982 min. British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, TV 1979 203min. Warner Bros. 26.05.2009 Lawyers / Legal Issues, Mystery 300min. BBC Home Video 09.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084746 BFS 28.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084745 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084939 Ludwig: Requiem For A Virgin Lesbian Nation King Kept And Dreamless This entertaining collection of lesbian-friendly cinema Drama, Foreign, German 139min. During Argentina’s economic crisis, 9-year-old Eugenia and features five films, four of them making their premiere on DVD. Facets Video 26.05.2009 her mother, Florencia, live a seemingly colorful life An East Village Latina performance artist winds up in jail with surrounded by eclectic neighbors and an offbeat collection of some other riot girls. The morning after a one-night stand, a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084784 family. But Eugenia has to grow up fast to take care of her woman fantasizes about her life together with the sleeping drug-addicted mother, now pregnant (again) by an unknown beauty, from honeymoon to breakup. From Go Fish to Paris is Lying father. Burning to The Watermelon Woman, this festival favorite goes behind the scenes to reveal seven successful lesbian Chloe Sevigny, Jena Malone, Leelee Spanish, Drama, Foreign 2005 94min. directors. Featuring Cheryl Dunye, Rose Troche, Jennie First Run Features 19.05.2009 Livingston, Monika Treut, Maria Maggenti, Su Friedrich and Sobieski 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084814 Heather MacDonald. 12-year-old Jennie is seated in the back Art House, Drama 2006 94min. seat of the station wagon, wedged between her two jeering Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.05.2009 sisters, enduring that special hell - the family car trip. A

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084936 Williams III, Michael Cole Disney / Buena Vista 05.05.2009 ABC, Action, Cops, Drama min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084765 M. Butterfly Paramount Pictures 26.05.2009 Jeremy Irons, Ian Richardson, John Lone, 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084837 On The Beat Barbara Sukowa Chinese, Comedy, Foreign 102min. Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Naked Rashomon Facets Video 26.05.2009 1993 101min. Hideaki Ezumi stars as a powerful marquis named 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084783 Katsuragawa, whose prostitute mistress bears him twins. As Warner Bros. 26.05.2009 twins are considered a bad omen, they are separated at birth. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084747 The marquis raises the boy in his own image, as does the One-Eyed Monster girl’s mother - having her work as a prostitute. Nineteen years later, in blissful ignorance, boy and girl meet. What Veronica Hart, Carmen Hart, Amber The Machinist (Blu-ray) follows is a blood soaked and shocking tale of revenge as the Benson, Ron Jeremy, Charles Napier Christian Bale, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Anna girl seeks to track down and destroy all those she considers In a comic homage to Alien and The Thing, the cast and crew ruined her life. Startling and surreal, the film is a masterpiece of an adult film, stranded in a blizzard, must band together Massey, Michael Ironside, John Sharian, now receiving its first ever US release. against a mysterious and deadly alien, which has possessed Reg E. Cathey, Larry Gilliard Pink Film, Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Foreign, the actor with the biggest part - Ron Jeremy (naturally). Now, Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale) hasn’t slept in a year. The with the monster on a killing spree, the race is on to trap and shocking deterioration of his physical and mental health has Japanese 1972 75min. destroy it before there are more victims of its peculiar skills. made his every waking moment an unrelenting state of Mondo Macabro 28.04.2009 Science Fiction, Aliens, Comedy, Film About confusion, paranoia, guilt, anxiety and terror. His only solace 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084949 from this living nightmare comes from an affectionate prostitute Film, Horror 2008 min. (Jennifer Jason Leigh). When cryptic notes turn up Liberation Entertainment 28.04.2009 mysteriously in his apartment and when hallucinations of a co- North West Frontier 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084947 worker that no one else sees causes a gruesome machine shop injury, he embarks on a journey to find out whether there Lauren Bacall, Herbert Lom, Kenneth More, is an elaborate plot to drive him mad or his fatigue has simply J. Lee Thompson Oriental Elegy: 3 Films By Alex- robbed him of reason. The more he learns, the less he wants Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign 1959 M ander Sokurov to know. 129min. Mystery, Thrillers, Art House 2004 101min. min. MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 Naxos 31.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084885 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084847 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084733

The Man Who Shot Liberty The Note II: Taking A Chance On Passion Valance: Centennial Collection Love Patrick MaGee, Laura Antonelli, Raf Vallone Genie Francis, Ted McGinley John Wayne, James Stewart, Lee Marvin, While watching a bullfight, Simona (Laura Antonelli) relives a Romance, Drama, TV Movies 2009 88min. traumatic experience she had when she was younger. Simona Andy Devine, Vera Miles, Ken Murray Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and her lover Georges (Maurizio Degli Esposti) had a free National Film Registry, Western, Classics, and joyful sexual relationship, and used to meet on the beach. 05.05.2009 Epics 1962 123min. One day they spot a girl spying on them; she is the young 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084825 Marquise Marcelle de Paille (Margot Saint’Ange), who lives Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 almost buried alive in her father’s house. Since the premature 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084832 death of Marcelle’s mother, her father has developed an Nothing But The Truth ambiguous and obsessive attachment to his daughter and will Matt Dillon, David Schwimmer, Kate do everything to keep Marcelle near him. Simona and Georges The Man With The Golden Gun decide to free Marcelle from her captivity with tragic Beckinsale, Angela Bassett, Vera Farmiga, consequences. (Blu-ray) Alan Alda, Noah Wyle Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1975 85min. Roger Moore, Christopher Lee, Britt Ekland Inspired by true events. Kate Beckinsale and Academy Award Mya Communication 28.04.2009 James Bond, Action, Adventure, Spies/ nominee Matt Dillon lead an all-star cast in this volatile story about a Washington D.C. reporter who writes an explosive 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084952 Secret Agents 1974 Ltbx DTS 125min. story about a government scandal in which she reveals the MGM / UA 12.05.2009 name of a covert CIA agent. Unexpectedly finding herself Paycheck (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084909 behind bars, she struggles to maintain her principles and relationship with her family when she refuses to divulge her Uma Thurman, Aaron Eckhart, Ben Affleck, source. Starring Academy Award nominees Alan Alda, Angela Joe Morton, Paul Giamatti, Colm Feore, Mi- McLeod’s Daughters: The Bassett, Emmy Award nominee David Schwimmer, Golden Globe nominee Noah Wyle and Vera Farmiga (The Departed). chael C. Hall Complete Eighth Season Politics, Thrillers, Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 From director John Woo (M:I-2 and Face/Off) comes this Over the past seven years America has fallen in love with the futuristic thriller that combines spectacular action sequences girls of Drovers Run. But before they ride off into the sunset, 107min. with a spellbinding mystery that will keep you guessing from there’s still plenty of drama to go around. Hearts will be Sony Pictures Home Entertainment beginning to breathtaking end. Michael Jennings (Ben broken, love will be found and lives will be put in danger as 28.04.2009 Affleck) is a brilliant computer engineer hired for top-secret the hit series comes to an exciting conclusion you won’t want projects. After each job, Jennings’ short-term memory is to miss. Includes the final 22 episodes of the hit series. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084674 erased so he cannot recount any project information. Emerging from his latest assignment, a three-year contract Australian, Drama, Family Relationships, with an eight-figure paycheck given to him by his longtime Foreign, International TV 2007 946min. Ocean’s 11, 12 & 13 Giftset friend (Aaron Eckhart), Jennings is jolted when he is told that E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Matt Damon, Al Pacino, Julia Roberts, Carl during the end of his assignment, he agreed to forfeit all payment. Jennings has no recourse-until he receives a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084948 Reiner, Andy Garcia, Elliott Gould, Ellen mysterious envelope containing clues to his forgotten past. Barkin, Casey Affleck, Brad Pitt, George With the help of a beautiful scientist (Uma Thurman) he once Midsomer Murders: Set 12 Clooney, Don Cheadle, Bernie Mac, Scott loved but now cannot remember, Jennings races to solve the puzzle of his past...while a terrifying discovery waits in his British, Detectives, Drama, European, Caan, Vincent Cassel, Eddie Jemison, future. Foreign, International TV, Murder Shaobo Qin Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action Jackpot! Danny Ocean and his elite crew of tricksters and Mysteries, Mystery min. thieves are back to back to back in all 3 of the sleek thrillers 2003 118min. Acorn Media 24.03.2009 directed by Oscar winner Steven Soderbergh. Ocean’s Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084740 Eleven kicks off the fun with a daring Las Vegas heist. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084848 team goes global to European glamour spots in Twelve. And Thirteen has the group reuniting in Vegas for a dazzling The Mod Squad: Season 2 - scheme of payback against a double-crossing casino kingpin. Personal Effects Ocean’s 12 Ocean’s 13 Kathy Bates, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Black, Volume 2 Thieves, Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Caper, Ashton Kutcher, Rob LaBelle, Serge Houde Tige Andrews, Peggy Lipton, Clarence Comedy 363min. Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 110min. Williams III, Michael Cole Warner Bros. 19.05.2009 Screen Media Films 12.05.2009 ABC, Action, Cops, Drama 1969 663min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084923 Paramount Pictures 26.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084855 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084836 October Road: The Complete Se- Personal Effects (Blu-ray) The Mod Squad: Seasons 1 & 2 cond Season Kathy Bates, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Black, ABC, Drama 2008 min. Tige Andrews, Peggy Lipton, Clarence Ashton Kutcher, Rob LaBelle, Serge Houde

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Drama 2009 DD 5.1 110min. fulfilled. Get ready to experience the graphic shocker from Rock Star 3 Pack director/co-writer David Gregory that DVD Savant hails as „a Screen Media Films 12.05.2009 bloody onslaught...Plague Town knows which buttons to push Walk The Line Airheads 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084879 to extract the maximum in squeamish delirium!“ Music, Romance, Biography, Biopics, Horror 2008 88min. Boxed Sets, Comedy, Country, Country Peyton Place: Part One MPI 12.05.2009 Music, Heavy Metal, Mockumentary min. Dorothy Malone, Mia Farrow, Barbara Park- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084809 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 ins, Ed Nelson 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084900 Drama, Soap Opera 1964 810min. The Pope’s Toilet Shout Factory 19.05.2009 It’s 1988, and Melo, an Uruguayan town on the Brazilian Roxanne (Blu-ray) border, awaits the visit of Pope John Paul II. 50,000 people 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084800 are expected to attend, and the most humble locals believe Steve Martin, Daryl Hannah, Shelley Duvall, that selling food and drink to the multitude will just about make Damon Wayans, Rick Rossovich Pigs, Pimps, & Prostitutes: 3 them rich. Petty smuggler Beto thinks he has the best idea of Comic genius Steve Martin delivers an incredible all—he decides he will build a WC in front of his house and performance as an engaging small town fire chief who has Films By Shohei Imamura - The charge for its use. His efforts bring about unexpected only one tiny flaw—no, make that one HUGE flaw—his consequences, and the final results will surprise everyone. astonishingly long nose. Although he considers it no laughing Criterion Collection Drama min. matter, the hilarity never stops as C.D. Bales (Martin) Hiroyuki Nagato, Jitsuko Yoshimura Passion River 14.04.2009 contends with jerky nose jokes, a bumbling crew of firemen, In the 1960s, Japanese filmmakers responded to a stale studio and his secret love for gorgeous astronomy student Roxanne system by looking for new ways to tell stories; Shohei 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084676 (Daryl Hannah). Unfortunately, she is attracted to fireman Imamura was one of the leading figures of this new wave. Chris (Rick Rossovich), who’s tall on looks and short on With the three films in this set - Pigs And Battleships, The Quo Vadis conversation. And when C.D. agrees to coach the dumbstruck Insect Woman, and Intentions Of Murder - Imamura truly Chris in his pursuit of the fair maiden, this ticklish triangle emerged as an auteur, bringing to his national cinema an Polish, Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Foreign dissolves into a hilarious series of rib-tickling romantic anthropological eye and a heretofore unseen taste for the 270min. misadventures. Comedy, Romance 1987 107min. irreverent. Claiming his interests lay in „the relationship of Facets Video 26.05.2009 the lower part of the human body and the lower part of the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment social structure,“ Imamura dotted the decade with earthy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084780 juicy, idiosyncratic films featuring persevering, willful 05.05.2009 heroines. His remains a unique cinematic voice. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084843 Art House, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Criterion Ran: The Criterion Collection Collection, Director / Writer Box Sets, Dra- (Blu-ray) Satanic Sluts III: Scandalized ma, Foreign, Hookers, Japanese 462min. Tatsuya Nakadai, Mieko Harada, Yoshiko Erotica, Horror 2008 85min. Criterion 19.05.2009 Miyazaki, Jinpachi Nezu, Daisuke Ryu, Redemption USA 28.04.2009 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084738 Akira Terao 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084955 With Ran, legendary director Akira Kurosawa re-imagines Shakespeare’s tragic King Lear as a singular historical epic Pillow Talk: 50th Anniversary Edi- set in sixteenth-century Japan. Tatsuya Nakadai stars as Scarce tion Lord Hidetora, a warlord who cedes authority over his vast Returning from a snowboarding weekend, three friends take dominion to his eldest son, setting off a familial power shelter from a sudden winter storm in an isolated cabin. But Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Thelma Ritter, struggle for control of the kingdom. Majestic in scope, Ran is while waiting out the weather, they are stalked, one by one, Julia Meade, Tony Randall, Nick Adams, a visual masterpiece in which Kuro-sawa contrasts the by the cabin’s demented owners. These locals specialize in Marcel Dalio immensity of war with the crumbling of one family under the curing of meat but this time, there is more than venison on the weight of betrayal, greed, and the insatiable thirst for power. menu. The weekenders find themselves fighting more that the Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Feu- cold; soon they are fighting for their very lives. Top 100, Classics, Comedy 1957 Ltbx 16x9 dal Japan, Foreign, Japanese, Art House, Horror 2008 93min. M 103min. Shakespeare 1985 Ltbx 160min. E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Universal Studios 14.04.2009 Criterion 12.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084867 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084794 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084761 The Secrets Pillow Talk: 50th Anniversary Edi- The Donna Reed Show: Season Drama, Foreign, Israeli 2007 127min. tion (w/ Mamma Mia! Picture Two Monterey Home Video 07.04.2009 Frame) Donna Reed, Paul Petersen, Shelley 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084719 Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Thelma Ritter, Fabares, Carl Betz Julia Meade, Tony Randall, Nick Adams, Classics, Comedy, Family 1959 960min. Sex And Lies In Sin City Marcel Dalio Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.05.2009 Mena Suvari, Matthew Modine Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084942 A shockingly true tale of love gone sour and greed gone wild on the dark side of Las Vegas. Reckless casino executive Ted Top 100, Classics, Comedy 1957 Ltbx 16x9 Binion had it all: money, power and a beautiful girlfriend, M 103min. The Revenge Of The Crusader Sandy Murphy. That all changed when Sandy found him dead Universal Studios 14.04.2009 in his Las Vegas home in 1998, seemingly of an apparent drug Andrea Bosic, Alberto Lupo, Stephen overdose. But when Ted’s estranged sister, Becky, informs 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084793 Forsyth police she believes Ted was murdered, a closer investigation Seriously wounded in a skirmish with a group of bandits, reveals Binion’s death was no accident at all. Sex And Lies In Plague Town Count Sigfrido of Treviri (Alberto Lupo) is taken to the nearby Sin City is the gritty portrayal of the investigation and trial of castle of the Duke of Brabant, where he is tended by Duke’s Murphy and her ex-con boyfriend who attempted to steal Fangoria calls it „A boundary-pushing, taboo-breaking daughter Genoveffa (Maria Jose Alfonso). The two gradually Binion’s fortune by any means necessary. The film captures experience.“ AV Maniacs. In a remote village, a shocking fall in love and marry shortly after. Once back in Treviri, the unbelievably dark and twisted crimes - and subsequent secret lives on with each and every baby born. It is said that Sigfrido leaves for the Crusades and asks to his counsellor shock - that swept through Las Vegas as the truth about all children are creatures of God...except here. Now for a Golo (Stephen Forsyth) to look after his wife while he’s away. Binion’s last days became disturbingly clear. group of lost tourists, every conception of „family“ will soon Attracted to Genoveffa, Golo tries to force his attentions on TV Movies, Biography, Biopics, Drama 2008 be sliced to pieces. And for the mysterious young girl named the Countess who rebuffs him. Golo then has her imprisoned Rosemary, the most depraved hunger of all is about to be and accused of adultery, until she is condemned to death. 90min. fulfilled. Get ready to experience the graphic shocker from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment director/co-writer David Gregory that DVD Savant hails as „a Revenge, Adventure, Epics, Foreign, bloody onslaught...Plague Town knows which buttons to push Historical / Period Piece, Italian, Medieval 28.04.2009 to extract the maximum in squeamish delirium!“ Times 1964 89min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084679 Horror 2008 88min. Mya Communication 28.04.2009 MPI 12.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084953 Sex, Drugs & Rock N’ Roll Triple 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084754 Feature Revolution: Revisited A beautiful and free-spirited young singer seeks fame in the Plague Town (Blu-ray) Al Pacino Hollywood music scene. Along the way, she finds more sex, Fangoria calls it „A boundary-pushing, taboo-breaking booze and drugs than she can handle. A decadent slice of the experience.“ AV Maniacs. In a remote village, a shocking War, Adventure, American Revolution, Dra- ’70s from the master, Nick Philips! In this re-imagining of Nick secret lives on with each and every baby born. It is said that ma, Historical / Period Piece 1985 min. Philips 1972 Fire In Her Bed a sheltered young woman moves all children are creatures of God...except here. Now for a Warner Bros. 26.05.2009 to the city to attend University. There she becomes fascinated group of lost tourists, every conception of „family“ will soon with a much more sophisticated and openly sensual woman. be sliced to pieces. And for the mysterious young girl named 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084749 Overwhelmed by her feelings, she embarks upon an emotional Rosemary, the most depraved hunger of all is about to be and sexual journey that ultimately frees her from her past. Clean and sober, Emmett LeClere returns home to the Olympic

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Peninsula to shoot a film about the endangered rain-forest. Action, Boxed Sets, Chases, Hostage But old habits die hard, and soon Emmett’s back at work as a caretaker to his friend’s marijuana crop. Worse, he rekindles Crisis min. Taggart: Set 1 a relationship with an ex-girlfriend that leads him back to 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 British, Detectives, European, Foreign, drugs and alcohol. As his self-destructive ways threaten to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084901 destroy his goals, he discovers the Feds are closing in... International TV, Mystery 398min. Stoners, Substance Abuse, Triple Feature, Acorn Media 24.03.2009 Erotica 223min. Star Trek: Motion Picture Trilogy 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084741 Retro Seduction Cinema (Ryko Line) Nichelle Nichols, William Shatner, Leonard 28.04.2009 Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, The Telling 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084954 James Doohan, Walter Koenig Anthologies, Horror 2009 min. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Red 14.04.2009 The Sexplorer Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084777 An alien from Venus takes on the disguise of a beautiful Adventure, Boxed Sets 335min. woman to explore Earth. She lands in London’s seedy Soho The Telling: Unrated district where she has ample opportunities to research sex on Paramount Pictures 12.05.2009 Earth. The Sexplorer is a fast-moving, light hearted story 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084718 Anthologies, Horror 2009 min. which takes a look at our earthbound sex customs and morals, Red 14.04.2009 with comedy, beautiful girls and hilarious sexual situations. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084778 Science Fiction, Aliens, Comedy, Erotica Star Trek: Motion Picture Trilogy 82min. (Blu-ray) Music Video Distribution 17.03.2009 Nichelle Nichols, William Shatner, Leonard Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084880 Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Limited Edition Complete James Doohan, Walter Koenig Collector’s Set (Blu-ray) Sister, Sister: The Second Star Trek III: The Search For Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Patrick, Season Boxed Sets, Adventure, Science Fiction, Joe Morton, Linda Hamilton, Edward Marques Houston, Jackee Harry, Tamera Space, Star Trek 335min. Furlong, Earl Boen Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Skynet Edition. Terminator 2: Mowry, Tia Mowry, Tim Reid Paramount Pictures 12.05.2009 Judgment Day - Extreme DVD. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - ABC, Comedy, Family 1995 FF S 430min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084726 Ultimate Edition. Paramount Pictures 19.05.2009 1991 152min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084833 Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Lionsgate 19.05.2009 Collection (Blu-ray) 258,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084922 Smother Nichelle Nichols, William Shatner, Leonard Diane Keaton, Liv Tyler, Mike White, Dax Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Shepard James Doohan, Walter Koenig Skynet Edition (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan Star Trek III: The Search For Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Patrick, 92min. Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Star Trek V: The Final Joe Morton, Linda Hamilton, Edward Screen Media Films 05.05.2009 Frontier Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Boxed Sets, Adventure, Science Fiction, Furlong, Earl Boen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084699 Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as the Terminator in this Space, Star Trek min. explosive action-adventure spectacle. Now he’s one of the Paramount Pictures 12.05.2009 good guys, sent back in time to protect John Connor, the boy Snakehead Terror 250,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084727 destined to lead the freedom fighters of the future. Linda Chelan Simmons, Carol Alt, Bruce Hamilton reprises her role as Sarah Connor, John’s mother, a Boxleitner quintessential survivor who has been institutionalized for her Star Trek: The Original Series - warning of the nuclear holocaust she knows is inevitable. Mutated Snakehead fish become deadly predators in a small Together, the threesome must find a way to stop the ultimate Northeastern town when they become capable of moving on Season 1 (Blu-ray) enemy-the T-1000, the most lethal Terminator ever created. land, with a small population becoming its newest food source. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Co-written, produced and directed by James Cameron (The With the help of the Department of Natural Resources, the Terminator, Aliens, Titanic), this visual tour de force is also a local sheriff (Bruce Boxleitner) investigates the killings and Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, Majel Barrett, touching human story of survival. searches for his missing daughter, last seen on a lake with Grace Lee Whitney, George Takei, James her friends. Packed with relentless monster action on water Killer Technology, Action, Apocalyptic and dry land, Snakehead Terror proves you could be next on Doohan Future, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction the menu! Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star 1991 Ltbx DTS 152min. Science Fiction, Action, Canadian, Foreign, Trek 1966 M 1460min. Lionsgate 19.05.2009 Horror, Killer Animals 2004 92min. Paramount Pictures 28.04.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084910 Image Ent. 24.03.2009 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084725 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084775 That Girl: Season 5 Subversion Marlo Thomas Solo Politics, Foreign, French 95min. Comedy, Independent Women 1970 540min. Colin Friels Facets Video 26.05.2009 Shout Factory 05.05.2009 Australian, Drama, Foreign 2006 98min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084785 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084799 BFS 14.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084859 T.V. Sets: Action Packed Time Limit Thrillers, Action, Drama 236min. Richard Widmark, June Lockhart, Richard Somers Town Paramount Pictures 26.05.2009 Basehart Two teenagers, both newcomers to London, forge an unlikely 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084853 friendship over the course of a hot summer. Tomo (Thomas Drama, Korean War, Military, War 1957 Turgoose) is a runaway from ; Marek (Piotr 96min. Jagiello), a Polish immigrant, lives in the district of Somers T.V. Sets: Forever Funny MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Town, between King’s Cross and Euston stations, where his dad is working on a new rail link. When Marke agrees to let Jackie Gleason, Shelley Long, Florence 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084889 homeless Tomo move into his room, unbeknownst to his father, Henderson, Vivian Vance, Kelsey the pair forms a strong bond, as they work odd jobs for an Grammer, Tony Randall, Judd Hirsch, Art Ultimate Westerns Collection eccentric neighbor and compete for the attention of Maria, a beautiful young French waitress whom they are both Carney, William Frawley, Robert Reed, Jack The Big Trail: 2-Disc Special Edition Comancheros Broken infatuated with. But it’s only a matter of time before Marek’s Klugman Arrow (1950) Dance With Wolves: Special Edition A Fistfull dad discovers what’s going on. Reminisce over comedy’s best in this hilarious collection of Of Dollars: Collector’s Edition For A Few Dollars More: Drama 70min. TV episodes that are „forever funny.“ Go back to the Collector’s Edition The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: beginnings with your favorite characters from beloved classic Collector’s Edition Hang ‘Em High Red River The Westerner Passion River 08.12.2009 and contemporary sitcoms. The Odd Couple The The Missouri Breaks 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084673 Honeymooners Taxi The Brady Bunch Fraiser Cheers Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Boxed Sets, Comedy 1951 FF S 173min. Classics min. Speed Collector’s Pack Paramount Pictures 26.05.2009 MGM / UA 12.05.2009 Speed 2: Cruise Control 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084854 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084894

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084686 Survivor,Heat Of The Moment and more, plus highlights from their individual careers. 1. Time Again 2 . Wildest Dreams 3. Uncle Nino One Step Closer 4. Roundabout 5. Without You 6. Cutting It Comedy, Drama, Family, Family Will & Grace: Best Of Love & Fine 7. Interection Blues - Steve’s Solo 8. Fanfare For The Common Man 9. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes 10. Don’t Cry Relationships 110min. Marriage 11. In The Court Of The Crimson King 12. Here Comes The Questar 07.04.2009 Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Feeling 13. Video Killed The Radio Star 14. The Heat Goes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084795 On - Drum Solo 15. Only Time Will Tell 16. Sole Survivor 17. Hayes, Eric Mccormack Ride Easy 18. Heat Of The Moment Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, NBC Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock 2007 Unconscious 352min. 155min. Thrillers, Dark Comedy, Drama 2006 94min. Lionsgate 05.05.2009 Eagle Vision USA 31.03.2009 Polychrome Pictures 05.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084687 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084810 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084868 The Window Jeff Beck: Performing This Week Under The Bombs It is a significant day for 80 year old Antonio. After an - Live At Ronnie Scott’s During a cease-fire in the Lebanon-Israel conflict of 2006, a absence of many years, his estranged son is coming to visit. Christian taxi driver brings an untraditional Shiite woman All must be perfect. There will be a toast with a very special Blues, Concerts, Music 2007 155min. from Beirut to the heart of the conflict in the country’s south. champagne; an embrace; warm words that may finally bridge Eagle Vision USA 31.03.2009 While they scour the rubble of local towns for her son, who the gap between them... But before, Antonio must wait. was sent to live with her traditional family while she was Bedridden, he looks out his window at the Patagonian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084826 staying with her husband in Dubai, they discover that despite landscape and sees light and life, the past and the present, their very different backgrounds they have much in common. while sensing the future. He decides to secretly leave the Jeff Beck: Performing This Week And during their trip through the desolate countryside, the two house, unseen by his faithful caretakers, to take what might travelers develop a deep bond as a response to the death be a last walk in his fields, breathing the air, treading the - Live At Ronnie Scott’s (Blu-ray) earth, inhaling the scent of the land that had been his life. striking all around them. Blues, Concerts, Music 2007 191min. Foreign min. What could otherwise seem like insignificant memories or moments in one’s life, take a special, beautiful meaning and Eagle Vision USA 31.03.2009 Passion River 05.05.2009 weight in this poetic, humanistic film. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084849 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084678 Drama min. Passion River 10.11.2009 Volver A Empezar 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084677 Beethoven Symphonies 1-9 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral min. , Chayanne Naxos 31.03.2009 Adventure, Foreign, International TV, Wise Blood: The Criterion 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084729 Mexican, Musical, Soap Opera 1994 Collection 878min. Brad Dourif, Amy Wright, Ned Beatty, Harry Beethoven: Fidelio Xenon Entertainment 05.05.2009 Dean Stanton 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084684 In this acclaimed adaptation of the first novel by legendary Classical Music, Music, Orchestral min. Southern writer Flannery O’Connor, John Huston brings to Naxos 31.03.2009 life a world of vivid, poetic American eccentricity. Brad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084731 War Hero 3 Pack Dourif, in an impassioned performance, is Hazel Motes, who, Behind Enemy Lines Rescue Dawn fresh out of the army, attempts to open the first Church National Film Registry, Vietnam War, War, Without Christ in the small town of Taulkinham. Populated Crue Fest 2008 with inspired performances that seem to spring right from World War II, Academy Award Winners, O’Connor’s pages, Huston’s Wise Blood is an incisive Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2008 min. Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Biopics, portrait of spirituality and evangelicalism, as well as a Red 24.03.2009 Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama, Military min. faithful, loving evocation of one writer’s vision. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084724 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 Religion/Spirituality, Art House, Criterion 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084902 Collection, Drama 1979 Ltbx 16x9 M Fountains Of Wayne: No Better 105min. Place - Live In Chicago War Hero 3 Pack (Blu-ray) Criterion 12.05.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084737 Concerts, Music min. Behind Enemy Lines Rescue Dawn Shout Factory Music 03.03.2009 National Film Registry, Vietnam War, War, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084763 World War II, Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama, Young Billy Young Military, Academy Award Winners, Action, Robert Mitchum, Angie Dickinson, David Adventure, AFI Top 100, Biopics 401min. Carradine, Robert Walker Freddie Hubbard: One Of A Kind 20th Century Fox 12.05.2009 Romance, Western 1969 89min. Concerts, Music min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084914 MGM / UA 12.05.2009 View Video 10.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084891 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084701 What Doesn’t Kill You Ethan Hawke, Amanda Peet, Mark Ruffalo, Zabriskie Point Israeli Childhood Songs: Volume Brian Goodman Art House, Drama 1970 min. 2 Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 100min. Warner Bros. 26.05.2009 Continuing the great work of Volume 1, this disk is sure to be a winner. With the accompaniment of adorable animation, 17 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084751 classic children’s songs such as That’s How Color was 28.04.2009 Born, Mrs. Rabbit, and Summer Guests are presented here. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084670 These are songs passed from generation to generation; to which parents and kids can sings along together. Now each has a karaoke version as well, for party fun! What Doesn’t Kill You (Blu-ray) Music Foreign, Israeli, Jewish, Music 50min. Ethan Hawke, Amanda Peet, Mark Ruffalo, SISU Entertainment 21.04.2009 Brian Goodman As I Lay Dying: This Is Who We 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084875 Drama 2008 Ltbx 100min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Are Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 Documentary, Heavy Metal, Music min. 28.04.2009 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral min. Red 14.04.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084697 Naxos 31.03.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084776 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084730 Will & Grace: Best Of Friends & Foes Asia: Fantasia - Live In Tokyo Mark Murphy: Murphy’s Wood Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean (Blu-ray) Concerts, Music min. The four original members of Asia: Geoff Downes, Steve Hayes, Eric Mccormack Howe, Carl Palmer, and John Wetton, are reunited on stage to View Video 10.03.2009 Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, NBC celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084702 352min. phenomenal debut album ASIA. Filmed in Tokyo in March 2007, this concert features all of ASIA’s best loved traks Lionsgate 05.05.2009 including Wildest Dreams,One Step Closer,Sole Pastor Jones: Heavenly Voices

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Music, Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Gospel Alternative Medicine Asian delicacy that will keep you satisfied for more than an 2008 80min. hour. Educational, Health 2008 190min. Peach DVD min. Lightyear 12.05.2009 ChannelSources 10.03.2009 Red Dragon Releasing 17.03.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084865 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084760 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084689

Paul Rodgers: Live In Glasgow Audience Of One Crude Impact (Blu-ray) Documentary, Film About Film, Religion/ Documentary min. 1. I’ll Be Creepin’ 2. The Stealer 3. Ride On A Pony 4. Spirituality 2007 90min. Radioactive 5. Be My Friend 6. Warboys 7. Feel Like Makin’ Docurama 14.04.2009 Love 8. Bad Company 9. (I Just Wanna) See You Smile 10. Indiepix 21.04.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084736 Louisiana Blues 11. Fire And Water 12. Wishing Well 13. All 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084720 Right Now 14. I’m A Mover 15. The Hunter 16. Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love 17. Seagull Dance And Be Fit: Abs Burn Concerts, Music 2006 125min. Willie Barcena Live: Deal With It Fitness, Health 50min. Eagle Rock 31.03.2009 Willie Barcena Acorn Media 07.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084811 Comedy 2008 70min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084886 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.05.2009 Romantic Masterpieces 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084866 Divorce Classical Music, Music, Performing Arts Educational 2008 120min. 270min. Best Evidence ChannelSources 10.03.2009 Using cutting-edge scientific and technological advances, Naxos 31.03.2009 Investigation Discovery re-examines some of the most 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084756 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084728 controversial mysteries of our time in each episode of this popular series. Find out what really happened to TWA Flight Dogs 800, and learn the truth behind Roswell, Big Foot and so much Soundstage: B.B. King - Live more through rigorous tests that employ the Best Evidence Educational 2008 160min. With trademark Gibson „Lucille“ settled on his lap, B.B. King available today. ChannelSources 10.03.2009 is in his element in this unforgettable performance, recorded Documentary, Mystery 2008 254min. in High-Definition for the PBS concert series Soundstage. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084757 Filled with staggering guitar jams on hits like „Thrill Is Gone“ Discovery Channel 24.03.2009 and „Let The Good Times Roll,“ the 12-song set also includes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084772 The Emplar Code appearances by special guests Terrence Howard, Solange and Richie Sambora, who stop by to perform with and pay Documentary, History Channel min. tribute to the renowned blues master. Bird By Bird With Anne A&E 28.04.2009 Blues, Concerts, Music 2008 61min. Biography, Documentary 54min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084928 E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Docurama 28.04.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084667 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084935 Fashion In Film Documentary, Fashion, Film About Film Soundstage: Michael McDonald - Black Sun 2008 56min. A Tribute To Motown British, Documentary, Foreign, Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2009 Michael McDonald lends his distinctive baritone voice to Photography/Art 2005 70min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084770 Motown’s greatest hits in this unforgettable concert recorded Indiepix 24.03.2009 in High-Definition for the PBS concert series Soundstage. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084723 Joined by special guests Billy Preston, Toni Braxton, Take 6 Craig Ferguson: A Wee Bit O’ Re- and India.Arie, McDonald performs 14 classics - from the rollicking „Second That Emotion“ to the poignant „What’s Boobs & Blitzes volution Going On“ - that pay tribute to Motown’s finest artists and Craig Ferguson songwriters. Football and smoking hot naked babes. Who in this world, or any other, could ask for more? And now you can indulge in the Recently granted American citizenship, Craig Ferguson is Concerts, Motown, Music 2005 67min. ultimate guy experience, as Peach DVD presents Boobs & ready to rule his adopted nation! Filmed live at the Wilbur E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009 Blitzes. Hosted by gridiron divas Jana Jordan and Isabella Theatre in Boston, Ferguson shares his wisdom on rehab, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084668 Sky, you’ll enjoy some of the hottest, sexiest and wildest explains why junkies are fun to be around and criticizes the scenes Peach has ever captured on video. PLUS the girls will latest James Bond for not being hairy enough in this not-to- test your knowledge of all things pigskin, and if you come up be-missed, hilarious new performance. See why the Emmy- Toscanini: In His Own Words with the right answers, a VERY overtime experience awaits nominated and wildly popular host of The Late Late Show took the world by storm with his brash, no-b.s. style of comedy Biopics min. you. Are you ready for some football ... and so much more? Peach DVD min. here in his first-ever stand-up special. Naxos 31.03.2009 Comedy 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.0 90min. Red Dragon Releasing 24.03.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084732 Image Ent. 24.03.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084690 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084773 Stevie Wonder: Live At Last Russell Brand In New York City Concerts, Funk, Motown, Music, Soul 2008 Financial Recovery Russell Brand min. Educational 2008 150min. Comedy, Comedy Central 2009 Ltbx S Universal - Music 10.03.2009 ChannelSources 10.03.2009 61min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084798 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084759 Comedy Central 19.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084835 Stevie Wonder: Live At Last (Blu- Frost / Nixon: The Complete In- ray) The Case Of The Grinning Cat terviews - Special Edition Concerts, Funk, Motown, Music, Soul 2008 Documentary, Photography/Art, Politics Interview, Politics, Presidents 1977 min. min. 58min. Liberation Entertainment 28.04.2009 Universal - Music 10.03.2009 Icarus Films 10.03.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084943 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084808 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084703 Fun In Girls’ Shorts 2 Cats Gay / Lesbian Interest, Short Film Educational 2008 110min. Collections 85min. Special Interest ChannelSources 10.03.2009 Strand Releasing 07.04.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084758 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084715 7 Signs Of The Apocalypse Documentary, End Of The World, History Cravin’ Asians Girls Gone Wild: Hottest First Channel 94min. You don’t have to sail to the far east to satisfy your Cravin’ Timers for asians. PeachDVD presents some of our hottest Asian A&E 28.04.2009 ladies served up for your delight. These Asian beauties Girls Gone Wild min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084929 trained in the art of Kama Sutra are ready and willing to Mantra Films 07.04.2009 please your every desire. Sit back and enjoy your fix of this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084819

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 31 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

H2 Worker Troche, Jennie Livingston, Monika Treut, Maria Maggenti, Su Friedrich and Heather MacDonald. Girls Gone Wild: Top 10 Hottest Documentary 70min. Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest 56min. Girls Docurama 28.04.2009 First Run Features 19.05.2009 These sexy young coeds are hot, uninhibited and ready for 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084934 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084818 action. We see thousands of naked girls but these are our all- time top ten - the hands-down hottest girls we’ve ever caught on tape! Get ready for some perfect tens. Ten of them to be Hemalayaa: Yoga For Everyone Phil Mickelson: Secrets Of The exact. These girls are so hot you won’t believe your eyes Hemalayaa Short Game when they get naked. And they don’t stop there. From showers Fitness, Health, Yoga min. and hot tubs, there’s no limit to how far these bad girls will go Phil Mickelson Acorn Media 07.04.2009 once the cameras are rolling. Kari is a smoking brunette with Sports, Golf 2009 min. one of the tightest bodies we’ve ever seen. She’s kind of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084883 tease, but the wait is worth it when she finally reveals her Paramount Pictures 07.04.2009 fresh Brazilian wax. Jana is a stunning blonde who can’t wait 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084839 to show off her amazing nipples. It only gets more intense from Inquiring Nuns there as the hottest girls you’ve ever seen get themselves Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 66min. (and each other) off in ways you’ve never thought possible. Mixed Up Yuval It’s Girls Gone Wild: Top 10 Hottest Girls! Facets Video 26.05.2009 In Yuval’s upside-down, imaginative world, you can play with Girls Gone Wild FF S min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084786 balloons, ride a broom, wear clothes backwards and speak in Mantra Films 07.04.2009 rhyme. Through colorful, musical fun children learn an important lesson: that even if a kid is a little different or 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084685 Kapap Combat Concepts: Volume confused, it’s all great with a smile on your face! 1 - Principles And Conditioning Foreign, Israeli, Jewish 40min. Girls Gone Wild: Top 10 Hottest Fitness, Health 60min. SISU Entertainment 21.04.2009 Girls (Blu-ray) Bayview Entertainment 05.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084876 These sexy young coeds are hot, uninhibited and ready for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084766 action. We see thousands of naked girls but these are our all- Monte Grande time top ten - the hands-down hottest girls we’ve ever caught on tape! Get ready for some perfect tens. Ten of them to be Kapap Combat Concepts: Volume Documentary 80min. exact. These girls are so hot you won’t believe your eyes 2 - Holds And Third-Party Icarus Films 10.03.2009 when they get naked. And they don’t stop there. From showers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084712 and hot tubs, there’s no limit to how far these bad girls will go Protection once the cameras are rolling. Kari is a smoking brunette with one of the tightest bodies we’ve ever seen. She’s kind of a Fitness, Health 40min. National Geographic: Inside tease, but the wait is worth it when she finally reveals her Bayview Entertainment 05.05.2009 fresh Brazilian wax. Jana is a stunning blonde who can’t wait Guantanamo to show off her amazing nipples. It only gets more intense from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084767 there as the hottest girls you’ve ever seen get themselves Terrorism, Torture, Documentary, Military, (and each other) off in ways you’ve never thought possible. Kapap Combat Concepts: Volume National Geographic, Prison 50min. It’s Girls Gone Wild: Top 10 Hottest Girls! National Geographic 16.06.2009 Girls Gone Wild min. 3 - Weapons Skills And Defenses 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084744 Mantra Films 07.04.2009 Fitness, Health 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084841 Bayview Entertainment 05.05.2009 National Geographic: World’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084768 The Girls Of Peach: Volume 5 Toughest Fixes Documentary, National Geographic 460min. Sexy. Peach Girls. Sultry. The hottest women on the planet. Kapap Combat Concepts: Volume Drenched in sex appeal and smoldering with erotic passion. National Geographic 16.06.2009 Forbidden fantasies come to life. A collection of sinfully 4 - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084753 delicious scenes. Seductive. All this and more awaits you on Applications The Girls of Peach series. Sensational. Take home a taste of Peach tonight! Fitness, Health 30min. NFL Greatest Follies: Volume 4 Peach DVD 2009 min. Bayview Entertainment 05.05.2009 Sports, Comedy, Football, NFL 2009 min. Red Dragon Releasing 03.03.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084769 Warner Bros. (TM) 02.06.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084691 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084748 Ki-Kids: Doctors & Astronauts The Girls Of Peach: Volume 6 min. Operation Filmmaker Sexy. Peach Girls. Sultry. The hottest women on the planet. Indican Pictures 10.03.2009 Drenched in sex appeal and smoldering with erotic passion. War, Documentary 92min. Forbidden fantasies come to life. A collection of sinfully 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084696 Icarus Films 10.03.2009 delicious scenes. Seductive. All this and more awaits you on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084707 The Girls of Peach series. Sensational. Take home a taste of Jo Koy: Don’t Make Him Angry Peach tonight! Peach DVD 2009 min. Jo Koy Our Daily Bread Red Dragon Releasing 03.03.2009 Comedy, Comedy Central 2009 43min. Documentary 92min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084692 Comedy Central 19.05.2009 Icarus Films 10.03.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084834 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084709 The Girls Of Peach: Volume 7 Sexy. Peach Girls. Sultry. The hottest women on the planet. Ladies Or Gentlemen The Pervert’s Guide To Cinema 1, Drenched in sex appeal and smoldering with erotic passion. Documentary, Film About Film, Gay / Forbidden fantasies come to life. A collection of sinfully 2, 3 delicious scenes. Seductive. All this and more awaits you on Lesbian Interest 2008 53min. The Perverts Guide To Cinema. Sophie Fiennes’ documentary The Girls of Peach series. Sensational. Take home a taste of Starz / Anchor Bay 09.06.2009 offers an introduction into some of Zizek’s most exciting ideas Peach tonight! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084771 on fantasy, reality, sexuality, subjectivity, desire, materiality Peach DVD 2009 min. and cinematic form. Whether he is untangling the famously Red Dragon Releasing 10.03.2009 baffling films of David Lynch, or overturning everything you The Last Bolshevik / Happiness thought you knew about Hitchcock, Zizek illuminates the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084693 screen with his passion, intellect, and unfailing sense of Comedy, Documentary, Politics 180min. humor. The Perverts Guide To Cinema applies Zizek’s ideas Icarus Films 10.03.2009 to the cinematic canon, in what The Times calls „an The Girls Of Peach: Volume 8 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084704 extraordinary reassessment of cinema.“ The film cuts its cloth Sexy. Peach Girls. Sultry. The hottest women on the planet. from the very world of the movies it discusses; by shooting at Drenched in sex appeal and smoldering with erotic passion. original locations and on replica sets, it creates the uncanny Forbidden fantasies come to life. A collection of sinfully Lavender Limelight illusion that Zizek is speaking from within the films delicious scenes. Seductive. All this and more awaits you on From Go Fish to Paris is Burning to The Watermelon Woman, themselves. Described by The Times as „the woman helming The Girls of Peach series. Sensational. Take home a taste of this festival favorite goes behind the scenes to reveal seven this Freudian inquest,“ director Sophie Fiennes’ collaboration Peach tonight! successful lesbian directors. These talented movie-makers with Slavoj Zizek illustrates the immediacy with which film Peach DVD 2009 min. enlighten and entertain as they explore their sexual identity, and television can communicate genuinely complex ideas. Red Dragon Releasing 10.03.2009 growing up gay, inspirations and techniques, Hollywood vs. Says Zizek: „My big obsession is to make things clear. I can Indie, and of course, love and sex, onscreen and off. The really explain a line of thought if I can someho 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084694 conversations are intimate, the topics unlimited, and the clips Documentary, Film About Film 150min. from their work enthralling! Featuring Cheryl Dunye, Rose Microcinema DVD 10.03.2009

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084708 Seven Deadly Sins Robinson In Space Documentary, History Channel, Religion/ Documentary 82min. Richard Petty: 7 Wins At The Spirituality min. Facets Video 26.05.2009 Daytona 500 A&E 28.04.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084787 Sports, NASCAR, Racing 272min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084930 Team Marketing 24.03.2009 We Loved Each Other So Much 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084878 Shadow Force: The Complete Documentary, Foreign, Saudi Arabian Season One 80min. Phillies Memories: The Greatest History Channel, Military, Reality, War min. Icarus Films 10.03.2009 Moments In Philadelphia Phillies A&E 28.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084713 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084932 History World War II: Behind Closed Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball 2008 110min. The Sixth Side Of The Pentagon / Doors Shout Factory (TM) 26.05.2009 The Embassy War, World War II, Documentary 300min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084801 Vietnam War, War, Documentary 47min. BBC Home Video 26.05.2009 Icarus Films 10.03.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084752 Pilates For Beginners 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084706 Kristin McGee Your Road To Passing The US Pilates, Fitness, Health 60min. Sole Journey Citizenship Test Acorn Media 07.04.2009 Sole Journey. This powerful, inspiring documentary exposes Educational min. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, a well-funded, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084884 politically powerful organization that assaults the civil rights Topics Entertainment 10.03.2009 of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084779 The Point Of Least Resistance / families. Interweaving stories of courage and commitment and interviews with movement leaders such as Mel White of The Right Way Soulforce, Judy Shepard of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, and actor and activist Chad Allen, Sole Journey shows how a Documentary min. small group of individuals take action against a colossal Icarus Films 10.03.2009 adversary - including a six-day, 65 mile march from the Colo- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084711 rado State Capitol in Denver to the Focus on the Family’s headquarters in Colorado Springs. Documentary 2008 60min. Pregnancy First Run Features 19.05.2009 Educational, Health 2008 240min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084816 ChannelSources 10.03.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084755 Stephen Waking And The Theory The Real Joan Of Arc Of Everything Stephen Hawking Documentary 90min. Documentary, Science, Space 90min. Facets Video 26.05.2009 Acorn Media 24.03.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084781 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084743

Regular Or Super Jack Taylor Of Beverly Hills Documentary 57min. Biography, Documentary, Fashion 2007 Icarus Films 10.03.2009 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084710 Indiepix 24.03.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084721 Remembrance Of Things To Come Too Much For TV Presents: Big Documentary, Photography/Art, Silent Film Boobs Tiny Girls 42min. Reality min. Icarus Films 10.03.2009 Mantra Films 07.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084705 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084820

Rinat’s Circus: Volume 1 The Top Secret Trial Of The Third Rinat has brought us a succession of popular DVDs such as The Land of Words: Volumes 1 and 2. Now she discovers an Reich old, run down circus, and brings it to life through the joy of In August of 1944, the trial of the men who conspired to song and dance. Disk 1 contains 6 chapters such as The Lion assassinate the Fuhrer - the events that formed the basis for and The Turtle. It’s a spectacular show full of surprises. the film Valkyrie - began. Under orders from Joseph Foreign, Israeli, Jewish 60min. Goebbels, cameras were hidden in the courtroom and the SISU Entertainment 21.04.2009 resulting footage was transformed into a propaganda film. Goebbels released his film to the public but only succeeded in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084877 generating sympathy for the conspirators, who were sentenced to death by the visibly deranged Nazi tribunal Road To The Big Leagues judge. Having miscalculated the impact of these images, Goebbels ordered the film banned and destroyed. But one (Rumbo A Las Grandes Ligas) print has been found. Through authentic footage of the trial, the film details the various attempts to assassinate Hitler - Sports, Baseball, Documentary 2008 90min. from the bomb in Munich’s Burgerbraukeller to Claus von Indiepix 07.04.2009 Stauffenberg’s explosive attack on the Wolfsschanze - and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084722 sheds light on the anti-Nazi resistance. Featuring previously unseen film and sound documentation of the National Committee for a Free Germany, a German resistance group, Rookies: The Complete Season this astonishing film also unearths new information about members of the Kreisau Circle and the White Rose. One War, World War II, Documentary 80min. Cops, Reality min. First Run Features 19.05.2009 A&E 28.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084812 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084933 UK Chronicles - London /

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 34 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Girl From The Black 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054584 Onegai My Melody Animation Organization And The... Kurozuka Vol. 3 (2008) Animation 01.04.2009 Kirara: Melody 9 Animation 22.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054529 Animation 15.04.2009 Akikan! 1 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054585 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054592 Animation 15.04.2009 Final Fantasy VII Advent Lupin The Third Second- 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054551 Children Complete (Blu- Play The Lupin -Clips- TV. BD-Box (Blu-ray) Animation 22.04.2009 Blue Dragon -Tenkaino ray) Animation 22.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054555 Animation 16.04.2009 Shichiryu- 10 (2007) 281,90 EUR BestellNr.: 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054539 50054544 Play The Lupin -Clips X Animation 15.04.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054575 Ga-Rei-Zero Vol. 5 (PCM) Parts Collection- Macross Frontier Vol. 9 Animation 22.04.2009 Animation 24.04.2009 (PCM) 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054554 Chrome Shelled Regios 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054650 Vol. 2 (2009) Animation 24.04.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054586 Porphy No Nagai Tabi 11 Animation 24.04.2009 Ga-Rei-Zero Vol. 5 (PCM) (DD) 118,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 24.04.2009 Macross Frontier Vol. 9 50054648 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 24.04.2009 50054651 (PCM) (Blu-ray) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054593 Chrome Shelled Regios Animation 24.04.2009 Vol. 2 (2009) Gegege No Kitaro 80’s 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: Psalms Of Planets 50054545 Animation 24.04.2009 Vol. 12 1985 (1985) Eureka Seven Blu-Ray 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054649 Animation 24.04.2009 Minamike! 5 No 2! Box 2 (Blu-ray) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054580 Animation 24.04.2009 Clannad After Story 6 Utamatsuridayo! Hokago 542,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 08.05.2009 Gegege No Kitaro 90’s Daibakuhatsu!! 50054548 121,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vol. 12 1996 (1996) Animation 22.04.2009 50054576 Animation 24.04.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054521 Rd Sennoh Chousashitsu 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054581 9 Clannad After Story 6 Mobile Suit Gundam Ms Animation 22.04.2009 Animation 08.05.2009 Genji Igloo 2 Vol. 3 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054556 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054577 Sennenki Genji Vol. 1 Animation 24.04.2009 (2009) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054587 Scarecrowman The Ani- Code Geass: Lelouch Of mation 7 The Rebellion R2 Vol. 9 Animation 28.04.2009 Mobile Suit Gundam Ms 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054652 Animation 22.04.2009 Animation 24.04.2009 Igloo 2 Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054557 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054578 Hajime No Ippo: New Animation 24.04.2009 Challenger Vol. 1 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054546 Scarecrowman The Ani- Code Geass: Lelouch Of mation 7 The Rebellion R2 Vol. 9 Animation 22.04.2009 Mobile Suit Gundam Oo 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054552 Animation 22.04.2009 (Blu-ray) Second Season Vol. 3 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054558 Animation 24.04.2009 Hakushaku To Yousei Animation 24.04.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vol. 5 (2008 / DD) 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054588 Shugo Chara! 15 (2007 / 50054542 PCM) Animation 24.04.2009 Mobile Suit Gundam Oo 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054582 Animation 15.04.2009 Code Geass: Lelouch Of Second Season Vol. 3 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054594 The Rebellion Vol. 9 Junjou Romantica 2 Vol. (Blu-ray) (PCM) (Blu-ray) 4 (2008) Animation 24.04.2009 Skip Beat! 4 (2008) Animation 08.05.2009 Animation 24.04.2009 Animation 24.04.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 100,90 EUR BestellNr.: 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054547 50054595 50054543 50054653 Moryo No Hako Vol. 4 Crayon Shin-Chan Junjou Romantica 2 Vol. (2008) Sora Lale Girl Volume 1 Animation 24.04.2009 Special Vol. 12 (DD) Animation 22.04.2009 4 (2008) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054596 Animation 24.04.2009 Animation 24.04.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054553 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054579 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054654 Neo Angelique Abyss- Sora Lale Girl Volume 1 Detective Conan: Black Kate-Kyo Hitman Second Age-Vol. 5 (2008) (Blu-ray) Animation 24.04.2009 Impact! The Moment Animation 15.04.2009 Reborn! Mirai Hen X ‘x- 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054549 The Black Burn.1’ (2008 / DD) 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054589 Organization... Animation 24.04.2009 Sorawo Miageru Animation 01.04.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054574 Neo Angelique Abyss- Shojono Hitomini Utsuru 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054527 Keroro Gunsou 5th Second Age-Vol. 5 (2008) Sekai Vol. 1 Animation 27.03.2009 Detective Conan: The Season Vol. 5 (DD) Animation 15.04.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054590 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054522 Confrontation With The Animation 24.04.2009 Black Connection 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054583 New Doraemon Haru No Spongebob Animation 01.04.2009 Ohanashi 2008 (2008 / Squarepants: Whale Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054528 Kodomo No Jikan Nigakki Vol. 2 (DD) DD) A Birthday Animation 24.04.2009 Detective Conan: The Animation 24.04.2009 Animation 15.04.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054591 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054597

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

(2008) The Four Musketeers Spongebob Animation 15.04.2009 Coogan’s Bluff (1968) (1974) Film 09.05.2009 Squarepants: Where’s 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054601 Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054613 Gary? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054692 Yes! Precure 5 Gogo! 14 Animation 24.04.2009 Le Corniaud (1965) 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054598 (2008) The Glass House (2001) Film 09.05.2009 Animation 15.04.2009 Film 01.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054679 Tales Of The Abyss Vol. 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054602 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054633 3 Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Cruel Intentions (1999) Glass House: The Good Animation 24.04.2009 Film 01.04.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: Wings DVD-Box (DD) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054615 Mother (2006) 50054599 Animation 24.04.2009 Film 01.04.2009 202,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cruel Intentions 3 (2004) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054618 Tales Of The Abyss Vol. 50054603 Film 01.04.2009 3 (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054614 Going My Way (1944) Animation 24.04.2009 Yozakura Quartet Vol. 5 Film 09.05.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: (2008) The Da Vinci Code (2006 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054619 50054550 Animation 15.04.2009 / DD 5.1) Goodbye Bafana (2007) 85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054604 Film 16.04.2009 Film 24.04.2009 Tengen Topa Gurren 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054631 Lagann - Gurenhen Zenryoku Usagi Vol. 2 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054565 Animation 22.04.2009 Animation 22.04.2009 The Da Vinci Code: Ex- Goya’s Ghost (2006 / DD 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054559 tended Edition (2006) 50054600 5.1) (Blu-ray) Film 22.04.2009 Tomica Waiwai DVD Film 29.04.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054620 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054607 Bouken-Hen 3 Film Goya’s Ghost (2006) Animation 24.04.2009 Daleks’ Invasion : Earth 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054655 (Blu-ray) 8 Mile (2002) (Blu-ray) 2150 A.D. (1966) Film 22.04.2009 Tomica Waiwai DVD Film 09.05.2009 Film 09.05.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054606 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054664 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054671 Bouken-Hen 3 Hatchet (2006 / DD 5.1) Animation 24.04.2009 Adventure Inc. (2006 / The Dark Wind (1991) Film 24.04.2009 42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054656 DD) Film 09.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054621 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054632 Wagaya No Oinari-Sama Film 24.04.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054668 The Heartbreak Kid: Tenko Mori Pack Vol. 10 Darling (1965) Premium Edition (2007 / Film 09.05.2009 (2008) Anaconda IV: Trail Of DD 5.1) Animation 24.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054672 Blood (2009 / DD 5.1) Film 17.04.2009 118,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 22.04.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054693 50054657 Days Of Thunder (1990) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054610 (Blu-ray) The Three Musketeers: Wagaya No Oinari-Sama Beautiful Losers (2007 / Film 24.04.2009 Vol. 10 (2008) 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054605 The Queen’s Diamonds DD 5.1) Film 09.05.2009 Animation 24.04.2009 Film 24.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054635 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054658 Dead Of Night (1945) 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054669 Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054673 I Know What You Did Wall E (2008 / DD 5.1) Bob Le Flambeur (1955) Animation 22.04.2009 Last Summer (1997) Film 09.05.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054659 Death Room: Special Film 01.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054670 Edition (2006 / DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054622 Wall E (2008) (Blu-ray) La Boite Noire (2005 / Film 24.04.2009 Animation 22.04.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054674 I Still Know What You 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054645 DD 5.1) Did Last Summer (1998) Film 08.05.2009 The Doom Generation Film 01.04.2009 Wall E: 2 Disc Special 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054678 Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054623 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054691 Edition (2008 / DD 5.1) Bordertown (2006 / DD) Animation 22.04.2009 I’ll Always Know What Film 24.04.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054660 Ed TV Deluxe Edition You Did Last Summer 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054611 (2000 / DD 5.1) (2006) Wall E: Blu-Ray Plus The Chamber (1996) Film 09.05.2009 Film 01.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054675 DVD (2008) (Blu-ray) Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054624 Animation 22.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054630 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054646 Enough (2002) I’m All Right, Jack (1959) Charade (1963) Film 01.04.2009 Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054616 Wall E: Collector’s Box Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054677 (2008) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054612 For Whom The Bell Tolls Animation 22.04.2009 Jack Hunter 314,90 EUR BestellNr.: Les Choses De La Vie (1943) Film 24.04.2009 50054647 (1970) Film 09.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054568 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054617 Film 09.05.2009 Jack Hunter 3 Yes! Precure 5 Gogo! 13 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054680

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Film 20.05.2009 Film 09.05.2009 The Virginian (1946) Grand Gala Avec Les 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054566 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054698 Film 09.05.2009 Etoiles De Ballets 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054702 Jack Hunter And The Rooster Cogburn (1976) Russes (2008 / DD) Lost Treasure Of Ugarit Film 09.05.2009 Voulez-Vous Danser Music 22.04.2009 70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054573 Film 08.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054685 Avec Moi? (1959) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054567 Scott Of The Antarctic Film 09.05.2009 Karajan/Teatro Alla Sca- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054706 King Kong (2005 / DD Film 09.05.2009 la Di Milano: Puccini: La 5.1) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054686 The War Wagon (1967) Boheme (1965) Music 22.04.2009 Film 09.05.2009 Silent Running (1972) Film 09.05.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054665 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054703 100,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 09.05.2009 50054531 The Last Time (2006) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054687 The Watcher (2000) Masaki Matsubara: 30th Film 01.04.2009 Single White Female Film 01.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054634 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054636 Anniversary Live (1992) Music 22.04.2009 The Lost Weekend Film 01.04.2009 We Own The Night 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054532 (1945) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054628 (2007) Marisa Monte: Infinito Film 09.05.2009 Single White Female 2: Film 24.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054694 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054569 Ao Meu Redor The Psycho (2005) Music 22.04.2009 The Man From The Film 01.04.2009 Xanadu (1980) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054524 Alamo (1958) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054627 Film 09.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054707 Gary Moore & Friends: Film 09.05.2009 Slap Shot (1977) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054695 One Night In Dublin Film 09.05.2009 Music 25.03.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054689 The Man In The White 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054708 Suit (1951) Music Slap Shot 2 (2002 / DD Neo Romance 15th The Film 09.05.2009 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054696 Best: Live Video Neo Film 09.05.2009 Yves Abel: Verdi: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054688 Romance Festa 4 Ned Kelly (2003 / DD) Overture To The Opera Music 29.04.2009 Film 09.05.2009 The Soldier (1982) ‘oberto’ (2007) 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054534 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054681 Film 09.05.2009 Music 22.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054700 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054541 Neo Romance 15th The Nick & Norah’s Infinite Best: Live Video Neo Playlist (2008 / DD 5.1) The Spoilers (1942) Bartoli: Handel: Semele Romance Festa 5 Film 22.04.2009 Film 09.05.2009 (2007) Music 29.04.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054625 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054701 Music 22.04.2009 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054535 100,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Nightcomers (1972) Suspect Zero (2004) 50054530 Queen: Rock Montreal & Film 09.05.2009 Film 01.04.2009 Live Aid (2008) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054697 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054629 Chuck Berry & Music 22.04.2009 Out Of Sight (1998) Bodiddley: Rock’n’Roll 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054639 Tales Of Beatrix Potter All-Star Jam Film 09.05.2009 (1971) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054682 Music 22.04.2009 Christophe Rousset: Film 09.05.2009 58,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054536 Rameau: Zoroastre Panic Room (2002) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054690 David Byrne: Live From (2006) Film 01.04.2009 Thunderbirds (2004) Music 22.04.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054626 Austin, Tx Film 09.05.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 25.03.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054637 50054540 Reap The Wild Wind 57,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054537 (1942) Santana: Concert For Top Gun (1986 / DD 5.1) Chick Corea & Return To Film 09.05.2009 (Blu-ray) Peace-Live At Montreux 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054683 Forever: Recorded Live Film 24.04.2009 2004 At Montreux Jazz Festi- Red Dragon (2002) (Blu- 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054608 Music 25.03.2009 val +5 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054709 ray) Two Mules For Sister Music 22.04.2009 Film 09.05.2009 Sara (1969) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054560 Toto: Live In Amster- 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054666 Film 09.05.2009 dam: 25th. Anniversary Miles Davis: That’s What Red Dust (2007 / DD) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054704 Music 25.03.2009 Happened-Live In 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054710 Film 24.04.2009 Ulzana’s Raid (1973) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054684 Germany 1987 +Bonus Film 09.05.2009 Music 22.04.2009 The Who: Live At The The River (1984) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054705 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054570 Isle Of Wight Festival Film 09.05.2009 Van Helsing (2004 / DD 1970 (2008) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054699 Bryan Ferry: The Bate Music 22.04.2009 5.1) (Blu-ray) Noire Tour 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054644 The River Wild (1994 / Film 09.05.2009 Music 29.04.2009 DD 5.1) 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054667 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054523 The Who: Maximun R&B

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) März 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Live (Blu-ray) 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 01.04.2009 Special Interest 15.05.2009 50054640 93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054538 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054661 Flash Gordon DVD-Box 2 Stevie Wonder: Live At The Meerkats: Special (2007) Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Last Edition (2008 / DD 5.1) TV Program 22.04.2009 Ladenverkauf: Music 01.04.2009 Special Interest 15.05.2009 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054526 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054663 50054572 Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Stevie Wonder: Live At Le Mythe Du Geant Little House On The Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Last (2006) Prairie: Season 7 Box TV Program 09.05.2009 Music 01.04.2009 Special Interest 22.04.2009 Telefonische 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054533 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054561 Bestellannahme: 50054711 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Yes: Live At Montreux The Sultan’s Elephant & MacGyver: Season 7 Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 2003 Girl (2007) Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr TV Program 24.04.2009 Music 25.03.2009 Special Interest 22.04.2009 Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 179,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054713 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054562 Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 50054641 The Sultan’s Elephant & NHK Okasanto Issho Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- und Feiertags (Baden- Girl/ Le Mythe Du Geant Acchi Kocchi March Special Interest 22.04.2009 Württemberg) bleibt unser Special TV Program 15.04.2009 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: Verkauf geschlossen. 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054712 Interest 50054563 Zakharova & Lopatkina Robin Hood Legend II Formula Nippon 2008 (2007) (2008 / DD) TV Program 08.05.2009 Special Interest 22.04.2009 Summary 244,90 EUR BestellNr.: 70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054564 Special Interest 03.04.2009 50054571 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054525 Newsletter 04/09 (Nr. 246) Ultraseven Vol. 1 ISSN 1610-2606 Meerkat Manor Season 1 TV Program 13.05.2009 Credits DVD Box (2005 / DD 5.1) TV Program 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054642 Redaktion: Special Interest 15.05.2009 Wolfram Hannemann 202,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ultraseven Vol. 2 50054662 Dr. House Season 1 DVD- TV Program 20.05.2009 Design & Layout: Box 1 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054643 Wolfram Hannemann The Meerkats (2008) TV Program 09.05.2009 Assisstenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2009) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38