
Books Social Studies Math Little Red Hen, P. Galdrone/J. Pinckney , Bread, Bread, Ann Morris What does your family eat? Follow recipe picture cards How many loaves? Bread Around the World, J Serrano jafkasdjaksjdjdjdjd Bread and Jam for Frnces, R. Hoban Breads around the world Sort &Seriate tools measuring tools Walter the , Eric Carle Bake, Mice, Bake, E. Seltzer Visit Brothers Mkt/Bruegers Cool Bread and Bisquits, A Kuskowski Graph what breads we eat/your favorite bread From Wheat to Bread, K. Thoennes Keller Map of the world Catch the Goat’s Big Breakfast, J. Alborough Empty /full concepts Precise measuring In the Night Kitchen, M. Sendak Sharing and eating bread Out and About at the , J. Ericsson Leveling, sorting, seriating and making patterns The Donut Chef, B. Stakke Bruno the Baker. Lars Klinting Mr. Belinski’s Bagels, Ellen Schwartz Ever body Bakes Bread, Norah Dooley Little Red Riding Hood, Paul Galdrone

Science Vocabulary Gross Motor

Make White Playdoh Bake variety of Breads Leveling, knead, Yoga From Seed to Bread experiment rising, mixing, sift, proof, yeast, Outdoor play Moldy bread experiment Observe rising Tablespoon, teaspoon, Rising dough exp. Mystery Box (filled with measuring cups baker’s tools)

use egg beater, whisks, sieves, timers, Bread Machine Songs Dramatic Play Big/Small Motor Using baker tools, Do You Know the Bread Man? Create RoxWes Bakery-rolling pins, whisks, spoons, Art rolling pins, egg A version of Do You Know the beaters, cookie cutters Muffin Man bowls, baking pans, muffin tins, chefs hats, aprons, cash Rolling out dough registers, pretend money, paper bags, pretend breads and Pastry Brush Painting Five Little Loaves in the Bakery Hot Bread game pastries, etc. Writing Table Muffin tin and Brush painting Momma Loves Shortening Bread Goop/ in texture table Pat-A-Bread Language/Literacy Making dough letters Egg toss game Egg Balance Retell Little Red Hen using Felt board and Story boards Chefs hats and aprons Form letters w dough Reading, writing and following recipes What time is it Mr. Create a Baker?