Jindal defends McDonnell, slams McAuliffe 8/9/13 3:52 PM

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Comments By Sean Sullivan, Published: August 4 at 12:33 pm E-mail the writer MILWAUKEE — Republican Governors Association Chairman Bobby Jindal defended embattled Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) Sunday, saying McDonnell did the right

Like thing by apologizing to the people of Virginia for a gifts scandal that has seized his final months in office.

But Jindal declined to say whether Tweet Attorney General II, the Republican nominee for governor, should return gifts from the same donor who has come under scrutiny in the McDonnell scandal. Instead, Jindal attacked Cuccinelli’s opponent, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, whose former company has (Alex Wong/Getty Images) also come under investigation over a separate matter.

“I have talked to Bob. I think he’s done a great job as ,” Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, told reporters here. “I think he did the right thing by returning those gifts and by apologizing to the people of Virginia.”

McDonnell has come under scrutiny from federal and state authorities over his relationship with Jonnie R. Williams Sr., a major donor who has provided gifts for and made loans to McDonnell and his family. The Washington Post first reported in March that Williams paid for catering at the 2011 wedding of McDonnell’s daughter Caitlin. McDonnell apologized for his behavior last month and said he repaid the loans to Williams.

Jindal was asked Sunday whether he believed McDonnell should step down or serve out the remainder of his term, but declined to say. Virginia governors are limited to a single term in office, and McDonnell has only months left in his tenure before he is set to step down in early 2014.

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Cuccinelli has received about $18,000 worth of gifts from Williams, which he has disclosed and so far declined to return. Jindal was pressed Sunday about whether Cuccinelli should return the gifts. He declined to take a position, as he sought to draw attention to McAuliffe.

“I know the McAuliffe campaign wants to make this about everything but the real issues,” said Jindal. “The reality is that Ken’s been cleared by the attorney general down in Richmond. There is only one candidate here that’s under SEC investigation.”

Jindal was referring to a Washington Post report revealing that a car company

McAuliffe co-founded is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission over its efforts to solicit foreign investors. McAuliffe said Saturday he first learned about the probe when reading about it.

Jindal excoriated McAuliffe, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, suggesting that Democratic officials should find a replacement candidate for him. He also unveiled a new RGA ad that slams McAuliffe.

The television commercial says McAuliffe is “falsely attacking” Cuccinelli on energy and references the SEC investigation, among other things. “Terry McAuliffe, just can’t trust him,” concludes the narrator.

“It’s not often that I thank my Democratic counterparts, but I do want to thank them for nominating Terry,” Jindal quipped, before launching into an attack on McAuliffe’s record.

Democratic Governors Association spokesman Danny Kanner responded that Jindal did Cuccinelli more harm than good with his remarks.

“Bobby Jindal hurt Ken Cuccinelli more than he helped today by highlighting the absurdity of Cuccinelli’s refusal to pay back the $18,000 in gifts he took from Jonnie Williams while Bob McDonnell returns his,” said Kanner. “Jindal’s right — McDonnell did the ‘right thing’ by returning his gifts, and he should obviously call on Cuccinelli to do the same.”

Jindal addressed reporters after a morning RGA meeting here. More than two dozen governors gathered here this weekend for a National Governors Association meeting that wraps up Sunday afternoon.

The RGA must defend 24 seats held by Republican governors this year and next, compared to just 14 for Democrats. Jindal sounded an optimistic note, singling out Illinois and Arkansas as potential GOP pickup opportunities.

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“I think the Republican governors have a great set of accomplishments they can present to voters,” Jindal said.

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John Zimmerman wrote:

8/6/2013 7:20 PM EDT

Wow! Way to go Bobby Jindal! “I have talked to Bob. I think he’s done a great job as governor of Virginia,” Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, told reporters here. “I think he did the right thing by returning those gifts and by apologizing to the people of Virginia.” You have just proved you have absolutely no ethics and can't be trusted. You actually think Governor McDonnell did a great job and did the "right thing" by apologizing?

Everything Governor McDonnell has done is tainted by this. His family accepted over $100,000 of gifts and cash donations. How do the people of Virginia trust such a governor? If this is your standard of doing a good job - I would think the people of Louisiana should be paying attention to who you are receiving gifts from.

I get it - you are the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association so you are going to be very supportive of the Republican party. However, I would have hoped you had some sort of moral compass, some sort of ethics that you could be trusted to take a stand when your Republican Governors acted in a way that clearly discredited the Republican party. Instead you chose to try to make this look as good as possible.

Well at least now I know that you can't be trusted.

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Heather OMalley wrote:

8/6/2013 9:50 AM EDT

Terry McAuliffe is a nasty, lying crook that devastated hundreds of black families.


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alarson1 wrote:

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8/5/2013 7:43 PM EDT

Bobby Jindal. A muppet in sheep's clothing.

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marathoner wrote:

8/5/2013 1:42 PM EDT

Jindal is quoted as saying the attorney general down in Richmond cleared Ken. Is that how it works, you clear yourself? Doesn't make Jindal look like he knows what's going on.

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Ted-Zee-Man wrote:

8/5/2013 12:17 PM EDT



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nomoretv wrote:

8/5/2013 9:25 AM EDT

Graft and corruption in Louisiana politics is a way of life. It's no wonder Jindal condones what McDonnell and Cuccinelli have done.

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Rose4 wrote:

8/5/2013 9:08 AM EDT

Makes you wonder about gifts to Jindal. Pretty terrible situation when Republicans have to come to defend obvious crooks in their party.

The only cure for the Republican cancer growing on the body politic is to cut them out in November 2014. Cut them out and stop providing them anything (money, support) to help them grow. Two best treatments. Possibly not a total cure, but let's hope the patient isn't terminal.

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jaywhy321jaywhy321 responds: 8/5/2013 7:47 PM EDT

LOL! Ask him (Jindal) about his wife's "foundation". That's where all the real money for Jindal is going to.

>I think the Republican governors have a great set of accomplishments they can present to voters,” Jindal said.<

Yeah, just ask us residents of the state about your "accomplishments" lil Bobby. The last poll in the state about the guv had his popularity in the 30s.

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Johnny Griego wrote:

8/5/2013 8:36 AM EDT

Jindal? Isn't this the same dude that said republicans were stupid?

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acepaperman responds: 8/5/2013 12:03 PM EDT

He didn't think that applied to himself.

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Skyline1 wrote:

8/5/2013 8:17 AM EDT

Jindal should be in Louisiana, making improvements in his own state. Read the article and you'll see Virginia does NOT need any advice from Bobby!

"Louisiana is the world's prison capital. The state imprisons more of its people, per head, than any of its U.S. counterparts. First among Americans means first in the world. Louisiana's incarceration rate is nearly five times Iran's, 13 times China's and 20 times Germany's."


"The National Center for Education Statistics ranked Louisiana as the second-worst state in the country for public education." http://www.examiner.com/article/examining-top-reas...

Louisiana's health ranking is 49th (from the TOP!) in national ranking.

Bobby, please don't give us or any other states advice on anything.

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GrannieGJL wrote:

8/5/2013 8:04 AM EDT

Oh yeah----go home to Louisiana Bobby Jindal. You clearly don't know right from wrong, illegal activities,and apparently have no moral compass.

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karlmarx2 wrote:

8/5/2013 7:54 AM EDT

If anyone still had any respect for Jindal, that's gone now.

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Hoya7292 wrote:

8/5/2013 6:38 AM EDT

The Republican Party has to stop being the party of stupid. --- Piyush "Bobby" Jindal.

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Well, Bobby, it hasn't started to stop.

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8/4/2013 11:45 PM EDT

Jindal says McDonnell ‘did the right thing’

After doing the wrong thing for years. Grabbing every thing he could get and pimping out his wife and daughter to get even more money and things. The man is totally vile and despicable. I guess that's what makes him a good Republican/Tea Potty minion.

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pnwmainah1 wrote:

8/4/2013 11:29 PM EDT

Jindal is exhibiting classic Republican Denial Syndrome or just plain old stupidity. Either way he's a disgrace to the human race.

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asmith1 wrote:

8/4/2013 9:50 PM EDT

Jindal would have done better to just keep his mouth shut, bypass Virginia and move right on to NJ where he can snuggle up with Big Christie .

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