Wabamun Watershed Management Council Board Meeting AEP Offices Spruce Grove 6:30PM, July 17, 2019

Board Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Neil Fleming, Don Meredith, Carman McNary, Dave Ball, Kenn Petruk, DonWaterman, Jordyce Van Muyden, Kelly Aldridge, Randy Heil, Arin MacFarlane Dyer, Stan Franklin.

1. Welcome and introduction of guests. Stephen Spencer (AEP), John Tchir (AEP), Larry Duchesne, Petra Rowell (NSWA), Ken Woollard ( TransAlta), Gary Laschuk, Ian MacLeod (Sunshine Bay Yacht Club), Mike Cherkowski,, Moldon Hamilton, Ron Hagman, Marcia Hay, Cassandra Stephan, Gordon Kerr, John Carstens.

2. Guest Speaker: Dr. Stephen Spencer, Fisheries Biologist AEP.

Dr. Spencer has spoken to our Board and many other groups on previous occasions regarding current and historic fisheries policies of the Government of . Some points from the presentation included the following" • Due to Alberta's northern latitude the growth of fish is slower than in lower latitudes. • Alberta has relatively few sport fishing lakes (800) compared to other Provinces (Saskatchewan 100,000, Manitoba 100,000, Ontario many more than 100,000). • The limited number of sport fishing lakes in Alberta is especially significant because there are also large populations in close proximity to many of the lakes - Wabamun being a good example. • To provide some indicator of the recent fishing pressure at Wabamun, Dr. Spencer indicated that in the 1980's there were years when approximately 80,000 fishers visited . • Harvest pressures on the lake date back to the beginning of the 20th century. It was recognized even then that the fishery was not sustainable given the extent of harvesting and poor fishery management. Over time walleye disappeared from the lake due to over fishing. • A walleye restoration program began in the 1980's but only gained traction around in the early 2000's when walleye and walleye fry from Lac Ste Anne were introduced into the lake. Walleye are now observed to be spawning in the lake and further monitoring will take place in 2020 to determine if the population is sustainable. In the meantime "catch and release" of all species will continue. • The walleye populations in and Lac Ste Anne are now considered sustainable. Pike appear to be recovering in Lac Ste Anne but there has been limited recovery in Pigeon Lake. • The cause of the decline of perch and whitefish numbers is not known. • AEP Fisheries staff are of the view that over time the central Alberta lakes will "rebalance" themselves naturally.

3. Review and approval of meeting agenda. Agenda approved Carman McNary/Dave Ball

4. Review and approval of minutes from June 19, Board meeting. Minutes approved Dave Ball/Jordyce Van Muyden

5. Treasurer’s Report (attached) Treasurer's report approved Kelly Aldridge/Carman McNary

There was a brief discussion whether $100 is an appropriate amount for a Corporate membership. Consideration will be given to raising the fee, or perhaps establishing different levels of Corporate membership based on contribution.

6. Website, Newsletter, Facebook Update. Don Meredith reported on website activity and the consensus at the Board was that the new website platform was excellent. Neil Fleming reported on Facebook activity and that there are now 237 members.

7. Strategic Planning and WMP Update. Petra Rowell indicated that the WMP Steering Committee will be meeting on July 25th and that she would like to have a broader consultation with stakeholders in the fall once all of the feedback from the Steering Committee has been considered and the WMP is in a form suitable for community feedback.

Stan Franklin reported on a June 27th meeting of members of the Executive Committee and three other Board members to discuss options for the future role of the WWMC in relation to the WMP and Lake Stewardship in general. This is a work in progress and will likely benefit from a facilitated strategic planning session with the Board.

8. WASA Meeting Summary. Neil Fleming reported on recent events involving WASA. A meeting was held with Dan Chugg of the Fallis Community Association to clarify the WWMC's position vis a vis WASA. WASA was created to oppose a proposed development of a 300+ site campground in close proximity to several property owners and to the lake. While the proposed development was not permitted, WASA will apparently continue to monitor activities on the site and will respond to any future development application if one is made. WWMC would of course review any future development application to consider any potential adverse impact on the lake and the use of the lake. The WWMC will continue to focus on the overall stewardship of the lake and the watershed and presumably WASA will continue to represent the interests of its members in respect of the Samco property.

9. Parkland Initiatives, Boat Launch and Healthy Lakes. Neil Fleming reported his attendance at the Boat Access Open House hosted by Parkland County on July 16th. This is one of 4 Open Houses scheduled to obtain local feedback to the County's proposed closure and management of informal boat launch sites on the lake. Neil indicated that the session was well organized and well attended. Regarding the new Sundance boat launch, it was confirmed that a gravel pad has been incorporated into the design to accommodate a crane for launching keel sailboats. Regarding the depth of the channel, it appears that dredging will not be required to provide adequate depth.

Regarding the County's "Healthy Lakes" Program (inspection of existing sewage systems on lakeshore properties) Neil has received an update from the County on the inspections that have taken place so far. It appears that the community response has been quite positive and that about 1/3 of the 400 properties inspected to date. Additional information will be provided by Parkland when inspections have been completed.

10. Lakes of Parkland Meeting. Stan Franklin reported on the Lakes of Parkland County meeting he attended on July 15th. This is an informal group of representatives from several smaller lakes in Parkland County (Mayatan Lake, , Hubbles Lake and Spring Lake). There are some documents in place for some of the lakes including State of the Watershed (Jackfish Lake) and a Watershed Management Plan (Mayatan Lake). Like many watershed groups in the Province they are concerned about the lack of implementation by Municipalities. They are looking at the possibility of joint representations from all of these lakes to Parkland County. The group will re examine their position in the fall and may request the WWMC to participate. If that does happen the Board will need to make a decision whether or not to participate, presumably based on what the proposed action is about and whether there is a common interest in the outcome.

11. Lake Water Level. Carman McNary has been following the rise in lake level due the wet conditions in June and July. Based on current lake level reports the level is at 724.8 metres above sea level which is roughly 25 cm (10 inches) above the level of the weir. Observations noted that Wabamun Creek appears to be flowing freely.

12. Reports Water Sampling and Bioblitz - Neil reported on the July water sampling by ALMS and WWMC volunteers. The same day other volunteers worked with an ALMS staff member to collect aquatic vegetation. A good learning experience for all.

Fertilizer Ban Signage - Neil has asked for a quote to produce signs from a contractor we used previously. Some fund raising may be required to produce and install these signs at the Summer Villages. The signs will probably not be installed until next year.

Mud Slide Seba Beach - Neil also reported that as a result of removal a vegetation above the Seba Beach lake road, the recent wet conditions resulted in a mudslide.

Seba Parade - it was agreed that a float would be entered in the Seba Beach August long weekend parade on August 3rd. Randy Heil to supply a trailer and the Fleming and Aldridge families to coordinate the entry. Volunteers will be required to walk the parade with the float and distribute WWMC materials.

Glenn Gustafson Retirement - Glen is retiring in August and his work with the WWMC will be recognized in a letter from the Board.

13. Next Meeting August 21, Location to be determined.