This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Attribution: Jean Vieille

Work: ISA8895 Implementation Section: Overview Chapter: Modelling

Language: English Version: V3 - 05/2011

Jean Vieille [email protected]

Research community Consulting group Agenda

■ ISA-88 snapshot ■ ISA-95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 2 Automation challenge

Ideal Automation



« manual Control » Capability

Darin Flemming Lou Pillai « Classical » Automation Complexity

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 3 ISA­88 standard

■ US and International “Batch Control” standard ■ The ISA88 committee develops the US ANSI standard ■ The IEC65A WG11 develops the IEC international standard

US standard INTL Sub Title Standard ANSI/ISA-88.00.01: IEC 61512-1: Part 1: Models and Terminology” 2010 1997 ANSI/ISA-88.00.02: IEC 61512-2: Part 2: Data structures and guidelines for 2001 2001 languages ANSI/ISA-88.00.03: IEC 61512-3: Part 3: General and Site Recipe - Models and 2003 2008 Representation ANSI/ISA-88.00.04: IEC 61512-4: Part 4: Batch Production Records 2006 2009 ISA Draft88.00.05 - Part 5: Implementation Models & Terminology for Modular Equipment Control

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 4 ISA­88 snapshot

■ Object Design of automation applications Ø Reuse, Knowledge Management, Robustness ■ Flexible Design of automation applications - No programming required for Ø Modification of recipes, making different products with the same facility Ø Using alternate equipment for the same production step Ø Sequencing production runs for different products ■ Interoperability Ø Assembling software components from different origins ■ Product Industrialization Ø Neutral specification of product physico-chemical transformations Ø Conversion of this specification into operating procedure for target facilities ■ Production Information Ø Data structures for production information history Ø Includes several ISA-95 models ■ Applications Ø Initially designed for Batch processes, but applicable to any type of process Ø Functional specification, batch managers, historians, PDM/PLM

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 5 ISA­88 Adoption

■ Automation Functional Engineering Good Practices Ø Largely applied worldwide, proven benefits ■ Best known in process industries Ø Less in other domains… ■ All automation vendors offer solutions Ø Generally limited to the support of recipes (authoring, execution, reporting) Ø Sometime at the equipment control level ■ Applies more and more to all types of production Ø No equivalent standards for discrete and continuous processes… Ø Adapt easily Ø Most benefits with globalized application: all types of processes, all locations

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 6 Agenda

■ ISA-88 snapshot ■ ISA-95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 7 ISA­95 snapshot

■ B2M: Collaboration Business / Execution Ø Communication between execution systems (MES/MOM, DCS, MMS, LIMS, WES, SCADA,…) and business systems (ERP, SCM) Ø Master data management ■ MES/MOM : Functional definition ■ Data and Activity models Ø Description of resources, capability, products, work order requests and reports Ø Definition of operation management activities (MES) ■ Applications: Ø User requirements and functional specification of MES and B2M interfaces Ø Native B2M connectors - MES/ERP (B2MML) Ø Possible basis for developing MES applications and software…

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 8 What is ISA­95?

■ US & International standard “Enterprise - Control System Integration” ■ The ISA95 committee develops the ISA-95 standards ■ The ISO/IEC JWG5 develops the international standard

US standard INTL Standard Sub Title ANSI/ISA-95.00.01: IEC/ISO 62264-1: Part 1: Models and Terminology” 2010 2003 ANSI/ISA-95.00.02: IEC/ISO 62264-2: Part 2: Data Structures and Attributes” 2010 2004 ANSI/ISA-95.00.03: IEC/ISO 62264-3: Part 3: Activity Models of Operations 2005 2007 Management ISA draft 95.00.04 - (Part 4: Object Models and Attributes of Manufacturing Operations Management) ASNI/ISA-95.00.05: IEC/ISO 62264-5: Part 5: Business to Manufacturing Transactions 2007 2010 (APUB)

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 9 Benefits and adoption of ISA­95

■ Benefits: Ø Direct : Cost and risk reduction of MES and B2M projects Ø Indirect : § Improvement of operational performance : CTP, agile manufacturing, planning feedback, error reduction § Dynamization of IT/Business alignment ■ Adoption: Ø Most automation / MES vendors claim their adhesion to ISA95 Ø ERP vendors ignore it § Noticeable exception: SAP since 2004 Ø B2MML becomes the de facto standard for B2M information exchange

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 10 Agenda

■ ISA-88 snapshot ■ ISA-95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 11 CCM global IIPS life cycle

IIPS : Industrial Information Processing Systems Manage Strategy Guidance

Master Planning

Execute User Industrial IIPS IIPS Requirement Architecture Construction Deployment s

Use IIPS Support IIPS Maintenance Operation

Information Technology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 12 CCM global IIPS life cycle

Information Service Definition IT Resource Development

User Industrial IIPS IIPS Requirement Architecture Construction Deployment s

IIPS Support IIPS Maintenance Operation

Run-time Information Processing

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 13 ISA­95 like IIPS life cycle

Run-time Information Processing

Information Service Requests

Information Services Requests

Information Information Information Information Services Services Services Services (BP) (Task) (implemented) Capability

Resources HW, SW, DWH Information Service Definition IT Resource Development

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 14 Agenda

■ ISA-88 snapshot ■ ISA-95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 15 Industrial Architecture Models Purpose

■ Scope Ø The entire industrial facility – the Production sub-system within the Enterprise system Ø Spatio-temporal description (structures and interactions) of this sub- system Ø The information reality that tights Energy and Matter together ■ Ongoing maintenance Ø This module only presents models for describing the facility Ø However, the facility is ever changing. § The Industrial Architecture Processes (IAP) integrates IAM within the global enterprise strategy definition and fulfillment process ■ IAM provides the framework Ø For capturing and managing knowledge Ø For mastering IIPS development planning

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 16 Industrial Architecture Dimensions


Operations Process Management t n t t n e n n e e m e m e m m e g e t

ISA­95 e g a g n g a n a e a

Physical Process Management n a n n a m a M a e

M t M

g M

t e

t a t e s e n e s s s a s s s A s

Physical Process Control A M A

y A l

t r

t a e o ISA­88 c n t c s i u a n s s d e m y A o

v u h r n T

Equipment Control P I P H I

ISA­88 + ISA­95 TOGAF ITIL 1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 17 IIPS Scope in Industrial Architecture framework

Business Information Processing Systems Marketing, R&D, HR, Engineering, Sales, Purchasing, Finance/accounting, planning

Industrial Information Processing Systems Production Operations Process Management Inventory, Logistics Resource & Definitions Management Quality 5

Scheduling, Dispatching, 9 Maintenance Analysis, Performance, Tracking, Reporting A

S Tooling I …

Physical Process Management Work Segments & Resources Risk & Safety Physical Process Control Information Operating procedures, Routings, Recipes Configurations Documentation

A Regulation 8 S Equipment Control I 8 Incidents & Deviations Basic, Procedural, Coordination Control …

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 18 Common IT systems involved

Operations Process Management ERP

Physical Process Management

MES Physical Process Control AUTOMATION

Equipment Control

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 19 Agenda

■ ISA-88 snapshot ■ ISA-95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 20 ISA88 Process model (Processing Requirement)

A Process is made up of an ordered set of one or more Process Process Stages

Process A Process Stage is made up of an ordered set of one Stage or more Process Operations

A Process Operation is made up of an Process ordered set of one or more Process Operation Actions


t y a n t t t c t r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d Process s t m s s s n y s o e u r e h A A A s A H

v Action P s P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 21 Resource models (Structural description)

■ The resource asset models (Personnel, Equipment, and Material) are based on the ISA-95 breakdown. ■ All these resources share a similar pattern. Equipment and Material are indeed the same entity: A “machine” can be: Ø A “Physical Asset” for the company that makes products with it, Ø An “Inventory Asset” for the company that makes them (finish product) or sell / distributes it


t y a n t t t c t r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e u r e h A A A A s H

v P s P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 22 ISA­95 Material Model

Is assembled from

Is assembled from Is assembled from Is assembled from

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Defines Made up of Material a grouping Material 0..n Material Material Lot Class 0..n 0..n Definition 1..1 Defined by 0..n Sublot

0..n Has Has Has Is tested Is tested Has properties properties by a > values for of Is tested of by a > values for May be made up by a > 0..n 0..n of sublots 0..n Material Test 0..n Specification Is tested Records the 0..n 0..n by a > execution of Is tested Defines a QA Test by a > procedure Result for 0..n 0..n 0..n obtaining a 0..n Material Material 0..n 0..n 0..n Material Lot Class Definition Maps to

May Property


Property Property t y a map to n t t t c t r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e

0..n u

0..n 0..n r e h A A A A s H

v P s < may contain nested < may contain nested < may contain nested P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 23 ISA­95 extended physical model (Actual Facility layout)







t y a n t t t c t r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e CONTROL u r e h A A A A s H

v P s MODULE P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 24 ISA­95 Equipment Model < May be made up of 0..n

Equipment 0..n Equipment Class 0..n < Defined by 0..n 0..n Has Has properties Is tested Is tested values for > of > by an > by an > 0..n 0..n Equipment Capability Test Specification

0..n 0..n < Records the Equipment Defines a execution of Capability Test Is tested procedure for Result by an > obtaining an > 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n


Equipment Equipment t y a n t t t c t r c a

Class Property Property e e e u i e

Maps to o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e u r e h A A A s A H

v P s P n T 0..n 0..n I A I < may contain nested < may contain nested 1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 25 ISA­95 Personnel Model

Personnel 0..n 0..n Person Class < Defined by 0..n 0..n Is tested Has by a > Is tested Has properties by a > values for > of >

0..n 0..n Qualification Test Specification < Records the Qualification 0..n 0..n execution of Test Defines a Result Is tested procedure for 0..n by a > obtaining a > 0..n


0..n 0..n t y a n t t t c t Personnel Person r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s

< Maps to o e Class Property Property u r e h A A A s A H

v P s P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 26 ISA­88 Procedural Control model (Equipment/Product Interactions)

A Procedure is made up of an ordered set of one or more Unit Procedure Procedures

Unit A Unit Procedure is made up of an ordered set of Procedure one or more Operations

An Operation is made up of an ordered set of one or more Phases Operation


t y a n t t t c t r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e Phase u r e h A A A A s H

v P s P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 27 ISA­95 Segment Model

0..n has an execution dependency on

Process 0..n Segment Process 0..n is a collection of Segment May be made up of Dependency

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Process Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Parameter Specification Specification Specification Specification 0..n Is assembled Has properties Has properties Has properties Has properties 0..n from of of of of May be made up of 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Physical Asset Personnel Segment Equipment Segment Material Segment Segment Specification Specification Specification Specification Property Property Property Property

0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds to element in to element in to element in to element in

1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1


t y a n t t t c Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material t r c a e e e u i e Model Model Model Model o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e u r e h A A A s A H

v P s P n T I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 28 ISA­95 Operational Activity Model

1.Detailed scheduling

8. Resource 5. Tracking management

2. Dispatching 6. Analysis

7. Definition 4. Data management collection

3. Execution


t y a n t t t c t

Production Other r c a e e e u i e o t s s s s d s t m s s s n y s o e u

Quality Control Inventory r e h A A A s A H

v P s P n T Maintenance I A I

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 29 Agenda

■ ISA88 snapshot ■ ISA95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 30 Production system Lifecycles

Customer Market Orders / Demand Forecast


Product R&D Engineering

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 31 ISA­88 & ISA­95 models in Production Lifecycles

ISA-88 models Operations •Recipe Procedural I ISA-95 models S •Schedule • A Performance - 8 8 m ISA-88 models ISA-88 models • o •Process Physical • d •Recipe Procedural Equipment Procedural el ISA-95 models ISA-95 models • s •Product Definition Personnel, Equipment, Material • •A Capability, Segment ct Product development iv Engineering it y I 1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 32 S A - 9 5 m o d el s •A ct iv it y ISA­88 & ISA­95 Objects in Production Lifecycles

Schedule 3. Operations Requests / Recipes

Segments / RPE

Product Segments Segments Capability Definition PE/RPE EPE

1. Product Resources Dévelopment Personnel / Equipment / 2. Engineering Material

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 33 Agenda

■ ISA88 snapshot ■ ISA95 snapshot ■ IIPS Lifecycle ■ CCM modelling framework ■ ISA-88/95 based Models and Objects ■ ISA-88/95 in Production Lifecycles ■ Methodology

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 34 IAM framework definition overview (see IAP)


1b. Physical 1a. Product 1a. Inventory 1c. Human Modelling Modelling Modelling Modelling Object CCM classes Rules & 2. Equipment 3. Process and Tools Control Procedural Modelling Modelling models repository Use Build 4. Segments Use Improve Modelling Build IT 5. Operation Improve modelling Process Modelling

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 35 Ongoing Industrial Architecture


1b. Physical 1a. Product5 1a. Inventory 1c. Human Goveranc Modelling 8 Modelling/9 Modelling -Modelling95 Persisten e A-8 ISA ce Enabling IS 2. Equipment 3. Process Object CCM Control 8Procedural8 classes Rules & Modelling A- Modelling and Tools IS models 4. Segments repository Use Modelling Build 5 IT Use 5. Operation-9 Improve A modelling Build IProcessS Improve Modelling

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 36 Interactions Hierarchy s

s Business Processes e

n Business Activities i s u B

(ISA-95, Operation Processes

n MES) o i t u

c Operation Activities é x

E (ISA-88, Equipment Control) Operating Instructions Physical Processes Procedural Elements Recipes, routing

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 37 Examples of Description standards

Business / Operation process Description: BPMN, OSSAD, UML


Requests / Recipes Product Definition: Physical Process PPC Description Segments / RPE : PFC

Product Segments Segments Capability Definition PE/RPE EPE

Resources Personnel / Equipment / Material

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 38 Modular ISA­88/95 structure

Physical Entreprise, Production, Breakdown Site, Area, Quality, Domains Work Center, Inventory, Work Unit Maintenance

Decisional Object Classes Level (Templates) Business Processes, Operation Functionnal Processes Physical Processes Objects Equipment control

Run, Stop, Exclusive Hold… States

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 39 Information Elements

Domain Model Std Information elements CliquezProduct sur Asset l'icône pour ajouterProcess un tableauISA-88 Product Hierarchy Product ISA-95 Product Definition Inventory Asset Material ISA-95 Material Resources Equipment Asset Physical ISA-88 Equipment Hierarchy Equipment ISA-95 Equipment Resources Physical Asset Human Asset Personnel - Personnel Hierarchy ISA-95 Personnel Resources Equipment Control Procedural ISA-88 Functional Hierarchy Equipment Procedural Elements Physical Process Procedural ISA-88 Physical Processes / Procedural Control Elements Physical Process Transform Components Physical Process Mngt Segment ISA-95 Segments Operation Process Operation ISA-95 Operation Processes Mngt Activity Activities / Tasks 1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 40 Thank You !

1_12_ISA8895_Overview_Introduction_Modeling 41