
Volume 22, Number 2 March-April 2012 A review and analysis of worldwide population control activity

President of a Catholic Non-Profit Explains: “Why My Employees Don’t Want Free ” (Even if Sandra Fluke Does) Steven W. Mosher

Editor’s Note: Our press release featuring this material was reposted on over 160 web sites. n v i o l a t i o n o f the First Amend- ment, President Obama has ordered I all Catholic nonprofits to provide their employees with so-called “modern methods of birth control.” Even the openly abortifacient Morning After Pill is supposed to be included. It is “preventa- tive health care,” he claims, and must be “free” for the asking. We at Population Research Institute reject this unlawful “mandate.” Not only does it violate our deeply held religious beliefs, it also violates our mission: to pro- You see, the pill — along with all its Our employees are informed about the tect and defend innocent unborn life. injectable and implantable counterparts abortifacient action of the pill, and they — is abortifacient. want nothing to do with it. Most American women don’t know Odds are that PRI’s employees also that the pill they swallow with their grasp something else that Sandra Fluke INSIDE THIS ISSUE morning orange juice can cause early- doesn’t: That the powerful, steroid-based My Catholic Employees Don’t term abortions. They don’t know that, drugs that she is so eager to ingest may Want Free Birth Control 1 while on the pill, they (1) may still ovu- negatively impact her health. Not that From PRI’s President 2 late, (2) may still conceive a child, and this ignorance is her fault. How many Obama Kowtows to China 3 (3) may then abort that child. This is one American women have had the downside May I Offer You This Gift? 4 of the ways that the pill works. of contraception explained to them? Development Desk 5 This hard truth would probably give “The pill is not a warm little fuzzy News from Latin America 6 even Sandra Fluke pause — remember, harmless object,” Dr. Rebecca Peck notes, From the Countries 8 she is the law school student who whined “but causes significant harm to women. PRI in the News 9 to Barbara Boxer last month that George- As a practicing physician, I see the fallout Correspondence 11 town University won’t give her “free” every day — young women with blood Popcorn: Fluke Logic 12 birth control — if she knew about it. She clots in their legs, strokes, early breast probably doesn’t. cancer, HPV, and cervical cancer. But Co n t i n u e d o n p a g e 5 Pr e s i d e n t ’s Pa g e Infanticide on Demand? The Tug-of-war Between the Culture of Life and the Culture of Death Continues Steven Mosher

n Vi r g i n i a , Go v . Bob McDonnell portunity to see an ultrasound of their signs a bill requiring that abortion- unborn children — which causes many of I minded women be given the op- them to change their mind. In Oklahoma, women considering abortion must now listen to the beating heart of their babies STEVE’S TRAVEL in utero — which likewise leads many to SCHEDULE continue their pregnancies. In the U.S. Congress, a bill banning sex-selective March 2012 abortions moves forward. 28, “China’s Propaganda Efforts in Despite these baby steps forward, PRI Staff America,” Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee abortion-on-demand remains the law of Founder: Fr. Paul Marx, OSB, PhD (1920-2010) on Foreign Affairs. the land in the U.S. and other Western 29, “China’s One-Child Policy,” LaPorte President: countries. And now comes an article, Steven W. Mosher County Right to Life, LaPorte, Indiana. entitled “After-birth abortion: why should Executive Vice President: Joel Bockrath the baby live?” which flatly argues in favor April 2012 Director of Media: 13–15, “Finding God in China,” Eucha- of infanticide. Colin Mason ristic Conference, Diocese of Auckland, Lest you doubt that anyone would Editor and Webmaster: New Zealand. Joseph Powell 16–21, University Talks in Auckland, openly espouse the killing of babies after Development Coordinator: Wellington, and Christchurch, New birth, let me quote from the article itself. Brittany Inzeo Zealand. Director, PRI Latin American Office: 28, Joel Bockrath, PRI Executive Vice “Merely being human is not in itself a Carlos Polo President, will speak on “The Myth of reason for ascribing someone a right to Director, PRI European Office: Overpopulation” at the Family Life Inter- life,” the authors assert. Killing a newborn Carlos Beltramo national Conference, London, UK. “should be permissible in all the cases Population Research Institute Review is published bimonthly by: Population Research Institute May 2012 where abortion is, including cases where P.O. Box 1559 / Front Royal, VA 22630 USA 10, Canadian March for Life, Toronto, the newborn is not disabled.” Phone: (540) 622-5240 Canada, Keynote Speaker. E-mail: [email protected] / Internet: www.pop.org 25–27, “The Demographic Winter,” How do they pretend to reason their © PRI 2012 World Congress of Families, Madrid, way to such inhumanity? Spain. “We take ‘person’ to mean an indi- considered a “person”, the authors as- vidual who is capable of attributing to her sert, they are merely “potential people.” June 2012 15–20, “Keeping Ireland Pro-Life,” Lec- own existence some (at least) basic value “The alleged right of individuals (such as ture tour of Ireland. such that being deprived of this existence fetuses and newborns) to develop their 28–30, “The Demographic Winter,” Na- tional Right to Life Conference, Wash- represents a loss to her. This means that potentiality, which someone defends, is ington, D.C., Opening Keynote Speaker. many nonhuman animals and mentally over-ridden by the interests of actual retarded human individuals are persons, people (parents, family, society) to pursue September 2012 but that all the individuals who are not in their own well-being … merely potential 16, Northern Kentucky Right to Life, Louisville, Kentucky. the condition of attributing any value to people cannot be harmed by not being their own existence are not persons.” brought into existence.” October 2012 Since newborns lack the “level of In other words, say the authors, what 10–15, “Why People Matter,” Rhodes Forum, Rhodes, Greece. mental development” necessary to be a baby doesn’t know — its impending Co n t i n u e d o n Pa g e 7

Population Research Institute Review 2 Obama Kowtows to China — Again Chinese Vice President Xi Visit Made A “Relationship-Building Exercise” Colin Mason and Steven W. Mosher

h e Ob a m a administration seems of value. Astonishingly, he claimed that a teriorated and about the plight of several to have a new motto: “don’t “strong and prosperous China is one that very prominent individuals.” He came off T bite the hand that feeds you.” can help to bring stability and prosperity sounding apologetic for even bringing up Or maybe that has been their motto all to the region and to the world,” without the subject. Moreover, it is perfectly clear along. mentioning that China’s growing eco- to everyone with more than two neurons Either way, Chinese Vice President Xi nomic and military might is a threat not to rub together that China is becoming Jinping’s recent visit to the United States only to its neighbors, but to the existing more and more of a police state, and only solidified this impression. The Po- world order dominated by the United that the Obama administration has been litburo of the Chinese Communist Party States. mostly silent as Vice President Xi and his has selected Xi to become China’s next Obama had virtually nothing to say on partners in crime continue to ruthlessly president, to help them maintain their the entire area of human rights. At one crush all dissent. stranglehold on the world’s second-largest point, glancing airily away from Xi, he But the emphasis on money über alles economy and most populous country. said that the United States would always went far beyond the repeated — and Did the Obama administration take stress the “importance of recognizing the deferential — mention of America’s trade this opportunity to reaffirm American aspirations and rights of all people,” a relationship with China. Xi was taken on principles of life, liberty, and the pur- comment so vague as to be meaningless. a tour of farming facilities in Iowa, before suit of happiness? Did they seize the What aspirations? What rights? What moment to put pressure on China’s people? Obama does not say. being whisked away to Hollywood to talk dictator-in-waiting to correct his Party’s In fact, Obama said very little of to prominent figures in the film, business, wrongheaded persecution of political substance about anything (something and sports industries. The message in dissidents, Catholic believers, pregnant that he excels at). He did not even bring the bottle? Please buy our agricultural women, ethnic minorities, etc. Did they up China’s blatant manipulation of its products and, by the way, please don’t bring up any of the myriad human rights currency, which is costing the U.S. hun- forget to pay royalties on our intellectual abuses that his Party commits against the dreds of billions of dollars a year in trade property. Chinese people? deficits. All he said about China’s unfair China, Inc. pirates billions of dollars Not really. They mainly just talked trade practices in general was that “we in American movies, songs, and software about money. want to work with China to make sure every year. Senior Chinese officials profit Britain’s The Telegraph summed it up that everybody is working by the same Co n t i n u e d o n Pa g e 10 nicely when it referred to the visit as a rules of the road when it comes to the “carefully choreographed” state event world economic system.” This is like wit- that represented little more than a nessing an armed robbery in progress and Double Your Gift “‘relationship-building exercise’ before merely shaking a finger at the gunman: Mr. Xi takes the reins of power in Beijing “You really should play by the same rules h i s g i f t t o PRI was matched this autumn.” Let all make nice, in other as everyone else.” dollar for dollar, doubling words. Vice President Biden, in his com- T the donation: A look at Obama’s own remarks makes mentary, did manage to bring up the • A $200 gift from Mars, PA, this even clearer. His speech focused question of human rights, although he was matched by Chevron. almost entirely on the economic ties be- was hopelessly vague on specifics. Advo- Many companies have similar tween China and the United States. He cacy for human rights is “a fundamental programs, for both workers and praised what he called the “very extensive aspect of [American] foreign policy,” he retirees. strategic and economic dialogues between said. America has been “clear about our Does yours? Check online at: our two countries,” without mentioning concern over the areas in which from our www.pop.org/donate that these talks have produced very little perspective conditions in China have de-

3 March–April 2012 May I Offer You The True Icon, by Paul Badde?

e a r PRI Su pp o r t e r , A very special gift for D you… This gift will bring you face-to-face with Christianity’s two most precious relics. Of course I’m talking about the Shroud of Turin and the Veil of Manoppello. And you’ll come to understand and venerate these two precious relics as never before when you read the special gift I have for you … … It’s The True Icon by best-selling author, journalist and historian Paul Badde. Just-published by Ignatius Press, The True Icon is “flying off bookstore shelves” because it’s easily one of the most fasci- nating accounts of the Shroud of Turin and the Veil of Manoppello ever written. See for yourself… What the Shroud reveals about Christ’s suffering and death (it’s worse than you think) … who took the Shroud after Mary died … how the Shroud was spared from a devastating fire (in 1532) when hidden in a stone dungeon … how the Shroud was protected from the German Wehrmacht during World War II … plus still more fascinating stories of the miraculous ways the Shroud has been read the author’s remembrance of this and other sacred sites visited by the au- saved from destruction. historic and sacred event, you’ll feel as thor as he traced the Shroud’s odyssey, And you’ll read this amazing story: though you were one of those present. and more. Like me, you’ll probably find A renowned scholar, after studying the And this: In vivid detail The True Icon yourself mesmerized by the pictures in The Shroud for many years, was asked if he takes you to the centuries-old ceremony True Icon, studying them at length and thought the the Shroud really came from of “The Light Not Made by Human then going back to look at them again Christ’s tomb. His answer was a simple Hands,” held every Holy Saturday at and again. “Yes.” What happened as he answered precisely 2:00 p.m. in the Church of the Today, may I send you a copy of The that question is inexplicable — and you Holy Sepulcher. True Icon? It’s my way of saying “Thank can read all about it in The True Icon. But that’s not all. The True Icon also you very much!” for your support of PRI’s Plus there’s this: The author recounts includes ninety — 90! — color pho- baby-saving work with a gift of $50 or his attendance at the top-secret project in tographs of the Shroud … the Veil of more. which the Shroud — after 400 years — Manoppello … places where the Shroud Please see the enclosed Reply Memo was removed for restoration. Only a tiny was hidden, saved from destruction and to claim your copy of The True Icon… number of people were present. As you displayed over the centuries … churches # # #

Population Research Institute Review 4 Wa y s Yo u Ca n Gi v e De v e l o p m e n t De s k

• GoodSearch.com: RI’s Au t o m a t i c Mo n t h l y Dona- Inzeo to become an AMD Partner with Search and Shop online with tion (AMD) Program is a simple PRI. Or go to www.pop.org/donate. Our GoodSearch, and choose P way you can improve the effective- AMD signup is simple and secure. Population Research Institute as ness of your gift: # # # your charity. With any search or purchase you make, a portion is • You don’t have to remember to write donated to PRI! a check during the month. • Matching Gifts: • You reduce PRI’s postage, paper, and Your Annual Support Ask your employer if he takes other mailing costs, when you opt-out of part in a matching gift program, the monthly appeal mailings. and double your contribution! • PRI can better plan and continue our  (See examples on page 3.) life-saving programs from funds given by • Planned Giving: our automatic monthly donors. Update your will to include our

work. Consider a Charitable Gift A $15 or $20 gift each month becomes  Annuity, which benefits us both. a daily sacrificial gift that helps the • Stock Gifts women and children who are among the  Preparing stock as a gift? Call us. most vulnerable the world knows. 76% Programs and Services Please contact our Executive Vice Use the provided Reply Sheet 21% Development President, Joel Bockrath, today at and envelope or call 888.PRI.1531 540.622.5240, x206. (888.774.1531) and speak with Brittany 3% Administrative Costs

Wh y My Em p l o y e e s Do n ’t Wa n t Fr e e Bi r t h Co n t r o l , Co n t i n u e d Fr o m Fr o n t Co v e r women aren’t told. Informed consent Of course, the master deceiver in Is pregnancy a disease state? Or is the provisions are simply ignored.” this ongoing drama is President Obama gestation of a child a normal physiologi- We at PRI helped to get Norplant himself, who claims against all reason cal process of the human body? As Peck taken off the market some years ago, af- that birth control is simply “preventa- and Norris have convincingly argued, ter thousands of women became ill after tive care.” birth control simply does not qualify as having the drug-laden capsules implanted Really? Every day, doctors across the preventative care.1 under their skin. How many women know U.S. perform true preventative care, Ever the politician, President Obama this? How many women know that there examining patients for diseases of the is now trying to have it both ways. On the are currently a number of class action reproductive system. They perform one hand, he has not only promised the lawsuits going forward in the U.S. against pap smears looking for cervical cancer, Sandra Flukes of the world that they can various contraceptives because of the perform breast exams looking for breast have all the drugs and devices they want harm they have caused women? cancer, refer for mammograms, order for “free,” he is now also trying to con- We prosecute athletes for using ste- colonoscopies looking for colon can- vince upset Catholics that their Catholic roids, we warn elderly ladies about cer, and give immunizations to prevent health care and educational institutions the dangers of Hormone Replacement pneumonia and influenza. like Georgetown won’t have to pay for Therapy, and then we deceive young These time-tested measures are them either. “I have ordered the health women like Sandra Fluke into think- totally different than surgically steril- insurance companies to cover the cost,” ing that taking megadoses of powerful, izing someone, or prescribing a pill to he airily assures us. steroid-based drugs to chemically disable prevent a child from being conceived Of course, the insurance companies their reproductive systems is completely or developing. Is fertility a disease? will carry out this mandate by simply pass- harmless. How could it be? Co n t i n u e d o n Pa g e 10

5 March–April 2012 Ne w s f r o m La t i n Am e r i c a

Anti-Catholic “Pontifical Catholic University of Peru” “Catholic” University Undermines Church Teaching in Latin America Carlos Polo, Director, PRI Latin America Office

h e Po n t i f i ca l Ca t h o l i c Uni- and most radical proponents of abortion, of faith of the rector when he begins his versity of Peru (PUCP) is argu- gender ideology, lesbian, gay, transgender term. T ably neither “pontifical” nor and bisexual organizations, and similar Furthermore, the decree adds that particularly “Catholic.” I know because I causes. Needless to say, the event was “every bishop has the responsibility to studied there. Some of my professors were intentionally and openly anti-Catholic. promote the good functioning of the openly anticlerical. None were Catholic The PUCP was the brainchild of the Catholic universities in his diocese, and or wanted to be. reknowned Catholic intellectual, José has the right and obligation to take care For those of us who work to promote de la Riva Aguero y Osma (1885–1944), to maintain and strengthen its Catholic the Culture of Life, the anti-Catholic bias who believed that the Christian faith is character.” of the PUCP is even more apparent. Many not opposed to reason, and that Catholi- As for professors, they must respect of the principal promoters of abortion and cism and the search for the Truth go hand Catholic doctrine and morality in their gender ideology work at the PUCP or in in hand. research and teaching. When they are the institutes that depend on it. Many of The Vatican has now intervened, and selected for their positions, they must be the radical feminist NGOs receive finan- demanded that the PUCP confirm to Ex informed about the Catholic identity of cial assistance from the PUCP. Corde Ecclesiae, the papal decree on the the institution. Things are so bad that one can say governance of Catholic universities. That If the PUCP decides it does not wish with certainty that there is no abortion- decree gives the Archbishop of Lima — to be Catholic, then legal action will minded organization in Peru that lacks who serves as the Grand Chancellor of surely ensue. The Catholic church in a cozy relationship with the PUCP. For the University — the right to participate Peru, backed by the Vatican, has made it example, at the First Latin American in the life of the university, to recommend clear that it will not relinquish control of Juridical Congress on Reproductive to the Vatican one of three candidates the country’s most important university Rights, held in Arequipa in November of proposed by the University Assembly without a fight. 2009, many of the speakers were from the as rector, and to receive the profession # # # PUCP. They numbered among the chief

Update: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights Embraces Homosexuality and Violates the Rights of Children Carlos Polo, Director, PRI Latin America Office

n e w o u l d e x p e c t a court dedi- lar, on the rights of one father and his to the father. Now Atala claims, and the cated to human rights not to three daughters. IACHR has now endorsed, the idea that O violate them. In the case of the The case, deceptively known as “Karen she was a victim of “discrimination based Inter-American Court of Human Rights Atala & Daughters vs. Chile,” is one we on sexual orientation.” And not only her, (IACHR), however, you would be wrong. have discussed before. Karen Atala aban- but her three daughters as well. That court, in its rush to embrace the doned her husband and daughters for a As supposed “victims,” the three homosexual agenda, is trampling on the homosexual lover. The Chilean Courts daughters should have enjoyed certain rights of fathers and children, in particu- rightly responded by awarding custody rights. They should have enjoyed the Co n t i n u e d o n Ne x t Pa g e

Population Research Institute Review 6 Co u r t Viiolates Ch i l d r e n ’s Ri g h t s , Co n t i n u e d Fr o m Pr e v i o u s Pa g e right to participate in the trial, to be title of judges — of the Inter-American “Children — born and unborn — are represented by their parents, to have a Court have made it all too clear that precious. Children — sick, disabled or lawyer to ensure their rights, and the right they put invented homosexual rights healthy — possess fundamental human to testify on their behalf. All these rights above the rights of the children in this rights that no sane or compassionate were denied them. This alone is enough case. Their decision is imminent, and I society can abridge.” to have the decision of the IACHR nul- am afraid it will be an attempt to expand Make no mistake: While we are work- lified by any court in the world. homosexual rights throughout all the ing very hard to humanize the unborn, Both the father and the Chilean gov- countries of the Americas. using ultrasounds, fetal monitors, and sci- ernment demanded that the judgment be # # # entific information on fetal development set aside because of these gross procedural to convince people that these tiny human violations. The IACHR, on 29 November Pr e s i d e n t ’s Pa g e , Co n t i n u e d Fr o m Pa g e 2 beings are worth saving, there are those 2011, refused, going so far as to state that death, in this case — can’t hurt it. If on the other side of this issue who are there were no irregularities in the way the an Indian couple decides that allowing working just as hard to convince people of Court handled the matter. a girl child to live will impede its well the opposite: That they can be killed with At one point, two of the daughters being, they have a perfect right to kill impunity and without remorse, before or were secretly brought before the Court her. Likewise, if the Chinese government after birth. by their mother, with whom they were decides that too many babies will impede A few short years ago no medical vacationing. The father, who is the legal its well-being, well, it has the perfect right journal would have accepted an article guardian of the children, was not noti- to slaughter the innocents, born as well as purporting to justify infanticide. Now, fied of this until after the fact, but his unborn, by the hundreds of millions. after human life has been devalued by complaints have been ignored. Understand that this screed was not 40 years of legalized abortion, such a The third daughter has also com- published on some obscure leftwing web- proposition creates barely a stir, at least plained to the Court, stating that it site, but in the February 2012 issue of the among the elites. Remember that no less has violated her rights. In her written Journal of Medical Ethics. Neither are the a figure than President Obama, when deposition, she maintains that she is not authors wingnuts, at least in the eyes of he was an Illinois state senator, voted in a victim of the decision of the Chilean the world. Both hold academic positions favor of infanticide. Supreme Court to award custody to her at major universities, and both consider There is little doubt that without the father. Neither does she agree that her themselves to be experts on bioethics, pro-life movement not only would we mother was in any way discriminated superbly qualified to lecture the rest of us have many more abortions in the U.S., we against because of her homosexuality. on matters of life and death. In actuality, would also have infanticide and euthana- Rather, she argues that her father was they are moral monsters, wandering about sia on a massive scale. There would be better able to give them the love and in some strange, surreal world that their no one to oppose the killing of innocents care they needed than their mother, who own darkened reason has created. The and the elderly. was either unable or unwilling to give it. culture of death has that effect on people. We must bequeath to our children a Indeed, Karen Atala has publicly stated He whom the Devil would destroy, he first culture that respects life, one in which that she does not identify with mother- makes mad. no human being, however small, weak, or hood and does not want to take care of Congressman Christopher Smith is aged, will be sacrificed. The alternative is her children. among those who have condemned their too chilling to contemplate. The Court has not yet ruled on the proposal: “This preposterous, arbitrary third daughter’s complaint. Throughout and evil prerequisite for the attainment of these highly irregular proceedings, the legal personhood is not only bizarre—it is Chilean government has remained inex- inhumane in the extreme. Stripped of its plicably silent. pseudo-intellectual underpinnings, [the Given everything that has transpired, authors’] rationale for murdering new- I am not optimistic that this girl or her borns in the nursery is indistinguishable Steven W. Mosher two sisters will receive justice. The leftist from any other child predator wielding a # # # ideologues — let us not call them by the knife or gun.

7 March–April 2012 Fr o m Th e Co u n t r i e s

Morning-After Pill those securities, keeping a lid on prices. hood wrongfully received and retained Distributed to Millions Meanwhile, strong demand from Baby reimbursements totaling more than $5.7 Boomers and a limited supply of workers million.” in Europe and Africa will boost the prices of goods and services Is anyone surprised? We mean, if (WomanCare Global) “WomanCare the Boomers need.” they perform abortions for a living, what Global announced today that mifepris- All because abortion has decimated wouldn’t they do? tone [RU-486, the “morning-after” pill] the younger generation. See the Source: has been added to their reproductive See the Source: ”Bad News for Boomers.” http://www.adfmedia.org/News/PRDetail/5395 healthcare portfolio.… WomanCare The Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2012. # # # Global will provide sales, marketing, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052 970204795304577223632111866416.html China Cracks Down on provider training and distribution of mife- pristone in seven European and seven # # # Christians African countries. Planned Parenthood (Crisis Magazine) “Vicious persecution “Linepharma’s mifepristone is labeled of faithful Chinese Christians who shun for use as a single 200mg tablet of mifepri- Fraud And Corruption state-run ‘churches’ has always been a stone to perform medical abortion… A formerly sealed federal “whistle- problem under the communist dictator- “The planned distribution of mife- blower” suit against Planned Parenthood ship ruling mainland China. But in recent pristone by WomanCare Global in 14 was made public on March 9. The suit months it has become an even more countries will ensure that close to 55 against a Texas Planned Parenthood af- serious tragedy as believers are terrorized million women will have another [form filiate was filed in 2009 by the Alliance and religious leaders are tortured at in- of birth control]… Defense Fund on behalf of former Clinic creasingly alarming rates. The world … is “‘To date, a European-approved mife- Director Abby Johnson. not doing enough to stop it, according to pristone has only been available in a lim- The complaint states, “At a late 2008/ activists working to expose the abuse.” ited geographic area,’ said WomanCare early 2009 monthly management meet- See the Source: http://www.crisismagazine. Global CEO Saundra Pelletier.” ing, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, com/2012/chinas-crackdown-on-christians See the Source: http://www.womancareglobal. through Members of Planned Parent- # # # org/sites/default/files/WCG-MifepristoneAn- hood’s Key Management Team, openly Academics Advocate nouncementFeb82012.pdf acknowledged to Ms. Johnson and others # # # attending this management meeting that “After-Birth Abortion” If Everyone Retires at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast had, in (PNCI) “A recent paper, ‘After-birth fact, been fraudulently billing the Texas Abortion: Why Should the Baby Live?’ the Same Time, Who WHP program for non-reimbursable appears in the electronic version of the Will Pay the Bills? products and services but would hope Journal of Medical Ethics and deserves Robert Arnott, who has spent 20 years not to get caught and would hide these careful scrutiny as it uses pro-abortion studying demographic trends, has some facts from the United States, the State arguments to support infanticide. This bad news for Boomers. The “sheer num- of Texas, and/or their respective fiscal [paper] asserts that children in the womb ber” of Baby Boomers who, like you, are intermediaries and not provide any reim- and newborns are both ‘potential persons’ expecting to live on their investment bursement of monies received…” and that the lives of both can be ended returns in retirement. According to this statement by ADF, for the same reasons.…‘after-birth abor- “The problem in a nutshell: The ratio the Texas affiliate now known as Planned tion’ should be permissible if the parents of retirees to active workers in the U.S. Parenthood Gulf Coast, “filed at least believe it is in their best interest.” will balloon. As retirees sell stocks and 87,075 false, fraudulent, or ineligible See the Source: then bonds to support themselves, there claims with the Texas Women’s Health http://pncius.org/update.aspx?id=51 will be fewer younger investors to buy Program. As a result, Planned Parent- # # #

Population Research Institute Review 8 PRI in t h e Ne w s

China must end brutal Why Do Feminists Research Institute, told CNA on Feb. 17 one-child policy or Ignore Gendercide? that this kind of abuse shows the effects that abortions based on gender discrimi- face collapse (Richmond Times-Dispatch) “You’d notice nation have on society.… (LSN) “Mosher, who first reported the if 160 million women were missing from “The Population Research Institute’s brutal one-child policy based upon his the U.S. population. You couldn’t help but bulletin from Dec. 14, 2011, reported on-the-ground research in China in 1980, notice, actually. There aren’t that many practices that take place when a family says, ‘the time to end the one-child policy females in the whole country. member is pregnant with a baby girl. ‘Her is now. Every day that it remains in place “Yet that’s how many girls have been husband and relatives push her, kick her makes a bad problem even worse.’” lost in Asia to the practice of sex-selective in the stomach, and deny her food, water As delegates meet this week at China’s abortion.… and rest, all for the purposes of bringing National People’s Congress…Chinese about an abortion,’ the institute said.” economists themselves are warning See the Source: http://www.catholicnews- delegates that economic chaos due to Mosher, who first reported agency.com/news/abuse-case-points-to-plight- of-baby-girls-in-india/ demographic change will result if the the brutal one-child policy one-child policy is not reversed. based upon his on-the- # # # See the Source: http://www.lifesitenews.com/ ground research in China in PRI Denounces Inter- news/population-expert-chinas-must-end- brutal-one-child-policy-or-face-collapse 1980, says, ‘the time to end American Human # # # the one-child policy is now.’ Rights Court for Suing Costa Rica

Mosher in the “Sex-selective abortion is at work in (EWTN) “On Feb. 9, the Population National Review the United States as well. Until recent Research Institute denounced the Inter- From “Sex-Selective Abortions Come Home,” negative publicity, ‘it was not unusual to American Human Rights Court for suing by Steven Mosher, which appears on the Na- find abortionists advertising the availabil- Costa Rica last year ‘for the supposed tional Review web site. ity of sex-selective abortions in newspa- violation of the “reproductive rights”’ of (NRO) “There is such a thing as too pers,’ Steven W. Mosher, president of the ten Costa Rican couples suffering from many daughters, but not too many sons,” Population Research Institute, testified at fertility problems. Dr. Sunita Puri was told by the Asian- a congressional hearing in December.” “In vitro fertilization techniques were Indian women she was interviewing. See the Source: http://www2.timesdispatch. outlawed in Costa Rica in 2000. The physician, who practices in the com/news/oped/2012/jan/25/tdopin02-why-do- “The Population Research Institute Bay Area, wanted to find out why so many feminists-ignore-gendercide-ar-1636770/ said the lawsuit against Costa Rica has immigrant Indian women in the United # # # no basis because no ruling or treaty on States … [chose] abortion when they India: Sex-Selective human rights recognizes assisted repro- found out they were carrying a girl.… duction as a human right. For this reason, Fully 89 percent of the women carrying Abortion and Abuse Costa Rica merely needs to point out girls opted for an abortion, and nearly half (CNA) “The case of a two year-old baby the ‘incompetency of the Court on this had previously aborted girls. girl in India who was unconscious and issue,’ it said.” See the Source: http://www.nationalreview. covered in human bites when admitted See the Source: http://ewtnnews.com/catholic- com/corner/284988/sex-selective-abortions- to a local hospital is bringing attention to news/Americas.php?id=4865 come-home-steven-w-mosher the issue of sex-selective abortions.… # # # # # # “Carlos Polo, director of the Office for Latin America of the Population

9 March–April 2012 Wh y My Em p l o y e e s Do n ’t Wa n t Fr e e Bi r t h Co n t r o l , Co n t i n u e d Fr o m Pa g e 5 ing the cost through to their policyhold- At this point, the President’s circle lifelong monogamous relationships ers, including PRI. The result is that not probably dissolves into mocking laughter. that are both open to Love and Life only PRI but all Catholics and Christians It is simply inconceivable to them that and free from disease. will wind up paying extra insurance pre- anyone could or would practice self- These are lessons that Sandra miums for things that they find morally control in matters of sex. Fluke, along with all students at Cath- objectionable. But what human activities don’t re- olic universities, need to be taught. In Such an uncompromising compromise quire at least a modicum of self control? Fluke’s case, maybe one of her Catho- leads me to seriously wonder whether the Most of us voluntarily abstain from food lic professors could also mention to current occupant of the White House from time to time, whether we do it for her that she shouldn’t expect others thinks that we are all idiots. More likely, spiritual reasons (it is Lent, after all), or to pay for her recreational sex. he believes that most Americans don’t because we don’t like how we look. We pay that much attention to his misdeeds, work hard to quit smoking and admire and that those that do don’t matter those who succeed. We put warning labels En d n o t e because we won’t vote for him anyway. on food packages and danger signs on 1 Peck, R; Norris, C. “Why OCPS Political calculations are never very far Should Not Be Part of a Preventative from the surface where Scary Barry is Care Mandate: Significant Risks and concerned. Harms of OCPS,” Linacre Quarterly, A real compromise would remove free Feb 2012. birth control, sterilizations and other A real compromise would abortifacient drugs from the preventa- remove free birth control, # # # tive care mandate completely. Of course, sterilizations and other American women would have the same abortifacient drugs from the access to them that they have always preventative care mandate had. They would just not be “free,” they completely. Ob a m a Ko w t o w s , Co n t i n u e d Fr o m Pa g e 3 would not be part of “preventative care,” and Catholics would not have to pay for from this illicit trade, while the Obama them. administration mumbles platitudes. There is a final reason that PRI em- China is a rich nation as a result of ployees are not interested in “free” birth cigarette packages. (Maybe we should put its “beggar thy neighbor” policies, and control. It has to do with a cheap, easy pictures of stroke victims on the covers is growing richer every year. Cheap and healthy method of family planning of birth control pills?) And even those of money, cheap labor, and willingness to that involves no powerful, steroid-based us who fail in diets and workout regimens violate international agreements gives drugs or invasive procedures, and is, in admire those who succeed, or at least we them an unbeatable advantage in the fact, promoted by the Catholic Church. pretend to. marketplace. Modern methods of Natural Family Plan- Even ’s beloved con- Meanwhile, we continue to spend ning or NFP — such as Dr Fehring’s Mar- doms and birth control pills require a ourselves into poverty and are reduced quette method, or Dr. Hilgers’ Creighton certain amount of self-control. How to begging this band of thugs to buy method, or Dr. Billings’ method — have many condoms fall victim to overeager our debt. Hillary Clinton set the tone no unhealthy consequences at all. In- fumbling? How many pills languish in of this administration in 2009 when she stead, they empower women, strengthen their packets, forgotten in the lust of the famously assured China that human marriages, and allow couples to express moment. Such failures explain why con- rights concerns would take a backseat to their sexuality in the natural way that traception invariably leads to abortion. financial considerations. nature, and nature’s God, intended. We at PRI understand that, despite Even as the organized crime syndicate All it requires is a little self-control for taking a few days off each month, happily that controls China continues to pick a few days a month. married couples who practice NFP have our pockets. more and better sex than singles — in # # #

Population Research Institute Review 10 Co r r e s p o n d e n c e

Our articles on the Obama mandate have get free birth control from community open to cooperating with God in creating generated more mail than any other single issue organizations at taxpayer expense?… another body and soul to give Him glory over the years. We publish below a sampling of She is getting a free ride at a Catholic and do His will. the letters we have received. University. Sandra shows total lack of R.N., by e-mail gratitude for her blessings. She accepted Our article was not about NFP, but about I’m not Roman Catholic, but I agree a scholarship from a Catholic school why we here object to Obama’s contraception that free birth control should not be man- and thanks it by trying to take away its mandate. But just to be clear, we do not consider dated at taxpayer’s expense. Nor should freedom of religion. NFP to be “the Catholic equivalent to birth any religious entity be forced to provide The very idea that an unmarried wom- control.” Many of us here have used NFP to such against their beliefs. an needs birth control violates Church conceive children, not to prevent their concep- How about us tax payers agreeing teachings. As a woman educated at tion. That is why we said that “couples who to pay taxes to support “chastity belts” some rather liberal universities and well practice NFP ... enjoy ... lifelong monogamous instead? It’s “birth control”! aware of progressive teachings, I do not relationships that are open to Love and Life.” D.P., by e-mail understand why other women are falling The Editor # # # for this self-centered ideology. # # # Excellent! I am forwarding this to S.C., by e-mail Dear Editor: many. We couldn’t agree more. Magnificent essay but we both know A.F., by e-mail The Editor the current specimen occupying the White # # # # # # House is a sophistic politician who would Dear PRI, We need informed consent mandat- bayonet his mother yesterday if Saul Al- We are dealing with cultural revolu- ed.… and we need to have “preventative insky ordered him to do so — preferably tionaries in the vein of Robespierre and care” against Obama. on live television. Pol Pot. Hormonal contraceptives are only Perhaps we could help save a few souls They do not care what Catholic em- “preventive care” to New Agers and other by exposing and rejecting in the words of ployees or anybody else wants. They don’t neopagans. St. Paul the anti-Christian, anti-Catholic want choice, they want their Marxist Very grateful for your influence! forces who create, control and perpetuate agenda. They’ve been Gramscian about it R.C., by e-mail the Obamas, the Pelosis and the Clintons. [the long march through the institutions] # # # God help us. but could go Maoist any minute. Dear PRI, M.B.. by e-mail J.M., by e-mail I am seriously disappointed that you # # # # # # marred an otherwise good essay (see Dear Editor, cover story) with a discussion of NFP Po p c o r n , Co n t i n u e d Fr o m Pa g e 12 As Sandra Fluke demands free birth as the Catholic equivalent to the pill. According to this logic, it seems that control (including the abortion pill) Contraception is about intent, not just any American principles can all be cast from a Catholic University she is actually in technology. NFP can be abused, and aside if we want something bad enough. advocating taking away health care for is often not presented in way that makes After all, if I want something, I should be others. If Sandra gets free birth control clear that is to be used in serious circum- able to have it, right? Even if it means her grandmother may be denied health stances, and with serious cause, ideally in stealing it from someone or violating their coverage that could shorten her life. consultation with a solidly formed Catho- conscience? We need to emphasize that Obama has lic priest or spiritual director. As a friend Right? Sandra? greatly cut Medicare and health care for of mine told me long ago … the decision I’m going to be honest, if this is the seniors. And why has no one pointed out to practice NFP should done with tears in new American way, I’m a little scared. that Sandra and other women can already ones eyes, in sorrow that you can not be But hey, at least I get free stuff. # # #

11 March–April 2012 Population Research Institute Non-profit Org. P.O. Box 1559 US Postage Front Royal, VA 22630 USA PAID Permit No.294 Harrisonburg, VA

INSIDE THIS ISSUE My Catholic Employees Don’t Want Free Birth Control, pg. 1

President’s Page: Infanticide on Demand? pg. 2

Obama Kowtows to China — Again, pg. 3

Our Baby-Saving Work Needs Your Financial Support PRI is a 501(c)(3) educational organization working with a growing, global network of pro-life groups in over 30 countries to stop the spread of abortion and to roll back population control programs, as well as to educate young people and married couples on the blessings of chastity and childbearing. PRI has successfully reduced or eliminated over $800 million in funding for radical population control groups and organizations that wrongly seek to eliminate poverty, illiteracy and pollution by eliminating children. All donations are both appreciated and tax-deductible. Reply envelope enclosed.

POPCORN Li e s , Da m n Li e s , a n d St a t i s t i c s Fluke Logic: Everyone Should Have Free Stuff Colin Mason

e v e r a l w e e k s a g o , a 30-year-old In most circles, that would be consid- martyr. Which, in the end, just distracted graduate student went to a fake ered a pretty good reason. everyone from the real issue. S congressional hearing for a fake But this didn’t stop Nancy Pelosi, The real issue is this: Sandra Fluke cause that ended up causing a giant con- who rigged up a fake hearing to let Fluke isn’t a woman with a cause. She’s a troversy for mostly fake reasons. have her say. Fluke proceeded to make woman who wants something for free. Sandra Fluke, a (who must be some an emotionally charged case for why the She doesn’t actually care that providing sort of perverse household name by this government should force Georgetown to contraception would violate George- point) is a 30-year old graduate student provide contraception … even though town’s right to conscience. at . Her claim to they are a Catholic university. She doesn’t care that there are a fame? Failing to worm her way onto a This whole thing would have probably thousand other ways for college students congressional panel discussing the recent died a natural death if to acquire cheap contraception. No, HHS contraception mandate. The reason hadn’t decided to make wild, tasteless ac- Fluke must have her prophylactics, and she couldn’t? Committee Chairman cusations about Fluke’s sex life. This gave Georgetown must foot the bill. The end. (R-Calif.) said “she lacked Fluke’s liberal supporters the opportunity Nothing she said in her testimony really expertise.” to transform her from a pesky nobody into amounted to anything else. a brave, women’s-rights-championing Co n t i n u e d o n Pa g e 11

“Why this column is titled ‘POPCORN’: POP is for population and CORN is American slang for hokum” — James Arthur Miller, original Popcorn writer Population Research Institute Review 12