Hydromorphological survey of the waterbodies in the Danube Delta Sub-Basin

Roman Sizo (UA), Zoltán Simonffy (HU), Oleg Dyakov (UA) Project "Joint environmental monitoring, assessment and exchange of information for integrated management of the Danube delta region"


Large lakes along Danube + tributaries (UA, MD)

Upstream Danube Large lakes along Black sea

Danube and its delta arms (RO, UA, MD – Prut) Transitional and coastal waters Danube Delta lakes Selected rivers (> 500 km2) Hydromorphological survey Danube lakes, Sasyk lake and tributaries

First Joint MD-UA HYMO Assessment of the transboundary small rivers in the Danube Delta Sub-Basin

Protocols 23 locations Preliminary WBs delineation Hydromorphological survey Danube lakes, Sasyk lake and tributaries

First joint MD-UA HYMO assessment of the transboundary small rivers in the Danube Delta Sub-Basin

Hydromorphological aspects in WFD

Human activity/demand (drivers) water supply, energy, navigation, recreation, agricul.

Hydromorphological quality elements: Hydromorphological pressures •quantity and dynamics of water flow • abstractions •connection to the ground water bodies • water flow regulations •river continuity (peak operations, impoundments, •river depth and width variation (planform and retention of water, flood protection dykes, slope) diversion, modified grw. connection) •structure and substrate of the river bed • morphological alterations •structure of the riparian zone (physical alteration of channel and riparian zone, land use, infrastructures, constructions, dredging, clearing of Hydromorphological status vegetation)

Selection of significant pressures

Risk of failing good status due to HM alterations Ecological status Supporting (impact) ecological status if missing bio data Measures for improving HM conditions, i.e. ? decreasing the relevant pressures WBs protocols

WB Water WB RKM WB RKM Nearest River name Lenth_k Protocol body TO FROM settlement m Aliyaga UAAl02 32,45 8,08 24,37 Al02-1 v.Hlavani Aliyaga UAAl03 8,08 0,00 8,08 Al03-1 v.Kholms'ke Kogilnik UAKg06 102,50 90,00 12,50 Kg06-1 v.Serpneve Kogilnik UAKg06 102,50 90,00 12,50 Kg06-2 v.Pidgirne Kogilnik UAKg07 90,00 47,33 42,67 Kg07-1 v.Berezyne Kogilnik UAKg07 90,00 47,33 42,67 Kg07-2 v.Krasne Kogilnik UAKg08 47,33 23,73 23,60 Kg08-1 s. Kogilnik UAKg08 47,33 23,73 23,60 Kg08-2 v.Novoselivka Kogilnik UAKg09 23,73 6,50 17,23 Kg09-1 v.Dolinka Kogilnik UAKg09 23,73 6,50 17,23 Kg09-2 v.Nova Oleksiivka Kogilnik UAKg09 23,73 6,50 17,23 Kg09-3 s.Tatarbunary Kogilnik UAKg10 6,50 0,00 6,50 Kg10-1 s.Tatarbunary Kogilnik UAKg10 6,50 0,00 6,50 Kg10-2 s.Tatarbunary UASrt04 24,84 14,91 9,93 Srt04-1 v.Mykhailivka Sarata UASrt06 4,22 0,00 4,22 Srt06-1 v.Novoselitsa

Data collection templates

Typology and water bodies

Danube: 2 types (B), 5 water bodies (WB)

Rivers (catchment > 500 km2): 6 types (A) in MD and UA, 33 WBs 1 type (B) in RO, 2 WBs

Lakes (surface > 10 km2): 7 types (A) 23 WBs

Transitional: fluvial, 3 WBs lacustrine, 1 WB marine, 2 WBs

Coastal: 1 type, 2 WBs

Total: 71 water bodies

Hydromorphological pressures

Rivers (33 WBs):

% ratio of WBs where the pressure significant

70 only 15 % without pressure 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Lakes (9 WBs):

All lakes: artificial water supply 7 lakes: regulated shore 1 lake: closed from sea Heavily modified and artificial water bodies Based on RO RBMP (2009) and special methodology for UA and MD WBs.

Danube: HMWB and possibly HMWB, except Sf. Gheorghe arm 1 artificial canal (Sulina - Sf.Gheorghe)

Transitional fluvial: Bystroe canal, due to the regulation for navigation

Small rivers: 22 HMWB, 6 are possibly, 1 artificial

Lakes: in RO: out of 14, 1 is HMWB in UA: all 9 WBs are HMWB or possibly HMWB

Conclusions about status and risk of failing good status/potential

For Romanian WBs, ecological status (2009):

Exept Razim lake, all WBs are not in good status

For UA and MD WBs, risk evaluation based on HM pressures and pollution loads.

Pollution only: 3 WB Hydromorphology only : 17 WBs Both problems: 25 WBs 2 transitional fluvial WB is not at risk

Next steps

Digital forms (protocols) for field data collections (e.g. open source NextGIS mobile) Next steps Automatic classification of WB in GIS MOLDOVA


Thank you for your attention!

Roman Sizo, Center for Regional Studies [email protected] http://crs.org.ua/en/projects/current/139.html