
High plateau palm

Beccariophoenix alfredii occurs in the High Plateau of at approximately 20 degrees south. The palm is found at an elevation of 1,050 meters (3,440 feet) growing along the sandy riverbeds. The surrounding vegetation is mainly composed of various grasses, and the area sees occasional fires. Due to the environment that B. alfredii is subjected to, it is hardy against frost and cold, fire, drought, full sun, and possibly hurricanes. alfredii, also known as the High Plateau Coconut Palm, is a recently discovered of (palms), endemic to Madagascar. It is in the Beccariophoenix, and is closely related to the genus Cocos. is very similar in appearance to the coconut palm, although somewhat cold hardy, making it a good look-alike for the coconut in cooler climates. They are hardy down to about 25°F (-3°C) when young, and likely colder when more mature. Beccariophoenix alfredii grows up to 50 ft (15 m) in height with a trunk up to 1 ft (30 cm) in diameter. The trunk is unarmed and bare, with closely ringed scars. The crown holds 30–36 pinnate , which reach lengths of 4.5 m (15 ft).

Category: Palms Families: Arecaceae Genus: Beccariophoenix Species: alfredii Geographical Area of Origin: Madagascar Climatic Zones: Mediterranean: South and islands, hills. USDA 10 a Habit: Single stemmed palm Leaves: Bipinnate leaf Colore Foglie: Verde Flowering Period: Luglio / Agosto / Settembre Flower: Raceme Colore Fiori: Giallo Favorite soil: Neutral / Middle-Dough / Medium soil

Milazzo Flora - www.milazzoflora.it www.milazzoflora.it

Water needs: Medium Light Exposure: Full light / Full sun / Medium shade / Half shade Form: Palm Colore Frutti: Arancione

Milazzo Flora - www.milazzoflora.it