The Straits of Mackinac an Exhibit
Imaging the Sacred The Straits of Mackinac an Exhibit MATERIALS ON DISPLAY ARE AVAILABLE FOR CHECKOUT WHEN A SECOND COPY IS HELD BY THE LIBRARY. MORE TITLES MAY BE FOUND ON OUR CATALOG, ANSWERCAT.ORG. CASE ONE, FIRST IMPRESSIONS, 1ST FLOOR ATRIUM Material that imagine the first contact era of the Straits of Mackinac. Carroll, Justin M. The merchant John Askin: furs and empire at British Michilimackinac. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 12017. F572.F6 C38 2017 Dunnigan, Brian Leigh A picturesque situation: Mackinac before photography, 1615-1860. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 2008. F572.M16 D965 2008 Shimizu, Eileen Concannon Michigan Indian place names, the Little Traverse Bay region. MI: E.C. Shimizu, 1977. Michigan Flat File G4111.N8 A8 1977 S55 Tanner, Helen Hornbeck, Et al. Atlas of Great Lakes Indian history/ cartography by Miklos Pinther. Norman, OK: Published for the Newberry Library by the University of Oklahoma Press, 1987. E78.G7 A87 1987 MILITARY, EXPLORATION AND COMMERCE, 2ND FLOOR ATRIUM These three cases hold material portraying the military presence on the Straits from the French era to the American occupation. Before the Bridge and the Grand Hotel, one of the most imaged structures was Fort Michilimackinac. The military forces at the Straits facilitated early exploration and commerce, evidence of which can be found in the archeological record. Most materials in this section are the work of the Mackinac Island State Park Commission or the Mackinac State Historic Parks. Library of Michigan ● 702 W. Kalamazoo St. ● Lansing, MI 48915 ● 517-373-1300 ● Page 2 of 13 Armour, David A.
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