Inside: Surveying Volcanic Arcs with Satellite Radar Interferometry: The Central Andes, Kamchatka, and Beyond, MATTHEW E. PRITCHARD AND MARK SIMONS, p. 4

Last chance to vote, p. 13

Call for 2005 Field Trip Proposals, p. 18

New GSA Members, p. 22

VOLUME 14, NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2004 Cover: Lascar volcano, Chile (background), is the most active volcano in the central Andes, with several eruptions during the 1990s. As part of a satellite InSAR survey of more than 900 volcanoes in GSA TODAY publishes news and information for more than 18,000 GSA members and subscribing libraries. GSA Today this area, no ground deformation was lead science articles should present the results of exciting new observed associated with the Lascar research or summarize and synthesize important problems or eruptions, and this lack of deformation issues, and they must be understandable to all in the earth provides clues about the magma plumbing science community. Submit manuscripts to science editors system. (Photo by Mark Simons, October Keith A. Howard, [email protected], or Gerald M. Ross, 2002.) Right: Cartoon portrays a radar [email protected]. satellite that measures surface inflation GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173 USPS 0456-530) is published 11 of a volcano above a swelling magma times per year, monthly, with a combined April/May issue, by The chamber. (Image by Doug Cummings.) Geological Society of America, Inc., with offices at 3300 Penrose See “Surveying volcanic arcs with satellite Place, Boulder, Colorado. Mailing address: P.O. Box 9140, radar interferometry: The central Andes, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Kamchatka, and beyond,” by Pritchard and Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Simons, p. 4–11. Send address changes to GSA Today, GSA Sales and Service, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. Copyright © 2004, The Geological Society of America, Inc. (GSA). SCIENCE ARTICLE All rights reserved. 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50% Total Recovered Fiber 10% Postconsumer 2004), as well as new results from Kamchatka. In the central Andes, en- Surveying Volcanic Arcs with Satellite compassing parts of Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, we have observed ~900 Radar Interferometry: volcanoes between 1992 and 2003 and found four previously undocumented sources of deformation. Coupled with The Central Andes, Kamchatka, and Beyond surveys in other arcs, this deforma- tion indicates that short-lived pulses Matthew E. Pritchard, Department of Geosciences, , of magma movement are common, al- Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA though the relation of these movements Mark Simons, Seismological Laboratory, Division of Geological and Planetary to eruptive activity is unclear. In fact, no Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA co-eruptive deformation was detected from eruptions at four other Andean ABSTRACT lustrate this capability, we summarize volcanoes. In Kamchatka, the limits of Satellite Interferometric Synthetic here the results of an extended study of current InSAR satellites are apparent in Aperture Radar (InSAR) permits both inferred magmatic activity in the central terms of the quality of the measurements synoptic and detailed surveys of mag- Andean arc (Pritchard and Simons, 2002; and coverage of the arc. Nonetheless, matic activity in volcanic arcs. To il- Pritchard, 2003; Pritchard and Simons, we observe subsidence associated with a large flow that erupted 28 years ago and inflation of a geothermally ac- tive . While a global inventory of volcanic arcs is impossible with current datasets, InSAR is a critical tool for un- derstanding volcanic hazard at most of the world’s poorly monitored subaerial volcanoes as well as for searching for large magma reservoirs.

INTRODUCTION Volcanoes have different personali- ties—while some give notice of impend-

Figure 1. Interferometric coherence (a measure of the quality of the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, or InSAR, measurement) from ERS-1 and -2 (5.7 cm wavelength) draped over shaded relief for the Andes. (A) Reference map, with the green box showing the area in B and the red box indicating the area in C. Black lines show international borders. (B) The central Andes. Triangles are Holocene volcanoes (Smithsonian Institution, 2004). Even though measurements are taken during different seasons and span several years, coherence is high across the region (for a list of dates and data used, see Pritchard and Simons, 2004). We observe the highest interferometric coherence near the arid coast. (C) Coherence in the southern Andes taken during the austral summer and spanning only a few years. Coherence is regionally low, but high in rocky areas (like the Taitao Peninsula). Coherence is maintained on many lava flows (not resolved at the scale of this image), so that deformation measurements are still possible near many volcanoes. Usable data are only available in the southern portion of the southern arc.

GSA Today; v. 14; no. 8, doi: 10.1130/1052-5173(2004)014<4:SVAWSR>2.0.CO;2

4 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 5 ing eruption, it is often difficult to de- RADAR INTERFEROMETRY surface deformation with subcentimeter cipher what many others will do next. The InSAR technique has wide appli- accuracy spanning hundreds of kilome- Stratovolcanoes are particularly elusive cation, and depending on the antenna ters with a pixel spacing of order ten because they can erupt with little warn- configuration, it can be used to measure meters. Other types of measurements ing after centuries of quiescence. For topography, ocean currents, ground can provide more accurate and frequent example, after more than a century moisture changes, and surface deforma- deformation observations at a single po- of sleep, seismic activity at Mount St. tion (from glaciers, earthquakes, volca- sition (e.g., continuous Global Helens was only detected a few months noes, etc.), and even to study other Positioning System stations, tiltmeters, before eruption (e.g., Dzurisin, 2003). planets (see reviews by Massonnet and and strainmeters), but InSAR is comple- Satellite-based InSAR is revealing that Feigl, 1998; Rosen et al., 2000). Here, mentary in that it can measure more of these periods of apparent repose are not we measure ground deformation using the spatial complexity to help resolve totally free of activity. In this paper, we satellites that use synthetic aperture the multiple sources of deformation that briefly introduce the InSAR method and radar (SAR) and overfly the same area frequently occur in volcanic areas (e.g., summarize what it has revealed about at least twice (called repeat-pass Masterlark and Lu, 2004). 900 volcanoes in the central Andes and Interferometric SAR, or InSAR). We use The differences between the recent other arcs. We then discuss broader is- data from four satellites: ERS-1 and -2 SAR satellites illustrate the important sues raised by the new results: the erup- (European), JERS-1 (Japanese), and parameters for using InSAR to monitor tive cycle at stratovolcanoes, how earth- RADARSAT-1 (Canadian). Even though volcanoes (see also Zebker et al., 2000). quakes may trigger volcanic unrest, the none of these missions was optimized For more detail, several publications timescales of magmatic intrusions, and for InSAR, in some cases the radar data have thoroughly outlined the technical the magma flux into volcanic arcs. are appropriate for creating images of principles of SAR and InSAR (e.g.,

Figure 2. Maps of coherence and deformation from C-band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in Kamchatka. (A) Reference map showing Holocene volcanoes in Kamchatka (triangles; Smithsonian Institution, 2004). The volcanoes are in blue and have no historical eruptions (although Ichinsky has fumarolic activity, Fedorov and Shapiro, 1998). The box shows the detail in B. (B) Interferometric coherence from two tracks of RADARSAT-1 data, with the timespan shown above each track. Higher resolution views showing the interferograms are in C and E. (C) Portion of a RADARSAT interferogram spanning 2 September 2000–18 August 2003, around the Kliuchevskoi group (Plosky Tolbachik and New Tolbachik volcanoes are labeled P, N). There is clear subsidence of the New Tolbachik (erupted in 1975–1976), and shown in more detail in D. The fringes south and east of Plosky Tolbachik are likely artifacts (see Figure DR2d. that covers the same time interval). (D) Portion of an ERS interferogram spanning 15 July 1992–17 June 2000 showing subsidence of the New Tolbachik lava flows, where the white circles show approximate eruptive vents (Fedotov and Masurenkov, 1991). (E) Portion of a RADARSAT interferogram spanning 2 September 2000–18 August 2003, showing Taunshits, Uzon, and Bolshoi Semiachik volcanoes (labeled as T, U, and B, respectively). There is possible inflation at Uzon caldera (see GSA Data Repository; see footnote 1).

4 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 5 Massonnet and Feigl, 1998; Rosen et al., costs $100s–$1000s (depending requirements must be satisfied: 2000; Bürgmann et al., 2000; Hanssen, on the satellite), so that even our the SAR data must be from the 2001). incomplete survey of the central summer (to avoid snow—not a 1. Wavelength: Successful mea- Andes, including ~300 scenes, is real problem in the central Andes, surement of surface deforma- costly, albeit dramatically cheaper but a serious issue in many other tion requires the radar-scatter- than making comparable ground- places); and the two satellite fly- ing properties of the ground to based measurements. overs must be in almost the same remain relatively unchanged 3. Orbit Control: Usable data are location (i.e., the interferometric between observations. In other rarely acquired during each satel- baseline between the images words, the radar returns must lite overpass because at least two must be small). Each satellite has maintain coherence over the time spanned by the two measure- ments. Coherence depends on the radar wavelength, with longer wavelengths (such as the 24 cm of JERS-1 compared to the 5.7 cm of ERS-1 and -2 and RADARSAT- 1) providing higher coherence than shorter wavelengths over the same time interval because they are less sensitive to fine-scale movements of surface scatter- ers (leaves, pebbles, etc.; Zebker and Villasenor, 1992; Rosen et al., 1996). We have created maps of the radar interferometric coher- ence at 5.7 cm over parts of the Andes and Kamchatka (Figs. 1 and 2). As long as snow-free im- ages are compared, coherence should be high in regions that have little precipitation and veg- etation. Therefore, coherence is high along the arid coast of the central Andes, but low in the mountains. Coherence is low in all of the southern Andes and Kamchatka because of the wetter climate than the central Andes. Nonetheless, deformation can still be detected in the southern Andes and Kamchatka (discussed below), because measurements are possible on lava flows and rocky outcrops. 2. Data Availability: We need fre- quent global coverage to capture the time-dependence of ground deformation. At best, current sat- ellite missions can provide data on a monthly basis. But in reality, Figure 3. Color contours of ground deformation draped over shaded relief from three usable data are rarely acquired subduction zone earthquakes along the coast and four volcanic centers (for more details, in many volcanic arcs (see point see Pritchard et al., 2002; Pritchard and Simons, 2002; Pritchard, 2003). Black lines show international borders. Each contour corresponds to 5 cm of deformation in the radar line-of- 3). By using multiple satellites we sight direction. Inset maps show higher resolution interferograms at the four centers of active can increase the spatial and tem- deformation, showing the relation of the center of deformation to the location of local edifices poral coverage, but with existing (potentially active volcanoes in white, all others in black, as classified by de Silva and Francis, data, a global survey of all active 1991). Reference map in upper right corner places study area in regional context. Deformation subaerial volcanoes is impossible. from Hualca Hualca was not contemporaneous with the 2001 Mw 8.4 earthquake, so separate A single radar scene typically interferograms are shown there.

6 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 7 a different ability to achieve a fices and the resolution of current digi- Using InSAR deformation data and small baseline between observa- tal elevation models, our survey is not some assumptions about the source tions, and this ability can change very sensitive to deformation within the model, we can place limits on the tem- during a satellite’s lifetime. summit craters (which have diameters poral evolution of inflation (see Figs. 9 4. Observing Geometry: InSAR less than ~1 km for much of this arc). and 10 in Pritchard and Simons, 2004). only measures deformation in During the period of our survey, Deformation at all four sources is time the line-of-sight (LOS) of the two stratovolcanoes were inflating dependent, and while these variations radar beam, implying that only (Uturuncu, Bolivia, and Hualca Hualca, in deformation might represent nor- one component of the deforma- Peru), as was another source between mal intrinsic fluctuations, some of the tion field can be measured in an Lastarria and Cordon del Azufre on the changes could be induced by external individual interferogram. border between Chile and Argentina. processes. The changes in activity at Multiple satellite passes with dif- This third source of inflation is not as- Uturuncu and Lazufre may have been ferent observation geometries sociated with a volcanic edifice (which triggered by a Mw 7.1 subduction zone can be used to recover more will hereafter be called Lazufre). We also earthquake in 1998. Such remote trig- than one component of deforma- found a subsiding caldera, Cerro Blanco, gering of deformation in volcanic areas tion, which is important for con- (also called Robledo) in northwest has been observed before, with a variety straining physical models of the Argentina. None of these deformation of mechanisms proposed (e.g., Johnston deformation (Dieterich and sources were listed as active volcanoes, et al., 1995). Inflation at Hualca Hualca Decker, 1975). For ERS-1 and -2, although Hualca Hualca, Peru, and stopped in 1997, perhaps induced by the satellites measure mostly ver- Lazufre could be related to potentially a large eruption of nearby Sabancaya tical deformation, while the active volcanoes located within 10 km volcano in May 1997, although there is JERS-1 recovers equal parts of of the inferred source locations. no obvious relation between the rate the horizontal and vertical defor- We assume that the observed defor- of deformation and the eruptions of mation, and RADARSAT-1 has mation is caused by changes in pres- Sabancaya (Pritchard and Simons, 2004). multiple viewing configurations. sure at depth due to the injection or We do not observe any deformation The principal source of coherent noise withdrawal of magma or hydrothermal associated with eruptions of Lascar, for all satellite InSAR measurements of fluids and/or expansion and contrac- Chile, (the most active volcano in the ground deformation is atmospheric and tion caused by temperature or phase arc), eruptions at 3 other volcanoes, or can cause errors of several centimeters changes. Many different models have 13 other volcanoes that have recent fu- (e.g., Beauducel et al., 2000). While in been considered to explain geodetic marolic activity (Pritchard and Simons, certain well-instrumented areas, inde- observations in volcanic areas (e.g., 2004). Other recent studies indicate pendent data can constrain the atmo- Dieterich and Decker, 1975; Fialko et many primarily basaltic eruptions spheric artifacts (e.g., Hanssen, 2001), al., 2001). Because many of these mod- (smaller than the April 1993 Lascar erup- the most globally practical method (and els can fit the data, we consider a suite tion) in Alaska and at ocean islands that used in our studies) is to use multiple of models to constrain the depth and exhibit no observed subsidence (for a overlapping observations to better char- volume change in the reservoir. For complete list, see Pritchard and Simons, acterize the signal and the noise (e.g., example, the inferred source depth is 2004). Massonnet and Feigl, 1998). affected by the (unknown) shape of the Yet, the lack of subsidence observed subsurface reservoir, while variations in for the April 1993 eruption of Lascar THE CENTRAL ANDES the seismic velocity structure appear to is enigmatic because of the size of the In the arid central Andes (Fig. 1), have secondary importance (Pritchard eruption (0.1–0.4 km3 of material, e.g., volcanoes are well-preserved; de Silva and Simons, 2004). Best fitting source Smithsonian Institution, 2004). We can and Francis (1991) estimate 1113 vol- depths (below sea level) are as follows: rule out injection or withdrawal of canic structures younger than 20 Ma, 8–18 km at Hualca Hualca; 12–25 km magma from a shallow magma chamber, although only 44 are classified as po- for Uturuncu; 5–13 km for the Lazufre, unless the magma chamber can gain or tentially active (with eruptions younger and 5–10 km at Cerro Blanco (Pritchard lose magma without deforming, a pro- than the last glaciation; de Silva and and Simons, 2004). Because hydrother- cess that is difficult to imagine for the Francis [1991]). We place constraints on mal systems are usually <10 km deep silicic magmas at Lascar. Modeling in- the deformation at all of the potentially (e.g., Newhall and Dzurisin, 1988), we dicates that the magma chamber would active volcanoes and 945 total volcanic suspect that deformation at Uturuncu, need to be at least 25 km deep (possibly structures between 1992 and 2003 with Lazufre, and Hualca Hualca has a mag- much deeper) to explain the lack of an accuracy of 1–2 cm (documented in matic origin, and that subsidence at deformation from the April 1993 erup- Pritchard and Simons, 2002; Pritchard, Cerro Blanco is at least augmented by tion, and such a deep magma chamber 2003; Pritchard and Simons, 2004). hydrothermal activity. Uturuncu lies might not be consistent with the fact We found broad (10s of km), roughly within a region of low seismic velocity that movements of the seem axisymmetric, centimeter-scale defor- and inferred partial melt (Chmielowski to trigger eruptions in at least 1986–1993 mation at four centers with no previ- et al., 1999), part of the Altiplano- (Matthews et al., 1997). Considering the ously documented deformation (Fig. 3). Puna Magmatic Complex (de Silva and long periods between observations (see Because of low coherence on the edi- Francis, 1991). Pritchard and Simons, 2004), inflation

6 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 7 Figure 4. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data availability for volcanic arcs from ERS-1 and -2, JERS and RADARSAT as of March 2004. For the blue boxes, at least one interferogram has been published from the arc (e.g., Zebker et al., 2000), or more than five years of temporal coverage of the arc is possible with one or more interferograms. For the red boxes, coverage is considered incomplete if less than 5 years can be spanned by interferograms (for some arcs, no interferograms can be made). Deformation has been measured in the Japan-Izu-Bonin arc (e.g., Nishimura et al., 2001; Furuya, 2004), the Mediterranean (e.g., Massonnet et al., 1995; Lanari et al., 1998), and the USA (Cascadia and Alaska/Aleutians; e.g., Wicks et al., 2002; Lu et al., 2003a), and studies of all volcanoes in these arcs is ongoing. and deflation could nearly exactly can- dormant volcanoes are short-lived and at Mount Peulik, Alaska, South Sister, cel each other, especially if the eruptive therefore may commonly occur without Oregon, or Westdahl, Alaska (e.g., Dixon process is cyclic or the magma cham- eruption. A short timescale for these et al., 2002, http://www.geophys. ber quickly repressurizes. In order to intrusions is consistent with the fact that washington.edu/SEIS/PNSN/SISTERS/). resolve whether the Lascar chamber is deformation at Mount Peulik, Alaska, However, an earthquake swarm did deep or quickly repressurizes, petrologi- is inferred to have occurred between occur at South Sister in March 2004. At cal and seismic studies of the magma 1996 and 1998 (Lu et al., 2002a), and Uturuncu, Bolivia, a short deployment of chamber location should be undertaken, the beginning or ending of periods of a single seismometer revealed a surpris- and InSAR measurements with greater deformation was seen at South Sister in ingly high rate of seismicity, but further temporal resolution must be acquired. Oregon and Hualca Hualca and Lazufre work is necessary to determine if this is in the central Andes. Geochemical related to magmatic or hydrothermal ac- ERUPTIVE HAZARD evidence at other volcanoes suggests tivity (McNutt and Pritchard, 2003). Inflation at supposedly inactive volca- multiple timescales for intrusions, and While the duration of inflation could noes has been found in the Galapagos, that there might be several small intru- provide some clues to the hazard, it Alaska, and the Cascades, and as in the sions spanning the decades to centuries is less clear if the horizontal position central Andes, is assumed to be of mag- before an eruption (e.g., Zellmer et al., of the source (e.g., location relative to matic origin (Lu et al., 2002a; Wicks et 2003), so that any eruption might be the edifice) is important in assessing al., 2002; Lu et al., 2000a; Amelung et many years from now. the origin or threat of the deformation. al., 2000). The hazard from these pre- The durations of intrusive episodes While one might assume that a source sumed magma intrusions is unclear: will can be governed by a combination of of deformation at some distance from an this magma accumulation result in an magma supply, the physics of transport, eruptive vent may be a noneruptive in- eruption, or is this a benign intrusion? and potentially some external mecha- trusion, several eruptions seem to have In this respect, the inferred source at nism like earthquakes. We mentioned been fed by magma chambers 5–10 km Lazufre is especially enigmatic. It may earlier that a Mw 7.1 subduction zone away from the eruptive center (Curtis, be related to one of the nearby (within earthquake could have affected volcanic 1968; Lu et al., 2000c). 10 km) potentially active volcanoes, a deformation in the central Andes, but To better characterize the eruptive randomly located intrusion, or perhaps Mw 8.1 and Mw 8.4 earthquakes had no hazard from the magmatic intrusions the birth of a new volcano or caldera. obvious effects (although the Mw 8.4 imaged with InSAR, we need a more Assessing hazard is difficult without earthquake may have affected shallow complete understanding of the eruptive ancillary information about the eruptive groundwater flow; Pritchard, 2003). A cycle of each . At some history of the volcano, the subsurface correlation between earthquakes and volcanoes (particularly basaltic volca- magmatic plumbing (as inferred from eruptions is suggested (e.g., Linde and noes in Hawaii, Alaska, and Iceland) the seismic tomography or geochemical Sacks, 1998), but with InSAR monitor- eruptive cycle seems straightforward: studies), or current unrest (seismicity, ing of volcanic arcs, we can look for the magma enters a chamber, an erup- thermal activity, or degassing). influence of earthquakes on more subtle tion occurs, the chamber empties, and However, observations of deformation changes in deformation rates. the chamber refills (e.g., Dvorak and can provide some clues to the physical Further allaying concerns about an Dzurisin, 1997; Mann et al., 2002; Lu et processes occurring at depth and to the immediate eruptive threat is the paucity al., 2003b). At many stratovolcanoes, potential hazard. For example, there is of shallow seismicity that may indicate the pattern is more complicated. Magma evidence that the intrusive episodes at that magma is approaching the surface may not refill every chamber before

8 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 9 or after eruption, or might not even et al., 1997–2003, and Pritchard and Repository). It is difficult to determine be stored in a shallow chamber before Simons, 2004). Of course, the ratio of if the movement of magmatic or hydro- erupting (Dzurisin, 2003). If InSAR mea- the volume of material erupted to the thermal fluids are the cause with only surements are made frequently enough volume intruded could vary between deformation data (e.g., Battaglia et al., so that pre-eruptive, co-eruptive and arcs, and documenting how this ratio 1999). We do not observe deformation posteruptive processes can be sepa- changes in different arcs and tectonic associated with eruptions that occurred rated, we can test where and when the regimes is a goal for future InSAR satel- during the time period of observa- simple eruptive cycle works. Ground- lites. Although it is possible that conver- tion at Kliuchevskoi, Sheveluch, or based sensors (particularly gravimeters gence rate controls overall magma flux, Bezymianny volcanoes, but because of and continuous geodetic stations) will other factors also seem to be important, the poor spatial and temporal coverage, be an important complement to InSAR, and there is currently no consensus only large signals would be detectable especially in cases where magma move- (e.g., Karig and Kay, 1981; Simkin and (see GSA Data Repository). These pre- ments are undetectable by satellite Siebert, 1984). liminary results confirm the diversity of (because the magma moves without de- For some arcs, we find InSAR data sources of deformation in arcs and the forming the surface or the deformation coverage is greater than what has need for synoptic surveys instead of is too small). been published, while for other arcs, point measurements. usable data has not been acquired, INTER-ARC COMPARISON or has been acquired for only part of THE FUTURE In the central Andes, the deforming the arc (Fig. 4). For example, in the Even though existing InSAR systems volcanoes are not erupting, and we do Kamchatka-Kuril arc, viable data only have provided new insights into vol- not observe deformation at the erupting exists south of Urup island and north of canoes and other fields of geophysics, volcanoes. Only four volcanoes out of Petropavlovsk, because of the location considering the practical difficulties the hundreds surveyed are deforming, of downlink stations. mentioned above, a satellite dedicated and none of them are the usual suspects In Figure 2, we present ERS-1 and and optimized for InSAR could discover of potentially active volcanoes. To ex- -2 and RADARSAT data for northern much more, and should be a high prior- plore how representative these results Kamchatka between 1992 and 2003, al- ity for U.S. funding agencies (National are, we searched the literature and data though most volcanoes are only covered Aeronautics and Space Administration, archives of ERS-1 and -2, JERS, and during the last three years (for a com- National Science Foundation, and the RADARSAT to determine which other plete list, see GSA Data Repository1). U.S. Geological Survey; e.g., Solomon arcs could be surveyed in a similar com- Despite difficulties with coherence and et al., 2003). Key mission characteristics prehensive manner (Fig. 4). poor knowledge of the orbital baselines, include: A comparison between the central we observe two sources of deformation • L-band (24 cm wavelength) radar Andes and the Aleutian arc is illustra- (Fig. 2). There is one area of subsidence to maximize interferometric coher- tive of inter-arc variations, because (maximum of ~2.5 cm/yr LOS) associ- ence in nonarid environments and although both have about the same ated with the basaltic lava flows from over extended time periods in all number of Holocene volcanoes (70–80, the great Tolbachik fissure eruption of environments. Smithsonian Institution, 2004), the 1975–1976 (~2 km3; e.g., Fedotov and • Left and right looking radar from Aleutian arc has more historic erup- Masurenkov, 1991). Subsidence of lava both ascending and descending or- tions (41 compared to 17; Smithsonian flows and other eruptive products ob- bits to provide constraints on the full Institution, 2004), and more actively de- served elsewhere has been related to three-dimensional deformation field. forming volcanoes (9 compared to 4, Lu thermal contraction, relaxation of the • Subweekly access to the whole globe et al., 1997, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2002a, underlying substrate, and closing of to assess time-dependent deformation, 2002b, 2002c; Mann and Freymueller, pore space (e.g., Lu et al., 2003a). generate sufficient observations for 2003; Masterlark and Lu, 2004). The We also observe inflation (maximum stacking, and permit a global inventory estimated magma flux into both arcs of ~1.5 cm/yr LOS; Fig. 2) associated of subaerial volcanoes. is similar over the long term (e.g., 10 with the geothermally active Uzon • A free and open data policy to Ma; Karig and Kay, 1981; Francis and caldera (e.g., Belousov et al., 1984). maximize innovative use of the Hawkesworth, 1994), although there are The deformation at Uzon is less certain data and continued algorithmic within-arc variations (e.g., Fournelle et because of the lower coherence in the improvements. al., 1994). Short-term temporal variations area and the existence of only a few • Tight orbital control to minimize in- in the flux are likely (e.g., Fournelle measurements (making it harder to terferometric baseline, thereby maxi- et al., 1994), but at least over the past rule out atmospheric contamination). A mizing the number of allowable in- 10 years, the observed rates of magma magma body has been inferred below terferometric pairs and minimizing intrusion are also similar between arcs, the caldera at 5 km (Waltham, 2001), the sensitivity to topography. based on incomplete InSAR surveys and our best fitting model sources lie at • Accurate a posteori orbital knowl- of both arcs (summing results from Lu this depth or shallower (see GSA Data edge to provide the most accurate

1GSA Data Repository Item 2004139, Tables DR1 and DR2 and Figures DR1–DR3, is available on request from Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA, [email protected], or at www.geosociety.org/pubs/ft2004.htm.

8 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 9 estimates of deformation possible. ity, and we thank E. Fielding, E. Price, Research Letters, v. 28, p. 3549–3552, doi: 10.1029/ 2001GL013318. • Large bandwidth to permit estima- and V. Wolf for helping us find and pro- Fialko, Y., Khazan, Y., and Simons, M., 2001, Deformation tion and correction of ionospheric cess this data. Digital Elevation Models due to a pressurized horizontal circular crack in an elas- effects. from the Shuttle Radar Topography tic half-space, with applications to volcano geodesy: Geophysical Journal International, v. 146, p. 181–190, doi: Such a satellite or constellation of sat- Mission at 90 m per pixel resolu- 10.1046/J.1365-246X.2001.00452.X. ellites would allow for global volcano tion were supplied courtesy of NASA. Fournelle, J.H., Marsh, B.D., and Meyers, J.D., 1994, Age, monitoring, and would undoubtedly The GMT program was used to cre- character, and significance of Aleutian arc volcanism, in Plafker, G., and Berg, H.C., eds., The Geology of Alaska: discover unsuspected sources of defor- ate several figures (Wessel and Smith, Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, The mation at many presumably dormant 1998). Pritchard was partly supported Geology of North America, v. G-1, p. 723–757. Francis, P.W., and Hawkesworth, C.J., 1994, Late Cenozoic volcanoes and elsewhere. Field surveys by a Hess Fellowship from Princeton rates of magmatic activity in the central Andes and their could then be targeted at these few University. Contribution number 9073 of relationships to continental crust formation and thicken- ing: Journal of the Geological Society [London], v. 151, volcanoes to assess the threat of erup- the Division of Geological and Planetary p. 845–854. tion. Even at well-monitored volcanoes, Science, Seismological Laboratory, Furuya, M., 2004, Localized deformation at Miyakejima InSAR observations are useful because California Institute of Technology. volcano based on JERS-1 radar interferometry: 1992–1998: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 31, doi: 10.1029/ they can measure more of the deforma- 2003GL019364. 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10 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 11 Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 108, doi: 10.1029/ Pritchard, M.E., 2003, Recent crustal deformation in west- Solomon, S.C., Baker, V.R., Bloxham, J., Booth, J., 2002JB002311. central South America [Ph.D. thesis]: Pasadena, California, Donnellan, A., Elachi, C., Evans, D., Rignot, E., Burbank, California Institute of Technology, http://etd.caltech.edu/etd/ D., Chao, B.F., Chave, A., Gillespie, A., Herring, T., Jeanloz, Mann, D., and Freymueller, J.T., 2003, Volcanic and tectonic available/etd06022003-105512/. 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10 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 11 Dialogue or people step forward and submit their own names. The Vote in GSA’s committee reviews this list and all supporting documentation submitted, including each person’s record of service at GSA, before making its recommendation to Council. Once Council upcoming council approves the list of candidates chosen, the balloting process election—we need is organized in preparation for annual elections. to hear from you! Why do Council officers run unopposed?

Rob Van der Voo, GSA President Officers have already been elected to Council in a contested popular vote by the time they are considered for Once again election time is upon us. We have a fine field of a position on the Executive Committee. Our organization candidates for GSA Council positions, and I encourage you and others have had the unfortunate experience of losing all to participate in this critically important process. vital, well-qualified people at this level because they did GSA has made good progress as a Society over the past not win in an Executive Committee election. We want to several years, thanks to a dedicated group of visionary, maintain everyone’s participation and enjoy the continuity of hardworking volunteers. We continue to need good experience that this process affords us. leadership as we consider the many opportunities and challenges on the horizon. Following are some frequently asked questions about GSA’s elections process. Thank If I want to be considered for a you in advance for your thoughtful consideration and for casting your ballot! position on Council, what should I do? Get involved in the life of the Society. Volunteering to serve on a committee is a great place to begin. Committee Who can vote in GSA elections? service allows you to bring your knowledge, expertise, and All professional, teacher, and student members of GSA passion to bear on one of the many exciting challenges are eligible. Only student associates (undergraduates) and we face as geoscientists. GSA has 23 standing committees affiliates do not vote. to choose from, and all that is required is that you inform the Nominations Committee of your interest in serving. As mentioned previously, committee service is considered Why should I vote? when selecting individuals to run for open Council positions. Visit www.geosociety.org/aboutus/commtees/ or As a member of GSA, your opinion counts! This contact Ruth Harrison, (303) 357-1000, ext. 0, rharrison@ is never truer than in these times of change within the geosociety.org, for a list of committees, their functions, geosciences. Your elected representatives determine the and contact information. Participation on GSA Section and Society’s response as our science evolves and changes take Division management boards is also considered; relevant place in our profession. Elected representatives help shape information can be accessed via www.geosociety.org/ our collective future. That’s why it’s so important that you sectdiv. read the information on each candidate posted on GSA’s Web site (www.geosociety.org) and carefully consider what GSA 2004–2005 kind of direction and leadership he or she is likely to bring Council Election Timetable to GSA. It’s your Society, after all.  Postcard notifications with instructions for voting mailed in early August. How are candidates for Council  Online voting August 11–September 10 at selected? www.geosociety.org/ballot.asp.

GSA has a standing Committee on Nominations  Paper ballots available now for members unable to consisting of seven members plus Executive Director Jack vote online. Contact GSA Sales and Service at Hess (ex officio). All members serve three-year terms. The 1-888-443-4472 or [email protected]. committee meets each year to consider candidates for  Completed paper ballots must be postmarked no open positions on Council. Throughout the year, possible later than September 10. candidates are nominated by their colleagues within GSA

12 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 13 ������������� ���������������� ATTENTION Voting Members Vote by September 10, 2004

The success of GSA depends on the work of the elected officers who serve on its Executive Committee and Council. Make your wishes for GSA known by voting. You should receive a postcard in August with instructions on how to access a secure Web site and your electronic ballot listing officer nominees for 2005 and councilor nominees for the term 2005 to June 2009. Biographical information on each candidate also is avail- able on the site. If you do not receive these instructions, or if you need paper copies of the ballot or candidate information, contact GSA Sales and Service, (303) 357-1000, option 3, 1-888-443-4472, or gsaservice@ �������������� geosociety.org. ��������� Your vote is vital to GSA! Please take a few minutes and ��������� �������� ���� vote today. Ballots must be submitted electronically or postmarked ��������� ������������� by September 10, 2004. ����������������� ������������������������������� 2005 Officer and Councilor Nominees ������������������������������ ���������������������������� President Councilor (2005-June 2009) �������������������������������� William A. Thomas Position 2 ����� ���� ����� ����� ���� ������� University of Kentucky John W. Geissman University of New Mexico ������������������������������� Vice President ���������������������������� Stephen G. Wells Walter D. Mooney Desert Research Institute, Reno, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, ������������������������������� Nevada California ��������� � � Treasurer Councilor (2005–June 2009) ���� ������ �� � �� �� � �� John Costa Position 3 ������������������������������ U.S. Geological Survey, Portland, Jill S. Schneiderman ���������������������� Oregon Vassar College �������������������������������� ������������������������������� Councilor (2005–June 2009) J. Douglas Walker ������������������ Position 1* University of Kansas ��������������������� Nancy J. McMillan Councilor (2005–June 2008) ���������������������������� New Mexico State University Position 4 Warren E. Huff Robbie R. Gries University of Cincinnati Priority Oil & Gas LLC, Denver, �������������� Colorado ������������������ Jonathan G. Price ���������������������������������� Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology ���������������������������������� ������������������������� *Katharine Cashman has withdrawn from the election. ������������������������ ���������������������������

12 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 13  Enrich Your Meeting Experience with a Field Trip  GEOSCIENCE in a Changing World—Denver 2004 Complete trip descriptions, registration details, and information Eric Robeck. Max.: 20; min.: 7. Cost: $240 (2L, 1D, R, 1ON, vans). are in the June issue of GSA Today and posted at www.geosociety. org. All trips begin and end at the Colorado Convention Center, 6. A New K-T Boundary in the Denver Basin [406] Denver, unless otherwise indicated. Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Kirk Johnson, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Standard registration deadline: September 30 Blvd., Denver, CO 80205-5732, (303) 370-6448, fax 303-331-6492, Cancellation deadline: October 7 [email protected]; Richard Barclay. Max.: 45; min.: 12. Cost: $105 Register online: www.geosociety.org (1L, R, bus).

Questions? Contact the field trip leader or Edna Collis, GSA 7. Buried Paleo-Indian Landscapes and Sites in the High Program Officer, (303) 357-1034, [email protected]. Meals and Plains of Northwestern Kansas and Eastern Colorado [407] lodging are noted by the follow symbols: B—breakfast, L—lunch, Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by the GSA Archaeological Geology R—refreshments, D—Dinner, ON—overnight lodging. Division. Rolfe D. Mandel, Kansas Geological Survey, 1930 Constant PREMEETING Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047-3726, (785) 864-2171, fax 785-864-5317, [email protected]; Jack Hofman; Steve Holen. Max.: 36; min.: 12. 1. Navajo Sand Sea of Near-Equatorial Pangea: Tropical Cost: $85 (1L, R, vans). Westerlies, Slumps, and Giant Stromatolites [401] 8. Colorado Front Range—Anatomy of a Laramide Uplift [408] Tues.–Sat., Nov. 2–6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. David Loope, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Nebraska, Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by Colorado Scientific Society. Karl Kellogg, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402) 472-2647, fax 402-472-4917, U.S. Geological Survey, MS 980, P.O. Box 25046, Denver Federal [email protected]; Len Eisenberg; Erik Waiss. Max.: 15; min.: 10. Center, Denver, CO 80225, (303) 236-1305, fax 303-236-0214, Cost: $475 (5L, R, 4ON, vans). Begins and ends in Grand Junction, [email protected]; Bruce Bryant; Jack Reed. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Colorado. Cost: $100 (1L, R, vans).

2. Strike-Slip Tectonics and Thermochronology of Northern 9. Continental Accretion, Colorado Style: Proterozoic Island New Mexico [402] Arcs and Back Arcs of the Central Front Range [409] Thurs.–Sat., Nov. 4–6. Eric Erslev, Dept. of Geosciences, Colorado Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by Colorado Scientific Society. Lisa R. Lytle, State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, (970) 491-5661, fax 970- Dept. of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of 491-6307, [email protected]; Steven Cather; Seth Fankhauser; Mines, Golden, CO 80401-1887, (303) 478-9427, fax 303-273-3859, Matt Heizler; Rob Sanders. Max.: 40; min.: 12. Cost: $255 (2L, R, [email protected]; Thomas R. Fisher. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $90 2ON, vans). Begins and ends in Denver or Santa Fe, New Mexico. (1L, R, vans).

3. Geology of the Silver Cliff–Rosita Hills Mining District 10. Eco-Geo–Hike along the Dakota Hogback North of and Spanish Peaks Area [403] Boulder, Colorado [410] Fri.–Sat., Nov. 5–6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Sat., Nov. 6. Peter Birkeland, Dept. of Geological Sciences (retired), Division. Paul R. Krutak, P. Krutak Geoservices International, P.O. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, [email protected]; Box 369, 2118 Main Street, Rye, CO 81069-0369, (719) 489-2282 Ven Barclay; Edwin Larson; Ralph Shroba. Max.: 20; min.: 7. Cost: (phone and fax), [email protected]; John R. Barwin; Marty $45 (1L). Begins and ends in Boulder. Instructions for public transpor- Horn. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $185 (2L, 1D, R, 1ON, vans). tation from Denver to Boulder will be available upon registration for this trip. 4. Hyperpycnal Wave-Modified Turbidites of the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation, North-Central 11. Geological Reconnaissance of Dinosaur Ridge, Red Rocks, Colorado [404] and the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains near Morrison, Colorado [411] Fri.–Sat., Nov. 5–6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Paul M. Myrow, Dept. of Geology, Colorado College, Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by GSA Geoscience Education Division; Colorado Springs, CO 80903, (719) 389-6789, fax 719-389-6910, GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Norbert E. Cygan, Friends of [email protected]; Karen Houck; Charles Kluth; Dinosaur Ridge, 16831 W. Alameda Parkway, Morrison, CO 80456, Michael Lamb; Claire Lukens; Jeff Parsons. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: (303) 697-3466, fax 303-697-8911, [email protected]; T. Caneer; $155 (1L, R, 1ON, vans). Harald Drewes and other volunteers from Dinosaur Ridge, www.dinoridge.org. Max.: 45; min.: 12. Cost: $90 (1L, bus). Also 5. Structural Implications of Underground Coal Mining in offered as a postmeeting trip. the Mesaverde Group, Somerset Coal Field, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado [405] 12. Glenwood Springs, Colorado Coal Fire—Observations, Discussion, and Field Data Collection Techniques [412] Fri.–Sat., Nov. 5–6. Cosponsored by GSA Coal Geology Division. Christopher J. Carroll, Colorado Geological Survey, 1313 Sherman Sat., Nov. 6. Glenn B. Stracher, Dept. of Science and Mathematics, St., Room 715, Denver, CO 80203, (303) 866-3501, fax 303- East Georgia College, Swainsboro, GA 30401, (478) 289-2073, fax 866-2461, [email protected]; Greg Hunt; Wendell Koontz; 478-289-2080, [email protected]; Gary Colaizzi; Steve Renner; Janet

14 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 15 L. Stracher; Tammy P. Taylor. Max.: 45; min.: 12. Cost: $105 (1L, R, 20. Cenozoic Geology and Fossils of the Pawnee Buttes Area, bus, pool). Northeast Colorado [420] Thurs., Nov. 11. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division 13. Overview of Laramide Structures along the Northeastern and Colorado Scientific Society. Emmett Evanoff, Dept. of Geological Flank of the Front Range [413] Sciences, Campus Box 399, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Sat., Nov. 6. Vince Matthews, Colorado Geological Survey, 1313 80309-0399, (303) 444-2644 (phone and fax), emmettevanoff@ Sherman St., Room 715, Denver, CO 80203, (303) 866-3028, fax 303- earthlink.net. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $85 (1L, R, vans). 866-2461, [email protected]. Max.: 38; min.: 12. Cost: $120 (1L, R, bus). 21. Consequences of Living with Geology: A Model Field Trip for the General Public [421] 14. Paleoclimate, Paleohydrology, and Paleoecology of the Thurs., Nov. 11. Cosponsored by GSA Engineering Geology Division; Morrison Formation in the Front Range of Colorado [414] GSA Geoscience Education Division; American Institute of Professional Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Geologists. David M. Abbott Jr., Consulting Geologist, 2266 Forest Stan Dunagan, Dept. of Geology, Geography & Physics, University St., Denver, CO 80207, (303) 394-0321, fax 303-394-0543, of Tennessee, Martin, TN 38238, (731) 587-7959, fax 731-587-1044, [email protected]; David C. Noe. Max.: 40; min.: 12. Cost: $100 [email protected]; Christine Turner; Fred Peterson; Tim Demko. (1L, R, mini-bus). Max.: 30; min.: 10. Cost: $105 (1L, R, vans). 22. Geological Reconnaissance of Dinosaur Ridge, Red Rocks, 15. and Volcanic Setting of the Florissant Fossil and the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains near Beds [415] Morrison, Colorado [422] Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Thurs., Nov. 11. Cosponsored by GSA Geoscience Education Division; Paleontological Society. Herb Meyer, National Park Service, Florissant GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Norbert E. Cygan, Friends of Fossil Beds National Monument, P.O. Box 185, Florissant, CO 80816, Dinosaur Ridge, 16831 W. Alameda Parkway, Morrison, CO 80456, (719) 748-3253, fax 719-748-3253, [email protected]; Steven (303) 697-3466, fax 303-697-8911, [email protected]; T. Caneer; Veatch; Amanda Cook. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $125 (1L, R, bus). Harald Drewes and other volunteers from Dinosaur Ridge, www.dinoridge.org. Max.: 45; min.: 12. Cost: $90 (1L, bus). Also 16. Stratigraphy and Paleobiology of Mammoth Sites in the offered as a premeeting trip. Denver Area [416] Sat., Nov. 6. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. 23. Laramide Horizontal Shortening in the Rockies: Faulting and Russ Graham, Director, Earth & Mineral Sciences Museum, Folding in Oblique Backlimb-Tightening Structures Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 865- of the Northeastern Flank of the Front Range, Colorado [423] 6336, fax 814-863-7708, [email protected]; Bart Weis; Jim Thurs., Nov. 11. Eric Erslev, Dept. of Geosciences, Colorado State Dixon. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $95 (1L, R, vans). University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, (970) 491-6375, fax 970-491-6307, [email protected]. Max.: 24; min.: 10. Cost: $100 (1L, R, vans). HALF DAY—DURING THE MEETING 24. Underground Tour of Henderson Molybdenum Mine [424] 17. Tour of U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Thurs., Nov. 11. Cosponsored by Colorado Scientific Society. Eric Information Center, Golden, Colorado [417] Nelson, Dept. of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado Wed., Nov. 10, 12:30–5 p.m. Peter J. Modreski, U.S. Geological School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401-1887, (303) 273-3811, fax 303- Survey, MS 150, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 273-3859, [email protected]; Robert Golden; Jim Shannon. Max.: 80225-0046, (303) 202-4766, fax 303-202-4767, [email protected]; 15; min.: 5. Cost: $140 (1L, R, vans). Lynn M. Highland; Lisa Ann Wald; Pamela J. Benfield; Waverly J. Person; Jill McCarthy. Max.: 45; min.: 24. Cost: $25 (bus). 25. Walking with Dinosaurs along Colorado’s Front Range [425] Thurs., Nov. 11. Joanna Wright, Dept. of Geography and POSTMEETING Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Denver, CO 80217- 3363, (303) 556-6007, fax 303-556-6157, [email protected]. 18. Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Stratigraphy of edu. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $85 (1L, R, vans). West Texas and Southern New Mexico [418] Wed.–Sat., Nov. 10–13. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. John F. Taylor, Geoscience Dept., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705, (724) 357-4469, fax 724-357-5700, [email protected]; Raymond L. Ethington; James D. Loch; Paul R. Field Trip Itineraries: Just a Click Away Myrow; Robert L. Ripperdan. Max.: 20; min.: 12. Cost: $325 (2L, R, 3ON, vans). Begins and ends in El Paso, Texas. Once you’ve received the confirmation of your field trip reg- istration from GSA, go to: www.geosociety.org/meetings/2004/ 19. Ancient Depositional Environments Control Modern ftrip_logon.asp. Use the ID number from your confirmation Aquifer Quality: Stratigraphy of Groundwater Resources in the Denver Area [419] or your e-mail address to access your trip itinerary sheet(s). Thurs., Nov. 11. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology You can download the itineraries for the trips you’ve registered Division. Robert G.H. Raynolds, Denver Museum of Nature & for, and you can fill out your individual information sheet to Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80205, (303) 370-6047, submit back to GSA Headquarters. fax 303-331-6492, [email protected]. Max.: 22; min.: 10. Cost: $110 (1L, R, vans).

14 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 15 Karlstrom Appointed GSA Bulletin Science Co-Editor Karl E. Karlstrom of the University of New Mexico is the new science co- editor of GSA Bulletin. He replaces Peter Copeland (University of Houston), whose term ended in June 2004. Karlstrom joins Yildirim Dilek (Miami University), who joined the journal in January 2003. Karlstrom received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Wyoming and taught at North Carolina State University and Northern Arizona University before accepting his current post at the University of New Mexico. His main research interests involve the tectonic evolution of the western United States, with emphasis on lithospheric assembly, stabiliza- It’s Happening at the tion, and reactivation, and the interaction of deformational, metamorphic, and magmatic processes. He has conducted field studies of Proterozoic GSA Annual Meeting: rocks in the Arizona Transition Zone, Eastern Mojave desert, Grand Canyon (from Paleoproterozoic basement to Quaternary incision), and southern Campus Reps = Free Rocky Mountains. He was coordinator of the multi-institutional collabora- tive research efforts of “CD-ROM,” the Continental Dynamics of the Rocky Breakfast—What a Match! Mountains, and he is currently a member of the EarthScope Science and Education Committee and the Rocky Mountain EarthScope organizing com- If you’re a GSA Campus Representative mittee. He has been a member of GSA since 1982 and served as GSA Today (well, even if you’re not but ARE willing to sign up on the Science Editor from 2000 to 2003. spot to be one), you can enjoy a FREE continental breakfast Karlstrom hopes to help continue to build upon the GSA Bulletin’s tradi- ion as a premier geoscience journal with an important niche as a repository on your way to the first Tech Session of the day on for mature, data-rich science articles from across the earth sciences. Monday, November 8. GSA Bulletin seeks articles that are process-oriented, contemporary, interdisciplinary, of broad We’ll be located in the Convention Center and will be international interest, and of the highest scien- waiting for you to stop by for Coffee & Conversation—An tific quality. Looking to the future, Karlstrom Appreciation Reception for GSA Campus Reps. also sees GSA Bulletin as being able to enhance its breadth, visibility, and appeal through formats Please help us plan for catering by signing up on that make links between science articles and various the meeting registration form, event #306. types of electronic media. We’ll be waiting for you on Monday, November 8, from 7 a.m.–9 a.m. Room location to be announced. KARL E. KARLSTROM Call for Applications: Apply for the GSA–USGS Congressional Science Fellowship for 2005–2006 Opportunities to serve as a Congressional Science Fellow If you possess this professional background, have are rare, unique experiences. This position may be a good fit experience in applying scientific knowledge to societal for you. It will enable you to work directly with national challenges, and share a passion for helping shape the future leaders and put your expertise and experience to work of the geoscience profession, GSA invites your application. helping shape science and technology policy on Capitol Hill. The fellowship is open to U.S. citizens or permanent The Congressional Science Fellow will be selected from top residents of the U.S. competitors early in 2005. Prospective candidates should be Deadline to apply: January 21, 2005 GSA members with broad geoscience backgrounds and For application information, visit www.geosociety.org/ excellent written and oral communication skills. Minimum science/csf/index.htm, or contact Ginger Williams, GSA requirements are a master’s degree with at least five years Headquarters, (303) 357-1040, [email protected]. professional experience or a Ph.D. at the time of appointment.

16 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 17  GSA Short Courses Offered at 2004 Denver Annual Meeting 

Sign up for one of these great short courses at the GSA Annual familiarity with Windows OS would be beneficial. Focus will be Meeting in Denver. For registration information and details on hands-on use of ArcGIS including ModelBuilder, data access and student scholarships offered by several GSA Divisions, see the June analysis, Geoprocessing with ArcTools, and the Geodatabase. The issue of GSA Today or visit www.geosociety.org. Geodatabase GeoModel schema will be discussed. Questions? Contact Edna Collis, [email protected], (303) Faculty: Ann B. Johnson, Higher Education Manager, 357–1034. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California, M.S., University of California, Riverside; Dave Fosdek, Federal GSA-Sponsored Professional Account Manager, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California, B.S., University of Idaho. Limit: 18. Fee: $240; Development Courses includes course manual and lunch. CEU: 1.6. GSA short courses will be held immediately before the Annual Meeting and are open to members and nonmembers. If you register 3. Multi-Temporal Stereo Aerial Photography [503] for only a short course, you must pay a $40 nonregistrant fee in ad- Fri. and Sat., Nov. 5–6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Co- dition to the course fee. This fee may be applied toward the meeting sponsored by GSA Engineering Geology Division and U.S. Army registration fee if you decide to attend the meeting. Preregistration is Corps of Engineers. recommended; on-site registration is an additional $30. This is a hands-on course using stereo aerial photographs and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Service includes a field trip to the study example. This course teaches a All courses sponsored by GSA offer CEUs. A CEU is defined as simple but highly effective method to document the various ter- 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing educa- rain elements used to develop the information from analysis to tion experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, interpretation in all environmental and geologic investigations. and qualified instruction. A contact hour is defined as a typical Applications to GIS will be discussed. The prerequisite is a curious 60-minute classroom instructional session or its equivalent. Ten mind. Stereoscopic vision is a plus. instructional hours are required for one CEU. Faculty: John C. Jens, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alexandria, CANCELLATION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 7, 2004. Virginia, Ph.D., George Mason University; Thomas E. Eastler, University of Maine at Farmington, Ph.D., Columbia University. 1. Evaporites: A Practical Approach [501] Limit: 30. Fee: $420; includes course manual and lunch. CEU: 1.6. Fri. and Sat., Nov. 5–6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. 4. Calibrated Peer Review Training for Faculty and Teaching Assistants: Writing Exercises for Large and Small Classes Evaporites are responsible for trapping or creating hydrocarbon without the Pile of Papers to Grade [504] reservoirs worldwide and are associated with numerous base and Sat., Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored by precious metal accumulations. Yet the role of evaporites in many GSA Geoscience Education Division and National Association of studies of these systems is largely ignored. This is no longer the Geoscience Teachers. case. John Warren brings more than 20 years of experience in the applied petroleum and mineral sciences into detailed discussion of This course is intended for earth science instructors interested in the role of evaporites as he traces and explains the evaporate-hydro- implementing Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) assignments in their carbon-metal association from deposition through diagenesis to classes. CPR is a web-based technical writing tool that facilitates halokinesis and metamorphism. Throughout, the emphasis is on learning by having students writing and reviewing essays. CPR is recognizing and predicting the importance of subsurface dynamics suited for both large and small enrollment classes. Participants will when working in evaporitic terrains. Designed for practicing geolo- learn the mechanics of CPR and will develop a new CPR assignment gists and geophysicists or anyone holding a bachelor’s degree with for use in their class. Note: Registrants must provide their own lap- a specialization in the earth sciences and an interest in evaporates, top computers (equipped with network card) in order to participate participants will be shown how techniques of applied sedimentology in this course. can be successfully applied to the search and production of hydro- Faculty: Elizabeth Heise, University of Texas at Brownsville, carbons and metals in evaporitic terrains. Participants encouraged Brownsville, Texas, Ph.D., Texas A&M University; Cinzia Cervato, to bring a laptop computer to this course. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, Ph.D., ETH–Swiss Federal Faculty: John Warren, University of Brunei Darussalam, Ph.D., Institute of Technology, Zurich; Amanda Palmer-Julson, Blinn Flinders University of South Australia. Limit: 30. Fee: $365; includes College, Bryan, Texas, Ph.D., Princeton University. Limit: 20. Fee: course manual and lunch. CEU: 1.6. $340; includes course manual and lunch. CEU: 0.8.

2. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 5. Characterization and Toxicity Assessment of Mine-Waste Using ArcGIS9 for Geological Applications [502] Sites [505] Fri. and Sat., Nov. 5–6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Emily Griffith Opportunity Sat., Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored by School, Denver. Cosponsored by GSA Geoscience Education Division Geochemical Society of America. and Environmental Systems Research Institute. Abandoned mine-waste sites cover thousands of acres in the This course will introduce the use of GIS in geology-related ap- western United States. This course will provide simple and practi- plications using ArcGIS, ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and Spatial and 3D cal methods for characterizing and assessing the toxicity potential Analyst extensions. Experience with ArcGIS is not necessary, but of mine-waste piles. These methods include quick, inexpensive field

16 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 17 leaching tests that offer an evaluation of acid and trace-metal release American Society for Testing and Materials for planning and under- from mine-waste material, field techniques to determine bioacces- taking hydrogeologic field investigations. Conceptual models, water sibility and bioavailability of metals to aquatic organisms, and a level measurements, well inventory, well drilling, aquifer testing, simple decision tree to assess adverse effects from mine wastes. An sample collection, monitor wells, project planning, and report prep- afternoon field trip is included. This course is intended for profes- aration will be presented. This course is designed for engineers, ge- sionals and students involved in the environmental sciences, federal ologists, entry level hydrogeologists, and environmental scientists. and state personnel concerned with mining wastes, waste-site man- Faculty: John E. Moore, Consultant, Denver, Ph.D., University agers and personnel, and/or researchers in hydrological contamina- of Illinois. Limit: 40. Fee: $245; includes course manual and lunch. tion studies. CEU: 0.8. Faculty: Sharon Diehl, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Ph.D., Colorado School of Mines; LaDonna Choate, U.S. Geological Survey, 8. Management and Leadership Skills for Academic Denver; Ph.D., Colorado School of Mines; David Fey, U.S. Geological Administrators in the Geosciences [508] Survey, Denver, B.S., University of Colorado; Philip L. Hageman, Sat., Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored by U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, B.S., University of Colorado; Bruce GSA Geoscience Education Division and National Association of Smith, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Ph.D., University of Utah; Geoscience Teachers. Kathleen S. Smith, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Ph.D., Colorado School of Mines; James Ranville, Colorado School of Mines, Ph.D., This course will provide an introduction to the interpersonal Colorado School of Mines; Thomas Wildeman, Colorado School of tools and skills needed to effectively and efficiently manage and Mines, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin; James T. Herron, Colorado lead in an academic setting. It is designed for faculty and research Division of Minerals and Geology, Denver, M.S., Colorado State scientists who are either new to academic administration or wish to University. Limit: 30. Fee: $300; includes course manual and lunch. prepare themselves for a transition to administration. Even experi- CEU: 0.8. enced department chairs and institute directors wanting to improve their administrative skills and to network with peers sharing similar 6. Estimating Rates of Groundwater Recharge [506] responsibilities and challenges will benefit. Sat., Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored by Faculty: Lee J. Suttner, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ph.D., GSA Division. University of Wisconsin; Sheila M. Moore, Training Concepts, Chattanooga, Tennessee, A.B., St. Olaf College. Limit: 25. Fee: $265; Good estimates of groundwater recharge are required to ac- includes course manual and lunch. CEU: 0.8. curately assess water resources and evaluate aquifer vulnerability to contamination. This course will review theory, assumptions, 9. Practical Geoscience Ethics: Elements and Examples [509] uncertainties, advantages, and limitations of different approaches for estimating recharge rates. We will discuss physical, tracer, and Sat., Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored numerical modeling techniques based on surface water, unsaturated by GSA Engineering Geology Division and American Institute of zone, and saturated zone data. The course content is aimed at prac- Professional Geologists. ticing hydrologists and advanced hydrology students. The elements of professional geoscience ethics are examined Faculty: Richard W. Healy, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, using case histories illustrating a variety of issues including the sig- B.S., University of Illinois; Bridget R. Scanlon, Bureau of Economic nificant distinction between ethical rules and ethical ideals. Review Geology, University of Texas, Austin, Ph.D., University of Kentucky. of the fundamental principles of professional ethics provides a foun- Limit: 30. Fee: $270; includes course manual and lunch. CEU: 0.8. dation for case history discussion. Teachers can use the case histories and other information to incorporate professional ethics discussions 7. Hydrogeologic Field Methods [507] in their classes. Sat., Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Cosponsored by Faculty: David M. Abbott Jr., Consulting Geologist, Denver, GSA Hydrogeology Division. M.S., Colorado School of Mines. Limit: 40. Fee: $250; includes course manual and lunch. CEU: 0.8. This course will present standard methods used by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the

PLEASE CONTACT THE FIELD TRIP CO-CHAIRS: Call for 2005 Field Trip Proposals Joel L. Pederson, Department of Geology Utah State University, 4505 Old Main, Hl 2005 GSA Annual Meeting Logan, UT 84322-4505 (435) 797-7097, fax 435-797-1588 October 16–19, 2005 • Salt Lake City, Utah [email protected]

We are interested in proposals for half-day, single-day, and Carol M. Dehler, Department of Geology multi-day field trips, beginning or ending in or near Salt Lake Utah State University, 4505 Old Main, Hl City and dealing with all aspects of the geosciences. Logan, UT 84322-4505 (435) 797-0764, fax 435-797-1588 [email protected]

18 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 19 New at the GSA Bookstore

the final section are linked by the theme that sulfur records Special Papers biogeochemical conditions in the ancient ocean.

Detrital thermochronology— Memoir Provenance analysis, exhumation, and landscape evolution of Proterozoic tectonic evolution mountain belts of the Grenville orogen in North edited by Matthias Bernet America and Cornelia Spiegel edited by Richard P. Tollo, Louise SPE378, 126 p., ISBN 0-8137-2378-7 Corriveau, James McLelland, and $55.00, member price $44.00 Mervin J. Bartholomew Detrital thermochronology is one MWR197, 798 p. plus index, of the fastest-growing disciplines ISBN 0-8137-1197-5 in geosciences today because it $195.00, member price $156.00 provides valuable insights into the The geological evolution of the long-term evolution of mountain Grenville orogenic belt represents belts and the interplay of tectonics one of the most widespread and climate in orogenic systems. The ability to determine cooling or episodes of crustal modification in crystallization ages of detrital apatite, zircon, or white mica from Earth’s history. The 39 papers in synorogenic sediments using a variety of techniques such as this volume offer a system-wide perspective on rocks and fission-track, Ar-Ar, or U-Pb dating enables us to determine processes of the Mesoproterozoic Grenville orogen and potential sediment source areas, reconstruct the thermal history of Appalachian inliers and include many multidisciplinary studies an orogen, calculate exhumation rates, and detect changes in presenting results from integrated petrologic, geochemical, and topography and drainage divides. The different dating techniques geochronologic investigations. The volume includes contributions can easily be combined on the same samples or with other concerning the Grenvillian geology of Canada, the United States, analytical methods to obtain the maximum amount of information. and Mexico, focusing on both the tectonic evolution of the orogen This book discusses some of the fundamental aspects of detrital and on innovative approaches to deciphering the igneous, thermochronology and presents applications in different orogenic metamorphic, structural, and metallogenic history of settings that highlight the value of this current development. Mesoproterozoic assembly and Neoproterozoic rifting. The timing and regional correlation of events and processes is emphasized in Sulfur biogeochemistry—Past order to bridge knowledge gaps within the orogen and to better and present understand the geodynamic framework. edited by Jan P. Amend, Katrina J. Edwards, and Timothy W. Lyons In Press SPE379, 205 p., ISBN 0-8137-2379-5 $75.00, member price $60.00 Gneiss domes in orogeny This Special Paper presents edited by Donna L. Whitney, Christian Teyssier, and recent advances in the Christine S. Siddoway biogeochemistry of sulfur, loosely SPE380, ISBN 0-8137-2380-9 grouped in four thematic areas. The first three chapters primarily Hydraulic tests of Miocene volcanic rocks at Yucca Mountain address microbial contributions and Pahute Mesa and implications for groundwater flow in the to sulfur biogeochemistry, Southwest Nevada Volcanic Field, Nevada and California including sulfate reduction and by Arthur L. Geldon organic matter conversion in marine sediments, the energetics SPE381, ISBN 0-8137-2381-7 of microbially mediated sulfur oxidation and sulfur reduction reactions, and the abundance and diversity of eukaryotic communities in deep-sea sulfidic sites. The second section GSA Sales and Service focuses on sulfide oxidation in the environment—terrestrial P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140 and marine, contaminated and pristine. The next three chapters (303) 357-1000, option 3 • 1-888-443-4472 • fax 303-357-1071 explore the formation, distribution, recycling, and burial of various sulfur species in sedimentary systems, and papers in www.geosociety.org

18 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 19 Call for Geological Papers: ATTENTION STUDENTS! 2005 GSA Section Meetings When you make your plans to attend your Section’s 2005 meeting, be sure to include Northeastern Section the Shlemon Mentor Program March 14–16, 2005 in your schedule. If you have Prime Hotel and Conference Center, Saratoga Springs, New York career questions, we have Abstract Deadline: December 14, 2004 the answers. You will have Information: Kurt Hollocher, Union College, Department of Geology, Olin Building, opportunities to chat one-on-one Nott Sreet, Schenectady, NY 12308-3107, (518) 388-6518, [email protected] with practicing geoscientists over FREE LUNCH. All Sections will feature the Shlemon Mentor Southeastern Section Programs in their proceedings. March 17–18, 2005 Watch this space for Grand Casino Biloxi, Biloxi, Mississippi the announcements Abstract Deadline: December 14, 2004 of 2005 dates and times. Information: Gail Russell, University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Geology, Box 5044, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-2000, (601) 266-4077, [email protected]

South-Central Section A Pot of Gold for April 1–2, 2005 Students Interested in Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas Abstract Deadline: December 17, 2004 HYDRO CAREERS Information: Diane Smith, Trinity University, Department of Geosciences, #45, One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX 78212-4674, (210) 999-7656, [email protected]

Cordilleran Section (Joint meeting with American Association of Petroleum Geologists) The John Mann Mentors in Applied April 29–May 1, 2005 Hydrogeology Program is the first Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California Mentor program to underwrite the cost Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2005 of tickets for eligible students to at- Information: Jonathan Miller, San Jose State University, Department of Geology, tend the distinguished Hydrogeology 1 Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0102, (408) 924-5015, [email protected] Division Luncheon and Awards Presentation at GSA’s Annual Meeting in Denver. North-Central Section That’s right—a free ticket, valued at May 19–20, 2005 $33, can be yours if you meet the eligi- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota bility requirements and are among the Abstract Deadline: February 22, 2005 first 25 students to respond to an e-mail Information: Carrie Jennings Patterson, University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey, invitation from GSA headquarters. 2642 University Ave. W., St. Paul, MN 55114-1032, (612) 627-4780, ext. 220, [email protected], To qualify for this e-mail invitation or Barbara Lusardi, University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey, 2642 University Ave. W., offer, you must be registered as a St. Paul, MN 55114-1032, (612) 627-4780, ext. 212, [email protected] student for the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver by September 30, 2004, and Rocky Mountain Section you must have previously ticked off May 23–25, 2005 the Hydrology or Hydrogeology box Mesa State College, Grand Junction, Colorado on your GSA membership application. Abstract Deadline: February 22, 2005 When your invitation arrives, act Information: Rex Cole, Mesa State College, Department of Physical & Environmental Science, quickly! 1100 North Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81501-3122, (970) 248-1599, [email protected] Check our Web site for more information on the John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology www.geosociety.org/sectdiv/sections.htm Program, www.geosociety.org/ science/mentors/mannMentor.htm.

20 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 21 International Ground Water Modeling Center IGC Travel 2004 Short Course Schedule Grant Recipients Named The International Geological Congress Travel Grant Program was established as a final act of the Organizing Committee for the MODFLOW: Introduction to Numerical Ground-Water U.S.-hosted 28th IGC held in Washington, Modeling by Eileen Poeter, November 4-6 D.C., in July 1989. Surplus funds available at the conclusion of the 28th IGC were trans- This course is designed for the hydrogeologist and environmental ferred to the GSA Foundation with the stipu- engineer familiar with ground-water flow concepts, but who have limited or lation that income from the fund be used to no experience with ground-water flow modeling. Basic modeling concepts: support the attendance of young geoscien- conceptual model development, definition of boundary and initial tists to future congresses, until such time as conditions, parameter specification, finite-differencing, gridding, time the United States again hosts an IGC. stepping, solution control, and calibration are presented using GSA received 27 applications for fund- MODFLOW-2000. Registration fee: $995/$1195 after Oct. 21. ing to travel to the 32nd IGC Congress in Florence, Italy, August 20–28, 2004. The IGC Polishing Your Ground-Water Modeling Skills Travel Grant Evaluation Committee awarded by Peter Andersen and Robert Greenwald, November 4-6 $22,000 to 15 recipients. The factors con- sidered were abstract quality, strength of This course is designed to provide significant detail on practical ground- the letters of recommendation, compelling water flow modeling concepts and techniques. It will explore development reasons for wanting to attend the meeting, of conceptual models for complex sites or regions. This course takes the and any special or mitigating circumstances user beyond topics covered in introductory modeling courses and beyond of the candidate. courses that teach the mechanics of applying various pre- and post- Congratulations are extended to the fol- processing software. Registration fee: $995/$1195 after Oct. 21. lowing student recipients: Modeling Water Flow & Contaminant Transport in Soils Michela Arnaboldi University of Michigan and Groundwater Using the HYDRUS Software Packages Jaime D. Barnes by Rien van Genuchten and Jirka Simunek, November 5-6 University of New Mexico This course begins with a detailed conceptual and mathematical James Bishop description of water flow and solute transport processes in the vadose University of California, Davis zone, followed by an brief overview of the use of finite element techniques Beatriz Garcia-Fresca University of Texas, Austin for solving the governing flow and transport equations. "Hands-on" Micah J. Jessup computer sessions will provide participants an opportunity to become Virginia Institute of Technology familiar with the Windows-based HYDRUS1D, HYDRUS2D, STANMOD, Daniel Lao-Davila & RETC software packages. Registration fee: $495/$595 after Oct. 21. University of Pittsburgh Anja Mueller UCODE: Universal Inversion Code for Automated University of Massachusetts, Amherst Calibration by Eileen Poeter, November 11-12 Dennis L. Newell University of New Mexico If you have a working knowledge of ground-water flow modeling and some Christopher S. Palenik, knowledge of basic statistics, you will benefit from this short course. This University of Michigan course introduces ground-water professionals to inverse modeling Jonathan Payne concepts and their use via UCODE, relying heavily on hands-on exercises Harvard University for automatic calibration of ground-water models to promote Suzanne A. Pierce understanding of UCODE and avoid "black-boxing". If you would like to University of Texas, Austin spend more time being a hydrologist and less time as a "number tweaker", Carol Register please join us in the UCODE course. The latest version to be released in California State University, Bakersfield 2004 will be used. Registration fee: $795/$995 after Oct. 28. Amy L. Weislogel Stanford University For more information, contact: International Ground-Water Modeling Center Jessica Hope Whiteside Colorado School of Mines Columbia University Golden, Colorado, 80401-1887, USA Anne C. Witt Tel: (303) 273-3103 / Fax: (303) 384-2037 North Carolina State University Email: [email protected] VISIT http://www.mines.edu/research/igwmc/short-course/

20 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 21 Richard T. Holt Jace A. Pearson Peter Holterhoff David W. Peate Maria G. Honeycutt Robert B. Perkins John Horn William E. Perkins Bruce F. Houghton Tom Peryam Curt A. Hughes Bob Peterson Penny Hunter Richard A. Pfost Sonia L. Hutmacher Ana Pierson David T. Huycke Johanna F. Polsenberg New Members: GSA Welcomes You! Brett B. Johnson Heather R. Powell Miriam R. Juckett Robert E. Powell The following individuals Jason Dearborn Tanya P. Justham Douglas Pyle joined GSA during the period Holly Devaul Atsushi Kamei Mary A. Raines of October 2003 through Mimi D’Iorio Samantha W. Kaplan Patrice F. Rey January 2004. They were Jennifer Dougherty Russell C. Kelz Andrew Ridgwell elected into membership by John W. Drobnyk Derrill M. Kerrick Stephen D. Robinson Council at its April 2004 Patrick J. Drohan Rimma R. Khodjanyazova Alfred L. Roca meeting. Neal S. Eash Eric J. Kimber Pierre Rochette Jun-Ichi Kimura Ginger A.E. Rogers GSA Members Lance E. Eckhart Franz W. Eder Robert Leon King Chas Rymer Earl W. Abbott Karen J. Kinsella Michael Sawlan Randy L. Acre Bruce M. Eglington Sidney Egnew Dede Kolndreu Gabriele Scarascia-Mugnozza Prince Segun E. Alafiatayo Dirk Koopmans Bernard J. Seifert Keil Albert Jo Emrick Gordon B. Fader Anthony A. Kull Lewis Semprini John All Brian J. Kvam Stefan M. Sievert Carlton C. Allen Yilin Fang Katherine L. Farnsworth Michael J. Kwiecinski Viktoras Skema Philip R. Ames Aiming Lin Ronald Sletten Gopal R. Amruthapuri Crystal Fenwick Lee C. Ferreira Daniel J. Lombardi Vincent L. Sortman Jean-Philippe Avouac Carol B. Lutken Paul Squillace Olivier Bachmann Brian K. Fischer Michael J. Flynn Glen M. MacDonald Paul C. Stahmann Elizabeth A. Barnett P. Allen Macfarlane William D. Stanbro Elson Barnett Joyce L. Foegelle Jeffrey D. Frazier Jeremy Tyler Malczyk William W. Stewart Fernando Barriga Kazutaka Mannen Bruce L. Stinchcomb Russell H. Bartley Reinhardt Adolfo Fuck Edward T. Furlong David B. Markham Paul R. Stumpner David A. Baxter Wayne J. Martin Masashi Takada Jennifer Beauregard Eric S. Garris Arthur J. Geddes Anthony F. Martinez Nick J. Taranik Dave J. Bernstein Marty D. Matlock Erin K. Taylor Alan S. Beshany Jennifer Glidewell Myles A. Gobeille Julie McWilliams David J. Thomas Nancy H. Bigelow Laura S. McWilliams Thorvaldur Thordarson Dragoljub Bilanovic Martin B. Goldhaber Dibakar Goswami David Metge Paul D. Thorne Christian J. Bjerrum Siddhartha Mitra Lulu Tsige Richard A. Boulay Gail Graff Bryan S. Graham Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Yoshihiro Tsuji Charlie Serrell Bristow Mohamed Garland Upchurch Cooper Brossy Robert T. Gregory Paul Gremillion Jai-Woon Moon David Layton Valentine Robert G. Bruant Jr. Sadredin C. Moosavi Stephen C. Wade Cindy L. Buxton Laura L. Griffith Garland Michael Grossman Manfred Mudelsee Bruce Michael Walker Terry L. Carius Takeshi Muramatsu Jamieson Walker James S. Carter Steven Grupp Hans R. Hadley Stephanie C. Nakai Brent C. Ward Liam M. Cawley Thomas F. Neace Douglas J. Weimer David S. Cherry Edward F. Hagan William H. Haggard Grant Newport Douglas A. Wilcox Laxminarayana Chikatamarla Jean-Philippe Nicot Mark J. Willett John Clark Casey Robert Hanell Jasper H. Hardison William K. Norman Jr. Jessica Rae Williams Steven F. Connelly Kevin P. Norton John F. Windolph Kenneth M. Corcoran James L. Hatch Rachel Haymon Andrea S. Ogston Jim Winterle MIchael B. Crenshaw Akihiko Okui Kathleen M. Wolfe Melanie L. Crisp Hassan Mohamed Helmy Pedro A. Hernandez Timothy P. Olsen Carol Ann Wolfgang Andrew B. Cullen Nebechi Onuoha Galen A. Worthington Phillip N. Davis Michael D. Higgins Linda A. Hinnov Caryn Orvis Timothy J. Worthington James B. Dawe Joan M. Otahal Barry Wright Kirk Deal Howard C. Hobbs Charles W. Holmes Rajul Pandya Frederic C. Wurster

22 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 23 Yulong Xie Robert A. Bahn Dayla Dintelmann Ross R. Hendrick Wenyue Xu Danielle M. Bailey Derrick B. Dollar Sarah E. Henry Hong Yang Rebecca D. Bailey Lin Dong Scott Hess Martin P. Zaleski Aggeliki Barberopoulou Esther A. Don-Pedro John B. Hickman Jr. Marjorie L. Zeff Cameron J. Bartsch Sarah E. Doyle Jane Hill Stephanie Zurenko Steven D. Baumann Cheri A. Drechsel Alana M. Hinchey Mark L. Bellows Mikel Kristina Driever Luis Felipe Hinojosa GSA K–12 Teacher Members Michael L. Benjamin Eric Dubinsky Ana M. Hoare Mary C. Barlow Stevan C. Benker Alec S. Duncan Benjamin Hobbs Leslie Barnhill Geb Bennett Joy T. Dunham Vinita R. Hobson Charles Baugh Aaron Berger Jessica Dutton Trudi Hoogenboom Mary S. Burns Nicole Bettinardi Rita C. Economos Patrick W. Hook William M. Coke Purnima Bhowmik Jeremy N. Efros Keiji Horikawa Peter C. Cook Katie M. Binetti Megan E. Elwood-Madden Kuo Fang Huang Glenn R. Dolphin Saurav Biswas Mathurin Enama Mengong Patrick J. Hughes William H. Finnegan Todd M. Boesiger Saskia Erdmann Lauren I. Hunt Edward S. Geyer Amy K. Bondurant Shanna B. Evans Rebecca C. Hunter Rita K Grusenmeyer Alejandra Bonilla Martin L. Eversaul Lindsay J. Iredale Rasmus Jakobsen David Michael Borrok Cynthia M. Fadem Angela J. Isaacs Patricia A. Jones Andre O. Boullion Chunfang Fan Keith Jackson Susan R. Kovacevich Nichole Boultbee Aaron J. Feggestad Benjamin Jacobsen Raymond P. Kuntz Paul M. Bovet Keegan Fengler Deb P. Jaisi Angela J. Lennox Obadiah Bowen Jason A. Ferrante John J. Jasbinsek Janet Mason Emily M. Bowlin Andrea M. Figueroa Hongchen Jiang Philip R. McCarthy Jonathan Boxerman Sarah M. Flanagan Emily Renee Johnson Brian McClain Lauren W. Boyd Emily J. Fleming Emily S. Jones Alan P. McCloud Eric Brady Derek S. Folger Andre Jung Kathe Miller Andrea E. Brookfield Gisele F. Fortier Marinko Karanovic Susan M. Mitchell Alacia G. Browder David Fortin Ronald A. Karpowicz Jeffrey M. Moll Daniel Timothy Brown Anna M. Foutz Dawn A. Kellett Robert N. Nelson Olivia C. Buchan Galen Fowler Daniel F. Kelley Mary Nowak Lindsay R. Burt Scott J. Friedman David Kennedy Donna M. Petty Jamie T. Buscher Facundo Fuentes Alpana S. Khairom Bernie Picklo Rebecca M. Byars Damien Gadomski Lawrence M. Kiage Paul S. Plutzker Joel P. Byersdorfer Jeffrey Gaines Sora Kim Mary Kathleen Snow Christopher J. Campisano Benjamin J. Garcia Derek Kinakin David B. Somerville Colleen M. Carrick Conor Gately Tomomi Kitazaki M.C. Spentzos Andrew H. Caruthers David K. Gentry Mary Kathryn Klinger Gary L. Spotts John Corser Casteel Molly B. Gerber Alan F. Kobussen Timothy W. Strout Allsion B. Charney Matthew Giffels Oluwabukola O. Komolafe Thomas L. Tokarski George M. Clark Laura Gilcrist Angie Koski Mike Wedge Desiree Michelle Clement Brian Ginn Ozgur Kozaci Suzanne Zobel Rosemary D. Cody Tamara Goldin Lindsey M. Kraatz Tamira Cohen Christopher L. Gordon Mojisola A. KunleDare GSA Student Members Brian R. Cohn Alexander V. Gribenko Angelos T. Lampousis Azah P. Abanda Lori A. Cook Jeroen Groeneveld Susan Q. Lang Adam G. Abeles Marc R. Cooper Larry D. Gurrola Karen A. Larsen Alessandro Airo Angela M. Cowan Angel Gutierrez Kyle Larson Jessica M. Ali-Adeeb Frank C. Crawford Samuel H. Haines Ioan Lascu Alivia J. Allison Benjamin Crosby Sarah R. Hale Sarah C. Laxton Younis Altobi Ellen Currano Charity Hall Derek W. Lerch Daniel Alvarado Paul R. Dahlen Amber Hamilton Mikolaj Lewicki Byron E. Amerson Kim Dalby Leanne Hanson Zhongwei Li Jeffrey L. Anderson Stephanie N. Davi Hal A. Harper Merethe Lindanger Heidi C. Annell Gabrielle David Tina A. Harris Lee-Hsiang Liow Patrick Applegate Seth Dee Margaret M. Hart Peter C. Lippert Maria C. Arpa Chad D. Deering Janet C. Harvey Mark G. Little Arjun Aryal Aaron D. Despres Mark C. Harvey Anthony J. Lizzi Nicholas Austin Troy A. Dexter Sharon Helen Hawk Sean Long Scott J. Badham Gaetano Di Achille Christopher J. Hein Heidi Luchsinger

22 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 23 Cody A. Sherard Sara L. Auer New Members: GSA Welcomes You! Coyote Short Richard M. Baars Katherine Skalak Meaghan E. Baldwin Daniel K. Lui Colin R. O’Farrell Margaret Skartvedt-Forte Deedra M. Balli Kelsey MacCormack Allyson OKane Ryan C. Smith Roger A. Bannister Timothy J. MacIntyre Alberto J. Orozco Helen Smyth Katherine M. Barton Ali M. Maga Carlos Ortega-Obregon Utku Solpuker Richard Batten Roudrajit Maji Robert H. Otto John V. South Brian G. Bayliss Edward J. Majzlik Quintin Overocker Jane E. Spear Scott R. Beason Daniella Makram Morgos Ali Pandamouz Andrea M. Stancin Jason D. Beck María Guadalupe Maldonado Kwan-nang Pang Erick Stemmerman Charles Begeal Steu Mann Andreas Papaneocleous Krista Stensvold Benjamin E. Belgarde Rashmi Mantha Stephen A. Pasquale Bradley J. Stock Peter R. Bell Wendy Li-Wen Mao Benjamin David Paulson Christopher R. Stone Brian Bennett Jared P. Marske Bianca Pederson David R. Straud Lauren A. Benson Jamie Martin-McNaughton Kirsty Penkman Claire K. Stull Jesse E. Bernhardt Leonard J. Mason John A. Peterson Bradley E. Suther John N. Bigolski Zenon Richard P. Mateo Loren M. Petruny Kosuke Suzuki Marc B. Biren Samuel D. Matson Erin C. Pettit Zack A. Swaney Amanda J. Bissell John Mazurek Shawn Poff Walter M. Szeliga Elizabeth D. Blaine Tiffany McKelvey Mary K. Presto Patrick Taha Nathan D. Boersma Ryan H. McLin Katie Price Pamela Gerrez V. Taneza Chloe E. Bonamici Michael McRivette Rachel E. Price Franky Telles Keith A. Boneburg Cory K. McWilliams Pete Probst Chaccharee Therapong Desiree Boyd Guy H. Means Surangi Punyasena Jennifer Thompson Layne Britton Greg L. Melton Bethany J. Purdin Svetoslava Todorova Lynelle G. Brode Robert W. Meredith Shahida Parvin Quazi John A. Towns Derek Brown Lori L. Meyer Ursula Quillmann Sarah J. Travis Kyle B. Brown Brett A. Miller Maverick J. Raber Aditya Tyagi Bonnie Brzezinski Joseph Minervini Nickolas S. Raterman Mfon Udofia Colin R. Bullard Christine A. Missell Sushmita Ray Daniel J. Utting Robert F. Burke Hossein Mohammadzadeh Jeff Reissman Boyan K. Vakarelov Barbara K. Burkholder Josh Moncrieff Christina Riesselman Vandana Vandanapu Erika D. Bylund Charles C. Monson Jason A. Ripple Timothy A. Walls Carrie A. Byron Nathan S. Moore Janiel Rivera Peter J. Wampler Janel K. Carpenter Rafael J. Morales Diego A. Riveros Xianfeng Wang Korin Carpenter Kathleen Moran Gordon Roberston Christopher A. Wargo Becky Carvin Kevin Marion Morgan Marci M. Robinson Elizabeth A. Weldon Caitlin R. Chazen Susanne M. Moskalski Jairo Geovanni Romero Matthew D. Wendell Bryan J. Ciecko Anja Mueller Rodero Beau Whitney Ryan J. Clark Kathleen M. Muldoon Stacy Rosner Pamela J. Willard Rachel Clennon Lee Yoshito Murai Alexander L. Roth Russell Willis Mary Jo Colletti Erin L. Must Fabrice Roullet Jeanette M. Wolak Jeffrey G. Cooper Maung Myat Adam N. Rountrey Aaron R. Wood Matthew J. Corbett Kristen L. Myshrall Sam D. Russell Holly N. Woodward John W. Counts Jennifer M. Nader Jennifer Anne Sabado Mehmet B. Yilkilmaz M. Rhonda Cranfill Natalie D. Nahill Aboubakar Sako Lidia Zabcic Chadwick J. Cunningham John Naliboff Nira Salant Willem Zantvoort Meghan A. Daigle Jacob Napieralski Shawn W. Salley Matthew S. Zechmeister Kent A. Dankenbring Greg Nelson Tanya Samman Liqiong Zhang Teresa Davis Martha L. Nelson Anthony E. Sandomierski Jian Zhong Jorge E. De La Torre Wendy Rae Nelson Joel Saylor Chuanming Zhou Amy M. Decker Simon Newton Kaleb C. Scarberry Nathan M. Zimmerman Kathryn Decker Masakazu Niwa Katherine L. Schroer Erich V. Zorn Kami Deputy Chantel F. Nixon Holly A. Schultz Stephanie DeSisto Sarah K. Noble Erik Scott GSA Student Associates Gilbert E. DeSoto Stephen J. Nold Antonio M. Serna Jason Abplanalp Jennifer A. Detwiler Christian J. Noll IV Christopher G. Settlemire Jason A. Addison Andrew D. Dewhurst Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis Julia K. Shackford Tamee Albrecht Elizabeth Diesel Laura Ober Jeremy D. Shakun Tracey A. Arvin Robert D. Dietz

24 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 25 Lindsey Doermann Joel W. Homan Kimberly E. Montague Charlie J. Strickler Erin N. Donovan Susan M. Howell Nicole E. Moore Henry E. Stultz Danielle D. Ebnother Roger Huang Scott A. Mowrey Benjamin A. Swanson Gresh Eckrich Michelle Hurst Michelle M. Mullen Kyoko Taniguchi Amy L. Edwards Ryan Hutchins Michael A. Murrey David Moore Tatum Bethany L. Ehlmann Joanna M. Jakobczak Justin Nelson Newton Tedder Edward Eidson Eleda M. Johnson Emily R. Neral Tengku Mohd Syazwan Jacob R. Eisenhauer Sara E. Johnson Jennifer Lynn Nielsen Tengku Hassan Shelby M. Ellin Carri A. Jones Abby N. Norton Patricia Terhune-Inverso Eric E. Elton Michelle Jones Intan Suci Nurhati Scott B. Terrell Adam Mark English Emily J. Kachergis Sean P. O’Donnell Cameron R. Thompson Josh Entremont Aaron M. Kahn Ramon O. Orona Jason M. Thompson Randall E. Everett Jr. Christopher Kassel Angela O’Shea Zachary E. Thompson Erin E. Falzareno Kevin Kelly Andrew D. Parker Bryce E. Tillotson Lucky O. Felix Travis N. Kelly Ammie L. Pascua David W. Trippett Jessica A. Finnearty Kyle W. Kelso Scott J. Patterson Christopher R. Trout Cassandra R. Fitch Brendan P. Kenny Gordon M. Pearce Megan C. Unger Nathan S. Fitzgerald Kyle J. Kilgore Stephen C. Phillips Angela S. Veeder David J. Fortenbery Joe D. Kington Clay T. Pittman Andrew Vigna Julie C. Fosdick Adam C. Kirthlink Elizabeth Pollard Zach Walke Alisha W. Fowler Brett C. Kiser Dale D. Postl Jacob I. Walter Hilton D. Freed Ryan J. Klapperich Caeryn Price Ryan E. Warden Judith Fridge Christine M. Kloberdanz Megan T. Ransom John Jeremy Webber Brandon M. Fritz Michelle Y. Knapman Katie L. Rhode Jonathan R. Welker Kristen A. Frye Charles W. Knight Joshua L. Richards Aaron G. Weshnak Theodore K. Fuller Lisa K. Krebs Ryan Robinson Eric M. Williams JoAnn R. Gage Justin W. Kulick Ryan O. Roney Kristen L. Woods Allison Gale Roslyn M. Kygar Catherine V. Rose Stephen M. Woodward Yann G. Gavillot Shannon N. Langston Gabriel L. Rotberg Sean D. Wooley Kimberly Genareau Michael Lannen Robin Mercedes Rotman Jamie Woolsey Martin C. Gerhold Dan F. LaPorte Allison M. Ruotolo David Wymond Jonathan D. Gerst Tye J. Lasich Stacey L. Ryan Matthew J. Zimmerer Kristin L. Gettys Paul G. Lavelle Samantha Leigh Saalfield Betsy Lynn Zunk Diana G. Gibson Patricia E. Lee Samantha Sands Lynette Goblinger Chani Leimbach Renee L. Scalise GSA Affiliate Members Brian Goss Zane C. Leonard Juergen Scheibz Gary D. Bell Emily H.V. Gottesfeld Rene A. Lewis Brian Schubert Casey M. Burns Colleen C. Gray Michele Lhotka Constance Schultz Maureen Carlisle Krystal R. Green Joshua H. Long Lindsay A. Seders M.A.S. Chowdhury David J. Gridley Gregory W. Lorenson Mark Seery Bert Condie Lars J. Grimm Sam M. Ludlum Jacob A. Selander R.L. Coulson Michael Gripshover Edward Lynch Carol F. Serdar Michael DelNegro Chris J. Grose Christine M. Malek Kevin Shaffer Karen Franklin Elsa M. Gruen Jennifer S. Maloney Brant J. Shaw Clint W. Hlebechuk Renee M. Hadley Ryan S. Mano Michael R. Sheehan Yunju Kim Katherine A. Haigh Leila Marzeki William T. Sheldon Cole G. Kingsbury Holly A. Hanke Lindsay B. Masters Wes K. Sherlock Kimmo S. Kosonen OJ Kevin Hansen Genevive R. Mathers Andrea Silva Irena Ksiezopolski Jessica A. Harding Andrew T. McAuley Kyle Skaggs Paul Leighton Wayne Harrod Janice M. McCabe Krysia W. Skorko Richard B. Margulies Jennifer L. Harvey Kaitlin A. McCormick Michael J. Smilley Olakunle Oluwajana Michelle N. Heimgartner David M. McGovern Jessica K. Smith Chestalene Pintozzi Bridget Hellwig Sara McIntyre Neil A. Smith Renee Roberts Sarah A. Henderson Patricia A. McVicker Adam R. Spinner Kelly Hermanson Joshua Michaels Desiree A. Staires Morgan Herrick Daniel L. Miller Alissa M. Stanley Matthew J. Hertz Joel Z. Miller Thomas Stanley Tyler J. Hesser Justin Miller Christopher L.T. Stanton Heather M. Hoey Susan J. Mireles Jonathan M. Stark Robert C. Hoffman Krista D. Mondelli Matthew P. Stillings

24 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 25 The POWER of Partnerships

For nearly 25 years, GSA has reach the larger geoscience community, with member prices for their journal worked with other organizations coupled with strengthening the public’s subscriptions. across the country and around awareness of the importance of science As GSA looks to the future, it aims to the world whose missions are to in today’s world. Through GSA’s build strong, meaningful partnerships advance the geosciences. associated and allied societies, broader services are delivered to members. with other societies and organizations GSA currently partners with 35 For instance, GSA members have across the country and around the associated and allied societies. These access to discounted member rates for world to enhance service to members partnerships offer opportunities to several other societies’ meetings, along and the geoscience community.

AWG Links Women Geoscientists Worldwide Eloise Kendy, AWG Rocky Mountain Delegate, Washington, D.C., area that sponsor seminars, outings, and [email protected] other activities in their communities. AWG-sponsored geology field trips are a favorite way for No matter where in the world women geoscientists live and members to connect. This year, Kata McCarville will lead a work, there’s a place for us to come together. Once isolated whitewater rafting trip down the Grand Canyon, and Nadine both personally and professionally, a growing number of Langley will lead a camping trip along the eastern Sierra members stays connected through the Association for Women Nevada. Past field trips have visited Mexico, Scandinavia, the Geoscientists (AWG). Black Hills, southwestern Colorado, Big Bend National Park, The world’s largest organization for women geoscientists, the Cascade Mountains, and Yellowstone National Park. AWG provides opportunities and support for women at all Members share experiences, expertise, and interests in the stages of our careers. AWG is an international organization bimonthly AWG newsletter, Gaea. In addition to featuring devoted to enhancing the quality and level of participation of lively stories and discussions on technical and career-develop- women in geology and to introducing girls and young women ment topics, Gaea is a leading outlet for job advertisements to geoscience careers. by public and private entities seeking to expand workforce AWG was founded in San Francisco in 1977 to provide en- diversity. couragement to women in geology, a career choice where For more information about AWG, including member- we were largely underrepresented at the time. Today, AWG ship applications ($15 for students, $50 for professionals; membership approaches 1,000, reflecting the increasing par- institutional and corporate memberships are also avail- ticipation of women in diverse fields ranging from geology to able), visit our Web site at www.awg.org. hydrology, geochemistry, geophysics, paleobiology, and earth science education. Who is AWG?* “Our membership is brought together by a common love of earth science and the desire to ensure rewarding opportuni- ������������� ������� ties for women in the geosciences,” says AWG President ������������������������� Helen Delano. “Our members include professional women ������������ and men from industry, government, museums, and aca- ������������ demia; students from a cross section of colleges and universi- ������� ������� ties; retirees; and others interested in supporting our goals.” ���������� Members gain access to networking, mentoring, resume reviews, scholarship opportunities, conferences (and member ��������� rates for meetings of all the American Geological Institute– ������������� affiliated societies, including GSA), and awards that strengthen ����������� and sustain personal and career goals. Many members pro- ������������� mote their work through the distinguished lecture series and � � � � �� �� other outreach activities to people of all ages. In addition, % of members AWG has local chapters in Houston, San Francisco, Puget *This list contains only the top ten specialties out of over 43 different Sound, Denver, Salt Lake City, South Florida, and the specialties that make up AWG!

26 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 27 2005 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer Named William W. Woessner of the University of Montana has been selected as the 2005 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, sponsored by the GSA Hydrogeology Division and funded by the GSA

William Woessner teaches at the University To request a visit to your institution, “Occurrence, Transport and Fate of Montana, where, since 1981, he has offered contact William Woessner, The University of of Viruses and Pharmaceuticals in classes in applied hydrogeology, advanced Montana, 32 Campus Dr. #1296, Missoula, Groundwater Impacted by Septic System hydrogeology, groundwater modeling, ap- MT 59812-2341, (406) 243-5698, william. Effluent: The Hydrogeologists and plied groundwater modeling, surface water– [email protected]. The Hydrogeology Human Health” groundwater interaction, and groundwater re- Division is particularly interested in including Over the last 20+ years, I have studied mediation. A graduate with a B.A. in geology liberal arts colleges in the itinerary. The divi- how the disposal of sewage from house- from the College of Wooster, he went on to sion will pay transportation expenses and the holds and larger multiple-user facilities in receive an M.S. in geology from the University host institution will provide local accommo- unsewered areas has impacted the underly- of Florida as well as an M.S. in water re- dations. Woessner will present either or both ing groundwater. When the densities of sources management and a Ph.D. in geology of the lectures below. dwellings using septic systems increase, con- (hydrogeology with a minor in civil and en- cern is often raised by adjacent homeowners vironmental engineering) from the University Lecture Topics and/or local and state governments that po- of Wisconsin—Madison. From 1978 to 1981, William W. Woessner, The University table groundwater will be impacted. Though he served as an assistant research professor of Montana individual household wells are usually not at the Water Center of the Desert Research “Examining the Exchange of regularly tested, groundwater serving mul- Institute, University of Nevada System. Groundwater with the Stream/ tiple households, communities, or the public A broad-based hydrogeologist, Woessner’s Floodplain System: Physical, Thermal must be free of fecal coliform bacteria and research includes the study of regional and Geochemical Approaches with Ties must contain nitrate-nitrogen below 10 mg/l. hydrogeology; water supply development to Stream Renaturalization” Recently, however, federal regulators have and protection; surface water–groundwater Groundwater exchanges with the stream suggested groundwater supplies should be interactions at lakes, wetlands, and streams; channel create gaining, losing, flow-through, tested for viruses. In addition, the discovery and groundwater modeling of flow and and parallel-flow reaches. Such transfers of of trace quantities of pharmaceuticals in sur- groundwater contaminants. He has served water, nutrients, and temperature are critical face water impacted by sewage and sewage on National Academy of Science committees, components driving stream-riparian-flood- treatment plant waste has raised concerns taught short courses on groundwater model- plain function. Groundwater and surface that groundwater degraded by septic system ing, and acted as a consultant for private com- water interaction also produce hyporheic effluent may also contain low levels of phar- panies, states, and federal agencies. zones, areas in which groundwater and maceuticals. Woessner has published over 60 profes- stream water mix at the channel-bed and This presentation will focus on the oc- sional papers, has presented more than 100 near-channel scale. Physical exchanges cre- currence of a select group of viruses and professional talks, and has served as the ate fluxes of geochemical constituents and pharmaceuticals in septic systems and the chair for over 60 graduate students. He is the complex thermal regimes that vary at daily, processes controlling the transport and fate author, with Mary P. Anderson, of Applied seasonal, and annual scales. Efforts to main- of these constituents in the underlying shal- Groundwater Modeling (1992), which has tain and renaturalize stream systems require low aquifers. I will present the results of been disseminated worldwide. consideration of the hydrogeology. sampling sewage impacted groundwater An active member of a number of mul- This talk presents conceptualizations of associated with a high school drain field and tidisciplinary research teams, Woessner the groundwater-river exchange process virus tracer experiments used to assess trans- envisioned and now serves as director of the and illustrates methods used to assess such port processes in shallow sand and gravel University of Montana Center for Riverine exchange. My research has recently focused dominated aquifers. The results of a survey- Science and Stream Renaturalization—a on the mechanisms that regulate stream level study that chronicled the occurrence research center engaging geologists, geo- and floodplain groundwater temperatures. of 20 pharmaceutical compounds in a large chemists, microbiologists, stream ecologists, Specific groundwater–surface water investi- number of individual septic tanks and the hydrologists, and fluvial geomorphologists gations I have directed on the Middle Fork prevalence and fate of these compounds in in deciphering how natural and impacted of the Flathead River, Montana; the Umatilla the associated groundwater will also be dis- streams function. Woessner is currently River, Oregon; and the Jocko River of west- cussed. Both prescription and nonprescrip- serving on the National Research Council ern Montana are used as case studies. I will tion drugs were detected. The presentation Committee of River Science at the U.S. also propose how renaturalization efforts will conclude with a discussion of how hy- Geological Survey. In July 2004, he was would benefit from including groundwater drogeological data may or may not be used named Regents Professor by the University considerations. to examine related risks to human health. of Montana.

26 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 27 STATEMENT ON THE EVALUATION Call for Papers: OF SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Processes on the Early Panel Seeks Help n response to growing concern about • In September 2003, the Office of Ihow scientific information is being Management and Budget (OMB) Earth Special Paper used in policy-making, GSA’s Council proposed procedures for selecting has appointed a panel to prepare a scientists for peer review of regula- Following on the successful statement to present an earth science tory information that attempts to GSA Field Forum “Processes on the perspective on the evaluation of scien- limit the involvement of scientists Early Earth” (jointly organized by the tific information. The panel seeks your who have received grants from the Geological Society of America and help in crafting the statement. federal agency involved; that seems Geological Society of South Africa) Sound policy decisions require the to equate having “advocated a po- that examined a Kaapvaal craton best available scientific information. sition” on the matter with having traverse in early July, it has been Population growth, increasing per-capita a bias; and, when bias so defined decided to publish the proceedings consumption driven by globalization, exists on a panel, requires that “an- and the need to preserve essential re- other reviewer with contrary bias” of this field forum in the form of a sources for future generations have be appointed for the sake of bal- GSA Special Paper of the same title. sharply reduced the margin for error, ance. Note, the OMB is reevaluating The volume editors, Wolf Uwe and increased the need for policymak- these proposed procedures based Reimold and Roger Gibson of the ers to understand the implications of on extensive comments from the science and how the quality of scientific scientific community and other af- University of the Witwatersrand, information can be assessed. fected parties. invite every worker on the early Many nonscientists think of science Scientists are already reluctant to Earth to make use of this dedicated primarily in terms of laboratory experi- communicate their scientific conclu- opportunity. Deadline for ments intended to discover laws that are sions to policymakers or to the public. submissions is precise and easily quantified. Untangling Redefining conclusions as bias may September 30, 2004, and the complex processes like climate change, further inhibit scientists from participat- publishing plan envisages that the ecosystem response, beach migra- ing in policy-making for fear of being volume be print-ready by tion, or earthquake dynamics is much perceived as “advocates.” May 2005. more complex. It requires collaboration GSA’s panel on the evaluation of sci- among a team of scientists with comple- entific information includes Gary Ernst Papers for this special volume mentary expertise, and it requires that (Stanford University), Co-Chair George should be prepared according to the team systematically integrate results Fisher (), the guidelines on the GSA Web from different disciplines and gradually Grant Heiken (Los Alamos National site (www.geosociety.org/pubs/ work toward consensus. Each step re- Laboratory, retired), Co-Chair Mark bookguid.htm). For further quires careful review by peer scientists Peters (Los Alamos National Laboratory), information, or to submit in an atmosphere that encourages objec- Raymond Price (Queen’s University), your manuscript, contact tive exchange, free of political pressures. Leon Silver (California Institute of the volume editors at Policymakers, the media, and the Technology), and Christine Turner (U.S. [email protected] general public need to understand the Geological Survey). or importance of consensus, objective Panel members are anxious to have [email protected]. exchange, and freedom from political input from a broad range of GSA mem- Papers should be submitted to the pressure. There are signs that the pro- bers on this issue. They are particularly editors in electronic form (CD cess of integrating science and public interested in examples of how science or e-mail files, with image/figure policy is becoming increasingly politi- has been used in the policy-making and table files as separate files). cized. For example: process—both those that show how Alternatively, three hardcopies of • The Union of Concerned Scientists good science can lead to good poli- (UCS) published a report in cies, and those that show how science the manuscript with original figures February 2004 detailing incidents can be misused or misunderstood. If should be sent to in which the administration was al- you have information that you think W.U. Reimold, School of legedly mishandling, suppressing, would be helpful, you are invited to Geosciences, and distorting the scientific findings contact either of the co-chairs, George University of the Witwatersrand, of federal agencies. Note, the ad- Fisher, [email protected], or Mark Peters, Private Bag 3, P.O. Wits 2050, ministration responded to the UCS [email protected]. Input received by Johannesburg, South Africa. report, and the UCS has since pre- mid-August will be most helpful. pared a rebuttal.

28 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 29 At its April 2004 meeting, GSA Council approved the posi- in earth and sky.” In grades 5–8, content is to include “Structure of tion statement, “The Importance of Teaching Earth Science the earth system” and “Earth’s history.” High school level material in the Public Schools.” The statement is on GSA’s Web site, includes “Energy in the earth system,” “Geochemical cycles,” and www.geosociety.org/science/govpolicy.htm. Members are en- “Origin and evolution of the earth system.” The National Science couraged to use this position statement to encourage and sup- Education Standards thus recognize that study of the earth sciences is port the inclusion of earth science in their schools and to become essential at all grade levels; this view contrasts with the common prac- involved with science certification programs. tice of restricting teaching of earth sciences to grades K–8. Not only are the earth sciences a significant component of the THE IMPORTANCE OF National Science Education Standards (of equal status with physical sciences and life sciences), the earth sciences also provide the best all-around introduction to science. The earth sciences integrate con- TEACHING EARTH SCIENCE cepts from all the other major disciplines of science, including biol- ogy, chemistry, and physics. A course in earth sciences can provide to IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS students an introduction to subject matter in all the other sciences that Authored by: Patricia H. Kelley, University of North Carolina, illustrates their relevance and connections. Earth sciences also form Wilmington, North Carolina, and Rachel J. Burks, Towson the essential core for the formal study of environmental science, a University, Towson, growing discipline at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Thus, teaching of earth sciences throughout elementary and secondary schools will promote scientific literacy in general. Adopted in April 2004 The Geological Society of America, a not-for-profit professional Policy scientific society of more than 17,000 members, recognizes that earth The Geological Society of America endorses the adoption of the science literacy is of critical importance to our nation and adopts this National Science Education Standards (NSES) by all public and private statement as a reflection of our institutional and individual commit- school systems. As proposed by the NSES, study of earth science ment to this activity. should be incorporated into all educational levels from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Justification The NSES assessment underscores the fundamental position of Earth science literacy is of critical importance to our nation. earth science as a core science in the complete education of our Prominent issues facing us include land use and development, avail- citizens. Knowledge of the earth sciences is essential to science lit- ability of energy and mineral resources, water resources and quality, eracy and to meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century: it is preservation of wetlands, erosion, waste management, pollution fundamental to making wise decisions about public policy issues remediation, and geological hazards. If our citizens are to make in- such as land use and development; use of energy, mineral, and water formed decisions about the future, every high school graduate needs resources; and mitigation of pollution and geological hazards. to be educated in the area of earth sciences. An understanding of the Strengthening the science content of certification courses will im- earth sciences is critical to an environmentally secure future. prove the education of future primary and secondary students. We The National Science Education Standards, developed by the encourage our members, particularly earth science faculty, to become National Research Council, recognize that the earth sciences are involved with earth science certification programs for pre-service seminal to scientific literacy. Content standards have been articulated teachers at their institutions. We also enlist the aid of all of our mem- in the areas of physical science, life science, and earth and space sci- bers to support both the inclusion of an earth science course in high ence. The NSES Science Content Standards include Earth and Space school science curricula and proficiency exams in earth science for Science standards for grades K–4, 5–8, and 9–12. Content standards graduating high school seniors. for grades K–4 include “Properties of earth materials” and “Changes BIOGEOSCIENCES.ORG LAUNCHES An innovative new Web site, The dynamic site is expected to grow and and an image gallery allows free exchange of www.biogeosciences.org, bridging the earth change, reflecting the trends in biogeoscience images for educational purposes. The growing and life sciences, provides a single resource and usage needs. Biogeoscience links, back- collection of biogeoscientists is highlighted by for all things related to biogeoscience. ground information, and program resources interviews and information on current research. Biogeosciences.org is a natural home for are available, along with information on jobs, Interviews with various program managers elicit biogeoscience discussions, resources, and funding, and research opportunities. The site the particulars of the funding process and pro- promotion. The noncommercial site, supported lists of degree and research programs, journals vide insight into research funding decisions and by a grant from the Biogeosciences Program of and other publications, and a complete database important statistics. the National Science Foundation, draws from of relevant conferences and meetings featur- Interested parties should contact several partnered professional societies* and ing special sections and associated symposia. Sarah Leibson, Biogeosciences.org Web elsewhere to present an outstanding collection A discussion forum allows for the rapid dis- Coordinator, [email protected], of biogeoscience resources for all levels of edu- semination of ideas and opinions and addresses (303) 357-1095. Content-related suggestions cation and interest. important issues facing biogeoscience today, or comments are encouraged.

*American Geophysical Union, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, European Geosciences Union, Ecological Society of America, Geochemical Society, Geological Society of America, Mineralogical Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America.

28 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 29 What Is It That You Do in Your Job?

Karlon Blythe, GSA Outreach Program Officer Paul Clarke Thomas A. Hauge Evergreen Resources, Inc. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Denver, Colorado Company Without exception, the title of this article is the ques- Houston, Texas tion most frequently asked by students to mentors at the David B. Cornue Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Programs in Applied Geoscience. Environmental Operations, Inc. Elizabeth A. Haynes St. Louis, Missouri U.S. Geological Survey The programs, supported by GSA Foundation, are de- Hillsborough, North Carolina signed to extend the mentoring reach of individual pro- Morris M. Dirnberger fessionals from applied geology to undergraduates and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Catherine M. Helm-Clark graduate students attending GSA Section Meetings. St. Louis, Missouri INEEL-INRA Fellow Idaho Falls, Idaho Over free lunches, mentors and students discuss pro- Edward Dullaghan fessional opportunities and challenges that await students URS Corporation Jack Hess after graduation. The enthusiastic mentors come prepared Suffolk, Virginia Geological Society of America Boulder, Colorado for a variety of questions from the students—and they are Sidney Egnew never disappointed. Contacts are made, networking takes Indigo Systems Corporation John W. Hoganson place, and intense discussions ensue. The professionals Springfield, Louisiana North Dakota Geological Survey and students must eventually leave their lunchtime dis- Bismarck, North Dakota Mark W. Eisner cussions—reluctantly, but with a sense of satisfaction that Advanced Land and Water, Inc. Maria G. Honeycutt the time was well spent. Sykesville, Maryland PBS&J The 2004 season of Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Programs in Beltsville, Maryland Applied Geoscience has been extremely successful, with Jim Essman all six GSA Sections participating. New records were set Newmont Mining Corporation Jack Howard this year for participation by both students and mentors, Carlin, Nevada Halliburton Katy, Texas and half a dozen or more students made connections for Timothy J. Fagan part-time or full-time positions. National Museum of Natural John Howell Program funds provided free box lunches to 346 stu- History Clayton & Clayton, P.C. dents and 62 mentors. Twenty-one of the 62 mentors Washington, D.C. San Antonio, Texas volunteered to participate in more than one session, Bill Flanigan Elaina Hurst thus boosting the ratio of mentor experiences to 83 TXI Schlumberger mentors to 346 students. This is a commendable one to Dallas, Texas Prairie Village, Kansas four ratio. These volunteer mentors from private and Christopher W. Freeman Bushra Hussaini public businesses and government agencies represented Geodynamics LLC American Museum of Natural a broad range of backgrounds, education, experience, Morehead City, North Carolina History, New York, New York and expertise. If you are interested in participating as a mentor at a Martha N. Garcia Cheryl Jaworowski U.S. Geological Survey Yellowstone National Park GSA 2005 Section Meeting, please contact Karlon Blythe, Reston, Virginia Wyoming [email protected]. Marie Marshall Garsjo Joanne Kluessendorf The Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience Natural Resources Conservation Weis Earth Science Museum gratefully acknowledges these mentors for their individual Service Menasha, Wisconsin Fort Worth, Texas gifts of time and for sharing their insight with GSA’s student Joseph Konczyk members. J. Lynett Gillette Illinois E.P.A. San Diego Natural History Springfield, Illinois Museum William “Drew” Andrews Jim Berg Todd LaMaskin San Diego, California Kentucky Geological Survey Minnesota DNR Waters URS Lexington, Kentucky St. Paul, Minnesota Richard E. Gray Eugene, Oregon GAI Consultants, Inc. David Applegate Michael D. Campbell Doug Lambert Monroeville, Pennsylvania U.S. Geological Survey M.D. Campbell and Associates Geotechnology, Inc. Reston, Virginia Houston, Texas Joe Hannibal St. Louis, Missouri Cleveland Museum of Natural Katharine Lee Avary Maureen Carlisle Derek Main History West Virginia Geological and Burke Museum Dallas Museum of Natural Cleveland, Ohio Economic Survey Seattle, Washington History Morgantown, West Virginia David L. Carpenter Will Harman Dallas, Texas Buck Engineering Christopher J. Beal Monsanto Edward G. Miller Cary, North Carolina Portage Environmental Soda Springs, Idaho Geo Cam, Inc. Boerne, Texas San Antonio, Texas

30 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 31 Hugh C. Morris Stanley Radzevicius Bruce Stinchcomb Patrick Taylor Padre Resources Corp. ENSCO, Inc. St. Louis Community College at NASA Delta, British Columbia Springfield, Virginia Florissant Greenbelt, Maryland St. Louis, Missouri Keri Murch James M. Robertson William H. Tonking Environmental Resolutions, Inc. Wisconsin Geological Survey Marilyn J. Suiter Senior Mining Consultant Petaluma, California Madison, Wisconsin National Science Foundation Houston, Texas Arlington, Virginia Mike Nemitz Randal L. Rogers Margaret Townsend Newmont Mining Corporation Shaw Environmental & Chris Sumner Kansas Geological Survey Carlin, Nevada Infrastructure, Inc. Hanson Aggregates, Inc. Lawrence, Kansas Knoxville, Tennessee Cynthia Delaney Irving, Texas Rob Van der Voo Palomares Stacy Saari Mac Swinford University of Michigan Texas Commission on Newmont Mining Corporation Ohio Geological Survey Carlin, Nevada Ann Arbor, Michigan Environmental Quality Columbus, Ohio Austin, Texas Eugene Schweig Jake M. Wilburn, IV Raymond W. Talkington Christopher Pearsall U.S. Geological Survey Advanced Land and Water, Geosphere Environmental Specialized Engineering Memphis, Tennessee Inc. Ijamsville, Maryland Management, Inc. Sykesville, Maryland Phyllis J. Steckel Hampton, New Hampshire Trudy G. Phelps Consultant U.S. Geological Survey Washington, Missouri Altamonte Springs, Florida

Exemplifying the Meaning of Associated Societies

Karlon Blythe, GSA Outreach Program Officer pleasant surprise. These AEG participants included Ed Miller, John Mikels, David Campbell, Michael D. Campbell, William Over the course of the past 5+ years as outreach program H. Tonking, Chris Beal, Cynthia Palomares, and Bill Flanigan. officer for the Geological Society of America, I have admin- These mentors, as well as those from GSA, created an awe- istered a mentor program titled the Roy J. Shlemon Mentor some experience for the 54 students in attendance. Program for Applied Geoscience. This program is designed to I contacted Becky Roland, AEG’s Chief Staff Executive, to acquaint undergraduate and graduate students with careers in chat about the enthusiasm and unselfish desire exhibited by applied geoscience. Mentors practicing in various fields of ap- AEG professionals to “give back” to their profession through plied geoscience are invited to join students over a free lunch participation in events that offer student mentoring opportuni- to discuss professional opportunities and challenges in the ap- ties. Becky said that AEG had recently conducted a survey of plied geosciences. The mentors’ goals are to provide informa- its membership to identify areas in which they wished to see tion and insight based on their own careers. improvement. Outreach to students was an important area. These Shlemon Mentor Programs are held at every GSA Bingo—what a match for both AEG and GSA! Becky gra- Section Meeting—up to six per year each spring. During the ciously furnished me with a brand-new copy of AEG’s mem- years I’ve been managing the programs, they’ve been held bership directory for use in locating AEG members for poten- in a different city every time. Thus, students in attendance at tial invitations to participate at other GSA mentor events. GSA’s Section Meetings have had multiple opportunities to I’ve used that directory a good bit as the spring has rolled meet, chat with, and learn from a sizeable number of mentors on. Doug Lambert, David B. Cornue, Phyllis Steckel, and representing a broad variety of disciplines, job descriptions, Eugene Schweig joined GSA volunteers for a total of 18 men- and employers. tors for the Shlemon programs at GSA’s North-Central Section This spring, GSA’s South-Central Section Meeting was held Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Together, the mentors hosted in College Station, Texas. As it turned out, this was not exactly 75 students over the course of two days. It was apparent that a destination spot for practicing professionals. Thus, I was AEG’s member volunteers added valued perspectives and faced with a huge challenge to identify and solicit appropriate complemented GSA’s mentors, but it was the students who mentors who were willing and available to participate in two were the clear winners. Shlemon programs scheduled to be held during the course The moral to this story is simple. Associated Societies, of the meeting. Knowing that the Association of Engineering working together, enhance the attributes of all. The success of Geologists (AEG) and GSA are Associated Societies, I checked these mentor programs, through combined efforts, is a perfect out the Texas AEG organization’s Web site and was delighted example of altruism applied to the next generation of geosci- to find contact information for professionals who hold volun- ence professionals. teer positions with Texas AEG. I sent 15 e-mail invitations to For more information about GSA’s mentor programs these AEG contacts and garnered eight acceptances—a very or to indicate your interest in serving as a mentor, please contact me at [email protected].

30 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 31 GSA Foundation Update Donna L. Russell, Director of Operations

Those who have made planned gifts to the Society or the A Gathering for Planned Foundation, such as the Pooled Income Fund, bequests, and charitable remainder trusts or gift annuities, are automatically included in the Pardee Coterie. Others who have included Givers GSA in their wills or who are contemplating planned gifts are asked to notify the Foundation by calling (303) 357-1054, The Foundation’s Pardee Coterie (co-te-rie: a group of e-mailing [email protected] at the Foundation office, persons with a unifying common interest or purpose) was or by mailing the coupon printed below. formed in 1995 to recognize those who had made planned gifts to the GSA Foundation in support of GSA and its pro- grams. Members of the Pardee Coterie roster, along with their spouses and/or guests, meet once a year for breakfast and a discussion or talk on a current topic of interest to scientists and supporters of geology. This is an informal group—there are no bylaws, no officers, and no committees.

The Joseph T. Pardee Memorial Fund originated through what is perhaps a classic example of planned giving—an estate bequest, a trust, and two charitable remainder uni- trusts, transiting several lives. The resulting gift was GSA’s Most memorable early geologic experience: second largest ever received, exceeded only by the R.A.F. Penrose Jr. bequest in 1931. As a first year graduate student at Harvard, I was de- lighted by the geologic mapping of faulted dikes at The very first Pardee Coterie was held in November 1995 Beach Bluff, Marblehead, under Don Eschman’s guidance. during the GSA Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Participants —James W. Skehan enjoyed a breakfast at Brennan’s restaurant and a discussion with Daniel Sarewitz, who was the program officer for the Institute for Environmental Education at that time and also a former GSA–U.S. Geological Survey Congressional Science Donate Online Fellow. It’s easy! It’s quick! It’s secure! Last year, Coterie participants enjoyed a wonderful break- Go to www.geosociety.org fast at the Magnolia Room at the Palisade Restaurant in Click on “Donate Online” and follow the Seattle, Washington. Our guest speaker was Foundation user-friendly instructions today! Trustee Tony Reso, who shared his “The 90 Most Influential Humans in World History” with the group.

Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of $______. Please credit my contribution for the: Greatest need Other: ______Fund I have named GSA Foundation in my will. PLEASE PRINT

GSA FOUNDATION Name 3300 Penrose Place, P.O. Box 9140 Address Boulder, CO 80301-9140 (303) 357-1054 City/State/ZIP [email protected] Phone

32 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 33 ���������������� ����������� ����������������� ������������ ��� ����������������������� ��������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������ ���������������������������������� ������������ ������������������������������ ������� ����������������� ��������������������� ������������������������������ �������������� �������������������������������� ���������� ���� ��������������� �������� ���� ����� ��� ������ ������������ �� ������������ ������������ ����������� ���� ������� ��������� ����� ��� �������� ������������������������������������ ������������ ������������� ���� ���������� ������������������������������������������������ ����� ���� ������� ���������� ���� ����������� �� ������ ������� ������������� ������ �������� �������� �� �������� ��������� ����� ����������� � � � � ���� ��������� ����������� ������������� ������������������� ������ ����� ������� ������������� ������ �������������������������������� ������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������ ������������ �������������������������������������������� ������������ ����������������� ���������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���������������������������� ����� ��������� ����� ������� ���� ������� �� ��� ����������������������������������� ������ �� ������� �������� ������ ���� ��� ���� ���������� ���� ������� ����� ��� ���� ������������ ��������������������������������������������� ���������� ��� ������� ���� ���� ��� ����������� �� ��������� ����������� �������� ����� ������ ����������������������������� ������������� ����������������������� �������������������� ������ ����������� ������ �������������������������������������� ��������������������� ����� ����������� ������ ������� ������������� ������ ������ ������� ������������� ������ ������� ������� ������������� ������

������������� ����� �������� ��������� ���������� ��� ������ ���� ��� �� ����� ������������������������

32 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 33 Announcements New IGCP Project Announced Memorial to John Rodgers Planned International Geological Correlation The Department of Geology and Geophysics of Yale University announces a Programme (IGCP) project 499, “Devonian memorial service to commemorate the life of John Rodgers. The service will Land-Sea Interaction: Evolution of ecosystems be held Thursday, September 9, 2004, at 2 p.m., Battell Chapel, Yale University and climate (DEVEC),” was recently accepted (corner of College and Elm Streets), New Haven, Connecticut. A reception in by the UNESCO/IGCP scientific board. The Branford College will follow. integrative kind of research needed for the success of the project can only be carried out John C. Mickelson by a worldwide network of research groups In Memoriam Rapid City, South Dakota representing different disciplines. Complete H. Gassaway Brown III March 27, 2004 information on the project and its goals is Macungie, Pennsylvania posted at www.senckenberg.de/igcp-499. Ernest I. Rich April 6, 2004 Colleagues interested in participation should Davis, California contact one of the organizers in Frankfurt. Robert F. Dill January 6, 2004 Project leaders are: Peter Koenigshof, San Diego, California John Rodgers Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum January 25, 2004 Hamden, Connecticut Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, Eugene W. Grutt Jr. March 7, 2004 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Grand Junction, Colorado [email protected]; Jurga Nancy G. Ryan February 24, 2004 Lazauskiene, Geological Survey of Lithuania, Saint Michaels, Maryland [email protected]; Eberhard Schindler, Jake M. Hancock January 10, 2004 Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum London, United Kingdom William A. White Senckenberg, Eberhard.Schindler@ March 4, 2004 Chapel Hill, North Carolina senckenberg.de; Volker Wilde, S. Benedict Levin February 12, 2004 Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum New Preston, Connecticut Senckenberg, [email protected]; December 31, 2003 and M. Namik Yalcin, Istanbul University, [email protected].

2004 October 10–13 11th Annual Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vail, Colorado, USA. Information: Linda L. Hinshaw, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372, (970) 491-6081, fax 970-491-7727, [email protected], www.tailings.org. 2005 April 24–27 Mining Rocks—Toronto 2005: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario. Information: Chantal Murphy, Meetings Coordina- tor, (514) 939-2710, ext 1309, [email protected], www.cim.org/mce/toronto2005/.

Aug. 29–Sept. 2 Structure, Tectonics, and Ore Mineralization Processes (STOMP) Townsville, Australia. Information: Tom Blenkinsop, Timothy Baker, Stewart Parker, Nick Oliver, Conveners, [email protected], +61-7-4781 4726, fax +61-7-4725 1501, www.jcu.edu.au/STOMP. (Abstracts and presenter registration deadline: May 24, 2005.)

September 20–23 XVI Congreso Geologico Argentino, La Plata, Argentina. Information: INREMI, Instituto de Recursos Minerales, Calle 64 no. 36 e/119 y 120, CP 1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, phone and fax +54 (0221) 422-5648, [email protected], www.congresogeologico.org.ar/.

November 6–11 Gondwana 12 Conference, Mendoza, Argentina. Information: Carlos W. Rapela and Luis A. Spalletti, Conveners, Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas, Calle 1 Nº 644, B1900TAC La Plata, Argentina, phone/fax + 54 221 4215677, +54 221 421258696, [email protected], http://cig.museo.unlp.edu.ar/gondwana. MEETINGS CALENDAR

Visit www.geosociety.org/calendar/ for a complete list of upcoming geoscience meetings.

34 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 35 ��� ��������������������������������� �������������� ������������� ����� Do You Need Qualified Scientists to Fill Staff Positions? GSA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE CENTER’S INTERVIEW SERVICE

2004 GSA Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom 1 Sat., Nov. 6 noon–5 p.m. Sun.–Tues., Nov. 7–9 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Are You Looking for Employment in ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� the Earth Sciences? ������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ Whether you’re looking to fill ������������� ����������������������������������������������������� positions with qualified candidates ���������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� or seeking employment in the ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������� geosciences, take advantage of the ������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������� GSA Employment Service Center’s ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� Interview Service ������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������������������������ at the Annual Meeting.

For details, please visit

www.geosociety.org and click ���������� ��������������������������� “Employment Opportunities.” �������������������������������������� ������������������ ����������������������������� ������� � ������� ��������������������������������������������������� �

34 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 GSA_030104 1 3/2/04, 8:42:34 AM 35 ����������������� ���������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ��������������������������������������

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA Advertising Department encourages interdisciplinary approaches office one month prior. Contact Advertising Department, to the study of the Earth and participates in the Earth (303) 357-1053, 1-800-472-1988, ext. 1053, fax 303- System Science Interdisciplinary Center. 357-1070, [email protected]. Please include The University of Maryland is an affirmative address, phone number, and e-mail address with all action/equal employment opportunity employer. correspondence. For best consideration, applications should be Per line each submitted by October 22, 2004, preferably elec- One of the oldest institutions of higher education in this Per Line for addt’l month tronically, and should be submitted to: Chair, Search country, the University of Delaware today combines Classification 1st month (same ad) Committee, Department of Geology, University of tradition and innovation, offering students a rich Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA (at geo- Situations Wanted $2.25 $1.90 [email protected]). Applicants should provide a state- heritage along with the latest in instructional and Positions Open $7.00 $6.00 research technology. The University of Delaware is a Ad Size = 1/6 pg - Blockment describing research and teaching interests, Consultants $7.00 $6.00 Land-Grant, Sea-Grant, Urban-Grant and Space-Grant indicating how s/he envisions contributing to the institution with its main campus in Newark, DE, located Opportunities for Students Department’s research and teaching activities, current halfway between Washington, DC and New York City. first 25 lines $0.00 $2.85 curriculum vitae and names and addresses of at least Please visit our website at www.udel.edu. additional linesCost: 1$1.85 Time $2.85 four referees. Applicants$342.00 should ask a minimum of two Web Only Ads $7.00 $6.00 of these nominated referees to send letters directly to ������������������� live link: add $25 3 Time the Chair of the $394.00 Search Committee as soon as possible (at [email protected]). Agencies and organizations may submit purchase The Geology Department at the University of Delaware order or payment with copy.6 Time Individuals must send 1 YEAR $362.00POST-DOC IN PALEOBIOLOGY is seeking a full-time Assistant Professor for an prepayment with copy. To estimate cost, count 54 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 18-month teaching position starting Spring Semester, Experience in Cambrian fossils or arthropods pre- January, 2005. A broad background in geology with a characters per line, including12 all punctuationTime and blank $333.00 spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, ferred but not required. Send cv, short description of specialization in some aspects of hard-rock geology is research interests, and names, addresses, and emails preferred. centered copy,W or ebspecial characters.included $0.00 of two prospective letter writers by 9/15/04 to: Bruce Responsibilities: Serve as a full-time faculty member in S. Lieberman, Department of Geology, 1475 Jayhawk the Geology Department. Teach courses for majors Positions Open Blvd., 120 Lindley Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, including Petrology (GEO 302 Spring) and Structural KS 66045, [email protected]. Anticipated start date: Geology and Plate Tectonics (GEO 305 Fall). Also January ’05. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY teach large introductory level courses. The position UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK FLINT POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP involves teaching the equivalent of three courses per The DepartmentAd of GeologySize at UMd= 1/6 is searching pg for - an BlockAT YALE UNIVERSITY FOR THE STUDY OF semester with some flexibility in choice of courses. The GLACIAL AND CLIMATIC HISTORY AND Geology Department (http://www.geology.udel.edu) outstanding scientist as a faculty colleague in the fol- lowing broadly-defined areas: structural geology and PROCESSES offers B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Geology. The The Department of Geology and Geophysics announces Department has an emphasis in near-surface geologic tectonics, neotectonics or tectonophysics. A Ph.D. is required at theAd time Cost of appointment 1 Time: and the starting a competition for$402.36 the Flint Postdoctoral Fellowship. This systems and coastal and marine geoscience. A Ph.D. fellowship is awarded for two years, and provides a is preferred although ABD may be considered. date is flexible. The Department anticipates filling this position at the+ rank C. of AssistantC. Proc. Professor, Charge:but a senior stipend ($40,000/yr), 10.86 health care benefits, and funds CONTACT: Send letter of interest, resume, a teaching hire may be considered under exceptional circum- ($2,000/yr) for research and travel. statement and names of three references by stances. SalaryT otalwill be commensurate Cost: with experience. The Flint Fellowship$413.22 is intended to advance the September 30, 2004 to Dr. Susan McGeary, Search The appointee is expected to develop and maintain an understanding of climatic processes as well as Committee Chair, Geology Department. active, externally-funded research program that will Cenozoic climatic history. Specific research areas involve both graduate and undergraduate students, include, but are not limited to, glaciology; climatology; The curriculum vitae and letters of reference shall be and to participate fully in teaching at the graduate and atmospheric circulation; low-temperature geochemis- shared with departmental faculty. undergraduate levels, including courses in structural try; coupling between tectonics, climate and surface �������������������������������������������������� geology andT tectonics/neotectonics/tectonophysics,otal Cost for processes; 2 Issues: and the biologic record of climate change. ���������������������������������������������������������� and introductory courses at the freshman level. We par- Applicants should submit a curriculum vita; list of ������������������ ticularly seek applicants who will interact with and com- publications; names, addresses and email-addresses plement existing research programs;$826.44 additionally, the for three referees; and a short proposal outlining

���������������������� CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

36 AUGUST 2004, GSA TODAY GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2004 37 research objectives while at Yale. The application dead- FURMAN UNIVERSITY, TENURE-TRACK POSITION: line is November 15, 2004. Successful applicants will SURFACE AND GROUND WATER GEOLOGY start their program at Yale between January 1, 2005, The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences CTL is a multi-disciplinary and January 1, 2006. at Furman University invites applications for a tenure- consulting firm, providing All application materials should be sent to: Flint track position at the assistant professor level for the fall Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Geology and of 2005. engineering and scientific advanced Geophysics, P.O. Box 208109, Yale University, New The required qualifications are a Ph.D. in geology testing and research services for all Haven, CT 06520-8109. FAX:+1-203-432-3134. Contact and a specialty in watershed processes from a sedi- Professor Karl Turekian or Ronald Smith for questions ment transport, environmental, and hydrology perspec- construction materials and struc- regarding the fellowship. tive. Interests in environmental law and policy and/or tural systems. Learn more about us at GIS would be beneficial. Teaching duties would include STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY/TECTONICS G N I S I T R E V D A D E I F I S S A L C a basic earth systems course, surface and ground water www.CTLGroup.com. TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY courses, and an advanced course in area of expertise. The Department of Geology, Texas Christian University The successful candidate would be expected to excel SENIOR PETROGRAPHER (TCU), invites applications for a tenure-track position in in teaching and to develop a strong research program Structural Geology/Tectonics. Initial appointment will involving talented undergraduates. Challenging and unique opportu- be as an Assistant Professor. Preference will be given The department currently consists of four faculty with nity for an experienced petrographer to applicants who can start in January of 2005, but con- specializations in GIS/remote sensing, biogeochemis- sideration will also be given to applicants who cannot try, structure and tectonics, and and petrol- who enjoys solving client problems, de- begin until the following fall. The department is seeking ogy. Furman University is a private liberal arts university veloping business, managing projects, an energetic scientist with a strong theoretical back- with a strong emphasis on undergraduate research and ground and a commitment to fieldwork. TCU operates teaching. Furman’s location in the Piedmont region of giving presentations and training staff. on the teacher-scholar model. Faculty are expected South Carolina at the base of the Blue Ridge escarp- Will conduct materials characteriza- to combine excellence in the classroom with an active ment provides many opportunities for field trips and research program, including supervision of M.S. theses. research in fluvial processes, ground and surface water tion using applied mineralogy to deter- Normal teaching duties are two courses per semester, hydrology, and the impact of urban sprawl. mine cause of failure, inferior quality, including Introductory and Structural Geology, as well Applicants should send a vita including experience, as graduate courses in the candidate’s specialty. For publications, statement of teaching philosophy and or condition of: processed, recyclable, more information about the Department of Geology, research interests, and names of three references. and waste materials. Some microscopy visit http://www.geo.tcu.edu. Applicants should discuss how they would include Applicants should send a vita, statement of teach- undergraduates in their research. of concrete, cement, clinker and aggre- ing and research interests, and contact information for More information about the department can be gates will also be involved. Requires three references to: R.E. Hanson, Chair, Department obtained from http://ees.furman.edu. Applications of Geology, Box 298830, Texas Christian University, should be sent to Kenneth A. Sargent, Dept. BS (MS preferred) in Geology, materi- Fort Worth, TX 76129. Review of applications will begin of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Furman als science or related field and 10 years September 15 and continue until the position is filled. University, Greenville, SC 29613 or e-mailed to TCU is an AA/EEO employer and encourages a diversity [email protected]. Furman University is an equal petrographic experience in mineral- of applicants. opportunity, affirmative action employer. ogy and microscopy. Skilled in optical COLBY COLLEGE (transmitted light and reflected light) ONE SEMESTER APPOINTMENT Opportunities for Students SPRING SEMESTER 2005 microscopy and electron microscopy The Department of Geology invites applications for a Ph.D. Students Wanted. Program in Infrastructure (SEM and EDS). XRD (qualitative one-semester replacement position beginning on 1 and Environmental Systems. University of North February and terminating 31 May 2005. The success- Carolina–—Charlotte. The interdisciplinary program in and quantitative) helpful. Experience ful applicant will teach three undergraduate course Infrastructure and Environmental Systems at UNC with concrete, clinker, cement, and equivalents including a lecture section of Introductory Charlotte is accepting applications for Ph.D. students Geology and an upper division course with laboratory in for the 2004–2005 academic year. Full funding, includ- aggregates a plus. Proven ability to in- the applicant’s area of expertise. The area of applicant ing out-of-state tuition waivers, is available. Areas of terpret results, and write clear, concise, expertise is open, but should complement those in the student research include: biogeochemistry, applied department. Colby is a highly selective liberal arts col- climatology, coastal processes, contaminant transport, informative reports, interface well with lege recognized for excellence in undergraduate educa- engineering geology, environmental geology, fluvial clients and staff. Excellent English tion and for close student-faculty interaction. A Ph.D. or processes, geochemistry, geotechnical engineering, ABD with teaching experience is preferred. The review surface and groundwater hydrology, landfill design, communication skills (verbal and writ- of applications will begin on 15 September 2004 and tropical meteorology, mineralogy, Quaternary geology, ten) essential. Some travel. will continue until the position is filled. sedimentology, stratigraphy, site remediation, slope sta- Applicants should submit a letter of application, c.v., bility, soil geomorphology, structural geology, surficial statement of teaching interests and experience, and processes, vadose zone processes, waste containment CTL offers attractive compensation names, e-mail addresses, and contact information for in soils, watershed analysis and numerical weather with incentive and benefits plans. Send three (3) referees. All materials should be sent to: Dr. prediction. Students have access to extensive field and Robert A. Gastaldo, Chair, Department of Geology, analytical equipment and facilities including IC, ICPMS, your resume with cover letter indi- 5807 Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME 04901. Colby XRD, XRF, GPR, grain size analysis and GIS laborato- cating your interest to: Ethel Doyle, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, ries. We are located in the beautiful Piedmont of North committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly Carolina within easy access to pristine beaches and to edoyle@ CTLGroup.com, fax: 847- encourages applications and nominations of persons the Blue Ridge Mountains of North and South Carolina. 965-0859, CTL 5420 Old Orchard Rd., of color, women, and members of other under-repre- Application deadline: 7/15/04 or until positions are filled. sented groups. For more information about the College, For more information contact [email protected] Skokie, IL 60077. EOE-m/f/d/v. please visit the Colby web site: www.colby.edu. or visit http://www.uncc.edu/gradmiss/inesindex.html. Call for Applications and Nominations for Geology Co-Editor

GSA is soliciting applications and nominations for the (go to “Online Journals”), or see the April/May issue of position of co-editor of Geology, an international geosciences GSA Today (p. 46). journal for rapid publication of leading research. The co- If you wish to be considered, please submit a curriculum editor will serve a four-year term, beginning in January 2005 vitae and a brief letter describing why you are suited for the (exact start date to be negotiated), and will be one of a three- position. If you wish to nominate another, please submit a editor team. A co-editor with expertise and broad interests letter of nomination and the individual’s permission and CV. in tectonics/structural geology would best complement the Send nominations and applications to Jon Olsen, Director continuing editors’ strengths, but fields are flexible. of Publications, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, Complete details are posted at www.gsajournals.org/ [email protected], no later than September 7, 2004.


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Reserve Travel Maps—The world’s largest online map Contract Labs your spot on the bus. Info: www.in-situ.com or Contact catalog. Featuring city maps, topographic maps and Andrea Cannon (800) 446-7488. Water-Rock-Life Labs—a comprehensive analytical digital maps worldwide. Call (336) 227-8300 or visit contract facility providing metal analyses on a variety www.omnimap.com. GSA’s GeoVentures. Contact Edna Collis, 800-472-1988, of environmental matrices (e.g., EPA 200.8, EPA x1034, [email protected]; www.geosociety.org/ 6020) by DRC-ICP-MS. Laser ablation ICP-MS also New Product Press Releases geoVentures/. available. Contact Dr. Robyn Hannigan (870-972-3086; Geosoft, a leading provider of exploration and earth [email protected]) or http://www.cas.astate.edu/ Rates science mapping software, Releases Oasis montaj geochemistry for more information. Version 6.0. 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