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Opening of the solo exhibition ‘Paper – Hand and Mind: Narrations in Art’ by the Swiss artist Therese Weber at the Zurab Museum of Modern Art (MoMa), , , on March 28th, 2018 at 7pm.

The Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art under the patronage of the Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia, in collaboration with the Foundation KulturDialog Armenien, presents the large scale solo exhibition ‘Paper – Hand and Mind: Narrations in Art’ of the Swiss artist Therese Weber at the Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) in Tbilisi from March 28th to April 23rd, 2018.

Therese Weber is one of the most important protagonists of ‘Paper Art’ and an acclaimed representative of the contemporary Swiss art scene. Based on her artistic research on paper, its creation and its tradition, at present time she is mainly active in the field of pulp : For her works, Therese Weber creates her artwork from coloured pulp (natural fibre) by pouring and forming handmade paper and combines this as her particular creative medium with drawings, prints and photography to explore new dimensions. Showcasing more than 50 works, this comprehensive exhibition offers a complex and varied panorama of her oeuvre, and also of different techniques and approaches she used during the last 25 years. Therese Weber got in contact with Georgia for the first time in 2013 and since then she has integrated the Caucasus region, its heritage and its people, in her works, in her narratives and her book projects. The exhibition in Tbilisi presents Therese Weber’s works to the Georgian audience for the first time. Last year, the exhibition had been successfully presented in the Armenian National Museum in Yerevan and was greeted with great acclaim and interest.

It is a great honour for us to cooperate with the artist Therese Weber in this ambitious and prestigious project. It gives us the possibility to present outstanding contemporary Swiss art for the first time to the Georgian audience. It is the intention to introduce and invite artists, art lovers and all visitors of this exhibition in Tbilisi to Therese Weber’s artistic approach, her visions and artistic projects, also to meet an interesting and fascinating artist and to start with her a dialogue. A possibility to deepen this dialogue with the artist are the opening and a free public artist talk with Therese Weber on March 31st, 2018 at 1 p.m. Besides the artist, founding president of Foundation KulturDialog Armenien, Sona Harutyunyan, and project manager Maia Tevdoradze will be present.

On the occasion of the solo exhibition ‘Paper – Hand and Mind: Narrations in Art’ in Yerevan, a comprehensive 160 pages oeuvre catalogue was published by the widely renown German publisher Wienand, Cologne. This quadrilingual (German/English/Armenian/Georgian) and richly illustrated catalogue presents a detailed insight into Therese Weber’s works dating from 1993 to today on the basis of 121 illustrations including many artworks exhibited in Tbilisi. This catalogue will be available during the exhibition in Tbilisi. The reader is given the possibility to discover the art works and the artist Therese Weber based on the essays by the art historian Sona Harutyunyan, by the art historian and former director of the Leopold Hoesch Museum in Düren, Germany, Dr. Dorothea Eimert, by the historian and cultural researcher Dr. Christoph Baumer and by the artist Therese Weber herself. The authors explain and analyse origins, motives and the background of Therese Weber’s work and her creativity to provide the reader and the visitor with aspects relevant to explore her unique approach to paper, photography, and to her artistic and intercultural dialogue.

The artist Therese Weber, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Georgia, Lukas Beglinger, the president of Foundation KulturDialog Armenien, Sona Harutyunyan and Dr. Christoph Baumer, historian (Switzerland) and Michael Wienand, (Köln), proprietor of Wienand Publishing House will participate at the official opening of the exhibition at the Zsurab Tsereteli, Museum of Modern Art at 7 pm.

Therese Weber Paper – Hand and Mind: Narrations in Art 28.03. – 23.04.2018

Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) 29/48, 9-11/29/48 Kvali Street, Tbilisi, Georgia

Opening hours: Wed – Sun: 11 am – 7 pm Mon: 11 am – 7 pm

Artist talk with Therese Weber and Maia Tverdoradze, Saturday, March 31st, 2018, at 1 p.m. Free entrance