High Winds Take Toll Found This Week on Pages B-L Through B-U
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Best seventh grade essay Theatre goes to church The Bookshelf7 is back New Eagle Scout INSIDE: Page 5 A Page 10 A Page 11 A Page 3 A • It's that (building) time of yearlf But tornadoes miss here News, features-and ideas for your home building and improvement work can be High winds take toll found this week on Pages B-l through B-U St. Johns and Clinton County escaped the savagery of the twin tornadoes that raked Rotary Youth Owosso late Sunday night, but strong winds sweeping across the area did do substantial damage. Talent Hobby Shifting winds caved in a large barn on ithe Harold Bauer farm at 3008 N. Krepps Road. ' Show opens A portion of the Clinton County's youth step into the spotlight again this week roofs at the Southgate BULLETIN end when the St. Johns Rotary Club gives them a chance to exhibit jShopping Center in St. theiF ingenuity and creativity. I Johns was lifted up, The Rotary's annual Clinton County Youth Talent and Hobby f^Twr-*1!" The St. Johns City Com Exhibit got under way Monday, and after judges have a chance to iand the Dee Drug Store mission called a special look over the expected 420 entries, the show will be open to the .there suffered exten election for Wednesday, public starting this evening CThursday). sive water damage. June 21, in an attempt to The number of entries is a record for the Rotary shows, get a 20-mill tax limita and about a 35 per cent increase over the number last year. That I A wall of the Michigan Milk tion for operation of the will give the public a lot to look over during the open hours' 'Producers Assn. plant at Ovid city. tonight, Friday night and Saturday afternoon. jwas collapsed by the wind. A proposed charter The roof was blown off the amendment lists just the THE YOUTH TALENT AND HOBBY Exhibit Is being held [southern-most of six stalls at issue of millagelimittation again this year in the St. Johns Municipal Building auditorium the coin-operated car wash on and not the other 64 sec and wiH be open to the public tonight and Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. St, Johns' south side, about 100 tions that were part of a and on Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. yards south of the Dee Drug proposal rejected by the Store. A $50 savings certificate will be awarded to the exhibitor voters on April 11. The new proposal is that whose work-is-judged "best of show. Other prizes will be a $25r savings certificate to the best entry in each of the four age groups * t* DESPITE THE monetary dam- the amount raised Under into which the competition is divided. Those groups include ages lage, which will run into the tens general law cotfld not ex,- 17-18, 15-16, 12.-14 and 9-11, of thousands of dollars, prob ceed 2 percent (20 mills) ~^~ ^ r ably, there were no personal in of assessed valuation. i*" The entries are divided" into three major classifications- juries reported as a direct result manual arts, science and art.- There are 26 minor classifications, Jof the storm. Besides wind dam The Commission agreed including biology, chemistry, "electronics, physios, aerodynamics, age, there was a large amount Tuesday night that it could math, drawing, water color, oil painting, photography, clay sculp The Harold Bauer barn on Krepps Road northeast of St. Johns was a total loss after it collapsed , caused by water. not operate the city as it ture, musical arrangements, number paintings,~creatlve writing in the high winds of II p.m. Sunday. Eighteen dairy cows and a dozen calves were temporarily Around St. Johns, flooded has been on the 10 mill basements were the rule rather and art novelties, clothing construction, needlecraft, yarn work, trapped in the wreckage. Additional storm picture on Page 3-A. limitation which the' pre mechanical architectural drawing, models, woodwork, metal work, ithan the exception in many parts sent charter apparently collections and penmanship. of town. The city's unofficial provides. ^weather station at the sewage ALMOST ALL THE ROTARIANS are Involved in work on the 'treatment plant recorded two Youth Talent and Hobby Exhibit. Bruce Fowler is general chair 5 hurt slightly [inches of rainfall before the ••• man, aided by Charles Coletta and Don Strouse. Earl Haas is in 2 Kathys top scholars [gauge blew over. .charge of the judging of the exhibits. ' The rain was wind-driven. The because of the age of the out Rotarians and their wives and their duties in the show are: in auto crash Clinton area had been under a buildings, but it was going to take check-in and set-up, Mr and Mrs Charles Coletta, Mr and weather watch for severe thun a little work to get the inside of Five passengers In a Traverse derstorms with damaging winds Mrs Dale Robinson, Rev and Mrs Gerald Churchill, Mr"and Mrs City car were treated at Clinton of St. Johns Class of '67 the camper outfit decent again. Two Kathys share the academic three years and is its vice presi Ball committee chairman, on 'throughout most of the evening The south side of the old Clin Memorial Hospital last Thursday land night, and it was about 11 .Related story and picture on Page 13-A afternoon for bruises suffered In spotlight as valedictorian and dent mis year. As a junior and i the homecoming committee, a , ton Creamery building at the salutatorlan of the senior class senior, she has been on the Wil \ member of the National Honor p.m. that the most'damage was Michigan Milk Producers Assn. a collision of their car and a house jdone. Mel Warren and Mr and Mrs Ed Idzkowski. Check-out and clean trailer on US-27 south of Maple at Rodney B. Wilson High School son Torch staff and serves as Society, and recipient of theDAR 'plant In Ovid was blown out by up, (Mr and Mrs In all cases) Don Strouse, Bill Barber, Roy Rapids Road. In St, Johns this year. feature editor this year. She is award. She is active in 4-H and It was at exactly 11 p.m. that ,the wind about 11 p.m.-Some Briggs, Bill Graef, Al Dean, Van Hoag, Don Warstler. Kathy Bashore, daughter of Mr teen writer for the State Journal 'works part time at Clinton Me- the Harold Bauers felt the winds packing materials In the building Fatroling the exhibits during the public inspection hours A car driven by Eric Bon- and Mrs Max Bashore of R-5, this year, too. 'morial Hospital, She was a junior 'hit their place on Krepps Road. were damaged, too. The building Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be: Thursday, (Mr and Mrs trager, 70, of Vestaburg was St. Johns, is valedictorian, of She has been In the Future representative to Olivet College ("The house Just shook," Mrs is used strictly for storage, so 'in all cases) JohnRumbaugh,Kurt Becker, ConSeim, Dorr Ander pulling a house trailer and was the class of 1967, compiling a Homemakers of America for the last summer. , Bauer said, and then the wind ,the loss of the wall won't Inter son,'Lester Lake, Ken Munger and Lorenz Tiedt; Friday, Leo making a left turn onto the cross grade-point average of 3.974 out last three years and was secre seemed to suddenly stop. They fere with production, MMPA of Corkln, Paul Nobis, Alden Livingston, Al Allaby, Virgil Zeeb and over. He was ticketed for having of a possible 4.0 during her high tary of the group as a sophomore MISS CORKIN HAS been presi looked outside and saw that their ficials said. Don White; Saturday, Earl Lancaster, Jud Marzke, Herb Oatley, no turn signals on the trailer. school years. and president last year. She was dent of the Debate Club at Rod- big 50 by 60 .foot barn had col- I THE WALL IS ABOUT 60 feet J. D. Robinson, Wes Stephenson, Glen Osgood, Lee DeWitt, Bob Kathleen Corkln, daughter of In the Dramatics Club three new B. Wilson High for the past llapsed. I long and 30 feet high. Gay? Jim Grost, Ink White, John Hall, Dwane Wlrick, Lawrence Striking the trailer in the rear Judge and Mrs Leo Corkln of years, Future Teachers Assn. two years and in her sophomore I Also blown down in the wind Sexton, St. Clair Pardee and Clarence Ebert. ^ was a car driven by Jerry M. 402 S. Lansing Street, Is salut two years and the Girls Ath year was vice president of the MRS BAUER IS half-Inclined was the plant's powder drier O'Connell, 38, of Traverse City. to think it was tornado which hit Judges for the exhibit awards were F. Earl Haas (chairman), atorlan with a 3.9 average. letic Assn. as a sophomore. She group. She has been on the var stack. The plant can operate He wasn't hurt, but his passen Besides their academic was winner of the alumni scholar sity debate team for the last, their place. She said the winds without it, officials said, but it Mrs Lewis Moldenhauer, Mrs John Furry, Mrs Dorr Anderson, gers, his wife Ann, and children were blowing strong from the Warren Anderson, George McQueen and John Aylsworth. achievements, both girls have ship in her freshmen year. two years. will be replaced. Jerry, 10, Bridget, 3, Kathleen, been active In extra-curricular Other activities by Miss Ba She was a national merit semi- south, but what shook the house • Meanwhile, back In St.