Message from the President
NEVADA LAWYER EDITORIAL BOARD Patricia D. Cafferata, Chair Scott McKenna Message from Michael T. Saunders, Chair-Elect Gregory R. Shannon Richard D. Williamson, Vice Chair Stephen F. Smith Mark A. Hinueber, Immediate Past Chair Beau Sterling Erin Barnett Kristen E. Simmons Hon. Robert J. Johnston Scott G. Wasserman the President Lisa Wong Lackland John Zimmerman Frank Flaherty, Esq., State Bar of Nevada President BOARD OF GOVERNORS President: Frank Flaherty, Carson City President Elect: Alan Lefebvre, Las Vegas DUES TALK Vice President: Elana Graham “I will not make any broad promises to you on Immediate Past President: Constance Akridge, Las Vegas behalf of the board, beyond stating that we do not anticipate a dues increase within the Paola Armeni, Las Vegas Mason Simons, Elko Elizabeth Brickfield, Las Vegas Hon. David Wall (Ret.), next few years and that the board and staff Laurence Digesti, Reno Las Vegas Eric Dobberstein, Las Vegas Ex-Officio will continue to work diligently to control costs Vernon (Gene) Leverty, Reno Interim Dean and to be smart with your dues dollars.” Paul Matteoni, Reno Nancy Rapoport, Ann Morgan, Reno UNLV Boyd School of Law Richard Pocker, Las Vegas Richard Trachok, Chair October always seems to be a good time to talk about money. At the last Bryan Scott, Las Vegas Board of Bar Examiners Richard Scotti, Las Vegas meeting of the Board of Governors (BOG), we spent some time discussing your licensing fees, typically referred to as “dues.” I am happy to report that STATE BAR STAFF the State Bar of Nevada is in good shape, fiscally and otherwise.
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