The vision of organizing and managing Jabodetabek transportation is to actualize the construction, development, and operation of Jabodetabek transportation in order to integrate transportation services that are orderly, smooth, effective, efficient, safe, secure, comfortable and affordable by the public without being limited by administrative areas. The missions of organizing and managing Jabodetabek transportation are as follows: 1. Integrating the construction and development of transportation infrastructure networks and transportation service networks, for both inter-modes and intra-modes. 2. Integrating the construction and development of urban transportation between Jabodetabek areas in one urban area. 3. Integrating the operation of urban transportation. 4. Integrating the financial plans of urban transportation.


The targets in achieving the vision and missions underlying the joint venture between the central government, provincial governments, and municipalregency governments in the implementation of transportation in Jabodetabek area are as follows: 1. Movement of people by using urban public transport must reach 60% (sixty percent) of the total movement of people; 2. The average travel time of a person in an urban public transport vehicle is 1 (one) hour 30 (thirty) minutes in peak hours from the place of origin to the destination; 3. The average speed of urban public transport vehicles at peak hours in all road networks is at least 30 (thirty) kilometers/hour; 4. The coverage of urban public transport services reaches 80% (eighty percent) of the length of the road; 5. Walking access to public transport is a maximum of 500 m (five hundred meters); - 2 -

6. Each region must have a local service network/feeder network integrated with the trunk, through one node of urban transportation; 7. Urban transportation nodes must have pedestrian facilities and park and ride facilities, with not more than 500 m (five hundred meters) of inter-mode transfer distance; 8. The transfer of mode in one trip is a maximum of 3 (three) times.

The scope of this master plan includes 9 (nine) pillars of transportation development policies in Jabodetabek which include: 1. Improvement of urban transportation safety and security; 2. Development of urban transportation infrastructure network; 3. Development of road-based urban transportation system; 4. Development of rail-based urban transportation system; 5. Development of integrated urban transportation; 6. Improvement of traffic performance; 7. Development of urban transportation funding system; 8. Development of integration of urban transportation and spatial planning; and 9. Development of environmentally friendly urban transportation.


1. Improvement of Urban Transportation Safety and Security Policy is implemented with the following strategies: a. Provision of transportation facilities and infrastructure that meet safety standards, with programs including: 1) Improvement of the safety of urban transportation facilities; 2) Improvement of the safety of urban transportation infrastructure; 3) Procurement and installation of urban transportation safety and security facilities. b. Improvement of the capacity forhuman resources, transportation and safety for road user, with programs to improve human resource competencies and education for road users; c. Improvement of the effectiveness of supervision on meeting safety standards, with programs including: 1) Improvement of safety and security of urban transportation management systems; 2) Encouragement to transport operators in order to meet safety standards; 3) Utilization of equipment to monitor driver behavior and safety of public transport vehicles. - 3 -

The implementation stages of the Improvement of Urban Transportation Safety and Security Policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 1 are as follows:

Table 1. Implementation of the Improvement of Urban Transportation Safety and Security Strategy and Program

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 1. Provision of Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure according to Safety Standards a. Improvement of Safety of Urban Transportation Facilities

1) Testing and certification of Ministry of public transport facilities Transportation/Lo cal Government 2) Inspection of the compliance with the Ministry of installation of safety Transportation/ equipment in the vehicle Local Government

3) Implementation and Ministry of improvement of periodic Transportation/ tests and type tests Local Government Ministry of 4) Supervision of overloading Transportation/ Local Government 5) Removal of unroadworthy Ministry of vehicles Transportation/ Local Government b. Improvement of Safety of Urban Transportation Infrastructure 1) Testing and certification of supporting infrastructure Ministry of and facilities for the Transportation/ implementation of public Local Government transport Ministry of Transportation/ 2) Repair of damaged road Ministry of Public and rail infrastructure Works and Human Settlements/ Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Repair of accident-prone Ministry of Public locations Works and Human Settlements/ Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 4) Control of safe road and Ministry of Public railroad environments Works and Human Settlements/ Local Government Ministry of Public 5) Assessment of road Works and Human

function worthiness Settlements/ Local Government - 4 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 6) Determination of RASS Ministry of (Rute Aman Selamat Transportation/ Sekolah) Local Government c. Procurement and Installation of Urban Transportation Safety and Security Facilities

1) Procurement and Ministry of installation of traffic safety Transportation/ facilities Local Government

2) Procurement and Ministry of installation of public Transportation/

transport security facilities LocalGovernment

3) Application of Zona Selamat Ministry of Sekolah (ZoSS) Transportation/ Local Government 2. Improvement of Transportation HR Capacity and Safe Road Users a. Improvement of HR competency and education for road users 1) Implementation of transportation safety Ministry of education for early Transportation/Lo childhood calGovernment

2) Implementation of safe Ministry of driving technical guidance Transportation/Lo for public transport drivers calGovernment 3) Examination of health Ministry of conditions and behavior of Transportation/Lo public transport drivers calGovernment Indonesian 4) Guidance and supervision National

of driving schools Police/Local Government Ministry of 5) Selection of abiyasa teladan Transportation/Lo calGovernment Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Selection of pioneer LocalGovernment students of traffic safety

7) Construction of Ministry of transportation safety Transportation/ educational parks LocalGovernment 3. Improvement of the Effectiveness of Supervision on the Fulfillment of Safety Standards a. Improvement of safety and security of urban

transportation management systems

1) Implementation of vehicle Ministry of Transportation/ speed management including traffic calming LocalGovernment

- 5 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 2) Utilization of information technology in performing Ministry of security monitoring of Transportation / public transport LocalGovernment

3) Arrangement of safety and Ministry of security regulations (NSPK) Transportation/

in accordance with Indonesian technological developments National Police 4) Implementation of dissemination in order to Ministry of develop a safety-first Transportation/Lo culture calGovernment

5) Establishment of a Ministry of Transportation/ transportation safety fund institution Ministry of Finance 6) Arrangement of traffic Ministry of protocols for emergency Transportation/Lo vehicles calGovernment 7) Arrangement of integrated Ministry of Transportation/ information systems related to accident data structures Indonesian National Police 8) Implementation of an integrated emergency Ministry of service system (one access Transportation/Mi code) nistry of Health Ministry of 9) Preparation of provisions Transportation/Mi and supporting facilities nistry of Public limiting motor vehicle speed Works and on arterial roads and Human freeways Settlements b. Encouragement to Transport Operators In Order to Fulfill Safety Standards 1) Application of SMK (Sistem Ministry of Manajemen Keselamatan) in Transportation/ Public Transportation LocalGovernment Companies 2) Arrangement of working Ministry of time and rest time of the Transportation vehicle crews c. Utilization of Equipment for Monitoring Driver's Behavior

and Safety of Public Transport Vehicles

Ministry of 1) Utilization of Tachographs Transportation/ on public transport vehicles LocalGovernment

Ministry of 2) Utilization of electronic law Transportation/

enforcement Indonesian National Police

- 6 -

2. Development of the Urban Transportation Infrastructure Network Policy is implemented with the following strategies: a. Improvement of construction and development of infrastructure and supporting facilities for road transportation, with programs including: 1) Construction and Development of type A passenger terminal; 2) Construction and Development of goods terminals. b. Improvement of construction and development of infrastructure and supporting facilities for railway transportation, with programs including: 1) Development, Rehabilitation/improvement and revitalization of railway tracks and buildings; 2) Development, Rehabilitation/improvement and revitalization of signaling, telecommunications and electricity systems; 3) Fencing of supporting facilities; 4) Handling a level crossing. c. Improvement of construction and development of infrastructure and supporting facilities for inland water transportation, with programs of utilization of river channels and canals for transporting people and goods; d. Development of capacity and quality of roads which take into account public accessibility to public transportation, with programs including: 1) Expansion/Construction of Roads for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes; 2) Construction of special flyovers for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes; 3) Improvement of access roads from/to urban transportation nodes; 4) Development and/or improvement of pedestrian access from/to public transport (sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, crossing tunnels and public street lighting); 5) Development and/or improvement of capacity of national roads, national strategic roads, passages and toll roads; 6) Utilization of toll road lanes for services of mass public transport/Lajur Khusus Angkutan Umum (LKAU); 7) Construction of passing lanes on Transjabodetabek Ekspres routes; 8) Construction of Bus Lane and Stop on the Regular Transjabodetabek Route; 9) Improvement of Sterilization of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes.

The implementation Stages of the Urban Transportation Infrastructure Network Development Policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 2 and the map images are as follows:

- 7 -

Table 2. Implementation of the Urban Transportation Infrastructure Network Development Strategy and Program EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 1. Improvement of Construction and Development of Infrastructure

and Supporting Facilities for Road Transportation a. Construction and Development of Type A Passenger Terminal Ministry of 1) Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment Ministry of 2) Pulo Gebang Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment Ministry of 3) Kampung Rambutan Transportation/

Terminal Local Government Ministry of 4) Tanah Baru Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment Ministry of 5) Cibinong Baru Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment Ministry of 6) Jatijajar Terminal Transportation/ (Extension) LocalGovernment Ministry of Transportation/ 7) Poris Plawad Terminal Local Government Ministry of 8) Bitung Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment Ministry of 9) Pondok Cabe Terminal Transportation/ (Extension) LocalGovernment Ministry of 10) Bekasi Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment Ministry of 11) Terminal Transportation/ LocalGovernment b. Construction and Development of Goods Terminals Ministry of 1) Goods Terminal in Transportation/ Marunda Area LocalGovernment Ministry of 2) Goods Terminal in Transportation/ Pulogadung Industrial Area LocalGovernment Ministry of 3) Goods Terminal (Dry) in Transportation/ Tanah Baru LocalGovernment Ministry of 4) Goods Terminal (Wet) in Transportation/ Rancamaya LocalGovernment Ministry of 5) Goods Terminal in Transportation/ Tangerang LocalGovernment Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Goods Terminal in Setu LocalGovernment (Bekasi) Area

- 8 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 7) Goods Terminal in Rawa Transportation/ Pasung (Bekasi) LocalGovernment Ministry of 8) Goods Terminal in Bantar Transportation/ Gebang LocalGovernment 2. Improvement of Construction and Development of Infrastructure

and Supporting Facilities for Railway Transportation a. Development, Rehabilitation / Improvement and

Revitalization of Railway Tracks and Buildings 1) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of - Pondok Jati - Pasar - Ministry of

Kampung Bandan Cross Transportation Railway

2) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Kampung Ministry of Bandan - – Transportation Manggarai Cross Railway

3) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Jakarta Kota Ministry of - (JICT) Cross Transportation Railway

Ministry of 4) Rehabilitation/Development/ Transportation Improvement of Jakarta Kota - Manggarai – Bogor Cross Railway

5) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Tanah Abang Ministry of

– Maja Cross Railway Transportation

6) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of KRL Railway Ministry of Line Extension to the West Transportation (Pasar Kamis)

7) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of rail-based Ministry of

Inner Circle Railway Transportation

8) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Jakarta – Ministry of

Bogor Cross Railway Transportation

9) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Citayam - Ministry of Cibinong – Nambo Cross Transportation Railway

10) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Parung Ministry of Panjang - Tenjo (bagian dari Transportation trayek Tanah Abang - Serpong - Maja) Cross Railway

- 9 -


11) Rehabilitation/Development/ Improvement of Goods Ministry of

Terminal Railway in Setu Transportation Area of South Tangerang City 12) Construction of Loopline of Jabodetabek Between Pondok Jati - Rajawali - Ministry of

Kampung Bandan - Duri - Transportation Tanah Abang - Manggarai - Pondok Jati 13) Construction of the Outer Ring Railway (Parung Ministry of

Panjang - Citayam - Nambo - Transportation Cikarang - Tanjung Priok) 14) Construction of the Inner Ring Railway (Kamal Muara - Rawa Buaya - Lebak Bulus - Margonda - Cibubur - Ministry of - Pulo Gebang - Transportation Tanjung Priok)

15) Construction of Batu Ceper – Ministry of

Serpong Cross Railway Transportation 16) Construction of Nambo - Ministry of Cileungsi – Bekasi Railway Track Transportation 17) Construction of Cileungsi - Ministry of Jonggol – Cianjur Railway track Transportation 18) Construction of Pondok Ministry of - Parung Panjang Railway track Transportation 19) Construction of Bogor – Ministry of Rangkasbitung Railway Track Transportation 20) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culvert /Box Culvert / Ministry of

Underpasses/Cross Flyover Transportation of Tanah Abang - Maja / Rangkasbitung 21) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/ Ministry of Box Culvert/Underpasses / Cross Flyover of Sungai Transportation Lagoa Station- Kampung Bandan (Reactivation) 22) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/ Box Ministry of

Culvert/Underpasses/Cross Transportation Flyover of Jatinegara Station- Pondok Jati - Pasar Senen - Kampung Bandan 23) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/ Ministry of

Tunnels/Culverts/Box Transportation Culvert/Underpasses/Cross - 10 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Flyover of Jatinegara - Cikarang/Cikampek 24) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/ Box Culvert/Underpasses/ Ministry of

Cross Flyover of Manggarai - Transportation Jatinegara - Bekasi - Cikarang - Kedungwaringin (Box Culvert Bintara) 25) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/ Box Ministry of

Culvert/Underpasses/Cross Transportation Flyover of Tanah Abang - Maja/Rangkasbitung – Merak 26) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/B ox Culvert/Underpasses/Cross Flyover of Jakarta Kota - Manggarai – Bogor: Ministry of - Railroad Intersection of

Jl. Martadinata Transportation Ministry of - Flyover Level Crossing of

Jl. MA. Salmun Transportation Ministry of - Flyover Level Crossing of

Jl. Kebon Pedes Transportation Ministry of - Flyover Level Crossing of

Jl. Kapten Muslihat Transportation 27) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/ Ministry of Box Transportation Culvert/Underpasses/Cross Flyover of Citayam - Nambo 28) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Bridges/ Ministry of Tunnels/Culverts/Box Transportation Culvert/Underpasses/Cross Flyover of Duri – Tangerang 29) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels/Culverts/ Box Ministry of

Culvert/Underpasses/Cross Transportation Flyover of Manggarai - Jatinegara - Bekasi - Cikarang – Kedungwaringin 30) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/Tunnels /Culverts/Box Culvert/ Underpasses/Flyover of Depok Municipality - Underpass of Jl. Jatimulya - Jl. Pondok Rajeg Ministry of (Commuter Line: Citayam - Transportation Nambo) - 11 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 - Underpass of Jl. Raya Ministry of Citayam (Commuter Line: Transportation Jakarta - Bogor) - Underpass of Jl. GDC - Ministry of Sawangan (Commuter Transportation Line: Jakarta - Bogor) - Underpass/Fly Over of Jl. Ministry of Dewi Sartika (Commuter Transportation Line: Jakarta - Bogor) - Underpass of Jl. Juanda Ministry of Cinere (Commuter Line: Transportation Jakarta - Bogor) 31) Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bridges/ Tunnels/Culverts/Box Culvert/Underpass/Flyover of South Tangerang Municipality: - Flyover of Jl. Raya Serpong/Stasiun Serpong Ministry of (Commuter Line: Serpong - Transportation Tanah Abang) - Flyover of Jl. WR. Supratman/Stasiun Ministry of Pondok Ranji (Commuter Transportation Line: Serpong - Tanah Abang) - Flyover of Jl. Raya Jombang/Stasiun Ministry of Sudimara (Commuter Transportation Line: Serpong - Tanah Abang) 32) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Station/ Operational Building Ministry of Construction of Tanah Transportation Abang - Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross Railway 33) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Ministry of Station/Operational Transportation Building Duri-Tangerang Cross 34) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building Transportation Citayam – Nambo Cross 35) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Station/ Operational Building Development Station Ministry of Facilities in Bekasi Transportation ( and Bekasi Timur) Track

36) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Station/ Operational Building Development Station Ministry of Facilities of 2 Stasions in Transportation Bekasi (Stasiun Kuningan Baru and Sudirman Baru) Track - 12 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 37) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Station/ Operational Building Ministry of Development Station Transportation Facilities in Tangerang Track 38) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Pondok Rajeg Station 39) Construction of Station/ Operational Building of Ministry of Tanah Abang - Transportation Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross Railway 40) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Citayam – Nambo Cross 41) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Duri – Tangerang Cross 42) Construction of Station/ Operational Building of Ministry of Manggarai - Jatinegara - Transportation Bekasi – Cikarang Cross 43) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Bogor – Cilebut Cross 44) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Cimanggis LRT Station 45) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Pondok Cina LRT Station Transportation

Ministry of 46) Construction of Station/ Transportation Operational Building of Cinere LRT Station

47) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Krukut LRT Station 48) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Citayam LRT Station 49) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Bogor Train Station 50) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of Transportation Paledang Train Station 51) Construction of Station/ Operational Building of Ministry of Sukaresmi/Lawang Talas Transportation Train Station 52) Construction of Station/ Ministry of Operational Building of

Batu Tulis Train Station Transportation b. Development, Rehabilitation/ Improvement and Revitalization of Signaling, - 13 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Telecommunications and Electricity Systems 1) Rehabilitation/Improvemen t of Signaling and Ministry of Telecommunication Tanah Transportation Abang - Maja/ Rangkasbitung Cross 2) Rehabilitation/ Ministry of Improvement of Signaling

and Telecommunication of Transportation Citayam – Nambo Cross 3) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Signaling Ministry of and Telecommunication of

Tanah Abang - Maja/ Transportation Rangkasbitung – Merak Cross 4) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Signaling Ministry of and Telecommunication of Transportation Jakarta Kota - Manggarai – Bogor Cross 5) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Signaling Ministry of and Telecommunication of

Citayam – Nambo Cross Transportation

6) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Signaling Ministry of and Telecommunication of Transportation Manggarai - Jatinegara - Bekasi – Cikarang Cross 7) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Top Flow Electric Transmission of Ministry of (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Transportation Atas/LAA) Tanah Abang - Serpong - Maja/ Rangkasbitung Cross 8) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Top Flow Electric Transmission Ministry of (Transmisi Listrik Aliran

Atas/LAA) of Jatinegara - Transportation Pondok Jati - Pasar Senen - Kampung Bandan - Tanah Abang Cross 9) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Top Flow Ministry of Electric Transmission

(Transmisi Listrik Aliran Transportation Atas/LAA) of Tanah Abang – Manggarai Cross 10) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Top Flow Ministry of Electric Transmission

(Transmisi Listrik Aliran Transportation Atas/LAA) of Jakarta Kota - Manggarai – Bogor Cross 11) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Top Flow Ministry of Electric Transmission

(Transmisi Listrik Aliran Transportation Atas/LAA) of Citayam – Nambo Cross 12) Rehabilitation/ Ministry of Improvement of Top Flow - 14 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Electric Transmission Transportation (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Atas / LAA) of Duri – Tangerang Cross 13) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Top Flow Electric Transmission (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Ministry of Atas / LAA) of Manggarai - Transportation Jatinegara - Bekasi - Cikarang – Lemahabang Cross 14) Rehabilitation/ Improvementof Power Ministry of House (Catu Daya) of Transportation Tanah Abang - Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross 15) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Power House (Catu Daya) of Ministry of Jatinegara - Pondok Jati - Transportation Pasar Senen - Kampung Bandan - Jakarta Kota - Tanjung Priok (JICT) Cross 16) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Power Ministry of House (Catu Daya) of Transportation Citayam – Nambo Cross 17) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Power Ministry of House (Catu Daya) of Duri Transportation – Tangerang Cross 18) Rehabilitation/Improvemen t of Power House (Catu Daya) of Manggarai - Ministry of Jatinegara - Bekasi - Transportation Cikarang – Lemahabang Cross 19) Construction of Top Flow Electric Transmission (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Ministry of Atas/LAA) Including Power Transportation House of Tanah Abang - Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross 20) Construction of Top Flow Electric Transmission (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Ministry of Atas/LAA) Including Power Transportation House of Tanah Abang - Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross (Test Track) 21) Construction of Top Flow Electric Transmission (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Ministry of Atas / LAA) Including Transportation Power House of Citayam – Nambo Cross 22) Construction of Top Flow Electric Transmission (Transmisi Listrik Aliran Ministry of Atas / LAA) Including Transportation Power House of Manggarai - Bekasi – Cikarang Cross

- 15 -


23) Development . . .

23) Development / Improvement of Special Buildings of Tanah Abang - Ministry of Maja/Rangkasbitung – Transportation Merak Cross, Including Testing Buildings and Facilities and Laboratories 24) Development/ Ministry of Improvement of Special

Buildings of Jakarta Kota - Transportation Manggarai – Bogor Cross c. Fencing of Supporting

Facilities Ministry of 1) Tanah Abang -

Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross Transportation 2) Jatinegara - Pondok Jati - Ministry of Pasar Senen - Kampung

Bandan - Tanah Abang – Transportation Manggarai Cross 3) Jakarta Kota - Tanjung Ministry of

Priok (JICT) Cross Transportation 4) Jakarta Kota - Manggarai - Ministry of Bogor (Lanjutan 2015) Transportation Cross Ministry of 5) Citayam – Nambo Cross Transportation Ministry of 6) Duri – Tangerang Cross Transportation 7) Manggarai - Jatinegara - Ministry of Bekasi - Cikarang – Transportation Lemahabang Cross

d. Handling a Level Crossing

1) Tanah Abang - Ministry of Maja/Rangkasbitung Cross Transportation (2015 continuation) Ministry of 2) Sungai Lagoa - Kampung

Bandan (Reactivation) Transportation 3) Lintas Jatinegara - Pondok Ministry of Jati - Pasar Senen -

Kampung Bandan - Tanah Transportation Abang – Manggarai Cross Ministry of 4) Jakarta Kota - Tanjung

Priok (JICT) Transportation 5) Jakarta Kota - Manggarai – Ministry of

Bogor Cross Transportation Ministry of 6) Citayam – Nambo Cross Transportation Ministry of 7) Duri – Tangerang Cross Transportation 8) Manggarai - Jatinegara - Bekasi - Cikarang – Ministry of

Lemahabang Cross Transportation

3. Improvement of Construction and Development of Infrastructure

and Supporting Facilities for Inland Water Transportation - 16 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 a. Utilization of River Channels

and Canals for Transporting People and Goods; 1) Drafting the Masterplan of Ministry of Feasibility Study of

Cikarang Bekasi Laut Transportation (CBL) 2) Drafting the Detail Ministry of Engineering Design (DED)

of Cikarang Bekasi Laut Transportation (CBL) 3) Construction of docks and Ministry of supporting facilities of

Cikarang Bekasi Laut Transportation (CBL) 4) Construction and Local Development of river Government channels in each region 4. Development of Capacity and Quality of Roads which Take Into

Account Public Accessibility to Public Transportation a. Expansion/Construction of Roads for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes 1) Serpong Raya (Jl. Raya Local Serpong - BSD - Jl.

Pahlawan Seribu - Government Puspitek - Jl. Siliwangi) Local 2) Pulogadung Barat Government 3) Cililitan - Cibinong - Local Ciawi (Jl. Raya Bogor - Government Jl. KS. Tubun - Jl. Pajajaran - Jl. Tajur) >Bogor Raya 1 4) Cililitan - Cibinong - Local Bubulak (Jl. Raya Bogor Government - Jl. KS. Tubun - Jl. KH. Sholeh Iskandar - Jl. KH. Abdullah Bin Nuh) 5) Lebak Bulus - Ciputat - Local Parung - Bubulak (Jl. Raya Government Parung - Jl. KH. Sholeh Iskandar - Jl. Abdullah Bin Nuh) > Bogor Raya 2 Local 6) Cibubur (Jl. Raya

Transyogi - Cileungsi) Government 7) Depok (Jl. Dewi Sartika - Local Jl. Raya Sawangan - Jl. Government Muchtar Raya - Jl. Sawangan Raya) 8) Daan Mogot 1 (Batas DKI Local - Jl. Daan Mogot - Jl. Government Merdeka - Jl. Gatot Subroto - Jl. Raya Serang) 9) Daan Mogot 2 (Batas DKI Local - Jl. Daan Mogot - Jl. Government

Sudirman - Benteng Betawi - Poris Plawad) 10) Serpong Raya (Jl. Local Sudirman - Jl. Raya Government

Serpong - BSD - Puspitek - Jl. Siliwangi) 11) Jl. Cabe Raya - Jl. Local - Jl. Government Padjajaran - Jl. Ir. H. - 17 -


12) Bekasi Raya (Harapan Local Indah - Bekasi Terminal Government - Cikarang Terminal) Local 13) Cibinong – Bojonggede Government Local 14) Dramaga – Leuwiliang Government Local 15) Ciawi – Cisarua Government Local 16) Ciawi – Cigombong Government b. Construction of special flyovers for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes 1) Manggarai - Pasar Local Minggu - Lenteng Agung - Government

Depok (Margonda Terminal) 2) Depok - Sawangan – Local

Parung Government 3) Jatijajar - – Local

Cililitan Government 4) Blok M - Kalimalang - Local

Pondok Kelapa Government 5) Blok M - Tendean – Local

Ciledug Government Local 6) Ciledug - Poris Plawad Government

7) Bantarjati/Ceremai Local

Ujung - Air Mancur Government 8) Batutulis Intersection Local (Lawang Gintung - Government Pamoyanan) 9) Jl. Pajajaran Intersection Local (Bantarjati - Achmad Government Yani) 10) Jl. Sudirman (Tangerang Local

Municipality) - Rel KA Government 11) Jl. Sudirman (Tangerang Local Municipality) - Jl. Daan Government Mogot 12) Jl. STA 11 - Jl. Benteng Local

Betawi Government 13) Jl. STA 11 - Jl. Daan Local

Mogot Government 14) Jl. Merdeka - Jl. Imam Local

Bonjol Government 15) Jl. Gatot Subroto - Jl. Local

Telesonic Government 16) Jl. Gatot Subroto - Jl. Local

Industri Government 17) Jl. Gatot Subroto - Jl. Local

Gajah Tunggal Government 18) Jl. Husein Sastranegara - Local

Jl. Atang Sanjaya Government - 18 -


Martadinata Government 20) Jl. WR. Supratman - Jl. Local Pondok Betung Government

c. Improvement of Access Roads from/to Urban Transportation Nodes 1) Access Road from/to Railway Station of Bogor Track - Paledang Railway Local

Station Government - Sukaresmi Railway Local

Station Government 2) Access Road from/to Railway Station of Tangerang Track - Tigaraksa Railway Local

Station Government 3) Access road from/to Railway Station of Serpong Track Local - Rawa Buntu Station Government Local - Pondok Ranji Station Government Local - Sudimara Station Government Local - Jurangmangu Station Government 4) Access road from/to Local Railway Station of Bekasi Government Track 5) Road Access of Integrated Local Terminals (BRT and KA) - Government

Perumnas Depok 2 - Jl. Raya Bogor 6) Road Access from/to Soekarno-Hatta Airport Local

(Jl. STA 11 - Jl. Kali Government Perancis) d. Development and/or Improvemen of Pedestrian Access from / to Public Transport (Sidewalks, Pedestrian Bridges, Crossing Tunnels and Public Street Lighting) 1) Pedestrian Facilities Local along National Roads in Government Jabodetabek 2) Access to Public Local Transportation/BRT Government

from/to Terminal/Station in Jabodetabek 3) Pedestrian Facilities on Local Access from/to Government Transportation Node 4) Pedestrian Facilities in Local Transit Oriented Government Development (TOD) Area e. Development and/or improvement of capacity of national roads, national strategic roads, passages and toll roads - 19 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of Public 1) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Tanjung Priok Access Housing Ministry of Public 2) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Bogor Ring Road Housing Ministry of Public 3) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Ciawi - Housing Ministry of Public 4) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Depok – Antasari Housing 5) Toll Road Construction Ministry of Public of Jati Asih - Setu - Works and Public (Corridor Jati Housing Asih-Cipularang-Sadang) 6) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public JORR II - Works and Public Batu Ceper - Kunciran Housing 7) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public JORR II Cibitung – Works and Public Housing 8) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public JORR II Cimanggis – Works and Public Cibitung Housing 9) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public JORR II Cinere – Works and Public Cimanggis Housing 10) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public JORR II Kunciran – Works and Public Serpong Housing Ministry of Public 11) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public JORR II Serpong - Cinere Housing Ministry of Public 12) Toll Road Construction Works and Public Serpong - Housing

13) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public Works and Public Duri Pulo - Kampung Melayu Housing

14) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public - Kampung Works and Public Melayu Housing

15) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public – Works and Public Casablanca Housing Ministry of Public 16) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Sunter - Pulo Gebang Housing Ministry of Public 17) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Semanan - Sunter Housing Ministry of Public 18) Toll Road Construction of Works and Public Ulujami - Tanah Abang Housing - 20 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 19) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public JORR II Kamal - Teluk Works and Public Naga – Rajeg Housing

20) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public Semanan - Rajeg – Works and Public Balaraja Housing

21) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public Bojong Gede - Dramaga – Works and Public Ciawi Housing

22) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public Bekasi - Cawang - Works and Public Kampung Melayu Housing

23) Toll Road Construction of Ministry of Public Jakarta – Cikampek Works and Public Elevated Housing 24) Improvement of capacity Ministry of Public of roads Parallel to Toll Works and Public road (Cakung - Cikunir) Housing 25) Improvement of capacity Ministry of Public of roads Parallel to Toll Works and Public road (Cikunir – Taman Housing Mini) 26) Improvement of capacity Ministry of Public of roads Parallel to Toll Works and Public road (Meruya – Pasar Housing Jumat) 27) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Kemang Raya (Near Jl. Raya Local

Semplak Intersection) - Government Kel. Kencana - Jambu Dua () 28) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Raya Local Semplak - Jl. Raya Government Kemang - Kel. Mekar Wangi - Jl. Cilebut 29) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Kemang Local

Raya - Bukit Cimanggu Government Villa - Jl. Cilebut Raya 30) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Stoplet Local

Sukaresmi - Jl. Raya Government Pemda 31) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Bukit Local

Cimanggu Villa - Kel. Government Mekar Wangi 32) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Perdana - Local

Kel. Kencana - Tanah Government Baru 33) Construction of Road Section on Jalan Perum Local

Pondok Aren - Jl. Tanah Government Baru 34) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Local Adnawidjaya – Jl. Tanah Government Baru – Jl. Sukaraja (Ciluar Riverside) - 21 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 35) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Ahmad Local Sobana – Jl. Tanah Baru Government – Next to 36) Construction of Road Section on Jl. R3 – Local Kampung Cokondang – Government Next to Toll Road – Jalan Katulampa 37) Construction of Road Section on Jl. Lio Baru Local

(Including KS. Tubun Government Bridge – Lio Baru) 38) Construction of R3 Road Local

(Ring Road) and Shortcut Government 39) Construction of Sentul – Local

Puncak Road Government 40) Construction of road Local parallel to Saluran Government Sekunder Bekasi Tengah 41) Construction of Shortcut on Jl. Sindang Barang – Local

Jl. KH. Abdullah Bin Nuh Government (Bubulak) 42) Construction of Shortcut on Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Local Jl. Kemang – Kedung Government Halang (Jl. Sholeh Iskandar) 43) Construction of Shortcut Local on Jl. Asri – Jl. Government Tentara Pelajar Ministry of 44) Construction of Shortcut Transportation/ on Jl. Raya Bogor

(Terminal Tipe A Jatijajar) Local – Jl. Tol Jagorawi Government 45) Construction of Shortcut on Terusan Jl. Juanda - Local

Jl. Cinere - Jl. Cinangka Government Raya 46) Construction of Shortcut on Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Local Raya Citayam (Stasiun Government Citayam) - Jl. Raya Parung 47) Construction/ Improvement of Ring Local

Road in North Bekasi Government Municipality 48) Construction of Ring Local Road in South Tangerang Government Municipality 49) Construction of Ring Local Road in Depok Government Municipality 50) Construction of Ring Local Road in Bogor Government Municipality 51) Road Extension of Local Pangeran Sogiri (Access Government to Terminal Tanah Baru) 52) Road Extension of Local

Pekayon - Pondok Gede Government 53) Road Extension of Local

Tambun – Cimuning Government - 22 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 54) Construction of Cisalak Local Flyover (Road Section Government Jakarta - Bogor) 55) Construction of Local

Cipendawa Flyover Government Ministry of Public 56) Construction of Rawa Works and

Panjang Flyover Human Settlements 57) Construction of Bulak Local

Kapal Flyover Government 58) Construction of Jl. Local Hankam Transyogi Government Flyover Ministry of Public 59) Construction of Gaplek Works and Flyover (Road Section Jl. Human Ir. H. Juanda) Settlements 60) Construction of Bitung Local

Cikarang Flyover Government 61) Construction of Parung Local

Flyover Government 62) Construction of Sudimara Local

Train Station Flyover Government 63) Development of Over Pass on Toll Road of Jakarta - Local

Cikampek (Jl. Government Jatiwaringin) 64) Development of Over Pass Local on Toll Road of Jakarta - Government Cikampek (Jl. Caman) 65) Development of Over Pass Local on Toll Road of Jakarta - Government Cikampek (Jl. Jatibening) 66) Development of Over Pass Local on Toll Road of Jakarta - Government Cikampek (Jl. Galaxy) 67) Development of Over Pass on Toll Road Jakarta - Local

Cikampek (Jl. Government Pengasinan) 68) Construction of Underpass Parallel to Local

Underpass (STS) Jl. RS. Government Fatmawati (Timur-Barat) 69) Construction of Underpass Parallel to Local

Underpass (STS) Jl. Government Ampera KKO Ministry of Public 70) Construction of Bulak Works and

Kapal Underpass Human Settlements 71) Construction of Simpang Local Tidak Sebidang (STS) Government Ciawi 72) Construction of flyover Local from Lawang Gintung - Government Pamoyanan 73) Construction of U turn on Local

Jl. Galaxy Government

- 23 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 74) Construction of U Turn Local

on Jl. A Yani Government 75) Construction of U Turn Local

on Jl. Jatibening Government 76) Improvement of Interchange Road Local

(MM2100 - EJIP - Lippo Government Cikarang - Deltamas) 77) Construction/ Local Improvement of Road Government Section of Limo – Cinere 78) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section of Parung Government Bingung – Cinere 79) Construction/ Local Improvement of Road Government Section Kukusan 80) Construction/ Local Improvement of Road Government Section on Jl. Radar Auri 81) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section on Jl. Putri Government Tunggal 82) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section of Pramuka - Government Grogol - Pangkalan Jati 83) Construction/ Local Improvement of Road Government Section of ERHA – Brigif 84) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section of Nusantara – Government Cijantung 85) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section and Raya Bridge Government of Jatiwaringin 86) Construction/ Improvement of Road Section of Bantar Jati Local (Simpang Sumir - Sunter Government River Bridge/DKI Jakarta Borderline with Bekasi Municipality) 87) Construction/ Local Improvement of road Government section on Jl. Mawar VI 88) Construction/ Improvement of Road Section of Lintas Utara Local

Bekasi (DKI Jakarta - Government - Regency) 89) Construction/ Improvement of Road Section of Jalan Sejajar Utara and Northern Rail Local

of Jakarta - Tangerang Government Municipality (Jalan Benteng Betawi - Semanan) 90) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section on Jl. Joglo Government Raya/Dr. Sutomo (Batas - 24 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 DKI Jakarta - Tangerang Municipality)

91) Construction/ Improvement of Road Section on Jalan Sisi Local Selatan Mokervart Government (Borderline of DKI Jakarta - Tangerang Municipality) 92) Construction/ Improvement of Road Section of Jalan Husen Local

Sastra Negara (Borderline Government of DKI Jakarta - Tangerang Municipality) 93) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section of Jatimulya – Government Dadap 94) Construction/Improveme Local nt of Road Section Jl. Government Ceger Raya 95) Construction/ Local Improvement of Road Government Section on Jl. Mars Raya 96) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

section on Jl. Mawar Government Raya 97) Construction/Improveme Local nt of road section Jl. Government Poncol Raya 98) Construction/Improveme Local nt of Road Section Jl. Government Kebun Kopi 99) Construction/ Local Improvement of road Government section on Jl. Camar 100) Construction/Improveme Local nt of road section Jl. Government Perkutut Raya 101) Construction/ Improvement of Road Local

Section on Jl. Raya Government Jombang 102) Development of Access Local Road in Industrial Area of Government Bekasi – Cikarang 103) Development of Access Local Road in Industrial Area of Government Tanjung Priok 104) Development of Access Local Road in Industrial Area of Government – Tangerang 105) Access Road in Rekonstruction of Local Marunda to Tourism Area Government of Kota Tua Sunda Kelapa 106) Development of Jalan Poros Utara - Selatan Local

South Tangerang Government Municipality 107) Development of Jalan Poros Barat - Timur Local

South Tangerang Government Municipality - 25 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 108) Development of Shortcut Local

of Sudiatmo Government 109) Development of Karatan Local

River Bridge Government 110) Development of Local

Pangkalan River Bridge Government Ministry of Public 111) Development of CBL River Works and Public Bridge (Cikarang - Bekasi Housing/Local - Laut) Government

f. Utilization of Toll Road Lanes for Services of Mass Public

Transport/Lajur Khusus Angkutan Umum (LKAU) Ministry of Transportation/ 1) Jakarta - Ciawi via Tol Ministry of Public Jagorawi Works and Public Housing Ministry of Transportation/ 2) Jakarta - Baranangsiang Ministry of Public via Tol Jagorawi Works and Public Housing Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Jakarta - Bubulak via Tol Ministry of Public Jagorawi - Tol BORR Works and Public Housing Ministry of Transportation/ 4) Toll Road Cijago (Cinere - Ministry of Public Jagorawi) Works and Public Housing Ministry of Transportation/ 5) Toll Road Jakarta – Ministry of Public Tangerang Works and Public Housing Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Toll Road Jakarta – Ministry of Public Cikampek Works and Public Housing Ministry of Transportation/ 7) Jakarta - Sawangan via Ministry of Public Tol Desari Works and Public Housing g. Construction of Passing Lanes on Transjabodetabek Ekspress routes Ministry of 1) Jakarta - Ciawi via Tol Transportation/

Jagorawi Local Government Ministry of 2) Jakarta - Baranangsiang Transportation/

via Tol Jagorawi Local Government Ministry of 3) Jakarta - Bubulak via Tol Transportation/

Jagorawi - Tol BORR Local Government - 26 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 4) Bekasi Terminal - Pasar Transportation/

Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 5) Depok Terminal - Blok M Transportation/

Terminal Local Government Ministry of 6) Baranangsiang Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 7) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Blok M Terminal Local Government Ministry of 8) Bus Cikarang Terminal - Transportation/

Blok M Terminal Local Government Ministry of 9) Bekasi Terminal - Tanah Transportation/

Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 10) Depok Terminal - Pasar Transportation/

Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 11) Depok Terminal - Tanah Transportation/

Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 12) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 13) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Tanah Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 14) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 15) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Transportation/

Tanah Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 16) Ciputat Terminal - Pasar Transportation/

Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 17) BSD City Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 18) BSD City Terminal - Transportation/

Tanah Abang Terminal Local Government - 27 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 19) Depok Terminal - Transportation/

Manggarai Terminal Local Government Ministry of 20) Ciledug Terminal - Transportation/ Bundaran HI/Tanah Local AbangTerminal Government Ministry of 21) Ekstension Route: Transportation/ Harapan Indah - Local Cikarang Terminal Government Ministry of 22) Ekstension Route: Transportation/ Terminal Kalideres - Poris Local Plawad Terminal Government Ministry of 23) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Ancol Local Government Ministry of 24) Ciledug Terminal - Transportation/

Cililitan Terminal Local Government Ministry of 25) Depok Terminal - Cililitan Transportation/

Terminal Local Government Ministry of 26) Baranangsiang Terminal - Transportation/

Cililitan Terminal Local Government Ministry of 27) Bekasi Terminal - Transportation/ Kampung Melayu Local Terminal Government Ministry of 28) Pulogadung Terminal - Transportation/

Bekasi Terminal Local Government Ministry of 29) Pulogadung Terminal - Transportation/

Summarecon Bekasi Local Government Ministry of 30) Pulogadung Terminal - Transportation/

Harapan Indah Local Government Ministry of 31) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Tomang Local Government Ministry of 32) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Grogol Local Government Ministry of 33) Baranangsiang Terminal - Transportation/

Rawamangun Terminal Local Government - 28 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 34) Cileungsi Terminal - Blok Transportation/

M Terminal Local Government Ministry of 35) Cibinong Terminal – Transportation/

Grogol Local Government Ministry of 36) Ciledug Terminal - Kapt. Transportation/

Tendean Local Government h. Construction of Bus Lane and Stations on the Regular Transjabodetabek Route 1) Cililitan - Cibinong - Ministry of Ciawi (Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Transportation/

KS. Tubun - Jl. Pajajaran Local - Jl. Tajur) Government 2) Cililitan - Cibinong - Ministry of Bubulak (Jl. Raya Bogor - Transportation/ Jl. KS. Tubun - Jl. KH. Local Sholeh Iskandar - Jl. KH. Government Abdullah Bin Nuh) 3) Lebak Bulus - Ciputat - Ministry of Parung - Bubulak (Jl. Transportation/ Raya Parung - Jl. KH. Local Sholeh Iskandar - Jl. Government Abdullah Bin Nuh) Ministry of 4) Bekasi Terminal - Pasar Transportation/

SenenTerminal Local Government Ministry of 5) Depok Terminal - Blok M Transportation/

Terminal Local Government Ministry of 6) Baranangsiang Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 7) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Blok M Terminal Local Government Ministry of 8) Bus Cikarang Terminal - Transportation/

Blok M Terminal Local Government Ministry of 9) Bekasi Terminal - Tanah Transportation/

Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 10) Depok Terminal - Pasar Transportation/

Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 11) Depok Terminal - Tanah Transportation/

Abang Terminal Local Government - 29 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 12) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 13) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Tanah Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 14) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 15) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Transportation/

Tanah Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 16) Ciputat Terminal - Pasar Transportation/

Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 17) BSD City Terminal - Transportation/

Pasar Senen Terminal Local Government Ministry of 18) BSD City Terminal - Transportation/

Tanah Abang Terminal Local Government Ministry of 19) Depok Terminal - Transportation/

Manggarai Terminal Local Government Ministry of 20) Ciledug Terminal - Transportation/ Bundaran HI/Tanah Local Abang Terminal Government Ministry of 21) Ekstension Route: Transportation/ Harapan Indah - Local Cikarang Terminal Government Ministry of 22) Ekstension Route: Transportation/ Kalideres Terminal - Poris Local Plawad Terminal Government Ministry of 23) Poris Plawad Terminal - Transportation/

Ancol Local Government Ministry of 24) Ciledug Terminal - Transportation/

Cililitan Terminal Local Government Ministry of 25) Depok Terminal - Cililitan Transportation/

Terminal Local Government Ministry of 26) Baranangsiang Terminal - Transportation/

Cililitan Terminal Local Government - 30 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 27) Cileungsi Terminal - Transportation/ Bundaran HI/Tanah Local Abang Terminal Government Ministry of 28) Pulogadung Terminal - Transportation/

Bekasi Terminal Local Government Ministry of 29) Pulogadung Terminal - Transportation/

Summarecon Bekasi Local Government Ministry of 30) Pulogadung Terminal - Transportation/

Harapan Indah Local Government Ministry of 31) Poris Plawad Terminal – Transportation/

Tomang Local Government Ministry of 32) Poris Plawad Terminal – Transportation/

Grogol Local Government Ministry of 33) Baranangsiang Terminal - Transportation/

Rawamangun Terminal Local Government Ministry of 34) Cileungsi Terminal - Blok Transportation/

M Terminal Local Government Ministry of 35) Cibinong Terminal – Transportation/

Grogol Local Government Ministry of 36) Ciledug Terminal - Kapt. Transportation/

Tendean Local Government i. Improvement of Sterilization of

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes 1) Sterilisasion of BRT Lanes Ministry of via Development of Transportation/

Moveable Concrete Barrier Local (MCB) Government Indonesian 2) Implementation of National

electronic law enforcement Police/Local Government

- 31 -

Picture 1 Development of Type A Terminal in Jabodetabek Area

- 32 -

Picture 2 Development of Goods Terminal in Jabodetabek Area

- 33 -

Picture 3 Development/Improvement of Toll Road Capacity

- 34 -

Picture 4 Development of Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) Canals

3. Development of Road-Based Urban Transportation System Policy is implemented with the following strategies:

Establishment of a road-based urban public transportation service network that includes a network of people transportation routes and a network of freight transportation, with programs including: a. Development of the Transjabodetabek Express Route; b. Development of Regular Transjabodetabek Routes; c. Development of Transjabodetabek Feeder; - 35 -

d. Development of inter-mode transportation feeder (Pemadu Moda); e. Arrangement of Transportation Not in Route. The implementation Stages of the Road-Based Urban Transportation System Development Policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 3 and the map images are as follows:

Table 3. Implementation of the Road-Based Urban Transportation System Development Strategy and Program

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Establishment of a Road-Based Urban Public Transportation Service Network that Includes a Network of people Transportation Routes and a Network of Freight Transportation a. Development of the

Transjabodetabek Express Route Ministry of 1) Bubulak Terminal - Jakarta Transportation 2) Parung - Lebak Bulus Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 3) Ciawi - Kampung Rambutan Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 4) Leuwiliang - Kampung Ministry of

Rambutan Terminal Transportation 5) Bekasi Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 6) Depok Terminal - Blok M Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 7) Baranangsiang Terminal - Ministry of

Pasar Senen Terminal Transportation 8) Poris Plawad Terminal - Blok Ministry of

M Terminal Transportation 9) Cikarang Terminal - Blok M Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 10) Bekasi Terminal - Tanah Ministry of

Abang Terminal Transportation 11) Depok Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 12) Depok Terminal - Tanah Ministry of

Abang Terminal Transportation 13) Poris Plawad Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 14) Poris Plawad Terminal - Ministry of

Tanah Abang Terminal Transportation 15) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Ministry of

Pasar Senen Terminal Transportation 16) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Ministry of

Tanah Abang Terminal Transportation 17) Ciputat Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 18) BSD City Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 19) BSD City Terminal - Tanah Ministry of

Abang Terminal Transportation 20) Depok Terminal - Manggarai Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 21) Ciledug Terminal - Bundaran Ministry of

HI/Tanah Abang Terminal Transportation - 36 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 22) Ekstension Route: Harapan Ministry of Indah - Bus Cikarang Transportation Terminal 23) Ekstension Route: Terminal Ministry of Kalideres - Poris Plawad Transportation Terminal Ministry of 24) Poris Plawad Terminal - Ancol Transportation 25) Ciledug Terminal - Cililitan Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 26) Depok Terminal - Cililitan Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 27) Baranangsiang Terminal - Ministry of

Cililitan Terminal Transportation 28) Terminal Bekasi - Kampung Ministry of

Melayu Terminal Transportation 29) Pulogadung Terminal - Ministry of

Bekasi Terminal Transportation 30) Pulogadung Terminal - Ministry of

Summarecon Bekasi Transportation 31) Pulogadung Terminal - Ministry of

Harapan Indah Transportation 32) Poris Plawad Terminal - Ministry of

Tomang Transportation 33) Poris Plawad Terminal - Ministry of

Grogol Transportation 34) Baranangsiang Terminal - Ministry of

Rawamangun Terminal Transportation 35) Cileungsi Terminal - Blok M Ministry of

Terminal Transportation Ministry of 36) Cibinong Terminal - Grogol Transportation 37) Ciledug Terminal - Kapt. Ministry of

Tendean Transportation b. Development of Regular

Transjabodetabek Routes 1) Kampung Rambutan Terminal - Cibinong - Ciawi Ministry of (Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. KS. Transportation Tubun - Jl. Pajajaran - Jl. Tajur) 2) Kampung Rambutan Terminal - Cibinong - Ministry of Bubulak (Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Transportation KS. Tubun - Jl. KH. Sholeh

Iskandar - Jl. KH. Abdullah Bin Nuh) 3) Lebak Bulus Terminal - Ciputat - Parung - Bubulak Ministry of (Jl. Raya Parung - Jl. KH. Transportation Sholeh Iskandar - Jl. Abdullah Bin Nuh) 4) Leuwiliang Terminal - Ministry of Kampung Rambutan Transportation Terminal 5) Bekasi Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 6) Depok Terminal - Blok M Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 7) Baranangsiang Terminal - Ministry of

Pasar Senen Terminal Transportation 8) Poris Plawad Terminal - Blok Ministry of

M Terminal Transportation - 37 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 9) Cikarang Terminal - Terminal Ministry of

Blok M Transportation 10) Bekasi Terminal - Tanah Ministry of

Abang Terminal Transportation 11) Depok Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 12) Depok Terminal - Tanah Ministry of

Abang Terminal Transportation 13) Poris Plawad Terminal - Ministry of

Pasar Senen Terminal Transportation 14) Poris Plawad Terminal - Ministry of

Tanah Abang Terminal Transportation 15) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Ministry of

Pasar Senen Terminal Transportation 16) Pondok Cabe Terminal - Ministry of

Tanah Abang Terminal Transportation 17) Ciputat Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 18) BSD City Terminal - Pasar Ministry of

Senen Terminal Transportation 19) BSD City Terminal - Tanah Ministry of

Abang Terminal Transportation 20) Depok Terminal - Manggarai Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 21) Ciledug Terminal - Bundaran Ministry of

HI/Tanah Abang Terminal Transportation 22) Ekstension Route: Harapan Ministry of

Indah - Cikarang Terminal Transportation 23) Ekstension Route: Kalideres Ministry of Terminal - Poris Plawad Transportation Terminal 24) Poris Plawad Terminal – Ministry of

Ancol Transportation 25) Ciledug Terminal - Cililitan Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 26) Depok Terminal - Cililitan Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 27) Baranangsiang Terminal - Ministry of

Cililitan Terminal Transportation 28) Bekasi Terminal - Kampung Ministry of

Melayu Terminal Transportation 29) Pulogadung Terminal - Ministry of

Bekasi Terminal Transportation 30) Pulogadung Terminal - Ministry of

Summarecon Bekasi Transportation 31) Harapan Indah - Pulogadung Ministry of

Terminal Transportation 32) Poris Plawad Terminal – Ministry of

Tomang Transportation 33) Poris Plawad Terminal – Ministry of

Grogol Transportation 34) Baranangsiang Terminal - Ministry of

Rawamangun Terminal Transportation 35) Cileungsi Terminal - Blok M Ministry of

Terminal Transportation Ministry of 36) Cibinong Terminal - Grogol Transportation 37) Ciledug Terminal - Kapt. Ministry of

Tendean Transportation c. Development of Transjabodetabek


1) DKI Jakarta Local - 38 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Government Local 2) Bogor Municipality Government Local 3) Bogor Regency Government Local 4) Depok Municipality Government Local 5) Tangerang Municipality Government Local 6) Government Local 7) South Tangerang Municipality Government Local 8) Bekasi Municipality Government Local 9) Bekasi Regency Government d. Development of inter-mode transportation feeder (Pemadu Moda) 1) Tangerang Regency - Ministry of

Airport/Port Transportation 2) South Tangerang Municipality Ministry of

- Airport/Port Transportation 3) Bekasi Municipality – Ministry of

Airport/Port Transportation e. Arrangement of Transportation

Not in Route Ministry of 1) Taxi Transportation Transportation 2) Transportation with Certain Ministry of Destinations (Residential Transportation Transport) Ministry of 3) Tourism Transportation Transportation 4) Transportation in Certain Ministry of

Areas Transportation

- 39 -

Picture 5 Development Road-Based Public Transport Routes

- 40 -

4. Development of Rail-Based Urban Transportation System Policy is implemented with the following strategies: Development and Expansion of a rail-based urban mass public transportation system that connects Jabodetabek area, with programs including: a. Construction of tracks for Light Rail Transit (LRT) both in Jakarta area and outside Jakarta area (Bodetabek); b. Construction of tracks for Automated People Mover (APM)/ Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) / Tram; c. Construction of tracks for Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), which consists of the North-South Corridor and the East-West Corridor; d. Construction of airport trains; e. Construction of loop line Railway (Jakarta elevated loop line railway); f. Construction of Double Track.

The implementation Stages of the Rail-Based Urban Transportation System Development policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 4 and the map images are as follows: Table 4. Implementation of the Rail-Based Urban Transportation System Development Strategy and Program


Development and Expansion of a rail- based urban mass public transportation system that connects Jabodetabek area

a. Construction of tracks for Light Rail Transit (LRT) both in Jakarta

area and outside Jakarta area (Bodetabek)

1) LRT – Local

Velodrome Government Local 2) LRT Velodrome - Dukuh Atas Government 3) LRT Kelapa Gading - Stasiun Local

PRJ Government 4) LRT - Kelapa Local

Gading Government Local 5) LRT Pulomas - Tanah Abang Government Local 6) LRT Joglo - Tanah Abang Government 7) LRT Puri Kembangan - Tanah Local

Abang Government Local 8) LRT Pesing - Kelapa Gading Government

9) LRT Pesing - Bandara Local

Soekarno Hatta Government - 41 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Local 10) LRT Ancol - Government 11) LRT Dukuh Atas - – Local

Senayan Government Local 12) LRT Palmerah - Grogol Government 13) LRT Cawang - Kuningan - Local

Dukuh Atas Government 14) LRT Cawang - Cibubur - Bogor Local

Municipality Government 15) LRT in Bogor City/Kab. Bogor (Sentul City - Tanah Baru - Kedung Halang - Sukaresmi - Local

Bubulak - Laladon - Government Rancamaya - Cibanon - Sentul City) Local 16) LRT Cawang - Bekasi Timur Government 17) LRT Circle Tangerang (Bandara Soekarno-Hatta - Alam Sutera - BSD City - Local Summarecon/Paramount -

Lippo Karawaci - Citra Raya - Government Suvarna Padi Cikupa - Pantura Teluk Naga Area/Kosambi - Bandara Soekarno-Hatta) 18) Jalur LRT to Cikarang Local Integrated with APM and High Government Speed Train 19) LRT Jakarta - Cibinong Local

(Sentul) - Sukaraja Government Local 20) LRT Batu Ceper - Serpong Government 21) LRT Rawa Buntu - Tangerang - Local

Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Government 22) LRT Lebak Bulus - Ciputat - Local

Pamulang - Rawa Buntu Government 23) LRT Lebak Bulus - Ciputat - Local

Bintaro Government 24) LRT Cadas - Tangerang - Rawa Local

Buntu Government

25) LRT Bandara Soekarno-Hatta – Local

Cawang Government b. Construction of tracks for Automated People Mover (APM)/

Automated Guideway Transit (AGT)/Tram 1) Industrial Area (MM2100 - Ministry of Jababeka - - Transportation Deltamas) Cross 2) Corridor 1: Depok Terminal - Sawangan - Parung (Integrated Local

with BRT Transjakarta and Government KRL Comuter Line) 3) Corridor 2: Depok Terminal - Margonda - Akses UI - Cimanggis - Juanda - Local

Margonda - Depok Terminal Government (Integrated with Usulan LRT Cibubur - Pondok Cina) - 42 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ INSTITUTION ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 4) Corridor 3: Jatijajar Terminal - Tole Iskandar - Margonda - Juanda - Raya Bogor - Jatijajar Local Terminal (Integrated with Government Rencana BRT Transjakarta, Usulan LRT Cibubur - Pondok Cina and KRL comuter line) 5) Light Rail/Travel Train Tour to Local

Puncak Tourism Area Government 6) Cibubur - Pondok Cina (Tol Local

Cijago) Cross Government 7) Pondok Cina - Cinere (Tol Local

Cijago - Tol Desari) Cross Government 8) Pondok Cina - Citayam (Tol Local

Cijago - Tol Desari) Cross Government 9) Bandara Soekarno Hatta – Local

Kemayoran Cross Government c. Construction of tracks for Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), which consists of the North-South Corridor and the East-West Corridor 1) North – South Lanes (Kampung Local Bandan - Bundaran HI - Lebak Government Bulus) 2) East – West Lanes (Cikarang - Local Ujung Menteng - Kalideres - Government Balaraja) d. Construction of Airport Trains 1) Construction of Express Line Soekarno Hatta Airport Ministry of (Manggarai - Sudirman - Tanah Transportation Abang - Angke - Pluit - Bandara Soekarno-Hatta) 2) Construction of Commuter Line Soekarno Hatta Airport Ministry of

(Sudirman - Duri - Batu Ceper Transportation - Bandara Soekarno Hatta) e. Construction of loopline Railway

(Jakarta elevated loop line railway)

1) DED Drafting of Jakarta Ministry of

Elevated Loop Line Railway Transportation

2) Construction of Jakarta Ministry of

Elevated Loop Line Railway Transportation f. Construction of Double Track

Ministry of 1) Parung Panjang – Citayam

Cross Transportation Ministry of 2) Citayam – Nambo Cross Transportation

3) Manggarai - Jatinegara - Ministry of Bekasi - Cikarang – Transportation Lemahabang Cross Ministry of 4) Serpong – Maja Cross Transportation

- 43 -

Gambar 6 . . .

Picture 6 Light Rail Transit Network

- 44 -

Picture 7 Mass Rapid Transit Network

- 45 -

Picture 8 Development of Routes and Buildings of Railways 5. Development of Integrated Urban Transportation Policy is implemented with the following strategies:

a. The development of Urban Transportation System Integrated with transportation nodes that are connected to the main corridors of mass public transport networks, with programs including: 1) Development of the Node of Integrated Urban Transportation; - 46 -

2) Development of Modes / Facilities between Modes / intra- mode and inter-mode integrated Facilities; 3) Construction / Improvement of Mass Transportation Support Facilities (shelters, traffic signs, road markings, electronic information displays and pedestrian bridges); 4) Provision of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Integration Facilities; 5) Construction of City Air Terminal; 6) Construction / Development of Railway-Based Integrated Logistics (Logistic Center) systems; 7) Integration of Modes from / to the Railway Station; 8) Development of Integrated Payment Systems; 9) Development of Integrated Information Systems; 10) Development of Integrated Systems and Nodes of Air Transportation; 11) Development of Integrated System and Nodes of Water Transportation.

The implementation Stages of the Integrated Urban Transportation System Development Policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 5 are as follows:

Table 5. Implementation of the Integrated Urban Transportation System Development Strategy and Program

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/ PROGRAMS/ ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 The Development of Urban Transportation System Integrated with Transportation Nodes that are connected to the Main Corridors of Mass Public Transport Networks a. Development of Integrated Urban

Transportation Nodes Ministry of 1) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation Trains and Road Transportation /Local in Poris Plawad Government Ministry of 2) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation Trains and Road Transportation /Local in Manggarai Government Ministry of 3) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation Trains and Road Transportation /Local in Tanah Abang Government Ministry of 4) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation Trains and Road Transportation /Local in Bekasi (Summarecon Area) Government 5) Integrated Terminals Between Ministry of Trains and Road Transportation Transportation in Cikarang /Local - 47 -


Ministry of 6) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation Trains and Road Transportation /Local in Bogor Station Government Ministry of 7) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Baranangsiang Government Ministry of 8) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Sukaresmi Government Ministry of 9) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Bubulak Government

Ministry of 10) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Tanah Baru Government Ministry of 11) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Kampung Rambutan Government Ministry of 12) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Sentul Selatan (Belanova) Government Ministry of 13) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation LRT and Road Transportation in /Local Cibubur Government Ministry of 14) Integrated Terminals Between Transportation Trains, LRT, and Road /Local Transportation in Cawang Government 15) Integrated Terminals Between Ministry of Trains, Commuter, LRT, and Transportation

Road Transportation in /Local Sudirman/Dukuh Atas Government Ministry of 16) Integrated Terminals in Depok Transportation

Municipality /Local Government Ministry of 17) Integrated Terminals in Bogor Transportation

Regency /Local Government Ministry of 18) Integrated Terminals/Inter- Transportation modes in South Tangerang /Local Municipality Government 19) Integrated Transfer Stop Ministry of Between Modes in Jabodetabek Transportation Area (Stasiun Kebonpaya, /Local Stasiun Kranji, TOD Government Summarecon) b. Development of Modes/Facilities between Modes/Intra-mode and Inter-mode integrated Facilities

1) Park and Ride in Pulogebang Ministry of - 48 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/ PROGRAMS/ ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Terminal Transportation /Local Government Ministry of 2) Park and Ride in Kalideres Transportation

Terminal /Local Government Ministry of 3) Park and Ride in Lebak Bulus Transportation

MRT Station /Local Government Ministry of 4) Park and Ride in Fatmawati Transportation

MRT Station /Local Government Ministry of 5) Park and Ride in Cipete MRT Transportation

Station /Local Government Ministry of 6) Park and Ride in Haji Nawi MRT Transportation

Station /Local Government Ministry of 7) Park and Ride in Block A MRT Transportation

Station /Local Government Ministry of 8) Park and Ride in Block M Transportation

Terminal /Local Government Ministry of 9) Park and Ride in Kelapa Gading Transportation

LRT Station /Local Government Ministry of 10) Park and Ride in Cinere LRT Transportation

and BRT Station /Local Government Ministry of 11) Park and Ride in Krukut LRT Transportation

dan BRT Station /Local Government Ministry of 12) Park and Ride in Citayam Transportation Commuter Train Station and /Local LRT Government Ministry of 13) Park and Ride in Transportation

Cimanggis/Tapos LRT Station /Local Government Ministry of 14) Park and Ride in Pondok Rajeg Transportation

Commuter Train Station /Local Government Ministry of 15) Park and Ride in Baranangsiang Transportation

Terminal /Local Government Ministry of 16) Park and Ride in Tanah Baru Transportation

Terminal /Local Government 17) Park and Ride in Bogor Ministry of

Commuter Train Station Transportation - 49 -


Ministry of 18) Park and Ride in Sukaresmi Transportation Commuter Train Station and /Local LRT Government Ministry of 19) Park and Ride in Bubulak Transportation

Terminal /Local Government Ministry of 20) Park and Ride in Transportation Commuter Train Station and /Local BRT Government Ministry of 21) Park and Ride in Tigaraksa Transportation Commuter Train Station and /Local BRT Government Ministry of 22) Park and Ride in Transportation Sukaraja/Ciawi Tourist /Local Attraction Government Ministry of 23) Park and Ride in Transportation Pamijahan/Tamansari Tourist /Local Attraction Government Ministry of 24) Park and Ride in Bekasi Timur Transportation

Toll Gate Area /Local Government Ministry of 25) Park and Ride Toll Gate Area Transportation

Bekasi Barat /Local Government Ministry of 26) Park and Ride in Bekasi Station Transportation

Area /Local Government Ministry of 27) Park and Ride in Jatibening Toll Transportation

Gate Area /Local Government Ministry of 28) Park and Ride in Bekasi Barat, Transportation Jaticempaka dan Caman LRT /Local Station Government 29) Park and Ride in Summarecon, Ministry of Bekasi Barat, Bekasi Timur, Transportation

Bekasi Utara, Bekasi Selatan /Local and Bekasi Tengah TOD points Government Ministry of 30) Park and Ride in Muncul of Transportation

South Tangerang Municipality /Local Government c. Construction/Improvement of Mass Transportation Support Facilities (Shelters, Traffic Signs, Road

Markings, Electronic Information Displays and Pedestrian Bridges)

Ministry of 1) Corridor 1 (Bubulak - Transportation Baranangsiang/Cidangiang via /Local Sukaresmi Train Station ) Government 2) Corridor 2 (Baranangsiang - Ministry of

Ciawi) Transportation - 50 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/ PROGRAMS/ ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 /Local Government Ministry of 3) Corridor 4 (Bubulak - Transportation Baranangsiang/Cidangiang via /Local Bogor Train Station ) Government Ministry of 4) Corridor 5 (Ekalokasari - Lanud Transportation Atang Sanjaya via Merdeka /Local Extended to Parung) Government Ministry of 5) Corridor 6 (Merdeka - Pomad - Transportation via Warung Jambu Extended to /Local Kandang Roda Bogor Regency) Government Ministry of 6) Corridor 7 (Tanah Baru - Ciawi Transportation via R3 to Cisarua/TSI Bogor /Local Regency) Government Ministry of Transportation 7) Depok Municipality /Local Government Ministry of Transportation 8) Tangerang Regency /Local Government d. Provision of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Integration Facilities Ministry of Transportation 1) Tanah Abang Main Node /Local Government Ministry of Transportation 2) Halim Main Node /Local Government Ministry of Transportation 3) Cibubur Main Node /Local Government Ministry of Transportation 4) Teluk Naga – Pluit /Local Government e. Construction of City Air Terminal Ministry of 1) Drafting of Feasibility Study City Transportation

Air Terminal /Local Government Ministry of 2) Drafting of DED City Air Transportation

Terminal /Local Government Ministry of 3) Construction of City Air Transportation

Terminal in Airport Railway /Local Government f. Construction / Development of Railway-Based Integrated Logistics

(Logistic Center) systems Ministry of 1) Development of logistic system Transportation

in East Jabodetabek area /Local Government - 51 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/ PROGRAMS/ ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 2) Development of logistic center in Transportation

Tanjung Priok /Local Government Ministry of 3) Development of logistic system Transportation

in West Jabodetabek area /Local Government Ministry of 4) Development of logistic system Transportation

in South Jabodetabek area /Local Government g. Integration of Modes from/to the

Railway Station Ministry of 1) Bogor Station – Paledang Transportation

Station /Local Government Ministry of 2) Bogor Station – Sukaresmi Transportation

Station /Local Government Ministry of Transportation 3) Depok Municipality /Local Government Ministry of Transportation 4) Tangerang Regency /Local Government h. Development of Integrated Payment


1) Drafting of standard for Ministry of electronic card/ticket both chip Transportation base and server base Ministry of 2) Establishment of a consortium Transportation of integrated payment system /Local management Government Ministry of 3) Calculation and implementation Transportation of integrated tariffs between /Local public transportation modes Government i. Development of Integrated

Information Systems 1) Preparation of integrated Ministry of

information system master plan Transportation 2) Drafting of an integrated Ministry of information system of Feasibility Transportation Study 3) Drafting od DED integrated Ministry of

information system Transportation Ministry of Transportation 4) Construction of information / system on Toll Road and Arterial Ministry of Road Public Works and Public Housing - 52 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/ PROGRAMS/ ACTIVITIES 2018- IN CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 5) Construction of integrated Ministry of information system public Transportation

transportation in railway station /Local and busway shelter /BRT Government j. Development of Integrated Systems

and Nodes of Air Transportation

Ministry of 1) Soekarno-Hatta Airport Transportation Ministry of 2) Halim Perdanakusuma Airport Transportation k. Development of Integrated System

and Nodes of Water Transportation 1) Port Master Plan Muara Angke Ministry of and Daerah Lingkungan Kerja Transportation

(DLKR)/Daerah Lingkungan /Local Kepentingan (DLKP) Government Ministry of 2) Port Master Plan Kepulauan Transportation

Seribu and DLKR/ DLKP /Local Government Ministry of 3) Port Master Plan Tanjung Pasir Transportation

and DLKR/DLKP /Local Government Ministry of 4) Port Master Plan Muara Transportation

Gembong and DLKR/ DLKP /Local Government Ministry of 5) Construction of Dock and Water Transportation

Transport in Tanjung Pasir /Local Government

6. Improvement of Traffic Performance Policy is implemented with the following strategies: a. The application of Traffic Management and Engineering of Jabodetabek national road, with programs including: 1) Improvement of Bottleneck Roads (Underpass and Flyover); 2) Management and Engineering of Traffic in Certain Areas (Traditional / Modern Markets); 3) Improvement of Geometric Design (Redesign) of Roads and Intersections; 4) Procurement and Installation of Road Equipment (Traffic Signs and Road Markings); 5) Utilization of Electronic Law Enforcement (ELE). b. The application of the urban transportation system and the reduction of urban transportation congestion with the Traffic Demand Management with the Push and Pull approach, with programs including: 1) Application of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) and Motorbike Use Arrangements; - 53 -

2) Traffic Management and Engineering in the Central Business District (CBD); 3) Application of Bus Priority Systems at intersections; 4) Application of the Electronic Toll Collection (ETC); 5) Application of Electronic Parking Meter System; 6) Supervision of Goods Transport. c. The Application of information system technology for the benefit of traffic and transportation (regulation and supervision) in real time, with programs including: 1) Improvement of Traffic Information System on Arterial Road; 2) Construction and Development of ATCS (Area Traffic Control System); 3) Procurement and Maintenance of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) on Arterial Road.

The implementation Stages of the Traffic Performance Improvement Policy Strategy and Program are listed in Table 6 as follows:

Table 6 . . . Table 6. Implementation of Traffic Performance Improvement Strategy and Program

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 1. The application of Traffic Management and Engineering of Jabodetabek national road

a. Improvement of Bottleneck

Roads (Underpass and Flyover) 1) Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Raya Local Government Cilangkap Intersection 2) Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. M. Jasin Local Government Intersection (Simpang Pal) 3) Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Terminal Local Government Jatijajar Intersection 4) Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Radar AURI Local Government Intersection (Simpang AURI) 5) Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Tole Iskandar Intersection (Simpang Local Government Depok) 6) Jl. Raya Bogor - Jl. Juanda - Tol Local Government

Cijago Intersection 7) Flyover on Jl. Juanda - Exit Tol Local Government

Cijago (Segmen 2A) 8) Jl. KS. Tubun Segmen Road Local Government Section of Simpang Tol BORR - Simpang Talang 9) Jl. Raya Pajajaran Segmen Road Section of Simpang Pangrango Local Government Plaza - Simpang Marwan 10) Jl. Saleh Syarif Bustaman (Kaki Jembatan Jalan Rel KA Local Government Sukabumi) 11) Jl. Raya Tajur Local Government - 54 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 12) Jl. Syarief Bustaman in Addition/Movement of Foot of Local Government Railways Bridge 13) Crossing of Batu Tulis in Local Government Alternatif Road Section 14) Jl. Kalimalang Local Government 15) Jl. Juanda – Underpass Local Government 16) Jl. Hankam - Jl. Kalimanggis Local Government - Jl. Transyogi 17) Jl. Bulak Kapal Local Government 18) Jalan Frontage JORR - Jl. Local Government Galaxy 19) Jl. A. Yani - Bekasi Square Local Government 20) Jl. Pengasinan (Flyover Toll) Local Government 21) Jl. Caman (Flyover Toll) Local Government 22) Jl. Jatiwaringin (Flyover Toll) Local Government 23) Jl. Galaxy (Flyover Toll) Local Government 24) Jl. Curug (Flyover Toll) Local Government 25) Jl. Gurame - Jl. Sudirman Local Government 26) Exit Toll Rawa Buntu Local Government 27) Exit Toll Pondok Aren Local Government 28) Exit Toll Pamulang Local Government b. Management and Engineering of Traffic in Certain Areas (Traditional / Modern Markets) 1) Pasar Gembong Kec. Balaraja Local Government 2) Pasar Desa Cikupa Kec. Local Government Cikupa 3) Pasar Local Government 4) Pasar Teluk Naga Local Government 5) Depok Municipality Local Government 6) Bogor Municipality Local Government 7) Bekasi Municipality Local Government 8) South Tangerang Municipality Local Government c. Improvement of Geometric Design (Redesign) of Roads and Intersections 1) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Thamrin - Jl. Sudirman 2) Redesign Road Section Jl. Raya Local Government Pekayon - Pondok Gede 3) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Lingkar Utara 4) Redesign Road Section Jl. M. Local Government Tabrani 5) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Pejuang 6) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Jatimulya 7) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Pahlawan 8) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Caman 9) Redesign Road Section Jl. Local Government Bintara Raya 10) Redesign Road Section Jl. Raya Local Government Bogor 11) Redesign Intersection Pomad (Jl. Local Government KS. Tubun) - 55 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 12) Redesign Intersection Talang (Jl. Local Government KS. Tubun) 13) Redesign Intersection Toll BORR Local Government (Jl. KS. Tubun) 14) Redesign Intersection Warung Local Government Jambu (Jl. Raya Pajajaran) 15) Redesign Intersection Marwan Local Government (Jl. Raya Pajajaran) 16) Redesign Intersection RRI (Jl. Local Government Raya Pajajaran) 17) Redesign Intersection Tol BORR Local Government (Tanah Baru) 18) Redesign Intersection Pandu Local Government Raya – Cimahpar 19) Redesign Intersection Bundaran Local Government Pamulang 20) Redesign Intersection Permata Local Government Pamulang 21) Redesign Intersection Haji Rais Local Government 22) Redesign Intersection Duren Local Government 23) Redesign Intersection Kecamatan Local Government Ciputat Timur 24) Redesign Intersection Plaza Local Government Bintaro 25) Redesign Intersection Kampung Local Government Utan 26) Redesign Intersection Local Government Bhayangkara 27) Redesign Intersection Puspitek Local Government Muncul 28) Redesign Intersection Zodiak Local Government Bintaro 29) Redesign Intersection Gaplek Local Government 30) Redesign Intersection Serua Local Government 31) Redesign Intersection Kemiri Local Government (Akses Masuk Pondok Cabe) 32) Redesign Intersection Sasak Local Government Tinggi 33) Redesign 3-way Junction Local Government Cangkudu 34) Redesign 3-way Junction Local Government Kawasan Industri Olek 35) Redesign 3-way Junction Local Government Kawasan Industri PT. ADIS 36) Redesign 3-way Junction Tol Local Government Gate Balaraja Barat 37) Redesign 3-way Junction Tol Gate Balaraja Timur Local Government

38) Redesign 3-way Junction Local Government Cibadak (KM. 16,5) 39) Redesign 3-way Junction Pasar Local Government (KM. 16,5) 40) Redesign 3-way Junction Pasar Local Government Cikupa (KM. 16,5) 41) Redesign 3-way Junction Tikungan Pasar Gadung (KM. Local Government 14,5) 42) Redesign 3-way Junction Local Government Bitung/Curug (KM. 12) 43) Redesign Intersection Jembatan Local Government Tol Bitung (KM. 12) 44) Redesign 3-way Junction Local Government Kawasan Industri Manis - 56 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 45) Redesign Intersection Pasar Rebo Local Government 46) Redesign Intersection Komsen Local Government 47) Redesign Intersection Alexindo Local Government 48) Redesign Intersection Pulau Local Government Ribiung 49) Redesign Intersection Pangkalan Local Government 6 50) Redesign Intersection Kodau Local Government 51) Redesign Intersection Ratna Local Government 52) Redesign Intersection Cut Local Government Meutia 53) Redesign Intersection Sumir Local Government 54) Redesign Intersection Hankam Local Government 55) Redesign Intersection Local Government Cipendawa 56) Redesign Intersection Rawa Local Government Panjang 57) Redesign Intersection Local Government Pengasinan 58) Median Road Arrangement and Sidewalks along National Road Local Government Corridor Bitung – Jayanti d. Procurement and Installation of Road Equipment (Traffic Signs and Road Markings) 1) Inventory of national roads Ministry of

that require road equipment Transportation 2) Procurement and installation of road equipment on: - Road Section Jalan Nasional in DKI Jakarta - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bogor Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bogor Regency - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Depok Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional Ministry of

in Tangerang Municipality Transportation - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Tangerang Regency - Road Section Jalan Nasional in South Tangerang Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bekasi Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bekasi Regency e. Utilization of Electronic Law

Enforcement (ELE) Indonesian 1) Drafting Regulation National Police Indonesian 2) Drafting Vehicle Data Base National Police 3) Application in: - Road Section Jalan Nasional in DKI Jakarta Indonesian - Road Section Jalan Nasional in National Police Bogor Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bogor Regency - 57 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Depok Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Tangerang Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Tangerang Regency - Road Section Jalan Nasional in South Tangerang Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bekasi Municipality - Road Section Jalan Nasional in Bekasi Regency 2. The Application of the Urban Transportation System and the Reduction of Urban Transportation Congestion with the Traffic Demand Management with the Push and Pull Approach

a. Application of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) and Motorbike Use Arrangements 1) DKI Jakarta in Road Section Jl. Thamrin, Jl. Sudirman, and Local Government Jl. Rasuna Said 2) DKI Jakarta in Road Section Jl. Gatot Subroto and Jl. Local Government Medan Merdeka Barat 3) DKI Jakarta in Road Section Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jl. Gajah Local Government Mada, Jl. Majapahit, and Jl. Sisingamangaraja 4) South Tangerang Municipality Local Government 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government 7) Depok Municipality Local Government 8) Bogor Municipality Local Government 9) Bogor Regency Local Government 10) Bekasi Municipality Local Government 11) Bekasi Regency Local Government

b. Traffic Management and Planning in the Central Business District (CBD)

1) DKI Jakarta Local Government 2) Bogor Municipality Local Government 3) Bogor Regency Local Government 4) Depok Municipality Local Government Local Government 5) Tangerang Municipality

6) Tangerang Regency Local Government 7) South Tangerang Municipality Local Government 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government Local Government 9) Bekasi Regency

c. Application of Bus Priority

Systems at Intersections 1) Intersections in Jakarta that Ministry of are passed by BRT / Transportation/ Transjabodetabek Local Government 2) Intersections in Bekasi Ministry of - 58 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Municipality that are passed Transportation/ by BRT / Transjabodetabek Local Government 3) Intersections in Bekasi Ministry of Regency that are passed by Transportation/ BRT / Transjabodetabek Local Government 4) Intersections in Bogor Ministry of Municipality that are passed Transportation/ by BRT / Transjabodetabek Local Government 5) Intersections in Bogor Regency Ministry of that are passed by BRT / Transportation/ Transjabodetabek Local Government 6) Intersections in Depok Ministry of Municipality that are passed Transportation/ by BRT / Transjabodetabek Local Government 7) Intersections in Tangerang Ministry of Municipality that are passed Transportation/ by BRT / Transjabodetabek Local Government 8) Intersections in Sout Ministry of Tangerang Municipality that Transportation/ are passed by BRT / Local Government Transjabodetabek 9) Intersections in Tangerang Ministry of Regency that are passed by Transportation/ BRT / Transjabodetabek Local Government d. Application of the Electronic Toll

Collection (ETC) Ministry of Public Works and 1) Drafting Masterplan Human Settlements Ministry of Public Works and 2) Drafting Feasibilty Study Human Settlements Ministry of Public Works and 3) Drafting DED Human Settlements Ministry of Public 4) Construction of ETC Toll Road Works and

Section Tol Bekasi/Cikampek Human Settlements Ministry of Public 5) Construction of ETC Toll Road Works and

Section Tol Depok/Bogor Human Settlements Ministry of Public 6) Construction of ETC Toll Road Works and Section Tol Tangerang/ Human Soekarno-Hatta Airport Settlements e. Application of Electronic Parking

Meter System 1) Road section in DKI Jakarta Local Government 2) Road section in Bogor Local Government Municipality 3) Road section in Bogor Regency Local Government 4) Road section in Depok Local Government Municipality 5) Road section in Tangerang Local Government Municipality 6) Road section in Tangerang Local Government Regency 7) Road section in South Local Government Tangerang Municipality 8) Road section in Bekasi Local Government - 59 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Municipality 9) Road section in Bekasi Local Government Regency f. Supervision of Goods Transport 1) DKI Jakarta Local Government 2) Bogor Municipality Local Government 3) Bogor Regency Local Government 4) Depok Municipality Local Government 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government 7) South Tangerang Municipality Local Government 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government Local Government 9) Bekasi Regency

3. The Application of Information System Technology for the Benefit of Traffic and transportation (Regulation and Supervision) in Real Time

a. Improvement of Traffic Information System on Arterial Road 1) Road section of Jl. Thamrin, Jl. Sudirman, and Jl. Rasuna Local Government Said 2) Road section of Jl. Gatot Subroto and Jl. Medan Local Government Merdeka Barat 3) Road section of Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jl. Gajah Mada, Jl. Local Government Majapahit, and Jl. Sisingamangaraja 4) South Tangerang Municipality Local Government 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government

6) Tangerang Regency Local Government

7) Depok Municipality Local Government 8) Bogor Municipality Local Government 9) Bogor Regency Local Government 10) Bekasi Municipality Local Government 11) Bekasi Regency Local Government

b. Construction and Development of Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) Ministry of 1) DKI Jakarta Transportation/ Local Government Ministry of 2) Bogor Municipality Transportation/ Local Government Ministry of 3) Bogor Regency Transportation/ Local Government Ministry of 4) Depok Municipality Transportation/ Local Government Ministry of 5) Tangerang Municipality Transportation/ Local Government - 60 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION IN STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / CHARGE ACTIVITIES 2018- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Ministry of 6) Tangerang Regency Transportation/ Local Government Ministry of 7) South Tangerang Transportation/

Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 9) Bekasi Regency Local Government c. CCTV Procurement and

Maintenance on Arterial Road Ministry of Transportation/ 1) DKI Jakarta Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 2) Bogor Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Bogor Regency Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 4) Depok Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ Local Government 5) Tangerang Municipality

Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government

Ministry of 7) South Tangerang Transportation/

Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 9) Bekasi Regency Local Government

- 61 -

7. Development of Urban Transportation Funding System Policy is implemented with the following strategies:

a. Utilization and Optimization of State Budget (APBN), with a number of programs including: 1) Provision of subsidies and Public Service Obligation (PSO) for mass public transportation; 2) Provision of subsidies and Public Service Obligation (PSO) for water transport; 3) Utilization of Special Allocation Funds for urban public transport and improvement of safety; 4) Development of strategy business units.

b. Utilization of government-owned company funds and Local Government retribution funds, with a number of programs including: 1) Utilization of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) funds; 2) Utilization of electronic payment system funds (Electronic Payment). c. Improvement of the utilization of Government and Business Cooperation schemes and optimize the utilization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds, with a number of programs including: 1) Application of the Concept of Government and Business Cooperation; 2) Optimalisation of the utilization of funds for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The implementation stages for the Development of Urban Transportation Funding System Policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 7 are as follows:

le 7 . Table 7. Implementation of Urban Transportation Funding System Development Strategy and Program


1. Utilization and Optimization of State

Budget (APBN)

a. Provision of subsidies and Public Service Obligation (PSO) for mass public transportation Ministry of Transportation/ 1) DKI Jakarta Local Government Ministry of 2) Bogor Municipality Transportation/ - 62 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN 2018- ACTIVITIES 2020-2024 2025-2029 CHARGE 2019 Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Bogor Regency Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 4) Depok Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government Ministry of 7) South Tangerang Transportation/

Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 9) Bekasi Regency Local Government b. Provision of subsidies and Public Service Obligation (PSO) for water transport Ministry of Transportation/ 1) DKI Jakarta Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 2) Bogor Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Bogor Regency Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 4) Depok Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government Ministry of 7) South Tangerang Transportation/

Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 9) Bekasi Regency Local Government - 63 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN 2018- ACTIVITIES 2020-2024 2025-2029 CHARGE 2019 c. Utilization of Special Allocation Funds (DAK) for Urban Public

Transport And Improvement Of Safety Ministry of Transportation/ 1) DKI Jakarta Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 2) Bogor Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Bogor Regency Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 4) Depok Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government Ministry of 7) South Tangerang Transportation/

Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Local 8) Bekasi Municipality Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 9) Bekasi Regency Local Government d. Development of Strategy

Business Unit Ministry of Transportation/ 1) DKI Jakarta Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 2) Bogor Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Bogor Regency Local Government Ministry of 4) Depok Municipality Transportation/ Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 5) Tangerang Municipality Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 6) Tangerang Regency Local Government 7) South Tangerang Ministry of

Municipality Transportation/ - 64 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN 2018- ACTIVITIES 2020-2024 2025-2029 CHARGE 2019 Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 8) Bekasi Municipality Local Government

Ministry of Transportation/ 9) Bekasi Regency Local Government

2. Utilization of government-owned company funds and Local Government retribution funds a. Utilization of Electronic Road

Pricing (ERP) funds Local 1) DKI Jakarta Government Local 2) Bogor Municipality Government Local 3) Bogor Regency Government Local 4) Depok Municipality Government Local 5) Tangerang Municipality Government Local 6) Tangerang Regency Government

7) South Tangerang Local

Municipality Government Local 8) Bekasi Municipality Government Local 9) Bekasi Regency Government b. Utilization of Electronic Payment System Funds (Electronic Payment) 1) Formulation of Regulations, Ministry of SOPs for the Use of Transportation/ Transactions for Electronic Ministry of Payment System Finance Transactions Ministry of 2) Formulation of SOP for the Transportation/ utilization of e-Payment Ministry of Transaction Funds Finance 3. Improvement of the utilization of Government and Business Cooperation (KPBU) schemes and optimize the utilization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds Ministry of a. Application of the Concept of Transportation/ Government and Business Local Cooperation (KPBU) Government Ministry of b. Optimalisation of the utilization Transportation/ of funds for Corporate Social Local Responsibility (CSR). Government

- 65 -

8. Development of Integration of Urban Transportation and Spatial Policy is implemented with the following strategies: a. Improvement of Access to Public Transport with Public Transportation-Oriented Development / TOD, with a number of programs including: 1) Transit Oriented Development (TOD) of the City TOD typology (regional service scale; 2) Recommendations for the Development of Potential TOD Areas in Sub City TOD typology and Environmental TOD; b. Improvement of the availability of effective and harmonious transportation and spatial alignment regulations, with compact city development programs; c. Improvement of urban planning for efficient and equal mobility, with the activity center redistribution program; d. Improvement of spatial planning development, to support the control of spatial utilization, with an incentive program for development outside the city center;

The implementation stages of the Development of Integration of Urban Transportation and Spatial Policy Strategy and Program as listed in Table 8 and the map are as follows:

Table 8. Implementation of Integration of Urban Transportation and Spatial Policy Development Strategy and Program

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 1. Improvement of Access to Public Transport with Public Transportation-Oriented Development /TOD

a. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) of the City TOD typology (regional service scale)

Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian 1) DKI Jakarta Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ a) TOD Kampung Ministry of Agrarian

Rambutan Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian b) TOD Blok M Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ c) TOD Lebak Bulus Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial - 66 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian d) TOD Dukuh Atas Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ e) TOD Tanjung Ministry of Agrarian

Priok Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian f) TOD Grogol Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian g) TOD Rawa Buaya Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian h) TOD Jakarta City Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ i) TOD Cawang- Ministry of Agrarian

Cikoko Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian j) TOD Pasar Senen Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian k) TOD Tanah Abang Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian 2) Depok Municipality Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian a) TOD Depok Baru Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian b) TOD Cinere Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 3) Bekasi Municipality Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial - 67 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ a) TOD East Bekasi Ministry of Agrarian

Station Area Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ b) TOD Bekasi Ministry of Agrarian

Station Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian 4) Bekasi Regency Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ a) TOD Cikarang- Ministry of Agrarian

Jababeka Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian 5) Bogor Municipality Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ a) TOD Ministry of Agrarian

Baranangsiang Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ b) TOD Bogor- Ministry of Agrarian Paledang Station Affairs and Spatial Area Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian 6) Bogor Regency Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian a) TOD Cibinong Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 7) Tangerang Ministry of Agrarian

Municipality Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ a) TOD Poris Plawad- Ministry of Agrarian

Tangerang Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 8) Tangerang Regency Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial - 68 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian a) TOD Balaraja Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian b) TOD Tigaraksa Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ 9) South Tangerang Ministry of Agrarian

Municipality Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ a) TOD Ministry of Agrarian Jurangmangu- Affairs and Spatial Ciputat Planning/Local Government Ministry of Transportation/ Ministry of Agrarian b) TOD Rawa Buntu Affairs and Spatial Planning/Local Government b. Recommendations for the development of TOD Potential Areas in Sub City TOD typology and Environmental TOD 1) DKI Jakarta a) TOD Tanjung Ministry of Barat Station Transportation/Local Area; Government b) TOD Juanda Station Area;

c) TOD Harmoni; d) TOD Mangga Dua; e) TOD Manggarai; f) TOD Cibubur; g) TOD Pancoran. Ministry of 2) Depok Municipality Transportation/Local Government a) TOD Pondok Cina Ministry of Station Area; Transportation/Local

b) TOD Jatijajar; Government c) TOD Citayam. Ministry of 3) Bekasi Municipality Transportation/Local Government Ministry of a) TOD in Some LRT Transportation/Local Stations Government Ministry of 4) Bekasi Regency Transportation/Local Government a) TOD Cikarang Ministry of Station Area; Transportation/Local b) TOD South Government Cikarang; c) TOD Tambun Ministry of 5) Bogor Municipality Transportation/Local - 69 -

EXECUTION TIME STRATEGY / PROGRAMS / INSTITUTION IN ACTIVITIES 2018- CHARGE 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Government a) TOD Sukaresmi Ministry of b) TOD Tanah Baru Transportation/Local c) TOD Bubulak Government d) TOD Kertamaya e) TOD Mulyaharja Ministry of 6) Bogor Regency Transportation/Local Government a) TOD Bojonggede Ministry of b) TOD Gunung Transportation/Local Putri Government Ministry of 7) Tangerang Transportation/Local Municipality Government a) TOD Tangerang Ministry of Station; Transportation/Local b) TOD Ciledug; Government c) TOD Palem Semi.

Ministry of 8) Tangerang Regency Transportation/Local Government Ministry of a) TOD Cisauk; Transportation/Local b) TOD Cikoya. Government Ministry of 9) South Tangerang Transportation/Local Municipality Government a) TOD Pondok Cabe b) TOD Sudimara Ministry of c) TOD Pondok Transportation/Local Ranji; Government d) TOD Serpong 2. Improvement of the Availability of Effective and Harmonious

Transportation and Spatial Planning Regulations Ministry of Agrarian a. Development of Compact Affairs and Spatial

City Planning/Local Government 3. Improvement of Urban Planning for Efficient and Equal Mobility Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial a. Activity Center Redistribution Planning/Local Government 4. Improvement of Spatial Planning Development, To

Support the Control of Spatial Utilization a. Giving Incentives for Development Outside the Local Government City Center

- 70 -

Picture 9 Transit Oriented Development Location

9. Kebijakan . . . - 71 -

9. Development of Environmentally Friendly Urban Transportation Policy is implemented with the following strategies: a. Utilization of renewable energy-based fuels, with programs to increase diversification of environmentally friendly fuels; b. Increased application of private vehicle usage arrangements at certain times and locations (emission zone, car free day), with programs including: 1) Vehicle age restrictions; 2) Control of private car ownership; 3) Organizing a car free day. c. Application of the use of environmentally friendly transportation facilities, with the program of the Use of Electric and Gas Vehicles; d. Development of facilities for non-motorized vehicles (pedestrian facilities and cyclists), with programs including: 1) Increased use of non-motorized vehicles; 2) Construction of pedestrian facilities and bicycle lanes. Stages of the implementation for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Urban Transportation Policy Strategy and Program are listed in Table 9 as follows:

Table 9. Implementation of for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Urban Transportation Policy Strategy and Program

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES 2018 IN CHARGE - 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 1. Utilization of Renewable Energy-Based

Fuels a. Increasing Diversification of Eco-

friendly Fuels Ministry of 1) Drafting Regulations Transportation Ministry of 2) Application of Environmentally Transportation/ Friendly Fuel Diversification on Local Public Transportation Government 2. Increased Application of Private Vehicle Usage Arrangements at Certain times

and Locations (emission zone, Car Free Day) - 72 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES 2018 IN CHARGE - 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 a. Public Transportation Vehicle Age

Restrictions 1) Drafting of regulations on Ministry of

vehicle age restrictions Transportation 2) Formulation of SOPs / Ministry of mechanisms for the application Transportation of the age of vehicle restrictions 3) Application of Vehicle Age Local

Restrictions in Jabodetabek Government

b. Control of Private Car Ownership

Ministry of 1) Formulation of regulations to Transportation/

control Car Ownership Indonesian National Police 2) Preparation of SOP / Ministry of mechanism for the procedure Transportation/

for the implementation of Car Local Ownership control Government 3) Application of Jabodetabek Car Local

Ownership Control Government

c. Organizing A Car Free Day Local 1) DKI Jakarta Government Local 2) Bogor Municipality Government Local 3) Bogor Regency Government Local 4) Depok Municipality Government Local 5) Tangerang Municipality Government Local 6) Tangerang Regency Government Local 7) South Tangerang Municipality Government Local 8) Bekasi Municipality Government Local 9) Bekasi Regency Government 3. Application of the Use of Environmentally Friendly Transportation Facilities

a. Use of Electric and Gas Vehicles

1) In road section CBD DKI Local

Jakarta Government 2) In road section CBD Bogor Local - 73 -

EXECUTION TIME INSTITUTION STRATEGY/PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES 2018 IN CHARGE - 2020-2024 2025-2029 2019 Municipality Government 3) In road section CBD Bogor Local

Regency Government 4) In road section CBD Depok Local

Municipality Government 5) In road section CBD Tangerang Local

Municipality Government 6) In road section CBD Tangerang Local

Regency Government 7) In road section CBD South Local

Tangerang Municipality Government 8) In road section CBD Bekasi Local

Municipality Government 9) In road section CBD Bekasi Local

Regency Government 4. Development of Facilities for Non- Motorized Vehicles (Pedestrian Facilities and Cyclists) a. Increased use of non-motorized

vehicles (bike sharing) 1) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops / shelter and Government stations in DKI Jakarta 2) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops / shelter and Government stations in Bogor Municipality 3) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops / shelter and Government stations in Bogor Regency 4) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops / shelter and Government stations in Depok Municipality 5) Provision of bike sharing facilities at bus stops / shelter and Local

stations in Tangerang Government Municipality 6) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops / shelter and Government stations in Tangerang Regency 7) Provision of bike sharing facilities at bus stops / shelter and Local

stations in South Tangerang Government Municipality 8) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops / shelter and Government stations in Bekasi Municipality 9) Provision of bike sharing facilities Local at bus stops/shelter and stations Government in Bekasi Regency - 74 -


b. Construction of Pedestrian and

Bicycle Lane Facilities

Ministry of 1) Construction of Pedestrian Transportation/

Facilities in CBD Local Government Ministry of 2) Construction of Pedestrian Transportation/ Facilities on Access to/From the Local Transportation Node Government Ministry of 3) Construction of Pedestrian Transportation/

Facilities in TOD Area Local Government 4) Construction of Bicycle Tracks Ministry of

Along National Roads Transportation Ministry of 5) Construction of Bicycle Lanes in Transportation/ Access to/From the Local Transportation Node Government Ministry of 6) Construction of Bicycle Tracks in Transportation/

TOD Area Local Government