Philosophy Study Guide: Introductions Encyclopedias Bibliographia. Annotated bibliographies by Raul Corazzon | e-mail:
[email protected] Philosophy Study Guide: Introductory Works, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias The purpose of the section " Study Guides to Western Philosophy" is to give both the beginner and the more experienced reader a brief guide to the introductory literature on general philosophy, Bibliography of Philosophy and Manuals of Style, history of philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Logic. In its initial form the pages will contain a selection of introductory readings, with brief annotations on the content (for the most important books, also the index will be included); subsequently these will be expanded to include more specific essays on selected problems; in the sections for beginners, preference will be given to those books more readily available. With the exception of the section " Philosophical Bibliographies" only works in English will be cited (for the studies in French, Italian and German, separated pages are in preparation). INTRODUCTORY WORKS If you want a first introduction to philosophy you will find useful: 1. Craig, Edward. 2002. Philosophy. A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. Contents: List of illustrations IX; 1. Philosophy 1; 2. What should I do? 11; 3. How do we know? 24; 4. What am I? 35; 5. Some themes 45 6. Of 'isms' 6; 7. Some more high spots 74; 8. What's in it for whom? 100; Bibliography 119; Index 127. "We may be standing in the water, but why try to swim? In other words, what is philosophy for? There is far too much philosophy, composed under far too wide a range of conditions, for there to be a general answer to that question.