Ne A's Irst Actress Visits Cam Us U>«Stodi~N

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Ne A's Irst Actress Visits Cam Us U>«Stodi~N U X I V L B. S 1 T Y 0 li 1 D A H 0 .-'~ -"-'"'"-'-'''-'-'' '-"-'="- ="''-'-'-"'-".'-': ": -:-"'-..'-":-"~-"' — =.':.'-"."="'-'::,-"""'":-'-=::";::==".."~".."~::-'i.:'X:.";:-';.".'.-"..-';,'/te 1 aJr clal I oice 5i Iree (838 Friday, Dcmcmhcr 8, 2006 VojuJJJc l07, No. 31 Discovering what works: Un-clustering the courses: A look at the Core Discovery Program A look at the Core Cluster Program By Cynthia Reynaud By Christina Navarro with a general category of 400 Argonaut Argonaut courses. Once reviewed and The first year of college is After completing its sixth approved the University one of discovery by for freshmen. year, the University of Idaho's Core Curriculum and faculty, For years, the University of General Core Studies may be the change would appear in Idaho has tried to make tlus getting a facelift, making clus- the fall 2008 catalog. process easier —most recently ters a thing of the past. The clusters help fulfill the through the development of A proposal by the required 18 credits of General the Core Discovery courses. Undergraduate Committee for Core Studies which also But has it worked? With General Education would include Core Discovery, inter- questions about funding and replace the 23 Core national courses and General effectiveness of the program, clusters, which Core electives. UI is taking another look at each have 15 Gary Williams, chair for the these courses. courses for UCGE and UI English profes- students sor, said the change would Beginning and developing t o make it so there would be no Core choose thematic connection between from, selected electives, "The Core Discovery classes "The system will seem, on the are meant to help everybody be outside, 'much less complex successful at the university," than how it is now," Williams said Core curriculum director said. Wesley Chun. Wesley Chun, director of the The Core Discovery courses Core Curriculum, said the cur- are made up of 16 100-level rent Core model was devel- classes that are intended to oped to provide a comprehen- explore contemporary issues Retired sive learning experience that and expose students to the prof ess or would contribute to academic diversity surrounding them. William Voxman success, improve personal was As part of the university's appointed as growth and provide opportu- the Core Core program requirements, program's nities to intellectually explore first director students must take seven cred- in 1999. the world. Students, its of these three-to-four credit faculty "The whole idea behind courses. and the UCGE devel- the cluster was to get people oped the for "I think the program out of their major," Williams people see Core almost three Discovery classes center- years, said. as the Voxman said. piece to this program," said He said some students Fventually, the model Gary Williams, chair the and faculty may see clus- of gravitated toward a pro- University Committee ters as a limitation instead of gram with courses General Education and UI of an exploration of a differ- designed by freshmen English professor. "The goal is ent path of study, as it was and taught by some of the to teach the process of critical originally intended. best professors at the uni- "I don't think students real- thinking —to basically 'bring versity. people into college level think- ly understood the reason for a The main focus was Williams ing around a general topic." cluster anyway," said. developing basic skills such "The break The program was conceived clusters try to peo- as critical thinking, communi- that in 1999when former university pIe off line to explore other cation and working with oth- disciplines or areas of study." President Bob Hoovei called ers. But more importantly, VElliams said each'luster upon the university to develop Voxman said, the courses were wasn't directly related to an integr'ated progr'am that any designed to develop the stu- specific Core Discovery class. placed on greater emphasis dents'nowledge of them- "There wasn't any real build- diversity, foreign cultures and selves and their beliefs. illustration by Joel Slocum ing on the freshman Core expe- international programs and "The idea was to make it a rience," Williams said. that would form a part of stu- dents'ntire undergraduate careers, Chun said. See CORE, page A4 See CLUSTER, page A4 Ne a's irst actress visits cam us U>«stodi~n expectations of a woman's role. linked to Mother of Ul "I faced a difficult time," she but that didn f prevent me I struggled a lot and fought Dome thefts )dcihO fOr grcidUcitiOn against society and this is how I began my career ... but now Sy Caltlln Rice times have changed —the Nepali By Hartley R>edner Argonaut people have begun to understand Argonaut what a woman can do." Sheela and Sheetal Chand She starred in the first movie A "Aama" female custodial employee of the University of came to Moscow to learn about ever made in Nepal, Idaho was charged with burglary and the attempted "real life." (Mother), a patriotic film and love possession of a controlled substance as a result of an fuII time stu- the political Their lives as story that explored undercover operation conducted by the Moscow dentswithparttimejobsoncam- philosophies of Nepal and the Police Department. pus are a far cry from the Paris- people's strong pride for their The individual was discovered taking items from Hilton-like lives they led in 'otherland. a locked office in the Kibbie Dome on Nov. 16 and Nepal. Bollywood Nov. 17.She was not arrested but will be summoned ilmmaker Hira The sisters are UI j> ~<ii k>p~> into court to face the charges at a later date. known every- Singh Khatri The individual also admitted to prior thefts of "'"'"'y g m jg Ngpgi fpr jtS was invited by other controlled substances taken from the Kibbie the small capitol then-ruler King Melissa Davlin/Argonaut Dome earlier this semester. A probable cause affi- city of Katmandu qggijty Pf Mahendra of University of Idaho students Sheela and Sheetal Chand stand with davit will be filed at the Latah County Courthouse as the daughters Nepal to direct their parents Michael and Bhuwan, who are visiting from Nepal. next week disclosing the suspect's name and further of Bhuwan Chand ed''CBt>P~. the film and Michael is a senior editor of His Majesty's Government of Nepal Radio "Aama" 'details of the investigation. —the first actress became Broadcast Service and Bhuwan is an actress who has performed in This year the Kibbie Dome has experienced an an instant suc- of Nepal. Michael Chand several movies in Nepal. abundance of thefts, ranging from stolen laptops 's fether of Ul graduate Their mother cess. and electronics to missing medications. The fame has put It played for try, as well as in India. ,and remains active in the career Moscow Police Department is currently investigat- in movie months in the Jai Nepal Cinema Mahendra them in tabloids and King awarded her a she began 52 years ago. ing several property thefts that occurred in the magazines and gives them cause Hall, but the Nepali people medal recognizing her work, Her unconventional life as a Kibbie Dome this semester, with no leads to report. couldn't for taking precautions, they say, get enough of it. Tickets charisma and style in her per- full-time actress and a mother of So far in 2006, nine reports of theft in the Kibbie shows waited in so that nothing unpleasant sold out, moviegoers forrnances, and she was honored three daughters was made possi- Dome have been filed as compared to only three tickets up m the paper the next day. long lines and bought in by various societies both nation- ble by her husband, Michael reports of theft in the facility filed in 2005. "Back here, I am just Sheetal black. ally and internationally. Chand, who has also had his "It's a concern for everybody in the department," Chand, who goes to UI and "I became a star ovemlght," The following year she took share of publicity as the senior "md UI AtMetics Director Rob Spear said. "We need to worl," Sheetal said. "Back home Bhuwan said, the govem- another leading role in English news broadcaster for have it stop." 'd me as the first- it was different.... You are pretty ment reco "Yesterday, Today and Raclio Nepal. Throughout the semester, items have been taken ever film actress." Tomor'row," and rich and go to clubs and hang Nepali but she says the film The actress and journalist duo from a variety of places, Spear said, including lock- out with friends —not a care in Though the whole concept of a industry at that time was not a supported one another in their er rooms and locked offices. life." and female the world —that was my movie industry stars continuous one so she focused on work and balanced home life and The athletics department has been working with the Chand were she found an exuber- Their mother, Bhuwan new, her theater caieer. childcare with their demanding police since the summer in an effort to end the crimes. began her career in 1964 as a child ant audience in the Nepali people Since then she has acted in actress. At the age of 4 she battled and received fan mail and press three dozen films as. well as in Nepal's social norms and the coverage from all over the coun- numerous theater productions See NEPAL, page A7 See THEFT, page A5 CONTENTS Artsg,Culture... ...B1 INSIDE Briefs.... ARTS8tCUI.TURE OPINION SPORTS8rREC A2 Read Calendar.... ... Festival Dance presents "A The editorial Recent speculation says stories, comment on Classifieds.......
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