Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:


1Hamdan Daulay, 2Mohamad Hasan As’adi 1Lecturer of Faculty of Da’wah and Communication UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta 2Alumnus of Communication and Islam Broadcasting UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta E-mail : [email protected]

Abstract. Political turmoil in Malaysia after the resignation of Mahathir Muhammad (February 2020) and the success of Muhyidin Yassin in claiming the prosition of Prime Minister had made the political situation becoming more dynamic. It was seen that the current politics in Malaysia showed serious issues caused by the fights between politicians. There were also accusations saying about betrayal done by justifying all means only to achieve ones’ ambitions. as the president of Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) was accused of committing betrayal. Azmin Ali as the vice president of Partai Keadilan Rakyat was accused of committing betrayal by that resulted in Azmin Ali’s dismissal from PKR. Mahathir Mohammad was a senior political figure with long experience in political field. Political comunication built by Mahathir was very clever due to his success as a figure of UMNO and the Prime Minister of Malaysia for more than 20 years. As a doctor, he was already active in politics in UMNO party since he was 25. Mahathir understood that politics is very dynamic that politician should be able to adapt with the current political dynamics. This political dynamic itself is the reason why Mahathir left UMNO caused by the number of deviations he found in the political figures. Mahathir then formed a new political party which he called Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Which ended the domination of UMNO in the 2018 national election. The political communication of Mahathir was strictly tested when he became a Prime Minister of Malaysia in his second period as a 92 years old politician. The political message delivered by Mahathir was able to convince the people of Malaysia about the direction of infrastructure development of the country. His succesful and sufficient experience gave him a title the Father of modernization of Malaysia. However, he was eventually gotten rid of by Muhyiddin Yassin (his own colleague) from his throne when he was 94 years old because essentially there is no eternal friend nor foe, the only eternity is merely for the personal interests. Keyword: Mahathir Mohammad, poltical communication, political dynamic, Malay, Islam and Malay.

Abstraksi. Gejolak politik Malaysia pasca pengunduran diri Mahathir Mohammad (Februari 2020), dan keberhasilan Muhyiddin Yassin menduduki posisi Perdana Menteri, membuat suasana politik semakin dinamis. Ada yang menilai, bahwa politik Malaysia saat ini menunjukkan persoalan serius dengan adanya pertarungan sengit antara tokoh-tokoh politik. Bahkan muncul berbagai tudingan yang menyebut ada pengkhianatan yang menghalalkan segala cara untuk mencapai tujuan. Muhyiddin Yassin yang merupakan wakil Mahathir di Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) dituduh berkhianat. Demikian pula dengan Azmin Ali yang merupakan wakil ketua Partai Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dituduh berkhianat oleh Anwar Ibrahim, sehingga Azmin dipecat dari PKR. Mahathir Mohammad adalah tokoh politik senior Malaysia yang telah memiliki pengalaman panjang dalam kancah politik. Komunikasi politik yang dibangun Mahthir sangat cerdas dengan kesuksesannya menjadi tokoh UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia lebih 20 tahun. Sebagai seorang dokter, sejak usia 25 tahun ia sudah aktif dalam politik melalui partai UMNO. Mahathir memahami bahwa politik sangat dinamis dan tokoh politik harus bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan dinamika politik yang ada. Dinamika politik itu pulalah yang membuat Mahathir meninggalkan UMNO, ketika ia melihat banyak penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh tokoh-tokohnya. Mahathir kemudian membentuk partai baru, Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) yang berhasil mengakhiri dominasi UMNO pada Pemilu 2018. Komunikasi politik Mahathir betul-betul teruji ketika ia kembali berhasil menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia periode kedua diusia 92 tahun. Pesan politik yang disampikan Mahathir mampu meyakinkan rakyar Malaysia tentang arah pembangunan negara. Pengalamannya yang cukup panjang dan sukses dalam politik, membuat dirinya disebut sebagai Bapak modernisasi Malaysia. Namun pada akhirnya ia disingkirkan oleh Muhyiddin Yassin (kawannnya sendiri) dari

Vol.14/No.1 / April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 75 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: kursi Perdana Menteri pada usia 94 tahun. Karena sesusngguhnya dalam politik tidak ada kawan dan musuh yanag abadi, justru yang abadi adalah kepentingan politik itu sendiri. Kata kunci: Mahathir Mohammad, komunikasi politik, dinamika politik, Melayu, Islam dan Melayu.

INTRODUCTION because there were two notable figures Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) facing each other. They were Najib Razaq Malaysia done on May 9th 2018, became an and Mahathir Mohammad (Daulay, 2018a). important political momentum for Mahathir The leading party (UMNO and Barisan Mohammad because in his 92 years of Nasional) appointed Najib Razaq as the living, he could once again become the candidate of Prime Minister. On the other Prime Minister of Malaysia for the second hand, Pakatan Harapan appointed a senior period which previously he became a prime figure of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad. minister in (1981 – 2003). So many were New party established by Mahathir, PPBM impressed with the political model of (Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia) had Mahathir that could last very long in a agreed with the coalition party (DAP, PKR, political condition that was always etc.) to appoint Mahathir as the candidate of changing (Harold Crouch, 1996). The prime minister. Eventually Mahathir was creation of masculity construction by the elected, or can be said reelected as a prime media could affect his political minister at his 92nd year of living (Surat communication, (Hasyim, 2017) that it Kabar Harian Utusan Malaysia). convinces the society to believe in this In the political system of Malaysia, senior politician. Not stopping there, he one should previously be chosen as could even end the dominance of UMNO parliamentary member before he/ she could (United Malays National Organisation) that be elected as Prime Minister. In the 2018 had lasted for 50 years. PRU, Najib Razaq was appointed by the The last PRU in 2018, nearly 15 federal state of while Mahathir was million of Malaysians with electoral right appointed by the federal state of . could choose parliamentary members. Political record showed intriguing facts There were 2222 parliamentary chairs to be about how UMNO party had always been distributed to political party in order to the winner since the Independence day of determine the political direction of Malaysia in 1957 until 2018. Every single Malaysia in the future. Political rivalry in time PRU was held, UMNO had never lost. the 2018 PRU was considered interesting Corruption had always become the

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 76 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: cause of the declining of the society’s personal communication, 19 November support for the government. Critical 2019). perception mostly said that the government However, the last two years in Najib were corrupt, middle class people were Razaq’s governance made the people hit the shallow, selfish and amoral, while labourers road more often demanding Najib Razaq to were easily bribed (Chilcote, 2007). The leave the parliamentary chair because he construction of media towards politician was presumed to be involved in a mega gave bad impact towards the judgment of corruption case that reached $700 million public about politician (Syahputra, 2014). (9 trillion rupiah). Demonstration at that This was the kind of condition that emerged time was not only done by the oppposition in the political turmoil in Malaysian people party follower (dissidents), but also done by that resulted in them to swing their vote the figures of UMNO as the governing from Najib Razaq into Mahathir party that also demanded his resignation. Mohammad.They saw that the government Even Dr. Mahathir Mohamamd as an under Najib Razaq had done many important political figure of Malaysia corruption that he did not deserve the trust showed his overt criticism for Najib Razaq of the people. to resign (Surat Kabar Harian Utusan Mahathir harshly criticised Najib Malaysia, 2018a). Razaq of corruption cases and the The ups and downs of political increasing of external debt. Najib Razaq supports were happening in UMNO and its faced difficult times in the last two years of coalition (BN) caused by his governing along with the coming of the fluctuation of parliamentary chair endless demonstration that demanded him obtained in every PRU. From some PRUs, to leave his throne. Sensational reports drastic declining of political support caused political turmoil due to the obtained by UMNO (Barisan Nasional) unfiltered hoaxes (Setyo, 2021) which happened in 2018 PRU with electoral ended in the great demonstration as a new percentage ranging only about 79 chairs round in the political stage of Malaysia. (38%), while on 2013 PRU the party got Lately, great demonstrations were rarely 140 chairs (63.10%) of 222 existing chairs. found in Malaysia because of the influence Besides 2013 PRU, UMNO and BN had of Sultans in every federal state that are ever gotten parliamemtary chair under 75% revered by the society (D. Bin Zakaria, which happened in PRU 1959 with 74

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 77 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: chairs (71.15%) out of 104 existing chairs. leading party in Malaysia slowly dimming In 1969 PRU it won 95 chairs (66.00%) out along with many corruption cases done by of 144 existing chairs. In 1990 PRU, it won the party elites. The glory of UMNO in the 127 chairs (70.55%) out of 180 existing era of Mahathir Mohammad felt as if it chairs. Nevertheless, 2018 PRU was the would not be able to be continued by the only time UMNO/ BN won the least next UMNO figures. support from the voters (Daulay, 2018b). The popularity of Abdullah Ahmad UMNO led by Mahathir for more Badawi and could not be than 20 years had different political style compared to Mahathir Mohammad. The compared to UMNO in the era of Najib current political turmoil in Malaysia Razaq (D. Bin Zakaria, personal doomed the people endlessly. The mega communication, 20 Novcmber, 2019). corruption case done by Najib Razaq might Mahathir who led UMNO and Malaysia for be the end of the glory of UMNO in the more than twenty years had indeed political stage of Malaysia that had ruled for considered to have many positive decades. Malaysian people got further from developments and guarantee the prosperity UMNO because of corruption cases done of the Malaysians. On the other hand, by the politicians (Z. Bin Adanan, personal Mahathir was also considered to have communication, 20 November 2019). negative sides caused by his authoritarian The next stage of political dynamic characteristic in leading and his negative in Malaysia happened after the resignation way of getting rid of his political rivals. His of Mahathir Mohammad from the throne of political act towards Anwar Ibrahim for Prime Ministry on February 2020. The instance, was one of his dark past that could political turmoil happened caused by the hardly be forgotten by Malaysians. Not political betrayal done by Muhyiddin becoming the leader of UMNO gave him Yassin et al. That ensured his resignation. more chance to criticise the leaders of Muhyiddin and some PPBM and PKR UMNO. figures formed a new coalition with UMNO After the period of Mahathir who was critically denounced by them for Mohammad and with the performance of the mega corruption. Ahmad Badawi which was continued by The political turmoil in Malaysia is Najib Razaq, political situation became currently analyzed by using many different unstable. The influence of UMNO as the means of analysis. The first group sees that

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 78 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: the politics in Malaysia shows some serious Muhyiddin Yassin was the right hand of issues caused by the conflict between Mahathir since he became his vice politicians. There were even some president in PPBM, and it was already years accusation of betrayal done blindly only to he became Mahathir’s best of friends in achieve some people’s ambition. UMNO. Muhyiddin was originally been Muhyiddin Yassin was the former of vice prepared by Mahathir to take his place as a president of Mahathir in the Partai Pribumi Prime Minister. It is because morally, Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) who was Muhyiddin was more viable as a Prime accused of betraying him. Similarly with Minister than Anwar Ibrahim because of his Azmin Ali who was the vice president of case related to sodomy (A. Halim, personal Partai Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) who was communication, 2009). also accused of committing betrayal by Nevertheless, Anwar Ibrahim was a Anwar Ibrahim, that it resulted in his friend as well as a foe for Mahathir. When dismissal from PKR. The betrayal of Azmin they were active in UMNO, Mahathir and was highlighted by the secretary-general of Anwar Ibrahim had never become a best of PKR due to the option chosen by Azmin to friend nor they had ever held an important form coalition with the opposition party role in UMNO, until the time Anwar (UMNO and PAS). That political became the deputy prime minister at the era movement was done to tackle Anwar of Mahathir (Z. Bin Adanan, personal Ibrahim from reaching the throne of Prime communication, 20 November 2019). Ministry. However, Mahathir was also the one who Furthermore, there were also people destroyed the political career of Anwar by who sees that the current political turmoil suspecting him of committing corruption was only a part of political gimmick and sodomy in 1998. Twenty years later (Khadziq, 2016) which sole purpose was to (2018), Mahathir asked Anwar Ibrahim to keep Anwar Ibrahim from becoming the unite and put an end to Najib Razak, Prime Minister. This political gimmick was pleading that after 2 years of becoming the intentionally designed by Mahathir by prime minister, Mahathir would resign and acting as if he was being betrayed by gave the authority to Anwar Ibrahim. Muhyiddin Yassin so that he could still However, it is always known that in politics have the dignity to be a decent politician in ‘today’s enemy can be a tomorrow’s Anwar Ibrahim’s eyes. Genuinely, friend’. It is all merely done for political

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 79 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: interests. This moment, they may become 1970) and Tun Abdul Razak (22 September friends and at the other chance, they may 1970 – 14 January 1976). Mahathir was become enemies. known as the frontliner who led and made The real politics is an art to achieve Malaysia acknowledged in the field of main and to defend the power. When someone industry power that this achievement of his stays in the political stage for a long time, made him called the Father of one will have more political arts to be used Modernization. Mahathir was born in Alor to defend the power. There are times that a Star, Kedah, Malaysia on 20 December gentle and beautiful political arts are played 1925. His father was Encik Muhammad bin by a political actor and there are also times Iskandar and his mother was Wan when vulgar and rough political arts are Tempawan binti Wan Hanafi. In his hands, played. When a gentle and polite political Malaysia underwent very quick arts are played, euphimism languages full modernization and enjoyed prosperity in of deceitful masks would emerge to make every aspect of society’s life (Anwar, the opponents feel not offended and 2009a). betrayed. Reform movements in that dethroned (1998) got Mahathir DISCUSSION Mohammad wary. That first man of THE PROFILE OF Malaysia was alarmed about being MAHATHIR MOHAMMAD dethroned and being replaced by his deputy Mahathir Mohammad was the prime minister which position was held by fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia (July, 16 Anwar Ibrahim (Daulay, 2018b). Suharto 1981 – October, 31 2003), (Surat Kabar who held the power for 32 years was Harian Utusan Malaysia, 2018b) for the eventually replaced by his vice president, first period and the seventh Prime Minister B.J. Habibie as a result of the (2018 - 2020) for the second period. For the demonstration. This was the reason of the first period, he replaced Dato’ Hussein Oon conflict happened between him and Anwar (14 January 1976 – 16 July 1981) and for Ibrahim who was his right hand. With his the second period, he replaced Najib Razak. political tricks, in 1998 Mahathir got rid of In Addition, the first and the second Prime Anwar and sent him to jail along with many Minister of Malaysia were Tun Abdul accusations. Mahathir also got rid of every Rahman (31 August 1957 – 22 September single person that he thought was potential

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 80 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: to be his opponent in politics for instance not a person who had a background related Datuk , Tun Sri Gazali and to politics. even Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Anwar, Those ideas of his mostly 2009b). contradicted with the ideas of the leaders of Dismissing and getting rid of them UMNO at that time. That was not surprising were enough proof that Mahathir used a if he was dismissed from UMNO. In 1969, political strategy that was rather rough to Mahathir took an important role in his break their power. Seemingly, Mahathir felt political experience because he was able to threatened of the popularity of his political bring up Malay ethnicity into significant rivals, especially Anwar Ibrahim. Similar to part of political identity of Malaysia (Nair, Suharto, Mahathir had also built his power 2007). for rather long time. In his era, Mahathir His struggle in bringing up the made up some policies that developed dignity of Malayan people in Malaysia was Malaysia, yet there were also applied never ending. Through his book The Malay nepotism. Mahathir gave his children Dilemma, Mahathir spoke of the problems chance to hold many big projects through faced by Malayan people and his analysis special tender and bad credit in Malaysian related to how a policy should be banks (Daulay, 2018b). implemented for developing the people of Mahathir was one leader who really Malay. However, the book was banned admired Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who built from being distributed in 1970 because it Turkey as a secular country. Mahathir quite was filled with criticisms towards the often highlights people not to mix religion government. and politics up (Abdullah, 20017). When he was once again active in a Mahathir was a leader and a politician who political stage in 1974, Mahathir got big liked to speak frankly, loudly and most of attention from politicians around him in no the time sounds ‘harsh’. His way of leading time. His role and influence in the was different from his predecessors, Tunku governmental system swiftly increased. Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak, and Tun Eventhough he was only a deputy prime Hussein Oon. Mahathir was not a person minister, Hussein Oon let him and gave him who studied in UK, not a golfer, not permission in governing caused by his including a civil servant, and not a lawyer. health issues. This made his authority He was indeed a Prime Minister, but he was getting wider and greater. He has an

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 81 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: important role in arranging and executing civilization in the era of Muhammad pbuh). policies. For Mahathir, Islam and the culture of In 1976, Mahathir enters the Malay are one, which he said was the governmental system. He became a reason why Malayan culture should become minister of education, minister of trade and a basis for national culture (Mohammad, industry, deputy prime minister and 2002). His commitment for Islam looked eventually a prime minister of Malaysia in even stricter, when Mahathir managed to 1981. When he was a deputy prime persuade Anwar Ibrahim, a President of minister, he was softer. His actions was ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia), to quite hard to differentiate between a join him in UMNO, even though he was politician or a leader of Islam. Tradition and eventually kicked from being the deputy background associated to groups are able to prime ministry chair because his political be used as an effective means of way, paradigm and thoughts are considered communication in order to achieve goals contradicting with Mahathir’s. Together (As’adi, 2020a). Realizing that his with Anwar Ibrahim, Mahathir supported governmental coalition is formed of many islamization in the body of UMNO. This ethnicities and backgrounds, he had no islamization movement was bound from the choice but to act moderately (Madjeed, motive to outwit PAS (Partai Islam se- 1999). Malaysia) and to measure the activity, so Nevertheless, Mahathir that islamic activity in Malaysia will not implemented many policies that were of become the source of imbalance between great benefit and tended to take side on ethnicities. Islam in his era. His efforts to ‘islamize’ the The other way of Mahathir’s government were sometimes greeted islamization was by revising the national unwelcomely from his political rivals and law so that it could get along with the sometimes even from his own people. He Islamic law. Mahathir implemented Islamic was so loud and vocal in supporting the law for Muslim society by not having interest of Islam that is pro-Malay. He led intention to hinder and to discriminate the Malaysia with universal principles written rituals of non-muslim society. He changed in the Holy book of Quran. His islamization the status of the islamic judge and Islamic movement was referenced by the Charter of court to be equal with the civil court. Medina (historical agreement of human In the educational field, he made

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 82 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: sure he used his authority as a leader in the added more mosques, and made a Qur’an cabinet commitee for school curriculum. memorizer (hafiz) competition. This shows His policy in this field were for instance, that Mahathir was a politician who implementing islamic studies as a subject of supported Islam. Hijri new year examination in national level. To support commemoration was also commemorated his efforts, Mahathir asked for support and greatly and was made as an islamic new help from Muslim intellectuals who were year calendar. Mahathir also made many involved in islamization of science teaching activities such as: Islamic Book Expo, Hijri in schools. He also standardized islamic Commemoration Stamp printing and textbooks of every level of education, organized an Internasional Islamic Seminar establishing trainings for Islamic studies in Kuala Lumpur. Mahathir also built teachers, claiming the 10 best islamic Islamic Bank, Islamic pawnshop, islamic schools, building the first islamic studies insurance, islamic economical foundation, teacher, and building an International and formed islamic resources and special Islamic University. groups of islamic enforcement since 1981 In the field of da’wah, Mahathir (Farouk, 2003). highlighted in front of sixteen country Because of his maturity in poilitical representatives in the Majelis Umum world, he was known as a political teacher RISEAP I in Kuala Lumpur that Malaysia for the political elites of Malaysia. He could should be active in the islamic da’wah do many political art models ranging from movement in national and international the roughest to the softest for his political level, should support islamic movements, oppositions. (Z. Hasyim, personal and should help the struggle of muslims in communication, 23 November, 2019) order to obtain the right of living as a real Only recently, there were political muslim. Mahathir held a Perayaan Bulan turmoil and its drama, the society once Dakwah Negara, established Dewan again saw the political intelligence of Dakwah Islamiah and built Islamic research Mahathir. It started with his resignation. centre in South East Asia (Anwar, 2007) Next he accused Muhyiddin Yassin of Furthermore, he added more islamic betraying him. Eventually, his promise for programs and gave special allocation for Anwar Ibrahim ended unilaterally. This programs in radio and television. He made shows a Malayan political drama that tries islamic village development program, not to hurt the person’s feeling of breaking

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 83 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: a promise. It was only natural that Mahathir the Mahathir’s party who considered that prioritize the people in his party (PPBM) to appointing Muhyiddin was illegitimate. sit on a prime ministerial chair instead of The political map of Malaysia looked even politicians of other party. more delicate and got further away from the Important notes should be idealism and tended to be quite pragmatic. understood that seen from the Malaysian In politics, it is indeed a challenge in order political map, Mahathir up to now is still a to get an idealism because the pragmatical person who is very admired and a person of authority is always the top priority. There is great insight, as well as a person who can no eternal enemy in politics and there is no direct the politics in Malaysia. In his late eternal friend as well but there is only elderly age (94 years old), he could make politics interests. many political scenarios that can determine Initially, Mahathir, Anwar ibrahim, the next Prime Minister. At the same time, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali and the other he could also get rid of politician who he politicians united in the 2018 election in disliked. Mahathir’s great experience in the order to defeat UMNO under the authority politics of Malaysia who had been active in of Najib Razak who was considered UMNO for more than 20 years as a prime committing many corruption cases. minister gave him strong influence towards However, two year later (Februari 2020) the society. Mahathir in the eyes of Mahathir was the one being dethroned by Malaysian was a father of modernization as Muhyiddin Yassin and his party. They well as an influential Malay and Muslim chose to form a coalition with their ex- figure (Hamid, 2006). enemy (UMNO) to create a new order. Not only did he brought the Partai Pribumi POLITICAL DYNAMICS IN Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) created by MALAYSIA Mahathir to unite with UMNO, but Political dynamics in Malaysia kept Muhyiddin also dismissed Mahathir from changing after the resignation of Mahathir the committee of PPBM. It was only natural Muhammad on the last February 2020. that Mahathir felt betrayed by the scheme With Muhyiddin Yassin being appointed to of Muhyiddin with Najib Razak that he said replace Mahathir, the turmoil got even it was felt like being backstabbed. Even worse in the politics of Malaysia. There more tragically, Najib Razak who was were even motion of no confidence threat in bound to mega corruption case was

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 84 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: officially free of charge after UMNO Mahathir, his own political mentor. reunited with the leading party. Muhyiddin surely had learnt long enough Observed from the political about the political movement of Mahathir movement flashback of Mahathir from in defending his throne. Sometimes, seizing 1980s until 2000s, there were found so and defending the authority do not need many dynamics (Mahmood, 2002). There ethics and respect for the mentor. Mentrors were many figures of UMNO he had gotten or even best friends should be sacrificed if rid of before they got rid of him. Politicians they are threatening the throne. In other such as Tun Sri Gazali, Datuk Musa Hitam, words, in politics, it is already natural to do Anwar Ibrahim and Abdulah Ahmad everything needed to achieve one’s Badawi are the ‘victims’ of Mahathir’s ambition. political movement. In 1990s, he was so The political turmoil in Malaysia close to Anwar Ibrahim and he even made after the resignation of Mahathir him his deputy prime minister. However, Mohammad on February 2020 and the because Anwar’s popularity was success of Muhyiddin Yassin in achieving skyrocketing in the eyes of Malaysian the Prime Ministerial throne could be faced people, he worried and it started a conflict with many different kinds of paradigm. The between them. Wit his political tricks, in first group saw that the current politics in 1998 Mahathir got rid of Anwar and sent Malaysia showed some serious problem him to jail together with many accusations. caused by the great fight between older Mahathir also dismissed everyone who he figures. Some even said that political fights thought was potential to be his opposition in Malaysia was essentially the fight in politics (Mat, 2009). between Mahathir Mohammad and Najib Dismissing and getting rid of them Razak. In this political fight, Najib were the proof that Mahathir was quite managed to defeat Mahathir caused by the clever in building defense mechanism for betrayal done by Muhyiddin Yassin. his throne. Seemingly, Mahathir felt If only there were no betrayal done threatened of the popularity and the by Muhyiddin by uniting with UMNO, position of his political oppositions, Anwar Ibrahim should be the one replacing especially Anwar Ibrahim. This may be the Mahathir on May 2020. Najib Razak political style of Mahathir which was cleverly and slyly took an opportunity after practiced by Muhyiddin in order to betray seeing the turmoil existing in the Pakatan

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 85 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:

Harapan who wanted to stop Anwar with important duties in the commitee of Ibrahim. The success of Najib Razak in UMNO until Anwar Ibrahim became the influencing Muhyiddin to form a coalition deputy prime minister of Mahathir in his was not for free. Only few months away era. However, Mahathir was also the one from Muhyiddin getting his throne of being who destroyed the political career of Anwar a Prime Minister, Najib Razak had been by accussing him of committing corruption released from every charge of corruption and sodomy in 1998. Twenty years later that he had done (Daulay, 2020a) (2018), Mahathir asked Anwar Ibrahim to On the other hand, there were unite and end the authority of Najib razak, people who saw that the current political by promising him that two years after turmoil, was only part of political gimmick becoming the prime minister, the throne which main purpose was to prevent Anwar would be given to Anwar Ibrahim and he Ibrahim of becoming the prime minister. would replace Mahathir. However, in This political gimmick was intentionally reality, the politics in Malaysia was full of designed by Mahathir by playing victim as dynamics because of Mahathir’s political a person being betrayed by Muhyiddin communication which was relatively Yassin so that he could save his own skin difficult to be understood. As a result, the and still be considered as a good man in the political promises longed by Anwar after a eyes of Anwar Ibrahim. In fact, Muhyiddin long time was merely a political promise Yassin was initially the closest person to that was difficult to be realized (Daulay, Mahathir in UMNO. Muhyiddin was 2020). always been prepared by Mahathir to After mahathir’s era ended on his replace him as the prime minister. It wass first period (1981 – 2003), the emergence of because in his point of view, Mahathir saw Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Razak that Muhyiddin morally deserved to be a caused an unstable political situation. The Prime minister than Anwar Ibrahim who influence of UMNO as a leading party in had ever been charged of committing Malaysia slowly dimmed along with many sodomy. cases of corruption committed by the party Anwar Ibrahim was a friend as well elites. The glory of UMNO in the era of as a foe of Mahathir. When they both were Mahathir Mohammad was not able to be active in UMNO, Mahathir and Anwar continued by the next UMNO figures. The Ibrahim had ever become the best of friend popularity of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 86 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:

Najib Razak could not be compared to existing monarch made the politics in Mahathir Mohammad. Now that the Malaysia more polite and uncontrolled political turmoil in Malaysia seemed like a demonstration done is almost never found. disaster that could hardly been ended. The The diverse people of Malaysia in terms of mega corruption committed by Najib Razak religion, culture and ethnicity did not became the last round of the glory of prevent the government from building a UMNO in the politics of Malaysia that had country that is strong, harmonious and full led Malaysia for decades. of tolerance. The implementation of On the last May 2018, Malaysia discipline, patience and sincerity had better held Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) to relevance than mere rhetoric (Daulay & deterrmine the leader of politics for the next Septiani T.H., 2020). Malayan culture and five years. After its independence in 1957 the dominant value of got to 2018, UMNO had always been the stronger because of the sultan who winner and reigned Malaysia. However, on supported the existence of islam and Malay the last PRU 2018, UMNO was culture (Saad, 2003). unexpectedly lost against Pakatan Harapan Recently, the potential of conflict which was led by Mahathir Mohammad. that may happen in Malaysia was Mahathir who had created a new party commonly happened between UMNO as (PPBM) formed a coalition with Partai secular party against PAS as an Islamic Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) which was created party. Moreover in the time of campaign, by Anwar Ibrahim. With issues on the pontential of conflict happened even corruption done by Najib Razak became the clearer. UMNO as a secular party with basis issues to be brought up in the campaign of on Malay ethnicity claimed that they had Mahathir and his companion that this strong commitment to actualize the value of strategy managed to bring them to their first Islam and accused PAS of hindering the win. Their success in defeating UMNO development because it was a traditional became an important historical record in the party. Furthermore, PAS as an Islamic party politics of Malaysia (Daulay, 2018c). claimed that it was more Islam and accused The political rivalry in Malaysia is UMNO as a secular party which deviated always associated with the dominant the value of Islam. influence of Malay and Islam culture. The source of conflict emerged Malayan culture and the influence of between both parties were commonly

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 87 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:

Malay-based that brought Islamic issues managed well based on the principle of based on each of their own representation. unity. Such political strategies were natural to be The political rivalry happened seen because they were persuading their between UMNO and PAS by bringing up voters which were Malayans who had Islamic issues is in fact more dominant in strong commitment to Islam (Anwar, the aspect of interpretation. For UMNO, the 2009a). For Malayan people, their culture political struggle to develop Islam in are inseparable from Islam. That was the Malaysia did not necessarily mean that reason why Malayan-based parties such as Malaysia must become an Islamic country. UMNO, PAS and PKR always brought The most important thing is the essence of Islamic issues in every political strategy Islamic value that can be actualized in many used. Even UMNO in the era of Mahathir political policies. For PAS, the islamic Mohammad, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi struggle must be actualized formally by until Najib Razak brought up new ideas making Malaysia an Islamic country. Thus, with concept called Islam Hadhari. This UMNO looked more realistic and practical Islam Hadhari concept was valued as an in applying its political strategy that was interesting thought and was seen as a decent based on Islam in the middle of Malaysian political strategy because it might increase people which are diverse. the support of Malayan voters (Daulay, 2019). POLITICAL COMMUNICATION OF Many real actions were done by MAHATHIR MOHAMMAD UMNO until now by still staying on its idea As a senior politician, Mahathir about pluralism, so that their campaign knows well about the theory of political would not bring turmoil. As the leading communication. The strategy of a party, UMNO could freely made any policy communicator is to be favored or to be that could benefit the society of every despised by the society, the way of religion and ethnicity. UMNO which was delivering a message so that it can be dominant with Malay ethnicity was not approved or disapproved by the society and only prioritizing on the development for how to face a condition of audience (the Malay and islam but also for Chinese and society) so that they would applaud or be Indian ethnicity. This was done so that the offended by the message delivered value of plurality in Malaysia could be (Nimmo, 2005). The book “Komunikasi

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 88 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:

Politik”, explained that options in Mahathir’s cleverness in managing delivering a message may make the messages has been tested well. Every audience offended which is part of the art of message he delivered could be accepted by communication chosen by the the society and they could believe in the communicator of politics. power of his message. Transparency, faith, responsibility In terms of media usage, Mahathir and custom in sharing information may was also very clever because mass media increase the quality of group said that he was believed as a leader needed communication and the maturity of the by the society. Mass media made Mahathir communication built (As’adi, 2020b). It is an interesting news source. It was because similar with Mahathir’s understanding the ideas delivered by Mahathir were about the sociology of Malaysian society actual, bold and worth that Mahathir which consists of Malayan and Muslim as became the idol of journalists (Daulay, majority so that he could swing the support 2013). Next, Mahathir knows well about of the Malayan voters from being fanatical the characteristics of the audiences UMNO supporters into becoming the (society) because of his experience leading supporters of his new party (PPMB). A Malaysia for decades. Mahathir understood communicator of politics would be able to the character of the voters which in majority manage the essence of communication, consisted of Malay and Muslim people, so starting from the communicator, the that issues related to Muslim and Malay message, the media, the audience and the could be relevant to be delivered to the political effect. voters. By understanding these elements of The popularity of Mahathir as a communication, the political effect targeted political communicator is unquestionable by Mahathir could be achieved. because of his political experience after Many criticisms delivered by becoming the figure of UMNO for more Mahathir towards Abdullah Ahmad than 20 years and the Prime Minister of Badawi, Najib Razak, Anwar Ibrahim and Malaysia (1981 – 2003). Even his success Muhyiddin Yassin were often considered brought Malaysia towards a modern quite rough. In democration, criticism is country, that this achevement had given indeed needed. As suggested by Nurkholis him a title as the Father of Modernization of Madjid (Madjid, 2003), criticism is the Malaysia (Anwar, 2009a). Furthermore, breath of democration. Without the

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 89 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: existence of criticism, democration will die. thought towards everyone considered as Political communication is required for opposition. In a polite political giving enlightenment for living as a society communication, everybody should be of a country. Sometimes there are criticisms considered as bestfriend that gives and that is packed “softly” and “sweetly” which accepts each other (Daulay, 2020b). in fact could be misleading and dangerous The society as part of certain for the society. Furthermore, sometimes political element surely feels tired and there are models of criticisms that sounded bored of ‘harsh’ model of communication, rough that may make the society feels hate speech and feud (D. bin Zakaria, indignant, but in reality is full of kindness personal communication, 20 November, and honesty. Similar with medicine, not 2019). Hate speech towards each citizen every sweetness is healthy and not every that shows anger and variety of suspicions bitterness is harmful. In conclusion, many should be ended at once. Libellous “critical” criticisms delivered by Mahathir accusations and hate speech are very all this time could be part of his love unproductive and has only fatigued the towards his country and nation. body and mind. Moreover, in the middle of Most of the time, the factor of many problems faced by the nation, starting hatred is the reason why a person could from corruption and poverty needs easily deliver a harsh criticism and intensive care from unity and peace from intentionally build the anger of the society. every citizen. Keeping excessive hatred and It is similar with the condition of the society suspicion caused by different political (audience) which was also started by the choice will give disadvantages to all. factor of hatred that made them easily Hence, excessive hatred and suspicion offended by the message delivered by the should be scraped in order to give communicator. The main problem actually advantageous enlightenment towards the is in the good, polite and peaceful country and the nation. communication and how to scrape the hatred between people and the hatred POLITICAL POLICY between groups in order to build a The foreign policy done by communication process that is polite, warm Mahathir on his first period was different and peaceful. Do not ever let hatred grow in with his predecessors. His statements was ourselves which in the end will start bad very clear in standing up for Islam.

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 90 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:

Mahathir called Muslim nations to realize replace the causeway that connected the slogan related to the solidarity in Islam Malaysia and Singapore. Mahathir also said and called Muslim countries to count on that Abdullah committed corruption themselves and not to cling on foreign through his cronies. Never ending strikes power, especially West countries in terms launched by Mahathir towards Abdullah of defence and security. In 1983, Mahathir Ahmad Badawi made the fame of Abdullah declared to be non-aligned and dimmed, that it resulted in great commonwealth nation which now becomes disadvantages for UMNO. This was proven part of Muslim block (Shaharuddin, 2008). by the declining of votes obtained for In his 22 years leading Malaysia on UMNO on 2008 PRU (D. bin Zakaria, his first period (1981 – 2003), Mahathir had personal communication, 20 November made many progressions for his country. 2019). He at last chose to receive his pension on The rise of Global Islam in October 31st, 2003 and chose Datuk Malaysia happened simultaneously with the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to replace him. emergence of new type of leadership under However, he then said that choosing the authority of Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was such a Mahathir Mohammad to the peak of letdown. His criticisms were even harsher authority in the body of UMNO in 1981. He towards Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and it had leadership that was very resulted in problem that became harder to ‘nonaristocratic’ who studied local solve. Because there was no more point of education, anti-western and more political policy done by Abdullah, Mahathir acceptable than the previous leader who eventually announced his resignation from mixed Islam and politics in a background of UMNO on 19 May 2008, that signified his society with multiple ethnicities and demand for Abdullah to resign from his religion. In result, the government authority. dominated by UMNO accepted the Islam The peak of Nahathir’s challenge from Malay opposition disappointment towards Abdullah was challenged by Partai Islam se-Malaysia caused by many development projects of (PAS) by promoting islamization programs Mahathir which were cancelled by which in the same time slightly giving Abdullah. One of them is the construction warning to nonmuslims, and allowing of bridge that should be done in order to UMNO to place PAS ‘outside of Islam’

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 91 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI:

(Shaharuddin, 2008). Furthermore, the leader of UMNO did not The leaders of UMNO wanted to get believe that the forming of islamic country votes from important figures of Islam in Malaysia was something that can be which made UMNO created some policies achieved merely caused by desire only. to spread, increase, and bring up ‘The They were interested in creating a secular perfection of islam’. In order to achieve this country that is progressive and modern and goal, the authorities in UMNO distributed following the principle of parliamentary some budget to construct and repair democratic system. mosques and the smaller mosques, In order to realize this idealism, sponsoring Islamic conference and Malaysian political figures must be able to National level Quran recitation competition erase the aspect of political antagonism. as well as supporting Islamic education. Antagonism is the most necessary element UMNO also highlighted the importance of in politics. Because of the existence of islamic morality and struggled to convince antagonism, there should also be effort to its follower that regulating lottery, allowing erase it or at the very least should be bank interest of savings, or using the ‘zakat’ reduced in order to achieve social contribution of the farmers for economical integration (Dhakidae, 2003). For every investation, are not about being ‘non- democratic country , strengthening social islamic’. integration in the middle of plural citizen Even so, the special commitment of should be prioritized so that there will be UMNO for Islam was slightly limited. ease of realizing the planned political Constitutionally, islam firstly became the policy. prerogative right of each leader from each Mahathir’s policy in creating big state which was very wary in defending this scale islamic bureaucration infrastructure in authority. Those leaders are then guided by federal level and enlarging the strength of Islam Council which consists of the ulama National Council was needed for solving (islamic cleric). This is why, the top Islamic problems. He also Strengthened the authority of formal structure and custom law that regulated the organization administration of islamic affairs are in the and giving amendment to constitution in federal state level (D. bin Zakaria, personal 1983 to give federal government an communication, 20 November, 2019) absolute right to interpret the Quran, sharia which UMNO leader chose to leave it. law, and islamic teachings (so that they can

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 92 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: be responsible for deviant teachings and Steps chosen by Mahathir had incorrect interpretation which may charge repaired the mandate of UMNO as an them), and sponsored da’wah programs and Islamic political party and helped UMNO conference. Mahathir also claimed that in the election to place his rival PAS Malaysia had become an Islamic country, ‘outside of Islam’. However, it was not even though not in the form of a theocracy, clear whether the extensive islamization and UMNO started to depict itself as ‘the done that far would reduce the third biggest and the oldest Muslim determination of fundementalist groups to political party in the world’ (Khalid, 2007). changing the constitution which will allow Islamization process was also done. the law enforcement and islam It was proven with the establishment of administration federally or not. If UMNO some new institutions such as Malaysian felt that continuing islamization was an Islamic Bank, International Islamic obligation, this will bear issues. Inevitably, University, Pembangunan Islam Malaysia the rights of nonmuslim people will be Foundation and Islamic Teacher Training ignored if the islamic morality law was Academy. Moreover, the government applied (D. bin Zakaria, personal decided to increase the status of qadi communication, 19 November, 2019). (religious judge) and sharia court to be Mahathir Mohammad was a unique equal as magistrate and civil court. More Malaysian political figure which is full of symbolically, there were bans to import dynamics. When he became a Prime non-halal beef as well as bans for smoking Minister for his first period (1981 – 2003), in every governmental office, the he gave many progressions for the country introductions of Malay-arabic writings, that gave him the title the Father of reimplementation of supplementar food in Modernization. In politics, he was known public elementary schools which will be very clever and had vision for far future. stopped in fasting month even for non- That is why, he was admired and could last muslim students. The tendency of this for 20 years as a prime minister. However, islamization process showed that Islam is a along with his keep increasing age, the dynamic need and could be adapted for political communication of Mahathir was current era, and that decent and disciplined not as sharp as before. The second period of citizen could do modernization without Mahathir as a Prime Minister only lasted for sacrificing the value of Islam (Saad, 2003). 2 years (2018 – 2020). More tragically, he

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 93 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: was dethroned by Muhyiddin which was his UMNO as a party that he led at that time best friend in Partai Pribumi Bersatu made him known as a harsh and strict Malaysia (PPBM). political actor for his political opponents. The politicians he considered not in CONCLUSION accordance with his policies would be Discussion about political dismissed with many ways. Policial figures communication of Mahathir Mohammad in such as Datuk Musa Hitam, Anwar the political dynamics of Malaysia is Ibrahim, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and interesting and requires critical and Najib Razak were the friends as well as the objective research. As a senior political foe that he had ever gooten rid of. figure of Malaysia, Mahathir had Second, the success of Mahathir on significant influence in it. He had long his second period of becoming a Prime experience in politics starting from Minister of Malaysia (2018 – 2020) on his becoming the prime minister in his first late elderly age (92 years old) became a period (1981 – 2003) and his second period legitimate proof of his strong influence in (2018 – 2020). Many successes were the politics of Malaysia. Pilihan Raya achieved by Mahathir for developing Umum (PRU) in 2018 became an important Malaysia in many fields. His success historical record in the politics of Malaysia brought Malaysia to many developments because the coalition party led by Mahathir which gives him title as the Father of (Pakatan Harapan) managed to defeat Modernization of Malaysia. This is the UMNO which had led for 50 years. conclusion related to the political However, eventually he resigned because communication of in of his best friend’s betrayal (Muhyidin the political dynamics of Malaysia: First, as Yassin) who conspired with Najib Razak to a senior politician, Mahathir Mohammad subvert Pakatan Harapan in order to prevent was a communicator that is clever, Anwar Ibrahim from becoming the next asssertive and brave as well as having Prime Minister as what Mahathir had strong commitment to develop his nation. promised him. Having a chance to be the Prime Minister of Third, the political dynamics of Malaysia for 22 years (1981 – 2003) Malaysia had always given attention to allowed him to give many developments for Islamic group and Malay ethnic which were his country. Political communication of important parts to obtain the votes of the

Vol.14/No.1/ April 2021 - Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi 94 Mahathir Mohammad’s Political Communications In Political Dynamics In Malaysia Submitted: 10 September 2020, Accepted: 9 Maret 2021 Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi ISSN: 1979-2522 (print), ISSN:2549-0168 (online) DOI: supporters. Mahathir understood well about 1685 the way to obtain supports of Muslim and Daniel Dhakidae (penerjemah), Sosiologi Malay voters as the major voters in Politik, Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2003 Malaysia. Islamic issues were cleverly Dan Nimmo, Komunikasi Politik, shown by Mahathir by giving political Komunikator, Pesan dan Media, Bandung, PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2005 policies that could benefit Malaysians and Daulay, H., & Septiani T. H., E. (2020). Muslims. In Malaysia, Islam is identical Komunikasi dan Dakwah: Strategi Komunikasi dalam Penguatan with Malay and Malay is identical with Wawasan keislaman Remaja. Islam. This is the reason why the political Kalijaga Journal of Communication, 2(1), 17–32. figures of Malaysia must make political policy that is beneficial for Islam and 2020 Hasyim, N. M. (2017). Konstruksi citra Malay. maskulinitas calon presiden (Study Analisis Framing model Gamson dan Modigliani pada Pemberitaan REFERENCES Koran harian Kompas dan Jawa Pos

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