in support of a planning application for the

building operations associated with the change of use of the building and land within its curtilage from Light Industrial use (Class B1c) to 7 dwellinghouses (Class C3) pursuant to Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA

at Chapel Mill Farm Lenham Heath Kent ME17 2BJ

On behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Fairclough

Bloomfields is the trading name of Lambert & Foster (Bloomfields) Ltd (company no. 08278915) an owned subsidiary of Lambert & Foster Ltd a Limited Company registered in and Wales, No 10574225. Registered office 77 Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, Kent TN12 6DS.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 2 March 2020


1. Introduction ...... 4 2. Site context ...... 5 3. Proposal ...... 7 4. Relevant Policy ...... 9 5. Material Considerations ...... 11 6. Conclusion ...... 14 7 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………………15

Figure 1 Aerial image of the site

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 3 March 2020

1. Introduction

1.1. This statement is submitted in support of a planning application for the building operations associated with the change of use of an existing light industrial building into seven residential dwellings, which was recently approved under Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA at Chapel Mill Farm, Lenham Heath. A copy of this decision is attached as Appendix 1.

1.2. This applicant is seeking planning approval in respect of the operational development required in connection with the previously approved change of use of this building. The proposed building works would include alteration to the pitch of the roof (to a height according with that previously approved under reference 20/502506/FULL), for the insertion of windows and doors, and alterations to the external materials on the building.

1.3. This supporting statement provides a written description of the proposed development and is accompanied by drawings to show the application site and the proposed development.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 4 March 2020

2. Site context

2.1. The application building is rectangular in shape with mainly blockwork external walls and a pitched roof. There is an adjoining addition with timber clad walls and a corrugated roof sited on the southern elevation.

2.2. The building is located within the site known as Chapel Mill Farm, which comprises a cluster of buildings, including the Grade II listed farmhouse, Chapel Mill, around an area of hardstanding. The site is accessed from a private track which runs north from Lenham Heath Road. The application building is located 20m west of the private access track and 80m north of Lenham Heath Road.

2.3. The site is outside of the village envelope, to the south of Lenham Village, southeast of Sandway, and northwest of Lenham Heath.

Extract from site location plan showing the application building outlined in red (not to scale)

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 5 March 2020

Relevant planning history

2.4. Application reference 20/503164/PNPA granted Prior Approval for the change of use of the building from light industrial (B1) use to seven residential dwellings on the 14th September 2020. A copy of the decision notice is attached as Appendix 1.

2.5. Prior to that, planning application reference 20/502506/FULL granted planning permission for the raising of part of roof of the building on 6th August 2020. Application reference 20/501338/LDCEX granting a Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) as to the existing use of the building for light industrial purposes was certified on 2nd June 2020.

Planning history for the wider site

2.6. In respect of the wider site, planning application reference 17/504326/FULL granted planning permission for the conversion of the storage building into five residential units on 4th December 2017, following Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) application reference 16/506887/LDCEX certifying on 15th December 2016 the use of the building for storage. Planning application reference 19/500401/FULL followed, granting planning permission for the provision a new vehicular access from Lenham Heath Road to serve the 5 residential units.

2.7. On 13th May 2014, planning application reference MA/14/0286 was granted permitting the construction of a residential annex.

2.8. Planning application reference MA/03/0371 was granted permission on 6th June 2003 allowing the occupation of Chapel Mill Cottage as a single dwelling house.

Other relevant planning applications

2.9. Prior approval was granted for the chnge of use of a light industrial building to use as two dwellings at Unit 6 Little Pivington Farm Hubbards Hill Lenham Maidstone Kent ME17 2EJ (under reference 20/501689). A subsequent proposal for the building works required was approved under reference 20/504012/FULL.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 6 March 2020

2.10. Prior approval was granted for the change of use of another light industrial building to residential use at Fairbourne Inch Fairbourne Lane Maidstone Kent ME17 1LQ (under reference 20/502678). A subsequent proposal for the building works required was approved under reference 20/504533.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 7 March 2020

3. Proposal

3.1. This application seeks planning permission for operational development associated within the approved change of use of this light industrial building at Chapel Mill Farm to seven dwellinghouses, to include alterations to the pitch of the roof (no higher than previously approved), the insertion of windows and doors and changes to the external materials.

3.2. Whilst Prior Approval application 20/503164/PNPA granted approval for the change of use of the building under Class PA of the Town and Country (General Permitted Development) Order 2019 (as amended), it is acknowledged that any associated works relating to the conversion of the building would require a separate submission, along with the relevant details. This application therefore seeks planning consent for such necessary building operations.

3.3. The main building will accommodate six no. 1 bed residential units, with a seventh 1 bed unit and storage space located in the adjacent addition to the building’s southern elevation. Each residential unit will be accessed via the western elevation: the 6 no. units in the main building will have triple openings which are symmetrically spaced along the elevation. The seventh unit is to be accessed via a double opening door flanked by a floor to ceiling window. Each unit has a window on the eastern elevation, equally spaced along this elevation. The southernmost section of the building is retained as storage, served by a single small window on the western elevation; pedestrian door and 2 small windows on the eastern elevation; and a further pedestrian door and double opening on the southern elevation. There are no openings on the northern elevation. The intention is to create a balanced appearance to the building while serving each residential unit with ample natural light and the storage area with sufficient access.

3.4. The windows and doors are to be finished with a grey frame.

3.5. The existing building is finished with painted block external walls and a corrugated roof. This application seeks to replace the external finish with vertical Yorkshire boarding, along with a fibre cement slate tiled roof. This will be more in keeping with the rural setting, matches the units previously approved at the site under application reference 17/504326/FULL, and reflects the building’s history as originally an agricultural building and latterly a rural, light industrial unit.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 8 March 2020

3.6. The location of the proposed windows and doors and proposed materials are fully detailed on drawing number 1461 P002, an extract of which is provided overleaf.

Extract from drawing number 1461 P002

4. Relevant policy

4.1. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that “a determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise”.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 9 March 2020

4.2. For the purpose of this planning application, the Development Plan comprises the Maidstone Local Plan, which was adopted in October 2017,

4.3. In addition to the development plan the Government published the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in April 2019.

4.4. This section of the statement highlights the relevant policies within the Council’s development plan in respect of this application.

4.5. With the principle of the change of use having already been established via Prior Approval decision reference 20/503164/PNPA, the only matter for consideration within this application is the operational development being proposed.

4.6. On this basis, the relevant local policies are considered to be:

 Strategic policy SP17 which is relevant to development within the countryside and advises that development will not be permitted if it results in harm to the character and appearance of the area.

 Policy DM1, which is the general design policy and seeks to create designs and layouts that are accessible to all and enhance the local, natural or historic character of the area. This policy also seeks to respect the amenities of occupiers of neighbouring properties and uses, providing adequate residential amenities for future occupiers.

 Policy DM30 seeks to achieve a high quality design in all development in the countryside. It emphasises the need for type, siting, materials and design to maintain or enhance local distinctiveness, including landscape features. Policy DM30 also requires that the impact of development on the appearance and character of the landscape is appropriately mitigated.

 Policy SS1 identifies the importance of retaining the quality and character of the countryside outside of settlements, whilst at the same time allowing for opportunities for sustainable development. The individual character of settlements should not be compromised by development that results in unacceptable coalescence.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 10 March 2020

4.7. Having given due consideration to these policies, it is submitted that the proposed external alterations, in the form of the changes to the positioning and form of the windows and doors, and replacement external materials would result in significant visual benefits to the area.

4.8. Furthermore, the additional openings would result in a high-quality living environment for future residents, without resulting in any overlooking or loss of privacy to neighbouring properties.

4.9. It is therefore considered that the proposals will comply with the requirements of these local policies and would not conflict with any National planning requirements.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 11 March 2020

5. Other material planning considerations

5.1. In was evident in Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA that matters of transport and highways impacts of the development, contamination risks and flood risks on site were not of concern to the Local Planning Authority. Therefore, it is not considered that these matters require further consideration within this application.

5.2. Similarly, the Council did not consider the subject building as important for providing industrial services or storage or distribution services or a mix of those services (which includes, where the development relates to part of a building, services provided from any other part of the building), whether the introduction of, or an increase in, a residential use of premises in the area would have an adverse impact on the sustainability of the provision of those services. Again, we would not therefore consider this a matter of contention in this case given the past acceptance of this point, as detailed below.


5.3. As noted within the Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA, the application site benefits from an existing access and there are no changes proposed to this as part of the application.

5.4. There is also sufficient space to the front of the properties to enable parking for residents. It was therefore concluded by the Planning Officer that there would not be a detrimental impact on highway safety.

5.5. This application is seeking consent for the building operations associated with the permitted change of use and does not present any changes to the access. It is therefore not considered that the building operations will have a detrimental impact on the access or highways safety, as previously determined.


5.6. The Government website clarifies that ‘contaminated land’ is used in general terms to describe land polluted by heavy metals, oils and tars, chemical substances, gases, asbestos or radioactive substances. It also clarifies that the legal definition of contaminated land includes substances that could cause significant harm to people or protected species, and/or significant pollution of surface waters or groundwater.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 12 March 2020

5.7. Paragraph 003 of the ‘land affected by contamination’ section of the National Planning Policy Guidance identifies that Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 provides a risk based approach to the identification and remediation of land where contamination poses an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Paragraph 004 says contamination is more likely to arise in former industrial areas but cannot be ruled out in other locations including in the countryside.

5.8. In this instance the area is not considered to be affected by potentially hazardous substances, such as radon, methane or elevated concentrations of metallic elements. The LPA shared this view in their determination of Prior Approval application 20/503164/PNPA.

5.9. This application is purely seeking consent for the building operations associated with the permitted change of use. As such it is not considered that the proposed building operations will cause significant harm to people or protected species, and/or significant pollution of surface waters or groundwater.


5.10. Paragraph 100 of the National Planning Policy Framework advises that inappropriate development in areas at risk from flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at high risk.

Extract from Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 13 March 2020

5.11. As shown on the Environment Agency map extract above, the application site is located within Flood Zone 1. There are also no records of the site having a critical drainage problem.

5.12. In was evident in Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA that there were no concerns raised by the Local Planning Authority in respect of flood risk on the site, and it is not considered that the proposed building operations will result in any issues of flood risk, as previously determined.

KCC Minerals Safeguarding Area

5.13. The application site is within KCC Minerals Safeguarding Areas, which as Policy CSM5 of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (adopted 2020) states are intended to protect economic mineral resources from being unnecessarily sterilised by other development.

5.14. Policy DM7 of the same KCC Local Plan states that planning permission will only be granted for non-mineral development that is otherwise incompatible with minerals safeguarding under specific circumstances. One such exception is where the development proposed is exempt from mineral safeguarding policy; the change of use of buildings is such an exception.

5.15. This application solely seeks approval in respect of the operational development required to implement the change of use of an existing light industrial building into seven residential dwellings, already approved under Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA

5.16. It is considered that this application is relation to the change of use of an existing building so is exempt from the mineral safeguarding policy.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 14 March 2020

6. Heritage Statement

6.1. The application site sits within Chapel Mill Farm, which includes the Grade II listed farmhouse, Chapel Mill. The nearest Listed Buildings are Chapel Mill and Royton Manor. As shown by the extract from Historic England (Figure 2), the application building is located more than 40 metres away from Royton Manor. It is noted that there is intervening boundary planting, trees, residential curtilage and swimming pool between the application building and this heritage asset.

6.2. The application building is located approximately 12m from Chapel Mill. Whilst significantly closer than that of Royton Manor, there is an access road between the building and Chapel Mill heritage asset. As such, it is not considered to be within the residential curtilage of this listed building.

6.3. Reference is made to MBC’s Conservation Officer’s comments in relation to the previously approved application for the change of use of this building;

“In regards to this, In my view the farm building should not be considered as within the curtilage of the listed building. There are the factors of physical separation and age of the building (post 1960) and also that the farm house is principally a dwelling while the outbuilding is concerned with agriculture. This would seem to place it in the category 2.1 from the Historic England Guidance note 10 (Listed Buildings and Curtilage) – extract attached – and therefore not within curtilage”.

6.4. Reference is also made to the Officer’s comments in relation to the question as to whether the previous application relating to the change of use of the other building on site (under reference 17/500653/PNP) fell within the curtilage of the listed building, which read;

“Based on its age and appearance the building would not constitute a Listed Building even if it was considered to fall with the curtilage of Chapel Farm, a Grade II LB sited just under 30 metres to the south east.

6.5. Turning to whether the building can be considered to fall within the curtilage of the LB, the 1980 historic map of the site shows the LB separated from the land on which the building the subject of this application is situated by a watercourse running in a north easterly direction and serving the mill pond a short distance to the north.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 15 March 2020

6.6. It is considered the presence of the watercourse acts to restrict what could be considered the original curtilage of the LB to an area to the east and south of the LB. As the building the subject of this application falls outside this area, it can be reasonably considered it does not fall on land forming part of the curtilage of the LB. It should be noted that the watercourse and mill pond no longer exist”.

6.7. Policy SP18 of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Adopted October 2017 seeks to protect the Historic Environment stating that the characteristics, distinctiveness, diversity and quality of heritage assets should also be enhanced. Amongst other measures, this should be achieved by the sensitive management and design of development which impacts on heritage assets and their settings.

6.8. Policy DM4 of the same Local Plan expects new development affecting a heritage asset to include measures which conserve and enhance the significance of the asset and its setting.

6.9. This application seeks only to alter the external appearance of an existing and established building. The proposed external finish will bring the building more in keeping with the rural setting, and its agricultural heritage enhancing the neighbouring farmhouse and wider holding.

6.10. The works associated with the development will take account of the setting, to minimise disruption to both the farmhouse and the other residential units already onsite, already aided by the distance between the farmhouse, the other residential units and the application site.

6.11. It should be noted that the proposed alterations to the roof of the building are within the envelope of the alterations for the raising of the roof that were previously approved by the council under reference 20/502/506. To this end it is relevant to note the comments of the Planning Officer in relation to that previously approved application, which were as follows;

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 16 March 2020

“The proposed alterations to the building are considered to be modest and of an appropriate appearance in the context of the site and the wider countryside, and the building would not appear dominant or incongruous from any public vantage point. It is therefore considered that the proposal would not cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area; and it would not have an unacceptable impact upon the setting or the significance of any listed building”.

6.12. As such, it is respectfully submitted that the proposal would not have any material impact upon any heritage assets, and so should be considered acceptable in accordance with Policies SP18 and DM4 of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Adopted October 2017.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 17 March 2020

7. Conclusion

7.1. As detailed within this Statement, the change of use of the application building from a light industrial unit to seven dwellinghouses has been approved under Prior Approval reference 20/503164/PNPA. This application seeks planning permission for building operations associated with this approved change of use. Therefore, the principle matter for consideration is the impact of these proposed changes on the application building, wider area and neighbouring properties residential amenities, and heritage impact.

7.2. Whilst the application building is not readily visible from public vantage points, the size of the windows and doors and their finish, along with the proposed external materials are considered to be respectful of the local character of the area and sympathetic to local design. It is therefore submitted that the proposed external changes would result in enhancements to the visual amenity of the immediate area and wider countryside.

7.3. The proposed windows and doors would not have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the nearest neighbouring residences, due to the separation distance and location of these proposed openings.

7.4. As detailed within Prior Approval 20/503164/PNPA for the change of use of the building to seven dwellings there would not be any adverse impacts on transport and highways surrounding the change of use of the building, and there are no relevant considerations in respect of contamination.

7.5. The building is also not located within an area which is important for providing industrial services or storage or distribution services or a mix of these services. The site has minimal likelihood of flooding from both surface and groundwater sources as also addressed within previous applications at the site. The proposed building operations under consideration within this application would not present any changes to this assessment.

7.6. While the site is located within a KCC Minerals Safeguarding Area, the development proposed is exempt from the mineral safeguarding policy.

7.7. The building is within the vicinity of a Grade II listed farmhouse, but the development proposed will is not within the curtilage of listed buildings. The works would be consistent with those previously approved and would enhance the setting of this heritage asset.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 18 March 2020

7.8. We would therefore respectfully ask that the Local Planning Authority approves this application.

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 19 March 2020

8. Appendix

1 Prior Approval decision notice reference 20/503164/PNPA

Supporting Planning Statement BLOOMFIELDS | REF 06.010.2511 20 March 2020