Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-04-23
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~ , made to al owan p to date S,rving Til. Stm Unloersit~ of IOWG and til. Peopls of Iowa Cit~ and sup- r eacb £ilaLLshea ID 11108 t'lve CeDts a Copy Assoclaled i'ress Leasea Wlrp aoCl Wlre~bOlt7 UOlLed i'res Internahon il ceased Wll't' Iowa City, Iowa, ThurSday, April 23, 1959 nd mim. flor the I p' f teach. en used tUe said, I r:trial and • • enate I 5 eapportlonment · - . 5 d M - h Heated Debate ass Prison Rioting prea s ·T 0 . assac usetts Ends In Death en Up Herter, For Proposals Planned Protest Senate Adds More Rights Possible Revision Seen Hours IBest Man l At 1960 Convention To Kennedy1s Labor Bill DES MorNES ttl - The Iowa To Regents Tabled Sentlte rejected two reapportion· WASHINGTO IA'I - The Senate 1 ing Senate GOP leader Everett 4. FREEDOM from arbitrary I ment proposals Wednesday and By NIKKI PETERSON Affairs as the only unfilled com Takes Over Wednesday night adopted a seven- 1. Dirk en of lIlinoi . joined with financial exactions so dues and dumped the controversial Issue SfD'e Troopers Save As.I.t.nt City Editor mission post. WASHINGTON ttl _ Christian point bill ~f right~ for ~a~r union 15 Democrats, 010 I of then: ~uth- in~lialion fee ~o~ld not be charged back Into the lops of the House. ~ ~ Hostages Held Pat Smith, A2. Elmhurst. 1ll., A, Herter took over formally ' rank and filers ..wlth crllnl~al ~n· erners, to give McClellan hlS light- I Without a majority vote of memo . The Student Council tabled a and Dave Killinger, A4, SI- Peters· Wednesday as Secretary of State. alUes r~r any uOion leader violatlllg Queeze victory. bcrs in a secret ballot or a major· The Senate actIOn came after a CONCORD, Mass, ttl - Sixty. motion Wednesday night which burg. Fla .. will represent the Pan· . h I those fights. Forty·four Democrats, including ity V?t or del gates <It a regular daylong, and often bitter, debate three 'inmates staged a revolt called for the Council's formal hellenic and Interfraternity Coun· Pr .sldent Elsen ower to d Hert~r On a 47-46 roll call vote, It wrote Senate Democratic leader Lyndon meelln"IJ. in which much of the criticism of in Concord State Reformatory objection to the Iowa Board of cils on the Student Traffic Courl. he I the best Qualified man aVail· Into th Kennedy labor bill a serie B. John on of T xas. voted with S. PROTECTION of the right the Republican.sponsored meas. Wedlltsday night, seizing 16 hos Regents for its planned correlative Don Lindholm, AS, Burlington, Bbl~ to direct the nation' foreign or such guarantees plmsored by Kennedy _The other two "no" \'otes to ue , study of automotive ownership and former ju lice or the court, was Policy I ure was given by GOP senators. tiles. but a tear gas assault by scholastic achievement. Sen . John L , McClellan ID-Ark.l. came from Republican ,Senator 6. SAFEGUARDS against im. state troopers broke it up within made a lemporary appointee on Eisenhower publicly pledeed hi McClellan contended the Kenne· JlI:c~b K. Javlts of ew' ark and proper di ciplinary aclion. The Senate first turned down an five hours. The Council will dela y action for the court for fWo weeks. Two full support as the Carmer Ma a· dy anti-corporation bill "docs not Wilham Lan. ger of North Dakota, 7. INSPECTION of member h'lp amendment oCfered by Sen. David two weeks on the proposal by Dick court members, representing the chu etts governor was sworn into adequately meet Ihl.' needs of un· 1 CI II d I Id I O. Shaff <R-Clintonl. The vote ~ mutineers were holed up in Runke. L2, Palos Heights, 111 .• married students and Town Men, office at the White Rouse succeed. ion members for thl.' protection of c e an omen men wou lists so any candJdate for union • prI$On building with their hos· which objected to the use of such a are expected to be appointed by ing John Fo ter Dulles. Dulle , se· their rights" from the sort oC extend to union member these officc or his agent could obtain was 27·23, with 16 Democralll join 14 !qes Jncluding guards and two study to reach a decision on car that time. riou Iy ill with cancer, re Ignt-d, abuses poUighted by McClellan' gU<lrantees: Isuch llst . ing 11 Republicans in deCeatine civilian employees. ownership at SUI. Student Council President Judy last week. Icommittee , the S note Labor· lan- 1. EQUAL VOTING rights and I Any oCfic r of a union who de- the amendment. Theft were no reports of inju· Runke pointed out · Ihat. at the Clark, A3, Cedar Falls, said ap. Vice President Richard M. Nix· agem nt Committee. equal protection of a union's rules, nit'd a membf.'r th('S(' ri ghts would Then the House·passed Slanley riel eJther among the hostages or moment, the objection is his alone, plications for the two positions may on, congressional leaders, virtual· In r.butt.l, S.n. John F. Ken· 1. FREEDOM of speech a a be ubjc.>ct to up to two years In plan, so named for Rep. David M. tile rebels. since the Council has taken nO be made at the Student Council of ly the entire Eisenhower Cabinet, McIy (D·M.".) 'r9u.d th.t ,t.t. union member could express his prison and a 10 ,000 fine . The Stanley <R·Muscalinel, was reo • The treope", moved In.. the action. He said the study has no fice. and Herter's family, witnc.>gsed the I.WI, the T.ft.Hartly labor man· views without pc.>naity _ ISecretary of Labor also could en. jected 35-15. ~' Itreftlhold unclor co"er thing to do with the controversial An amendment was passed which brief ceremony a he took over a ,".m.nt .ct, .nd pl"O"ilionl of 3. FREEDOM of assembly , force the rights by injunction . The ShiH Im.ndm.nt w••• t- If 0 19M ,.. barT"O within parking problem. calls for the election of the Stu· the 54th U.S. Seerelary of State_ hi. bill offer full protection to - - _. ----- tached to tf\e St.nl.y pl.n, wfllch twe ...... ., tho uprlsl.,.. Four appointments were also dent Body Vice President at the An applauding throng of some the ri,hts of union member.. w.. • compromise pl"Opowl for Tear 'gas fired through win· made at the meeting, Bob Downer, first regular meeting or the Coun 600 State Department employes Thirty-two Republicans, inc1ud· Regent For 21 Years, a re.pportlonmentbill introduc.d ...., of one wing drove the be A2, Newton, was named Commls· cil after each spring campus elec· greeted their n w cheU afterward. by Sen. W. C Stvlrt (R.Ch.rlton) sloner or External A[fairs, and tion. There was a disputed delay and p ••Nd recently by ttl, S,n- Ilepa prisoners with their has· Herter, who once was a junior taaes 10 the other wing. Richard Bagenstos, A2 , Holstein , in the elections this year becau e was appointed Commissioner of one of the Council representatives foreign service officer, promi ed ShafC-Stanley plan would The $lIte Police and guards cut they would all work together to Weather Plock Dies In Burlington a;~e lbelr way into the first wing with Student Government. This Jeaves had not been selected by the fi rst have provided for a so-member the Commissioner of Academic meeting of the new council. strive to keep the United States BURLINGTON (.4'l - Richard I s('rving as a regent. acetylene torches which burned and the world at peace. SlInate, based all population, and throuab steel doors. II. Plock, SO, <I member of the lie wa a member of the firm a 99-member House, apportioned At the While House, the 64-year. Forecast Stale Board of Rl:'genlS for 21 of Pryon, Hal , Plock, Riley and according to area or, one repre· When the prisoners fled across old New Englander. standing with· years, died of a heart attack Jon s. Plock was graduated Cram 10 !be other wing, police and Even A ·Hermit Harassed; sentative per county. out the crutches he (requently Wednesday afternoon, Harvard Law School aft r earning The Stanley bill as passed by ,uards followed and burned their uses beclluse of arthritis. told Ei· war inlo that section. He was trick n in his law 0(- a bachelor's degree from Amherst the House called for a Senate of s nhower he deeply appreciated rice here and died at a hospital a College. He was a nativ£' of Bur· 70 members, based on populatlon, !Tbe Inmate~ and their hostages Denies He/s The ~ost Kin I the President's trust in picking Fair short tim later. lington and at ten de d public and B House of 99, selected by ~ fitd to the second and third him Cor the job. Plock, who erved under four schools here. area, The original Stuart plan had IIeors of the wing. WOLF LAKE, Ill. (A'I - Dewey Mrs. Gionfriddo's husband, her Wormer Walker, a happy hermit, went mother and two brothers also read "You know you have that" EI· iovernors on the state board, rt'- Plock's fir. t appointment to the the Senate based on area with 53 ~ StIlte Pollce spokesman said back to planting sweet po<aLoes the story and agreed the hermit senhower replied. foIigh i&l~ last J , 1;;. ijl.li pI' IIt.BoaJ'd of !It'llt_HI n known ~ nlell,lb:ers and the 1;fo,!se 8Wr· ' tba~ • 'le8de'r, w!)om he' identifieQ Wednesday, unruffled by the claim was their kin.