2012 Kaiser Permanente-Authored Publications Alphabetical by Author
2012 Kaiser Permanente-Authored Publications Alphabetical by Author 1. Aaronson DS, Odisho AY, Hills N, Cress R, Carroll PR, Dudley RA, Cooperberg MR Proton beam therapy and treatment for localized prostate cancer: if you build it, they will come Arch Intern Med. 2012 Feb 13;172(3):280-3. Northern California 22332166 KP author(s): Aaronson, David S 2. Abbas MA, Cannom RR, Chiu VY, Burchette RJ, Radner GW, Haigh PI, Etzioni DA Triage of patients with acute diverticulitis: are some inpatients candidates for outpatient treatment? Colorectal Dis. 2012 Oct 12. Southern California 23061533 KP author(s): Abbas, Maher A; Chiu, Vicki Y; Burchette, Raoul J; Radner, Gary W; Haigh, Philip I 3. Abbas MA, Tam MS, Chun LJ Radiofrequency Treatment for Fecal Incontinence: Is It Effective Long-term? Dis Colon Rectum. 2012 May;55(5):605-10. Southern California 22513440 KP author(s): Abbas, Maher A; Tam, Michael S; Chun, Linda J 4. Abdulla FR, Sarpa H, Cassarino D The expression of ALK in mycosis fungoides, stage IA J Cutan Pathol. 2012 Dec 4. Southern California 23205942 KP author(s): Abdulla, Farah R; Sarpa, Hege G; Cassarino, David S 5. Abraham AG, Strickler HD, Jing Y, Gange SJ, Sterling TR, Silverberg M, Saag M, Rourke S, Rachlis A, Napravnik S, Moore RD, Klein M, Kitahata M, Kirk G, Hogg R, Hessol NA, Goedert JJ, Gill MJ, Gebo K, Eron JJ, Engels EA, Dubrow R, Crane HM, Brooks JT, Bosch R, D'Souza G, for the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA Invasive cervical cancer risk among HIV-infected women: A North American multi-cohort collaboration prospective study J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
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