Nieuport Ni-17 8051

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Nieuport Ni-17 8051 Nieuport Ni-17 8051 FRENCH WWI FIGHTER d r 1:48 SCALE PLASTIC KIT a u d e INTRO... The Niuport 11 fighter, which, at the beginning of 1916 along with the British DH 2, countered the onslought of German Fokker monoplanes, was powered by a 9 cylinder rotary Le Rhone 9c engine rated at 80hp/59kW. Even as a small aircraft, the Nieuport was underpowered, and so the switch was made to the Le Rhone 9J, rated at 110hp/81kW. This was the development known as the Nieuport 16, and the airframe itself was little changed from its predecessor. The result was a machine with degraded performance, mainly due to a heavier nose end, and for that reason the type was considered interim. Chief designer at Nieuport, Gustav Delage, succumbed to the necessity of completely redesigning the aircraft. The new design inherited the concept of the sesquiplane (1 1/2 Strutter), but was strengthened, especially where the lower wing was concerned, since this component had a tendency to failure during certain harsher maneuvers. Wingspan was increased, and the wing area rose by 1.45sq. m. The engine cowl was redesigned, and the interface to the fuselage was streamlined. The new type, designated Nieuport 17, was armed with two Vickers machine guns, located, thanks to an Alkan synchronization system, in front of the pilot, firing through the propeller arc. In some instances, particularly on machines destined for the British RFC, these guns were replaced by a Lewis machine gun mounted on the center section of the top wing.Nieuport 17s also flew with combinations of the weapons, and could be armed with eight wing mounted rockets by Le Prieur. Some aircraft replaced the Le Rhone 9J with a Le Rhone 9Jb rated at 120hp/88kW or the Clerget 9B, at 130hp/96kW. Some aircraft were equipped with a non turning prop hub dubbed the Ocone de penetration1 and others had the center section of the top wing covered with celluloid for better pilot visibility. The Nieuport 17 began to be issued to the units of Aviation Militaire from May, 1916. Eventually, all French fighter squadrons would be equipped with the type, including those of American volunteers, the famous Escadrille Lafayette. From June, they were also utilized by units of the RFC, and they flew in Belgium, Holland, Italy, Russia and Finland. License manufacture was undertaken in Great Britain, Italy (Macchi-Nieuport) and in Russia (Dux). In 1917, 75 aircraft found their way into the American Expeditionary Force as training aircraft. Most French aces, including Charles Nungesser and Georges Guynemer, gained victories flying the Nieuport 17, and other pilots within the allied ranks did as well, such as Albert Ball, William Bishop and Francesco Baracca. Stíhací Nieuporty 11, které zaè?tkem roku 1916 spoleènì s britskými DH 2 zastavily nápor nìmeckých jednoplošníkù Fokker, byly pohánìny rotaèními devítiválci Le Rhone 9c o výkonu 80k/59kW. I když byl Nieuport malý letoun, výkon motoru byl nedostateèný, proto byl pozdìji použit motor Le Rhone 9J o 110k/81kW. Vznikl tak typ Nieuport 16, pøièemž pùvodní drak jedenáctky byl jen mírnì zesílen. Výsledkem bylo zhoršení letových vlastností, zejména kvùli tìžší pøídi, proto byl typ považován pouze za pøechodný. Šéfkonstruktér Nieuportu Gustave Delage pøistoupil k zásadní pøestavbì celé konstrukce. Ta si zachovala koncepci sesquiplanu (jedenapùlplošníku), ale byla celkovì zesílena, zejména u spodního køídla, které mìlo pøi prudších manévrech nebo letu støemhlav tendenci se bortit. Rozpìtí køídel bylo zvìtšeno, nosná plocha vzrostla o 1,45 m2. Podkovovitý kryt motoru byl nahrazen uzavøeným válcovým krytem z hliníku, plynulý byl i pøechod jeho tvaru do trupu. Nový typ, oznaèený Nieuport 17, byl vyzbrojen kulometem Vickers, umístìným díky synchronizaci systémem Alkan na trupu pøed pilotem, nìkdy, zejména u strojù dodávaných britským RFC, nahrazeným kulometem Lewis na lafetì Foster na centroplánu horního køídla. Sedmnáctky létaly i s kombinací obou zbraní a mohly také nosit na mezikøídelních vzpìrách 8 raket Le Prieur. Kromì motorù Le Rhone 9J byly používány i motory Le Rhone 9Jb o 120k/88kW nebo Clerget 9B o 130k/96kW. Nìkteré stroje byly vybaveny neotoèným kuželem upevnìným pøed vrtulí, nazývaným "cone de pénétration", jiné mìly centroplán horního køídla potažený celuloidem pro zlepšení pilotova výhledu. Nieuporty 17 byly dodávány k jednotkám Aviation Militaire od kvìtna 1916. Postupnì jimi byly vyzbrojeny všechny francouzské stíhací escadrilly vèetnì jednotky amerických dobrovolníkù, slavné " Escadrille Lafayette". Od èervence je používaly i jednotky Royal Flying Corps, letaly i v Belgii, Nizozemsku, Itálii, Rusku a Finsku. Licenèní výroba probíhala ve Velké Británii, Itálii (Macchi -Nieuport) a Rusku (Dux). Ještì v záøí 1917 bylo 75 strojù pøeveleno k americkému expediènímu sboru jako cvièné. Na Nieuportech 17 získávala vítìzství vìtšina francouzských stíhacích es vèetnì Charlese Nungessera a Georgese Guynemera i další spojeneètí piloti, napøíklad Albert Ball, William Bishop nebo Francesco Baracca. Ni-17, N1887, Stg. Edward Hinkle, Esc. N124 Lafayette, Western front, Spring 1917 ATTENTION UPOZORNÌNÍ ACHTUNG ATTENTION Carefully read instruction sheet before assembling. When you use glue or paint, do not use near open flame and use in well ventilated room. Keep out of reach of small children. Children must not be allowed to suck any part, or pull vinyl bag over the head. Pred zapocetím stavby si peclive prostudujte stavební návod. Pri používání barev a lepidel pracujte v dobre vetrané místnosti. Lepidla ani barvy nepoužívejte v blízkosti otevreného ohne. Model není urcen malým detem, mohlo by dojít k požití drobných dílu. Iire soigneusement la fiche d´instructions avant d´assembler. Ne pas utiliser de colle ou de peinture a` p roximité d´une flamme nue, et aérer la piece de temps en temps. Garder hors de portée des enfants en bas âge. Ne pas laisser les enfants mettre en bouche ou sucer les pie` ces, o u p asser u n s achet v inyl s ur l a t ete. Von dem Zusammensetzen die Bauanleitung gut durchlesen. Kleber und Farbe nicht nahe von offenem Feuer verwenden und das Fenster von Zeit zu Zeit Belüftung öffnen. Bausatz von kleinen Kindern fernhalten. Verhüten Sie, daß Kinder irgendwelche Bauteile in den Mund nehmen oder Plastiktüten über den Kopf ziehen. INSTRUCTION SIGNS INSTR. SYMBOLY INSTRUKTION SINNBILDEN SYMBOLES OPTIONAL BEND OPEN HOLE SYMETRICAL ASSEMBLY NOTCH REMOVE APPLY EDUARD MASK VOLBA OHNOUT VYVRTAT OTVOR SYMETRICKÁ MONTÁŽ ZÁØEZ ODØÍZNOUT AND PAINT FACULTATIF PLIER SIL VOUS PLAIT FAIRE UN TROU MONTAGE SYMÉTRIQUE L INCISION RETIRER POUŽÍT EDUARD MASK NACH BELIEBEN BITTE BIEGEN OFFNEN SYMMETRISCHE AUFBAU DER EINSCHNITT ENTFERNEN NABARVIT PARTS DÍLY TEILE PIECES PLASTIC PARTS A> 26 24 C> 27 1 29 25 11 28 23 22 15 18 19 10 9 8 16 17 20 PE - PHOTO ETCHED DETAIL PARTS 1 21 2 4 5 13 6 14 3 7 12 24 B> 23 25 21 12 22 6 20 1 13 14 eduard 19 18 16 3 7 8 15 9 10 17 4 5 2 11 COLOURS BARVY FARBEN PEINTURE GSi Creos (GUNZE) AQUEOUS Mr.COLOR AQUEOUS Mr.COLOR H 6 6 GREEN H 53 413 NEUTRAL GRAY H 8 8 ALUMINIUM H 85 45 SAIL COLOUR H 12 33 FLAT BLACK H 309 309 GREEN H 13 3 RED Mr.METAL COLOR H 37 43 WOOD BROWN MC214 DARK IRON H 47 41 MC218 2 RED BROWN ALUMINIUM PE9 PE8 B7 A2 H 37 C43 WOOD BROWN MC218 ALUMINIUM MC218 ALUMINIUM H 37 C43 WOOD BROWN A6 H 85 C45 SAIL COLOR PE4 PE10 H 12 C33 A8 FLAT BLACK 3 MC218 ALUMINIUM PE18 MC218 A7 ALUMINIUM PE5 A5 MC218 H 12 ALUMINIUM C33 FLAT BLACK PE22 MC218 ALUMINIUM H 37 C43 WOOD BROWN MC218 ALUMINIUM H 37 C43 A3 WOOD BROWN A26 MC218 A25 ALUMINIUM MC218 ALUMINIUM A1 H 37 C43 WOOD BROWN H 85 C45 SAIL COLOR A9 MC218 ALUMINIUM A1 PE13 A2 B3 3 MARKING A ; B ; C ; E ; F MARKING D PE28 B5 PE17 PE28 PE17 PE17 B13 MC218 ALUMINIUM B9 B10 MC218 B5, B10 ALUMINIUM PE17 PE28 B5, B9 B14 PE28 PE28 PE7 C1 PE1 PE28 H 47 B2 C41 MC214 PE1 RED BROWN DARK IRON B2 MC218 ALUMINIUM B11 A24 H 37 A C43 MARKING ONLY WOOD BROWN A11 - MARKING A A29 A12 - MARKING B ; C ; D ; E ; F PE21 A11 B12 MARKING A ; B ; E ONLY MC218 A11 ALUMINIUM PE23 A28 MC214 DARK IRON H 37 C43 MC214 WOOD BROWN DARK IRON A24 MC218 PE27 ALUMINIUM PE6 MC214 DARK IRON PE30 A12 A14 A21 A22 MC218 MARKING F ONLY A28 ALUMINIUM MC218 ALUMINIUM MC214 PE30 DARK IRON PE6 A13 4 H 53 C13 NEUTRAL GRAY A17 H 37 B18 C43 A18 WOOD BROWN PE11 B19 H 53 B16 C13 NEUTRAL GRAY B15 B17 PE12 H 53 C13 NEUTRAL GRAY B20 B1 H 53 A11 B12 A16 (A15) C13 NEUTRAL GRAY A15 A16 H 53 C13 NEUTRAL GRAY A19 A20 H 53 C13 NEUTRAL GRAY A20 (A19) A14 MARKING C ; D ONLY B12 A22 B22 H 12 C33 FLAT BLACK A21 5 MARKING A MARKING B ; F MARKING C ; D PE34 PE31 H 47 C41 RED BROWN B21 PE15 PE32 PE16 B21 MC214 DARK IRON PE24 PE33 PE19 MC214 A11, A29 MC214 DARK IRON DARK IRON H 37 C43 MC214 B21 WOOD BROWN PE14 PE16 DARK IRON PE24 MC214 PE3 DARK IRON PE26 MARKING E PE2 B12 B12 B12 B25 B25 B25 PE25 PE25 MC214 MC214 DARK IRON DARK IRON 6 A Ni-17, N1887, Stg. Edward Hinkle, Esc. N124 Lafayette, Western Front, Spring 1917 This Nieuport enjoyed a relatively long service career with the American unit flying within the French air force. It was taken on charge with Escadrille Lafayette in November, 1916. First, it was flown by Willis Haviland, and, in the following spring, by Edward Hinkle.
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  • City Research Online
    City Research Online City, University of London Institutional Repository Citation: Aversa, P. ORCID: 0000-0003-3175-9477, Schreiter, K. and Guerrini, F. (2021). The birth of a business icon through cultural branding: Ferrari and the Prancing Horse, 1923 - 1947. Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history, pp. 1-31. doi: 10.1017/eso.2021.22 This is the accepted version of the paper. This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Permanent repository link: Link to published version: Copyright: City Research Online aims to make research outputs of City, University of London available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the author(s) and/or copyright holders. URLs from City Research Online may be freely distributed and linked to. Reuse: Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge. Provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. City Research Online: [email protected] 1 The birth of a business icon through cultural branding: Ferrari and the Prancing Horse, 1923 - 1947 Paolo Aversa* Cass Business School, City, University of London Katrin Schreiter King’s College London Filippo Guerrini Cass Business School, City, University of London *Corresponding author: [email protected] [Forthcoming in Enterprise and Society] ABSTRACT This article examines the origin of the ‘Prancing Horse’ symbol, and its role in helping the racing team Ferrari survive under the Fascist regime in Italy.
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