Dependable Technologies Critical Energy For Critical Systems Rui Avelãs Nunes Business Development Manager Energy & Utilities

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. Agenda Can you 1. Critical Software rely on your 2. Solutions for Energy & Utilities Software? 3. Case Studies 4. Next Steps

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 2 Critical Software, the “mothership”

• Spin-off of the University of , July 1998 – Dependable Technologies for Critical Systems

• Software engineering company Coimbra, – Mission: to support mission and business critical solutions Can you • Development of dual use technology: aimed at military and civil markets rely on your – Manufacturing, Energy, Telecom, Finance Software? and Government Lisboa, Portugal – Aeronautics, Space, Defence and Transports • 3 Engineering Centers in Portugal – Coimbra, , , – Over 330 engineers

– More than 30 fully allocated to R&D Porto, Portugal

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 3 The Group Critical

• Global Vision Southampton, UK

• Subsidiaries in the US, UK, Romania, Brazil, Mozambique San Jose, CA, USA Can you • Representatives in many different parts of rely on your the world: Software? – South Africa, Angola,China, India, ... Bucharest, Romania

• Exports: ~70% of total turnover in 2008

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Regensburg, Germany

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 4 The Group Critical

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 5 The Group Critical

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 6 Financial figures

• High-growth profile (organic) – 19 M€ in 2008 • Good capacity to generate wealth – EBITDA: between 10% and 22% from year one – Re-investment of all generated wealth • Strong investment in R&D – ~10% of turnover Turnover M€ Can you 19 rely on your Software? 15


6 4

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 7 Customers and markets

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 8 The company’s strategic pillars

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 9 Innovation & Internationalization

Knowledge intensive Less Mid step competition Lower Lower Barriers Awareness Barriers Niche

Institutional Markets

VOLUME SINERGY Can you IP Innovation PARTNERSHIPS rely on your Marketing Software?

Universities Partners Labs

R&D Partners Critical Software Market

technology transfer technology technology solutioans services solutioans services technology products

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 10 Certified Quality

Quality 1st SPICE 2nd SPICE ISO 9001 with ITIL Department Assessment Assessment TickIT processes certification

October 2001 November 2001 May 2003 March 2004 December 2004

ISO 9001 with AQAP CMMI Level 3 EN 9100 & TickIT Certification Achievement 9006 surveillance audit Can you March 2005 September 2005 March 2006 March 2006 rely on your Software? Six sigma CMMI Level 5 Achievement

December 2008 2009

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 11 People & Community

• “Brainware” is our key success factor. Team • Capacity to build the best team (people and culture) is determinant. Personal Can you • Our culture is based on merit, improvement rely on your humility and ambition Software? • Everybody gets 360 degrees

performance info to guide and Community support maximize personal improvement 3% of Profit • Community support – distribution of 3% of our profit

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 12 Unique Value Proposition

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 13 Project Engagement

time and Different approaches to suite our client’s needs.materials

requirements software software validation acceptance operations and gathering requirements design maintenance KOM SRR PDR CDR QR AR

A Fixed -price Fixed -price

Can you B Fixed -price Fixed -price Time & materials rely on your Software? C Time & Materials Fixed -price Time & materials

D Fixed level-of-effort Fixed -price

on-site customer premises off-site & near shore critical premises

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 14 Agenda Can you 1. Critical Software rely on your 2. Solutions for Energy & Utilities Software? 3. Case Studies 4. Next Steps

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 15 Solutions for Energy & Utilities • Our offer is focused in 3 major areas

Can you rely on your Software? SMART Energy EMS GRID Efficiency

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 16 EMS – The Problem

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2007 All Rights Reserved. 17 EMS – The Concept

Change from, each one working by itself, to everyone sharing information and working together

Can you rely on your

Software? 18 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 18 EMS – The Approach

 Strategic Vision

. Business Orientations

. Missions and Goals

. Competition

Can you  Tactical Vision rely on your Business . Monitorization and Control Software? Vision . Productivity  Operational Vision

. Activity

. Operational Information

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 19 EMS – The Architecture

Can you rely on your

Software? 20 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 20 EMS – The Modules

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 21 SMART GRID

• Independent and Universal Remote Metering Platform; Smart Grid Management Platform – market liberalization; – new paradigms to distribute and produce energy; – optimization of the existing electricity grid to improve power distribution efficiency and enable green energy • End-User Energy Management Platform; Can you To provide feedback about energy use domestic rely on your and corporate-wise; to calculate Carbon Software? Footprint – energy is perhaps the most important challenge world is currently facing – which makes peoples awareness to the way they use energy much relevant • Electric Vehicle – Integration of the electric vehicle network with SMART GRID

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 22 Energy Efficiency

• Building Automation Energy Management Systems (EMS) – Development of a new Generation of EMS – Integrate smart grid capabilities into EMS – Integrate into EMS new generation of algorithms in energy efficiency management Can you considering external factors and building rely on your energy inertia Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 23 Agenda Can you 1. Critical Software rely on your 2. Solutions for Energy & Utilities Software? 3. Case Studies 4. Next Steps

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 24 SKIPPER

Geração Térmica

Can you rely on your Software? Geração Hidráulica


System, Knowledge, Information, Plant, Performance EnviRonment

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 25 The Problem

• Integrated vision for all Production Centres; • Set-up of new Production Centres associated with business expansion; • Several dedicated information systems; • Competences and key resources dispersion and duplication; Can you • Elevated Training Costs; rely on your Software? • Elevated Operational Costs; • Difficulties with Information sharing;

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 26 SKIPPER – The Solution • Portal that integrates business information providing the following functionalities: – Operational Management; – Process Information; – Advanced Business Intelligence.

• that enables a better asset management and monitorization: Can you – More effective and efficient Information Management; rely on your – More agile decision process. Software? • Independent of: – Geographic distribution; – Number of Production Centres; – Production Centre Technologies;

– Process or Transitional data. 27 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 27 SKIPPER – The Solution

Can you rely on your

Software? 28 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 28 SKIPPER – The Solution

SKIPPER Generation


Thermic SKIPPER Hydro Maintenance Resources Operation Can you rely on your SKIPPER Process Risk Information Software? Hydro SKIPPER SKIPPER Maintenance Environment Cogeneration

SKIPPER Thermal Optimization Operation

SKIPPER Management

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 29 SKIPPER – Benefits

• Promote expertise clusters – Monitor all EDP power plants in a geographical independent way avoiding man power duplication • Increased monitoring and control capabilities – Increase the ability to detect in real time malfunctions or non optimized operational conditions • Application Renewal and cost reduction Can you – Replace old and dedicated systems with heavy rely on your maintenance requirements Software? • Decisions in real time – Provide real-time management information from a single and validated source • Standardization and set-up time reduction – Decrease the start-up time of new power plant operations and ease staff mobility

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 30 SKIPPER – Benefits

Integrated vision of the Information, validated e auditable;

Process information globally and decentralized;

Can you rely on your

Software? 31 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 31 SKIPPER – Benefits

Promote expertise clusters of EDP collaborators monitoring all EDP power plants in a geographical independent way avoiding man power duplication

Coal cluster

Natural gas cluster

Can you

Environmental rely on your cluster

Software? 32 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 32 SKIPPER – Benefits

Increase the ability to detect in real time malfunctions or non optimized operational conditions

Can you rely on your Software?

Fault predictor 33 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 33 SKIPPER – Benefits

Application renewal/replacement of legacy systems with high maintenance costs.

Can you rely on your

Software? 34 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 34 SKIPPER – Benefits

Padronização dos processos de gestão da produção e métodos de análise e diagnóstico da exploração dos grupos, funcionando como veículo de disseminação do conhecimento pela organização;

Can you rely on your

Software? 35 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 35 SKIPPER – Benefits

Increase quality and demands for work and performance.

Ensure a safe and effective supply of production centres.

Can you rely on your

Software? 36 © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 36 SKIPPER – Benefits

Collaboration tool – information sharing incentive

Enable user creativity in creating new data analysis models

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 37 SKIPPER – Benefits

Modularity: Modular architecture allowing easy integration of new data sources (e.g. system replacement; new production centre configuration) Business knowledge systematization and easy business rules update mechanism

Auditable: Reduce uncertainty towards value chain.

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 38 Wind Management System (WMS)

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 39 WMS – The Problem

• Geographically disperse wind farms – Several wind farms in Portugal and Spain with local maintenance and operations needs

• Down time contract management – Capability to efficiently manage down times

Can you rely on your • Technology Software? – Several equipment manufacturers

• Collect, process and analyze real time and transactional data – collect, process and analyze data coming from multiple wind farms in Portugal and Spain.

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 40 WMS – The Solution

• Distributed system – comprises one central node and several remote nodes – each remote node monitors one or more wind farms.

• Increased local capabilities of Maintenance and Operations Can you – All nodes (central or remote) are independent. rely on your Software? • Web based user interface – Customizable real-time views; – Customizable reports; – Downtime Accounting; – Alerts; – Device configurable Categorization

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 41 WMS – The Benefits

• Increased Monitoring and Control capabilities – Real-time wind farm monitoring – Reporting capabilities

• Contract Management – Turbine Manufacturer Warranty Management Can you rely on your • Optimization Software? – Increasing kWh produced - Wind Farm Operations – Distributed architecture

• User customizable interface – Highly customizable – Independent of equipment manufacturers © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 42 NEMO&CODED


Can you NEtworked MOnitoring & COntrol, rely on your Software? Diagnostic for Electrical Distribution

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 43 NEMO&CODED – The Problem

• “Pluggable” device network – Model, design, implement and operate networked hardware/software smart devices

• SOA devices – Recognizable SOA ready devices – Monitor and control devices based on web services Can you rely on your Software? • Orchestration – Devices will be able to offer their functionality as one or more web services – It will be possible to cooperate with other devices and services in order to realise distributed monitoring, diagnostics and control.

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 44 NEMO&CODED – The Solution

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 45 NEMO&CODED – The Benefits

• Architecture – Modular building-block approach – Transform data into useful information • Remote access capability • Alarming / Paging: – Provide Alarms with description of each Event - minimize power system downtime Can you rely on your – Dispatch Maintenance crew to the right place, knowing Software? what to expect • Simplify energy management including self generation • Save time and money : – Helps maximize resources and assets – Provides data for critical decisions – Minimize power system downtime © Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 46 Electrical Vehicle

ITEV – Integrated Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (EV)

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 47 Electrical Vehicle – The Problem • Develop the IT infrastructure and charging network for Electric Vehicles in Portugal

• Develop an innovative and pioneer network management, monitoring and control system for the charging network Can you at National level. rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 48 Electrical Vehicle – The Solution • Development of the Management System functional prototype for the charging network of EVs in Portugal, supporting1350 charging points and covering 25 municipalities.

Can you rely on your Software?

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 49 Electrical Vehicle – The Benefits

• Increased Monitoring and Control capabilities – Rreal-time monitoring and control – Centralized management of all national EV charging network

• Highly Modular and Adaptive system – Modular technology, easy adaptation and Can you customization, supporting different charging point rely on your suppliers, multi-language, timezones, maps, etc Software?

• Network performance analysis and provisioning planning of the network in the future

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 50 Agenda Can you 1. Critical Software rely on your 2. Solutions for Energy & Utilities Software? 3. Case Studies 4. Next Steps

© Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. 51 Next Steps • Next Steps

Can you rely on your Software? Contacts Rui Avelãs Nunes Business Development Manager Energy & Utilities [email protected]

Dependable Critical Software, S.A. Critical Software Ltd. Parque Industrial de Taveiro, Lote 48 111 North Market Street, 6th Floor Technologies 3045-504 Coimbra San Jose, California 95113 Tel: +351 239 989 100 Tel: +1 (408) 351 33 53 For Critical Fax: +351 239 989 119 Fax: +1 (408) 351 33 30 PORTUGAL USA Systems Critical Software, S.A. Critical Software Technologies Ltd. R. Engº Frederico Ulrich, nº 2650 2 Venture Road 4470-605 Moreira da Maia Southampton Science Park Tel: +351 229 446 927 Chilworth - Southampton So16 7np Fax: +351 229 446 929 Tel: +44 (0) 23 8011 1339 (outside UK) PORTUGAL UNITED KINGDOM Fax: +44 (0) 870 762 2487 (outside UK)

Critical Software S.A. Campus do INETI no Lumiar, Ed M8 Critical Software SRL Estrada do Paço do Lumiar Str. Turnu Magurele, nr. 270 D 1649-038 Lisboa Corp C, Sector 4 Tel: +351 217 145 430 Bucharest Fax: +351 217 145 432 Tel: +40 216 834 045 53 PORTUGAL ROMANIA