100100 Alumni in The

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100100 Alumni in The NHL regular season stats only HOCKEY EAST NHL REGISTRY * – played in NHL in 2015-16 Player Yrs GP G A P Player Yrs GP G A P Spencer Abbott ME 2008-12 1 1 0 0 0 Brian Gionta * BC 1997-01 14 924 274 279 553 Noel Acciari * PC 2012-15 1 19 0 1 1 Stephen Gionta * BC 2002-06 6 270 15 35 50 Andrew Alberts BC 2001-05 9 459 8 47 55 Jeff Giuliano BC 1998-02 2 101 5 10 15 Peter Ahola BU 1989-91 3 123 10 17 27 Matt Glennon BC 1987-91 1 3 0 0 0 Bobby Allen BC 1997-01 3 51 0 3 3 Mike Grier BU 1993-96 14 1060 162 221 383 Conor Allen UMA 2010-13 2 7 0 0 0 Eric Gryba * BU 2007-10 4 218 5 30 35 Tony Amonte BU 1989-91 15 1174 416 484 900 Bill Guerin BC 1989-91 19 1263 429 427 856 Shawn Anderson ME 1985-86 8 255 11 51 62 Ben Guite ME 1996-00 6 175 19 26 45 Bill Arnold BC 2010-14 1 1 0 0 0 Cam Atkinson * BC 2008-11 5 300 86 79 165 Ron Hainsey * UML 1999-01 13 835 45 191 236 Adrian Aucoin BU 1991-92 18 1108 121 278 399 Noah Hanifin * BC 2014-15 1 79 4 18 22 Joel Hanley * UMA 2010-14 1 10 0 6 6 Shawn Bates BU 1993-97 10 465 72 126 198 Peter Harrold BC 2002-06 9 274 13 29 42 Bob Beers ME 1986-89 8 258 28 79 107 Scott Harlow BC 1982-86 1 1 0 1 1 Derek Bekar UNH 1995-98 3 11 0 0 0 Darren Haydar UNH 1998-02 5 23 1 7 8 Blake Bellefeuille BC 1996-00 2 5 0 1 1 Jimmy Hayes * BC 2008-11 5 243 49 46 95 Anthony Bitetto * NU 2010-12 2 35 1 5 6 Kevin Hayes * BC 2010-14 2 158 31 50 81 Alumni in the NHL Nick Bonino * BU 2007-10 7 327 57 93 150 Steve Heinze BC 1988-91 12 694 178 158 336 Rick Bennett PC 1986-90 3 15 1 1 2 Barrett Heisten ME 1989-00 1 10 0 0 0 Eric Boguniecki UNH 1993-97 7 178 34 42 76 Colin Hemingway UNH 1999-03 1 3 0 0 0 Brian Boyle * BC 2003-07 9 549 80 64 144 Vince Hinostroza * ND 2013-15 1 7 0 0 0 Chris Bourque BU 2004-05 3 33 1 3 4 Ken Hodge BC 1984-87 4 142 39 48 87 Justin Braun * UMA 2006-10 6 367 13 79 92 Ben Holmstrom UML 2006-10 2 7 0 0 0 Rich Brennan BU 1991-95 6 50 2 6 8 Joe Hulbig PC 1992-96 5 55 4 4 8 Connor Brickley * UVM 2010-14 1 23 1 4 5 Ben Hutton * ME 2012-15 1 75 1 24 25 Doug Brown BC 1982-86 15 854 160 214 374 Greg Brown BC 1986-90 4 94 4 14 18 Brayden Irwin UVM 2006-10 1 2 0 0 0 Patrick Brown * BC 2010-14 2 14 1 1 2 Matt Irwin * UMA 2008-10 4 155 16 35 51 Bobby Butler UNH 2006-10 4 130 20 29 49 John Jakopin MC 1993-97 6 113 1 6 7 Dom Campedelli BC 1982-85 1 2 0 0 0 Doug Janik ME 1998-01 9 190 3 16 19 Matt Campanale UNH 2007-11 1 1 0 0 0 Craig Janney BC 1985-87 12 760 188 563 751 Dave Capuano ME 1986-89 4 104 17 38 55 Stephen Johns * ND 2010-14 1 14 1 2 3 Jack Capuano ME 1985-88 3 6 0 0 0 Paul Carey * BC 2008-12 3 26 1 1 2 Paul Kariya ME 1992-94 15 989 402 587 989 Keith Carney ME 1988-91 16 1018 45 183 228 Steve Kariya ME 1995-99 3 65 9 18 27 Paul Cavallini PC 1984-85 10 564 56 177 233 Chris Kelleher BU 1994-98 1 1 0 0 0 Alex Chiasson * BU 2009-12 4 239 38 44 82 Chuck Kobasew BC 2000-01 11 601 110 100 210 Brett Clark ME 1995-96 14 689 45 141 186 Krys Kolanos BC 1999-01 5 149 20 22 42 Greg Classen MC 1998-00 3 90 7 10 17 Mike Kostka * UMA 2004-08 4 85 4 17 21 Adam Clendening * BU 2010-12 2 50 2 9 11 Chris Kreider * BC 2009-12 4 248 61 68 129 Colby Cohen BU 2007-10 1 3 0 0 0 Jason Krog UNH 1995-99 6 202 27 37 59 Carl Corazzini BU 1997-01 1 19 2 1 3 Bob Corkum ME 1985-89 12 720 97 103 200 Scott Lachance BU 1990-91 14 819 31 112 143 Mark Cornforth MC 1991-95 1 6 0 0 0 Dan LaCouture BU 1996-97 8 337 20 25 45 Rob Cowie NU 1988-91 2 78 7 12 19 Cory Larose ME 1996-00 1 7 0 1 1 Charlie Coyle * BU 2010-12 4 271 52 69 121 Jeff Lazaro UNH 1986-90 3 102 14 23 37 Tommy Cross * BC 2008-12 1 3 0 1 1 Jay Leach PC 1997-01 6 70 1 2 3 Ted Crowley BC 1989-91 2 34 2 4 6 Steve Leach UNH 1984-86 15 702 130 153 283 David Cullen ME 1995-99 2 19 0 0 0 Peter LeBlanc UNH 2006-10 1 1 0 0 0 John Cullen BU 1983-87 11 621 187 363 550 Anders Lee * ND 2010-13 2 180 50 43 93 Brian Leetch BC 1986-87 18 1205 247 781 1028 Stephane Da Costa MC 2009-11 4 47 7 4 11 Jeff Libby ME 1994-97 1 1 0 0 0 Craig Darby PC 1991-93 9 196 21 35 56 John Lilley BU 1991-92 3 23 3 8 11 Jeff Daw UML 1992-96 1 1 0 1 1 Ben Lovejoy * BC 2002-03 8 334 15 62 77 Kevin Dean UNH 1987-91 7 331 7 48 55 Mike Lundin ME 2003-07 6 252 4 32 36 Niko Dimitrakos ME 1998-02 4 158 24 38 62 Joe DiPenta BU 1997-99 4 174 6 17 23 Bruce Major ME 1985-89 1 4 0 0 0 Jon DiSalvatore PC 1999-03 2 6 0 0 0 Josh Manson * NU 2011-14 2 99 5 13 18 Clark Donatelli BU 1984-87 2 35 3 4 7 Matt Martin ME 1990-93 4 76 0 5 5 Peter Douris UNH 1983-85 11 321 54 67 121 Greg Mauldin UMA 2001-04 3 36 5 5 10 Chris Drury BU 1994-98 12 892 255 360 615 Mike Matheson * BC 2012-15 1 3 0 0 0 Brian Dumoulin * BC 2009-12 3 93 1 17 18 Jay Mazur ME 1983-87 4 47 11 7 18 Dale Dunbar BU 1980-85 2 2 0 0 0 John McCarthy * BU 2005-09 5 88 3 3 6 Colin McDonald * PC 2003-07 6 145 19 26 45 Patrick Eaves * BC 2002-05 10 545 99 91 190 Shawn McEachern BU 1988-91 14 911 25 323 579 Jack Eichel * BU 2014-15 1 81 24 32 56 Dan McGillis NU 1992-96 9 634 56 182 238 David Emma BC 1987-91 5 34 5 6 11 Mike McHugh ME 1984-88 4 20 1 0 1 Jim Ennis BU 1985-87 1 5 1 0 1 Marty McInnis BC 1988-91 12 796 170 250 420 Steve McKenna MC 1993-96 8 373 18 14 32 Jim Fahey NU 1998-02 4 92 1 24 25 Freddy Meyer BU 1999-03 7 281 20 53 73 Jeff Farkas BC 1996-00 3 11 0 2 2 Kevan Miller * UVM 2007-11 3 159 8 23 31 Mike Farrell PC 1997-00 3 13 0 0 0 Torrey Mitchell * UVM 2004-07 8 528 53 71 124 Chris Ferraro ME 1992-93 6 74 7 9 16 Jim Montgomery ME 1989-93 5 122 9 25 34 Peter Ferraro ME 1992-93 6 92 9 15 24 Greg Moore ME 2002-06 2 10 0 0 0 Mark Fayne * PC 2006-10 6 385 17 46 63 Ian Moran BC 1992-93 12 489 21 50 71 Benn Ferrerio BC 2005-09 5 98 14 9 23 Jon Morris UML 1984-88 6 103 16 33 49 Tom Fitzgerald PC 1986-88 17 1097 139 190 329 Scott Morrow UNH 1988-92 1 4 0 0 0 Brian Flynn * UM 2008-12 4 224 21 30 51 Mike Mottau BC 1996-00 9 321 7 51 58 Christian Folin * UML 2012-14 3 28 2 13 15 Mark Mowers UNH 1994-98 7 278 18 44 62 Matt Foy MC 2001-02 3 56 6 7 13 Bryan Muir UNH 1992-95 11 279 16 37 53 Doug Friedman BU 1990-94 2 18 0 1 1 Eric Nickulas UNH 1994-97 6 118 15 23 38 Jamie Fritsch UNH 2005-09 1 1 0 0 0 Matt Nieto * BU 2010-13 3 205 28 40 68 Johnny Gaudreau * BC 2011-14 3 160 55 88 143 Brad Norton UMA 1994-98 5 124 3 8 11 Rob Gaudreau PC 1988-92 4 231 51 54 105 Gustav Nyquist * ME 2008-11 5 261 76 82 158 Nathan Gerbe * BC 2005-08 8 394 58 80 138 Brian Gibbons BC 2007-11 2 66 5 17 22 Jamie Oleksiak * NU 2010-11 4 78 1 11 12 Hal Gill PC 1993-97 16 1108 36 148 184 Brooks Orpik * BC 1998-01 13 822 16 145 161 Matt Gilroy BU 2005-09 5 225 11 37 48 Chris O’Sullivan BU 1993-96 5 62 2 17 19 100100 NHL regular season stats only * – played in NHL in 2015-16 HOCKEY EAST NHL REGISTRY Alumni in the NHL Player Yrs GP G A P Goaltenders Mike Paliotta * UVM 2011-15 1 2 0 1 1 Mike Pandolfo BU 1998-02 1 3 0 0 0 Player Yrs W L T SO GAA Sv% Jay Pandolfo BU 1992-96 14 899 100 126 226 Brett Pesce * UNH 2012-15 1 69 4 12 16 Ben Bishop * (ME 05-08) 7 130 65 20 18 2.29 .920 Scott Pellerin ME 1988-92 11 536 72 126 198 Scott Clemmensen (BC 97-01) 13 73 59 24 7 2.79 .905 Dustin Penner ME 2003-04 9 589 151 159 310 John Curry (BU 03-07) 4 3 2 1 0 3.68 .879 Adam Pineault BC 2003-04 1 3 0 0 0 Ty Conklin (UNH 98-01) 10 96 67 21 17 2.69 .906 Fernando Pisani PC 1996-00 7 462 87 82 169 Scott Darling * (ME 08-10) 2 21 12 4 2 2.36 .922 Adrien Plavsic UNH 1987-88 8 214 16 56 72 Nick Petrecki BC 2007-09 1 1 0 0 0 Matt DelGuidice (ME 88-90) 2 2 5 1 - 3.87 .886 Thomas Pöck UMA 2000-04 4 118 8 9 17 Rick DiPietro (BU 99-00) 12 130 136 36 16 2.87 .902 Tom Poti BU 1996-98 10 808 69 256 325 Mike Dunham (ME 91-93) 11 141 178 39 5 2.74 .908 Teddy Purcell * ME 2006-07 9 559 101 204 305 Scott Fankhouser (UML 94-99) 2 4 12 2 - 3.31 .904 Brian Foster (UNH 06-10) 1 0 0 0 - 0.00 1.000 Marty Reasoner BC 1995-98 15 798 97 169 266 Jon Rheault PC 2005-08 1 5 0 0 0 Scott Gordon (BC 83 -86) 2 2 16 0 - 5.60 .830 Bobby Robbins UML 2002-06 1 3 0 0 0 Connor Hellebuyck * (UML 12-14) 1 13 11 0 2 2.34 .918 Evan Rodrigues * BU 2011-15 1 2 1 1 2 Jimmy Howard * (ME 02-05) 10 189 113 53 22 2.45 .915 Ed Ronan BU 1987-91 6 182 13 23 36 Carter Hutton * (UML 06-10) 4 33 24 12 4 2.56 .910 Steve Rooney PC 1981-85 5 154 15 13 28 Scott King (ME 86-90) 2 0 0 0 - 2.95 .813 Jean-Yves Roy ME 1989-92 4 61 12 16 28 Chad Ruhwedel * UML 2010-13 4 33 0 2 2 Michel Larocque (BU 95-99) 1 0 2 0 - 3.55 .868 Brian Rust * ND 2013-14 2 55 5 8 13 David Littman (BC 85-89) 3 0 2 0 - 5.96 .794 Mike Ryan NU 1999-03 2 65 7 6 13 Alfie Michaud (ME 96-99) 1 0 1 0 - 4.35 .844 Prestin Ryan ME 2001-04 1 1 0 0 0 Mike Morrison (ME 98-02) 2 11 7 0 3 3.28 .871 Matt O’Connor * (BU 12-15) 1 0 1 0 0 3.10 .895 David Sacco BU 1988-93 3 35 5 13 18 Philip Samuelsson * BC 2009-11 3 13 0 0 0 Jon Quick * (UMA 05-07) 9 252 162 51 42 2.27 .916 Steven Santini * BC 2013-16 1 1 0 0 0 Bruce Racine (NU 84-88) 1 0 3 0 - 3.13 .881 Tim Schaller * PC 2009-13 2 35 2 3 5 Dwayne Roloson (UML 90-94) 14 227 257 82 29 2.72 .908 Cole Schneider * UCn 2010-12 1 2 0 0 0 Nolan Schaefer (PC 99-03) 1 5 1 2 - 1.88 .920 Darrel Scoville MC 1995-98 3 16 0 1 1 Cory Schneider * (BC 04-07) 7 124 97 35 21 2.16 .925 Claudio Scremin ME 1986-90 2 17 0 1 1 Rob Scuderi * BC 1997-01 12 783 8 102 110 Garth Snow (ME 88-93) 12 135 147 44 - 2.80 .901 Jeff Serowik PC 1986-90 4 28 0 6 6 Chris Terreri (PC 83-87) 14 151 172 43 - 3.07 .893 Ryan Shannon BC 2001-05 6 305 35 64 99 Brad Thiessen (NU 06-09) 1 3 1 0 - 3.72 2.48 Kevin Shattenkirk * BU 2007-10 6 401 55 187 242 Matt Yeats (ME 99-02) 1 1 3 0 - 3.04 .908 Scott Shaunessy BU 1983-87 2 7 0 0 0 Conor Sheary * UMA 2010-14 1 44 7 3 10 Devin Shore * ME 2012-15 3 0 0 0 0 Jaime Sifers UVM 2002-05 2 37 0 2 2 Hockey East and the Stanley Cup Mike Sislo * UNH 2007-11 3 42 3 2 5 Ben Smith * BC 2006-10 6 197 27 23 50 Trevor Smith UNH 2005-07 5 106 9 11 20 Carl Sneep BC 2006-10 1 1 0 1 1 Many former Hockey East players have found success in the NHL, and Viktor Stålberg * UVM 2006-09 7 413 71 81 152 several have had their names engraved on the Stanley Cup as well.
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