Burford Past and Present, Christian Advocate, 87, 89. Christian Revolution Series
Abbatt, Benjamin, 137. Belfast, no. Bur ford, 33. Aberdeen, 25. Bell, Charles, 127. Burford Past and Present, Abington, 80. Bell, Jacob (Ireland), in. 123. Ackworth, 88, 138. Bellers, John, 34, 45. burial grounds, 134. Africa, 87, 96. Bennet, Gervase, 98. burials, 100, 120. Albright, William, 48. Betts, Lucy, aft. Sturge, 2. Burlingham family, 82, 83. Alcester, 100. Bevan, Pnscilla, aft. Gur- Burlington, NJ., 25, 60, Alderson, Amelia, aft. Opie, ney, 66. 8x, 134- Bevan, Timothy and Burton, Yorks, 128. Alderson, Ralph, 137. Hannah, 66, 67. Butler, Edward, 46. Alexander I, 99. Bevan, William, 6, 15. Buxton, T. F., 132. Alexander, William, 18,90, Bewley family, 130. Buzby family, 60. 9*. Bible, 7, 20, 84, 86, 89, 104. Byllynge, Edward, 60. Alien, William, 20, 84, 115. Bigland, Percy, 34. Allerdice family, 128. Binyon family, 125. Almy, William, 36. Birkbeck, of Settle, 43. Cadbury, H. J., Luke, 123. Ambulance Unit, 38. Birkbeck, Dr., 139. Calvert, William, 46. Ampthill, 13. Birkett, Richard, 46. Cambridge, 80. Anne, Queen, 135. Birkett, William, 46. Cambridgeshire, 80. Anner Mills, 109. Birks, John, 46. Camm, John, 121. Annual Monitor, 122. Bishop, Abby, 3. Camsell, John, 46. " Apple War," 19. Bishop, Benjamin, 3, 19. canals, 29, 32. Ashburner, Jane, 42. Bispham family, 61. Capper, George. 13. Asline, Edward, 46. Black family, 60. Capper, Samuel, 20. Atherstone, 94, 138. Black Horse Inn, 98. Capper, Samuel J., 139. Atlantic, 81. Blackbeard, Isaac, 40. Capper, Thomas S., 58. Blanch, William, 46. Capper, William J., 5. Bland, Thomas, 67. Carnell, Robert, 46. Backhouse family, 75, 125. blind, 136. Carver, John, 102. Backhouse, Edward, 18.
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