SOUTH ASIA RESEARCH, Vol.17, No.2, Autumn 1997


Among the numerous works that Burton Stein published in his very productive, ’post-retirement’, period in London, was a short monograph entitled quite simply Vijayanagara, for The New Cambridge History of , Vol. 1.2 (Cambridge University Press, 1989), under the general editorship of Gordon Johnson, C. A. Bayly and J. F. Richards. The monograph, which I presume was commissioned in the early to mid 1980s, had a broadly favourable reception, for example in the Times Literary Supplement (where it was reviewed by K. N. Chaudhuri), although a few somewhat critical reviews, notably one rather severe one by R. Champakalakshmi in the Delhi journal Studies in History, also appeared. In this brief essay, I shall attempt to place the work of Stein on Vijayanagara in a double context: first, the evolution of his own views on the subject, which as we shall see by no means followed a linear pattern; and second, the rather more complex question of the changing historiographical constellation within which these views should be placed. I am tempted, however, to begin with a somewhat anecdotal reflection. I first met Burton Stein, as I recall it, in London in early 1985, when I was doing research at the India Office Library for my doctoral thesis at the Delhi School of Economics. Funded by a rather meagre Indian Council of Social Science Research grant, and staying at a somewhat curious Polish 6migr6-owned hotel off Baron’s Court, Stein’s was one of the few telephone numbers I had in London, besides that of K. N. Chaudhuri. I had just been in the Netherlands, working at the Hague archives, and Frank Perlin - at that time still teaching in Rotterdam, and resident in Leiden - had briefed me in his own way about Stein. The facts I knew included that Stein did not own a suit, and that he had had to borrow a tie for Perlin’s formal thesis defence at the Erasmus University. The image I had was thus a rather odd one, between the studied casualness this anecdote suggested, warnings concerning Stein’s intellectual ’hypnotism’ that I had received from my elders and betters at Delhi, and my own impressions from reading Peasant state and society in South India, a book which had been greeted with a huge hullabaloo as

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soon as it came out in 1980, being acclaimed by some (mostly outside India), and reviled by others (mostly in India). The book itself I found very hard going, written in a convoluted and hermetic style that was extremely difficult for an economist like myself to penetrate; but the ’segmentary state’ model was finally there, as fully fleshed out as it would ever be after the bare bones of the historiographical essays that had preceded it. In any case, it took me a very long time to reconcile myself to the fact that the same person who had written this book (in somewhat rebarbative ’social science’ language), was the very humorous, denim-jacketed, character who showed up on appointment at the India Office Library, looking like a sort of ageing Clark Gable playing the White Hunter in Mocambo (a fairly awful film I had just seen two days before on TV, in the seedy lounge of my Polish hotel). Now, as is well-known, Peasant state and society is mostly about the Chola dynasty, even though there is a long, last chapter on later times. In contrast, the Cambridge Economic , Vol. I, which appeared just as I was beginning my research, included several chapters by Stein on precisely this later Vijayanagara period, that coincided with the focus of my own dissertation (which was on South India between 1550 and 1650). Besides, since my main interest was trade, there was also the paper that Stein had written, titled ’Coromandel Trade in Medieval India’, in a volume edited by John Parker of the James Ford Bell Library, entitled Merchants and scholars (1965). I managed to obtain a xerox copy of this paper in Delhi with great difficulty, and read with interest its theory concerning how the so-called ’merchant guilds’ in South India had been smashed by the expansion of the Vijayanagara polity into south-eastern India. Let us recall where matters stood in Vijayanagara studies in the mid-1950s, when Stein began his own thesis work on the Tirumala-Tirupati temple at the , even if this means partly rehearsing ground touched on by him in the introduction to Vijayanagara. The classic work was that of the British administrator Robert Sewell, and its title, A forgotten empire (1900), tells its own tale. Sewell had begun by doing research on epigraphy and numismatics, to establish clear ’lists’ of south Indian dynasties; in some sense, this was a continuation of Colin Mackenzie’s unfinished project to the same end, although Mackenzie had had a rather different set of materials in mind. Sewell’s enterprise was completely altered though, by the chance re-discovery by the Portuguese Arabist David Lopes of some detailed accounts by Portuguese of Vijayanagara (or ’Bisnaga’, as they prefer to call it), in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Lopes published the texts, anonymously authored, but attributed by him to Domingos

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Paes (c. 1518) and Fernao Nunes (c. 1535), in his book Chr6nica dos Reis de Bisnaga (’Chronicle of the Vijayanagara kings’) in 1897, as part of the publication programme for the fourth centenary of Vasco da Gama’s voyage; his edition also carries a long eighty-one page introduction, including references to Sewell’s Lists of inscriptions, and sketch of the dynasties of Southern India ( 1884). Sewell seized upon this Portuguese publication and used it extensively in his own work published three years later, as he also did the early seventeenth-century text authored by the Portuguese Jesuit Manuel Barradas, concerning the Vijayanagara ’Civil War’ of the 1610s. Since Sewell published complete translations of these texts, the names of Paes and ’Nuniz’ (as Nunes came to be spelt), entered Vijayanagara historiography in a definitive fashion; the less fortunate Barradas for his part was largely consigned to the dust-heap. The next two generations of work then extended the documentary basis of Vijayanagara studies considerably. S. Krishnaswami Ayyangar (for some of whose other writings Stein had a particular fondness), published excerpts from literary texts relating to Vijayanagara in Sources of Vijayanagar history (1919), following it up some years later with an extensive work on the Tirupati temple; then, two historians, B. A. Saletore and N. Venkataramanayya, began the process of reintegrating Sewell’s view with the inscriptional record, which had in the meantime been published in fits and starts, in the Archaeological Survey’s annual summaries, as well as in some cases with the entire texts. The Portuguese, Italian and Latin materials continued to be exploited by the Bombay-based Spanish Jesuit, H. Heras, and thus by the mid-1930s, a substantial body of work existed on Vijayanagara. Yet this work remained curiously shorn of a framework, often reflecting no more than dull quarrels between regions (thus, the Karnataka lobby versus the Andhra lobby, each vying for the pride of having ’founded’ Vijayanagara). Venkataramanayya’s Studies in the history of the third dynasty of Vijayanagara (1935), which I myself consider the best work of that generation (though Stein did not share my view), faithfully reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the approach in vogue. The book is repetitive, often organised almost like a district gazetteer (a trait that is even more pronounced in T. V. Mahalingam’s unreadable work of the next generation), and this is not a coincidence. Though Venkataramanayya was a very talented scholar and philologist, who edited a number of important Telugu texts from the Mackenzie collection, he typically insisted on seeing Vijayanagara as an empire in the mould of the in India. A major part of his enterprise was thus to classify taxes, lands and other aspects of the ’land-system’ in a way that would be recognisable to

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a British revenue official. Atop this system sat the (as it turns out, somewhat bogus) category of a sort of Vijayanagara military fief-holder, the arnarandyaka, the description of whose activities seems to derive essentially from Nunes’s account of the 1530s. Indeed, as Stein himself noted in his chapter in the Cambridge economic history, while Venkataramanayya surely knew the materials at first hand as well as anyone, the real ’theoretical’ statement was that of K. A. Nilakantha Sastri, who in his general work, History of South India, described Vijayanagara as a confederation of military chieftains, perhaps unconsciously borrowing the early British description of the Marathas in the closing years of the eighteenth century. These monographs, and a few other works devoted to the Nayaka principalities of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (R. Satyanatha Aiyar on Madurai, V. Vriddhagirisan on Tanjavur, C. Hayavadana Rao on Mysore), defined the baseline from which any analysis might be attempted in the baseline from which any analysis might be attempted in the late 1950s. The last major publication in English at that time was the three-volume work (Further sources of Vijayanagar history) edited by Sastri and Venkataramanayya in 1946, and as its title indicates this was really a source-publication, even though one volume of the three tried to establish a clear chronology of political ’events’, which was then extensively used as background material by such historians as Tapan Raychaudhuri in his Jan Company in Coromandel, 1605-1690 (1962). Stein’s doctoral thesis thus tries to set itself apart from this received wisdom, while at the same time making use of it for the empirical detail it provided. The focus of the thesis was the Tirupati temple, and the research was facilitated by the existence of still another coherent source-publication, that of the Tirumalai- Tirupati Devasthanam epigraphical series in six broadly chronological volumes (1931-38). The main thrust of Stein’s argument was a ’modernist’ and ’developmental’ one, which is quite adequately brought out in two very well-cited papers published by him in the early 1960s; since they represented the core of the thesis, it is probably no surprise that the thesis itself remained unpublished. In retrospect, echoes can be found between Stein’s position of the time, and some aspects of his occasional collaborator Morris D. Morris’s views of the same period; in particular, both insisted on downplaying the idea of Indian ’other-worldliness’, and argued (Morris explicitly, Stein implicitly) against ’values’ as an obstacle to social and economic change in South Asia. To Stein, writing in the Economic Weekly in the early 1960s, it appeared clear that Vijayanagara was a state that was oriented towards ’agricultural development’, and that the patronage of temples was

Downloaded from at UCLA on January 17, 2016 131 part of a strategy towards this end. Ingeniously, he showed how donations to temples had to be invested fruitfully, yielding a certain minimum rate of return if the puja that was to be conducted in exchange for the donations could be sustained. Also, he analysed the changing form of donation, from a preponderance of land to more and more cash, as well as the changing identities of donors (amongst whom merchants, and related groups, appear rather more prominently in the sixteenth century than before). In some sense, it seems to me that the Stein who wrote those papers (later collected in his All the King’s Mana, published from Madras) represented a rather more radical (and perhaps more ’nationalist’!) view of the ‘modernity’ of Vijayanagara than either Sastri or Venkataramanayya. Let us stress, once more, that these papers privileged the inscriptional materials over all others, whether the European sources (which do have some rather interesting things to say, in point of fact, about Tirupati), or literary and narrative texts (from kavya to kaifiyats) of the type found excerpted in the two volumes on Sources and Further sources. In the 1960s, even though Stein’s unhappiness with the formulation associated with K. A. Nilakantha Sastri on the Cholas grew more pronounced, the views he held on Vijayanagara continued to stress its power, its thrusting character, its destruction of autonomous local institutions, and so on. The paper that I have cited briefly above, ’Coromandel Trade in Medieval India’, is a good example of this position, since it stresses the power and efficacy of Vijayanagara military intervention in the Tamil country in the fifteenth century, in the aftermath of the campaigns of Kumara Kampana. Even trade, it seems, must be seen in this conception in relation to state power, and is almost subsumed in a narrative where the Vijayanagara state holds centre-stage. It is thus surprising, in this light, to re-read the last chapter of Peasant state and society (1980), on Vijayanagara. Of course, in the meantime, the focus of Stein’ss interests in relation to Vijayanagara had shifted from the state to forms of sectarian religious organisation, viewed largely from a ’sociological’ (rather than a ’religious studies’) viewpoint. In the South Indian temples volume that he edited (1978), two papers represent this rather well. The first is Stein’s own, arguing from Census materials on the foundation-dates of temples, for a shift in the composition of deities to whom temples were devoted in the Tamil country between 1350 and 1750. The other is Arjun Appadurai’s essay on the relationship between temples, sectarian leaders and the Vijayanagara state, which - while arguing for a form of strategic ’vote-bank’ rationality on the part of ’medieval’ actors - shifts the brunt of change from the state to a rather different level in society. (Incidentally, Stein

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continued to cite this essay with approbation into the late 1980s, indeed rather more frequently than the essay’s author himself, for Appadurai himself had metamorphosed by that time into a post-modernist guru). Besides, Stein’s interest in viewing the state as held together by ritual elements had grown by leaps and bounds in this period; the analysis of the mahanavami at Vijayanagara as a constitutive ritual also dates from these interim years. It should be stressed that Stein was never interested in the ritual of kingship for its own sake, but for its function; this is the reason why his analysis, while strikingly innovative at the time for the Indian historiography, appears rather broad-brush in retrospect, from the point of view of the close reader of texts like the Amuktamälyada, from the Vijayanagara period. To return to Peasant state and society then, its last chapter claimed that what had been said for the earlier period concerning the ’segmentary’ nature of the Chola state broadly held good for Vijayanagara as well. Despite being provided with considerable detail (including some limited narrative detail concerning Vijayanagar rule), the reader was left with the impression that a highly stable structural model, rooted in a far earlier past, explained all the essentials concerning this state. Even if the rituals had changed somewhat, ’ritual kingship’ still remained the rule; the importance of fiscality as either constitutive or reflective in any way of state power was dismissed; localities preserved their autonomy from the centre, even if the nomenclature (and perhaps even the dimensions) of the ’local units’ had changed. But, curiously, the chapter at the same time reproduced the core materials of the two papers from the early 1960s that I have discussed above. This created a major problem in Stein’s work, a tension that he himself recognised to an extent. As C. A. Bayly remarks in his companion essay, the dynamics of historical change proved difficult to bring into the ’segmentary state’ model, which is no surprise since the model was conceived by structural anthropologists whose primary concern was never historical change anyway. (’s self-congratulatory essay of the 1980s in Comparative studies in society and history, reflecting in part on Stein’s work, is typical of this). Thus, between 1980 and 1985 (when he published several further important essays on Vijayanagara), Stein had time to reflect on these problems. One of these later essays, in a collection from the Journal of peasant studies on the applicability of ’feudalism’ as a concept to India and other ’non-European’ societies, returns in some respects to the position of the 1965 essay on ’Coromandel trade’. Vijayanagara warriors are seen as powerfully intruding into the Tamil countryside,

Downloaded from at UCLA on January 17, 2016 133 but Stein also nuanced the analysis by suggesting that the situation in Karnataka was rather different (and more stable), than that which obtained in the Telugu and Tamil country. The other essay, presented at the review conference on the Cambridge economic history of India, went even further. Influenced in part by Frank Perlin, with whom he briefly contemplated a collaboration on the subject (their essays, with very similar titles, appear side-by-side in Modern Asian Studies, 1985), Stein now posited a considerable change between the medieval state of the Cholas, and the late eighteenth century state of say, Haidar cali and Tipu Sultan. From the work of Perlin, Stein appears to have seized the importance of eighteenth-century ’magnate’ figures in determining rural power relations, as distinct from his insistence in the case of the medieval system on collective bodies of peasants (even if not all peasants were represented in these bodies). The solution he found was to apply the idea of ’military fiscalism’ taken from the early modern French historiography to southern India in the long transition from the Cholas to the British. Thus, Vijayanagara now appears as part of a transition to ’patrimonial’ regimes (here, the reference was to Max Weber on ’Sultanism’), powered by military-fiscal changes. This also brought Stein to another problem that he grappled with in the late 1980s, and especially the early 1990s, without however coming to a very successful resolution. I refer to the status of Islam in South India (discussed at length for the eighteenth century by Susan Bayly in her 1989 book), and conversely, the extent to which states like Vijayanagara could be looked at as ’Hindu’ kingdoms, as quite a lot of the Indian historiography tended to do. To the extent that Stein’s own focus on ’ritual’ kingship had tended to bring out the role played by ’Hindu’ ritual, there was obviously a drift in that direction. At the same time, he was also aware, in particular after an important essay by Hermann Kulke published in the 1980s, that from the fifteenth century onwards, the image of Vijayanagara had been manipulated for posterity by a series of powerful ideological agents, such as the Sringeri matha, for example. The Vijayanagara volume thus veers somewhat uncertainly between rejecting the ’communalist’ characterisation of Vijayanagara, and accepting that it was indeed a ’Hindu’ kingdom fighting its ’Muslim’ rivals. On balance, I believe, the reader of Stein is left with the first impression, among other things because of the manner in which the narrative for the sixteenth century is constructed. Both Krishnadevaraya and especially his son-in-law Aliya Ramaraya are shown as strategic actors, practising a form of realpolitik (and here we hark back once more to the formulation of the late 1950s). They are as ready to ally with the Deccan Sultans, as to fight against

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them; power, not religious ideology, dominates their actions, when all is said and done. The first of the 1985 papers, in the ’feudalism’ collection, does address this problem of a ’Hindu nationalist’ reading of Vijayanagara in passing; on the other hand, the preoccupations of the ’State formation and economy reconsidered’ paper lie elsewhere. The main interest of this rather schematic essay is that it proposes a solution to the problem of change, and an escape route from the homeostatic, self- reproducing model of the ’segmentary state’. This is by producing a technological motor from the outside, in the form of firearms in particular, and military technology more generally. For Stein, Vijayanagara began a process of ’thrusting centralisation’ using these technologies, which at one stage he suggested were essentially brought in by the Portuguese. Various rounds of change are said to have followed, with resistance continually being offered by earlier community- based political structures to the new dispensation. The period of Krishnadevaraya (r. 1509-29) was identified by him as one such key period of change, a formulation that he carried forward into the monograph on Vijayanagara. Then, there was a rather long hiatus, but centralisation is said to have resumed with Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar in late seventeenth-century Mysore. Finally, Haidar and Tipu were thought to have represented highly sophisticated forms of centralised rule, a view in which Stein believed he was confirmed by his own researches in the second half of the 1980s into the papers of Sir Thomas Munro (and by Devdas Moodley’s unpublished research of the same period in SOAS). The problem however was in large measure very simply empirical: for Stein never seems to have gone back after 1980 to do primary research on Vijayanagara itself, from materials generated in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. True, he kept abreast of the secondary literature, writing reviews of almost every major work that appeared on Vijayanagara in the 1980s and early 1990s. But, the real bases of the revision (for revision it clearly was, though he never explicitly said so) in views that took place between 1980 and 1985 were elsewhere: first, the theoretical problem of finding a dynamic of change to escape from falling into the trap of seeing the ’segmentary state’ as a sort of Asiatic mode of production; second, the research into the early colonial archives, which convinced him that there was more to south India in the late pre-colonial period than robust and more-or-less autarchic communities. Thus, Vijayanagara straddles several faultlines, for while vestiges of the ’segmentary state’ model can still be found there, the broad thrust of the analysis has moved towards the dynamic process of ’military fiscalism’, based in good part

Downloaded from at UCLA on January 17, 2016 135 on a technological deus ex machina. Equally, to support the ’military fiscalism’ hypothesis, recourse has to be taken by Stein to Portuguese sources in translation (notably Nunes’s account of the siege of Raichur by Krishnadevaraya), even though elsewhere in the same book, he is dismissive of these same sources, somewhat unjustly dismissing them as no more than ’Orientalist fantasies’. It is rather difficult for the general reader to understand why Nunes cannot be used, say, to support the idea of ’feudalism’ in Vijayanagara (as is done by A. Krishnaswami and others), if he is so reliable on other counts. In the 1980s, in the years between Peasant state and society and Vijayanagara (which stand at the two ends of the decade), work by a certain number of other authors had also been published on Vijayanagara, so that the historiographical constellation had changed somewhat too. Some of this work Stein found unproblematic, and integrated without difficulty into his schema; in particular, the work done on the site of Hampi itself by George Michell and his collaborators was seen by him as providing useful complementary materials to his own conception. More problematic for him was a series of essays that Noboru Karashima produced on Vijayanagara and the Nayakas, culminating in his book Towards a new formation (1992). Stein’s review of the work appeared in this journal (Vol. 14, no. 2, 1994, pp. 226-28), and it was a rather critical discussion, tempered by some appreciation at the beginning and end. Karashima’s broad argument was that Vijayanagara in the fifteenth century was a powerful, expansive, state, which crushed the peasantry with fiscal levies while expanding into the Tamil country. However, in the sixteenth century, for unexplained reasons, this relatively centralised and bureaucratic structure dissolved into a form of ’feudalism’ dominated by figures called ndyakas, whose role Karashima had earlier explored in a brief fashion. The materials from which this argument was built were, as is usual with Karashima, the inscriptional record which is still so rich in the period up to the mid-sixteenth century. Stein might well have found the first part of this argument congenial, although he probably thought Karashima exaggerated the extent of centralisation that had been achieved by the fifteenth century. At any rate, his principal critiques lay elsewhere. First, he noted the ‘general framing according to rather old-fashioned Marxist concepts’ in Karashima’s work, combined with ’an unspecified state structure’, which he considered strange in view of the importance given by Karashima to the state, which provided ’the major dynamic, the historical movement’ (indeed, rather as in Stein’s own work of the mid-1980s). A second objection that was raised by him concerned Karashima’s usage of the notions of

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’state slavery’, and ’individual property’. On the latter, he was particularly sceptical, though, to my knowledge, he never produced a detailed critique of Peter A. Granda’s thesis, which has a persuasive argument on forms of private landed property in Vijayanagara times. On one matter, Stein seems to have agreed with Karashima, and this was concerning the centrality of the inscriptional record for an understanding of the Vijayanagara state. Reviewing a work I co-authored with Velcheru Narayana Rao and David Shulman, titled Symbols of substance (1992), he cautioned (albeit in an uncharacteristically gentle way) against the extensive use we made of literary sources, which I suppose was a reflection of the position both he and Karashima held at that time (see this journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1994, pp. 228-30). This may therefore be the place to issue a disclaimer, since it was never my intention (nor that of my co-authors) to deny the utility or importance of the inscriptional record, merely to argue that there are other important and rather neglected source-materials for the recovery of pre-colonial south Indian political culture, and to clarify besides that the dominant statistical (’counting’) approach to inscriptions has severe limitations. However, where literary materials were concerned, one also discerns a mild shift in position in some of Stein’s last writings. For, reviewing a work, namely Phillip Wagoner’s translation of the Telugu text Rdyavdcakamu, his judgement of it was broadly rather positive, even if he did express distress at one point in the review at Wagoner’s genuflection in the direction of ’the fashionable methodology of ethnohistory’ (this journal, vol. 15, no. 1, 1995, pp. 139-41). And finally, there was a new historiography on trade, that also finds a place in the Vijayanagara book, representing a rather nice closing of the circle from the 1965 essay. Whereas Stein had earlier read the history of trade out of the history of the Vijayanagara state’s dealings with the so-called ’merchant guilds’, now he devoted a good deal more attention to the articulation of ports, merchants and trading networks in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, issues that he had referred to only tangentially in one of his chapters in the Cambridge economic history. For this, he drew among other things (I may note immodestly) on my unpublished thesis, though I know from correspondence (including a long, helpful, and very critical letter of 1987) that he did not agree with a number of my formulations. Of course, this reflected anew the ambiguity with which he understood the place of European (and especially Portuguese) materials, a subject on which we had a number of verbal, and occasionally written, arguments. In particular, it has been (and still is) my position that the relationship between the Portuguese and the use of firearms in peninsular warfare is rather more complex

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than Stein made it out to be; he, for his part, never responded in print to various essays I published on the subject (or to the chapter on this subject in Symbols of substance). On the other hand, since no one else seems to refer to those papers either, perhaps Stein was not the only one unconvinced by my arguments. Thus, to sum up, at the core of the Vijayanagara book lies a profound ambiguity, a paradox even. For having begun his academic career working on the Vijayanagara period in the 1950s, Burton Stein’s work took him to adopt different, and at times contradictory, positions in relation to this state. From the ’modernist’, forward-looking state of the early papers, with its sophisticated system of agrarian and water-management, Vijayanagara became in the middle years just another ‘segmentary state’, a mere continuation of the early medieval past. Then, from the mid-1980s, Vijayanagara came to be transformed in Stein’s view into a state located in a phase of important changes, on the road to the full-blown ’military fiscalism’ of the late eighteenth century. I have argued in these pages that these different views that Stein himself held on Vijayanagara were a result of a set of complex processes. There was, among other factors, his anxiety to classify, not to have what he called an ’unspecified state structure’. This was one of Stein’s strengths, something that made his work accessible to both comparativists (especially impatient comparativists), and anthropologists, a fact that Chris Fuller too notes in his essay, albeit from another perspective. From many other historians’ point of view, this overriding desire to give the state a ’name’, is somewhat puzzling, and might even be construed as a weakness. In retrospect, one reason was probably determining in the ambivalence of Stein’s formulations: for Vijayanagara does lie at a cross-roads, between the medieval heritage of the Cholas, Kakatiyas and Hoysalas (with each of which it shares some analytical features), and the phase of early modern innovation in south India. It is thus only appropriate to end this essay, I suppose, by revealing that the Polish-owned hotel where I stayed in 1985 was called Janus Hotel.

Select bibliography Ayyangar, S. Krishnaswami (ed.), 1919. Sources of Vijayanagar history. Madras: University of Madras. Byres, T. J. and Harbans Mukhia (eds.), 1985. Feudalism and non-European societies. London: Frank Cass. Dallapiccola, Anna Libera and Stephanie Zingel-Avé Lallemant (eds.), 1985.

Vijayangara — city and empire: new currents of research, 2 vols. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

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Filliozat, Vasundhara, 1973. L’épigraphie de Vijayanagar du début à 1377. Paris: Publications EFEO. Granda, Peter A., 1984. ’Property rights and land control in Tamil Nadu, 1350- 1600’, PhD dissertation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Habib, Irfan and Tapan Raychaudhuri (eds.), 1982. The Cambridge economic history of India, Vol. I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Heras, H., 1927. The Aravidu dynasty of. Vijayanagara Madras: B. G. Paul. Karashima, Noboru, 1984. South Indian history and society: Studies from the inscriptions, AD 850-1800. Delhi: Oxford University Press. " Towards a new formation: South Indian society under Vijayanagar. rule Delhi: Oxford University Press. Krishnaswami, A., 1964. The Tamil country under Vijayanagara. Annamalainagar: Annamalai University. Kulke, Hermann, 1993. Kings and cults: State formation and legitimation in India and Southeast Asia. New Delhi: Manohar. Lopes, David (ed.), 1897. Chrónica dos Reis de Bisnaga: Manuscripto Inédito do Século XVI. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional. Perlin, Frank, 1985. ’State formation reconsidered’, Modern Asian Studies, 19, 3, pp. 415-80. Saletore, B. A., 1934. Social and political life in the Vijayanagara empire (AD 1346-AD 1646), 2 vols. Madras: B. G. Paul.

Sewell, Robert, 1962. A forgotten empire — Vijayanaga. Reprint, New Delhi: National Book Trust. Stein, Burton, ’The economic function of a medieval south Indian temple’, The journal of Asian studies, 19, pp. 163-76. " 1961. "The state, the temple and agricultural development: a study of medieval south India", Economic Weekly, Annual No., pp. 179-87. " 1965. ’Coromandel trade in medieval India’, in John Parker (ed.), Merchants and scholars: essays in the history of exploration and trade. Minneapolis: Press, pp. 49-62. " 1978. South Indian temples: an analytical reconsideration. New Delhi: Vikas. " 1985. ’State formation and economy reconsidered’, Modern Asian studies, 19, 3, pp. 387-413. " 1989. Vijayanagara (The new Cambridge history of India, I.2.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Venkataramanayya, N., 1935. Studies in the history of the third dynasty of Vijayanagara. Madras: University of Madras.

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