User Group Meeting

Chasewater Centre – 30.04.2013

Notes of Meeting

1) Introductions

2) Update from John Dodwell – John Dodwell (CRT Trustee) was invited along as guest speaker and gave an overview of his background and his experience with canals, an overview of what CRT aim to do and how we maintain the canals, the challenges that face us and he finished with an update on volunteering.

3) Planned Works – Ian Lane gave an overview of some of the direct labour and contract projects that we have completed over the last year and identified those that we have planned.

4) Waterscape – IL presented the dates for this year’s stoppage consultation and explained that the link would be on our website when people are able to comment.

5) HS2 – IL identified where HS2 will affect the and what we are doing nationally to get the most out of it.

6) Minerva Wharf – Ian Darby gave an update on our new offices at Minerva wharf and our plans to move in shortly.

Q) It was asked if the land and building at Horseley Fields junction had been considered instead of Minerva wharf as it also included a slipway? DD stated that it had and that the council had already sold this land.

Q) It was asked what will happen to the basin at Broad st during the new development? It was stated that nothing will happen to it and it will remain as is.

Q) It was asked if it was possible to install a new water tap at Minerva wharf? It was agreed that it could be investigated.

7) Water Resources - ID gave an overview of the current situation regarding water control and the positive start to this year and that we will not be imposing any restriction to festivals.

8) Volunteering – ID gave a presentation identifying some of the excellent work volunteers have been doing and the local groups involved. He also touched on volunteer lock keepers for the coming year and where they will be.

9) Annualised Hours – ID explained about annualised hours and what changes people are likely to see.

10) Enforcement update – Dean Davies gave an overview of the current enforcement figures. DD identified a decrease in the evasion rate within the West Midlands.

11) Partnership AGM – DD explained that this year’s Local Waterway Partnership AGM will be on 18 June at the Copthorne Hotel, Merry Hill. DD also gave a brief update on the recent meeting where the West Midlands and Central Shires LWP’s met together.

12) Bradley Workshop Open day – DD explained that there will be an open day at Bradley Workshop on Sunday 12th May if anyone wanted to attend.

Q) It was asked if the plant and machinery could be working to help create a better atmosphere? DD said he would pass this message on.


Q) Do CRT have any plans for Volunteering on the W&E? DD said we are always keen to work with people and if we have details Murray can contact those groups interested.

Q) It was asked what has happened to the heritage survey? DD explained that Lizey, who was leading the project, was still off. He apologised for the delay and would chase Nigel Crowe for an update.

Q) It was asked if CRT would be dredging the junction ready for the festival? DD said yes we would.

Q) It was again asked if we can we amend Dimmingsdale weir to increase the feeds and IL had previously said he would investigate this with our water team. IL stated that we had investigated this and it was suggested that there was no need to do anything from our water team. It was then suggested from the floor that this may need reviewing following discussions with David Brown and the possibility of increased flows from Barnhurst. IL said he would investigate again.

Q) It was asked what CRT are doing to address the issues of drug addicts in the hovel on the Farmer’s bridge flight? CRT acknowledged the issue and stressed that they are trying to do something and are working with our internal teams to find a suitable solution.

C) A thank you was given to the dredging team and the good works at Hawne Basin. There was also an invite to the Open weekend on 18/19 May.