MEETING of the BOARD of TRUSTEES Items in Red Are Confidential
MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Items in red are confidential Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees (the Trustees) of Canal & River Trust (the Trust) held at 8.30am on Thursday 25 January 2018 at the Ramada Hotel, The Butts, Earlsdon, Coventry, CV1 3GG. Present Allan Leighton, Chair Dame Jenny Abramsky, Trustee and Deputy Chair Frances Done CBE, Trustee Ben Gordon, Trustee Janet Hogben, Trustee Tim Reeve, Trustee Sir Chris Kelly,Trustee Sue Wilkinson, Trustee Apologies Nigel Annett CBE, Trustee Manish Chande, Trustee In attendance Richard Parry, Chief Executive Julie Sharman, Chief Operating Officer Stuart Mills, Chief Investment Officer Sandra Kelly, Finance Director Heather Clarke, Strategy, Impact and Engagement Director Simon Bamford, Asset Improvement Director Yetunde Salami, Assistant Company Secretary (minute taker) Redacted Jon Horsfall, Waterway Manager North East (Item 18/007 only) Matthew Symonds, Strategy and Engagement Manager (Item 18/007 only) Mark Stephens, Work Development Manager (Item 18/007 and 18/008 only) 18/001 APOLOGIES Apologies were received as noted above. CHAIR’S WELCOME AND REMARKS The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting. The Chair reported that notice of the meeting had been given to all trustees entitled to receive it and that a quorum was present. 18/002 REGISTER OF INTERESTS AND DECLARATION OF INTERESTS IN ANY MATTER ON THE AGENDA The attendees declared interests and set out in Information Report Trust319. No further declarations of interest were made. 18/004 MINUTES AND SCHEDULE OF ACTIONS The minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held on Wednesday 23 November 2017 was approved.
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