
Origin and Evolution of the Sierra and themed issue

Introduction: Origin and Evolution of the and Walker Lane

Keith D. Putirka1,* and Cathy J. Busby2,* 1California State University, Fresno, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2345 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/MH24, Fresno, 93720, USA 2Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA

BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Figure 1. A map showing an outline of the Sierra Nevada This Geosphere themed issue is an outgrowth and approximate boundaries of of our Penrose Conference: Origin and Uplift the Walker Lane belt. The out- of the Sierra Nevada, California, which was line of the Walker Lane (and held in Bridgeport, California, August 16–20, its southern extension into the 2010. The theme is here expanded to include Zone) the Walker Lane (Fig. 1), since a large number is modifi ed from Faulds et al. of our Penrose abstracts were oriented to that (2005) and Oldow and Cashman topic, and because that is no less a part (2009); we draw the western Sierra of the Sierran story than the high peaks them- boundary to coincide with the Walker selves. A fundamental question for the confer- Sierra Nevada range front; the N evada Lane ence and themed issue is “How did the Sierra Walker Lane belt is then drawn Nevada form?” The question can mean many to include the region of the things to disparate disciplines. One might refer where & to the age and origin of the rocks that form the basins and ranges trend more Sierra Nevada , or instead to the time N–S, rather than NE–SW. Our Eastern at which such rocks were uplifted to form the outline for the Sierra Nevada California topographic crest of the . One includes the topographically con- Shear might also speak to the origin of and tiguous part of the range, and Zone peaks formed by erosion as much as uplift, or to so includes the Lassen Volcanic the time at which the Sierra’s varied present-day Center, which is the geologically ecological zones were established. The answers southern terminus of the modern province. The base map is from Andrew Birrell to these questions can be quite different, but are (http://birrell.org/andrew/reliefMaps/image.php?zone = west&type = jpg&scale = 50). not necessarily independent, as insights from one may lend insight to another. Finally, the complete story of the Sierra also cannot be understanding of the forces that carve Sierran are the early tectonic speculations on the origin told without the tectonic forces that act on the peaks and canyons. Perhaps less well known of what we now refer to as the “Sierran block” Sierran , which involves the evolution of are 19th-century speculations on the nature and the adjacent Walker Lane structural belt. the San Andreas system and the opening of range uplift. Ransome (1898, p. 71), for The Walker Lane belt has been in the geologic of the . example, mapped lava fl ows in the west-central literature since Locke et al. (1940) used the term What makes the Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada; noting contrasts in Neogene and to describe a region of the western range of particular interest is the rich history modern slopes, he suggested that “the where extensional faults have a signifi cant dex- of geologic studies. Pioneers of Sierran geol- elevation of the crest of the Sierra Nevada… tral shear component. But, six earlier, ogy have provided a well-constructed platform has been…produced by a simple block-tilting Gianella and Callaghan (1934) not only drew on which later scientists could build, with the without perceptible warping”—a view that the outlines of the Walker Lane, but also noted Range of Light illuminating processes as diverse has been subsequently accepted and quantifi ed the similarity of horizontal components of strain as glaciation, structural geology, petrology, and (Huber, 1981; Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001). between the western Great Basin and what tectonics. Some aspects of this storied history Early workers also recognized that and was then referred to as the San Andreas “.” are well known, such as ’s early work younger strata in the Sierra Nevada were largely Gianella and Callaghan (1934, p. 22) speculated on Sierran and glacial erosion (Muir, preserved in “paleochannels” that transported “that the underlying causes of movement in at 1871, 1911; followed by Matthes, 1929, and material from east to west (parallel to modern least the western part of the Great Basin may Blackwelder, 1931), which initiated our current rivers), although their headwaters were inferred be related to those in California” (referring to to lie at the present-day crest (Lindgren, 1911), the San Andreas), and suggested that the Walker *Emails: Putirka: [email protected]; Busby: which we now know did not form until 10 Ma Lane may represent “a tectonic line” that sepa- [email protected]. or later (Busby and Putirka, 2009). Also of note rates the San Andreas and Great Basin structural

Geosphere; December 2011; v. 7; no. 6; p. 1269–1272; doi: 10.1130/GES00761.1; 1 fi gure.

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 1269 © 2011 Geological Society of America Putirka and Busby regimes. This view of a connection between but important questions. For example, the cur- including the southern Sierra, however, indi- Walker Lane motion and stress and strain along rent standard model clearly implies that the cate a distinct pulse of volcanism at 10 Ma the system has survived the petrologic nature of batholith development throughout the range. More perplexingly, as plate tectonic view of the San Andreas (Atwater, determines the rates and timing of future uplift. even Farmer et al. (2002) note, Pliocene lavas in 1970), and has been verifi ed by Global Position- Earlier views of Sierra Nevada uplift posited an the southern Sierra still carry the geochemical ing Studies, which show that the Walker Lane isostatic model, whereby the high elevations in signature of enriched , so an takes up 20%–22% of Pacifi c–North American the eastern Sierra are supported by great thick- enriched mantle lithosphere must have existed displacement (Bennett et al., 1999; Dixon et al., nesses of crust (>60 km; Bateman and Eaton, below the Sierra at the time of the Pliocene 1995, 2000). Perhaps even more impressive 1967). The discovery by seismologists that the eruptions. is that a structural geologist today could use crust is ≤40 km in thickness, and is of greater • Did delamination of ancient lithosphere nearly the precise same language as Gianella thickness in the lower-elevation western part of occur in the Pliocene or the , or earlier? and Callaghan did in 1934, some three decades the range (Fliedner and Ruppert, 1996), shows If delamination (and asthenosphere ) prior to the plate tectonic revolution. that Airy cannot apply to the Sierra. is a Pliocene event, what is the driving force Since these early works, the Sierra Nevada Warm mantle asthenosphere is thus posited to of mantle melting so as to yield volcanism at and adjacent Walker Lane have played provide buoyancy to support its high elevations 15–10 Ma, which occurs throughout the range? center stage in studies of batholith construc- (Wernicke et al., 1996). If this view is correct, If asthenosphere upwelling predated the Plio- tion (Kistler and Peterman, 1973), the origin the “high Sierra” exists only because of the cene, what structural controls led to volcanism of low-angle normal faults (Proffett, 1977) formation, and removal, of dense crystalline from the Pliocene to the present? and associated “chaos” formed by huge gravi- residues of magmas parental to the batholith. Much new research is now focused on the tational slides (e.g., Troxel and Wright, 1987), Absent the formation of dense residues, the spatial scope and temporal extent of what has the evolution of pull-apart basins (Burchfi el lithosphere “drip” could not have formed, and been termed the “Ancestral Cascades.” Chris- and Stewart, 1966), the tectonic signifi cance of asthenosphere upwelling would not occur, pro- tiansen and Yeats (1992) outlined a region of ophiolites and ultramafi c rocks (Moores, 1970), viding no source of buoyancy. Miocene-age andesitic volcanism that extends the origin of metamorphic core complexes Not unrelated are potentially competing from into the Basin and (Wright et al., 1974), and volcanic processes models for Sierra Nevada uplift; some argue Range province south to (Colgan such as bimodal volcanism and magma mixing that the range has mostly been high since the late et al., 2011). Based on space-time distributions (Bacon, 1982; Bacon and Metz, 1984). It may (House et al., 1999), while others of volcanic rocks using NAVDAT, Glazner be fair to say that the Sierra Nevada is a type argue that range uplift has occurred mostly and Farmer (2008) indicate that what has been example of many such processes, including since 10 or 5 Ma (Huber, 1981; Wakabayashi referred to as Ancestral Cascades are rocks that range uplift and microplate formation, and the and Sawyer , 2001). These models might not be may instead be related to larger Cordilleran spa- crustal extension processes that yield continen- mutually exclusive: Clark et al. (2005) suggest tial patterns of volcanic migration and so have tal rift basins and mountain ranges. at least three pulses of uplift, occurring in the little connection to the modern Cascades; they late Cretaceous, again at 32 Ma, and another at thus suggest that the term “Ancestral Cascades” CURRENT ISSUES IN SIERRA 3.5–0 Ma. These varied works lead to a range has no meaning. In contrast, others have noted that NEVADA–WALKER LANE GEOLOGY of questions: the fi eld characteristics and geochemical signals • Does granitoid batholith formation neces- of Miocene and some Pliocene volcanic rocks In the past few decades, the Sierra Nevada sarily portend a later emergence of a high moun- support remarkably well the Christiansen and has entered center stage again, this time on the tain range, through the loss of dense residual Yeats (1992) model (Cousens et al., 2008; Busby issue of lithosphere removal. Careful geologic crystalline phases? If so, what time scales are et al., 2008; Busby and Putirka, 2009), espe- and geophysical studies (Ducea and Saleeby, required for lithosphere removal? cially for -related volcanism formed 1996, 1998; Fliedner et al., 1996; Wernicke • If lithosphere can only be removed once, prior to arrival of the Mendocino Triple Junc- et al., 1996) suggest that cold continental mantle should asthenosphere upwelling support only tion (MTJ). These subduction-related volcanic lithosphere beneath the eastern part of the range, one phase of uplift? If so, and if uplift does rocks include the type section of the volcanic rock being denser than underlying asthenosphere, occur in pulses over a protracted period of time, termed “latite” (by Ransome, 1898), which drips back into the mantle (e.g., Zandt et al., which phase of uplift is driven by asthenosphere is distinguished by its high K2O, a geochemi- 2004). The driving force for such a buoyancy upwelling, and what forces drive other uplift cal signal that Manley et al. (2000) suggest is shift within the thermal lithosphere may be gen- phases? related to delamination. Meanwhile, Frasetto erated by the accumulation of dense pyroxene- • Alternatively, DeCelles et al. (2009) sug- et al. (2011) see a “delamination” Moho extend- and garnet-rich lithologies, which may in turn gest that delamination can be repeated on a ing from the southern Sierra north to the represent the crystalline residues of parent mag- 25–50 Ma time scale. Can episodes of uplift Tahoe region, beneath the putative Miocene arc. mas that fractionate to form the Sierra Nevada operate on a similar time scale, as is implied by We thus obtain another set of key questions batholith (Ducea and Saleeby, 1996). Such a the results of Clark et al. (2005)? Might other related to volcanic activity. removal of lithosphere leads to an upward fl ow cyclic processes be at work? • If there was indeed an Ancestral Cascade of asthenosphere, which provides (a) a source Yet another set of issues arises from the com- arc, what is its areal and temporal extent? of buoyancy to support high elevations (Ducea positions and temporal distributions of volcanic • What is the meaning of the term “Ancestral and Saleeby, 1996), and (b) mantle partial melts, rocks. Farmer et al. (2002) argue that mantle Cascades” if such volcanism is limited in tem- which supply volcanic eruptions within and delamination occurred in the Pliocene, as sig- poral extent, or if such volcanics fall into other, adjacent to the range (Farmer et al., 2002). naled by high K2O Pliocene volcanism, which broader Cordilleran space-time patterns? Or, Our attempts to determine how this story was supposedly triggered by asthenosphere might all early- and mid-Tertiary volcanism in unfolds lead to a great number of unresolved up welling. Age determinations across the Sierra, the interior (e.g., in Nevada, , and )

1270 Geosphere, December 2011 Origin and Evolution of the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane

of the Cordillera (pre-passage of the MTJ) be Another tectonic context involves ensuing slab Burchfi el, B.C., and Stewart, J.H., 1966, Pull-apart origin of the “Ancestral Cascades”? rollback, resulting in fl are-up on the central segment of , California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 77, p. 439–442, doi: 10.1130 • If the term “Ancestral Cascades” is discon- thickest “Nevadaplano” crust, and dispersal of /0016-7606(1966)77[439:POOTCS]2.0.CO;2. tinued, then what processes controlled Miocene- ash fl ows down ~200-km-long paleochannels Busby, C.J., and Putirka, K., 2009, Cretaceous- landscape evolution of the SW USA: Evidence from age volcanism, especially those rocks erupted across the western shoulder of the Nevadaplano, Cenozoic paleocanyon fi ll in the central Sierra Nevada: north of the MTJ? If such rocks are ascribed to now the Sierra Nevada. This fl are-up resulted in International Geology Review, v. 51, p. 670–701, Basin and Range extension, what explains their burning of the lithospheric land bridge across doi: 10.1080/00206810902978265. Busby, C.J., Hagan, J., Putirka, K., Pluhar, C., Gans, P., geochemical contrasts (lower alkalis, lower what is now the Great Basin (Dickinson, 2002, Rood, D., DeOeo, S., Skilling, I., and Wagner, D., Sm/Yb) compared to Basin and Range volcanics? 2006, 2011; Henry, 2008; Best et al., 2009). 2008, The ancestral Cascades arc: Implications for the development of the Sierran microplate and tectonic • If high K2O is a signal of delamination, The papers of this themed issue touch on signifi cance of high K2O volcanism, in Wright, J., might the latites of the central Sierra mark an these key topics and others. This themed issue and Shervais, J., eds, Ophiolites, Arcs and : earlier episode of delamination, which could brings together the results connected not so Geological Society of America Special Paper 438, p. 331–378. still be visible in the seismic signal? much by approach or technique, but rather by Cashman, P.H., Trexler, J.H., Muntean, T.W., Faulds, J.E., • Might high K2O have nothing to do at all their authors’ interest in fundamental problems Louie, J.N., and Oppliger, G.L., 2009, Neogene tec- with lithosphere degradation events (see Putirka of tectonics, volcanism and range uplift, and tonic evolution of the Sierra Nevada–Basin and Range transition zone at the latitude of Carson City, Nevada, and Busby, 2007)? the use of the Sierra Nevada as a case study in Oldow, J.S., and Cashman, P.H., eds., Late Ceno- Finally, the importance of the Sierra Nevada– for how mountain ranges form and evolve. Our zoic Structure and Evolution of the Great Basin–Sierra Walker Lane region cannot be overemphasized hope is that the cumulative geologic, geochemi- Nevada Transition: Geological Society of America Special Paper 447, p. 171–188. for understanding the processes involved in the cal, and geophysical data may point toward a Christiansen, R.L., and Yeats, R.S., 1992, Post-Laramide rupturing of continental lithosphere. This region single coherent tectonic model that explains geology of the U.S. Cordilleran region, in Burchfi el, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L., eds., The has been described as the northernmost exten- all observations—volcanic, structural, strati- Cordilleran Orogen: Conterminous U.S.: Boulder, sion of the Gulf of California rift where it has graphic, paleobotanical, and geochemical, etc. Colorado, Geological Society of America, Geology of not yet completed the process of continental rup- But if nothing else, these papers perhaps attest , v. G-3, p. 261–406. Clark, M.K., Maheo, G., Saleeby, J., and Farley, K., 2005, ture (Faulds and Henry, 2008; Jayko and Bursik, to the usefulness of collaborative research for The non-equilibrium landscape of the southern Sierra 2012). Similarly to the Gulf of California, the addressing fundamental questions of the origin Nevada, California: GSA Today, v. 15, p. 4–10, Walker Lane started to develop during Miocene of the Sierra Nevada, microplate formation, and doi: 10.1130/1052-5173(2005)015[4:TNLOTS]2.0.CO;2. Colgan, J.P., Egger, A.E., John, D.A., Cousens, B., Fleck, time, and both form an oblique-divergent plate rift initiation. R.J., and Henry, C.D., 2011, Oligocene and Miocene boundary (Wilson, 1965; Larson et al., 1968; arc volcanism in northeastern California: Evidence for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS post-Eocene segmentation of the subducting Farallon Lonsdale, 1989; Wesnousky, 2005; Lizarralde plate: Geosphere, v. 7, no. 3, p. 733–755, doi: 10.1130/ et al., 2007; Umhoefer et al., 2007; Putirka and GES00650.1. Busby, 2007; Surpless, 2008). Many questions We would like to thank the participants of the 2010 Cousens, B., Prytulak, J., Henry, C., Alcazar, A., and Brown- rigg, T., 2008, Geology, geochronology, and geochem- remain regarding the formation of oblique rift Penrose Conference for their interest in and enthu- siasm for the conference itself, and the high level of istry of the Miocene-Pliocene ancestral Cascades arc, margins because they have not been studied in discussion at that meeting, both of which helped to northern Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada: The as much detail as orthogonal rift margins roles of the , subducting slab and the launch this themed issue. We also thank Science Edi- Sierra Nevada lithosphere: Geosphere, v. 4, p. 829– Data generated from the Gulf of California tor Carol Frost and Managing Editor Bridgette Moore 853, doi: 10.1130/GES00166.1. 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