No Cuban Religious Liberty' Mass by Bishop on Tuesday to Mark Pan
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Mass By Bishop On Tuesday To Mark Pan American Day Solemn Pontifical Mass sung Father Orlando Fernandez will Luis Paniagua, subdeacon, and by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll be the assistant priest and Fa- Father Arthur DeBevoise, mas- at 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20, ther Jose Luis Hernando and ter of ceremonies. in Gesu Church will mark the Father Rafael Herrero will be Miami observance of Pan Amer- deacons of honor. Father Mauro Barrenechea, ican Day. S.J., director of the Inter- Father Jesus Nuevo, S.J., American Institute of the Dio- During the fifth Annual Mass, will be the deacon; Father Jose cese of Miami, will preach. Among those expected to at- tend the Mass are members of the Consular Corps o stin Bishop To Sing Easter Mass American nations as Wwi as federal, state, county and city officials of South Florida com- In St. Rose Of Lima Church munities. Solemn Pontifical Mass sung Father John W. Glorie will Hundreds of students from by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll be the commentator. seminaries, colleges and high at 11 a.m. Easter Sunday in St. The Mass in English by Alex- schools in the Diocese of Miami Rose of Lima Church, Miami ander Peloquin will be sung by will be present, as well as rep- Shores, will mark the Feast of the Cathedral choir of men and resentatives of the many re- ligious communities of men and the Resurrection in the Diocese boys under the direction of women stationed throughout the of Miami. Charles Belanger, organist and choirmaster. 16 counties which comprise the The Mass, offered this year Diocese of Miami. Trumpet fanfare win herald in St. Rose et Lima Chorea dne Delegations from diocesan or- the Bishop's entrance into the to the fact that extensive alter- church and the choir win sing ganizations present will be rep- ations are now underway in the the Ecce Sacerdos. resenting the Miami Diocesan ENJOYING HER monopoly of Pope Paul VI's reads, "Viva the Good Shepherd." Pope Paul Cathedral, wfll be televised live Council of Catholic Women, the time and attention is little Maria, whose speech had come to the parish of Onr Lady of Gnada- for South Florida viewers at 11 The Proper of the Mass in Miami Diocesan .Council .of. of welcome is reinforced by her balloon which lupe on Passion Sunday in his Lenten rounds. a.m. by WCKT-TV, Ch. 7. English will be sung by St. Catholic Men, the Miami Dio- John Vianney Seminary Choir cesan Council of Catholic Nurs- Msgr. James F. Enright, pas- under the direction of Father es, the Miami Diocesan Union tor, will be the Assistant Priest John Buckley, C. M. of Holy Name Societies, Con- IT'S ONLY A MYTH, PRIEST DECLARES during the Mass. Msgr. William F. McKeever and Msgr. R. E. At noon today, Good Friday, fraternity of Christian Doctrine, Philbin will be Deacons of Bishop Carroll will be the cele- Diocesan Council of Catholic Honor. brant of the Liturgical Action Youth and Young Adults, St. No Cuban Religious Liberty' of the Passion in St. Rose of Vincent de Paul Society, Cath- SAN DIEGO, Calif. (NO - "war of attrition" that extend- force did not work, then physi- Father Padraig Horgan will Lima Church. The devotions in- olic Physicians Guild, and the be deacon; Father David G. clude readings from the OM Miami Guild of Police and The former rector of a Cuban ed over more than two years. cal, brute force was used to Russell, subdeacon, and Father Testament, the reading of tbe Firemen. Catholic university said here He noted that the government bodily expel even Cuban priests Arthur R. DeBevoise and Fa- Passion, unveiling of the Cross, Members of the Miami Serra that religious freedom is a even took over the university and Religious, such as Auxili- ther Joseph H. Brunner, Mas- Adoration of the Cross and the Club will serve as ushers dur- myth in Cuba today. chapel, which is now being used ary Bishop Eduardo Boza Mas- ters of Ceremonies. Communion ceremony. ing the ceremonies. as a storehouse. vklal of Havana, who were all "Religious instruction public- accused of counter-revolu- ly is forbidden," said Father When other measures- against tionary activities." John J. Kelly, O.S.A. "Catholic the Church failed, Father Kelly churches serve as warehouses continued, the Castro regime in "Catholics are much moved and militia barracks. Priests 1961 resorted to the forced de- by the histories of the persecu- tions of the early Church," Fa- live under the constant threat portation of foreign priests. ther Kelly remarked. "It is of prison or expulsion, and ser- "Castro's communists are greatly to be—hoped that they vices are permitted under most subtle and sly," he commented. begin to realize that the present limited conditions." "They want no heroes and no persecution of the Church in martyrs among the clergy or Cuba and in all communist Father Kelly was rector of Religious. the University of Villanueva in countries has been and is more Havana from the time it was "The tactic was to make it widespread and intensive by fat* founded in 1946 by American illegal for them, foreigners, to than the persecution of the Augustinians as Cuba's first pri- be in Cuba. When this legal early Church." vate university. The university was taken over by the govern- ment of Fidel Castro in May, 1961. Vatican Denies Pope's Talk CHURCH MUZZLED The priest said in an inter- view that the Church in Cuba Reopened Deicide Charge has been "muzzled" by repres- VATICAN CITY (NO — A and that the Pope stated ex- sive laws and forced deporta- highly placed Vatican source plicitly at the beginning of his tion of about 80 per cent of the clergy and almost all nuns and has emphasized that Pope Paul talk that he was commenting on Brothers. VI "in no way reopened the the Gospel. question to" deicide" when he At present, he said, Cuba has In a separate* statement, a 220 priests to serve seven mil- said that the Jewish people Vatican-spokesman said Pope lion nominal Catholics scattered slandered and killed Jesus. Paul "was referring to the tra- over an area larger than Penn- ditional interpretation of the sylvania. They are "permitted Jewish leaders, were upset to function inside their church- when the Pope in his Passion historical fact." es," he added, "only as long as Sunday sermon referred to the This traditional interpretation, nothing is said or done contrary slaying of Christ by the Jews. the spokesma nsaid, "attributes to the oppression of human moral responsibility to the Jews rights by Castro's Red regime." But the Vatican spokesman of that time" for the death sen- said here that the Pope — by tence pronounced by the Roman Reviewing the progressive op- recalling Christ's words on the magistrate, Pontius Pilate. FUNERAL HOMES, INC. pression of the Church in Cuba, cross, "they know not what they Roderick O'Neil, President Father Kelly said Villanueva do" — had ruled out "any ques- The spokesman also pointed University, as a center of Cath- tion of formal deicide." out that the Pope himself olic intellectual life, was a "clearly affirmed that the trag- 7200 N.W. 2nd Ave. 6001 Bird Road prime target from the begin- He said the Pope in his ser- edy repeats and perpetuates it- ning. mon was "clearly referring self even today in all those who 751-7523 667-8801 to that portion of the Jewish by word or deed deny Christ, Henry R. Ware, L.F.D. He said the 1961 seizure-of people mentioned in the Gospel offend Him and renew His James E. Matthews, L.F.D. the university culminated a account" of Passion Sunday, passion." Page 2 April 16, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida REQUIEM MASS IN CHICAGO CATHEDRAL; PEOPLE JOIN IN MOURNING Many Dignitaries At Cardinal Meyers Funeral CHICAGO (NO. — Pontifical Apostolic Delegate to the United Cardinal Meyer's body lay in dinal Meyer had headed the Requiem Mass for Albert Car- States, also was present as state in the cathedral for the Chicago archdiocese for six and dinal Meyer of Chicago, the re- were Bishop Coleman F. Car- better part of three days before a half years — since Novem- Served scholar who became roll, of Miami, and other bish- the Requiem Mass. Thousands ber, 1958. Before that he was head of the nation's largest ops. of sorrowing Chicagoans from Archbishop of Milwaukee from Catholic diocese and a leader all walks of life came during 1953 to 1958 and Bishop of Su- Tributes and messages of at the ecumenical council, was that time to pay their last perior, Wis., from 1946 to 1953. offered Tuesday (April 13) in condolence poured in from respects to him. Holy Name cathedral. many sources, religious and His earlier career was that of secular, Catholic and non-Cath- A spokesman at Mercy Hos- a seminary professor and rec- Cardinal Meyer, 62, died April olic. Pope Paul VI cabled a pital attributed Cardinal Mey- tor, and he retained the Outlook 9 in Mercy Hospital, where he message expressing his grief, er's death to progression of his and demeanor of a scholar ha/ -emained for six weeks aft- as did Amleto Cardinal Cicog- brain tumor. During the four- throughout his life. eil^ergoing surgery Feb. 25 narii, Papal Secretary of State. hour surgery in February per- for a brain tumor. He had been The Pope praised Cardinal formed by a medical team of Known as an efficient admin- istrator and a vigorous ad- in a general decline for nearly Meyer's "inspiring leadership" 10, a growth the size of a wal- vocate of racial justice, he a week and two days before and "outstanding zeal." nut was removed from the right his death lapsed into a coma, lobe or his brain at a point received the most extensive from which he did not awake.