Overcoming the Secular Overcoming the Secular Russian Religious Philosophy and Post-Secularism Edited by Teresa Obolevitch and Paweł Rojek The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow Press Krakow 2015 Reviewer Prof. Artur Mrówczynski-Van Allen (International Center for the Study of the Christian Orient, Institute of Philosophy “Edith Stein”, Granada, Spain) Proofreading Aeddan Shaw Cover Natalia Goncharova, Lithurgy, 1915 Layout editor Marta Jaszczuk DTP Monika Kucab Publikację zrealizowano dzięki wsparciu finansowemu Fundacji im. Świętej Królowej Jadwigi dla Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. Copyright © 2015 by Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie ISBN 978-83-7438-444-5 (print version) ISBN 978-83-7438-445-2 (online version) The Pontifical University in Krakow Press 30-348 Kraków, ul. Bobrzyńskiego 10 tel./fax 12 422 60 40 e-mail:
[email protected] www.upjp2.edu.pl www.ksiegarnia.upjp2.edu.pl Table of Contents Russian Thought and Post-Secularism Halina Rarot Russian Prefigurations of Post-Secular Thought: Nikolai Berdyaev and Ivan Il’in . 11 Anna Kurkiewicz Searching for Certainty: Russian and Post-Secular Thought . 28 Marina Savel’eva Vladimir Soloviev’s Idea of the Universal Church and Post-Secular Thinking . 41 Zlatica Plašienková Love as an Evolutionary Force: From Soloviev to Teilhard de Chardin, Towards a Contemporary World . 49 Elena E . Ovchinnikova, Tatiana V . Chumakova The Reactualization of the Ethical Doctrine of Russian Religious Philosophers in the Era of Post-Secularism . 60 Historical Focuses Sergey Grib, Dmitry Dmitriev The Main Features of Russian Religious Philosophy . 68 Tatiana Artemyeva Concepts of Russian Moral Philosophy in the Enlightenment .