CURRICULUM VITAE Revised June 2020 NAME: Ilo Elmar Leppik


ADDRESS: Work: College of Pharmacy University of Minnesota Room 461 717 Delaware St SE Minneapolis, MN 55414


University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Professor, College of Pharmacy, 2004 - present - Adjunct Professor of Neurology, November 1989 - Present - Professor of Neurology, July 1987 - 1989 - Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy Practice, November 1987 - 2004 - Associate Professor of Neurology, July 1980 - July, 1987 - Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy, 1986 - 1987 - Assistant Professor of Neurology, July 1976 - June 1980


President, American Epilepsy Society, Dec 1993 - Dec 1994 President, Central Society for Neurological Research, 1991 - 1992 Board of Directors, American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1991 - 1994 Vice President, American Epilepsy Society, 1991 - 1993 Chairman, Guidelines Committee American Epilepsy Society 1994-1999 Chairman, Rules Committee, American Epilepsy Society, 1980 - 1982 Treasurer, American Epilepsy Society, 1983 - 1986 Secretary, Professional Advisory Board, Epilepsy Foundation of America, 1983 - 1987 Board member, Epilepsy Foundation of America, 1982 - 1992 Executive Committee, American Epilepsy Society, 1983 - 86 Chairman-Elect, Professional Advisory Board, Epilepsy Foundation of America, 1987 - 1989 Chairman, Professional Advisory Board, Epilepsy Foundation of America, 1989 - 1991


Panelist, NIH Consensus Conference on Electroshock Therapy, Bethesda, MD, June, 1985 American Member, WHO Seminar on Epilepsy, Beijing, China, 1984 Member, NIH Program Project B Review Committee, 1991 - 1992 Member, Program Project A Review Committee, 1992 – 1994 Ad Hoc Reviewer NIH Review Committees 1998- 2007

Revised: 09/29/20


National Medical Board, 1968 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1977 American Board of Qualification in EEG, 1978


The Penfield Award for Excellence, Montreal Neurological Institute 1975 Elected to Central Society for Neurological Research, 1982 International League Against Epilepsy Clinical Pharmacology Award, 1986 Named in Epilepsy Section of The Best Doctors in America, 1992 to present Hans Berger Award, 1995 Named in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1996 to present Named in Who's Who in the World, 1997 to present Elected Honorary Fellow, Hong Kong Epilepsy Society, 2003 Elected Honorary Fellow, Estonian Neurological Society, 2007 William Lennox Award for Lifetime Achievement, American Epilepsy Society 2007 Ludvig Puusepp Achievement Award, Estonian Neurological Society 2007


Founding and Managing Editor, Epilepsy Research, 1986 - 2006 International Editorial Board, Disease Management & Health Outcomes, 1997 - 2000 Editorial Advisory Board, Neurology Reviews, 1994 - present Editor, Merritt-Putnam Quarterly, 1985 - 1987 Editorial Board, Epilepsia, 1980 - 1986 Editorial Board, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 1987 - 1990 Editor, Profiles in Seizure Management, 2003-2005 Editorial Advisory Board, CNS Long-Term Care, 2004-present

Reviewer of Papers and Books for: - Neurology - Annals of Neurology - Archives of Neurology - Epilepsia - Synapse - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - Post-Graduate Medicine - American Medical Association Drug Evaluations - Mayo Clinic Journal


Ames High School, Ames, Iowa (1960) B.Sc., Chemistry (1964), Haverford College - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania M.D. (1968), University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin - Straight Medical Intern (June 1968 - May 1969) - Neurology Resident (June 1969 - September 1970) Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Senior Resident, C Service (November 1972 - December 1972) - Consulting Resident, Royal Victoria Hospital (January - June 1973) - Senior Resident, Pediatric Neurology, Montreal Children’s Hospital (June - December 1973) - EEG Fellow, Dr. P. Gloor, Supervisor (January - June 1974) - Medical Research Council of Canada, Research Fellow in Neuropharmacology - Dr. A. Sherwin, Supervisor (July 1974 - June 1976)


University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - Medical Student Research Training Program Grant - Surgery, Summer 1961 - Medical Student Research Training Program Grant - Cardiology, Summer 1962 - Medical Student Research Training Program Grant - Cardiology, Summer 1963 - Medical Research Council of Canada July 1974-1976


President, Association of Neurologists of Minnesota, 1984 – 1989 Alternate Delegate, House of Delegates, Minnesota Medical Society, 1983 Delegate, House of Delegates, Minnesota Medical Society, 1985 Vice Chairperson, Minnesota Driver’s License Review Panel, 1985 - 86


Principal Investigator, NIH Program Project, 1991 to present Director of Research, MINCEP Epilepsy Care, 1989 to present Director, Epilepsy Clinical Research Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, 1996 to present Member, Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotion Subcommittee, Department of Neurology, University of Minnesota, 1992 to present Director, Epilepsy Research Center, Department of Neurology, 1986 to 1996 Associate Director, Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, 1980 to 1986 Chairman, Special Education Committee, Department of Neurology, 1976 to 1979 Chairman, Task Force on Review of Residency Training Program, 1984 Chairman, Futures Committee on Financial Affairs, Ramsey Clinic, 1981 Member, Fringe Benefits Committee, Ramsey Clinic, 1978 to 1986 Member, Research Committee, Ramsey Foundation, 1977 to 1986 Member, Human Resources Committee, Ramsey Clinic, 1984 to 1986 Member, Practice Committee, Ramsey Clinic, 1982 to 1984 Member, Oversight Committee, Ramsey Clinic, 1983 to 1985 Member, Resident Committee, Ramsey Clinic, 1981 to 1986 Member, Toxicology Committee, Ramsey Clinic, 1979 to 1986 Member, Task Force on Department of Neurology Planning and Strategy for Focus, 1987



Patent : US Appl No. 13/547,866/HUL Ref. 80008-US-CNT3/WH Ref. 2205889.127US2. March 3, 2017 Photography Editor, University of Pennsylvania Medical School Yearbook (1968) President, Fellows Society, Montreal Neurological Institute (1974-75) NINCDS Site Visit Team - Member, NINCDS site visit team University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, October, 1980 - Member, NINCDS site visit team - UCLA, Los Angeles, November, 1980 - Member, NINCDS site visit team - Baylor University, Houston, 1982 - Member, NINCDS site visit team - UCLA, Los Angeles, March 1983 - Member, NINCDS site visit team - University of Washington, Seattle, August, 1983 - Member, NINCDS site visit team - University of Virginia, Richmond, July, 1986 and 1987 Examiner, American Board of Qualification in EEG: 1980 - New York, New York 1981 - New York, New York 1982 - Washington, D.C. 1983 - San Diego, California 1985 - Dallas, Texas 1986 - New Orleans, Louisiana 1992 - San Francisco, California

Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1980.


American Academy of Neurology Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science American Epilepsy Society American Medical Association Minnesota Medical Association Hennepin County Medical Society Canadian Neurological Society Central Society for Neurological Research American EEG Society Voyageurs Chapter, Neurosciences Society


Neurologist - Andrews Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. (October 1970 - October 1972) Chief of Neurology (June 1972-Oct 1972)



1. Journal Articles 2. Books 3. Book Chapters 4. Published Abstracts


JOURNAL ARTICLES (chronological order)

1. Pierce WS, Morris L, Gardiner BN, Leppik, IE et al. Experimental use of single mechanical ventricle to replace the dog’s heart. Trans Amer Soc Artif Int Organs 1965;11:271-276.

2. Messert B, Leppik IE, Sato S. Diplopia and involuntary eye closure in spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage. Stroke 1976;7:305-307.

3. Sherwin AL, Harvey CD, Leppik IE, et al. Correlation between red cell and free plasma levels in renal disease. Neurology 1976;26:874-878.

4. Leppik IE, Sherwin AL. activity of and phenytoin in combination. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1977;200:570-576.

5. Leppik IE, Thompson CJ, Ethier R, et al. Diatrizoate in computer cranial tomography: a quantitative study. Invest Radio 1977;12:21-26.

6. McAuliffe JJ, Sherwin AL, Leppik IE, et al. Salivary levels of : a practical approach to drug monitoring. Neurology 1977;27:409-413.

7. Cranford RE, Leppik IE, Patrick B, Anderson CB, Kostick B. Intravenous phenytoin: clinical and pharmacokinetic aspects. Neurology 1978;28:874-880.

8. Matthews SJ, Pepin SM, Leppik IE. in the treatment of epilepsy. Minnesota Medicine 1978;61:439-442.

9. Nino HE, Leppik IE, Lai C, et al. Progressive sensory loss one year after bullet injury of spinal cord. JAMA 1978;240:1173-1174.

10. Cranford RE, Leppik IE, Patrick B, Anderson CB, Kostick B. Intravenous phenytoin in acute treatment of seizures. Neurology 1979;29:1474-1479.

11. Leppik IE, Cloyd JD, Sawchuk RJ, Pepin SM. Compliance and variability of plasma phenytoin levels in epileptic patients. Ther Drug Mon 1979;1:475-483.

12. Leppik IE, Ramani V, Sawchuk RJ, Gumnit RJ. Increased clearance of phenytoin during infectious mononucleosis. New Eng J Med 1979;300:481-482.

13. Leppik IE, Sherwin AL. Intravenous phenytoin and phenobarbital: anticonvulsant action, brain content, and plasma binding in rats. Epilepsia 1979;20:201-208.

14. Sawchuk RJ, Rector TS, Fordice JJ, Leppik IE. Effect of influenza vaccination on plasma phenytoin concentrations. Ther Drug Mon 1979;1:285-288.

15. Neilan BA, Leppik IE. Phenytoin and formation of T lymphocyte rosettes. Arch Neurol 1980;37:580-581.

16. Snyder BD, Hauser WA, Loewenson RB, Leppik IE, et al. Neurological prognosis after cardiopulmonary arrest: III. Seizure activity. Neurology 1980;30:1292-1297.


17. Snyder BD, Loewenson RB, Gumnit RJ, et al. Neurological prognosis after cardiopulmonary arrest: II. Level of consciousness. Neurology 1980;30:52-58.

18. Chou D, Polnaszek CF, Yost Y, Leppik IE, Holtzman JL. Application of spin labeling to drug assays. II. Determination of the binding of [14C]-phenytoin and spin-labeled phenytoins to albumin and human serum. Molecular Pharmacology 1981;20:674-680.

19. Cloyd JC, Miller KW, Leppik IE. Primidone kinetics: effects of concurrent drugs and duration of therapy. Clin Pharm Ther 1981;29(3):402-407.

20. Snyder BD, Gumnit RJ, Leppik IE, et al. Neurologic prognosis after cardiopulmonary arrest: IV. Brainstem reflexes. Neurology 1981;31(9):1092-1097.

21. Sawchuk RJ, Pepin SM, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Rapid and slow release of phenytoin in epileptic patients at steady state: Assessment of relative utilizing Michaelis-Menten Parameters. J Pharmacol Biopharm 1982;10:365-382.

22. Sawchuk RJ, Pepin SM, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Rapid and slow release of phenytoin in epileptic patients at steady state: comparative plasma levels and toxicity. J Pharmacol Biopharm 1982;10:383-391.

23. Whistler JW, ReMine WJ, Leppik IE, et al. Machine detection of spike-wave activity in the EEG and its accuracy compared with visual interpretation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1982;54:541-551.

24. Fiol ME, Leppik IE, Gates JR. Epilepsy and oral contraceptives: a therapeutic dilemma. Minnesota Medicine 1983;66:551-552.

25. Leppik IE, Derivan AT, Homan RW, Walker J, Ramsay RE, Patrick B. Double-blind study of and in status epilepticus. JAMA. 1983;249(11):1452-1454.

26. Maxwell RE, Gates JR, Fiol ME, Johnson MJ, Yap JC, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Clinical evaluation of a depth electrode. Neurosurgery 1983;12(5):561- 564.

27. Perry TR, Gumnit RJ, Gates JR, Leppik, IE. Routine EEG vs. intensive monitoring in the evaluation of intractable epilepsy. Public Health Reports 1983;98(4):384-389.

28. Gates JR, Leppik IE, Yap J, Gumnit RJ. Corpus callosotomy: clinical and electroencephalographic effects. Epilepsia 1984;25(3):308-316.

29. Kang H, Leppik IE. Phenytoin binding and renal transplantation. Neurology 1984;34(1):83-86.

30. Leppik IE. Seizures and epilepsy: Understanding the mechanisms, achieving control.. Postgraduate Medicine 1984:75(4):229-234.

31. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC, Miller K. Development of tolerance to the side effects of primidone. Ther Drug Monit 1984;6:189-191.

32. Consensus Development Panel. Electroconvulsive Therapy. JAMA 1985:2103-2118.


33. Leppik IE, Lapora J, Loewenson R. Seasonal incidence of phenytoin allergy unrelated to plasma levels. Arch Neurol 1985;42(2):120-122.

34. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus. Clin Therapeutics 1985;7(2):272-278.

35. Mireles R, Leppik IE. and clonazepam comedication in patients with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia 1985;26(2):122-126.

36. Fiol ME, Leppik IE, Pretzel K. Eating epilepsy: EEG and clinical study. Epilepsia 1986;27(4):441-445.

37. Fiol ME, Mireles RC, Leppik IE, Maxwell R. Ictus emeticus: clinical and electroencephalographic findings on surface and electrocorticography. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1986;63:41-46.

38. Graves NM, Leppik IE, Termond E, Taylor JW. Phenytoin clearances in a compliant population: description and application. Ther Drug Monit 1986;8(4):427-433.

39. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus. Neurol Clin 1986;4(3):633-643.

40. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus. Clin Ther 1986;7(2):272-278.

41. Leppik IE, Brundage RC, Krall R, Cloyd JC, Bowman-Cloyd T, Jacobs MP. Double-blind withdrawal of phenytoin and in patients treated with for partial seizures. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):563-568.

42. Leppik IE, Fisher J, Kriel R, Sawchuk RJ. Altered phenytoin clearance with febrile illness. Neurology 1986;36(10):1367-70.

43. Brundage RC, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE, Graves NM, Welty TE. Effect of progabide on serum phenytoin and carbamazepine concentrations. Clin Neuropharmacol 1987;10(6):545-54.

44. Freeman JM, Krumholz A, Leppik IE, Pedley TA. Epilepsy and pregnancy. Am Fam Physician 1987;36(3):47-8, 51, 54.

45. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Leppik IE, Gallagher TK, Parker DR. Quantitative determination of phenytoin and phenobarbital in capillary blood by Ames Seralyzer. Epilepsia 1987;28(6):713-716.

46. Leppik IE, Dreifuss FE, Porter R, Bowman T, Santilli N, Jacobs M, Crosby C, Cloyd J, Stackman J, Graves N, Sutula T, Welty T, Vickery J, Brundage R, Gates JR, Gumnit RJ, Gutierrez A. A controlled study of progabide in partial seizures: methodology and results. Neurology 1987;37(6):963-968.

47. Leppik IE. Intensive monitoring of seizures in evaluating efficacy of antiepileptic drugs. Adv Neurol 1987;46:219-225.

48. Rosenfeld WE, Leppik IE, Gates JR, Mireles RE. Valproate acid loading during intensive monitoring. Arch Neurol 1987;44:709-710.

49. Fiol ME, Leppik IE, Mireles R, Maxwell R. Ictus emeticus and the insular cortex. Epilepsy Research 1988;2:127-131. 8

50. Fuerst RH, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Brundage RC, Holmes GB, Remmel RP. increases phenytoin but decreases carbamazepine concentrations. Epilepsia 1988;29(4):488-491.

51. Fuerst RH, Graves NM, Brundage R, Leppik IE. Bidirectional effect of felbamate on phenytoin and carbamazepine concentrations. Epilepsia 1988;29(4):488-491.

52. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Leppik IE. Compliant populations: variability in serum concentrations. Epilepsy Res Supp 1988;1:91-99.

53. Graves NM, Fuerst RH, Cloyd JC, Brundage RC, Welty TE, Leppik IE. Progabide induced changes in carbamazepine metabolism. Epilepsia 1988;29(6):775-780.

54. Henry TR, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ, Jacobs MP. Progressive myoclonic epilepsy treated with . Neurology 1988;38(6):928-931.

55. Leppik IE, Schmidt D. Consensus statement on compliance in epilepsy. In: Schmidt D, Leppik IE, eds. Compliance in Epilepsy (Epilepsy Res Suppl 1). New York: Elsevier, 1988:179-182.

56. Schmidt D, Leppik IE. Compliance in epilepsy: introduction. In: Schmidt D, Leppik IE, eds. Compliance in Epilepsy (Epilepsy Res Suppl 1). New York: Elsevier, 1988:3-4.

57. Leppik IE, Schmidt D. Summary of first international workshop on compliance in epilepsy. In: Schmidt D, Leppik IE, eds. Compliance in Epilepsy (Epilepsy Res Suppl 1). New York: Elsevier, 1988:179-182.

58. Leppik IE. Compliance during the treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsia 1988;29 (Suppl 2):S79-S84.

59. Leppik IE, Rask CA. of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. Seminar in Neurology 1988;8(3):240-246.

60. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Leppik IE. Bidirectional effect of felbamate on serum concentrations of phenytoin and carbamazepine. Epilepsia 1989;30(2):225-229.

61. Graves NM, Ludden TH, Holmes GB, Fuerst RH, Leppik IE. Pharmacokinetics of felbamate, a novel antiepileptic drug. Application of mixed-effect modeling to clinical trials. Pharmacotherapy 1989;9(6):372-376.

62. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Fuerst RH, Leppik IE. Effect of felbamate on phenytoin and carbamazepine serum concentrations. Epilepsia 1989;30(2):225-229.

63. Kuzniecky R, Andermann F, Tampieri D, Melanson D, Oliver A, Leppik IE. Bilateral central macrogyria: epilepsy, pseudobulbar palsy, and mental retardation - a recognizable neuronal migration disorder. Ann Neurol 1989;25:547-554.

64. Leppik IE, Boucher R, Wilder BJ, Murthy VS, Rask CA, Watridge C, Graves NM, Rangel RJ, Turlapaty P. Phenytoin : preclinical and clinical studies. Epilepsia 1989;30(Suppl 2):S22-S26.


65. Leppik, IE, Oles KS, Sheehan ML, Penry JK, Parker DR, Gallagher TK, Caron GP, Rosenfeld W, Salmon JJ. Phenytoin and phenobarbital concentrations in serum: a comparison of Ames Seralyzer with GLC, TDX and EMIT. Ther Drug Monit 1989;11:73- 78.

66. Leppik IE. Introductory remarks and symposium overview. Epilepsia 1989;30 (Suppl 1):S1-S2.

67. Lai CW, Leppik IE, Jenkins DC, Sood P. Epilepsy, myasthenia gravis and effect of plasmapheresis on antiepileptic drug concentrations. Arch Neurol 1990;47(1):66-68.

68. Leppik IE. Treatment of epilepsy. Curr Opin Neurol Neurosurg 1990;3:266-270.

69. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus: the role of . Cleve Clinic J of Med 1990;57:S39-S44.

70. Leppik IE. How to get patients with epilepsy to take their medication: the problem of noncompliance. Postgrad Med 1990;88(1):253-256.

71. Leppik IE. Epileptic syndromes: genetic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Introductory remarks and symposium overview. Epilepsia 1990;31(Suppl 3):S1-S2.

72. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic medications. Compendium 1990;14:S490-S496.

73. Leppik IE, Boucher BA, Wilder BJ, Murthy VS, Watridge C, Graves NM, Rangel RJ, Rask CA, Turlapaty P. Pharmacokinetics and safety of a phenytoin prodrug given IV or IM in patients. Neurology 1990;40:456-460.

74. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus: the next decade. Neurology 1990;40(5 Suppl 2):4-9.

75. Nuwer MR, Browne TR, Dodson WE, Dreifuss FE, Engel Jr. J, Leppik IE, Mattson RH, Penry J, Treimann DM, Wilder BJ. Generic substitutions for antiepileptic drugs. Neurology 1990;40(11):1647-1651.

76. Schwartzman MJ, Leppik IE. Carbamazepine-induced dyskenesia and ophthalmoplegia. Cleve Clin J Med 1990;57(4):367-372.

77. Yerby MS, Leppik IE. Epilepsy and the outcomes of pregnancy. J Epilepsy 1990;3(4):193-199.

78. Elmquist WF, Riad LE, Leppik IE, Sawchuk RJ. The relationship between carbamazepine urine and plasma concentrations: implications for therapeutic drug monitoring. Pharmaceutical Research 1991;8(2):282-284.

79. Graves NM, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic medications in development. DICP Ann Pharmacother 1991;25:978-986.

80. Leppik IE, Dreifuss FE, Pledger GW, Graves NM, Santilli N, Drury I, Tsay JY, Jacobs MP, Bertram E, Cereghino JJ, Cooper G, Sahlroot JT, Sheridan P, Ashworth M, Lee SI, Sierzant TL. Felbamate for partial seizures: results of a controlled . Neurology 1991;41:1785-1789.


81. Leppik IE. Introduction and symposium overview. Epilepsia 1991;32 (Suppl 5):S1-S2.

82. Markowsky SJ, Kohls PR, Ehresman D, Leppik IE. Compatibility and pH variability of four injectable phenytoin sodium products. Am J Hosp Pharm 1991;40:510-514.

83. Wagner ML, Graves NM, Marienau K, Holmes GB, Remmel RP, Leppik IE. Discontinuation of phenytoin and carbamazepine in patients receiving felbamate. Epilepsia 1991;32(3):398-406.

84. Leppik IE. Metabolism of antiepileptic medication: newborn to elderly. Epilepsia 1992;33 (Suppl 4):S32-S40.

85. Leppik IE. Felbamate: a new drug for the treatment of patients with epilepsy. Neurology Forum 1992;3(4):2,6-7.

86. Leppik IE. Introduction and symposium overview. Epilepsia 1992;33 (Suppl 4):S1-S2.

87. Bourgeois B, Leppik IE, Laxer K, Lesser R, Messenheimer JA, Sackellares JC. Felbamate: a double-blind controlled trial in patients with partial seizures undergoing surgical evaluation. Neurology 1993;43:693-696.

88. Felbamate Study Group in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (Leppik IE, University of Minnesota). Efficacy of felbamate in childhood epileptic (Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome). NEJM 1993;328:29-33.

89. Graves NM, Leppik IE. Advances in pharmacotherapy: recent developments in the treatment of epilepsy. J Clin Pharm Ther 1993;18(4):227-242.

90. Hom AC, Leppik IE, Rask CA. Effects of estradial and on seizure sensitivity in oophorectomized DBA/2J mice and C57/EL hybrid mice. Neurology 1993;43(1):198- 204.

91. Leppik IE, Willmore LJ, Homan RW, Fromm G, Oommen KJ, Penry JK, Sackellares JC, Smith DB, Lesser RP, Wallace JD, Trudeau JL, Lamoreaux LK, Spencer M. Efficacy and safety of zonisamide: results of a multicenter study. Epilepsy Research 1993;14:165-173.

92. Leppik IE. Evolving concepts in antiepileptic drug development: introduction. Neurology 1993;43(Suppl 3):3

93. Leppik IE. Studies of novel antiepileptic drugs in adults. Neurology 1993;43(Suppl 3):29- 32.

94. US Study Group No. 5 (McLean MJ, Shellenberger MK, Wallace J, Ramsay RE, Leppik IE, Rowan AJ.) Gabapentin as add-on therapy in refractory partial epilepsy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel-group study. Neurology 1993;43(11):2292-2298.

95. Wagner ML, Remmel RP, Graves NM, Leppik IE. Effect of felbamate on carbamazepine and its major metabolites. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1993;53(5):536-543.

96. Caplan LR, Sander JW, Bromfield EB, Leppik IE. Should single epileptic seizures be treated? Eur Neurol 1994;34(4):186-192.


97. Cloyd JC, Lackner TE, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drugs in the elderly: pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacokinetics. Arch Fam Med 1994;3:589-598.

98. French JA, Leppik IE. Testing antiepileptic drugs in children. J Child Neurology 1994;9 (Suppl 1):S26-32.

99. ILAE (Commission on AEDs), (Leppik IE, University of MN). Guidelines for the antiepileptic drug trials in children. Epilepsia 1994;35(1):94-100.

100. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drugs in development: prospects for the near future. Epilepsia 1994;35 (Suppl 4):S29-S40.

101. Leppik IE. Progressive clinical trials designs for antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsia 1994;35(Suppl 7):S13-S17.

102. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drugs in development: prospects for the near future. Epilepsia 1994;35(Suppl 4):S29-S40.

103. Neugebauer R, Paik M, Hauser WA, Nadel E, Leppik IE, Susser M. Stressful life events and seizure frequency in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia 1994;35(2):336-343.

104. Radulovic LL, Wilder BJ, Leppik IE, Brockbrader HN, Chang T, Posvar EL, Sedman AJ, Uthman BM, Erdman GR. Lack of interaction of gabapentin with carbamazepine or valproate. Epilepsia 1994;35(1):155-161.

105. Schachter SC, Leppik IE, Matsuo F, Messenheimer JA, Faught E, Moore EL, Risinger ME. : a 6-month, placebo-controlled safety and tolerance study. J Epilepsy 1995;8:201-209.

106. U.S. Gabapentin Study Group (Leppik IE, University of Minnesota). The long-term safety and efficacy of gabapentin (Neurontin®) as add-on therapy in drug-resistant partial epilepsy. Epilepsy Res 1994;18:67-73.

107. Wagner ML, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Remmel RP, Shumaker RC, Ward DL, Perhach JL. The effects of felbamate on valproic acid disposition. Clin Pharmaco & Therapeutics 1994;56(5):494-502.

108. Devinsky O, Leppik IE, Willmore LJ, Pellock JM, Dean C, Gates J, Ramsay RE, IV Valproate Study Team. Safety of intravenous valproate. Ann Neurol 1995;38(4):670-674.

109. Gil-Nagel A, Wilcox KJ, Stewart JM, Anderson VE, Leppik IE, Rich SS. Familial cerebral cavernous angioma: clinical analysis of a family and phenotypic classification. Epilepsy Res 1995;21(1):27-36.

110. Kerrick JM, Kelley BJ, Maister BH, Graves NM, Leppik IE. Involuntary movement disorders associated with felbamate. Neurology 1995;45(1):185-7.

111. Leppik IE. Felbamate. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 2):S66-S72.

112. Leppik IE. Neurology and managed care: the Minnesota perspective. Managed Care and Today's Neurologist 1995:25-27.


113. Leppik IE, Gramm L. : the art of epilepsy care. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 6):S1-S26.

114. Leppik IE. Tiagabine: the safety landscape. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 6):S10-S13.

115. So EL, Wolff D, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Cascino GD, Pixton GC, Gustavson LE. Pharmacokinetics of tiagabine as add-on therapy in patients taking -inducing antiepilepsy drugs. Epilepsy Res 1995;22(3):221-226.

116. Fisher JH, French J, Leppik IE. Making the most of new seizure treatments. Patient Care 1996;30(1):53-83.

117. Gil-Nagel A, Dubovksy J, Wilcox KJ, Stewart JM, Anderson VE, Leppik IE, Orr HT, Weber JL, Rich SS. Familial cerebral cavernous angioma: a gene localized to a 15-cM interval on chromosome 7q. Ann Neurology 1996;39(6):807-810.

118. Leppik IE. Current management of status epilepticus. Pharmacy and Therapeutics 1996;21(5S):6-12.

119. Leppik IE. Rational monotherapy for epilepsy. Baillière's Clinical Neurology 1996;5(4):749-755.

120. Murray MI, Halpern MT, Leppik IE. Cost of refractory epilepsy in adults in the USA. Epilepsy Res 1996;23(2):139-148.

121. Lahmeyer H, Wilcox CS, Kann J, Leppik I. Subjective efficacy of in outpatients with chronic insomnia: A double-blind comparison to placebo. Clin Drug Invest 1997;13(3):134-144.

122. Leppik IE, Roth-Schechter GB, Gray GW, Cohn MA, Owens D. A double-blind, placebo controlled comparison of zolpidem, and in elderly patients with insomnia. Drug Dev Res 1997;40(3):230-238.

123. Ramsay RE, Wilder BJ, Uthmann BM, Garnett WR, Pellock JM, Barkley GL, Leppik IE, Knapp LE. Intramuscular (Cerebyx®) in patients requiring a loading dose of phenytoin. Epilepsy Res 1997;28(3):181-187.

124. Ramsay RE, Uthman B, Leppik IE, Pellock JM, Wilder BJ, Morris D, Cloyd JC. The tolerability and safety of valproate sodium injection given as an intravenous infusion. J of Epilepsy 1997;10(4):187-193.

125. Sachdeo RC, Leroy RF, Krauss GL, Drake ME, Green PM, Leppik IE, Shu VS, Ringham GL, Sommerville KW. Tiagabine therapy for complex-partial seizures. A dose-frequency study. Arch Neurology 1997;54(5):595-601.

126. Graves NM, Brundage RC, Wen Y, Cascino G, So E, Ahmann P, Rarick J, Krause S, Leppik IE. Population pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine in adult patients with epilepsy. Pharmacotherapy 1998;18(2):273-281.

127. Lackner TE, Cloyd JC, Thomas LW, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug use in nursing home residents: effect of age, gender, and comedications on patterns of use. Epilepsia 1998;39(10):1083-1087. 13

128. Leppik IE. AED doses: from animals to humans. Adv Neurol 1998;76:89-93.

129. Leppik IE. Quality of life of people with epilepsy in the United States. Clin Therapeutics 1998;20(Suppl A):A13-A18.

130. Leppik IE. Role of new and established antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsia 1998;39(Suppl 5): 2-6.

131. Leppik IE. The role of lamotrigine in the treatment of epilepsy. Neurology 1998;51(4): 940-942.

132. Uthman B, Rowan AJ, Ahmann PA, Leppik IE, Schachter SC, Sommerville KW, Shu V. Tiagabine for complex partial seizures: a randomized, add-on, dose-response trial. Arch Neurol 1998;55(1):56-62.

133. Leppik IE, Gram L, Deaton R, Sommerville KW. Safety of tiagabine: summary of 53 trials. Epilepsy Res 1999;33(2-3):235-246.

134. Leppik IE. Treatment of epilepsy in the elderly. Epilepsy Quarterly 1999;7(1):1, 12- 14.

135. Leppik IE, Wolff D, Purves S. Treatment of epilepsy in women of childbearing potential: Issues in management. CNS Drugs 1999;11(3):191-206.

136. Leppik IE. Zonisamide. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 5):S23-29.

137. Meek PD, Davis SN, Collins M, Gidal BE, Rutecki PA, Burstein AH, Fischer JH, Leppik IE, Ramsay RE. Guidelines for nonemergency use of parenteral phenytoin products: Proceedings of an expert panel consensus process. Arch Internal Med 1999;159:2639- 2644.

138. Browne TR, Szabo GK, Leppik IE, Josephs E, Paz J, Baltes E, Jensen CM. Absence of pharmacokinetic drug interaction of with phenytoin in patients with epilepsy determined by new technique. J Clin Pharmacol 2000;40(6):590-5.

139. Cereghino JJ, Biton V, Abou-Khalil B, Dreifuss F, Gauer JL, Leppik IE, The United States Levetiracetam Study Group. Levetiracetam for partial seizures: Results of a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Neurology 2000;55:236-242.

140. Garrard J, Cloyd J, Gross C, Hardie N, Thomas L, Lackner T, Graves N, Leppik I. Factors associated with antiepileptic drug use among nursing home elderly. Journal of Gerontology 2000;55A(7):M384-M392.

141. Leppik IE, Baringer JR. Selecting treatment in patients with epilepsy. Hospital Practice 2000;35(5):35-42, 45-47; discussion 51-52.

142. Leppik IE. Monotherapy and polypharmacy. Neurology 2000;55(Suppl 3):S25-S29.

143. Devinsky O, Vazquez B, Faught E, Leppik IE, Pellock JM, Schachter S, Alderfer V, Holdich TA. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of remacemide hydrochloride in patients with refractory epilepsy following pre-surgical assessment. Seizure 2002;11(6):371-376. 14

144. Leppik IE. Treatment of epilepsy in 3 specialized populations. American Journal of Managed Care 2001;7(7):S221-S226.

145. Leppik IE. Issues in the treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsia 2001:42(Suppl. 4):1-6.

146. Leppik IE. The place of levetiracetam in the treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsia 2001:42(Suppl. 4)44-45.

147. Leppik IE. Zonisamide chemistry, mechanism of action, and pharmacokinetics. Neurology Reviews 2001:9(4):4-6.

148. Leppik IE. Epilepsy in the elderly. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 2001:1(4):396-402.

149. Leppik IE, French JA, Bergey GK, Gidal BE, Abu-Samrah S, Cooper DB, Franey DM, Jones RW, Tamsky L, Wright A. Managing healthcare resources appropriately. Roundtable discussion. American Journal of Managed Care 2001:7(7):S22-34.

150. Shinnar S, Berg AT, Treiman DM, Hauser WA, Hesdorffer DC, Sackellares JC, Leppik I, Sillanpaa M, Sommerville KW. Status epilepticus and tiagabine therapy: review of safety data and epidemiologic comparisons. Epilepsia 2001:43(3):372-379.

151. Walczak TS, Leppik IE, D’Amelio M, Rarick J, So E, Ahmann P, Ruggles K, Cascino GD, Annegers JF, Hauser WA. Incidence of and risk factors for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: A prospective cohort study. Neurology 2001:56:519-525.

152. Faught E, Ayala R, Montouris GG, Leppik IE. Randomized controlled trial of zonisamide for the treatment of refractory partial-onset seizures. Neurology 2001; 57(10), 1774- 1779.

153. Wilder BJ, Leppik IE, Hietpas TJ, Cloyd JC, Randinitis EJ, Cook J. Effect of food on absorption of Dilantin Kapseals, and Mylan Extended phenytoin sodium capsules. Neurology 2001:57(4):582-589.

154. Leppik IE. Three new drugs for epilepsy: levetiracetam, , and zonisamide. J Child Neurol 2002;17:S53-57.

155. White RJ, Matchinsky D, Beniak TE, Arndt RC, Walczak T, Leppik IE, Rarick J, Roman DD, Gumnit RJ. Predictors of postoperative memory function after left anterior temporal lobectomy. Epilepsy and Behavior 2002:3:83-89.

156. Tran TA, Leppik IE, Blesi K, Sathanandan ST, Remmel R. Lamotrigine clearance during pregnancy. Neurology 2002 59(2):251-255.

157. Leppik IE, Birnbaum A. Epilepsy in the elderly. Seminars in Neurology: Epilepsy; 2002: 22(3): 309-319.

158. Birnbaum AK, Kriel RL, Norberg SK, Wical B, Le DN, Leppik R, Cloyd JC. Rapid infusion of sodium valproate in acutely ill patients. Pediatric Neurology 2003:28(4):300-303.


158. Leppik I, Morrell M, Godfroid P, Arrigo C. Seizure free days observed in randomized placebo-controlled add-on trials with levetiracetam in partial epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003:44(10):1350-1352.

159. Leppik IE, Biton V, Sander JWA, Wieser HG. Levetiracetam and partial seizure subtypes: pooled data from three randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Epilepsia 2003 44(12):1585- 1587.

160. Morrell MJ, Leppik I, French J, Ferrendelli J, Han J, Magnus L. The KEEPER trial: levetiracetam adjunctive treatment of partial-onset seizures in an open-label community- based study. Epilepsy Research 2003:54:153-161.

161. Garrard J, Harms S, Hardie N, Eberly LE, Nitz N, Bland P, Gross CR, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug use in nursing home admissions. Annals of Neurology 2003:54:75-85.

162. Birnbaum A, Hardie NA, Leppik IE, Conway JM, Bowers SE, Lackner T, Graves NM. Variability of total phenytoin serum concentrations within elderly nursing home residents. Neurology 2003;60:555-559.

163. Leppik IE. The expanding role of genetics in epilepsy. American Journal of EEG Technology 2003:43:70-73.

164. Leppik IE. Classification of the myoclonic epilepsies. Epilepsia 2003:44(Suppl 11):2-6.

165. White JR, Walczak TS, Leppik IE, Rarick J, Tran T, Beniak TE, Matchinsky DJ, Gumnit RJ. Discontinuation of levetiracetam because of behavioral side effects: A case-control study. Neurology 2003:61:1218-1221.

166. Leppik IE, Gapany S, Walczak T. Drug-drug interactions: antiepileptic drugs and concomitant drugs and illness. An HIV-positive patient with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 2003:4(Suppl 1):S17-S19.

167. Cramer JA, Leppik IE, DeRue K, Edrich P, Kramer G. Tolerability of levetiracetam in elderly patients with CNS disorders. Epilepsy Res 2003:56:135-145.

168. Birnbaum AK, Hardie NA, Conway JM, Bowers SE, Lackner TE, Graves NM, Leppik IE. Phenytoin use in elderly nursing home residents. Am J Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 2003:1(2):90-95.

169. Burkhart RT, Leppik IE, Blesi K, Scott S, Gapany SR, Cloyd JC. Lower phenytoin serum levels in persons switched from brand to generic phenytoin. Neurology 2004: 63(8):1494- 1496.

170. Leppik IE, Bergey GK, Ramsay RE, Rowan AJ, Gidal BE, Birnbaum AK, Elliott MB. Advances in antiepileptic drug treatments: opportunity for better quality of life in the elderly patient with epilepsy. Geriatrics 2004: 59(12):14-24.

171. Arroyo S, French J, Glauser T, Kanner A, Leppik I, et al. Does tolerance to antiepileptic drugs develop? A review of experimental and clinical evidence. Not Published

172. Leppik IE. Epilepsy in the Elderly. In: Managing Epilepsy in Special Populations, Reviews in Neurological Diseases 2004:1(Suppl 1):S44-S55. 16

173. Leppik IE. Zonisamide: chemistry, mechanism of action, and pharmacokinetics. Seizure 2004:13S:S5-S9.

174. Birnbaum AK, Hardie NA, Conway JM, Bowers SE, Lackner TE, Graves NM, Leppik IE. Valproic acid doses, concentrations, and clearances in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsy Research 2004:62:157-162.

175. Harms SL, Eberly LE, Garrard JM, Hardie NA, Bland PC, Leppik IE. Prevalence of appropriate and problematic antiepileptic combination therapy in older people in the nursing home. J Am Geriatr Soc 2005:53(6):1023-1028.

176. Dong X, Leppik IE, White J, Rarick J. Hyponatremia from oxcarbazepine and carbamazepine. Neurology 2005;65(12):1976-1978.

177. Leppik IE. Choosing an antiepileptic. Selecting drugs for older patients with epilepsy. Geriatrics 2005:60, 42-47.

178. Leppik I.E., Kelly K.M., DeToledo-Morrell L., Patrylo P.R., Delorenzo R.J., Mathern G.W., White H.S. Basic research in epilepsy and aging. Epilepsy Res 2006:68 Suppl 1, 21-37.

179. Leppik I. Antiepileptic drug trials in the elderly. Epilepsy Res 2006:68, 45-48.

180. Leppik I.E. Introduction to the International Geriatric Epilepsy Symposium (IGES). Epilepsy Res 2006:68 Suppl 1, 1-4.

181. Leppik IE, Brodie MJ, Saetre ER, Rowan AJ, Ramsay RE, Jacobs MP. Outcomes research: Clinical trials in the elderly. Epilepsy Res 2006;68(Suppl 1):71-76.

182. Leppik. I.E. Practical prescribing and long-term efficacy and safety of zonisamide. Epilepsy Res 2006;685:517-524.

183. Leppik IE, Wolff DL. The place of felbamate in the treatment of epilepsy. CNS Drugs 1995:4, 294-301

184. Leppik I, DeRue K, Edrich P, Perucca E. Measurement of seizure freedom in adjunctive therapy studies in refractory partial epilepsy: the levetiracetam experience. Epileptic Disorders 2006;8(2):118-130.

185. Harden CL, Leppik IE. Optimizing therapy of seizures in women who use oral contraceptives. Neurology 2006;67(Suppl 4):S56-S58.

186. Pellock JM, Faught E, Leppik IE, Shinnar S, Zupanc ML. Felbamate: Consensus of current clinical experience. Epilepsy Res 2006;71:89-101.

187. Argikar UA, Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE, Conway J, Kshirsagar S, Oetting WS, Klein EC, Remmel RP. Paradoxical urinary phenytoin metabolite (S)/(R) ratios in CYP2C19*1/*2 patients. Epilepsy Res 2006;71(1):54-63.

188. Leppik IE. Epilepsy in the elderly. Epilepsia 2006;47(Suppl 1):65-70


189. Leppik I, Loscher W, Macdonald R, Schmidt D. New co-editors-in-chief for Epilepsy Research. Epilepsy Res 2006;70(1):1.

190. Harms SL, Garrard J, Schwinghammer P, Eberly LE, Chang Y, Leppik IE. Ginkgo biloba use in nursing home elderly with epilepsy or seizure disorder. Epilepsia 2006;47(2):323-9.

191. Hardie NA, Garrard J, Gross CR, Bowers SE, Rarick JO, Bland P, Leppik IE. The validity of epilepsy or seizure documentation in nursing homes. Epilepsy Res, 2007 74:171-175.

192. Fisher RS, Leppik IE. Debate: When does a seizure imply epilepsy? Epilepsia 2008 49 (Suppl 9); 7-12.

193. Leppik IE. Epilepsy in the elderly: scope of the problem. Int Rev Neurobiol 2007;81:1-14.

194. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Cost-effective therapies in nursing home patients with epilepsy and seizures. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2002;3(Suppl 4):H12-H16.

195. Loscher W, Leppik IE. Critical re-evaluation of previous preclinical strategies for the discovery and development of new antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsy Res 2002;50(1-2):17-20.

196. Ferrendelli JA, French J, Leppik I, Morrell MJ, Herbeuval A, Han j, et al. Use of levetiracetam in a population of patients aged 65 years and older: a subset analysis of the KEEPER trial. Epilepsy Behav 2003;4(6):702-709.

197. Garrard J, Harms SL, Eberly LE, Leppik IE. Use of antiepileptic medications in nursing homes. Int Rev Neurobiol 2007;81:165-82.

198. Baulac M, Leppik IE. Efficacy and safety of adjunctive zonisamide therapy for refractory partial seizures. Epilepsy Res 2007;75:75-83.

199. Birnbaum AK, Conway JM, Hardie NA, Lackner TE, Bowers SE, Leppik IE. Carbamazepine dose-concentration relationship in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsy Res 2007;77:31-35.

200. Birnbaum AK, Ahn JE, Brundage RC, Hardie NA, Conway JM, Leppik IE. Population pharmacokinetics of valproic acid concentrations in elderly nursing home residents. Ther Drug Monit 2007; 29(5):571-575.

201. Ahn JE, Cloyd JC, Brundage RC, Marino SE, Conway JM, Ramsay RE, White JR, Musib LC, Rarick JO, Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE. Phenytoin half-life and clearance during maintenance therapy in adults and elderly patients with epilepsy. Neurology 2008 Jul 1;71(1):38-43.

202. Leppik IE. Treatment of epilepsy in the elderly. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2008 Jul;10(4):239-245.

203. Patterson, EE, Goel V, Cloyd JC, O'Brien TD, Fisher JE, Dunn AW, Leppik IE. Intramuscular, intravenous and oral levetiracetam in dogs: safety and pharmacokinetics. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 2008 Jun;31(3):253-258.

204. Patsalos PN, Berry DJ, Bourgeois BFD, Cloyd JC, Glauser TA, Johannessen SI, Leppik IE, Tomson T, Perucca E. Antiepileptic drugs--best practice guidelines for therapeutic drug 18

monitoring: a position paper by the subcommission on therapeutic drug monitoring, ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies. Epilepsia 2008 Jul;49(7):1239-1276.

205. Kumar V, Brundage RC, Oetting WS, Leppik IE, Tracy TS. Differential genotype dependent inhibition of CYP2C9 in humans. Drug Metab Dispos 2008 Jul;36(7):1242-8.

206. Conway JM, White JR, Birnbaum AK, Ramsay RE, Pennell PB, Rarick JO, Musib L, Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Safety of an IV formulation of carbamazepine. Epilepsy Res 2009; 84:242-244.

207. Punyawudho B, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE, Ramsay RE, Marino SE, Pennell PB, White JR, Birnbaum AK. Characterization of the time course of carbamazepine deinduction by an enzyme turnover model. Clin Pharmacokinet 2009;48(4):313-320.

208. White JR, Leppik IE, Beattie JL, Walczak TS, Tran TA, Rarick JO, Vaher P. Long-term use of felbamate: Clinical outcomes and effect of age and concomitant antiepileptic drug use on its clearance. Epilepsia 2009; 50(11):2390-2396.

209. Leppik IE, Patterson E, Hardy B, Cloyd JC. Canine status epilepticus: Proof of principle studies. Epilepsia 2009;50(Suppl 12):14-15.

210. Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK. Epilepsy in the Elderly. Ann NY Acad Sci 2010; 1184:208-224.

211. White JR, Walczak TS, Marino SE, Beniak TE, Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK. Zonisamide discontinuation due to psychiatric and cognitive adverse events: A case-control study. Neurology 2010;75:513-518.

212. Leppik IE, Goel V, Rarick J, Nixdorf DR, Cloyd JR. Intramuscular and intravenous levetiracetam in humans: safety and pharmacokinetics. Epilepsy Res 2010;91:289-292.

213. Leppik IE, Patterson EN, Coles LD, Craft EM, Cloyd JC. Canine status epilepticus: A translational platform for human therapeutic trials. Epilepsia 2011;52(Suppl 8):29-32.

214. Hardy BT, Patterson EN, Cloyd JC, Hardy RM, Leppik IE. Double-masked, placebo- controlled study of levetiracetam for the treatment of status epilepticus and acute repetitive seizures in dogs. J Vet Intern Med 2012 Mar-Apr;26(2):334-40.

215. Marino SE, Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE, Conway JM, Musib LC, Brundage RC, Ramsay RE, Pennell PB, White JR, Gross CR, Rarick JO, Mishra U, Cloyd JC. Steady-state carbamazepine pharmacokinetics following oral and stable-labeled intravenous administration in epilepsy patients: Effects of race and sex. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2012;91:483-438. doi: 10.1038/clpt.2011.251

216. Aliwarga T, Cloyd JC, Goel V, Brundage RC, Marino SE, Leppik IE, Remmel RP. of the principal urinary metabolites of phenytoin and absolute oral bioavailability determined by use of a stable isotope in patients with epilepsy. Ther Drug Monit 2011 Feb;33(1):56-63.

217. SE Marino, SS Pakhomov, S Han, KL Anderson, M Ding, LE Eberly, DW Loring, C Hawkins-Taylor, J O Rarick, IE Leppik, JE Cibula, AK Birnbaum. The effect of plasma concentration on linguistic behavior, verbal recall and working memory.


Epilepsy and Behavior 2012;24:365-372.

218. Birnbaum AK, Conway JM, Strege MA, Leppik IE. Variability of carbamazepine and valproate concentrations in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsy Res 2012;101:22-27.

219. Leppik IE, Walczak TS, Birnbaum AK. Challenges of epilpesy in the elderly. Lancet, 2012; 380:1128-30.

220. Leppik, IE, Hovinga CA. Extended-release antiepileptic drugs: A comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters relative to parent formulations. Epilepsia 2013;54(1):28-35.

221. Puranik, YG, Birnbaum AK, Marino SE, Cloyd JC, Remmel RP, Leppik IE, Lamba JK. Association of carbamazepine major metabolism and transport pathway gene polymorphisms and pharmacokinetics in patients with epilepsy. Pharmacogenomics 2013; 14(1):35-45.

222. Ghada AF, Brundage RC, Marino SE, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE, Pennell PB, Ramsay RE, Birnbaum, AK. Population pharmacokinetics of unbound and total drug concentrations following intravenously administered carbamazepine in elderly and younger adult patients with epilepsy. J Clin Pharmacol 2013;53(3):276-284. DOI: 10.1002/jcph.8

223. Clark AM, Kriel RL, Leppik IE, Marino SE, Mishra U, Brundage RC, Cloyd JC. Intravenous topiramate: Comparison of pharmacokinetics and safety with the oral formulation in healthy volunteers. Epilepsia 2013 Jun;54(6):1099-1105. doi: 10.1111/epi.12134. Epub 2013 Mar 18.

224. Rektor I, Schachter SC, Arzy S, Baloyannis S J, Bazil C, Brázdil M, Engel J, Helmstaedter G, Hesdorffer DC, Jones-Gotman M, Kesner L, Komárek V, Krämer G, Leppik IE, Mann MW, Mula M, Risse GL, Stoker GW, Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité DG, Trimble M, Tyrliková I, Korczyn AD, Epilepsy, behavior, and art (Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind, Part 1) Epilepsy and criminality. Epilepsy and Behavior 2013 Aug;28(2):261-82. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2013. 03.011. Epub 2013 Jun 10.

225. Leppik IE, Rask CA. Pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. Seminars in Neurology,1988; 240-246.

227. Clark AM, Kriel RL, Leppik IE, White JR, Henry TR, Brundage RC, Cloyd JC. Intravenous topiramate: Safety and pharmacokinetics following a single dose in patients with epilepsy or migraines taking oral topiramate. Epilepsia 2013;Jun;54(6):1106-11. doi: 10.1111/ epi.12165. Epub 2013 Apr 15.

228.Leppik AE, Birnbaum AK. Treating epilepsy in the elderly: More an art that science. Cleve Clinic J Med 2014; 81:499-450.

229. Conway JM, Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE, Pennell PB, White JR, Rarick JO, Remmel RP. Safety of an intravenous formulation of lamotrigine. Seizure. 2014 May;23(5):390-2. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2014.01.019. Epub 2014 Jan 31.PMID: 24560492


230. Ahmed GF, Marino SE, Brundage RC, Pakhomov SV, Leppik IE, Cloyd JC, Clark A, Birnbaum AK. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) Modeling of Intravenous and Oral Topiramate and its Effect on Phonemic Fluency in Adult Healthy Volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Nov 18. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12556. PMID: 25403343

231. Leppik IE, Wechsler RT, Williams B, Yang H, Zhou S, Laurenza A. Efficacy and safety of in the subgroup of elderly patients included in the phase III epilepsy clinical trials. Epilepsy Res. 2015 Feb;110:216-20. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2014.11.015. Epub 2014 Dec 13.PMID: 25616475

232. Leppik IE, Patel SI. Intramuscular and rectal therapies of acute seizures. Epilepsy Behav. 2015 Aug;49:307-12. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.05.001. Epub 2015 Jun 11

233. Polepally AR, Remmel RP, Brundage RC, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Ramsay RE, Birnbaum AK. Steady-state pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of immediate-release and extended- release formulations of lamotrigine in elderly epilepsy patients: Use of stable isotope methodology. J Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Apr 23. doi: 10.1002/jcph.522. [Epub ahead of print]

234. Korczyn AD, Schachter SC, Amlerova J, Bialer M, van Emde Boas W, Brázdil M, Brodtkorb E, Engel J Jr, Gotman J, Komárek V, Leppik IE, Marusic P, Meletti S, Metternich B, Moulin CJ, Muhlert N, Mula M, Nakken KO, Picard F, Schulze-Bonhage A, Theodore W, Wolf P, Zeman A, Rektor IThird International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind: Part 1. Epilepsy Behav. 2015 Sep;50:116-37. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.06.044. Epub 2015 Aug 11. Review. PMID: 26276417

235. Lim CN, Birnbaum AK, Brundage RC, Leppik IE, Cloyd JC, Clark A, Marino SE. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of intravenous and oral topiramate and its effect on the symbol digit modalities test in adult healthy volunteers. J Clin Pharmacol. 2016; 56:714-22. doi: 10.1002/jcph.646. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26395889

236. Patterson EE, Leppik IE, Coles LD, Podell M, Vite CH, Bush W, Cloyd JC. Canine status epilepticus treated with fosphenytoin: A proof of principle study. Epilepsia. 2015 Jun;56(6):882-7. doi: 10.1111/epi.12994. Epub 2015 May 7. PMID: 25953073

237. Coles LD, Leppik IE, Patterson EE, Rivers Z, Mishra U, Cloyd JC. Use of IV fosphenytoin pharmacokinetics to determine the loading dose for a clinical trial of canine status epilepticus. Epilepsia. 2015 Jun;56(6):888-94. doi: 10.1111/epi.12961. Epub 2015 May 7. PMID: 25952988

238. Polepally AR, Remmel RP, Brundage RC, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Ramsay RE, Birnbaum AK. Steady-state pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of immediate-release and extended-release formulations of lamotrigine in elderly epilepsy patients: Use of stable isotope methodology.J Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Oct;55(10):1101-8. doi: 10.1002/jcph.522. Epub 2015 Aug 18. PMID: 25903807

239. Patel SI, Birnbaum AK, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Intravenous and Intramuscular Formulations of Antiseizure Drugs in the Treatment of Epilepsy. CNS Drugs. 2015:29: 1009-1022. DOI 21

10.1007/s40263-015-089-0 240. Leppik IE. Analysis of Falls in Patients with Epilepsy Enrolled in the Perampanel Phase III Randomized Double-Blind Studies. Epilepsia 2017;58:51-59.

241. Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE, Svensden K, Eberly LE. Prevalence of Epilepsy and Seizure Codes as a Co-morbidity of Neurological Disorders in Nursing Home Residents. Neurology 2017;88:750-757.

242. Vuu I, Coles LD, Maglalang P, Leppik IE, Worrell G, Crepeau D, Mishra U, Cloyd JC, Patterson EE. Intravenous Topiramate: Pharmacokinetics in Dogs with Naturally Occurring Epilepsy. Front Vet Sci. 2016; 3:107

243. Ahmed GF, Bathena SP, Brundage RC, Leppik IE, Conway JM, Schwartz JB, Birnbaum AK.Pharmacokinetics and Saturable Absorption of Gabapentin in Nursing Home Elderly Patients. AAPS J 2017; 3: 107-

244. Cramer JA, Leppik IE, DeRue K, Edrich P, Kramer G. Tolerability of levetiracetam in elderly patients with CNS disorders. Epilepsy Res 2003:56:135-145.

245. Bourgeois B, Leppik IE, Sackellares JC, Laxer K, Lesser R, Messenheimer JA, Kramer LD, Kamin M, Rosenberg A. Felbamate: a double-blind controllld trial in patients undergoing presurgical evaluation of partial seizures. Neurology 1993; 43:693-696.

246. Praneeth SPR, Leppik IE, Kanner AM, Birnbaum AK. Antiseizure, antidepressant, and medication prescribing in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsy & Behavior 2017; 69:116-120.

247. Jason Varin, PharmD, CLHC SLFs*, and Ilo Leppik, MD. Off-label prescribing An increasingly common practice. MN Med 2017

248. Conway JM, Eberly LE, Collins JF, Macias FM, Ramsay RE, Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK. Factors in Variability of Serial Gabapentin Concentrations in Elderly Patients with Epilepsy. Pharmacotherapy. 2017 Aug 12. doi: 10.1002/phar. 2012.

249, Ahn, JE, Bathena, SP, Brundage, R, Conway, J, Leppik, IE, Birnbaum , K. Iron Supplements in Nursing Home Patients Associated with Reduced Carbamazepine Absorption. Epilepsy Research 2018; 147:115-118.

250. Polepally, R, Brundage, RC, Remmel, RP, Leppik, IE, Pennell,,PB, White, JR, Ramsay,RE, , BM, Birnbaum, A K. Lamotrigine pharmacokinetics following oral and stable-labeled intravenous administration in young and elderly epilepsy patients: Effect of age. Epilepsia 2018;59:1718-1726.

251. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus in the elderly. Epilepsia. 2018; 59:140-3. doi: 10.1111/epi.14497 [Epub ahead of print]

252. Barkley CM, Hu Z1, Fieberg AM2, Eberly LE2, Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE, Marino SE. Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity Predict Topiramate-Related Cognitive


Deficits. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2018 Oct;38(5):481-488. doi: 10.1097/JCP.0000000000000949

253. Roslawski MJ1, Remmel RP2, Karanam A1,2, Leppik IE1,2,3, Marino SE1,2, Birnbaum AK1,2. Simultaneous quantification of thirteen cannabinoids and metabolites in human plasma by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in adult epilepsy patients. Ther Drug Monit. 2019; 41:357-370. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000583.

254. Birnbaum AK, Karanam A, Marino SE, Barkley CM, Remmel RP, Roslawski M, Gramling- Aden M, Leppik IE. Food effect on pharmacokinetics of oral capsules in adult patients with refractory epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2019 Aug;60(8):1586-1592. doi: 10.1111/epi.16093

255. Callisto SP, Birnbaum AK, Barkley CM, Bathena SPR, Leppik IE, Marino SE, Severity of Topiramate-Related Working Memory Impairment is Modulated by Plasma Concentration and Working Memory Capacity. J Clin Pharmacol 2020 Apr 16. doi: 10.1002/jcph.1611.






1. Schmidt D, Leppik IE, Compliance in Epilepsy, Epilepsy Research (Suppl 1), New York: Elsevier, 1988.

2. Anderson VE, Hauser WA, Leppik IE, Noebels JL, Rich SS, Genetic Strategies in Epilepsy Research, Epilepsy Research (Suppl 4), New York: Elsevier, 1991.

3. French JA, Dichter MA, Leppik IE, New Antiepileptic Drug Development: Preclinical and Clinical Aspects, Epilepsy Research (Suppl 10), New York: Elsevier, 1993.

4. Leppik IE. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with Epilepsy, Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 1993.

5. Leppik IE. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with Epilepsy (2nd Ed.), Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 1994.

6. Leppik IE, Homan WR. Rational Polypharmacy, Epilepsy Research, Elsevier, 1996.

7. Leppik IE. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with Epilepsy (3rd Ed.), Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 1996.

8. Leppik IE (Ed). Contemporary Epilepsy Evaluation and Therapy, Part I: Evaluation, Journal of Epilepsy, New York: Elsevier, 1996.

9. Leppik IE (Ed). Contemporary Epilepsy Evaluation and Therapy, Part II: Therapy, Journal of Epilepsy, New York: Elsevier, 1996.

10. French JA, Leppik IE, Dichter MA (eds). Antiepileptic Drug Development: Advances in Neurology (Vol. 76), New York: Lippincott-Raven, 1998.

11. Leppik IE. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with Epilepsy (4th Ed.), Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 1998.

12. Leppik IE. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with Epilepsy (5th Ed.), Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 2000. (250,000 copies in print)

13. Leppik IE. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with Epilepsy (6th Ed.), Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 2006.

14. Leppik, IE. Epilepsy: A Guide to Balancing Your Life. American Academy of Neurology quality of life Guides, Demos, AAN Press. 2007



1. Sherwin AL, Harvey CD, Leppik IE. Quantification of antiepileptic drugs in human brain. In: Peterson IS, Kellaway P, eds. Quantitative Analytic Studies in Epilepsy, New York: Raven Press, 1976:171-181.

2. Sherwin AL, Harvey CD, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drugs in human cerebral cortex: clinical relevance of cortex:plasma ratios. In: Penry JK, ed. Epilepsy: The Eighth International Symposium, New York: Raven Press, 1977:103-108.

3. Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Valproic acid. In: Syva, ed. Guidelines for Serum Level of Monitoring, 1980.

4. Leppik IE, Shope J, Sawchuk RJ, Hauser WA, Van Dyne B. Variability of antiepileptic drug levels during chronic therapy. In: Dam M, Gram L, Perry JK, eds. Advances in Epileptology: XII Epilepsy International Symposium, New York: Raven Press, 1981:577-579.

5. Pepin S, Leppik IE. Maintenance of Stable AED Concentrations: a pharmacokinetic approach. In: Dam M, Gram L, Penry JK, eds. Advances in Epileptology: XII Epilepsy International Symposium, New York: Raven Press, 1981:573-576.

6. Leppik IE. Secondary epileptogenesis and evaluation of the prophylactic role of antiepileptic drugs. In: Mayersdorf A, Schmidt RO, eds. Secondary Epileptogenesis, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1982:163-172.

7. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Primidone: toxicity. In: Penry JK, Woodbury DM, Penry JK, Pippinger CE, eds. Antiepileptic Drugs, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1982:441-447.

8. Shope JT, Ferguson KJ, Hauser WA, Leppik IE, et al. Correlation of methodologies for measurement of adherence to anticonvulsant drug regimens. In: Akimoto H, Kazamatsuri H, Seino M, eds. Advances in Epileptology: XIII Epilepsy International Symposium, New York: Raven Press, 1982:315-318.

9. Gumnit RJ, Leppik IE. The Epilepsies. In: Rosenberg R, ed. Clinical Neurosciences, New York: Churchill Livingston, 1983:409-440.

10. Leppik IE, Patrick BK, Cranford RE. Treatment of acute seizures and status epilepticus with intravenous phenytoin. In: Delgado-Escueta AV, Wasterlain C, Treiman DM, Porter RJ, eds. Status Epilepticus, New York: Raven Press, 1983:447-452.

11. Leppik IE. Drug treatment of epilepsy. In: Bayless TM, Brain MD, Cherniak RM, Decker BC, Mosby CV, eds. Current Therapy in Internal Medicine, Philadelphia: BC Decker, 1984:1282-1287.

12. Leppik IE, Pepin SM, Jacobi J, Miller K. Effect of carbamazepine on the Michaelis-Menten parameters of phenytoin. In: Levy RH, et al, eds. Metabolism of Antiepileptic Drugs, New York: Raven Press, 1984:217-222.

13. Cloyd JC, Brundage RC, Leppik IE, Graves NM, Welty TE. Effects of progabide on serum phenytoin and carbamazepine concentration: a preliminary report. In: Bartholini G, et al, eds. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Epilepsy and GABA Receptor Agonists: Basic and Therapeutic Research, New York: Raven Press, 1985:271-277. 26

14. Gates JR, Maxwell R, Leppik IE, Fiol M, Gumnit RJ. Electroencephalographic and clinical effects of total corpus callosotomy. In: Reeves A, ed. Epilepsy and the Corpus Callosum, New York: Plenum Press, 1985:315-327.

15. Leppik IE. Drug treatment of epilepsy. In: Johnson TR, ed. Current Therapy in Neurological Disease, Philadelphia: B.C. Decker, 1985:41-46.

16. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus. In: Porter RJ, Theodore WH, eds. Neurologic Clinics, Vol 4, No 3, Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986.

17. Leppik IE. Intensive monitoring of seizures to evaluate the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs. In: Gumnit RJ, ed. Advances in Neurology: Intensive Neurodiagnostic Monitoring, Vol 46, New York: Raven Press, 1987:219-255.

18. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Leppik IE. Compliant populations: variability in serum concentrations. In: Schmidt D, Leppik IE, eds. Compliance in Epilepsy. New York: Elsevier, 1988:91-101.

19. Leppik IE. Drug treatment of epilepsy. In: Hauser WA, ed. Current Trends in Epilepsy: A Self Study Course for Physicians. Landover, Maryland: Epilepsy Foundation of America, Inc., 1988:12-20.

20. Leppik IE. Management of seizures during pregnancy. In: Pedley TA, Meldrum BS, eds. Recent Advances in Epilepsy, Vol 4, New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1988:109-121.

21. Leppik IE. Variability of phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate concentrations in a clinic population. In: Schmidt D, Leppik IE, eds. Compliance in Epilepsy, New York: Elsevier, 1988:85-90.

22. Anderson VE, Wilcox KJ, Rich SS, Leppik IE, Hauser WA. Twin studies in epilepsy. In: Beck-Mannagetta G, Anderson VE, Doose H, Janz D, eds. Genetics of the Epilepsies, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989:145-155.

23. Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Primidone: absorption, distribution, excretion. In: Levy R, Mattson RH, Meldrum B, Penry JK, Dreifuss FE, eds. Antiepileptic Drugs, 3rd ed., New York: Raven Press, 1989:391-400.

24. Leppik IE, Graves NM. Potential antiepileptic drugs: felbamate. In: Levy R, Mattson RH, Meldrum B, Penry JK, Dreifuss FE, eds. Antiepileptic Drugs, 3rd ed., New York: Raven Press, 1989:983-994.

25. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Primidone toxicity. In: Levy R, Dreifuss FE, Mattson RH, Meldrum B, Penry JK, eds. Antiepileptic Drugs, 3rd ed., New York: Raven Press, 1989:439-445.

26. Leppik IE. Interactions between novel and standard antiepileptic drugs in clinical trials: progabide, felbamate and MK-801. In: Pitlick WH, ed. Interactions During Drug Development, New York: Demos Publications, 1989:115-128.

27. Leppik IE. Carbamazepine. In: Dam M, Gram L, eds. Comprehensive Epileptology, New York: Raven Press, 1990:525-535.


28. Leppik IE, Jacobs MP, Loewenson RB, Hauser WA, Micks M, Taylor MR. and status epilepticus. In: Porter RJ, Mattson RH, Cramer JA, eds. Alcohol and Seizures-Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Concepts, Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1990:216-221.

29. Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Medications: the first choice in epilepsy therapy. In: Gumnit RJ, ed. Living Well With Epilepsy, New York: Demos Publications, 1990:31-39.

30. Leppik IE, Heck DG. Sexuality and the person with epilepsy. In: Gumnit RJ, ed. Living Well With Epilepsy, New York: Demos Publications 1990:105-108.

31. Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Research: hope for today and the future. In: Gumnit RJ, ed. Living Well With Epilepsy, New York: Demos Publications, 1990:153-160.

32. Yerby MS, Leppik IE. Planning for a successful pregnancy. In: Gumnit RJ, ed. Living Well With Epilepsy, New York: Demos Publications, 1990:109-117.

33. Gumnit RJ, Leppik IE. The epilepsies. In: Rosenberg RN, ed. Comprehensive Neurology, New York: Raven Press, 1991:311-336.

34. Leppik IE. Variability of antiepileptic medication concentrations and compliance. In: Cramer JA, Spilker B, eds. Patient Compliance in Medical Practice and Clinical Trials, New York: Raven Press, 1991:349-358.

35. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug toxicity: an overview. In: Faingold CL, Fromm GH, eds. Drugs for the Control of Epilepsy: Actions on Neuronal Networks Involved in Seizure Disorders, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991:401-412.

36. Leppik IE. Determination of medical intractability in potential corpus callosotomy candidates. In: Luders H, ed. Epilepsy Surgery, New York: Raven Press, 1991:91-94.

37. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug interactions: an overview. In: Faingold CL, Fromm GH, eds. Drugs for Control of Epilepsy: Actions on Neuronal Networks Involved in Seizure Disorders, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991:389-399.

38. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug toxicity: an overview. In: Faingold CL, Fromm GH, eds. Drugs for Control of Epilepsy: Actions on Neuronal Networks Involved in Seizure Disorders, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991:401-412.

39. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic medications in the neurosurgical patient. In: Apuzzo MJL, ed. Neurosurgical Aspects of Epilepsy, Park Ridge: American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 1991:43-55.

40. Leppik IE. Intractable epilepsy in adults. In: Theodore WH, ed. Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy (Epilepsy Research, Suppl 5), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992:7- 11.

41. Leppik IE. Phenytoin. In: Resor SR, Kutt H, eds. The Medical Treatment of Epilepsy: Neurological Disease and Therapy, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1992:279-292.

42. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus and serial seizures. In: Hall JB, Schmidt GA, Wood LDH, eds. Principles of Critical Care, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992:1777-1782.


43. Leppik IE, Kupferberg JH, Felbamate. In: Resor SR, Kutt H, eds. The Medical Treatment of Epilepsy: Neurological Disease and Therapy, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1992:279-292.

44. Leppik IE, Wolff DL. The place of felbamate in the treatment of epilepsy. In: Palmer KJ, ed. CNS Drugs, New Zealand: Adis International, Ltd., 1992:294-301.

45. Leppik IE, Wolff DL. Antiepileptic medication interactions. In: Devinsky O, ed. Neurologic Clinics, Epilepsy I: Diagnosis and Treatment, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 1993:905- 921.

46. Leppik IE. Compliance in the treatment of epilepsy. In: Wyllie E, ed. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice, Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1993:810-816.

47. Leppik EI, Graves N, Devinsky O. New antiepileptic medications. In: Devinsky O, ed. Neurologic Clinics, Epilepsy I: Diagnosis and Treatment, Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1993:923-950.

48. Leppik IE. Sources of variability in clinical trials of new drugs for epilepsy. In: French JA, Dichter MA, Leppik IE, eds. New Antiepileptic Drug Development: Preclinical and Clinical Aspects (Epilepsy Research, Suppl 10), New York: Elsevier Science Publications, 1993:157-165.

49. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus. In: Wyllie E, ed. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice, Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1993:678-685.

50. Leppik IE. Lamotrigine. In: Trimble M, ed. New Anticonvulsants: Advances in the Treatment of Epilepsy, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1994:91-102.

51. Leppik IE. Felbamate. In: The Treatment of Epilepsy, Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, Ltd., 1994.

52. Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Primidone: absorption, distribution and excretion. In: Levy R, Mattson RH, Meldrum BS, eds. Antiepileptic Drugs, 4th ed. New York: Raven Press , 1995:459- 465.

53. Leppik IE, Gil-Nagel A. New anticonvulsant drugs. In: Pedley T, Meldrum BS, eds. Recent Advances in Epilepsy, Vol 6, New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1995:119-139.

54. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Primidone toxicity. In: Levy RH, Mattson RH, Meldrum BS, et al, eds. Antiepileptic Drugs, 4th ed., New York: Raven Press, 1995:487-490.

55. Cloyd J, Leppik IE. Systematic approach to medical treatment of epilepsy. In: Leppik IE, ed. Contemporary Epilepsy Evaluation and Therapy, Part II: Therapy, Journal of Epilepsy, Elsevier: New York, 1996:11-18.

56. Gumnit RJ, Risinger M, Leppik IE, Maister B, Gil-Nagel A. The epilepsies and convulsive disorders. In: Joynt RJ, Griggs RC, eds. Clinical Neurology, Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven 1996:1-95 (Chapter 31).

57. Leppik IE. Compliance in the treatment of epilepsy. In: Wyllie E, ed. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. Baltimore, 1996:779-784.


58. Leppik IE. Felbamate. In Shorvon S, Dreifuss F, Fish D, Thomas D, Reynolds E, eds. The Treatment of Epilepsy, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Science Publications, Ltd., 1996:421- 428.

59. Leppik IE. New antiepileptic drugs. In: Kimura J, Shibasaki H, eds. Recent Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996:816-822.

60. Leppik IE. Rational monotherapy for epilepsy. In: Brodie MJ, Treiman DM, eds. Baillière's Clinical Neurology, Vol. 5/No. 4. 1996:749-755.

61. Leppik IE, Graves NM. New antiepileptic medications. In: Chokroverty S, ed. Management of Epilepsy, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.

62. Dulac O, Leppik IE. Initiating and discontinuing treatment. In: Engel J, Pedley TA, eds. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven 1997:1237-1246.

63. Leppik IE. Laboratory tests. In: Engel J, Pedley TA, eds. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven ,1997:811-817.

64. Leppik IE, Wolff D. Drug Interactions in the elderly with epilepsy. In: Rowan AJ, Ramsay RE, eds. Seizures and Epilepsy in the Elderly, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997:291- 302.

65. Leppik IE. AED doses: from animals to humans. In: French JA, Leppik IE, Dichter MA, eds. Antiepileptic Drug Development: Advances in Neurology (Vol. 76), Philadelphia: Lippincott- Raven, 1998:89-93.

66. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus and serial seizures. In: Hall JB, Schmidt GA, Wood LDH, eds. Principles of Critical Care, 2nd ed.; New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998:989-994.

67. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Epilepsy in the Elderly. In Antiepileptic Drugs, 5th edition. Levy RH, Mattson RH, Meldrum B, Perucca E. et al. (eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 2002

68. Leppik IE, Wolff D, Purves S. Treatment of epilepsy in women of childbearing potential: Issues in management. In: Mallarkey G, Palmer KJ, eds. Issues in Epilepsy; Hong Kong: Adis International Ltd., 1999:43-58.

69. Leppik IE. Zonisamide. In: Eadie MJ, Vajda FJE, eds. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology ; v. 138: Antiepileptic Drugs Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag, 1999:485-498.

70. Leppik IE. Epilepsy in the elderly. In: Wyllie E, ed. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed., 2001.

71. Leppik IE. Status epilepticus: prevention and treatment. In: Lüders HO, ed. Textbook of Epileptology, 2001:327-362.

72. Leppik IE. Intractable epilepsy in adults. In: Burnham WM, Carlen PL, Hwang PA, eds. Intractable Seizures: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 497). New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002:1-7.


73. Leppik IE. Felbamate. In: Shorvon S, Perucca E, Fish D, Dodson E, eds. The Treatment of Epilepsy, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004:403-409.

74. Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK. Epilepsy in the elderly. In. Wyllie E. Gupta A, Lachhwani DK, eds. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, William & Wilkins, Chapter 40: 2005:593-603.

75. Leppik IE. Phenytoin in the Treatment of Status Epilepticus. Status Book 2006.

76. Leppik IE. Laboratory Tests. In: Engel J, Pedley TA, eds. Epilepsy. A Comprehensive Textbook 2nd Edition. Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2007: Chapter 71; 791-796.

77. Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK. Drug Treatment in the Elderly. In: Engel J, Pedley TA, eds. Epilepsy. A Comprehensive Textbook 2nd Edition. Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2007: Chapter 114; 1269-1278.

78. Dulac O, Leppik IE, Chadwick DW, Specchio L. Starting and Stopping Treatment. In: Engel J, Pedley TA, eds. Epilepsy. A Comprehensive Textbook 2nd Edition. Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2007: Chapter 118; 1301-1310.

79. Leppik. I. Epilepsy. In: Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology, Sixth Edition Eds: Jeffrey B. Halter, Joseph G. Ouslander, Mary Tinetti, Stephanie Studenski, Kevin High, Sanjay Asthana, William R. Hazzard. New York, NY, McGraw-Hill Inc, 2009: Chapter 69; 841-848.

80. Leppik IE, White JR. Felbamate. In: Shorvon S, Perucca E. and Engel J. The Treatment of Epilepsy, 3rd edition. Blackwell Publishing, 2009: Ch 40; 511-518.

81. Conway JM, Leppik IE, and Birnbaum AK.Antiepileptic Drug Therapy in Children. In: Swaiman KF, Ashwal S, Ferriero DM, and Schor NF. Pediatric Neurology; Principles and Practice, 5th Edition. Elsevere Philadelphia,2012. Ch 59; 811-834.

82. Menon U, Leppik IE. Medical Management of Seizures in Cerebrovascular Disorders. In: Koubeissi MZ, Alshekhlee A,and Mehndiratta P. Seizures in Cerebrovascular Disorders. New York NY, Springer, 2015: Ch 10; 121-132.

83. Leppik IE, White JR. Felbamate. In: Shorvon S, Perucca E. and Engel J. The Treatment of Epilepsy, 4th edition. Blackwell Publishing, Blackwell Publishing, 2015: Ch 83; 472-478.

84. Potschka H, Patterson,EN, Leppik IE. Naturally Occuring Epilepsy and Status Epilepticus in Dogs. In: Pitkanen A, Buckmaster PS, Galanopoulou AS, Moshe SL. Models of Seizures and Epilepsy. Academic Press, 2017: Ch 27; 387-398.



1. Harvey CD, Leppik IE, Neims A, et al. Conazepam (Rivotril) in Human Plasma and Brain. International Congress of Child Neurology Toronto, October 9, 1975.

2. Leppik IE, Andermann, E, Andermann F, et al. Familial collagen vascular disease with neurological involvement. Canad J Neurol Sci 1975;2(3):329.

3. Leppik IE, Andermann E, Andermann F, et al. A syndrome of collagen vascular disease spasticity and mental retardation in an inbred kindred. Clin Res 1975;23:624a.

4. Leppik IE, Sherwin AL. Anticonvulsant activity of phenytoin in combination with phenobarbital. Clin Res 1975;23:A642.

5. Leppik IE, Sherwin AL. Optimal combination therapy with dilantin and phenobarbital. Canad J Neurol Sci 1975;2:330-331.

6. Leppik IE, Andermann E, Andermann F, et al. A syndrome of collagen vascular disease, spasticity and mental retardation in an inbred kindred. Excerpta Medical International Congress Series 1976;397:85-86.

7. Cranford RE, Leppik IE, Patrick B, Anderson CB, Kostick B. Intravenous phenytoin: Clinical and pharmacokinetic aspects. Neurology 1977;27:376.

8. Cloyd JC, Sawchuk RJ, Leppik IE, Pepin SM. The direct linear plot: use in estimating Michaelis-Menten parameters and individualizing phenytoin dosage regimens in epileptic patients. In: Wada JA, Penry JK, eds. Advances in Epileptology: Xth Epilepsy International Symposium, New York: Raven Press,1978:110.

9. Cranford RE, Leppik IE, Patrick B, et al. Intravenous phenytoin in acute seizure disorders, Neurology, 1978;28:351-352.

10. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC, Sawchuk RJ, Gumnit RJ, et al. Seizures and altered phenytoin metabolism in mononucleosis. The 10th Epilepsy International Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, September 10-14, 1978:269.

11. Miller KW, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Primidone pharmacokinetics: effect of concomitant anticonvulsant drugs and duration of therapy. The 10th Epilepsy International Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, September 10-14, 1978:184.

12. Pepin SM, Sawchuk RJ, Leppik IE, et al. Calculation of relative bioavailability of phenytoin utilizing steady state plasma levels and Michaelis-Menten parameters. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 13th Annual Mid-Year Clinical Meeting, 1978.

13. Ramsay E, Leppik IE, Strauss R, et al. Plasma clearance and volume of distribution of phenytoin during pregnancy. The 10th Epilepsy International Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 1978:182.

14. Sawchuk RJ, Leppik IE, Cranford RE. Pharmacokinetics of large dose intravenous phenytoin therapy. Excerpta Medic, International Congress Series #427, 11th World Congress of Neurology, 1978:149.


15. Whistler JW, ReMine WJ, Leppik IE, et al. Detection and quantification of paroxysmal EEG abnormalities: an analog circuit method. The 10th Epilepsy International Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 1978:19.

16. Sussman NM, McLain W, Leppik IE. Hepatotoxicity of valproic acid. Neurology 1979;29:601.

17. Cloyd JC, Sawchuk RJ, Leppik IE, et al. The direct linear plot: use in estimating Michaelis- Menten parameters and individualizing phenytoin dosage regimens in epileptic patients. In: Wada JA, Penry JK, eds. Advances in Epileptology: Xth Epilepsy International Symposium, Raven Press, Ltd., New York, 1980:506.

18. Kang H, Leppik IE. Rapid phenytoin metabolism following renal transplantation. Ann Neurol 1980;8:219-220.

19. Pepin SM, Leppik IE, Miller K. Maintenance of stable antiepileptic drug concentrations - pharmacokinetic approach. Acta Neurol Scan 1980;62(Suppl 79):65.

20. Kang H, Leppik IE. Phenytoin binding in patients undergoing renal transplantation. Neurology 1981;3192:158.

21. Leppik IE, Lapora J, Loewenson RB. Seasonal occurrence of phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions. The 13th Epilepsy International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, September 17-21 1981:132.

22. Beniak TE, Leppik IE, Bowman TE, Loewenson RB, Gumnit RJ. Development of tolerance to PHT and CBZ detected by neuropsychological performance. Epilepsia 1982;23:437- 438.

23. Gates JR, Leppik IE, Yap J, Gumnit RJ. Effect of total corpus callosectomy on EEG. Epilepsia 1982;23:441.

24. Gates JR, Leppik IE, Yap J, Maxwell R, Fiol ME, Gumnit RJ. Clinical and EEG outcome in corpus callosotomy. Advances in Epileptology: 14th Epilepsy International Symposium, Raven Press, Ltd., New York Neurology 1982;32(2):A233.

25. Shope J, Ferguson K, Leppik IE, Hauser W, Van Dyne B. Correlates of antiepileptic drug compliance. Epilepsia 1982;23:439.

26. Leppik IE, Loewenson RB, Bowman TB, Beniak TE, Pepin SM, Gumnit RJ. Carbamazepine and phenytoin alone in combination in partial seizures. Neurology 1983;33(Suppl. 2):234.

27. Welty TE, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE, et al. Pharmacokinetics of progabide in patients receiving phenytoin and carbamazepine. Epilepsia 1983;24:522.

28. Bowman T, Leppik IE, Haus E. Periodicity of seizure activity in persons with complex partial seizures. Epilepsia 1984;25:658.

29. Fuerst RH, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Remmel RP, Rosenfeld WE, Sierzant TL. A preliminary report on alteration of carbamazepine and phenytoin metabolism by felbamate. DICP, 1985;20:465. 33

30. Graves NM, Leppik IE, Cloyd JC, Brundage R, Ehresman D. Immediate and chronic effect of progabide on carbamazepine metabolism. Epilepsia 1985;26(5):538.

31. Leppik IE, Dreifuss FE, et al. A double-blind crossover evaluation of progabide in partial seizures. Neurology 1985;35:285.

32. Leppik IE, Cloyd TB, Loewenson R, Krall R, Cloyd JC, Jacobs MP. Use of sequential analysis in a double-blind withdrawal of carbamazepine and phenytoin. Epilepsia 1985;26(5):544.

33. Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ, Jacobs MP. Zonisamide in myoclonic epilepsy: a case report. Epilepsia 1985;26(5):537.

34. Anderson VE, Wilcox K, Leppik IE, Rich SS, Lykken DT, Hauser WA. Twin studies in the Minnesota Comprehensive Epilepsy Program. Actta Genet Med Gemellol-Twin Research, 1986;35(3-4):20A.

35. Browne TR, Fromm GH, Howard GF, Leppik IE, Matthews J, McLean JR, Penry JK, Terrence CF. Multicenter double-blind study of efficacy, safety of zonisamide (Cl-912) in the treatment of medically refractory tonic-clonic seizures. Neurology 1986;36:325.

36. Graves NM, Leppik IE, Gallagher TK, Rosenfeld WE, Parker D. Quantitative determination of phenytoin and phenobarbital in capillary blood through the use of Ames Seralyzer. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):622.

37. Jacobs MP, Wilcox BL, Taylor MR, Christenson PS, Leppik IE. Use of CLINFO as a database management system. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):622.

38. Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ, Jacobs MP, Henry T. Intractable myoclonic seizures treated with zonisamide. Neurology 1986;36:327.

39. Leppik IE, Oles KS, Sheehan M, et al. Phenytoin and phenobarbital concentrations in serum: a comparison of Ames SERALYZER with GLC, TDX and EMIT. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):622.

40. Rosenfeld WE, Beniak TE, Gates JR, Leppik IE. induced measured by serial Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) testing. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):634.

41. Rosenfeld WE, Beniak TE, Gates JR. Differentiating psychogenic from physiologic seizure patients. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):632.

42. Sheridan PH, Ashworth K, Milne K, White BG, Santilli N, Lothman EW, Dreifuss FE, Jacobs MP, Martinez T, Leppik IE. Open pilot study of felbamate in partial seizures. Epilepsia 1986;27(5):649.

43. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Fuerst RH, Leppik IE. Effect of felbamate on phenytoin and carbamazepine serum concentrations. Epilepsia 1987;28:578-579.

44. Holmes GB, Graves NM, Leppik IE, et al. Evaluation of a whole blood carbamazepine assay requiring no instrument. Epilepsia 1987;28(5)580. 34

45. Holmes GB, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Fuerst RH. Felbamate: bidirectional effects on phenytoin and carbamazepine serum concentrations. Epilepsia 1987;28(5):578.

46. Hom AD, Leppik IE. Effect of estradiol or progesterone on seizures and ovariectomized DBA-2J mice. Neurology 1987;37(1):144.

47. Leppik IE, Marienau KJ, Rask CA, Loewenson RB, Jacobs MP, Beniak TE. A short neuropsychological test battery for detecting subclinical impairment from antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsia 1987;28(5):613-614.

48. Marienau KJ, Slavin NM, Jacobs MP, Christenson PS, Shoenbauer KG, Leppik IE. Validation of patient complaints: controlled word association versus digit span. Epilepsia 1987;28(5): 613-614.

49. Oles KS, Penry JK, Leppik IE, Regan A, Sheehan M, Parker DR. An apoenzyme reactive immunoassay system for carbamazepine. Epilepsia 1987;28(5):579.

50. Rask CA, Leppik IE, Loewenson RB, Neugebauer R. Occurrence of catamenial epilepsy. Neurology 1987;37(1):144.

51. Schwartzman MJ, Leppik IE. Carbamazepine-induced dyskinesia and ophthalmoplegia. Epilepsia 1987;28(5):581.

52. Wilcox KJ, Leppik IE, Panter SS, Anderson VE. Reading epilepsy in identical twins. Behav Genet, 1987;17(6):643-644.

53. Anhut H, Leppik IE, Schmidt B. Drug Interaction study of the new anticonvulsant gabapentin with phenytoin in epileptic patients. Arch Pharmacology 1988;():S337.

54. Blesi KA, Frazer CG, Heck DG, Taylor MR, Leppik IE. Compliance clinic: a comprehensive approach. Epilepsia 1988;29(5):658.

55. Elmquist WF, Riad LE, Leppik IE, Sawchuk RJ. Physiological modeling of the dependence of renal clearance on urine flow: Carbamazepine and two metabolites in man. Pharmaceutical Research, 1988;5(10):5217.

56. Kuzniecky R, Andermann F, Tampieri D, Melanson D, Andermann E, Olivia A, Leppik IE. Birlandic macrogyria, epilepsia pseudobullar palsy and mental retardation: a recognizable migration disorder. Epilepsia 1988;29(5):665.

57. Leppik IE, Marienau KJ, Graves NM, Rask CA. MK 801 for epilepsy: a pilot study. Neurology 1988;38:405.

58. Leppik IE, Pascual-Leone A, Dhuna A. Oral loading with carbamazepine: a pilot study. Epilepsia 1988;29(5):699-700.

59. Leppik IE, Rask CA, Watridge C, Graves N, Murthy VS, Boucher B, Wilder BJ, Turlapaty P. Pharmacokinetics of phenytoin prodrug after IV and IM administration. Neurology 1988;38(1):186.

60. Leppik IE, Micks M. Status epilepticus and alcohol abuse. Epilepsia 1988;29(4):495. 35

61. Cloyd JC, Jancik JT, Leppik IE, Pfister G, Jones-Saete CM, Kriel RL. Bioavailability of coated-particle versus enteric-coated divalproex sodium tablets in patients on monotherapy. Neurology 1989;39(3 Suppl 1):118.

62. Cruz-Rodriguez RF, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Wilder R. Carbamazepine toxicity after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia 1989;30(5):640.

63. dePadua Sussman L, Ritter FJ, Leppik IE, Jacobs MP, Dren AT, Gorodetsky C. Dramatic response to lamotrigine in two patients with neurologic deficits secondary to frequent intractable seizures. Epilepsia 1989;30(5):662.

64. Floren KL, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Remmel RP, Margul BL, Doose DR. Pharmacokinetics of topiramate in patients with partial epilepsy receiving phenytoin or valproate. Epilepsia 1989;30(5):646.

65. Graves NM, Ludden TM, Holmes GB, Fuerst RH, Leppik IE. Pharmacokinetics of felbamate, a novel antiepileptic drug: application of mixed effect modeling to clinical trials. Pharmacotherapy, 1989;9:182.

66. Graves NM, Larson SD, Miller ML, Leppik IE. Effect of phenytoin dose reduction and discontinuation on carbamazepine and valproate concentrations. Epilepsia 1989;30(5):640.

67. Graves NM, Remmel RP, Miller S, Rathbun RC, Millert ML, Homes GB, Leppik IE. The effect of felbamate on the major metabolites of carbamazepine. Pharmacotherapy, 1989;9(3):196.

68. Graves NM, Holmes GB, Leppik IE, Rask C, Slavin M, Anhut H, Schmidt B. Pharmacokinetics of gabapentin in patients treated with phenytoin. Pharmacotherapy, 1989;9(3):196.

69. Leppik IE, Dreifuss FE, Pledger GW, Graves NM, Santilli N, Drury I, Tsay JY, Jacobs MP, Bertram E, Cereghino JJ, Cooper G, Sheridan PH, Ashworth M. Felbamate in partial seizures: results of phase II clinical trial. Epilepsia 1989;30(5):661-662.

70. Leppik IE, Rask CA, Graves NM, Holmes GB, Slavin M, Anhut H, Schmidt B. Pharmacokinetics of gabapentin in patients treated with phenytoin. Pharmacotherapy, 1989;9(3):196.

71. Leppik IE, Sherwin A. Intravenous valproate: efficacy and brain concentrations. Neurology 1989;39(3 Suppl 1):298.

72. Miller ML, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Larson SD, Sierzant TL. Time course for resolution of carbamazepine-valproate interaction. Epilepsia 1989;30(5):640-641.

73. Miller ML, Holmes GB, Marienau KJ, Graves NM, Leppik IE. Successful withdrawal of phenytoin in refractory patients with epilepsy. Neurology 1989;39(3 Suppl 1):120.

74. Graves NM, Leppik IE, Wagner ML, Spencer MM, Erdmann GR. Effect of gabapentin on carbamazepine levels. Epilepsia 1990;31(5):644.


75. Leppik IE, Kramer LD, Bourgeois B, Graves NM, Campbell J, Cruz-Rodriquez R. Felbamate after withdrawal from other antiepileptic drugs. Neurology 1990;40(S1):158.

76. Leppik IE, Jacobs MP, Loewenson RB, Beskar AM. Detection of adverse events by routine laboratory testing. Epilepsia 1990;31(5);640.

77. Leppik IE. Endpoints for measuring efficacy. Epilepsia 1990;31(5):353-354.

78. Ramsay RE, Uthman BM, Leppik IE, Pellock J, Wilder BJ, Garnett W, Grosz R. Cardiovascular safety and tolerance of intravenous sodium valproate as replacement therapy for oral diavalproex Na: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Epilepsia 1990;31(5):618.

79. Wagner ML, Leppik IE, Graves NM, Remmel RP, Campbell JI. Felbamate serum concentrations: effect of valproate, carbamazepine, phenytoin and phenobarbital. Epilepsia 1990;31(5):642.

80. Bourgeois BFD, Leppik IE, Sackellares JC, Lesser RP, Laxer KD, Messenheimer JA, Kramer LD, Rosenberg AR, Kamin M. Felbamate double-blind efficacy trial following presurgical monitoring. Epilepsia 1991;21(S3):18.

81. Cheng RD, Leppik IE, Cranston RE, Olson DM, Sierzant TL, Clark HB, Beniak TE. Periodic spike complexes in Kufs’ Disease. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):55.

82. Cranston RE, Maxwell RE, Leppik IE, Evans KE, Fiol ME. Temporal lobectomy: predictive factors for outcome. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):91.

83. Graves NM, Ritter FJ, Wagner ML, Floren KL, Alexander BJ, Campbell JI, Leppik IE. Effect of lamotrigine on carbamazepine epoxide concentrations. Epilepsia 1991;32(S30):13.

84. Leppik IE, Hyde B, Frazer CG, Hauser WA. Aplastic anemia from carbamazepine: 15-year follow-up. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):14.

85. Neugebauer R, Paik M, Nadel E, Hauser WA, Leppik IE, Susser M. Association of stressful life events with seizure occurrence in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):31.

86. Sierzant TL, Werdien CJ, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Challenges in nursing management of patients with possible non-epileptic seizures. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):28.

87. Wagner ML, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Remmel RP, Ward DL, Shumaker RC. The effect of felbamate on valproate disposition. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):15.

88. Ward DL, Wagner ML, Perhach JL, Kramer L, Graves N, Leppik IE, Shumaker RC. Felbamate steady-state pharmacokinetics during coadministration of valproate. Epilepsia 1991;32(S3):8.

89. Cloyd JC, Jones-Saete C, Beniak TE, Kriel R, Leppik IE. Pharmacodynamics of rectally administered diazepam solutions: effect on cognitive function. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):80.


90. Cloyd JC, Kriel R, Jones-Saete C, Leppik IE, Erdmann G, Ab Rahman AF. Bioavailability of a rectal diazepam viscous solution. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):79.

91. Frederick T, Kucera CA, Watkins BA, Leppik IE. Polypharmacy reduction with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):105.

92. Leppik IE, Shellenberger MK, Anhut H, Goedecke AG. Two open-label, multicenter studies of the safety and efficacy of gabapentin as add-on therapy in patients with refractory partial seizures. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):77.

93. Risinger MW, Maxwell RE, Erickson DM, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ, Fiol ME. Relapse and remission during years 2-5 following temporal lobectomy. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):28.

94. Schachter S, Leppik IE, Matsuo F, Messenheimer J, Faught E, Moore E, Risinger M. A multicenter, placebo-controlled evaluation of the safety of lamotrigine (Lamictal®) as add- on therapy in outpatients with partial seizures. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):19.

95. Scheyer RD, Cramer JA, Leppik IE, Pellock JM, et. al. Remacemide elimination after initial and chronic dosing. Clin Pharm Therapeutic 1992;51:189.

96. Voita JD, Walter LS, Leppik IE, Pippenger CE, Barkley GL. Evaluation of the Biotrack 516 for anticonvulsant testing. Epilepsia 1992;33(Suppl 3):104.

97. Leppik IE, So E, Rask CA, Patterson R, Gustavson L, Thomas V, Kaply C. Pharmacokinetic study of tiagabine HCI in patients at multiple steady state doses. Epilepsia 1993;34(Suppl 6):35.

98. Leppik IE, Cascino GD, Ruggles KH, Erickson DM, Walczak DE, Graves NM. Smoking and drinking habits of patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia 1993;34(Suppl 6):13.

99. So EL, Leppik IE, Ahmann PA, Walczak DE, Hauser WA, Kucera CA. Prospective study of death in epilepsy. Epilepsia 1993;34(Suppl 6):141.

100. Walczak DE, Graves NM, Toscano JA, Leppik IE, Cascino GD, Campbell R. Implementation of nonmem population pharmacokinetics studies. Epilepsia 1993;34(Suppl 6):44.

101. Devinsky O, Leppik I, Willmore J, Pellock J, Dean C, Gates J, Ramsay E. IV Valproate Study Team, Safety of intravenous valproate. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):144.

102. Frederick T, Leppik IE, Walczak DE, Rarick J, Kucera C, Watkins B. Correlation of ictal EEG and MRI findings. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):13.

103. Gil-Nagel A, Leppik IE, Wilcox KJ, Anderson VE, Stewart JM, Rich SS. Familial cerebral cavernous angioma: clinical analysis of a family and phenotypic classification. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):53.

104. Heck DG, Barrash J, Gumnit RJ, Leppik IE. Medical and psychosocial outcome of temporal lobectomy. Neurology 1994:44(Suppl 2).

105. Lackner TE, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Pharmacoepidemiology of antiepileptic drugs in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):111. 38

106. Sirven J, Leppik IE, Wolff DL, Walczak DE. Zonisamide clearance: a long term study. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):115.

107. Walczak DE, So EL, Hauser WA, Leppik IE, Annegers JF, Campbell R, Erickson DE. Prospective study of death in epilepsy. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):91.

108. Wolff DL, Kerrick JM, Rarick J, Leppik IE, Graves NM. Post-market felbamate use in the refractory epilepsy population. Epilepsia 1994;35(8):32.

109. Graves NM, Wolff D, Leppik IE, Cascino G, Ahmann P, Erickson D. NONMEM analysis of valproate pharmacokinetics. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 3):S155

110. Ahmann PA, So E, Leppik IE, Rarick J, Hauser WA. Prospective study of death in epilepsy: an update. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 4):148.

111. Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug selection: a view from the United States. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 3):S90.

112. Leppik IE, Erickson DM, Wolff DL, Krause SE, Gumnit RJ. Present usage of felbamate. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 4):65.

113. Leppik IE, Sachdeo R, Alto G, Ringham G, Pixton G, Kardatzke D, Sommerville K. Long- term safety of tiagabine HCl. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 3):S148.

114. Leppik IE, So EL, Hauser WA, Annegers JF, Campbell R, Rarick J, Walczak D. Prospective study of death in epilepsy. Epilepsia 1995;36(Suppl 3):S224.

115. Leppik IE. Treatment of epilepsy: new directions. Electroenceph Clinical Neurophysiol 1995;94(4):S66.

116. Birnbaum AK, Graves NM, Wen Y-D, Remmel RP, Nelson MH, Leppik IE, Cloyd JC. Pharmacokinetic analysis of valproic acid hypo-metabolism in patients with epilepsy Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):155.

117. Chen X, Thomas LW, Cloyd JC, Lackner TE, Garrard JM, Leppik IE. Limitations of coded information based on epilepsy-related diagnoses in database searches. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):16.

118. Graves NM, Brundage RC, Wen Y-D, Cascino G, So E, Ahmann P, Leppik IE. Population pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine (CBZ) from routine clinical data. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):152.

119. Leppik IE, Hauser WA, Ruggles K, Cascino G, Annegers JF, Rarick JO, Krause SE. Prospective study of death in epilepsy. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):81.

120. Purves SJ, Wolff D, La Valleur J, Leppik I, DeBlieck S, Frazer C. Effect of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on seizures. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):96.

121. Schroeder MC, Wolff DL, Maister BH, Norstrom S, Leppik IE, Graves NM. Lorazepam intensol for the management of hospitalized pediatric patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):154. 39

122. Thomas LW, Cloyd JC, Lackner TE, Garrard JM, Chen X, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug use and seizure diagnosis in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl.5):16.

123. Wen Y-D, Graves NM, Cascino G, So E. Ahmann P, Hauser WA, Leppik I. Explanatory factors for intersubject variability in carbamazepine clearance: dose dependence, concurrent medications, and body weight - a population PK analysis of routine care data using NONMEM. J Clin Pharmacology 1996.

124. Wolff DL, Mandt J, Gapany S, Leppik IE. The process of safe and effective implementation of a new AED treatment plan. Epilepsia 1996;37(Suppl 5):90.

125. Birnbaum AK, Cloyd JC, Nelson MH, Remmel RP, Rarick JO, Leppik IE. Metabolism in patients with low valproic acid (VPA) clearances. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 3):43

126. Browne TR, Leppik IE, Penry JK, Dean JC, Buchanan RA. Zonisamide efficacy in long term studies. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):108.

127. Buchanan RA, Page JG, French JA, Leppik IE, Padgett CS. Zonisamide drug interactions. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):107.

128. Cloyd J, Garrard J, Rarick R, Thomas L, Leppik I, Lackner T. The effects of age and gender on AED use among elderly residents in long-term care facilities. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 3):265.

129. Gapany S, Wolff D, Hochstetler S, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ, Rarick JO. Efficacy of gabapentin: a study in refractory partial, symptomatic generalized and mixed epilepsy. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):93.

130. Leppik IE, Hauser WA, Ahmann P, So EL, Annegers FJ, Rarick JO, Krause SE. Gender and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):49.

131. Sachdeo RC, Leroy RF, Krauss GL, Drake ME, Green PM, Leppik IE, Shu VS, Ringham GL, Sommerville RW; for the Tiagabine Study Group. Tiagabine therapy for complex- partial seizures - a dose-frequency study. Abbott Investigator Update 1997;2(1):2.

132. Shinnar S, Treiman D, Sommerville KW, Hauser WA, Sackellares CJ, Leppik I, Berg AT, Hesdorffer D, Sillanpää M. Evaluation of spike and wave discharges and complex partial status epilepticus in association with tiagabine therapy. Neurology 1997;48(3):A39.

133. Shinnar S, Berg A, Hauser WA, Hesdorffer D, Treiman D, Sackellares CJ, Leppik I, Sillanpää M, Sommerville K. Evaluation of the incidence of status epilepticus in association with tiagabine therapy. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 3):65.

134. Sommerville KW, Leppik IE, Hearell M, Deaton R. Adverse events with long-term tiagabine therapy. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):106.

135. Thomas LW, Cloyd JC, Lackner TE, Garrard J, Rarick J, Leppik IE. Differences in antiepileptic drug use in nursing homes based on diagnoses. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):250.


136. Wielinski CL, Friedman F, Fu Q, Leppik I, Wolff D. Factors affecting anticonvulsant drug compliance in epilepsy in an HMO population. Neurology 1997;48(3):A169.

137. Wielinski CL, Friedman F, Fu Q, Leppik IE, Wolff DL. Antiepileptic drug compliance in an HMO population. Epilepsia 1997;38(Suppl 8):239-240.

138. Browne TR, Szabo GK, Josephs EJ, Paz AJ, Leppik IE, Jensen CM, Baltes E. Absence of pharmacokinetic drug interaction of ucbLO59 (levetiracetam) with phenytoin determined by simplified stable isotope tracer technique. J Clin Pharmacology 1998;38:869.

139. Browne TR, Szabo GK, Josephs EJ, Paz AJ, Leppik IE, Jensen CM, Baltes E. Absence of pharmacokinetic drug interaction of UCB LO59 (levetiracetam) with phenytoin determined by simplified stable isotope tracer technique. Epilepsia 1998;39(Suppl 6):58-59.

140. Cloyd JC, Hardie NA, Garrard J, Lackner T, Leppik IE, Gross CR, Rarick JO, Krause SE. A Comparison of AED therapy in elderly nursing home residents and patients in epilepsy clinics. Epilepsia 1998;39(Suppl 6):50.

141. Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Remmel RP, Rarick JO, Leppik IE. Carbamazepine (CBZ) metabolism in patients with low CBZ clearances. Epilepsia 1998;39(Suppl 6):47.

142. Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Walczak T, Hauser WA, Annegers JF, Ruggles K, Cascino G, Gross CR. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsia 1998;39(Suppl 6):69-70.

143. Oana Y, Wang C, Hoshika A, Miyajima T, Takei Y, Hirabayashi N, Kaneko M, Leppik IE. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in . Neurology, 1998.

144. Walczak T, Hauser WA, Leppik IE, Cascino G, Ruggles K, Annegers JF, Rarick JO, Krause S. Incidence and risk factors for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: a prospective cohort study. Neurology 1998;50:A443-A444.

145. Birnbaum AK, Hardie NA, Pluhar JM, Hinrichs NJ, Graves NM, Lackner T, Krause SE, Leppik IE. Phenytoin serum concentration levels and mean daily doses of elderly nursing home residents by age, gender, and the presence or absence of phenytoin inducers and inhibitors. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):66.

146. Birnbaum AK, Pluhar JM, Hardie NA, Graves N, Lackner T, Krause SE, Leppik IE. The number of serum concentration levels per person in elderly nursing home residents on phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproic acid. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 2):280.

147. Cereghino JJ, Leppik IE. Felbamate registry: HLA typing and urine metabolite screening. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):99.

148. Gapany SR, Leppik IE, Walczak TS, Gumnit RJ, Blesi K. Herbal products and exacerbation of seizures. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):102.

149. Hardie NA, Garrard J, Cloyd JC, Gross CR, Graves NM, Lackner T, Leppik IE. AED use among elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):65.


150. Hardie NA, Garrard J, Krause SE, Rarick J, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE. Agreement between seizure disorder in the minimum data set and a neurologist’s determination of epilepsy/seizure disorder in nursing home charts. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 2):105.

151. Leppik IE, Mathur VS, Young EW. Is there a link between zonisamide treatment and nephrolithiasis? Neurology 1999;52(Suppl 2):A237.

152. Leppik I, Kaufman D, Holmes G, Cereghino J, Costin J. Felbatol (felbamate) review: Clinical profile and registry program. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 2):251.

153. Leppik I, Norhria V, French JA, Cereghino J. Levetiracetam is effective in reducing partial- onset seizures that are secondarily generalized (type IC). Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):144.

154. Leppik I, Shah J, Shellenberger K. Zonisamide pharmacokinetics: direct relationship between oral dose and blood levels. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 2):286.

155. Nohria V, Leppik IE, Verdru P, Debrabandere L. Levetiracetam: evaluation of success rate in secondarily generalized seizures (Type IC) in addition to activity in partial seizures (Type I). Neurology 1999;52(Suppl 2):A247-248.

156. Oana Y, Hirabayashi N, Sakaue N, Wang C, Miyajima T, Takei Y, Hoshika A, Leppik IE. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsies. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 2):7.

157. Pluhar JM, Birnbaum AK, Graves NM, Hardie NA, Lackner T, Krause SE, Leppik IE. Valproic acid serum concentrations and daily dose in elderly nursing home residents: effects of age, gender and concomitant medications. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):77.

158. Rarick JO, Leppik IE, Walczak TS, Hauser WA, Annegers JF, Krause SE, Ahmann P, So E. Mortality in epilepsy: update from a prospective cohort study. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 7):224.

159. Walczak TS, Rarick JO, Hauser WA, Maxwell RE, Leppik IE. Mortality after epilepsy surgery. Neurology 1999;52(Suppl 2):A108.

160. Walczak T, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Hauser WA, Annegers JF, Ruggles K, Cascino G, Gross CR, Krause SE. Risk factors for sudden death in epilepsy. Epilepsia 1999;40(Suppl 2):191.

161. Birnbaum AK, Hardie NA, Conway JM, Graves NM, Krause SE, Lackner TE, Leppik IE. Serum concentrations and daily doses of carbamazepine among elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):97.

162. Burkhardt RT, Leppik IE, Blesi K, DeBlieck S, Gapany SR, Hietpas TJ, Cloyd JC. Apparent increased seizure and lowered phenytoin (PHT) levels in persons with epilepsy switched from brand to generic extended PHT sodium capsules. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):231.

163. Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Graves NM, Leppik IE, Sawchuk RJ. Possible gender effect in phenytoin pharmacokinetics in epilepsy patients. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):231.


164. Garrard J, Hardie NA, Harms SL, Gross CR, Bland PC, Nitz N, Leppik IE. Prevalence of antiepileptic drug use by elderly nursing home admissions. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):241.

165. Hardie NA, Garrard J, Harms SL, Gross CR, Bland PC, Nitz N, Leppik IE. Incidence of antiepileptic drug orders among an elderly nursing home admission cohort. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):240.

166. Harms SL, Hardie NA, Garrard J, Gross CR, Bland PC, Nitz NM, Leppik IE. Association of race and geographic region with antiepileptic drug use among elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):241.

167. Leppik I, Morrell M, Bigdeli M, Arrigo C. Seizure-free days gained with levetiracetam in refractory epileptic patients. Neurology 2000;54(Suppl 3):A307.

168. Leppik IE, Gauer L. Levetiracetam: serious adverse experiences and SUDEP. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):102.

169. Musib LC, Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Hietpas TJ, Leppik IE, Browne TR, Holloway SF, Holden GS, Rarick JO. Preliminary report on phenytoin pharmacokinetics in the elderly using an intravenous stable-labeled isotope. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):231.

170. Musib LC, Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Hietpas TJ, Leppik IE, Browne TR, Holloway SF, Holden GS, Rarick JO. Preliminary report on phenytoin bioavailability in the elderly using an intravenous stable-labeled isotope. AAPS Pharm Sci 2000;2(4):S1053.

171. Nitz NM, Garrard J, Harmes SL, Hardie NA, Bland PC, Gross CR, Leppik IE. Prevalence of antiepileptic drug use among Medicare beneficiaries. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):251.

172. Sathanandan ST, Blesi K, Tran TA, Leppik IE. Lamotrigine clearance increases markedly during pregnancy. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):246.

173. Sofia RD, Leppik IE, Macdonald TL. Felbamate patient registry. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):37.

174. Walczak TS, Harms S, Bland P, Garrard J, Leppik IE. Fractures and antiepileptic drug use in a large nursing home population. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):99.

175. White JR, Arndt RC, Matchinsky D, Walczak TS, Leppik IE, Beniak T, Rarick JO, Cox CM, Maxwell R, Gumnit RJ. Prediction of postoperative memory preservation after left anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) using multiple regression analysis. Epilepsia 2000;41(Suppl 7):136.

176. Wilder BJ, Leppik I, Hietpas TJ, Cloyd JC, Cook J. Clinical implementations of the effect on the bioavailability of Dilantin Kapseals versus Mylan extended phenytoin sodium capsules. Neurology 2000;54(Suppl 3):A193.

177. Cloyd J, Birnbaum A, Musib L, Leppik I. Clinical pharmacology of phenytoin in the elderly. Epilepsia 2001; 42(Suppl 2):11-12.

178. Harms SL, Hardie NA, Eberly LE, Garrard J, Leppik IE. Antiepileptic drug (AED) mono- and polytherapy among nursing home elderly. Epilepsia 2001;42(Suppl 7):268-269. 43

179. Musib LC, Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Leppik IE, Remmel RP, Holden GS, Rarick JO. Pilot bioavailability study comparing intra-muscularly administered stable-labeled Fosphenytoin in adults and elderly patients. Epilepsia 2001;42(Suppl 7):90-91.

180. Rarick JO, Leppik IE, Walczak TS, Tran TA, White JR. Oxcarbazepine and hyponatremia. Epilepsia 2001;42(Suppl 7):92.

181. Walczak TS, White JR, Cox CM, Maxwell RE, Rarick JO, Leppik IE, Gumnit RJ. Epilepsy surgery in older patients: a case control study. Neurology 2001;56(Suppl 3):A284-285.

182. Walczak TS, White JR, Cox CM, Maxwell RE, Arndt RC, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Gumnit RJ. Seizure-onset zone and extent of resection in temporal lobe epilepsy with normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Epilepsia 2001;42(Suppl 7):277-278.

183. White JR, Walczak TS, Cox CM, Arndt RC, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Maxwell RE, Gumnit RJ. Neuropsychological outcome in older patients undergoing anterior temporal lobectomy. Epilepsia 2001;42(Suppl 7):238.

184. Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Walczak TS, Tran TA, White JR, Gumnit RJ. Effective levetiracetam doses and serum concentrations: age effects. Epilepsia 2002;43(Suppl 7):240.

185. Tran TA, Leppik IE, White Jr. Walczak TS, Gumnit RJ, Rarick JO. The effect of zonisamide on weight. Epilepsia 2002;43(Suppl 7):211.

186. Ferrendelli J, French J, Leppik I, Morrell M, Magnus L. Levetiracetam in Patients Aged > 65 Years: A Subset of the Keeper Trial. Neurology 2003;60(Suppl 1):144-145.

187. Leppik I, Morrell M, Godfroid P, Arrigo C. Seizure free days observed in randomised placebo-controlled trials with adjunctive levetiracetam in partial epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;44(8):80

188. Leppik IE, Rarick JO, White JR, Tran TA, Walczak TS, Gumnit RJ. Doses and serum concentrations of levetiracetam in the elderly. Epilepsia 2003;44(8):158.

189. Tran TA, Blesi K, Scott S, Leppik IL, Walczak TS, White JR, Gumnit RJ. Early menopause in women with epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;44(9):293-294

190. Walczak TS, White JR, Tran TA, Leppik IE, Maxwell RE, Beattie JL, Gumnit RJ. Nonlesional orbitofrontal epilepsy: Clinical features and results of resective epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia 2003;44(9):162-163.

191. White JR, Beniak TE, Matchinsky DJ, Lund DB, Cox CM, Walczak TS, Tran TA, Beattie JL, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Gumnit RJ. Longitudinal neuropsychological changes in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;44(9):126.

192. Cramer JA, DeRue K, Leppik IE, Kraemer G. Tolerability of levetiracetam in elderly patients with cognitive disorders, anxiety, and epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;44(9):16.

193. Walczak TS, White JR, Beniak TE, Tran TA, Leppik IE, Beattie JL, Lam CH, Maxwell RE, Gumnit RJ. Standard anterior temporal lobectomy does not resect the entire seizure onset area in temporal lobe epilepsy with normal MRI. Neurology 2004;62(5):A388. 44

194. Dong X, White JR, Leppik IE, Rarick JO. Oxcarbazepine-induced hyponatremia: a prevalence-based risk factor study. Neurology 2004;62(5):A310.

195. White JR, Leppik IE, Walczak TS, Matchinsky DJ, Rarick JO, Tran TA, Beattie JL. Felbamate; clinical and laboratory characteristics in long-term users. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 7):316.

196. Birnbaum AK, Riss JR, Conway JM, Bowers SE, Leppik IE. Variability of carbamazepine concentrations in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 2005;46(Suppl 6):70.

197. Leppik I. Gender issues in pharmacokinetics. Epilepsia 2005;46(Suppl 6):46.

198. Cramer J, DeRue K, Edrich P, Leppik I, Kraemer G. Tolerability of levetiracetam in elderly patients. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 3):145.

199. Birnbaum AK, Ahn JE, Brundage RC, Conway JM, Hardie NA, Bowers SE, Leppik IE. Population pharmacokinetics of total valproic acid (VPA) concentrations in elderly nursing home residents. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 7):118.

200. JM Conway, AK Birnbaum, LC Musib, JO Rarick, RE Ramsay, FM Pryor, IE Leppik, JR White, JC Cloyd. The safety of a Parenteral Formulation of Carbamazepine in Persons with Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2002:43(Suppl 7):187.

201. Tran T, White J, Walczak T, Beattie JL, Leppik IE, Gumnit, JR. Interaction Between Zonisamide and Valproic Acid on Weight in Patients with Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2005; 46 (Suppl 8): 190-191.

202. White J, Vaher P, Leppik I, Walczak T, Tran T, Beattie JL, Rarick J. Felbamate: clinical and Laboratory Characteristics in Long-Term Users. Neurology 2006; 66 (Suppl 2) A 39.

203. Kraemer G, Leppik I, Harden, C. Understanding Factors Influencing Long-Term Retention of AED Therapy: Results of an International Physician Survey. Epilepsia 2005;46 (Suppl 8):177.

204. Remmel RP, Conway JM, Leppik, IE, Beattie JL, White JR, Ramsay RE, Rarick JO, Toro M, Larson E, Wozniak, Birnbaum A., Valproic Acid Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability Determined by a Stable Isotope Technique. Epilepsia 2005;46 (Suppl 8):183.S

205. Kijsanayotin P, Cloyd JC, Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK, Prassitisopin B, Ramsay RE, Rarick JO, Mishra U, White JR, Marino SE, Conway JM, Oetting WS. Effects of in CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 Genes on Phenytoin Dose. AAN 2007 April, Boston.

206. Leppik IE, Kijsanayotin P, Cloyd JC, Ramsay RE, Rarick JO, Minneapolis, MN, Mishra U, Beattie JL, Conway JM, Marino SE, Birnbaum AK. Effects of Age on Phenytoin Dose. AAN 2007 April, Boston.

207. Leppik IE, Garrard J, Eberly L, Harms S, Zhu Y, Racial Disparities in Access to Newer AEDs. AAN 2007 April, Boston.

208. Prasittisopin B, Cloyd JC, Marino SE, Brundage RC, Ramsay RE, Pennell PB, Oetting WS, Rarick JO, Mishra U, Beattie JL, , Leppik IE, Birnbaum AK. Genotype-phenotype 45

associations of CYP3A5 polymorphisms on carbamazepine pharmacokinetics in the patients. AAN 2007 April, Boston.

209. Remmel RP, Conway JM, Leppik IE, Beattie JL, Ramsay RE, Rarick JO, Larson EE, , Wozniak CA, Birnbaum AK. Valproic Acid Pharmacokinetics And Bioavailability Determined By A Stable Isotope Technique. Neurology 68 (2007) Supple 1, A266.

210. Leppik IE, Garrard J, Eberle L, Harms S, Zhu Y. Gender and Racial Disparities in AED use for Epilepsy in Nursing Homes. ILAE 2007 July, Singapore.

211. Kijsanayotin P, Cloyd JC, Oetting WS, Leppik IE. Effect of gene mutations on CBZ dose requirements: Interracial differences. ILAE 2007 July, Singapore.

212. Leppik IE, Cloyd JC, Nixdorf Tolerability and Safety of IM Levetiracetam in Humans. AES 2007,December Philadelphia

213. Bronstein KS. Leppik IE, Montouris G, Pennell P, Savitz, Scheuerle A. Keppra Pregnancy registry AES 2007,December Philadelphia

214. Aliwarga T, Goel V, Brundage R, Leppik IE, Rarick JO, Cloyd JC, Remmel RP. Poor correlation between phenytoin urinary metabolites and oral bioavailability in epilepsy patients. Drug Metab. Rev. 41(Suppl. 3):167 (2009). (Abstract #337).

215. Leppik IE, Conway JM, Strege MA, Birnbaum A. Intra-Individual Variability of Carbamazepine and Valproic Acid Serum Concentrations in Elderly Nursing Home Residents. Neurology 74 ; 2010 (Suppl 2): A121.

216. Eberly LE, Leppik IE, Svendsen KH, Li S, Harms SL, Garrard JM, Virning B. Incident Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder in US Nursing Homes by Predisposing Conditions, 2003-2007. Neurology 74 ; 2010 (Suppl 2): A42.

217. Patterson, EE, Leppik IE, O'Brien TD, Goel V, Cloyd JC. Safety of IM Levetiracetam in Dogs. Epilepsia 2006; 47, Suppl 4 :107.

218. Leppik IE, Zhao L, Eberly LE, Harms SL, Garrard JM. Pattern of AED Use in Nursing Homes. Epilepsia 2006; 47 Suppl 4 :104.

219. Remmel RP, Conway JM, Rarick JO, Birnbaum AK, Pennell PB, White JR, Leppik IE. The Safety of an Intravenous Formulation of Lamotrigine in Patients. Epilepsia 2006; 47, Suppl 4:73.

220. Goel V, Cloyd JC, Patterson EE, Fisher JE, Dunn AW, Leppik IE. Intramuscular and Intravenous Pharmacokinetics of Levetiracetam in Dogs. Epilepsia 2006; 47, Suppl. 4:100- 101.

221. I. Leppik, S. Harms, K. Svendsen, S. Li and L. Eberly. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Incident Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder Following Admission to US Nursing Homes, 2003-2007 I. Leppik, S. Harms, K. Svendsen, S. Li and L. Eberly AES Abstract 2010 222. J. Cloyd, A. Clark, I. Leppik, J. White, T. Henry, R. Brundage and R. Kriel . Disposition and Adverse Effects of Intravenous Topiramate in Adult Patients with Epilepsy or Migraine Headaches Abstract 2.190 AES 2010


223 S. Marino, S. Pakhomov, C. Hawkins-Taylor, I. Leppik and A. Birnbaum Individual Differences in TPM-induced Cognitive Performance As a Function of TPM Plasma Levels Abstract 1.321 AES 2010 224. R. Kriel, A. Clark, I. Leppik, S. Marino, R. Brundage and J. Cloyd Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Oral and Intravenous Topiramate in Adult Volunteers. Abstract 1.285 AES 2010 225. Results of a Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of LEV for the Emergency Treatment of Seizures in Canine Clinical Patients. Treatment of Seizures in Canine Clinical Patients. 1.279 Edward Patterson, B. Hardy, J. Cloyd, A. Craig, R. Hardy, J. Rarick and I. Leppik 2010 226. G. Montouris, C. Harden, S. Alekar and I. Leppik UCB Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry- Keppra® data 12457 UCB Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry-Keppra® data Abstract 1.257 AES 2010 227. GF Ahmed, SE Marino, RC Brundage, SVS Pakhomov, IE Leppik, JC Cloyd, A Clark, R Kriel, AK Birnbaum, Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) Modeling of intravenous and Oral Topiramate and its Effects on Phonemic Fluency in Adult Healthy Volunteers, ASCPT 2011.

228. SE Marino, SVS Pakhomov, A Clark, JC Cloyd, RL Kriel, IE Leppik, C Hawkins-Taylor, AK Birnbaum, Relationship of Topiramate Plasma Concentration to the Cognitive Function of Healthy Adults Administered a Single Oral or Intravenous Dose of Topiramate. Session P04: Epilepsy: Clinical Epilepsy: Antiepileptic Drugs I (7:30 am-12:00 pm), Presented to the American Academy of Neurology, P04.047, April 2011, Honolulu, HI. Neurology 76(9): Suppl 4, A288, Mar 2011.

229. AK Birnbaum, TC McCarthy, T Pettus, JO Rarick, M Gramling-Aden, IE Leppik, Intra- Resident Variability of Total and Unbound Phenytoin Concentrations in Elderly Nursing Home Residents, Presented to the American Academy of Neurology, April 14, 2011 2:00 PM Session P07: Epilepsy: Clinical Epilepsy: Antiepileptic Drugs II (2:00 pm-6:30 pm), P07.210, April, 2011, Honolulu, HI. Neurology 76(9): Suppl 4, A616-A617, Mar 2011.

230. GF Ahmed, RC Brundage, JC Cloyd, IE Leppik, JR White, SE Marino, JM Conway, JO Rarick, AK Birnbaum, Population Pharmacokinetics of Unbound and Total Carbamazepine after Simultaneous Oral and Intravenous Dosing in Adults and Elderly Patients, American Conference on Pharmacometrics, San Diego, CA, April 3-6, 2011. Also presented at Rho Chi Research symposium, University of Minnesota, March 22, 2011. *Poster won Rho Chi Best Poster by a Graduate Student Award.

231. Kshirsagar SA, Cloyd JC, Birnbaum AK, Musib LC, Conway JM, Remmel RP, Holden GS, Rarick JO, White JR, Leppik IE. The contribution of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms to phenytoin disposition in persons with epilepsy. Epilepsia 2002; 43, 105.


Major Research Grants:

PI of NIH P50-NS16308 from 1993 to 2007 "Epilepsy Research Program Project"



Secretary; General Scientific Session. American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, April 28, 1979

Chairman; Diagnosis of Epilepsy. 12th Epilepsy International Symposium Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9, 1980

Chairman; Symposium on Antiepileptic Drugs. Participants: Eppo van der Kleijn, Ph.D. (Netherlands), Alan Troupan, M.D. (USA), James Bruni (Canada). American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, Nov. 20, 1980

Chairman; Antiepileptic Drugs. 13th Epilepsy International Symposium. Kyoto, Japan. September 1981

Co-Chairman; Neuropharmacology Interest Group. American Epilepsy Society, 1982 to 1984

Co-Chairman; 1st International Workshop on Compliance in Epilepsy. Munich, September 1987

Chairman; Merritt-Putnam Symposium. 1988 - 1991

Visiting Professor; Advances in Epilepsy. University of Alabama at Birmingham, November 30, 1990

Special Contributor; Drug Evaluations Annual, Chapter 15 "Antiepileptic Drugs", pages 0303-38. American Medical Association, 1991

Visiting Professor; New Developments in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, March 6, 1991

Course Faculty; Clinical Trial Methodologies in Antiepileptic Therapy: New Approaches and Assessments. Ninety-Second Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Symposium, San Antonio, March 15, 1991

Visiting Professor; Status Epilepticus. University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, March 16,1991

Visiting Professor; Psychosocial Aspects of Epilepsy: The Epilepsy Team. University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, March 16,1991

Chairman; Review of Recent Advances in the Management of Epilepsy Symposium. Chicago, June 29, 1991

Visiting Professor; Epilepsy, Pregnancy and Status Epilepticus. State University of New York, Syracuse, Sept. 24-25, 1991

Co-Chairman; Therapy and Prognosis of Status Epilepticus. 19th International Epilepsy Congress: Rio de Janeiro, October 1991


Course Faculty and Planning Committee; Geriatric Drug Therapy Symposium. Minneapolis, February 26-27, 1992

Seminar Director; Antiepileptic Drug Choices Seminar. American Academy of Neurology, Seattle, Washington, May 7, 1995

Chairman; Epilepsy in the Elderly. 24th International Epilepsy Congress: Buenos Aires, May 2001.

Chairman; Epilepsy Healthcare Issues in the Elderly. 25th International Epilepsy Congress, Lisbon, October 15, 2003.


University of California, San Diego; Department of Neurology Seminar “Status Epilepticus”, May 11, 1998.

Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital, San Diego; “Treating Acute Repetitive Seizures and Status Epilepticus in Children”, May 12, 1998.

University of California, Los Angeles; Department of Neurology Grand Rounds “New Drugs for Epilepsy”, May 13, 1998.

University of Southern California, Los Angeles County; Department of Neurology Grand Rounds “Status Epilepticus”, May 13, 1998.

Annual Meeting of American College of Physicians and American Society of Internal Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana. “Epilepsy: New Developments”, April 22, 1999.

Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. “Medical Treatment of Epilepsy”, April 23, 1999.

Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. “Epilepsy in the Elderly”, May 10, 2001.

Internal Medicine Review 2002, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, “Seizure Disorders”, October 10, 2002.

Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, Washington. “Management of the Elderly Patient with Seizures”, December 2002.

Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Honolulu, Hawaii. “Management of the Elderly Patient with Seizures”, April 3, 2003.

4th Baltic Congress of Neurology, Tartu, Estonia. “Women and Epilepsy: Choosing the Appropriate Treatment”, May 9, 2003.

2nd UCB Global Epilepsy Summit, Orlando, Florida. “The KEEPER Study: Safety and Tolerability”, May 17, 2003.


2nd Hong Kong Neurology Society Meeting. “New Developments in Epilepsy”, November 9, 2003.

Invited Presentations 2008

Epilepsy Advisory Board Europe - Brussels, Belgium. Understanding Compliance with Epilepsy Drugs". February 18, 2008.

National Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee- CVS Caremark. "Epilepsy: Therapeutic Perspective". February 27, 2008.

Annual Meeting :Philippine Neurological Association - Manila, Philippines. Zonisamide, An Approach to Selecting and AED. April 25, 2008.

Annual Meeting: American College of Veterinary Medicine - San Antonio, Texas. "The Scientific Basis for Choosing Antiepileptic Drugs in Human Epilepsy. June 6, 2008.

Ninth Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs - Sitges, Spain. "Felbamate". June 18, 2008.

Indian Epileptologists -Video Presentation by satellite to Mumbai, New Delhi, Calcutta. "New Treatments for Epilepsy". July 28, 2008.

University of Maryland & Johns Hopkins Symposium - Ellicott City, MD. "Epilepsy in the Elderly." Oct 23, 2008.

Invited Presentations 2009


Annual Meeting- American Medical Directors Association (AMDA), Charlotte North Carolina."Epilepsy in the Nursing Home". March 7, 2009.

Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus. Innsbruck, Austria. "Naturalistic Models on Status Epilepticus : Canine Status Epilepticus: Proof of Principle Studies". April 2, 2009.

Antiepileptic Drug Trials X (ten), Coral Gables, Florida. "Antiepileptic Drugs: Are they only mood stabilizers?". April 16, 2009.

Annual Meeting -American Academy of Neurology, Seattle, Washington. "Prevalence of Epilepsy as Co-Morbidity of Neurological Disorders in Nursing Home Residents. April 29, 2009.

University of Minnesota Consumer Seminar, Minneapolis, MN. "Caring for a Parent with Memory Loss: Practical Tips and Strategies". May 30, 2009.

Posters: MDS Indication of Epilepsy in Elderly Nursing Home Residents Eberly LE, Birnbaum AK, Li S, Leppik I, AMDA 2009 poster March 6, 2009