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2. INTRODUCTION ...... (iii)



5. MINUTES ...... 23-26


1. Shri Sitaram Yechury ------Chairman RAJYA SABHA 2. Shri Ramdas Agarwal 3. Shri Shadi Lal Batra 4. Shri Narendra Kashyap 5. Shri Pyarimohan Mohapatra 6. Shri Syed Azeez Pasha 7. Shri Thomas Sangma 8. Shri Satish Sharma 9. Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz 10. Shri Vikram Verma LOK SABHA 11. Yogi Aditya Nath 12. Shri Avtar Singh Bhadana 13. Shri V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo 14. Shrimati Patil 15. Dr. Mahesh Joshi 16. Shri P. Karunakaran 17. Shri Jose K. Mani 18. Shrimati Ranee Narah 19. Shri Rajaram Pal 20. Shri Bal Kumar Patel 21. Shri Nama Nageswara Rao 22. Shri Sharief-ud-din Shariq 23. Shri Madan Lal Sharma 24. Shri Dushyant Singh 25. Shri Jitendra Singh 26. Shri Rakesh Singh 27. Shri Shatrughan Sinha 28. Shri K. Sugumar 29. Shri Kabir Suman 30. Shri Anurag Singh Thakur 31. Shri K.C. Venugopal*

SECRETARIAT Shri N.K. Singh, Joint Secretary Shri Jagdish Kumar, Director Shri Swarabji B., Joint Director Shrimati Nidhi Chaturvedi, Assistant Director


I, the Chairman, Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture, having been authorised by the Committee to present on its behalf, do hereby present this One Hundred Sixty Second Report on “Action Taken by the Government on the Recommendations/Observations of the Committee contained in its One Hundred Fifty Fourth Report on Demands for Grants (2010-2011) of the Ministry of Tourism”.

2. The One Hundred Fifty Fourth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture was presented to the Parliament on the 20th April, 2010.

3. The Action Taken Replies on the recommendations of the Committee contained on its One Hundred Fifty Fourth Report were received from the Ministry of Tourism on the 1 August, 2010.

4. The Committee considered and adopted the Report at its meeting held on the 20th December, 2010.

SITARAM YECHURY NEW DELHI ; Chairman, December 20, 2010 Department-related Parliamentary Standing Agrahayana 29 , 1932 (Saka) Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture.


1. The Report of the Committee deals with the Action Taken by the Government on the observations/recommendations as contained in its One-Hundred and Fifty-fourth Report on Demands for Grants 2010-11 of the Ministry of Tourism which was presented to both the Houses of Parliament on 20th April, 2010. 2. Action Taken Replies have been received from the Government on the 1st August, 2010 in respect of all the observations/recommendations contained in the Report, which have been categorized as follows:-

(i) Recommendations/observations, which have been accepted by the Ministry: Para Nos.10,16,29,30,37,54 and 66 Total- 7

(ii) Recommendations/observations which the Committee does not desire to pursue in view of the Ministry replies: Para Nos. 27,33,35,52,65,68,71,83,84,88,103 and 104 Total-12 (iii) Recommendations/observations in respect of which replies of the Ministry have not been accepted by the Committee: Para Nos. 17, 20 and 98 Total-3 (iv) Recommendations/observations in respect of which final replies of the Ministry are still awaited: Para Nos. 22,25,43,53,63,72,91,95 and 106 Total-9 3. The Committee desires that final replies in respect of those recommendations/observations which have been categorized as interim replies by the Committee should be furnished to it at the earliest. 4. On scrutiny of the Action Taken Replies, the Committee has made observations on each item of Action taken/proposed to be taken by the concerned Ministries. The recommendations of the Committee contained in the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Report, action taken thereon by the Ministry and recommendations/observations of the Committee on each item of action taken has been given in the succeeding paragraphs.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 5. The Committee notes that during the year 2009-10, the allocation was reduced to Rs.950.00 crore at RE stage, out of which, an amount of Rs.776.16 crore is likely to be utilized till Feb. 2010. Thus, 19% of allocation is likely to be utilized in just one month. The Committee does not approve the practice of last minute spending at the fag end of the financial year. The Committee in its earlier Reports, has conveyed this feeling to the Ministries concerned. The Ministry should follow the exiting norms strictly to ensure that the funds are utilized, as far as possible, evenly throughout the year. The Committee also does not find any reason for reducing the allocation at RE stage. Tourism is the largest service industry with a contribution of 6.23% of the GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. Since Tourism projects are implemented by the States, there is need to sensitize them to ensure optimum utilization of funds and issuing utilization certificate on time. The Ministry should make concerted efforts and evolve a coordination mechanism with States. (Recommendation at para 10 of 154th Report)

Reply of the Government 6. The recommendation has been noted.


RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 8. The Committee, however, finds that in the case of utilization of fund for product/infrastructure development for circuit during 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10, expenditure has been more than what was allocated in the budget. The Committee recommends that if the schemes are chalked out well in time by the Ministry, they can approach the Planning Commission/Ministry of Finance for allocation of more funds at BE stage itself. (Para 16 ibid ) Reply of the Government 9. The recommendation has been noted.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 10. The Committee notes the reply and hopes that the Ministry will be careful while formulating their schemes to ensure that correct projection of required fund are made at BE stage itself. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 11. The Committee is of the view that the Ministry should make all out efforts for the development of a particular circuit which is approved for implementation. Moreover various States should coordinate and develop inter-state circuits. Southern and central circuits need to be developed with more emphasis on travel connectivity. (Para 17 ibid ) Reply of the Government 12. The Ministry is making concerted efforts to develop the identified circuits including inter-State circuits with the help of concerned States Governments. Efforts are also being made to improve the connectivity of tourist destinations and circuits in coordination with Ministries of Civil Aviation, Railways and Road transports and Highways.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 13. The Committee would likes to be informed about the circuits particularly inter-State circuits identified for development. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 14. The Committee finds no justification for making provision of plan outlay in the Budget under the Head-Creation of Land Bank for Hotels when the plan allocation remained unutilized since the inception of the scheme. The Committee, therefore, recommends the scheme may be revised and modified with view to ensure that development of accommodation for tourists is not affected. (Para 20 ibid )

Reply of the Government

15. The recommendation has been noted.


16. The Committee is not satisfied with the reply and would like to know about the action taken or proposed to be taken on the recommendations of the Committee to revise and modify the Scheme ‘Creation of Land Bank for Hotels’.


17. The Committee came to know that ITDC is doing the illumination work in some of major monuments in Delhi. Further, ITDC also host light & sound show in some of the monuments which is being appreciated. Particularly Delhi will be hosting XIX Commonwealth Games this year the light and Sound show can be used to attract more tourist and to acquaint them with the history as well as majesty of our famous monuments. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Ministry should ensure that this year sufficient funds are allocated to ITDC for this job. (Para 22 ibid ) Reply of the Government

18. The Ministry of Tourism sanctioned an amount of Rs.23.75 crore to ITDC for illumination of 13 numbers of monuments in Delhi. The work is being completed in a phased manner. Illumination work of 04 monuments in Phase-I viz. (i) Sher Shah Gate (ii) Sub Burz (iii) Purana Quila and (iv) Safdarjung Tomb has been completed. Tenders for illumination works of remaining 09 monuments have been floated.

19. The Ministry of Tourism has further sanctioned funds amounting to Rs.3.75 crore in the current financial year for illumination of 03 more monuments i.e. Jantar Mantar Complex, Delhi Gate and Wazirabad Bridge Tomb and Mosque to ITDC.

20. With respect to Sound and Light Shows, ITDC is enagaged in implementation of new Sound and Light Show at Purana Quila and upgradation of existing Sound & Light Show at Red Fort.


21. The Committee is concerned over the fact that many of the projects undertaken by the ITDC were lagging behind the schedule. The Committee may be apprised of the status of illumination of the monuments and the number of visitors during Commonwealth Games 2010.


22. The Committee notes the projects and funds sanctioned to various Sates. However, the Committee is not aware of the targets fixed for completion of these projects. It has also come to the notice of the Committee that in some cases projects received from the State Government are not processed/sanctioned in time which results in delay and non-utilization of funds. The Committee, therefore, recommended that the progress of these projects need to be monitored regularly to ensure that there is no delay and cost overrun in the projects. (Para 25 ibid )

Reply of the Government 23. The Ministry is making all out efforts to strengthen the monitoring mechanism. This issue is also discussed in the Regional Conferences of Tourism Ministers. The objective is to expedite the implementation of projects sanctioned by the Ministry in various States and Union Territories.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 24. The Committee reiterates its concern in this regard and desires to know the major decisions taken in the light of conclusion arrived at the Conference for strengthening the monitoring mechanism. It would also like to know the status of projects in various States/U.Ts.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 25. The way-side facilities may appear to be insignificant things in comparison to other tourism infrastructure, these are, however, very important from the tourist’s points of view. The Committee desires that this scheme needs to be widely publicized and the States be impressed upon to take benefit from this. In fact, the Ministry of Tourism should set target for each State and implementation of the scheme should be monitored in a time-bound manner. (Para 27 ibid ) Reply of the Government 26. The Ministry is treating construction of wayside amenities on a priority basis. State Governments are encouraged to send more proposals for setting up wayside amenities on roads leading to important tourist destinations. 27. The Ministry is also in regular contact with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for setting up wayside amenities on land of National Highways Authority of India in public private partnership.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 28. The Committee notes the reply and hopes that wayside amenities would be developed in a time bound manner. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 29. On being asked about the region-wise and State-wise plans for tourism infrastructure development in the country, the Ministry of Tourism replied that there was no such plan with them. The Committee, however, recommends that Ministry may consider evolving the approach for development of region/state-wise tourism infrastructure development in order to promote the domestic tourism more vigorously which has a great potential. The Committee is of the view that such approach may generate interest among the local people and Government of the State concerned which can ensure the speedy development and timely completion. (Para 29 ibid ) Reply of the Government 30. Development of tourist infrastructure is primarily undertaken by State Government/Union Territory Administrations. The Ministry sanctions projects on the basis of proposals received from them. However, the Regional Conferences of Tourism Ministers may be helpful in developing regional approach to tourism development.


31. The Committee notes the reply. The Committee however hopes that, the Ministry will keep pursuing the matter with State Governments.


32. It appears that presently the infrastructure development is mainly focused on five star and such high cost accommodation which are out of common man’s access. So, the tax-holiday benefits and such concessions are ultimately not reaching to the majority. The Committee is of the view that Ministry of Tourism should concentrate on promoting accommodation for the domestic tourists who usually prefer affordable and safe accommodation rather than the costly star hotels. The Committee, therefore, recommends that budget hotels aimed at the domestic tourists should also be given priority by the Ministry of Tourism and accordingly all the promotional measures and tax benefits should also to be extended to the budget hotels and restaurants also. (Para 30 ibid )

Reply of the Government

33. The Ministry of Tourism (MOT) is making all efforts to address the shortage of budget accommodation in the country. Accordingly in order to encourage the growth of budget accommodation, MOT has been in regular touch with the State Governments/UT administrations and various Land Owing Agencies to create Land Banks for budget hotels, provide land on long lease, allocation of land on joint venture/revenue sharing basis and also to provide incentives and benefits to facilitate the growth of budget accommodation sector in the country.

34. Further, to encourage the growth of budget hotels, the Government had during the budget 2007-08, announced a Five Year Tax Holiday under Section 80-ID of the Income Tax Act to new hotels of two, three and four star category and Convention Centres coming up between 1.4.07 to 31.03.2010 in the National Territory Region of Delhi and the districts of Faridabad, Gurgaon, Gautam Budh Nagar (NOIDA) and Ghaziabad which during the budget of 2010-11 been extended from 31.03.2010 to 31.07.2010.

35. To encourage the growth of budget hotels, a Five Year Tax Holiday was also announced during the budget 2008-09 for all hotels of 2,3 and 4 star category located in all UNESCO declared World Heritage sites (except and Delhi). Recently, in the Union Budget 2010-11, the Government has also announced an investment linked deduction under Section 35 AD to the hotel sector allowing 100% deduction in respect of the whole of any expenditure of capital nature excluding (land, goodwill and financial instruments) incurred during the year for establishing new hotels of 2 star category and above, all over India.

36. With the objective to make available standardized budget accommodation in the National Capital territory of Delhi, the MOT has recently announced a scheme of Interest subsidy on loan taken by licensed/approved Guest Houses in Delhi for upgradation in view of the Commonwealth Games, Delhi -2010 under which as per the scheme, an interest subsidy @5% would be provided to the Guest Houses if the loan was sanctioned and first installment released by 31.07.2010 and all the works would be completed by 20.09.2010. Efforts have been made regularly by MOT to extend incentives to the hotel sector in order to encourage the growth of budget category accommodation in the country.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 37. The Committee notes the reply and recommends that the thrust may be on increasing the budget accommodation hotels in the country.


38. The Committee notes that huge amount is pending with various State Governments and they are yet to complete the projects and submit the utilization certificates. The Committee recommends that the Ministry of Tourism should pursue with the State Government to identify the reasons for delay of each of the projects and if it is found that the project is not feasible due to one or the other reasons, alternate projects may be allowed for the States. The Committee also recommends that in future projects may be allowed only after getting all the necessary clearance from various agencies. (Para 33 ibid )

Reply of the Government 39. This matter is discussed in detail with the State Governments in review meetings/Prioritization meetings. The projects which are not taken up for implementation for a long period are dropped in consultation with them and the amount released for such projects are normally adjusted against other new or ongoing projects.


40. The Committee notes the reply.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 41. The Committee also pointed out that in many cases the projects are approved without doing adequate home work and later on abandoned midway, because of functional and operational difficulties. The Committee noted that in certain cases even 80 percent of the total sanctioned amount was released to the project, but later on it was abandoned due to unknown reasons. This is because of poor planning and implementation methodology adopted by the ministry while sanctioning the projects. The Committee in this respect is of the view that before a project is approved by the ministry, they should ensure the feasibility of the project and get all the necessary clearances from other related agencies before releasing the money. (Para 34 ibid )

Reply of the Government 42. The Ministry now examines the proposals more thoroughly and projects are sanctioned only when necessary documents are provided by the State Governments/UT Administrations.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 43. The Committee conveys its displeasure over the way the projects are sanctioned and implemented by the Ministry where there are lots of wastages of money and manpower. Land related issues and environmental clearances should be dealt with in order to ensure a smooth implementation and completion of the projects. (Para 35 ibid )

Reply of the Government 44. Implementation of projects is the responsibility of the concerned State Governments/UT administrations. However, they are impressed upon to send proposals only if land is available. Land availability certificate is therefore, obtained before sanctioning the projects.


45. The Committee notes the reply given by the Ministry and desires that proper monitoring of the projects should be done.


46. The Committee is constrained to say that the work Ajanta-Ellora Phase-II which was started in 2003-04, is yet to be completed. It appears that the project progress has not been monitored properly and expected obstacle in its completion could not be identified. Now the project is scheduled to be completed by June 2010. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should coordinate with the Ministry of Culture for timely completion of its project. (Para 37 ibid )

Reply of the Government

47. Recommendation of the Committee are noted for compliance. Ministry of Tourism has been monitoring the Project in consultation with Archeological Survey of India, Tourism Development Corporation, Airport Authority of India and project consultants M/s Oriental consultants.

48. An agreement has been signed on 31st March, 2003 between. the President of India and JICA, for a total loan amount (all Categories) of Rs. 299.9 crore (6252 Millon Yen). The expenditure incurred till March, 2010 is Rs.22.00 Crore approx. (458.62 Million Yen). Most of the components included in the project have been completed. Some of the major pending work includes.

Problem of falling boulders in the caves for which tender has been called for firms/experts in rock management.

Completion of Ajanta-Ellora Visitor Center for which consultants have been appointed,

Chemical Lab construction for monument would start shortly as all clearances have been given to CPWD etc.

49. Hon’ble Minister of Tourism and HUPA had a review meeting on 14th May 2010 in respect, of the Ajanta Ellora Development Project. All concerned have been directed to expedite project completion.


50. The Committee notes the reply and emphasizes the need to get the work completed as soon as possible since it has already been delayed.


51. The Committee notes that out of Rs.54 crore approved for domestic campaign for the year 2009-10, only an amount of Rs.16.11 crore was expected to be utilized till December. It presents a very dismal state of affairs. The Committee finds that the actual utilization, in the domestic tourism promotion measures up to the month of February 2010, is only 30 percent of budgetary provision during 2009-10 and how the remaining funds would be utilized within a month in a suitable and effective manner, is not known. It seems that the Ministry’s main focus is on overseas campaigning and has neglected the domestic tourism promotion activities. It must be noted that domestic tourism has great importance as a large number of people are visiting places in connection with marriage, pilgrimage and other such occasions where overtly or covertly tourism is promoted. The Committee feels that there is need to tap the existing domestic market by informing domestic travelers through sustained campaigning. The Committee recommends that the promotion of domestic tourists should be the main agenda of the Ministry of Tourism as compared to the domestic tourists, the number of foreign tourists is very miniscule. The state governments must also be involved in the process. The domestic campaign should also concentrate on the facilities etc. available at major tourist spots and the means and modes of transportation to reach those places. The malpractices and misleading propaganda of touts and middlemen at tourist places also be brought out through domestic campaigns. (Para 43 ibid )

Reply of the Government

52. The recommendations of the Committee have been noted. 53. In the year 2009-10, the Ministry of Tourism released Social Awareness Campaign in the Domestic Market to sensitize masses and stakeholders about the importance of tourism. In addition an Incredible India generic campaign and a campaign to promote North East of India was also released. During the year, the Ministry had incurred an expenditure of Rs.10.41 crore till December, 2009. In addition, an amount of Rs.23.75 Crore had also been placed as advance in the form of LOA with DAVP for the release of domestic campaigns. The domestic campaigns is print and electronic media are released through DAVP for which LOA is placed at the disposal of DAVP as advance payment.

54. Domestic promotion is a focus area for the Ministry of Tourism. In the year 2009-10, Ministry of Tourism completely utilized the budget available under Domestic Promotion and Publicity including Hospitality (DPPH) head.


55. The Committee notes the reply. However, the Committee would like to know the details of expenditure made during the months of February and March, 2010 on the domestic campaign.


56. The Committee notes that the Incredible India campaign launched abroad has brought in foreign tourists. to various parts of country. This has also helped tourist and gained popularity amongst travellers all over the world. The Committee recommends that allocation made under this head should be utilized scrupulously for continuing the overseas campaign so that more foreign tourists are attracted and in turn help foreign exchange earnings. (Para 52 ibid )

Reply of the Government

57. Recommendation of the committee have been noted. In the year 2009-10; the Ministry of Tourism continued its overseas promotions and launched 7 international campaigns in Print as well as electronic media in potential markets such as Americas, Europe and Asia pacific.


58. The Committee notes the reply and hopes that the overseas promotion campaign would attract more foreign tourists.


59. India also, like China and USA, need to do a lot like development of infrastructure at the tourist places, etc. Private participation needs to be encouraged. (Para 53 ibid )

Reply of the Government

60. This matter comes primarily under the jurisdiction of States/Union Territories. They are, therefore, encouraged to facilitate private sector participation in development of infrastructure at tourist places.


61. The Committee recommends that a pro-active approach by the Ministry of Tourism is required in this regard.


62. The Committee expresses its serious concern for over sensitizing even local issues which hampers the tourism promotion. The Committee criticizes the way in which the terrorist attacks, the swine flu and stray cases of harassment of foreign tourists etc. were handled, had quite an adverse impact over the image of India abroad. The committee is of the view that the Ministry should take necessary steps in ensuring that media should not unnecessarily create panic. (Para 54 ibid ) Reply of the Government

63. The Ministry of Tourism endeavours to position India as preferred tourism destination in major source markets. The above objective is met through an integrated marketing and promotional strategy which includes advertising in print, electronic and interactive media highlighting the myriad attractions of India.

64. The Ministry of Tourism through its overseas offices and in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs & our Indian Missions abroad and the major Tour Operators, Airlines etc. organize guided FAM tours for Journalists, Photographers, Travel writers & TV Teams in order to give them first hand experience of the warmth & hospitality of India.

65. Any adverse Travel Advisories issued by other Government are taken up through Ministry of External Affairs and the local Indian Mission to avoid/dilute their adverse impacts on India tourism.


66. The Committee notes the reply.


67. The Committee is not satisfied with the efforts made by the Ministry regarding human resource development. The Government has not made sufficient plan outlay under the head ‘assistance for manpower training’. In the year 2009-10, an amount of Rs.100.70 crore was allocated. For the 2010-11 there is negligible increase in the plan outlay i.e. Rs.102.50 crore. The Committee is constrained to note that up to February 2010, ones 64% of plan outlay is likely to be utilized. Government have plans to set up new IHM in various parts of the country. However, the Committee has not been informed whether any target has been fixed for completion of these institutes. The Committee feels that the huge shortage of about Rs.1.9 lakhs can not be met only by the Government’s initiatives alone. The Committee recommends that the universities under the UGC and the technical institutions under AICTE may be encouraged to open courses on hospitality industry and necessary financial assistance for infrastructural and other required facilities may be extended by the Ministry of Tourism. They should come out with ambitious courses in coordination with the hospitality industry which will provide employability to those opting for the .courses in those universities and technical institutions. External support may be extended by the Ministry of Tourism to these agencies as they have the men and material for conducting quality courses. (Para 63 ibid )

Reply of the Government

68. Following has been the Budget allocation for CBSP and Assistance to IHMs etc.:-

(Rs. in lakh)

2009-10 BE RE Actuals

CBSP 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00

Asst. to IHMs etc 10200.00 8270.00 8270.00

69. The plan Budget (2009-10) of the Ministry of Tourism was reduced by Rs.50 crores and there was a pro-rata cut, specific to IHM scheme. However, in the scheme of capacity Building for Service Providers though the allocation was reduced at the RE stage the actual releases rose to Rs.1200 lakhs.

70. Generally, a duration of 2 or 3 years is granted to complete the construction of a Food Craft Institute/Institute of Hotel Management.

71. The Division shares the concern of the committee that the huge shortage of about 1.9 lakhs manpower cannot be met by the Government’s initiatives alone. It may be stated here that the Ministry of Tourism not only extends assistance to create institutional infrastructure to foster and facilitate professional education and training specific to tourism, travel and hospitality industry to meet the increasing demand of skilled personnel/professional but also meets the need to strengthen an upgradation of the institutions to enable them to retain/acquire internationally acceptable benchmark of quality.

72. Under broad basing of hospitality education, central assistance was extended to some Universities like Jamia Millia University, Delhi Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishavidayala, Sonepat, Haryana, Punjab University, University of Jammu, Rewan Shaw University, Orissa, H.P. University, Lucknow University, Chatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Rajasthan, Similarly some of the Government Colleges and Industrial Training Institutes in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh benefited by the MoT sponsored schemes.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 73. The Committee notes the reply given by the Ministry. It, however, would like to know the criteria adopted for the selection of Universities for providing this assistance. The Committee recommends that assistance for more training institutions may be extended to Universities in other parts of the country also so that the benefit of this sector may be ensured throughout the country. There is a need to encourage the Universities/Institution across the country to offer courses on hospitality sector.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 74. The Committee is concerned that with a huge manpower and resources within the country, it seems the will to facilitate tourist visiting India is lacking on the part of Government. Tourism sector cannot grow without the support of guides. Often foreign visitors -complain of lack of guides as they are made to suffer from the hands of touts. With thousands of, historical places and monuments all over the country, there is need to have interpretation centers from where tourists can obtain all information regarding a particular site. (Para 65 ibid )

Reply of the Government

75. Ministry of Tourism strives hard to increase the quantity and quality of tourist guides with the regular training programmes at the Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management (IITTM), Gwalior and its centres. IITTM Gwalior will soon conduct a training programme for Part Time Foreign Language Linguist Guides. The process of selection of candidates has been completed through examination conducted on 12.06.2010.

76. Information desks / counter at the tourist offices in India provide information on tourist places and monuments all over India. Such centres are sanctioned as part of Product, Infrastructure, and Development for Destinations & Circuits (PIDDC) scheme to State Governments / UTs in most projects.


77. The Committee notes the reply.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 78. The Committee feels that in consultation with UGC and AICTE, the Ministry should devise short duration courses to overcome the shortage of tourist guides. Further, foreign language courses should also be encouraged by introducing suitable schemes in colleges and educational institutions. The Ministry of Tourism should also come forward to provide financial assistance to those institutions and universities for starting foreign language courses/imparting training in foreign languages. (Para 66 ibid )

Reply of the Government 79. Recommendation has been noted. In the year 2009-10, 602 Regional Level Guides (RLGs) have been trained by the Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management (IITTM).

80. Further Ministry of Tourism through IITTM, Gwalior conducted a written examination for the selection of Part Time Foreign Language Linguist Guide for the Northern Region on 12th June, 2010. As per the result declared on 17th June, 2010, 411 candidates have qualified the examination. Requirement is being re-assessed by Ministry of Tourism, and the State Government. Ministry of Tourism, Government of India however has no scheme at present to provide financial assistance to institutions and universities for starting foreign language courses / imparting training in foreign language and the position is being ascertained from Ministry of Human Resource Development.


81. The Committee notes the reply and reiterate its recommendation that Ministry of Tourism should also come forward to provide financial assistance to institutions and universities for starting foreign language courses/imparting training in foreign languages.


82. The computerization and IT are essential components of promotion and publicity campaign and for collecting data. The Committee, however, notes that the allocation and its utilization for the schemes under computerization and IT has been falling year by year. The actual expenditure of Rs.21.56 crore during 2007-08 has gone down to Rs.9.91 crore (upto Feb. 2010) against an allocation of Rs.14 crore for the year 2009-10. The actual expenditure upto the month of December was a mere Rs.0.58 crore while within a period of two months, upto Rs.9.33 crore was expended till February 2010. The Committee recommends that higher allocation may be made for the scheme. The Government should also take adequate steps to monitor the implementation of the programme to ensure that amount allocated is not only utilized fully but evenly throughout the year, last minute spending must be avoided. (Para 68 ibid )

Reply of the Government

83. The Ministry of Tourism utilizes the budget for Information Technology mainly in undertaking a campaign on the world wide web to utilize the power of Information Technology and drive traffic to the website of the Ministry. The campaign is usually undertaken in the last two quarters of the calendar year as this is generally believed to be the best period to undertake such a campaign so as to build awareness and encourage travelers to plan their next years’ holiday to India. This also dovetails with the print and television campaigns in order to achieve an holistic result. As a result of the campaign being run in the last two quarters, the bills are received only by January and February and therefore the expenditure is booked only during the last two months of the financial year. It is also proposed to substantially increase the component for online campaigns from this financial year onwards in tune with the general trend of internet being the most powerful medium of communication in the twenty first century.


84. The Committee notes the reply.


85. The Committee recommends that Ministry of Tourism take up the issue of private website which look alike official website of Ministry of Tourism to ensure that they are not misguiding and misleading the tourist both domestic and foreign. The Committee should be apprised of the remedial action taken by the Ministry in this regard. (Para 71 ibid )

Reply of the Government

86. It has been the endeavour of the Ministry of Tourism to project an image of exclusivity in the design and feel of its website. It may be possible that some unscrupulous private agencies are imitating the look of the ministry’s website but the Ministry gives wide publicity to the address of it’s information website in all its campaign so that the public is not mislead. According to the guidelines related to the use of incredible India logo, all Ministry of Tourism approved tour operators and travel agencies are allowed to use the Incredible India logo on their websites as mark of approval by the Ministry. A list of the approved agencies is also available on the website of the Ministry of Tourism for tourists to cross check. Others who wish to use the Incredible India logo for promotional purposes have to take specific permission from the Ministry of Tourism and this permission is granted only if such usage is helpful for the promotion of tourism into and in India. The Incredible India logo has been registered as a trademark allowing the Ministry to take legal action against misuse of the logo.


87. The Committee notes the reply.


88. The Committee also recommends that Ministry of Tourism to take steps to make the website more attractive and user friendly. The websites of other agencies and private tour operators should be upgraded and a link provided between them to facilitate tourists. (Para 72 ibid )

Reply of the Government

89. Recognizing the need for having an attractive and user-friendly website, the Ministry has already initiated procedures for completely revamping the website. The website also provides links to the various state tourism departments in its helpdesk section and also has lists of the approved Tour Operators, Transport Operators and Tourist Transport Operators alongwith link to the official website of the Federation of Hotel and Restaurants Association of India for the list of classified hotels in order to help tourists.


90. The Committee suggests that in addition to the steps taken by the Ministry to make the website more user friendly, a software to calculate the approximate time taken by Air, Road and Rail should be got developed and be provided in the website so that the tourists could plan their journey accordingly. Moreover, link to official Railways and Indian Airlines websites, link to helpline numbers of the particular area authorities, etc. will be more beneficial to the travellers.


91. The Committee notes the efforts so far made by the Ministry of Tourism in view of the Commonwealth Games 2010. The Committee is of the view that the Commonwealth Games should not be seen only as one time sporting event, but efforts should be made to utilize the influx of the people who will be coming here, as an opportunity to showcase India and promote tourism. All out efforts may be made to ensure that the tourism potential is exploited to the maximum and the entire administrative machinery of the Ministry of Tourism should be sensitized to meet that goal. (Para 83 ibid )

Reply of the Government

92. During the year 2009-10; the print creatives of the Ministry of Tourism focused on the traditional sports of India and were released in the overseas markets in view of the Commonwealth Games, 2010. The Commonwealth logo with dates of the event was also prominently displayed in the print creatives as well as TV commercial used by the Ministry to create higher awareness about the event. Ministry of Tourism has commissioned Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM), Gwalior to conduct a study on “Assessment of number of tourists expected to visit Delhi during Commonwealth Games 2010 and requirement of rooms for them”. As per the report, the expected number of foreign and domestic tourists hotel accommodation during Commonwealth Games 2010 are estimated to be 52951 and 139754 respectively. The average number of hotel rooms required per day for these tourists is estimated at 40190.


93. The Committee notes the reply.


94. The Committee also notes that the Ministry has not made any study or assessment about the arrival of domestic tourists during the Games and they are ignorant about the facilities and amenities required for the domestic tourists. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Ministry may take adequate measures to ensure that the domestic tourists are also having a pleasurable experience during the Games. (Para 84 ibid )

Reply of the Government 95. At the behest of the Ministry of Tourism in 2009, the Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM) has conducted a study “Assessment of number of tourists expected to visit Delhi during Commonwealth Games 2010 and Requirement of Rooms for them”. The study has analyzed the expected domestic and international tourist arrivals vis-a-vis the expected requirement of accommodation.


96. The Committee notes the reply.


97. The Committee is of the view that policing of tourists is an important aspect and it should be given paramount importance to ensure that India is recognized as popular tourist destination. Many of the States have not constituted the tourism police and wherever they are constituted it is just tokenism. The Committee, therefore recommends that all the State Governments may be pursued to create effective police mechanism to protect the tourists. (Para 88 ibid )

Reply of the Government 98. In order to make India a safe destination where tourists would feel secure and feel free to move around, the Ministry of Tourism in consultation with State / UT Administrations has proposed to set up Tourist Police at prominent tourist spots. 99. The State Governments / Union Territory Administrations of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, , Delhi, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa have deployed Tourist Police, in one form or the other.

100. For the safety and security of tourists, the guidelines for formation of Tourist Security Organization(s) comprising ex- servicemen have been formulated by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India in consultation with the Ministries of Defence and Home and Directorate General of Re-settlements and forwarded to State Governments / Union Territory Administrations in May, 2008.

101. While a few of the State Governments have taken initiative to deploy ex-servicemen as Tourist Security personnel or have separate earmarked Tourist Police, Ministry of Tourism is contemplating to launch a scheme of Central Financial Assistance for having Tourist Facilitation Security Organization (TFSO) at identified tourist destinations for all the States and Union Territories.

102. Further, a detailed note along with the guidelines for setting up of Tourist Facilitation & Security Organizations under CF A Scheme was forwarded to the Planning Commission for in-principle approval. Planning Commission did not consider the Ministry of Tourism proposal for setting up of Tourist Facilitation & Security Organizations citing the following reasons:-

1. The scheme provides for “Tourist Police” but the jurisdiction between the State Police and Tourist Police has not been clarified and the chain of command has not been specified. 2. Since Security is a State subject whether State Government / Ministry of Home Affairs will agree to this dispensation or not.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 103. The Committee notes the reply. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 104. The Committee notes the initiative of the Government in bringing “Delhi Prevention of Malpractice and Touting Bills 2009”. The Committee recommends that other State Governments may also be persuaded to bring out the similar legislation so that the menace of touts and middlemen are controlled throughout India. (Para 91 ibid )

Reply of the Government 105. Recommendation has been noted. Ministry of Tourism had written to the Chief Secretaries of Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh in this regard. The matter is being followed up. The recommendation will be taken up with other State Governments / UTs also, in due course.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 106. The Committee notes the reply and desires to know the latest developments and the reaction of the State Governments over the issue.


107. The Committee notes ITDC is getting revived due to CWG and hopes that they will be able to stand on its feet and compete in the market in term of hospitality and facilities. The Committee recommends that all the ITDC hotels may be allowed to function on a professional way and any procedural difficulties and bureaucratic interference may be minimized to enable them to compete with the private sector players in the sector. (Para 95 ibid )

Reply of the Government

108. Involvement of ITDC with Commonwealth Games in a big manner alongwith declaration of its three hotels i.e. the Ashok, Janpath and Samrat in Delhi as Games Family Hotels will not only help it to enhance its brand image but also consolidate its business.

109. The Committee recommendation on functioning of ITDC in professional manner is accepted by the Corporation. ITDC has assured that procedural difficulties and bureaucratic interference would be minimized to withstand the competition. ITDC has already started working in this direction by devising new training policy for employees, reviewing delegation of powers of operational heads and upgradation of technology etc.


110. The Committee notes the reply and desires to know the progress made by the ITDC in professionalizing their activities.


111. The Committee recommends that the tourism should be eco-friendly and it should not interfere with the ecosystem. The Committee also recommends that strict action should be taken against all who are violating the prescribed norms and setting hotels etc. in the restricted area, and ecologically sensitive forest areas. (Para 98 ibid )

Reply of the Government

112. With the objective to ensure the growth of responsible and sustainable hospitality infrastructure, the Ministry of Tourism has taken various measures to address the eco-friendly practices in the hotel industry. The MOT regularly reviews various policy matters and Guidelines and accordingly during the revision of the Guidelines for Project Approval/Classification of Hotels, approval of Guest Houses etc. it has been made mandatory to follow eco-friendly practices viz. water conservation and harvesting, use of solar energy, use of non-polluting green technologies, use of eco-friendly materials in operations and for the construction of hotel building which are in accordance with the local environmental requirements. FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE

113. The Committee notes the reply. The Committee, however, recommends that there should be a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the above guidelines are being followed by the hoteliers, etc. after the initial approval/classification of their hotels.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 114. The Committee notes that there is enough scope for linking the historical and religious place of Jammu and Kashmir in the world tourism by giving sufficient infrastructural facilities adequate publicity and authoritative information. The Committee recommends that Bangus valley and Neelnag, (District Budgam) in Jammu and Kashmir need to be developed as a major tourist destination. (Para 100 ibid )

Reply of the Government

115. One project for Development of Bangus valley has been sanctioned in J&K in 2006-07 with Central Financial Assistance of Rs.231.28 lakh.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 116. The Committee notes the reply and desires to know the current status of the schemes sanctioned and the utilization of the funds so far, out of the total amount sanctioned under the Bangus Valley project and the status of Neelnag project.

RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 117. The Committee observes that LTC concessions for the Government employees has a major role in domestic tourism promotion. The scheme for a particular region should be kept live for a considerable period of time so that other concerned agencies like Indian Airlines, hoteliers, Railways etc. could also introduce some long term measures. It is also pertinent to mention that the LTC package as provided by the AI does not have enough seat availability under the package and that employees some times not able to find a suitable itinerary. The matter need to be taken up with the Ministry of Civil Aviation. (Para 102 ibid )

Reply of the Government 118. The Ministry of Tourism is aware of the positive impact of LTC in development and promotion of domestic tourism. The Ministry of Civil Aviation is being advised to look into the matter relating to non-availability of seats on Air India flights on LTC tickets.

FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 119. The Committee notes the reply given by the Ministry. The Committee also desires to know the steps taken by the Ministry of Tourism in the matter and the response of the Ministry of Civil Aviation thereto.


120. The Committee had observed that the present form in which budget related data is given to the Committee while examining Demands for Grants of the Ministry does not provide a clear picture about actual performance/achievements during a particular year. (Para 103 ibid )

Reply of the Government

121. The recommendations of the Committee have been noted for future compliance.


122. The Committee notes the reply.


123. Domestic tourism is getting comparatively lesser importance by the Ministry, which leaves the most local tourism potential unexploited. More infrastructure development is needed, keeping in view the domestic tourists potential. The target set for each and every projects need a review and a more scientific approach should be adopted. Even small countries are able to achieve their targets within a stipulated time; it is matter of concern that India is lagging behind its project implementation ultimately resulting cost escalation and revenue losses. (Para 104 ibid )

Reply of the Government

124. Development of infrastructure is primarily the responsibility of State Government/UT Administrations. The Ministry of Tourism, however, provides them, financial assistance also encourages them to implement the projects expeditiously for exploiting the potential of respective tourist destinations/ Circuits/regions. The assets created with financial assistance from Ministry of Tourism are used both by domestic and foreign tourists.


125. The Committee notes the reply and hopes that the Ministry of Tourism would actively engage the State Governments to develop tourism infrastructure.


126. The Committee also pointed out that travel by train is an integral part of the domestic tourism. Moreover, many exclusive tourist trains have started plying exclusively for the tourists. The committee recommends that Ministry of Tourism should coordinate with the Railways authorities in order to provide safe, secure and enjoyable to the tourists. (Para 105 ibid )

Reply of the Government

127. The Ministry of Tourism has been taking up this matter with the Ministry of Railway at various fora. The recommendation of the committee is well taken.


128. The Committee notes the reply.


129. The Committee notes that connectivity to tourist destination is the pivotal aspect of the development of tourism. Many of the areas which have huge tourism potential are left out by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. For instance, Thekkady and Bekal Fort are the two major tourist destinations in Kerala. If helicopter services are started in these areas lot of tourists will be attracted to these areas and it will be a big boost for tourism in these two places. The Committee recommends that the Ministry of Tourism may take up with the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Airport Authority of India to construct airstrips in Thekkady and Bekal Fort in Kerala. (Para 106 ibid )

Reply of the Government

130. Development and promotion of tourism is primarily undertaken by the State Government/Union Territory Administrations themselves. However, Ministry of Tourism provides Central Financial Assistance for tourism projects, identified/prioritized in consultation and interaction with them under the various schemes of the Ministry of Tourism. Projects which are complete in all respect are processed on inter-se-priority and funds released, subject to availability under the respective head. .

131. As recommended by the Committee, the issue has been taken up with the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Airports Authority of India and the State Government for taking necessary action in the matter. FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE

132. The Committee notes the reply and recommends that the issues taken up with other Ministries/Department should be followed in a time bound manner.


Budgetary allocation and analysis of Annual Plan 2010-11

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 7)

Tourist Infrastructure

The Committee notes the reply and hopes that the Ministry will be careful while formulating their schemes to ensure that correct projection of required fund are made at BE stage itself. (Para: 10)

The Committee would like to be informed about the circuits particularly inter State circuits identified for development. (Para: 13)

The Committee is not satisfied with the reply and would like to know about the action taken or proposed to be taken on the recommendations of the Committee to revise and modify the Scheme ‘Creation of Land Bank for Hotels’. (Para: 16)

The Committee is concerned over the fact that many of the projects undertaken by the ITDC were lagging behind the schedule. The Committee may be apprised of the status of illumination of the monuments and the number of visitors during Commonwealth Games 2010. (Para: 21)

The Committee reiterates its concern in this regard and desires to know the major decisions taken in the light of conclusion arrived at the Conference for strengthening the monitoring mechanism. It would also like to know the status of projects in various States/U.Ts. (Para: 24)

The Committee notes the reply and hopes that wayside amenities would be developed in a time bound manner. (Para: 28)

The Committee notes the reply. The Committee however hopes that, the Ministry will keep pursuing the matter with State Governments. (Para: 31)

The Committee notes the reply and recommends that the thrust may be on increasing the budget accommodation hotels in the country. (Para: 37)

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 40)

The Committee notes the reply given by the Ministry and desires that proper monitoring of the projects should be done. (Para: 45)

The Committee notes the reply and emphasizes the need to get the work completed as soon as possible since it has already been delayed. (Para: 50)

Tourist Information and Publicity

The Committee notes the reply. However, the Committee would like to know the details of expenditure made during the months of February and March, 2010 on the domestic campaign. (Para: 55)

Overseas Campaign

The Committee notes the reply and hopes that the overseas promotion campaign would attract more foreign tourists. (Para: 58)

The Committee recommends that a pro-active approach by the Ministry of Tourism is required in this regard. (Para: 61) The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 66)


The Committee notes the reply given by the Ministry. It, however, would like to know the criteria adopted for the selection of Universities for providing this assistance. The Committee recommends that assistance for more training institutions may be extended to Universities in other parts of the country also so that the benefit of this sector may be ensured throughout the country. There is a need to encourage the Universities/Institution across the country to offer courses on hospitality sector. (Para: 73)

Tourist Guide

The Committee notes the reply. (Para:77)

The Committee notes the reply and reiterate its recommendation that Ministry of Tourism should also come forward to provide financial assistance to institutions and universities for starting foreign language courses/imparting training in foreign languages. (Para: 81)

Computerization and Information Technology

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 84)

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 87)

The Committee suggests that in addition to the steps taken by the Ministry to make the website more user friendly, a software to calculate the approximate time taken by Air, Road and Rail should be got developed and be provided in the website so that the tourists could plan their journey accordingly. Moreover, link to official Railways and Indian Airlines websites, link to helpline numbers of the particular area authorities, etc. will be more beneficial to the travellers. (Para: 90)

Commonwealth Games 2010

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 93)

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 96)

Tourism Police

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 103)

The Committee notes the reply and desires to know the latest developments and the reaction of the State Governments over the issue. (Para: 106)

ITDC Hotels

The Committee notes the reply and desires to know the progress made by the ITDC in professionalizing their activities. (Para: 110)

Environmental Friendly Initiatives

The Committee notes the reply. The Committee, however, recommends that there should be a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the above guidelines are being followed by the hoteliers, etc. after the initial approval/classification of their hotels. (Para: 113)

Development of Tourism in J&K

The Committee notes the reply and desires to know the current status of the schemes sanctioned and the utilization of the funds so far, out of the total amount sanctioned under the Bangus Valley project and the status of Neelnag project. (Para: 116) Tourism Promotion and LTC

The Committee notes the reply given by the Ministry. The Committee also desires to know the steps taken by the Ministry of Tourism in the matter and the response of the Ministry of Civil Aviation thereto. (Para: 119)

General Observation and Recommendations

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 122)

The Committee notes the reply and hopes that the Ministry of Tourism would actively engage the State Governments to develop tourism infrastructure. (Para: 125)

The Committee notes the reply. (Para: 128) The Committee notes the reply and recommends that the issues taken up with other Ministries/Department should be followed in a time bound manner. (Para: 132)


V FIFTH MEETING The Committee met at 3:30 P.M. on Monday the 20th December, 2010 in Committee Room ‘B’, Ground Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi.

MEMBERS PRESENT 1. Shri Sitaram Yechury –– Chairman

RAJYA SABHA 2. Shri Shadi Lal Batra 3. Shri Pyarimohan Mohapatra 4. Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz 5. Shri Vikram Verma

LOK SABHA 6. Yogi Aditya Nath 7. Shrimati Bhavana Gawali Patil 8. Dr. Mahesh Joshi 9. Shri Rajaram Pal 10. Shri Madan Lal Sharma 11. Shri Shatrughan Sinha 12. Shri K. Sugumar

SECRETARIAT Shri Jagdish Kumar, Director Shri Swarabji B., Joint Director Shrimati Nidhi Chaturvedi, Assistant Director * * *

* * *

2. At the outset, the Chairman welcomed the Members of the Committee and informed them about the agenda of the meeting. Thereafter, the Committee considered and adopted the following Draft Reports: (i) 162nd Report on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the One Hundred Fifty Fourth Report on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Tourism; (ii) 163rd Report on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the One Hundred Fifty Fifth Report on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways;

(iii) 164th Report on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the One Hundred Fifty Sixth Report on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Shipping;

(iv) 165th Report on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the One Hundred Fifty Seventh Report on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Culture; and

(v) 166th Report on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the One Hundred Fifty Eighth Report on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

3. * * * 4. * * *

5. * * *

6. * * *

7. The meeting adjourned at 5: 10 P.M.