
t, Yd J, Houghton Ubrary -tdicats Department


DONALD STAR- SHOTS MILLER SOME LOUD 4 5 THUNDER' 1 February 14, 2007 Volume 103 Issue 8 ' *The Houghton Star* Staff shuffling announced Inti Martinez, stalrwriter tance letters, which is a time intensive money alone. Palmer has been directly Webmaster who will be in charge of activity, since these are personalized in charge of the Phonathon program. our homepage, department pages, and On January 24, Dale Wright, letters." He will. also be, "coordinat- which was created to request financial admissions webpage." MacBeth wen 1 Executive Director of Human Re- ing the admission and scholarship support from alumni, parents, and ton. -Presher's job will help improve sources and Budget announced several committees, as well as continue train- friends. the consistency in layout and naviga- changes in Hpughton College staff and ing and supervising current admis- Palmer shared some informa- tion of our homepage." What's excit- administration. Most of the changes sion counselors." Reitnour will help tion with The Star about an upcoming ing about Presher is that. as a 1977 involve staff members being moved organize the selection process for the event involving her department. 6n Houghton grad, he has offered to train around within their departments, while First-Year Honors Program and will February 8th, Houghton College host- several students to help him do his job other employees are leaving our insti- report to Wayne Macbeth, who is now ed a dinner for local officials and busi- more effectively and has mentioned tution. Here's a narrated tour of the the Vice President for Enrollment and ness owners from Allegany County. the possibility of offering internships recent job shuffling Marketing Relations. In doing so, Houghton hoped to build for Houghton College students ! Even On the top floor of Fancher, In Reitnour's department, relationships with local businesses that though he will be working from his we find David Stith very excited to there was another change announced will eventually result in donations to home in Rochester. Presher will be on move to , where he will be in way of Diane Galloway, Associate the college. This year. The Houghton campus two or three times per working as an album designer for Director of Admission. She was pro- Fund goal is to raise $750,000 for the month. * some of his musician friends. He'll be moted to Director of Student Reten- college and Palmer hopes that some of CAB to host leaving his Graphic Designer posi- tion. Through the Student Persistence this support will come from local busi- tion at the end of February and will be Task Force Galloway has technically nesses. "Considering the $3 million leaving town in May after spending been working on improving student that Houghton College spent in the last *ilin festival some time recording his music in the retention, but it wasn't until this year year in Allegany County, we think, that Rebecca Showvaker, design editor basement of the Center for Fine Arts. that she was officially promoted to the relationship between the college Stith said, "I've really enjoyed my this new position. Galloway expresses and local business is symbiotic and CAB would like to invite nearly three years of work in Hough- much satisfaction in what she does we hope they will begin to support the everyone out for a fabulous evening ton College but I feel that it is time for sating, "I will be working directly efforts of Houghton College," Palmer of glamour on the red carpet. On me to move on and expand my artistic with the Academic Dean's Office and stated. Saturday March 24.2007 CAB will talents in different ways." Two Hough- the Office of Student Life, in order to Moving a couple buildings be hosting the Houghton Film Festival ton grads, Rachel Brask, Assistant facilitate information to select students away to Luckey, Gwen Mercer has in Wesley Chapel at 8:30 PM. Prizes Graphic Designer and Mary Gibson, who might not be excelling academi- decided to leave her current position as will be awarded for the best films in Graphic Designer will be taking over cally or who have a hard time adapt- Student Financial Services Clerk due the following categories: Music Video, Stith's position in March. ing to college life - even though they to a variety of factors. She has en- Drama. Comedy, Documentary, Ac- Straight across from Stith's might be a perfect fit for Houghton joyed her co-workers and her increased tion/Adventure, Commercial, Horror office cubicle, Christie Tanner is College." Helping students declare a interaction with students and parents. and Editing. now working twelve hours per week major, aiding them to find the right Before taking this position last fall, Submissions must be no more organizing and archiving Houghton courses for graduation, advising on Mrs. Mercer worked for three and a than 5 minutes in length. must be free College's enormous collection of career decisions, and informing about half years as Manager of the Mainte- of harsh language, gratuitous violence photographs and other media. Tanner's seemingly unknown programs and nance Office. At the moment, she is and overly suggestive themes. Films new position will conclude at the end services that Houghton offers are all not sure of her plans after leaving our must be submitted on DVD, VHS or of May, right before her wedding. Her responsibilities under Galloway's new institution. computer file format and are due in former full-time position as Editorial position. She will still be working with Next door, in the Wesley Cha- the cab office by 6:00 PM on March Assistant for the Milieu and College admission-related publications, as well pel and Center for Fine Arts Nate Po- 6,2007. More information will be Photographer has been eliminated as with the Visit Office. cock has left his position as Supervisor released soon. * temporarily and Doug Roorbach is Downstairs from the Admis- of Recording, Technology, and Sound. Kevin Jackson has been hired as the THANK YOU taking over some ofTanner's former sion Office, in the Office of Advance- duties. At the moment, the Advance- ment, there were also some changes new Director of Sound and Record- Megan Roff, guest writer ment Office, which includes the Office announced. Julie Palmer, Houghton ing. Kevin has two decades of sound. The Junior and Freshmen of Public Relations is under external Fund Officer will become the Direc- recording, and engineering experience. classes collaborated together to raise 4 evaluation and will receive recommen- tor of the Houghton Fund on June including a staff position at Hamburg money for the Houghton Food Pantry dations so that it can further improve 1 st. when Robin Ha leaves her posi- Wesleyan. through a campus and community its structural organization and effi- tion after working for eight years in Moving into the virtual world, wide Bake-Off. There were many ciency. Tanner hinted that creating an Houghton College. Ha shared "I plan we find Alan Presher as the Webmas- students. faculty and community Office of Communications might be a to volunteer with certh tasks in the ter for Houghton College. His vast members who donated their delectable good way to envision the future of the Advancement Office after I officially experience in web communication and Public Relations office. leave the institution in June." She design promises to drastically improve goodies and retipes. The event had a Downstairs, in the main floor decided to leave Houghton mainly for many of the academic department great turnout and was a success! The Freshmen and Junior classes would of Fancher, Matt Reitnour, Assistant family related reasons. Palmer and Ha and staff web pages. Just recently, the Director of Admission has been pro- have been working as a team in the Business, Education, and Intercul- like to thank everyone who donated moted to Director of Admission. In his Houghton Fund, which is designed tural Studies departments have had their baked goods and also those who new position, Reitnour says he, "will to help cover institutional costs that their web pages redone by Presher. came out and supported us ! Thanks to be responsible for preparing accep- cannot be covered with student tuition MacBeth says, "this is the first time all of you. the Bake-Off event raised Hnuphron Collece hag had a formal $290.55! * EDITORIALS The great divide Conspiracy

Chds Stewart,faculty writer Kashmere Fitch, sta writer C

They carefully and painstakingly Suppose you had a friend who we also use our hard-earned special- I know what really goes on. comparing class lists and purposefully went off to college believing thai God ized knowledge and skills to design a Many suspect it, but I know. They planning due dates for papers, tests, had called her to be a translator for web-page, brochure, or newsletter for have the ability to influence how an and projects to make life as over- Wycliffe Bible Translators in order to our home church on the side, serve on entire generation thinks. Millions of lives are at stake, as well as the future whelming and pretty much impossible « bring the scriptures to a people with- a ministry team for Athletes in Action of America, and indeed the entire for as many Students as they possibly out access to the Word of God in their during the off-season, keep the books world. What they teach willieak can. "heart-language." Suppose further for Youth for Christ or Royal Family I'm not makiig it up. I have that you come upon her one day in the Kid's Camp in the evenings, replace through history, shaping and twisting the future all in the name of bettering a friend who is a TA. First, I need to student center buried in a copy of The the alternator in the church van, or warn you that TAs must be handled Wall Street Journal. Your curiosity play or dance for the church worship our society. It starts small with an very carefully. While they are still aroused, you ask her when she became team on the weekends. The work assignment here, a report there, and Students and taking classes and getting interested in Wall Stmet. She looks itself to which we devote the majority then all of a sudden they hit you with grades like the rest of us, they also, as up at you, seriously and declares that of our time, 9 to 5, five or more days everything they've got. she recently discovered that she had a a week, has no sacred significance. Yes, they're out to get us, part of their job, work closely with the special fascination and talent for eco- It doesn't really matter to God, or to warp our minds, make our lives miser- Teachers. Although many TAs suc- nomics and had, after much prayer and God's kingdom. It's not motivated, able, torture us beyond what is hu- cessfully complete their assignments reflection- become otherwise convinced informed, or affected in any deep or manly possible to endure. No, it's not of aiding struggling students and then that God had called her to become an serious way by faith in Christ. the CIA, nor is it the FBI, or MI-6, or move into jobs in their chosen fields, investment banker or a fund manager Christians suffering from the even European Security. No, instead, living in both worlds is highly stress- for a Wall Street investment firm. SSD syndrome tend to think of work it's the people we trust the most, the ful and some are inadvertently turned to the very cause they once fought How would you react? Would it jive in terms of a hierarchy that's been people in whose hands lie the prover- bial "fate of the nation." You know with your theology? If not, 1 suspect dubbed "the Evangelical pyramid." At against. These TAs are the ones we have to be wary of. If not carefully that you've fallen into what 1'11 call the top are missionaries. Just below who I'm talking about. We see them coaxed back to the light, they will (after many others) -The Great Di- them are pastors and maybe doctors, everyday. Those supposedly kind hu- be forever lost and will eventually vide" - "The Sacred-Secular Divide." followed perhaps by teachers, fire- man beings who care enough about become Teachers. I shudder at the Mark Greene, the Executive fighters and midwives. The pyramid us to pass on what they have learned. Director of the London Institute for expands as you move down, passing Yes, they are our Teachers. thought of how such kind, caring, Contemporary Christianity (a Chris- lawyers, truck drivers, and insur- Now I know what you're people can so callously turn their tian think-tank founded by John Stott ance salespersons on your way to the thinking, she's just overreacting, it's backs on their fellow Students and join the ranks of their one time torturers. over twenty years ago) describes it as a bottom, where you find investment really not that bad. And you'd be Anyhow, my TA friend told -syndrome" that pervades the church. bankers, car dealers. and philoso- right, it isn't that bad...it' worse. But We're all carriers. If my Bible-transla- phy professors. "Full-time Christian does she have any proof, you might me she was running an errand for the tor-turned-investment-banker example work" is a phrase reserved for what ask? Oh yes, I have proof'. For Teacher she was helping and had to gave you pause. you tested positive. pastors and missionaries do. The rest example, we hear of"faculty meet- deliver some papers to one of these Symptoms of the SSD syndrome of us are, at best, part-time Christian ings," Supposedly, all the faculty "meetings" and overheard the conver- include the tendency to regard certain workers working for God on evenings gather around a conference table and sation. She said they were laughing. c forms of,work as sacred callings or and weekends supported by our "day discuss mundane things like new poli- This is my whole point, they like to "vocations" and others as mere occu- job- at Microsoft, L. L. Bean, Smith cies, what to do with funding, and who torture students. They enjoy making pations or "careers." Barney, or wherever. will sit on committees (which never our lives as stressful as possible and -Vocation" comes from the Great Britain, like the rest of accomplish anything, by the way) and then forcing us to take classes that give Latin vocare, which means "to call," Europe, has been described as "post- other such topics. I know what really us homework about how to handle and refers to the work a person is Christian." In Britain, only 7.5% of goes on. They call them "faculty stress, which of course just adds to the called to, by God traditionally. though the population attends church at least meetings" because calling them "Ways problem of infinite amounts of school- the word is now frequently used as a once a month, and that's down 2% in Which We Can Torture Our Student work. synonym for the more secular term from 1990. A significant factor in Meetings" would not be conductive to As if piling on massive reports -career" or·simply "job" (as in "voca- this decline is the privatization and keeping the student body under con- and research papers isn't enough, the tional training"). We frequently talk compartmentalization of the gospel trol. Anyhow, the proceedings of these administrators, who are of course about people being "called" to "the - a disconnect of our own making "faculty meetings" go something like allies of the Teachers, decided that it this: ministry" or to "the mission field." between faith and the public sphere. isn't en6ugh to simply tax our minds But many of us feel a lot less comfort- North America is not far behind. The While peering over the rim of beyond what is humanly possible, they able describing our work as computer SSD syndrome is nourished by our a torrid mug of tea, huddled around a have to break down our bodies as well. programmers for Microsoft, market- failure to see the workplace as a key huge oak table in a dimly lit confer- Have you ever noticed how we are all ing analysts for L.L.Bean, designers venue for social transformation and ence room one teacher casually men- forced to take "Lifetime Wellness?" for Ethan Allen, editcirs forOxford Christian witness. The re-evangeliza- tions that, in her English 301 class, her Some small, athletic Teacher shouts University Press, power forwards for tion of the West is going to require students have a twelve-hundred page and cajoles about how, to stay healthy the Chicago Bulls. accountants for a more thorough re-engagement of research paper due in three weeks. we need to eat right, drink more water, Smith Barney, sales representatives the gospel and its implications with "Really?" a science teacher asks, and exercise. Right. How can we eat glancing at his class list. "This is fan- for J.C. Penney, petroleum engineers the places most of us actually spend healthy if all the food available to us 1 for Exxon/Mobil, machinists for Ford the bulk of our waking moments; the tastic! Three of the students in your is first fried, then slathered in oil, and C Motor Company. second violinists for office, the classroom, the studio, the class are in my class. Ill have a test served with lard? Besides, what isn't the New York Philharmonic, or prin- store, the laboratory, the construction that day." doused in fat is unrecognizable as a a cipal dancers for the Rochester City site. We've got work to do. * "Which students?" a math digestible source of food and to be Ballet as "callings." Unless of course teacher asks. avoided at all costs. And who decides "Nathan Strubbler, Hannah that the vending machines should be : Kenning, and Frank Mannsfield," The stocked with fat and caffeine laden science teacher says. candy bars? The Administrators. The Star sta# would like to remind readers that Edi- S "Great! Hannah Mannsfield is And what do they tell us to do when torials are opinion based and therefore slanted by in my class. I can schedule my two- our brains are short circuiting and we hundred question midterm for the day can no longer see straight or think in nature. Opinion also opens itself up for challenge, before," the math teacher says, making coherent sentences? Drink more water Y so write responses! But make sure they question the a note on his schedule. and exercise. Sure, if the nist colored, See? What we once ignorant- metallic tasting well water doesn't kill writer's stance, not our reason for publishing. h ly thought of as "just my luck to get us, we can relieve stress by running for 0 U all my tests on the same day" is really five miles and then dying from exhaus- a maliciously plotted and schemed out. tion. V They do this for all of their classes. -CONSPIRACY continued on pg 6 a COLUMNS/EDITO-RIAL 3 It's Valentine's Day...whoop de bilc;n' doo Christian So if Valentine's Day equals red, and iPod for Christmas and her present in Satan equals red, then any math major return is a home cooked meal. It's not will tell you that Valentine's Day like she does it everyday or something. pessimism equals Satan. Need I say more about Now, you might say "but this time she that? Nope. All I know is that being in wrote 'I love you' on a card instead Emily Buckingham, managing editor a relationship only distracts us from of saying it...", but if you did then the one thing that is truly important... that would just be a lame argument. If I know too many pessimistic television. Oh, and homework...but you're paying a good 80-100 bucks on Christians who seem to feel that Chris- only after television is done. her then that card she gives you better tianity is inevitably destined to die in Some people view this day be made out of gold, and the letters one way or another. There are those Jimmy Dutton, columnist as one to celebrate their singleness, made out of candy. Only then could who believe the future of the world therefore spitting in the face of every- you call it even. 0 is completely doomed because there thing that Valentine's Day stands for! I'm still trying to find the Valentine's Day is a wonder- is no one to carry on their beliefs. I applaud the efforts of these people Bible passage where Jesus celebrates ful holiday that everyone can enjoy The next generation, they complain, because by separating themselves from Valentine's Day, and until I do I'll endlessly until the end of time. Just is completely devoid of morals and what The Man has classified as the consider the entire day a sin. And since conscience. They are skeptical of those kidding, Valentine's Day is stupid. It's "norm", they have proven themselves I'm a religion major I have the author- supposed to be a day that celebrates Christians who are on the opposite to be the Martin Luthers of love. Keep ity to make that call. If you want to relationships, but it kind ofjust turns side of the spectrum. By contrast, the up the good work, brothers and sisters. challenge my call then you might want second group believes that Christianity into a day that laughs at single people. Now to any guy who is read- to think about changing your major. is doomed because the first group has If you're single on Valentine's Day ing this article and who might be in In conclusion, I sent this it's like standing outside the doors of a a relationship, I have some questions created a rigid, legalistic Christianity article in five days past its deadline in which the people refuse to accept really cool club but the bouncer won't for you; some of them are small and because I had no idea what to write necessary change. let you in, so you try to leave but there unimportant, while others will cause about until two and a half hours before The first group's views, when is another bouncer there forcing you you to do some serious soul searching. my very last deadline. generalized and probably blown to stand and face your shame. Then a Like, what's in it for you? You shell In conclusion to the conclu- slightly out of proportion. seem to really pretty girl (or handsome guy) out a good 30-50 dollars on a decent sion, whether you celebgate the day be exemplified in the recent Kenyan walks out and gives you a valentine dinner and then another who knows alone, with your loved one, or choose controversy over an exhibit featuring that says "best friends forever." What a how much on flowers (that are just go- not to celebrate it at all, I hope you the skeleton of Turkana Boy, a 12 year great holiday! ing to die within a week anyways), and have a Happy Valentine's Day (even old boy who appears to have died 1.2 The evidence that Valentine's what does she give you? A hand made if it is a delusional misguided happi- million years ago. The controversy pf Day is an evil holiday is right in front card that says "I love you. Love, Wal- ness). * Turkana Boy stems from the idea that 0 of our eyes. I mean come on, look at let Vacuum," and a kiss on the cheek? some are touting him as the -missing the main color scheme of the day: red. Cool ! That's like giving your mom an link" in the theory of evolution. (I can hear group one roaring defensively at My rocking stereotype the slight mention of that word.) In response to the Turkana Boy contro- dabbling in witty yet hurtful banter our whole lives. versy. Bishop Boniface Adoyo. leader about the stereotypes that drag our Christians are Republicans of the 35 evangelical denominations wonderful campus down. But to be and oppose abortion and homosexual- in Kenya said, -I did not evolve from honest, most of the time it is all out of ity. This is the largest stereotype that fun. Most of the time when someone Turkana Boy or anything like it. These nearly the whole country believes in. sorts of silly views are killing our makes a joke about Shen guys smell- I know many of us, including myself faith." Bishop Adoyo called for all ing, or Lambein girls being undateable who don't fit neatly into this title. Kenyan evangelicals to boycott the they really don't mean what they're I don't intend this article to be a solve- exhibit. saying and are just poking fun at all solution to the problems that are I have a question for the first something that is guaranteed to get present in this college or this world. group; if someone doesn't believe Marc Smithers, columnist some laughs much like these are ste- To be honest, I don't know of any in the literal creation story, does that reotypes. But when do they cross the solution to the plague of stereotypes make their faith somehow dead or line? other than start being nicer to people. dying, as Bishop Adoyo said? 1 was Mine is brand named Cyber Shenawana, the dorm I live in, What a solution! More than anything Acoustics. I have a friend whose is under the impression that believing is known for being rich in tradition. I just want to make you aware that we and having faith in the death, resurrec- called Sony. Another person who lives For the most part I love every one of stereotype people all the time. Rec- tion and saving power 6f Jesus Christ on my floor has one that's titled IBM. these. There is on tradition, however, ognizing the problem is the first step What is your stereo type? made someone a Christian. Maybe that I absolutely despise. The Shen to solving it. -Stop pretending like We live in a world that thrives I'm wrong. Bishop Adoyo even goes vs. Roth football game has been going you don't label people: It happens on stereotypes. Maybe it's because as far as to say that the world was cre- on for quite some time. And while the everyday. People who swear aren't ated 12,000 years ago. Apparently man we don't like surprises. By branding intention of trying to promote dorm Christians. People who are homeless was created 6,000 years after the world a certain group with a certain char- interaction and the like is great. As are that way because they did drugs acteristic we don't have to wonder was created because each biblical day you would guess, it turns into a tool or drank their life away. People who whether or not a person is different. is equivalent to 1,000 years on Earth. for dorm division. Though I don't were homeschooled know nothing They can fit nicely into a carefully The first group also seems ex- think that this will ever stop and there about the world and are unhealthily tremely resistant to any slight change constructed name, like Music Majors is nothing wrong with having pride in sheltered. People who don't use big or Plateau Dwellers. But I say we take or modification to their way of being the place where one lives or associates scholarly words when they talk aren't Christians. I would reluctantly place a closer look at these people whom we themselves with, it becomes a problem as smart as those who do. We do it all my parents in this group. although they have written off as a certain type of when it is used as a basis for ridiculing the time. person. No, this is not an expos6 on were not nearly as pessimistic as many another because they don't belong to So instead ofjust accepting a member of the Plateau Dwellers. I Christians today. Being the extreme the same class or dorm that you belong the label you've been given, begin to geek that I was in middle school. I honestly think that we as Houghton go against the standards that you have would stay after class on Tuesdays and students, though the world also has a Now this sounds like a very been defined by. Christians have been Thursdays to help my favorite teacher huge problem with this, have a huge after-school-special moral, and in known forever as this group of people problem with stereotypes that are be- ptepare for the next day. I don't really truth, we've been told all of our lives who abstain from doing things. But remember how the topic came up, but ginning to destroy our very core. And to not go by the stereotypes that are what is more important: the things we she told me that she was a Catholic. you know what happens when a core associated with a particular group. don't do, or the things we do do? * I remember telling her quite proudly is destroyed. Volcanoes. That is what Don't judge a book by its cover. Blah and even a little disdainfully that I was happens. blah blah. But when will we actu- a Christian. "I am, too," she replied. I You may recognize me from ally start living this truth that we so remember being slightly shocked. She a skit in SPOT that encouraged the often hear. We constantly judge and was not a Christian, 1 thought, she was very thing that I am attacking. I'm lay stereotypes on people even though ashamed to say it, but I too find myself we've been taught to do the opposite -CHRIS77AN, continued on pg 6 4 STAR SHOTS



Little Majesties

Kaitlyn Berger

Star Lake last semester. Little Majes- 4 4 ,4 I took these picturesties is of wildwhile Blue Gentians I was on at top of Algonquin Mountain, the second highest peak in New York. Hanging On is ofa monarch butterfly we saw while visiting the Paul Smith's Col- lege butterfly house. Sailing is of a spectacular sunset over Star Lake with

Hanging On our sailboat in the foreground. I took it while sitting on the campus beach. * Camera info: Nikon Coolpix 4300 Digital, 4.0 mega-pix


Students, Faculty and Staff submit your photography and title (any subject, color photos are preferred but if you New TO Tile STar N 2007- have a black and white shot that will knock our socks off, please submit it!) along with a 100 word bio/explanation of the photo and camera info (make, mega-pixel, etc) to

[email protected]

Submissions can only be accepted in a digital format, we prefer 4 megapixel or higher for quality purposes and photos must be your own work and submitted unedited (except for contrast and cropping adjustments). "Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?" flow right into one another and you and the second half is that Georgie by Of Montreal can hardly tell. Upon my initial listen, Fruit guy. Even though it's the same I thought the first song was rather long guy, Barnes seems to sing better as Review by Eric Stevenson, staff writer but I looked to find that I was on track 0 himself. When he mutates into Mr. Like the album title suggests, three already. That's always a sign Fruit, his voice becomes more slap- this is a concept album. According to that they're doing something right. stick, in a way. It's not different the The overall feel of the album nods at the band, the whole album tells a story entire time, but it gets rather annoy- which details the transformation the many genres including but not limited ing on "Faberge Falls For Shuggie." lead singer takes from Kevin Barnes to to rock, disco, electronica, techno, It sounds like he's trying too hard to Georgie Fruit. Maybe I'm just stupid, rave, and funk. Also, they seem to be "groovy" or "funky" but ends up but I can't really find the story here. think that the laptop is just as wor- sounding like a computer savvy nerd. 1 Sure, there are some weird stories thy of an instrument as a guitar. It's That being said, it's a decent album. here that I suppose could be shim- definitely not a soundtrack to a day Nothing mind-blowing, but a solid Here's a band that's been mied together to make a transforma- in Houghton, but rather an hour in a record none the less. around for 10 Mfars and if you're into tion story, but they leave a lot of holes futuristic New York City. dance rock, chances are you're a fan for the listener to fill. The song titles Barnes's voice isn't anything of Of Montreal. I've got to think that themselves offer lots of questions. For special, but that's not to say that it's they get tired of having a preposition example, the following words appear bad either. Its high point is when Listen to "Hissing Fauna, Are You as the first word of their band name. in one song title or another and I had he issues a five-part harmony with the Destroyer?" and other songs by -Hey. have you heard of Of Mon- to look them up: "cato, " 6 heimdals- himself in "Gronlandic Edit." It's the

66 Of Montreal at http:Uwww.myspace. treal?" probably gets old after a while. gate, " "gronlandic, . kongsvinger," falsetto that really shines in that song. com/ofmontreal * But despite their terrible name (which and "faberge." If you recognize them, The band claims that the turn- comes from a girl who Kevin Barnes, good for you. You're smart. Of Mon- ing point for the album is the exhaust- the front man, used to date in Mon- treal is smart too. They just proved it. ing eleven-minute track, "The Past Is 1 treal, while the band itself is actually A great thing about this album A Grotesque Animal" which they de- from kihens, Georgia) they thankfully is that it flows well. There are no cided to stick right in the middle of the don't write terrible music. silent pauses between songs, they just album. I guess the first half is Barnes t LECTURE SERIES 5


MILLER Blue Like Jazz (2002) - Miller's compilation of non-traditional reflec- tions on Christianity as he grows in his Chloe Ackerman, std writer walk with Christ.

Searching for God Knows What f (2004) - Miller questions the typical approach to Christianity as a five-step program or a one-time use product to buy. He encourages a more relational and personal approach to Christianity. FOR G.909 S WHAT

Through Painted Deserts (2005. originally published in 200() as Prayer Jallil9 INUER 01L. and the Art of Volkswagen Mainte- nance) -Miller chronicles his road trip from Houston. Texas to Portland. Tff2R T s Oregon as he examines his beliefs and the meaning of concepts such ah beauty.

To Own a Dragon (2006) - Writ- ten with John MacMurray: Miller's reflections on how growing up without a father affected his relationship with BIOGRAPHYGod and other. men. Miller grew up in Houston, Texas with his mother and sister. At 21. >>> he joined a friend on a trip across the country to Portland, Oregon - where he lives today. In his writing Miller emphasizes rejecting formulaic Christianity, and encourages his readers instead to rediscover their own faith as an intimate responsibility for your story. The by Jesus. "How many of you have relationship with God. Miller founded the Belmont Foundation, which mentors first thing that will happen is you'll heard this message: There's a hole young men without fathers. Miller is also the Founding Director of the Burnside get afraid." but that's natural. It's in your heart, and it's in the shape Writer's Collective. a group of Christian writers who contribute to an online conflict for the good prolagonist. of a circle. You've tried to fill the magazine. He has spoken all over the USA and in Canada. Miller then wrapped up the service hole with sex, drugs and rock and with a prayer for the students. roll, but that square peg doesn't fit LECTURES In the evening lecture, into the circle hole of your heart. Miller spoke on the role of the Only Jesus fits in that hole. How We've read the books. Our God was trying to communicate in church in people's lives throujhout many of you have heard anything friends tell us he has spoken at their the Bible. "What if God wants you the centuries. On a trip through like that?" Nearly every hand in colleges, and we've been jealous. to tell a great story?" he asked the England and Scotland, he found the chapel went up. Miller went We've waited for the faculty to an- audience, then went on to described that churches were shaped like on to ask those who would call nounce that he would be the CLEW two things a good story needs: a crosses, and yet were also mod- themselves Christians if they had speaker or a guest for the 2006 protagonist who wants something eled after castles. He called this ever had a bad day since becoming Lecture Series. But we've been good, and conflict. Miller ex- the monarchy stage of the church. a Christian. Again, nearly every disappointed. So we've reread plained that if the protagonist were After the invention of the print- hand went up. "So Jesus is good Blue Like Jazz and eaten up any to die, something profound would ing press, church became like a for some things, but not for every- interviews we could find, hoping be lost. The protagonist must be school and the pastor like a teacher. thing," Miller suggested, listing that next year would be different. seeking after some God-serving or During the Industrial Revolution, acne and cancer as things that Jesus And this year-was different. community-building end in order the church was a conference room cant be counted on to take care of. Donald Miller opened the Hough- to make a good story. "Conflict and the pastors the CEO's. Now Jesus, Miller then conclud- ton College's 2007 Lecture Series is biblical," Miller said, and then churches are theatres, and the con- ed. is not a product. Christianity on Monday, February 5. went on to explain that conflict gregation is there for entertainment. is not something to be sold. God Miller's focus in chapel was came out of sin, but not necessarily The point, Miller said, was that the will give his children pain if they on narrative and the personal story the protagonist's sin. Conflict also church has always tried to keep one push in the wrong direction: he will that God has given to each person. comes when the protagonist wants foot in the world. not simply give them what they Beginning in the Age of Reason, something good. The greater the Miller focused on enter- want when they want it. God is not Miller said, emotion was lost in re- ambition; the greater the conflict. tainment throughout the evening designed around us. He gives us ligion and facts became the focus. However, the story God wants for lecture, citing that Americans see trials and ptiin so that we can gain As an example, he explained that the protagonist is in conflict with 3000 commercial images a day. He wisdom and maturity, becoming today's Christianity looks for three the American ideology. Miller then asked how many people had better protagonists in our own story points to a happy marriage. He defined the American story as, heard the phrase, "be profitable for along the way. called those points, and any other "having money, being comfort- the kingdom of God." in churclj The lecture ended with a "steps" from "3 step programs, able, being right, and not having At the show of hands, he went on time for questions and a book sign- propositions. "Propositions give conflict." That, Miller said, is not a to explain that church has become ing. The next guest in the lecture us five points to sum up our beliefs good story. an advertising agency, which fol- series will be Debbie Blue, minister and permission to yell at those who In closing, Miller chal- lows the two rules of selling a at House of Mary in St. Paul, Min- disagree with us," he said. lenged each person to figure out product: convince the people that nesota on March 12 and 13. fol- However, Miller said that* what his or her goals would be and they aren't happy, and then con- lowed by Lauren Winner. author of in focusing on the facts of the then to write it down after think- vince them that they will be happy Girl Meets God and Real Sex, on Bible, we lose the emotion. Miller ing about it for about a month. if they buy a product. This, he March 23 and 24. believes emotion is the story that "Want good things," he said, "take said, caused people to be let down 0 6 NE WS

stronger political environment? ment will be preserved but modified Thoughts and Rumina- Yes. A better system exists. to reflect the priorities and values of The proposed system will students. tions on a Restructured maintain the current number of We are interested in chang- senators at 20, but will change how ing the structure of student govern- they are elected. The foundation of ment because we want a system that tio the senate will remain in the classes Student Government maximizes student representation. We SC(

with each receiving three seats. One believe that the proposed system will ye William Airhart & Christopher Krowka, guest writers of these seats will be filled by the result in increased participation and a toi class president, creating a strong link more vibrant political environment on to To begin, a PREMISE: Stu- between class cabinets and the senate However, concerns exist over the low campus. The SGA adamantly desires tur

dents no longer identify themselves level of student involvement in and and eliminating the need for all sena- more students to become involved in we primarily as members of their classes awareness of student government. Po- tors to attend class cabinet meetings. student government, and encourages cei and subsequently policies and orga- sitions often run uncontested and many The remaining eight positions in the them to take advantage of the oppor- ha nizations should be adjusted to reflect students never even bother to vote for senate will be filled by at-large candi- tunity for students to attend and speak this shift. their representatives. When combined dates not limited to a particular class. on issues in senate meetings. You can of Currently, the student gov- with the premise that students no Instead, these individuals will run on a also email your representative with is- emment senate is composed of 20 longer identify themselves primarily platform of issues and ideas regardless sues you would like to be raised by the tio senators elected from their respective as sophomores or juniors, our system of how many credits they have earned. senate. Ample opportunities exist for Be classes. Each class has equal repre- of student governance leaves us with They will not identify themselves students to make their voices heard. inc sentation: five freshmen. five sopho- a bitter taste in our mouths, for our by class, but only by the particular If you have a question or comment on ga mores, five juniors, and five seniors. current malaise dictates that we should student issues which motivate them. this particular restructuring proposal, str Senators are also required to attend all no longer be satisfied to accept only The student body will have increased feel free to shoot an email to Wil- na class cabinet meetings and serve as the what works. We must ask ourselves, representation (with each student cast- liam Airhart or Christopher Krowka. CC only official link between the senate what would work better? Can we ing eleven votes each year instead of The proposed restructuring of student th{ and class cabinets. preserve the current class structure of five) and better representation (as each government looks to strengthen the mc This system is entirely class- our beloved institution while making student may vote for representatives student voice and let it resound across CO based. and it should be noted that it additions or modifications to encour- who truly represent their interests). da continues to function adequately well. age student participation and foster a The class structure of student govern- th£

s k

-CHRISTIAN whole-heartedly. What he described tianity continues and is embraced, asking if she is a "Bible-thumper. " 661 Bc continued from pg 3 was a Christianity with which they "true" Christianity will die and be lost would simply say Yes," she answers, resonated. Instead. their complaint be- forever. "even though Y. would probably, on Catholic ! I went home to my mom and gins in that Houghton brought in a big I have hope that my generation the basis of that answer assume that told her that my beloved Mrs. Englert name like Donald Miller and jumped will prove both groups wrong. While I think the public schools are godless was a Catholic, and while I don't through all the hoops associated with our Christianity may not mirror that of and I have bad taste in art. I would remember exactly what my mother bringing in someone of such high face our grandparents or our parents, in no answer Y. in the affirmative," Winner .- said in response, I do remember her value. CIm sure many of us read the way will it be somehow inferior. The concludes, "because I look around [my tone. Whatever she said communicated caveat in the Scoop stating that Donald opposite is also true. If the way we church] at a motley crew of Christians, that somehow, even though Mrs. En- Miller's lectures would not be avail- practice our faith doesn't change, does some of whom buy clothes at Wal- glert may call herselfa Christian, she able online because of -contractual that mean it is somehow bad? No. In Mart and some of whom wear Vera wasn't quite as good of a Christian as agreements.") The main contention of both scenarios, Christians are Chris- Wang, and I know that these people we were because she didnt do Christi- the second group is that despite all the tians are Christians. We don't have are my peoole, polyester. Amy Grant, anity like we did. « steps that were taken to invite some- to agree with one person's way of ex- and all." * On the other end of the spec- one to campus representing one of the pressing Christianity. But we do need trum is the second group. 1've heard fresh voices in Christianity, people to acknowledge that we are all a part more than a few people grumbling will still refuse to change. of the body of Christ, and we need to over the recent visit of Donald Miller. The problem? Both respect that rather than attack it. In her They didn't have a problem with what of these different perspectives seem to book Girl Meets God, Lauren Winner he said. In fact, they agreed with him believe that unless their style of Chris- writes in response to the unnamed "Y."

CONSPIRACY body consumes nothing but fat, rusty in a heap on the floor. ear flaps. I bet they were hired by the -continued from pg 2 water, and caffeine and subsists on And what's next? Will government to undermine our genera- tion. The ones they don't kill from If that isn't enough, they also four hours of sleep a day. However, everyone be required to get a doctor- abnormally high stress levels, clogged have the audacity to tell us to get the maximum time a body can be in ate? They want to keep us under their arteries, and exhaustion they kidnap enough sleep. How are we supposed this state and still come out relatively control for as long as possible, so I and take back to their bosses. Yes, few to get enough sleep when the only way sane afterwards is three months. Un- wouldn't be a bit surprised. This is survive, but those who do have been to get all our work done is to camp out fortunately, some students are never the way these people work. You'd broken down enough that they are in the library for a week, planted in able to come out of this semi-coma think they were evil sadistic political one spot until we begin to take root? and end up either dying or becoming extremists ! susceptible to anything. That explains The only way to stay lucid for as long Teachers themselves because all other Hmm, come to think of it I've why no one hears from their friends as possible while studying, before opportunities are lost to them. noticed some of the Teachers goose- who graduate; they've been kidnapped and brainwashed ! delirium takes over again, is to over So, what it all boils down to stepping and others seem to enjoy consume large amounts of caffeine is that college is nothing more than wearing those funny fur hats with the Well, okay, I admit, the last Cl laced drinks and energy bars. So even an elaborate experiment to see how sentence was just a theory. * of when we try to sleep we can't. quickly stress, cholesterol, and lack of WE WANT TO HEAR- YOUR Th Therefore, to compensate for sleep can kill us. thi the lack of sleep, most students slip But what does life hold for THOUGHTS! into a sort of semi-coma state. While those lucky few who survive? You go sa Guidelines for letters to the Editor: thi it has not been scientifically named, to four years of college and you think this condition is commonly referred to "yes I made it! Nowlcangetajob!" Letters to the Editor must be signed, denote which articles they are an as the -Student Survival" state or the Wrong! Now, most good jobs want in response to, and should not exceed 500 words. Send all letters mi "I don't care anymore, I'm just trying you to get a master's degree, because to the Editor-In-Chief, Lindsay Yandon via [email protected]. to survive" syndrome. in which the if you are not a master of something th All letters are subject to editing at the discretion of both the Copy SO affected student walks around with a you are nothing. There you go, two to dazed, stupid expression on their face three more years of three hundred page Editors and the Editor-In-Chief. Letters are due on Monday at ha oblivious to the surrounding worid. research papers, staying up till four 5pm, one week before the next issue. Anonymous letters will not be di, A student can survive for about three in the morning, and seeing how much printed. 1£tters that exceed 500 words can be sent in the form of a months m this condition because it caffeine your brain can handle until it response column and will be printed as an allows the brain to function while the or finally short circuits and you collapse article but should not exceed 750 words.

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SPORTS February sports thoughts Sooj's Mailbag Ben Tsujimoto, sports writerr post-game attention, the performance NBA Draft next year. Durant is the of underrated safety Bob Sanders complete package; he has the potential My Super Bowl XLI projec- deserves recognition. With a critical to be a hybrid of Kevin Garnett and tion was inaccurate (I did predict the interception and a bone-rattling hit on Ray Allen if he continues to fill out score of the losing team, however), Cedric Benson to knock the ballloose, his frame. Despite Durant's freak- yet the Indianapolis Colts' 29-17 vic- Sanders provided the aggression and ish skills, Oden still projects to be a In an attempt to address the tory over the Chicago Bears proved toughness that the once-vulnerable franchise NBA center. He is unrivaled to be an entertaining game. The early Indy defense lacked. Congratulations in terins of shot-blocking and rebound- professional sports interests turnovers were not surprising; two to both Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith, ing, and his post-game on offense of the Houghton audience, weeks of hype and pre-game jitters two compelling examples of Christian is rapidly developing. The depth of you are encouraged to ei- certainly contributed to the sloppy first character who demonstrated that even talent in the 2007 NBA Draft will be ther pose a question or sug- half. The Colts exploited the Bears' mild-mannered, conscientious coaches reminiscent of 2003, where LeBron, primary weakness: the inconsistency can succeed in the NFL. Carmelo, and Wade took the league by gest a topic for me to write of quarterback Rex Grossman. The We are only roughly one storm. Other players to keep an eye about. If your topic/ques- Florida alum tossed two late intercep- on include Kansas sophomore Julian month away from March ilth: Selec- tion is chosen, your name tions and fumbled twice, spoiling the tion Sunday for the NCAA Men's Wright, North Carolina freshman will be included in the Bears' comeback attempt. Grossman's Basketball Tournament. This year's Brandan Wright, UCLA sophomore inefficiency limited Lovie Smith's field will be highly competitive; the Luc-Richard Mbah a Moute, Oregon article. There's your incen- game-plan; Chicago was unable to deep Gators look to repeat, the youth- guard Aaron Brooks, Wisconsin guard tive. Send all ideas to: stretch the field with speedsters Ber- ful Jayhawks, Tar Heels, and Buckeyes Alando Tucker, Texas A&M guard- nard Berrian and Rashied Davis. The desperately want to prove that under- Acie Law IV, and Pittsburgh cent@ Colts' offense, however, took what classmen can perform under tourna- Aaron Gray. Although they are not the Benjamin.tsujimoto the stingy Chicago defense allowed; ment pressure, while the Bulldogs and 'sexy' tournament choices, Wisconsin, @ houghton.edu , most valuable player Peyton Manning Salukis hope to shock the country as Texas A&M, Marquette, and Okla- completed short passes to Joseph Ad- "Cinderellas." What players deserve homa State could sneak into the final dai and Dallas Clarkall night, moving attention? Texas freshman Kevin four. At least ten teams have a realis- the chains and maintaining posses- Durant has emerged as a candidate to tic shot to win it all; watch the confer- sion. While Manning's first Super dethrone Buckeye center Greg Oden ence tournamenls for a taste of March Bowl victory captured much of the as the likely top overall pick in the Madness. *




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album. r'" What's really challenging about this band as to whether youvi Event *** D by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah like them or not isnt within the melo Review by Eric Stevenson. sta# writer dies and songs themselves, but rather Advertising for being the first band to do that. In it's-in how Clap front-man Alec Oun- sworth sings. It's like he's a drunk, this era of internet blogging and mp3 Please send any cain- sharing, bands are becoming more prepubescent teenager. I hated it at independent and these guys are the first but as I kept listening, it oddly< pus event billietins perfect example. grew on me and now it doesn't bother to the Editor via On to their music. As with me at all. In fact, I kind of enjoy it. their first album, they have a habit of It's dramatically different from any starting with their worst song. But this other rock singer you've ever heard. STAR@houghton edu time around, it's not the music that's The closest would be bad about it, it's the production. They from the Talking Heads. except he purposefully decided to make it sound enunciates. Remember we print From a business standpoint, like it's coming out of really crappy. The one thing Clap forgot to bi-weekly So we take with them from their last album Clap Your Hands Say Yeah is one blown speakers. Every time the bass need to know as soon of the most interesting bands today. drum kicks, you think you're stereo is the warmth. This just doesn't have They sold about 200,000 copies of is broken. I don't know why they did the personal feel that their self-titled as possible about their debut album, which usually isn't this or think that it's a good idea. 11 debut did. It shines on a few songs but your event if you ' overall, it doesn't show that much. saying too.much..except they did it nearly makes the song unbearable to would like themselves. They had no listen to. You can get used to it after a These guys aren't the se- and distributed the album with no help while, but still, it's unwanted. cret they used to be, and the fun of it included. but their own. After that happened. After you skip that track, the knowing who they are isn't exciting many record deals were thrown at rest of the album switches off between anymore. But still, their sophomore them but they decided to still take the clever pop songs (which made their release is quality and a good grab. But solo route. With the newly released debut so popular). and strange "lets if you're new to the band, start with "Some Loud Thunder" they still don't make weird guitar noises" songs. The their debut. have a record label and just go to the combination of the two make it an ***** distribution companies without the interesting and fun listen. It's not just Listen to Clap Your Hands Say Yeah middle man. Whether you like them random though, they do have an un- at http://myspace.com/clapyourhands- ZE!,youhavetogiveemrespeciderling sound that connects the whole sayyeah 8 NEWS

SpRiNg SeMeStEr ScHeDuLe .

February March 0 -

4 Jeff Spear Personal Finance Ben Hegeman Jonathan Case 11 Odens Chinese cell churches

11 Mike Walters Money !!!!! 18 Paul Shea Christians in Development C Ndunge Kiiti 18 Doug Gaerte Communications

25 Mejc Pearse The necessity - and 25 Larry Mullen Old Friends: God dangers - of apologetics and Larry Mullen Kaleidoscope meets at 9.00 a.m. every Sunday in the Dining Hal on campus. Coffee, chat, and class create an ambience offriendship and fun within a spiritual dimension. THE HOUGHTON ENQUIRER

one. Lastly, the College is proud Singles face expulsion "Facebook is a valuable tool to announce the new million dollar of our operation," reports one of the In order to increase the to be known only as "X" and "Y", are expansion of the Gillette Hall main DSES agents, "but it's often confus- amount of marriages amongst its stu- posing as an engaged couple. "It's lounge, long a popular congregation ing to use. There are so many people dents, Houghton College has decided so ridiculous to have to walk around spot for couples. The new "Gillette who are listed as 'complicated' or 'in fo enact a new policy regarding its holding his hand all day," X says, "but Lounge of Love" will feature brand a relationship with T. Muffin Man'- c popuation of singles. Effective im- we have to pretend if we don't want to new, deep red couches and carpets, it's nearly impossible to tell who, if mediately, all students will have until leave." candles, and other soft lighting to anyone, is actually dating or not." December 15th of their junior year to "When people ask me why create the proper atmosphere, a sound To help produce more couples, the become engaged, or else face expul- I don't kiss her, I simply say that we system that will play At Green; Marvin College is installing several new pro- sion. All currently single juniors will don't want to until we're married," Y Gaye, and Luther Vandross ballads grams and incentives. To start, every be allowed to remain to finish the adds. "No one seems to catch on." around the clock, and the pi6ce de couple will receive a scholarship upon spring semester. but must find a differ- The College is taking several steps to r6sistance:; a heart-shaped jacuzzi in proof of engagement. Open dorm ent schoolfor the fall. All currently help discover undercover singles, as the center of the lounge. hours will be extended from three p.m. single seniors will be allowed to stay well as to encourage coupling. One Needless to say, the new to midnight, seven days a week, and and graduate, but with the new school aspect of its efforts is the establish- rule has sent hordes of single juniors the ban on social dancing will be lifted year's arrival, no one will be allowed ment of the Deadly Single Elimination scrambling for transfer student ap- in order to hold monthly mixers where to reach senior status without a ring by Squad, a group of six students whose plications, and even more sophomores December. singles can mingle, and hopefully meet scrambling to start dating. * job it is to detect hidden singles like someone. The two juniors, who asked X and Y. But their task is not an easy Editor-In-Chief Lindsay Yandon

Love Questions for Dr. Val N. Tinne Managing Editors Dr. Val, Emily Buckingham I often wonder at Houghton's "Ring by Spring" policy. Although it does indeed seem to exist and you are greatly Design Editor rewarded when that sparkly stone gets on the right finger, it seems that the Student Life office is only weakly backing this Rebecca Showvaker policy. My boyfriend is off campus this semester and there is no way I'm getting my coveted "ring by spring." When my boyfriend is on campus I barely see him ! He has far too much homework and has to try extra hard because of Houghton's higher standards and ridiculous grading scale. (I really think Houghton is the only place on earth where a 94% and above Business Manager constitutes an A.) Then, when he finally has a few hours to spare, his free time doesn't happen to fall during Student Life's Mary Royer "open house" hours. Student Life seems to be working against their own goal! How does Houghton College expect to achieve the goal of"ring by spring" if their Off Campus Programs Office, Faculty and Student Life can't work together to Staff Writers make it happen? Eric Stevenson Chloe Ackerman - My Heart is in Africa Inti Martinez Dear Heart,

What you don't understand is that Student Life is using all of those things to their advantage. 56 years ago, a Columnists policy was put in place. That policy is what we have come to lovingly call "ring by spring." A few choice administrators Marc Smithers had a very secretive meeting and decided that the best way to reach their goal (every female left ring finger bedecked with James Dutton a ring) was to keep males and females apart as much as possible. Counterintuitive? I think not. The idea was that during those few and far between times they were together, both sexes would realize quickly what they were missing and would Editorialists remedy the separation the only way they knew how: marriage. So, their purpose in sending your boyfriend thousands of Chris Stewart miles away and keeping him out of your life while he is on campus is simple. They want you both to realize (usually erro- Kashmere Fitch neously) that in no way can· you live without each other. So, hang in there Heart, your boyfriend is realizing that he doesn't want to spend another hour without you by his side. Expect a ring during Mayterm. when you're both back on campus and She work load is lighter. Engagement was Mayterm's original purpose, after all. When your boyfriend asks you to go on a Guest Writers nice aftfmoon walk through Letchworth, say yes andlook pretty; a ring is coming. William Airhart

-Dr. V , Christopher Krowka

*This is satire... sarcasm... not true... it's ok to laugh! - Sports Writer End this Rnny? Want to write it? Benjamin Tsujimoto If you are interested in writing these satire pieces, Faculty Advisor please contact the Editor via [email protected] Dave Perkins