DartsPremium Live MatchCricket TrackerMarket Extensions 3.0

Premium is proud to announce the development of new combination bets as well as significant coverage extensions. Let your customers predict what’s going to happen ball by ball and provide them with the best possible cricket betting experience.


MARKET TYPE MARKET EXAMPLE Rapid Delivery exact runs Runs off 1st delivery 1st over: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6

Wicket off ball Wicket on 1st delivery 1st over

Combos Batter to score half century, bowler JJ Roy to score half century, JJ Bumrah to to take +1.5 wkts take +1.5 wkts Batter to score century, bowler to JM Bairstow to score century, J Archer to take +1.5 wkts take +1.5 wkts Batter to score half century, bowler to JE Root to score half century, Kuldeep to take +2.5 wkts take +2.5 wkts Batters both to score 50 JJ Roy and JE Root to both score 50

Batters both to score 100 JM Bairstow and V Kohli both to score 100

Batter to score 100, batter to score 50 JJ Roy to score 100, RG Sharma to score 50

Batters both to score 50, bowler to JJ Roy and JE Root to both score 50, J Archer take +1.5 wkts to take +1.5 wkts Player Runs Combined (2 man) JJ Roy runs plus JE Root runs +/- 57.5

Combo+Rapid Player Runs Combined (3 man) JJ Roy runs plus JE Root runs plus V Kohli runs +/- 80.5

Both Teams to Score X runs Both teams to score 160+

Both Batsmen Method of Dismissal JJ Roy and JE Root both to be bowled

Combo+Rapid Delivery combos England to score over 0.5 runs on 2nd Delivery, 1st Over and 3rd Delivery, 1st Over

COVERAGE EXTENSIONS ➔➔ Trophy ➔➔ ➔➔ ➔➔ Women’s 50 Over ➔➔ ➔➔ Men’s Hundred ➔➔ ➔➔ Women’s Hundred

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