27441 GP Summer 2013_SR v5_Layout 1 22/04/2013 11:40 Page 1 BRITISH DRAWINGS AND WATERCOLOURS 2013 1 27441 GP Summer 2013_SR v5_Layout 1 22/04/2013 11:40 Page 2 Guy Peppiatt started his working life at Dulwich Picture Gallery before joining Sotheby’s British Pictures department in 1993. He soon specialised in early British drawings and watercolours and took over the running of Sotheby’s Topographical sales. Topographical views whether they be of Britain or worldwide have remained an abiding passion. Guy left Sotheby’s in early 2004 and has worked as a dealer since then, first based at home, and now in his gallery on Mason’s Yard, St James’s, shared with the Old Master and European Drawings dealer Stephen Ongpin. He advises clients and museums on their collections, buys and sells on their behalf and can provide insurance valuations. 2 27441 GP Summer 2013_SR v5_Layout 1 22/04/2013 11:40 Page 3 BRITISH DRAWINGS AND WATERCOLOURS 2013 Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm Weekends and evenings by appointment Guy Peppiatt Fine Art Ltd Riverwide House, 6 Mason’s Yard Duke Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6BU Tel: +44 (0) 20 7930 3839 Mobile:+44 (0) 7956 968284 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7839 1504
[email protected] www.peppiattfineart.co.uk 3 27441 GP Summer 2013_SR v5_Layout 1 22/04/2013 11:40 Page 4 1 George Romney (1734-1802) John Howard visiting the Lazaretto Numbered 86 in a later hand upper left, pencil on laid paper watermarked GR Similarly intense pencil drawings of the subject are in a sketchbook in the Huntington 15.7 by 19.1 cm., 6 by 7 ½ in.