1 ■— — « —— ■ ■■ ■ —— been torn out, and a new aidawalk 3 WALKS PLUS 3 is being put in. < Cardinals Headed Toward * * * Both these store spares are also Pennant; Pitching TUNNEY NEARS being remodeled, and the Broad- EDINBURG ON Men's way Shop, owned by Ben HITS ONE was And Best In Avers Vessels EQUAL Epstein, and which damaged by Batting League * *. * fire several weeks ago, is to be re- opened soon. Lf FLAYING TOP IN UPPER —PROF. HUG TRAINING END _ 17.—(A*—The Edcouch Go NEW YORK. July McAllen, Cleveland Indians have demon- Champ to Box and Eat Up As Donna and strated how a team can make three safe hits and receive three bases Great Quantities I _ Pharr Lose on balls in one inning and still Of Meat Out of score only one run. \ankees Snap this bracket— The Indians performed Upper feat for the benefit of SPECULATOR. N. Y. July 17.— Slump Taking Two; Team W. L. Prt. strange metropolian fans watching them a rest from all Edinburg 9 3 .750 (/Fb—After 24-hour lose both ends if a -header Cards Emerge After McAllen 7 5 .583 ring work. Gene Tunney decided to to the yester- Donna 7 6 .538 renew exchanging blows with his Losing Pair Edcouch 5 7 .417 day. sparring partners today to fit him- In the third of the first Pharr 2 11 .153 inning self for his world's heavyweight title Lind to right and BY HERBERT W. BARKER Lower bracket— game, singled bout against Tom Hceney on July 26. went to second when Langford Associated Press Sports Writer Lyford 10 4 .714 After today. Gene will box but spilled another single past third Whether it’s because of Brownsville 9 4 .892 four more times’* be fire he enters psychol- base, Lind was nipped off second ogy. *he law of averages, luck or Harlingen .. 8 I .888 the Yank Stadium ring nine days base by a snap throw from Grab- what hare the White Weslaco 5 9 .357 hence. Besides swapping punches you, owski, Yankee catcher, for the Sox are playing winning ball under Rio Hondo. 2 11 .153 with Harold Mays and Billy Yida- first iut. bounced an of Lena Blackburne. Sunday’s Result* heck. the Bayonne, N. J., heavy- managership infield single off George Pipgras* Since Blackburne took over the At Lyford 8, Brownsville 7. (11 in- weight, Gere mapped out a pro- hand and Langford was thrown out rein’s on 5, the day after Ray nings >. gram which included a long stretch July for the second out when he tried Schalk resigned as , the Sox Rio Hondo forfeited to Weslaco. of road work and a strenuous ses- to reach third base on the have turned in nine victories in 12 At McAllen 7. Harlingen 5. play. sion with the punching bag and then lost control and atarts. At Edinburg 13. Donna 0. Pipgras heavy body sack. walked B^’rns. and Sum- For the second time in two playing At Edcouch 14, Pharr 7. Hodapp Conclusive evidence that the ma, forcing in Joe Sewewll with days, the Pale Hose took over both champion has entered the last stages the only run of the inning, Luke ends of a double header with the With complete results turned in of his training came when a speci- Your favorite Sewell to for 0 bouncing Pipgras men of be Monday 4 to and and • special meat, which will standings compiled by Secretary the third out. 9 and Ted cut into steaks and arrived i last and leather to 1. While Red Faber L. B. Shifflett of the American Le- chops, Blankenship were holding the Hub from a New York restaurant. AH gion Valley baseball league, the out- at a team to 4 hits and a single run in through his boxing career Tunney saving. standing feature of the race seems to the two battles, the White Sox were has wound up the campaigns for his be the hot chase for honors around hammering out 29 hits off Ruffing, major bouts by consuming great the in the Harriss and Simmons. top rungs lower bracket. HEENEY quantities of tj\e«e high QUITS grade pro- One the fLCRSHEIH The New York Yankees demonstrat- game separates Lyford loop visions. Heretofore, milk, fruit and leaders and Harlingen in third place. ed conclusively that they have re- vegetables have been the champion’* Sliced in between a half a game’s covered from their recent slump by favorite viand*. most having only a length from either is the dethroned taking their second consecutive small part in the Tunney menu. SHOES Brownies. NIGHT double-header from the Cleveland In- BOXING The tosaers are well out dians, 7 to 3 and 6 to 2. Edinburg in front of the up-Valley nines with a hit his 35th homer of N. 17.— NOW I Yankeesque percentage mark of .750, FAIRHAVEN, J.. July Mexico Executes the year in the third inning of the —Tom slid having won nine and lost three Heeney back into the opener and now stands 22 games, 20 serious games. are two full games grind today, after a day's and five home runs ahead of They days ahead of the layoff, returning to the practice of his 1927 schedule. runners-up. McAllen. 4 In Arms Sales out The main seems to working in the afternoon in- The Philadelphia Athletics dropped controversy range about second, third and fourth. Don- stead of the cool of the evening further back in the race when MEXICO CITY. Julv 17—<£b-l)is- | they na with a mark of .538 is one-half Boxing at night, Heeney found, gained no better than an even break patrhes from. San Luis Potosi today A FEW STYLES $9.85 a game behind McAllen and close on disrupted his entire program, par- in two games with the Detroit Tigers. said two army officers and two their heels is Edcouch with a mark of ticularly his sleep. He did not get Jack Quinn, veteran of ’s civilians had been court martialed For a short time ® .417. Edcouch into bed until midnight or later with only pulled up Sunday by and executed arms to | firing squad, registered his 12th vic- a for smuggling a 14-7 win over Pharr as Donna went result he did not get his requh.d tory of the season in the first strug- insurgents. Dobbs down before Edinburg 13-0. amount of sleep. He prefers work- Sailors gle, 3 to 2. had A special investigation ordered by 9 in last Pharr ing out at night, because the oppres- the second in his until the Floundering place, Governor Cedillo revealed that pocket and Rio sive heat of mid-afternoon takes a Now, $3.95 Hondo are tied for the doubt- Tangama hi« eighth inning when the Tigers ham- lot out of Captain Joaquin and Nation- ful honors with marks of .153 each in him but he figures he mered him out of the box and Here’s a of big guns of the St. Louis Cardinals, apparently destined to win their second brother. Lieutenant Rodolfo Tcn- slug- quartet the and lower needs to get into bed earlier. Rube and Joe Bush al in three The right arms of Big Jess Haines ("enter) and Old Alex upper groups respect- garr.a had been selling arms and ged Walberg League pennant years. mighty ively. Heeney starts his final week of around until thirteen men had bat- have elevate the Red Birds’ pitching staff to a high state of perfection, l he speed ammunition belonging to the in- (upper right) helped Rio Hondo, however, has played training with no signs of physical ted and nine of them had scored. of left) and the batting punch of Sunny Jim Bottomleyf lowet right) have been surgents. The sales had been made (tipper only four games, winning two and fatigue and with enough excels Alvin Crowder hung up his 11th lf*£8 success. through Zenon Gomes, and Fran- two other major factors in the Cardinals’ dropping two. The rest of the nine "eight to withstand the rigors k win against a single defeat as the cisco Cells, nrnmiront merchants in games have been forfeits. Part came the stretch drive. He weighs ab sit the for- Fan Luis Potosi. acting as inter- Browns romped off with a 4 to 2 de- By JAY R. VESSELS Irs ups and downs at Pittsburgh, is rest of the season as mere 203 nounds and while the franchise was under the nlans to bring his mediaries. cision over the Senators. (Associated Press Writer) ! credited around the senior mality of the Cardinals playing out All four were executed Washington Sports fully cir-1 regime of Mercedes. Los Fresnos is weight down gradually so he will Winning and losing streaks have NEW shortstop and Harper motor fumes In their garage. Fhop and the Star FtorP here las! Kremer and with the aid of some meant just that nanv more sanies $110 to the Cardinals’ foes. in the outfield. The venerable Rab- cannonading Gran- Birds are won. heavy by George These fast flying Red bit. pronounced through four years tham and , the Pirates because been Standings making good they've subbed for Thevcnnw j ago. Tommy ’ RECORDS A LOT turned back the 8 to ST. LOUS BUYS Braves, 3. getting more than their share of in- and Harper filled in for Walter IfcXAS LEAGIK * Grantham and Waner got seven hits dividual and because of VV. L Results brilliancy Roe*.tger, out with a broken leg. Monday’s In and five runs between them. team bat- Rhein ... Houston 3. VACATION_ unexcelled team play. In I Their playing has been well above 6, Shreveport The Cubs four Phil have Alexander .. Wichita Falls pounded pitch- ting and team fielding they the average. 10. San Antonio 0. ers into a 10 to 5 defeat at Chicago. for the lead, Sherdel ... Fort Worth 7, Waco 2. consistently pressed This of the Me- is typical way Haines . The St. Louis Cardinals, smarting and their as a unit sizes Dallas 7, Beaumont 3. Place I pitching Ker.inic has been converting bad | Summit under two setbacks Littlepohn . straight by ; up as the best in th» league.* 1 Tuesday's Schedule breaks into good ones. He ran out 2 Brooklyn, nosed out the Dodgers in Indicative of their batting is the Hatd . Houston at Shreveport. Balance Monthly of relief pitching material and 2 the third game of the series, 7 to 6. standing of Taylor Douthit, who has Frankhouse . Beaumont at Dallas. | stumbled upon Clarence Mitchell, -r» The N'ew York Giants made it three been lending the circuit in total hits Johr.fon San Antonio at Wichita Falls. ! who couldn't even make good with Mitchell 3 S * In a row over the . ]: and indicative of their sneed is the Waco at Fort Worth. Five Years to the Phillies. The first thine the 3 4 Pay Two singles and a sacrifice in the rating of Frankie Frisch, who has Reinhart ._.. Team— W. I.. Pet aged spit-haller did was to stop the I ♦••nth inning turning the trick. Joe I been setting the pace for the base Houston IK K .750 j Giants. Then "he repeated the trick 15 3f i.enewich held the Reds to six safe- stealers. Wichita Falls . 14 6 .700 Summit Place, on 13th two weeks later. Both victories ties. Freddy Lindstrom got three Manager Bill McKechnie. who had Dallas . 11 7 .611 j were extremely timely, especiallv I and 14th streets, is the hits, the last driving over the win- San Antonio 11 8 .579 the second one. when the Giants, in to ring run. Fort Worth 9 9 .500 coolest place live, second place and to ad- threatening Beaumont 7 12 .368 and one mile to vance. needod taming. | only Waco . 6 14 .300 Fosters Return From The Cardinals’ manager is credit- Brownsville busin ess Shreveport —. 4 16 .200 LIGHT HEAVY ed with having done wonders with section. to Former Home Jimmy Wilson, just an ordinary Trip AMERICAN LEAGl’E Both gay and secluded catcher with the Phillies, but row resorts in the cool Carolina Monday’s Results can to The rated as s*cond to none in the hip LEAD mountains be quickly and reached (Special Herald) ADD New TO York 7-6; Cleveland 3-3. comfortably by See Jesse Dennett HARLINGEN. July 17.—Mr. and leagues. He has caught more gain"' Louisville & j 1 Chicago 4-9; Boston 0-1. Nashville R. R. trains from New Orleans. Mrs. Sam Foster and two children KEEPS TITLE this year than any other National Texas ! Philadelphia 3-6; Detroit 2-11. Brownsville, le-"ue have returned from a vacation trip catcher. In ““ Take 4 St. Louis 10 In- Crew 4; Washington 2, to 1 Several scintillating individual Bayou Through Sleeper Daily Asheville vE—BE— 1 ■ ■■ spent in Oklahoma and Kansas, vis- nings. —W performance* have marked the Card- iting the former homes of Mr. Fos- Obtains De- Bears Blank- Tuesday’s Schedule -via Montgomery, Atlanta, and Hender- Loughran inals' elevation to set the pace in a Row; Spartanburg ter at Enid and Oklahoma City. St. Louis at Washington. sonville. dazvlin" mid-summer nennr-rt Leaves New Orleans at 9:00 a. m. on train Mr. and Mrs. Foster, with their cision Over Miner ed Oilers Cleveland at New York. scramble. There is old Alex—the By i No. and daughters. Seeta Mayne r.nd Noma Detroit at 4, arrives Asheville next morning. » great Grover Cleveland Alexander—I Philadelphia. Gene, made the trip by automobile, Pete Latzo (Bv the Associated Press) Chicago at Boston. who at the o* 41 won and spent several weeks touring in age years Team— W. L Pet Round Trip Fares from Brownsville three cnm*s in eight davs with #1 The swift pace of Houston and that section. WILKESBARRE. Pa.. July 17.— New York 62 23 .729 lo ASHEVILLE.$75.15 nrm that has seen 23 years of hard Wichita Falls, leader and runner- Pudgy Pete Latzo. brown-skinned Philadelphia 49 35 .583 HENDERSONVILLE .$75.15 — Six-months-old Leila hn "ling. CHICAGO. once coal in in the Texas league St. Slav who mined for these respectively, Lou‘« .. 46 41 .529 BLACK MOUNTAIN was smothered by & pillow that There Is Sunnv Jim Rottnm!*v. .$76.10 Kapp Pocono mountains, was just a good, is rapidly putting them into a class Chicago 41 45 #477 got over her head. who hit th*-ec triples in one day— game fighter today while Tommy by themselves in the loop standing. Cleveland .. 38 48 .442 triples that the sluggers srv are For and ask Loughran. handsome Philadelphia Both clubs are playing ns good ball Washington 26 48 .429 full information reservations, harder to get than home runs be. youngster, still was the light heavy- i:s they have shown this season, and Roston 33 49 .402 L. N. or cau " the’* heve to run 'em out. At | SIMMS, T. P. A., H. B. TARTT, PASS. AGENT weight champion of the world. neither shows signs of weakening. Detroit 34 49 .410 one time Jim led the league in home Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 203 Scar.Ian Building For the second time in seven weeks. Fresh from victories over Fort runs. trinl"s and doubles and in Texas, Phone: Preston 1082 Latzo. pride of the miners he once Worth, the Ruffs Monday defeated Houston, rues scored. labered beside, battered and slogged fi to ft. and ran their Monday’s Results The showing of the Red Bird* Shreveport, last night at the superb technique strain? of consecutive wins to four. N>w York 3; Cincinnati 2. 10 In- since mid-May has paralleled that of LOUISVILLE Is R R and boxing skill of the master of the pitching by Penner and nings. NASHVILLE th“ world’s chamn'onshin Cardinal Steady 175 and for the second hard and timely bitting played * Pittsburgh 8; Boston 3. pounders outfit of which in successive time received nothing but a bloody maior part in Houston’s victory. Chicago 10; Philadelphia 5. road tries checked in with a record nose and the short end of the purse Good pitching and hard hitting St. Louis 7; 6. of something like 11 victories in 13 Brooklyn for his pains. also enabled Wichita Falls to defeat Tuesday’s Sr! cdule on Your starts and nine victories in 11 star**, Print Just as Pete failed in the National San Antonio, 10 to 0. Cveneros Brooklyn at St. Louis. Bishop's I Up respectively. In *ts first mor'h- league ball pary May 30th to lift was in magnificent form as he held Philadelphia at Chicago lopg road trip this rear the Mr- I Loughran's crown through sheer the Rears to 5 safeties, while the New York at Cincinnati. Shop Health Kechnie machine rolled ur> a rcrerd ganieness and rugged punching Spudders were hammering Fillingim Roston at Pittsburgh. Joh of 2* victories out of 27 games Printing Exclusively power, so did he last night stumble and Stein for 10 safe blows. Team— W. L. Pet n!*ved Service and Quality I again through lack of that final mark Rreaking the which Hous- St. Louis . 54 person, no matter have accented the jinx 32 .628 class and Ft. I.ouis fans the Fort Spivey-Kowalski Baildinff I of ring generalship when ton clamped upon them, New York . 46 33 .582 how well he may feel, Brownsville. .the title was well within his Worth Panthers defeated Waco. 7 to Texas EVERYshould visit his physician grasp. Chicago . 51 .37 .580 Faced a left that I a bv Shinners* jjjT_, by cutting jab in came featured Cincinnati 47 38 ,553 at least every s x months for a 1 1 in his stab- with lingered always features, borne run in the third inning Brooklyn . 41 37 .543 thorough examination. PERRY L. KING & CO. bing him off balance, bringing his 2 WHITE SOX two on base. Wachtel twirled Pittsburgh .39 40 .491 staunchest drives Freeze up short. Latzo steady ball while and Darby Boston ... 21 54 .308 AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING doctor will tell >ou just Your battered through Loughran's guard STARS PAPAS were nicked by the Cats for 10 hits. Philadelphia 21 55 .276 INCOMB TAX SERVICE System*. Organisation and well are to y. how equipped you in the third and fourth rounds to Dallas drove a former teammate. Statistical Reports Business Control & off the diseases that lurk split Tommy’s left and stain DAY Gene from the mound, and Dodd I fight eyebrow ON SAME Waller, suffer Travis Building Baxter Bldg. Nixon Building near by. Should you the champion's face with a mask of defeated Reaumont. 7 to 8. Temporary Passenger San Antonio. Texas ’larlingcn Texas Corpus ChristL Texas from some ailment he will ad- red. CHICAGO. July 17.—(Ah—Two Pete almost j Rt'RGLAR TO GALLOWS Station Is Removed ...... — Insurance you on how to remedy smashed the champion members of the White Sox, Ted DRAG I to the floor in the fourth round. Rut LONDON. Frederick Stewart, who your condition. Blankenship and Bill Hunne- there his attack faltered. committed murder while attempting (Fperial to The Herald) Cagey, field, had more to fight for to- j G. B. Simpson. C.PJL L. It. Chenault, C-PA. M. S. L'arnelro. C.P.A. (lnd.) I content, too. to his even a had to he to the FAN BENITO. 17.—The Bonds and Loans When medicine i« advised strength day. They are fathers. burglary, dragged July tem- when the was for execution at Pentonville to us. going hottest. Lough- After double vic- gallows porary building erected by the Mis- bring your prescriptions yesterday's • ran his own souri Pacific to Co. steadily fought fight, over were prison. here serve as a pas- PHONE 100 For years we have been serv- tory Boston, they Simpson-Chcnault-Carneiro I and had of a senger ] piled up points, enough station while the new tile the of this commun- notified that each was the par- ing people margin at the close of the tenth ses- 1ft V H CAPTI RES THIEF and stucco ACCOUNTANTS and AUDITORS of doctor ent of a girl. Miss Hunnefield building was in process ity with the apnroval sion to at in TAX PROBLEMS Spivey-Kowalski win the verdict despite Lat- is but three hours older than CHICAGO.—Awaking night with of construction was moved Monday. Specialising INCOME Bldp. |; I and patron. zo's fierce that won the ninth a that something was Che site where State Natl. Bank in Texas Theatre Building. Texas rally .Miss Blankenship. premonition the temporary Bldg., , Representative Brownsville, | and tenth rounds. The champion was wrong at his store. ,1. C. Teinpel hur- building was is being levelled and BROWNSVILLE. Ph. 8301 Washington. D. C.SA.N ANTONIO. Cr. 7475 the better in five rounds. Latzo in ried there and caught a burglar. landscaped. ..I four, and one was even. i ..—. ■ -.—.. The match drew $(”0,000, Promoter GOOFEY MOVIES —Nehcr I Ivise Morgan Bird estimated. Loughran got $25,000, Latzo $7,500. r & HOW LEADERS J^E&&W DIVOT TENJES NA icsjOUJ Teve S'JJEeTHEACT,THCU6HT SHE <3«J*sJ VJEV CAME UO ARE STANDING tvjOUuD SOCPCiSE TENJE vEQE. 1NJ The Anjd PAV him a VISIT at MO'JfsJTAifVS TOTCA'M PRESCRIPTION Hts TPAINOINJGS OUA13TE8S. FC3 games of lfil. HiS FIOWT UU(TH (Including July 8JT onj cajhO 1 National >\ aQQivinjO, SCA!? SUUulVAVJ, 5HOUUD SHE t=-!NJO Ratting: Hornsby, Braves. .397. BUT THE so P43 -SLOisjoey \ specialists'W s Runs: Bottomley, C\rds, 79. N-WSTEOOUS 0UONJOE THAT anjd 6£omettes 1 i Runs batted in: Rissonette, Rob- MAS ?EENJ CAUUIINJG ONJ HAVE ins; TAKENJ OP Bottomley, Cards, 77. TENJE tPE & Vl—AC L_V. Hits: Pouthit, Cards, 127. MOST” OP H[S TIME. ; Doubles: Hornsby, Braves. 29. Copyright, 1928, by Central Preaa Association, Ine. Triples: Bottomley. Cards. 12. Homers: Wilson, Cubs. 22. Stolen bases: Frisch. Cards, 16. YclOKAB to TI4INJK Ot=- 1~T— I Eagle Pitching: Benton, Giants, won 15, r MOV/S FANS/ lost 4. 1 L MEG.—SME American I MU55'E3 OOQiTE A SCEMARjO Batting* Goslin, Senators, .402. FOG GfOOPEV Pharmacy, Runs: Ruth, Yanks, 90. |peGQ3V^N ! ! Runs baited in: Ruth. MCNjlES1...A Gehrig. * Yanks, 81. osrze is Hits: Manush, Browns. 125. FOG EACH OME Doubles: Flagstead, Red Sox, 32. Triples: Barnes, Senators. 12. AOCEPTE O. Homers: Ruth. Yanks, 35. mail vouG Stogy Stolen bases” Mostil, White Sox TDGrOCC{=v 14. MCMl&S, ^oTWtS Pitching: Crowder, Browns, won 7-/7 PAPGG.. 10. lost U I t [ S $ I