Tn 98.3.11: Wheat Cultivars Study and Selection Method Tn 98.3.12: Durum Wheat Cultivars Study and Selection Method

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Tn 98.3.11: Wheat Cultivars Study and Selection Method Tn 98.3.12: Durum Wheat Cultivars Study and Selection Method M ELiSSA Technical Note Memorandum of Understanding 19071/05/NL/CP MELISSA FOOD CHARACTERIZATION: PHASE 1 TECHNICAL NOTE: 98.3.1 CROP CULTIVAR STUDY AND SELECTION METHOD TN 98.3.11: WHEAT CULTIVARS STUDY AND SELECTION METHOD TN 98.3.12: DURUM WHEAT CULTIVARS STUDY AND SELECTION METHOD TN 98.3.13: P OTATO CULTIVAR STUDY AND SELECTION METHOD TN 98.3.14: SOYBEAN CULTIVAR STUDY AND SELECTION METHOD prepared by/préparé par Laury Chaerle, Katrien Molders reference/réference Contract number 22070/08/NL/JC issue/édition 1 revision/révision 1 date of issue/date d’édition 14.12.2009 status/état Final Document type/type de document Technical Note Distribution/distribution FC1 consortium, ESA/ESTEC CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT MELiSSA Technical Note issue 1 revision 1 1 page ii of vi APPROVAL Title Review of crop cultivar characteristics, issue 1 revision 1 titre identification of critical points and selection issue revision method author FC1 Consortium date auteur date UBern Valerie Page, Urs Feller 01.09.2009 UCL Muriel Quinet, Stanley Lutts 03.08.2009 UGent Benjamin Secco, Laury Chaerle 21.09.2009 UoGuelph Michael Stasiak, Mike Dixon 14.09.2009 UNapoli Roberta Paradiso, Stefania De Pascale 31.07.2009 Reviewed Laury Chaerle, date 14.12.2009 by (UGent) Martin Weihreter, Dominique Van Der date 9.11.2009 approved Straeten by (UGent) Dominique Van Der Straeten 21.11.2009 approuvé by CHANGE LOG reason for change /raison du issue/issue revision/revision date/date changement CHANGE RECORD Issue: 1 Revision: 1 reason for change/raison du changement page(s)/page(s) paragraph(s)/paragraph(s) MELiSSA Technical Note issue 1 revision 1 1 page iii of vi T ABLE O F C ONTENTS Table of Figures ................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ v List of Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... vi BLSS: Bioregenerative Life Support System ................................................................... vi Reference documents ......................................................................................................... vi 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 Bread Wheat (UBern) ...................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Full selection process ............................................................................................... 2 2.2.1 Criteria selection for the Food Characterization phase 1 and 2 ........................ 2 Additional crop-specific selection criteria .................................................... 4 2.2.2 Selection criteria for the first phase of the food Characterization project......... 4 2.3 List of cultivars with their characteristics ............................................................ 5 2.3.1 Spring wheat ...................................................................................................... 5 2.3.2 Winter wheat ..................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Vernalization ............................................................................................................ 9 2.5 Preliminary experiment ........................................................................................ 10 2.6 Literature search ................................................................................................... 11 2.7 Cultivar short list for Food Characterization Phase 1 ....................................... 11 2.8 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 12 2.9 Companies selling seeds in Switzerland .............................................................. 12 2.10 References .............................................................................................................. 12 3 Durum Wheat (UGuelph) .............................................................................................. 13 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Uses ......................................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Nutritional values .................................................................................................. 16 3.4 Processing ............................................................................................................... 17 3.5 Cultivar short list .................................................................................................. 18 3.6 References .............................................................................................................. 20 MELiSSA Technical Note issue 1 revision 1 1 page iv of vi 4 Potato (UGent and UCL) ............................................................................................... 21 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 21 4.2 Selection approach ................................................................................................ 21 4.2.1 Key parameters taken into account ................................................................. 24 4.2.2 Specific potato growth requirements ............................................................... 24 4.2.3 Processing classes ........................................................................................... 24 4.2.4 HZPC Consultancy .......................................................................................... 24 Information and advice provided by HZPC consultancy ............................ 25 HZPC greenhouse pre-test results ............................................................... 27 4.3 Summary of the 4 selected cultivars’ characteristics ......................................... 29 4.4 Possible future directions ...................................................................................... 30 4.5 References .............................................................................................................. 30 5 Soybean (UNapoli) ......................................................................................................... 31 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 31 5.2 Literature review on soybean: botanical characteristics and cultivation ........ 31 5.2.1 Botanical characteristics .................................................................................. 31 5.2.2 Biology and yield ............................................................................................ 32 5.2.3 Environmental requirements ........................................................................... 33 5.2.4 The history of soybean in Europe ................................................................... 34 5.2.5 The present situation of soybean cultivation in the EU................................... 34 5.2.6 Cultivar availability: the EU present situation ................................................ 37 Information on cultivars admitted in Italy ................................................... 37 Information on cultivars admitted in Serbia ................................................ 45 Information on cultivar admitted in France ................................................. 47 Information on cultivars admitted in Switzerland ....................................... 52 5.2.7 Clarifications regarding considered characteristics ......................................... 53 5.3 Literature review on soybean: cultivation trials and summary of available information ........................................................................................................................ 53 5.3.1 Information from cultivation trials .................................................................. 54 5.3.2 Summary of available information for soybean cultivars ............................... 56 5.4 Summary of growth environmental needs and starting the elaboration of a methodology for crop cultivar selection .......................................................................... 59 5.5 Crop cultivar selection .......................................................................................... 63 5.5.1 Clarifications regarding the selection method ................................................. 69 5.6 References .............................................................................................................. 69 5.7 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................. 70 6 General Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 71 MELiSSA Technical Note issue 1 revision 1 1 page v of vi Table of Figures Fig. 1 Germination of spring wheat CH Rubli, Greina, Fiorina and winter wheat Arina ... 7 Fig. 2 Developmental
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