Vandria Gilmadrith is the daughter of Corellon Larethian, the only child spared the transformation. She is a member of the Seldarine (group of good and neutral gods lead by Corellon) and is the only lawful aligned elven deity. The shadow of her mother's darkness hardened her heart.

She resides with the Seldarine in the within the Olympian Glades of Arborea (mildly Chaotic / mildly Good). The top layer of Arborea is Arvandor, home of the Elven Court of Corellon Larethian. Arvandor is a place of great open spaces beneath the trees. Within these canopied clearings lie the settlements of the Chosen of Arvandor, engaged in an idealized elven life. In the day there are hunts and challenges, in the evenings feasts and tales told around the fire. Vandria’s hidden fortress is located within the thick forest of Arvandor away from the chaos and unending merriment within her father’s tower.

Since most creatures in Arborea are Celestial or Anarchic we can presume that the creatures around Vandria’s fortress are Axiomatic.

Creature Align CR Replaces Reference 1st Axiomatic Hawk LN 1/3 Fiendish Hawk Axiomatic Porpoise LN 1/2 Celestial Porpoise From Races of Wild / Same CR as 2nd Axiomatic Elven Hound LN 1 Fiendish Wolf Wolf Axiomatic Shark, Medium LN 1 Fiendish Shark, Medium 3rd Celestial Black Bear LG 2 same From list Axiomatic Hippogriff LN 2 Celestial Hippogriff 4th Axiomatic Dire Wolf LN 4 Fiendish Dire Wolf Spire of Thorns PH 170 Axiomatic Giant Eagle LG 4 Celestial Giant Eagle 5th Hound Archon LG 4 same Vandria Allies RW 24 Axiomatic Griffon LN 5 Beatific Encounters MP 152 VeryYoung Oceanus Dragon NG 5 Celestial Sea Cat Sea Arborea Encounters PH 192 6th Axiomatic Dire Lion LN 6 Celestial Dire Lion Beatific Encounters MP 152 Axiomatic Giant Constrictor Fiendish Giant Constrictor Snake LN 7 Snake 7th Axiomatic Treant LG 9 Celestial Elephant Planar Handbook Web Enhancement Formain Taskmaster LN 7 Avoral (guardinal) Vandria Allies RW 24 8th Axiomatic Dire Bear LN 9 Celestial Dire Bear Juvenile Oceanus Dragon NG 9 Celestial Cachalot Whale Arborea Encounters PH 192 9th Formain Myrmarch LN 10 Couatl Vandria Allies RW 24 Leonal (guardinal) NG 12 same Beatific Encounters MP 152