The Alumni Association of HOWE NOW Thomas Carr Howe August 2011 The spirit of Howe lives on through your Alumni Association. , Indiana Under the Tower 2011 Association Program Honors Twelve More Clock… Graduates, Raises Total Awards To Over $100,000

In “Under the Tower Clock…” we give you a The Thomas Carr Howe Alumni she plans to major in Nursing; sample of student life, what’s going on at Howe, Association at its Scholarship Night, Kyle Culley, Lawrence Central what’s new and what’s different, and what is a lot June 9, presented awards to twelve High School, admitted to Indiana Uni- like the days when we were there. graduating seniors. versity, to study Biology/Physician Seven seniors from Thomas Carr Assistant, daughter of Kevin Culley, The Class of 2011 had its com- Howe Community High School were ’75, and Cathy (McAtee) Culley, ’76; mencement exercises Friday, May 27, in awarded $1,000 scholarships. Laura Kuhn, Lawrence North Stirling Auditorium. Exactly 100 candi- Three seniors from Marion County High School, granddaughter of Mae dates were listed in the commencement high schools who have a “Howe con- Ellen (Church) Gale, ’46; admitted to program, which had the added footnote nection” (parents or grandparents who Purdue University, to study Profession- “This listing of graduates is based upon are graduates of Howe) were awarded al Flight; information available at the time of $1,000 “legacy scholarships.” Victoria Ray, Beech Grove High printing and is subject to change de- Two Howe seniors were awarded School, granddaughter of Morgan Ray, pending on final grades.” $500 Howe 400 Club scholarships. ’55, admitted to College of Environ- (In the “old days” teachers had a Jean (Morgan) Koelliker, ’55, mental Science and Forestry, State Uni- deadline, some two weeks before gradu- Alumni Association Scholarship Chair- versity of New York, Syracuse, NY, to ation, to determine which students were person, and Scholarship Committee study Conservation Biology. not “going to make it.”) member Errol Spears, ’60, announced The Howe 400 Club Scholarships, Twenty-nine graduates have won the winners and presented the awards each $500, were presented to-- Twenty-first Century Scholarships, to the following 2011 graduates-- Wendy Martinez, Thomas Carr which cover tuition at any of the state- Zachary Deskins, Thomas Carr Howe Community High School, admit- supported universities. Howe Community High School, admit- ted to Indiana University, plans to pur- Fifty-six seniors completed the Core ted to Indiana University, where he sue Pre-Med; 40 diplomas (think of the old Academic intends to pursue Pre-Law; Migail Fields, Thomas Carr Howe Diploma plan) and twelve students re- Kyle Finley, Thomas Carr Howe Community High School, admitted to ceived an Academic Honors Diploma. Community High School, admitted to Indiana University, plans undecided. Teresa Ezell, TCHCHS’s new prin- Indiana University, where he will study A reception for the honorees and cipal, will be Howe’s fifth principal Game Design/Computer Science; their families followed the ceremony since the school reopened. She assumes Samantha Quinn, Thomas Carr and provided a chance for winners and duties July 1 and replaces Stephanie Howe Community High School, admit- family members to celebrate their off- Nixon, who will become principal of the ted to Indiana University-Purdue Uni- spring’s scholastic achievement. Crispus Attuck Medical Magnet High versity Indianapolis, to study Computer Since the first scholarships the As- School. Science/Business; sociation program, now in its sixteenth Sixty percent of last year’s staff have Jasmine Rice, Thomas Carr Howe year, has made awards totaling been reassigned to other schools; their Community High School, admitted to $101,000 to 150 students. replacements, coming from other IPS Indiana University, where she will ma- In 1996 the Association gave two assignments, will comprise the staff for jor in Public Health; $500 Howe 400 Club scholarships. The Howe’s 2011-2012 school year. Miles Stacey, Thomas Carr Howe next year saw the first scholarship Community High School, has received funded by alumni donations. an appointment to the U.S. Air Force The generous grant of the Tom Archives? All On Line Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, plans Russell Charitable Foundation over the to study Chemical Engineering; years enabled the Association to in- Just in case you missed one of the Jacob Vinson, Thomas Carr Howe crease scholarships in 2006 to awards Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association Community High School, son of Howe of $750; in 2007 the amount was in- newsletters, you can access all of the graduates Mike Vinson, ’77, and Sara creased again to the present $1,000. newsletters at (Hasseld) Vinson, ’77, admitted to In- The number and the amount of the website. diana University, plans to study Com- awards are determined each year by the Keith Blazek, ’88, has created the puter Engineering; funds available. The Board of Directors electronic file of all the Association Jamiah Weaver, Thomas Carr determines eligibility requirements for publications back to 1994 (and with Howe Community High School, admit- applicants and publishes scholarship color photos, too, for recent years.) ted to Indiana State University, where information in February’s Howe Now. 2011 Association Scholarship Program Selects Twelve Graduates

Left picture—Wendy Martinez, Howe 400 Club Scholarship winner; right picture—Jamiah Weav- er, Jasmine Rice, Samantha Quinn, Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association Scholarship winners

Left picture--Zachary Deskins, Jacob Vinson, Miles Stacey, Kyle Finley, Thomas Carr Howe Association Scholarship winners; right picture-- Kyle Culley, daughter of Kevin Culley, ’75, and Cathy (McAtee) Culey, ’76, Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association Scholarship winner

Left picture--Victoria Ray, granddaughter of Morgan Ray, ’55, Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association Scholarship winner; right picture, Laura Kuhn, granddaughter of Mae Ellen (Church) Gale, ’46, Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association Scholarship winner

Graduates Presented Alumni Cards Members of the senior class of 2011 were given their Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association membership cards just before their Commencement ceremony on May 27. On behalf of the more than 20,000 Howe alumni, Jim Purvis, ’45, Bea Cottom, ’41, and Dan Kaga, ’57, Association President, made the presentations to about-to-be- graduates class officers Miles Stacey, Tiffany Watts, and Jacob Vinson. A reprint of an article from the August 2008 Howe Now… State DOE May Set Howe’s Future

(Howe) Things change…a lot Dr. Tony Bennett, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruc-

tion, presented some grim realities to the 200+ persons who Things change, as the old saying goes. attended the public meeting at the Thomas Stirling Auditorium At Howe things change a lot. at Howe on Monday, June 13. (Dr. Bennett’s schedule included At the end of the 1994-95 school year Thomas Carr Howe speaking at each of the five other IPS high schools on proba- High School graduated its last class, the school closed, and tion.) underclassmen were assigned to other high schools. Nearly two hours of the meeting were used by various In the fall of 2000 the building was reopened as Thomas speakers, who, limited to three minutes, generally spoke of Carr Howe Middle School with 790 students in Grade 6, 7, and their support of the school, its program, and its staff and their 8. displeasure with the Code’s unrealistic standards. In the fall of 2002 the school added Grade 9 with the plan Howe, which is in the fifth year of academic probation of adding a grade each year until the first seniors would be (largely because of student test scores,) faces the possibilities graduated in 2006. The name of the school became Thomas outlined in the provisions of the Indiana Code: Carr Howe Academy. Sec. 3. If the state board determines, after conducting the Grade 6 students were no longer included at the beginning public hearing described in section 2 of this rule, that interven- of the 2006 school year. tion will improve the education received by the affected stu- TCHA’s third senior class was graduated in May of 2008. dents, the state board may implement one (1) or more of the Howe will have its third name change by becoming Thom- following options; as Carr Howe Community High School at the beginning of the (1) Merge the school with a nearby school that is in a high- 2008-2009 school year. er category of school improvement under IC 20-31-9 and 511 (The “community” designations is given those schools-- IAC 6.l2-6. Arlington, Howe, Marshall, and Washington--which will each (2) Assign an individual or organization to operate all or have about 160 “under/over” students, students who are behind part of the school. where they should be in their academic placements.) (3) Implement the department’s recommendations for im- Grade 7 and 8 will continue to be part of TCHCHS. proving the school. An Indianapolis Star article, February 7, 2008, stated, IPS (4) Implement other options for school improvement ex- hopes to eliminate the shame of, for example, 13-year-old fifth pressed at the public hearing, including closing the school. -graders by moving them into a school with students their own (5) Revise the school’s plan in any of the following areas: age. (A) School procedures or operations. The article also said: But there is a downside: Those (B) Professional development. schools where the struggling students are clustered will likely (C)Intervention for individual teachers or administrators. be unable to make adequate yearly progress under the federal Dr. Eugene White, IPS Superintendent of Schools, present- No Child Left Behind Act. Because “No Child Left Behind” ed the Howe Community High School’s Turn-Around Plan to requires an increasing percentage of students to pass state tests, Dr. Bennett. The plan is comprised of two parts. schools with high numbers not performing at their grade level The Plan “A” proposal includes aspects of school organiza- will fare poorly. Schools that miss that benchmark are usually tion, instructional features, and turn-around features, some of shut down or must be restructured. which have already been implemented (new school principal, Howe, like the other three high schools with under/over 60% new faculty and staff, and totally refocused curriculum.) students, will be hard-pressed to keep up with Arsenal Tech- The Howe Turn-Around Mandate states the district assess- nical, Broad Ripple, Crispus Attucks, Manual, Northwest, and ment criteria must be achieved to maintain the Plan “A” pro- Shortridge, which have been designated as “magnet” schools gram, which includes such elements as students and teachers and will recruit students from across the system to apply for attendance, students test scores, professional development, admission to special programs. revision of curricular strategies in mathematics, English, Sci- Stephanie Nixon, formerly a Howe assistant principal, and ence, and Social Studies. now Howe’s fourth principal since the school reopened, has The Plan “B” part is specific: been charged with an almost-mission-impossible task. Even If Howe Community High School fails to demonstrate the with the building remodeling program nearing completion-- appropriate growth and success after the Fall 2012 semester, and the “newer” Howe is something to be proud of--the busi- Plan “B” will be implemented for the 2013-2014 school year. ness of delivering a first-class education is more than challeng- The “New Start” of the plan will replace teachers, administra- ing. (IPS’s system-wide mobility rate of 69%, 82% receiving tors and some support staff for the 2013-2014 school year. All free or reduced-cost lunch, 63% mother-only household, and a notices and legal communications will be shared with employ- graduation rate of 50% can’t be overlooked.) ees before December 31, 2012. And the final irony of ironies: One can almost hear the The message is clear. Without improvement in a number of howls from athletic directors of the community high schools if areas--especially test scores--the school can be closed, taken a 7-foot Grade 8 basketball prospect were recruited by a mag- over by the state, or turned over to a private agency net school. And counting the under/overs--ineligible in inter- The State Department of Education will consider the Howe scholastic athletics--in school enrollments may place Howe in proposal this summer. The DOE may accept the proposal, an unrealistic category of class sports. amend it, or impose its own plan for Howe. That aside, Howe needs all the support we can give. The future of Howe, as the saying goes, is on the line. held a three-day event: golf for 11 intrepid duffers at Pleasant Reunions and Events Information Run on Wednesday, June 22. Some 60 alums gathered at Hill- crest Country Club for dinner the evening of Thursday, June th Help the Association by updating alumni information. Forward any new 23, and about 50 gathered at the MCL at 10 and Arlington information (including maiden name, year of graduation, street address, for brunch on Friday, June 24. telephone number, and e-mail address) to Carol Yeager at can- Class of 1956--Classmates and guests will gather Satur- [email protected] or 21 Henry Street, North Vernon, IN 47265. Contact Carol for class rosters or reunion start-up information. Send her reunion day, September 17, at the Marriott East with social hour at news for the February 2012 Howe Now by December 1, 2011. 6:00 p.m. and reunion dinner at 7:00 p.m. Contact: Caroline (Parker) Cox-Smith at 359-7126. th Howe Alumni Association Alumni Weekend Get- Class of 1961--Our 50 class reunion, Friday, September Together for all graduates from 1941 to 2011 is set for 23, Saturday, September 24, and Sunday, September 25, at September 30-October 1. See p. 8 for more information. Fort Harrison Inn. Overnight rooms and guest houses may be reserved with the code “HHSR11.” Cost: $50 covers both Class of 1941--A Christmas card from Tom Reese to Be- Friday and Saturday night events; Friday only is $10; Satur- atrice (Whitaker) Cottom asking “Are we going to celebrate day only is $45. There will be a tour of Howe Saturday morn- our 70th in 2011? I’ll be in Indianapolis in May.” started the ing (no charge.) Golf is also planned possibly for Friday and ball rolling to have a get-together for Howe’s first graduating Saturday afternoons if there is sufficient interest. We wel- class on May 24. The group--including some who have be- come former Howe Hornets from other classes as well. Con- come “unofficial” members of the class over the years--had a tact: Patti (Partington) Smith, 339-3137, or pat- luncheon at Greenwood Village South. After the luncheon [email protected]. (If you have not already received this (and lots of catching up) the group moved to Bea’s for more information, it is most likely because we do not have your talk. The consensus: We enjoyed an afternoon remembering updated contact information. Get in touch with Patti for us to the good times we had at Howe. stay in contact with you.) Class of 1963--Just a heads-up that this year’s Howe Class of ’63 picnic is Sunday, September 11. More info will be coming your way later. Contact: Greg O’Haver, gregoha- [email protected]. Class of 1971--40th Reunion set for August 13 at the Rathskeller Biergarten, 401 E. Michigan St., 6:00 pm. to ?, with music provided by Punch Judy, a popular cover band that plays music of our era and later. Starts at 7:00 p.m. Menu and full bar available. Cost: $5 cover charge. For more info follow Our Reunion Page on Facebook! howefacebook. Class of 1986--Twenty-five years after we left the halls of Howe we celebrate the years we shared together. Champp’s, 8711 River Crossing, Indianapolis 46240, Friday, September 16, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., meet and greet. Happy Hour; 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m., Happy Hour (cost TBA) continues with live band. Saturday, September 17, TBA walk through Howe and group photo on the Tower steps; 12:00 m. to 4:00 p.m., Members of the Class of 1941--Howe’s first graduating class--met in May to Family Fun Day at Broad Ripple Park. Bring your park gear, mark their 70th anniversary year. Left to right: Thomas Reese, Leland Dick- lunch basket, sodas, lawn chairs, family. Saturday option: all erson, Richard Kingsbury, Marilyn (Behymer) East, and Beatrice (Whitaker) day, Indy Jazz Festival at Broad Ripple Optimist Park,66th Cottom had plenty to talk about the early days of Howe. and College. No coolers or food are allowed in the park. Cost: TBA. Sunday, September 18, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, Farewell Class of 1946--We’ve reserved a room from 11:00 a.m. to Breakfast/Brunch, Golden Corral, 7920 Shadeland Ave, 3:00 p.m., Saturday, October 1, at MCL Cafeteria, 10th and 46250. Get out the word for this once-in-our-lifetime event. Arlington, for our 65th celebration. We do hope you can join Contact: Tammy L. Cooper, (937) 287-1159. us on Saturday night for the Annual Howe Alumni Dinner, Block Party V--What started out as an informal get- which will be held at the Inn of Fort Harrison State Park. Ta- together the night before the Class of 1977’s 30th Anniversary bles will be reserved for our class. The Sunday Brunch, at the Reunion has become an event that finds Howe alumni from Garrison at Fort Harrison, ends the weekend. Contacts: Paul all generations enjoying music, food, drink, and the oppor- Powell, 891-2794; Don Goodwin, 357-6909; Sam (Jim) Ja- tunity to catch up with classmates and teachers as well as cobs, 894-3245; Juan (John) Urrutia, 889-0822; Joan Wen- make new friends in the old neighborhood. The fifth annual rick, 357-8809; Betty (Knarzer) Stickle, 546-9782. Howe Alumni Block Party is set for Saturday, August 27, Class of 1949--The 49ers invite you to a get-together on starting at 5:00 p.m. Because of the event’s growing populari- Saturday, September 24, 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., MCL Cafete- ty a portion of Ritter Avenue just south of Washington Street ria banquet room, 86th and Allisonville Road. Hope to see you as well as Johnson Avenue will be blocked off for the party. there! This year’s scheduled musical line-up is Just Jill and Joe, the Class of 1951--For their 60th anniversary class members Circle City Blues Band, Audio Diner, and Deeper Roots. Area vendors including The Legend, Lazy Daze Coffee Shop, and stories about the “good old days.” All ages are invited. Bring Jockamo’s Upper Crust Pizza will be offering food and drink your favorite dish, no assignments. (“It always works out!) throughout the evening. More information about Block Party V Ham and turkey sandwiches, soft drinks, and beer are provided. is available at or the Thomas Carr Howe For details of the 2012 party, check with Dianne after the first High Alumni Association’s page on Facebook, http:// of the year, (813) 962-1373 or [email protected]. Punta Gorda, FL, Mini-Reunion--The 2012 “Spring Howe “AARP” All-Alumni Reunion Party--VFW, 3500 Thing,” hosted by John Purcell, ’51, and wife Sylvia, and Dick English Avenue, 7:00 p.m., Saturday, July 23, Cost: $10. Music Eubank, ’51, and wife Joy (Eddy) Eubank, ’53; will be noon, provided by the International Silver String Submarine Band, Saturday, February 25, at the Ventura Lakes Clubhouse in Pun- Aqua Dave and the Minnows Banned, Cash bar, snacks provid- ta Gorda, FL. The annual event held since the late ’90s has ed. Contact Ruthie Duncan 490-3491, for ticket information. drawn as many as 81 alums from ten different states for the “Nite Before the Reunion” Party, July 22, 7:00 p.m., same loca- wintertime get-together. The hosts ask that you bring your own tion. Contact: Ruthie Duncan, ’69 490-3491. drinks, a dish or appetizer, your stories and memories to share Tampa, FL Mini-Reunion--Dianne (Simons) Cox, ’57, with hold friends and help top the old attendance record. The sends her yearly reminder to all alums for the annual get- invitation is extended to all grads and their spouses and/or together, noon, Saturday, February 18, in their Tampa, FL., friends from Howe. Questions: The Eubanks at (941) 255-8567 home. Enjoy the warm Florida sunshine and lots and lots of any time after January 1, 2012.

Time: February 2011; Place: Dianne (Simons) Cox’s home for the Simons Tampa “annual” mini-reunion. Present: Fred Hiner, ’58; Sharon Tribby; Tom Rader, ’57; Rosie (Andrews) Rader, ’60; Barbara (Roberts) Campbell, ’58; Jan Miller, ’56; Marcia (Clark) Strader, ’58; Sue (Koertge) Wolfe, ’56; Marilyn (Ward) Stuck, ’54; Dianne (Simons) Cox, ’57; Rosie (Greeson) Holmes, ’62; Judy (Disher) Breitzke, ’57; (Back row) John Stuck, ’56; Judy Basham; Bob Utter, ’56; George Miller, ’56; Monte Welch, ’56; Phil Strader, ’55; Ray (Sandy) Smith, ’55; Ron Tribby, ’57; Jerry Minnis, ’56; Charlie Campbell, ’56; Jerry (Satch) Carmichael, ’57; Bonnie (Carter) Young, ’57; Paul Basham, ’56; Dean Holmes, ’59.

We get mail…

Drop us a line (and maybe a picture, too.) We’d like to know what is happen- ing with you. We can’t guarantee that we can use everything that’s sent, but we try to mention everyone who writes to us.

From Lew Wood, ’46--When I received the recent copy of Howe Now and read an item by my old friend and classmate Dean Phillips, it occurred to me that I recently visited Indian- apolis and reunited with another old friend and classmate, Howard Caldwell. It is doubtful that I will be able to make it to our 65th anniversary of graduation from Howe, but it all de- pends on my mobility capabilities at that time. I just don’t travel very well anymore! But I suppose that is true of many of us eighty-plus year olds! (Ed. Note: Last October, Lew was inducted into the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame at Broadcast Hall of Famers Lew Wood, ’46, and Howard Caldwell, ’44 a ceremony in Indianapolis. His career in radio and television started in South Bend and included assignments as a CBS news correspondent in the day JFK was assassinated, cover- Relations for the American Legion in Indianapolis. Among age of the Vietnam war for NBC News, and as news anchor on family and friends who attended the installation was Howard the NBC Today Show with , and later Jane Caldwell, ’44, long-time Hoosier broadcaster and Hall of Pauley and . Lew later was Director of Public Fame member who nominated Lew for the award.) Our Howe Alumni Association Programs Depend on Your Continuing Support

Class of 1956 General Fund Donors, De- Class of 1953 cember 1, 2010, to May 31, Max E. Mohler Barbara (Gallagher) Riley MEMORIALS 2011 Class of 1957 Class of 1954 Joan L.(Reed) Mohler Anonymous Richard Carl Barnes, ’41, Class of 1958 Class of 1942 Class of 1957 by wife Barbara Barnes and Patricia (Myers) Hensley John G. Shortridge Wally (Meredith) Wake daughter Jennifer Horn Class of 1959 Class of 1943 Class of 1987 Robert N. Woerner Paul Koepper Brenda Morris Melvin L. Kettelhut, ’44, by Class of 1960 Class of 1944 Former Faculty Arvie Maynard, ’44 Don Auble Sharon (Morelock) Koepper Raymond Riley Kent R. Crawford Gene C. Cradick, ’45, by Carolyn (Sullivan) Auble Scholarship Fund Donors, TCHCHS Activity Fund Josephine (Branson) Walker, December 1, 2010, to May Class of 1945 Donors, December 1, 2010, ’45 David C. Burgess 31, 2011 to May 31, 2011

Class of 1946 Patricia (Talley) Harper,’46, Richard Burkdall Class of 1942 Class of 1944 by Jeanne (Hackett) Starkey, Barbara (Dahl) Eckdahl Patricia (Myers) Hensley Kent R. Crawford ’46 Dr. Emily (Rinsch) Williams Class of 1944 Class of 1945 Kent R. Crawford Class of 1947 David C. Burgess Dr. Thomas E. Woerner, Robert S. Corya Class of 1945 Class of 1946 ’46, by Anne (Woerner) Karyl (Ikerd) McKean David C. Burgess Dr. Emily (Rinsch) Williams Schenkman, ’48 Class of 1948 Class of 1946 R. Darrell Springer Charles Sam Davis Dr. Emily (Rinsch) Williams Class of 1947 Class of 1949 Class of 1947 Karyl (Ikerd) McKean Lee H. Chandler Karyl (Ikerd) McKean Class of 1948 Class of 1950 Class of 1948 Charles Sam Davis Paul E. Campbell Charles Sam Davis Class of 1950 SPECIAL GRANT Sally (Steffanni) Lehman Class of 1950 Paul E. Campbell Class of 1951 Paul E. Campbell Class of 1951 The Gene Givan Class of 1951 Gene Givan Tom Russell Charitable Kenneth A. Halcomb Gene Givan Kenneth A. Halcomb Foundation Class of 1955 Kenneth A. Halcomb Class of 1955 Sue (Huffman) Hudelson Sue (Huffman) Hudelson Sue (Huffman) Hudelson Ivan Willenberg Janet (Lowe) Joesten

More mail...

From Carol Yeager, ’57--A lot of reminiscing with old friends of the Class of ’57 when they met for lunch March 5 in Sherman Oaks, CA, were Dave Sparks, Pasadena, CA, Carol Yeager, North Vernon, IN, Judie (Proctor) Keating, Crestline, CA, and Lynne (Archer) Corboz, Mission Viejo, CA.

From Selena (Starkey) Suiter, ’84--Here’s a picture of my dad, Jack Starkey, ’55, me, class of…well, you know how old I am!...and my husband, Jerry Suiter, ’79, taken at the Law- rence North vs. Howe basketball game in February. Howe won! It was really fun! (Ed. Note: Three former Hornets get bonus points for wearing Howe alumni apparel.) Your Purchase of Howe Merchandise Helps Fund Association Projects

Runway models they are not, but Howe Alumni Associa- (4) Alumni cap, one size fits all, $20 tion Board members were drafted to show off some of the (5) Sweatshirts, brown w/ gold appliqué, S, M, L, Howe items available for sale. XL, $28, XXL, $30 (1) T-shirts w/Howe Print, in S, M, L, XL, $15; XXL, $17 (6) Polo shirt w/ Howe logo, S, M, L, XL, XXL, $26 (2) T-shirts w/new design, S, M, L, XL, $15; XXL. $17 (7) Hilltoppers (‟74, ‟77, „78, ‟80-‟90, ‟95) $10 each (3) Sweatshirts w/new design, S, M, L, XL, $25; XXL,$27 (Indicate year/s you want) ______

(8) T. Stirling‟s Tower, 8 1/2 by 11, unframed, $20 (9) Photo of Howe, w/o frame, $20 (10) Seat cushions, $4 (11) Howe History, DVD, $8

Circle items and sizes. Amount enclosed?______All proceeds from these items underwrite scholarship and/or general fund expenses. Send checks to Howe Alumni Association, P.O. Box 19832, Indianapolis, IN 46219-19832. Please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery.


Ship to______Address______Your phone______

Howe done is well done…

Slogans sometimes are a little trite. Sometimes they are right on the money. The latter applies in the case of the appeal we made for your financial support in the last HOWE NOW . Your response was great and much appreciated. The Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association and its programs continue to exist because of a small, hard-core, dedicated group of Howe supporters. We need your help to continue the tradition of “Howe done is well done.” You do Howe proud with your support that proves that old slogan is still appropriate.

Your support is the lifeline of our Association and its scholarship program Make checks payable to Howe Alumni Association, Inc., P.O. Box 19832, Indianapolis, IN 46219-0832

$______Enclosesd is my donation to the Alumni Association General Fund.

$______Enclosed is my donation to the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Donations to the Association are tax-deductible.

$______Enclosed is my donation to the TCHCHS Activity Fund.

Your Name______Year of graduation______

Your address______City______State______ZIP______Mark your calendars: NON-PROFIT ORG. August 2011 U.S. POSTAGE 2011 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WEEKEND HOWE NOW SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 2 PAID

The Alumni Association Check below for details and reservation form. INDIANAPOLIS, IN PERMIT NO. 318 of Thomas Carr Howe P.O. Box 19832 Indianapolis, Indiana 46219-0832 ANNUAL MEETING—7:00 p.m., October 13, Howe Media Center, Election of Directors ELECTION OF OFFICERS— 7:00 p.m., November 10, Howe Media Center

HOWE NOW is published twice yearly—February and August—by the Thomas Carr Howe Alumni Association. The Board of Directors meet at Thomas Carr Howe Community High School, 7:00 p.m. the second Thursday of every month. Meetings are open to all alumni.

Alumni Weekend September 30-

October 2

September 30 5:00 p.m., Tour of Howe 6:00 p.m., Tailgate at Kelley Field (food provided) 7:30 p.m., Football, Howe vs Northwest October 1 7:00 p.m., Dinner at Fort Harrison State Park Inn, 5380 N. Post Road October 2 11:00 a.m., Brunch at the Garrison, Fort Harrison, $17.99, no reservations but we need to know if you’re coming for seating arrangements. Contact: Loren Seils (317) 897-2318, or [email protected].


Our 17th Annual Get-Together Buffet Dinner for all Howe Alumni

Place: Fort Harrison State Park Inn, 5380 N. Post Road Time: 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Price: $35 per person (After September 26 add $5.00 per person.) Buffet dinner with several entrees. Cash bar will be available. Reserved seats for all.

Name______Year of Graduation______

Spouse or Guest:______If Howe grad, year?______

Address: ______City______State_____ ZIP______

Phone: ______E-mail address ______

Your special requests for seating:______

Make checks payable to Howe Alumni Association. Mail checks to Loren Seils, 2614 Jay Court, Indianapolis, IN 46229. Questions: Contact Loren at (317) 897-2318 or [email protected].