Title: Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) Date: 13th June 2014 Place: Northgate Arts Centre Time: 9.30 am – 12. Attendees: E.Sugarman– Chair, J van Helvert, S Crossley, M Myatt, I Prettyman, A Pentreath, D Cox, S Aldous, D Johnston, S M Spettigue, D Yaroslaw

S Barker L Pitcher ( clerk)

Item Relevant business considered and facts noted Lead Officer 1. Apologies H Matter, J Sheat, G Kingston, C Capey, D Hackett, D Johnston, E Modjehi, H Mann,T Rankin, Dr A Marfleet, P Kaur, 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2014 D Johnston was present MM emailed RtB requesting funding for printing of the revised RE Syllabus and it was declined MM is printing 200 hard copies from the income from the RE Conference H Matter has agreed to sell the surplus through the diocese 3. SACRE Priorities: based on Ofsted ‘Realising the Potential’ Local authorities, in partnership with SACREs and agreed syllabus conferences, should –  Ensure that sufficient resources are available for SACREs and agreed

syllabus conferences to carry out their statutory functions with regard to

RE and provide schools with high-quality guidance and support

 Review their expectations about arrangements for RE, particularly at Key Stage 4, to ensure that schools have sufficient flexibility to match their provision more effectively to pupils’ needs

 Work in partnership with local schools and academies to build supportive networks to share best practice

SACRE resources for review of the RE syllabus. LA has provided funding for

key practitioners to write materials to support the agreed syllabus. These will be available on www.suffolklearning.co.uk after the RE Conference. There has been some funding to support the writing of materials for the Early Years – however, the bulk of the primary materials has been funded by the diocese for church schools, and maintained schools are beneficiaries of this.

Schools are supported through termly networks, the RE Conference and training for new subject leaders.

MM,ES & JvH attended NASACRE AGM in London. NASACRE encouraging

SACRE chairs to produce annual reports to the Head’s of CYP, Education

Scrutiny’s etc JvH suggested MM put a case forward to the cabinet for more funding- Steven LP Burrows is the Chair of the Education Scrutiny ( LP send email address to MM)

Keswick Hall Trust funding supported 4 secondary schools to obtain the REQM Ofsted RE team only look at aspects of a ‘broad & balanced’ curriculum not specific RE D Cox leaving Suffolk SACRE as she is going to work in another county. Schools of concern in RE due to staff leaving –

 Ormiston Endeavour  Ormiston Sudbury  Academy  Churchill Special school – MM checking ES & MM write letters of concern MM/E 10th July, D Cox running a training day at Witham Training Centre, all welcome- S

sharing good practice & looking at the REQM. Email DC if you wish to attend. th 25 June, RE Conference, all welcome, email MM if you wish to attend Sidegate Primary Ofsted outcome- RE very well organised, well done to the ALL HLTAs who run it It reflects a mixed picture – celebrations & concerns 4. Updates: REC/NASACRE Award/SIFRE REC – ongoing national work with the DfE, Suffolk links with the REC. D Cox member of the Expert Advisory Group. NASACRE AGM – attended by ES,MM & JvH, ES will circulate minutes when ES she has received them

NASACRE Awards – SC submitted a bid for collective worship & Suffolk has

been awarded £4000 LP LP to email NASACRE password to all MM to include SACRE on Suffolk Learning MM SIFRE organised – Speed Faithing – 5 minutes to explain, 2 minutes for questions. 5. Report from diocesan adviser- H Matter Attached SACRE & Diocese have a very good relationship, HM works very hard. The LA pays for new Key Practitioners to attend HM’s training which includes the legal side of RE/SACRE 6. AOB Keswick Hall Trust – helps fund Norfolk & Suffolk Culham St Gabriel’s Trust – national funding which supports regional hubs DY, Debenham Academy is working towards the REQM, he has found it very useful & worthwhile

SA, St Benedicts had first meeting with SC, makes you aware of what you do

well, it is now on the School Development Plan, have full support of the Leadership team in school. ES – the Living Judaism exhibition is looking for premises to host it. MM email MM D Cadman asking if it can be held at Endeavour House.(agenda item 7 November) S Aldous is retiring but will continue as a catholic representative on SACRE D Cox is leaving Suffolk and will be teaching in Essex and also joining Essex SACRE. MM thanked DC for all her hard work and input. 7. Dates and venues for future meetings at Northgate Arts Centre 7 November 2014 6 February 2015 12 June 2015