
Preface / P_05>

Overview / P_07>

SICA Profile / P_13>

Cultural Performances and Exhibitions, 2012 / P_17>

Foreign Exchange, 2012 / P_35>

Academic Conferences, 2012 / P_51>

Foreign Visits & Receptions, 2012 / P_63>

Summary of Cultural Exchanges and Foreign Visits, 2012 / P_73>

List of Council Members / P_81> 「Untitled I」(detail) Reinhold Egerth From The Origin of the Dimension: International Printmaking Exhibition 2012 Preface

The snugness of sunshine in the winter day rings in the coming New Year… In 2012, under the leadership of the Publicity Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, and with the concern and support of the entire community, Shanghai International Cultural Association (SICA) has made new progress in enhancing the influence of Chinese and culture, as well as in improving Shanghai’s international image by sharing local culture with foreign countries through non- governmental communications. Over the past year, with the help of governmental departments at all levels, collaborating units, cultural institutions, and friends at home and abroad, SICA has conducted with success a considerable amount of international cultural exchanges. On behalf of all my colleagues in the Association, I extend my sincerest gratitude for their concerns and support. As we bid farewell to the old year, we recall the achievements of the past and greet a new spring, which promises a bright future. We have compiled in this annual report the successes and achievements of the past year, with a hope that our joint efforts in the coming year will produce another great success.

Yan Limin Executive Deputy Secretary-General Shanghai International Culture Association December, 2012 「Figure Ⅳ」Ding Liren From Exhibition of Art in Contemporary Shanghai 2012 2012年报

Overview Annual Report PART1 1


The year 2012 witnessed the successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the CPC. It was a crucial year for the implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan. Under the leadership of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and its Publicity Department, Shanghai International Culture Association (SICA) hosted, co-hosted, or provided support for more than 50 exchange programs. Of these programs, over 40 were cultural and artistic events. The rest related to humanities, social sciences, economics, finance, natural sciences and technology. Over the past year, SICA has received no less than 40 delegations that contain around 300 internationally and domestically renowned public figures, specialists or scholars. SICA’s excellent work over the past year has added luster to Shanghai’s cultural achievements.

I. Chinese Culture Exhibited Glamour Overseas In 2012, SICA more actively shared the charm of Chinese culture with the rest of the world. Through better preparation and a more active effort, it greatly enhanced the influence of Chinese culture on the international community. Responding to hot issues of global diplomacy and key points in international communications, SICA made great effort to conduct cultural exchanges, and to introduce the best Chinese culture to the world. SICA arranged to send a folk music orchestra from High School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy to the 3rd “International Children and Youth Music Festival” in Iguazu, Argentina, after its successful presence at the Festival in 2011. The organization committee, delegations from various countries, and the Argentinean people sang high praise for the melodious Chinese classical film music performed by the young Chinese musicians. The eye-catching exhibition “Modern Chinese Calligraphy: Works by Gu Gan and Pu Lieping” was unveiled on Sept. 26 in the Spanish museum Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM, Valencia Institute of Modern Art). The exhibition received favorable coverage on Spanish national television. Mr. Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary- General of SICA, attended the unveiling ceremony. With a flawless combination of color and line, bold strokes and blank space, passion of aesthetic experience and symbol of Chinese character, the works exhibited obtain strong visual impact and perfect

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expression, forcefully striking a responsive chord in the hearts of visitors and journalists. Spectators in Columbia and Cuba were charmed by the elegant and exotic works of art at the exhibitions named “Life: Paintings by Young Artists in Shanghai.” The exhibitions were hosted by a Chinese delegation headed by Mr. Ding Honggen, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA. The exhibitions held in both Columbia and Cuba filled a gap in cultural communications between SICA and the two countries, laying solid foundations for its broader cultural cooperation and exchanges with South American countries in the future. In the cities of Hamburg, Germany and Athens, Greece, SICA and Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles (SFLAC) co-hosted a weeklong cultural event named “Shanghai Horizon.” As part of the events for the “Year of Chinese & German Culture,” it featured the exhibition “Dimension of Ink: Invitational Exhibition on Shanghai Contemporary Ink Paintings.” In Yeosu, Korea, SICA and Information Office of Shanghai Municipality jointly unveiled a photography exhibition titled “Glamorous Shanghai, Splendid Expo.” It represented the splendor of World and the glamour of Shanghai as a modern metropolis.

II. Music Demonstrated Refined Taste To make Shanghai more of an international cultural metropolis, SICA made fully use of people-to-people cultural exchanges. It organized a wide range of artistic performances, actively enhancing Shanghai’s cultural image. These efforts have popularized art appreciation, enriched people’s cultural lives, and promoted friendly communications and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and the rest of the world. In April, SICA, SMG Art & Humanities Channel, the Publicity Department of the CPC Changning District Committee and the Changning District Bureau of Culture co-organized “World Music Shanghai 2012 (Spring)”. From Oct. 18 to 24, SICA repeated its success with “World Music Shanghai 2012 (Autumn): Romantic Huangpu River”, demonstrating its continuing commitment to serving the public. The audience gathered in Lujiazui, the financial center of Shanghai, to enjoy excellent performances of famous bands like Panjir (), Buyi (China), BYGA (France), Noukilla (Mauritius) and Fingertips (Portugal). The bus tour brought music like pearls of dew, which cleansed and refreshed the concrete jungle of the city. “World Music Shanghai” has become one of the important cultural festivals, providing a brand new platform for musical and cultural communications between China and the rest of the world. In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Korean diplomatic ties, the Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra from Korea gave a concert on Aug. 5 at Shanghai Oriental Art Center. The audience spoke highly of their expressive and skillful performance.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART1 1

III. Art Exhibitions Presented Variegated Splendor The traditional cultural and art exhibitions that SICA have held properly reflected China’s national conditions with a unity of philosophical and artistic connotations. On this basis, SICA introduced more exquisite art works to China in the year 2012, and held successfully a series of exhibitions of works by world-renowned artists. These exhibitions won remarkably high praise from the visitors. To celebrate the 40 th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Australian diplomatic relations, SICA organized an exhibition called “Fantastic Dreamland: Exhibition of Contemporary Australian Photography” at Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center. The surrealist works of Sonia Payes and Jane Burton have a timeless appeal, transporting visitors to a mysterious world in which they could have dialogue with their deepest feelings. The exhibition “Tony Cragg: Sculptures and Drawings”, jointly hosted by SICA, the Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General Shanghai and Shanghai Zendai Himalayas Art Museum, was unveiled as the first exhibition at the museum. The exhibition was part of a larger series of events in the project “UK Now”. SICA had a successful collaboration with British Consulate-General Shanghai and Himalayas Art Museum, promoting people-to-people cultural communications between Shanghai and the rest of the world. “The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012” was another unique international exhibition hosted by SICA at Shanghai Art Museum. Having their artistic origin in the form of woodcut, a total number of 52 printmaking artists from over 10 countries, including China, US, UK and Germany, presented their works. Their variations, innovations and combinations with modern art forms have created something truly new and exquisite on the basis of a traditional art form.

IV. Academic Exchanges Spurred Development Drawing on its capability of conducting broad-range exchanges, SICA initiated academic communications in various fields, including science, technology, economics, finance, the humanities and social sciences. Consequently, SICA not only facilitated Shanghai’s economic growth, but also promoted its international communications and helped attract talent. Furthermore, it also provided numerous proposals to spur economic growth and social development in the city. In Shanghai, SICA hosted an international Symposium “Exogenous and Endogenous Growth of China’s Finance in 2012.” The attending experts and scholars, focusing on the topic of stable growth of China’s finance, illustrated new possibilities in maintain stable growth of China’s finance through sufficient communications and analyses. They unanimously agreed upon the point that constant academic communication and interaction would provide support for policy making in Chinese finance, thus promoting the development and prosperity of China’s financial market.

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“American Economic and Trade Policy in an Election Year and Challenges to Sino-American Economic and Trade Relations” was another international symposium successfully held by SICA. Participants from home and broad had in-depth discussions on hot issues, such as “Obama’s Choices in Economic, Trade and Foreign Policies,” “The Sino-American Trade Friction in Post-Crisis Era,” and “The Future of International Economic and Trade Mechanisms such as TPP and G20.” This conference received unanimous recognition as a part of the series of events called “Bund Financial Forum”. SICA, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Singapore S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies jointly held the international symposium “The Development of China’s International Strategy: Concepts, Trends and Impacts” at the Academy. Experts and scholars from celebrated think tanks in China, the US, Japan, Korea, Singapore and the UK, together with diplomats from these countries, had deep and candid discussions on topics like “The Rise of China: Strategic Position, Impacts and Trends,” “China’s External Environment, Challenges and Their Relation to the International System,” etc. The participants made beneficial suggestions about how China can properly cope with the U.S. strategic shift, maintain regional security, and improve relations with neighboring countries.

V. Friendly Visits Strengthened Friendship In 2012, SICA kept in friendly contact with consulates in Shanghai, and received a number of visits from Consuls-General, Cultural officials, and overseas friends. Much importance has been attached to the cultural exchanges between Shanghai and one of its sister cities: Montreal, Canada. In the summer of 2012, a cultural and art delegation of young elites from the Canadian city paid a visit to SICA, and both sides had a friendly talk. The visit was an implementation of the “Memo on Friendly Cooperation and Exchanges 2010-2012,” which was signed by the two cities. The visit also promoted greatly SICA’s efforts to strengthen and expand cultural communications between Shanghai and Montreal. The visit of a delegation of American Jewish celebrities was one of SICA’s traditional programs. During their successful visit to SICA, members of the delegation expressed that they not only felt once again the deep friendship between the Chinese and Jewish people, but also witnessed the attention-capturing historic achievements made in China. Finally, the delegation members articulated their wish for a wealthier and stronger China, as well as for a happier and healthier Chinese people.

The successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the CPC provided new ideas and channels for SICA in its cultural projects. SICA will stick to the proper direction of international communications, actively exploring and exerting the strength of people- to-people cultural exchanges. It expects to open up new vistas for cultural innovation, and thus to contribute more to making Shanghai an international cultural metropolis.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT 「Viaje De Piedras」Ni Youyu From STATVA EXHIBICIÓN DE JÓVENES ARTISTAS SHANGHAINESES DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO 2012年报

SICA Profile Annual Report PART2 2

SICA Profile

Shanghai International Culture Association (SICA) was founded in 1986 as a municipal-level people’s organization that conducts non-governmental international cultural exchanges. Its function is to strengthen mutual understanding and friendly cooperation between Shanghai and the rest of the world. It serves to enhance Shanghai’s economic growth, scientific progress, and cultural output through people to people engagement in international cultural exchange.

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SICA has a council composed of nearly a hundred local and international public figures. It also has operating departments in charge of exchanges in various fields and an integrated management unit. SICA features a wide range of cultural exchange and communications in multifarious fields including culture and arts, the humanities, social sciences, economics, finance, science and education. It organizes a variety of substantial events, such as art exhibitions, cultural performances, international conferences, academic seminars, and cultural exchanges abroad. Having set up exchanges and cooperation with organizations and individuals in dozens of countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Austria, and Chinese Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, SICA is an influential international cultural exchange organization in Shanghai. SICA has been at the forefront of China’s reform and opening-up. Continuing the tradition of international cultural exchange, it combines Chinese and Shanghainese culture. Embodying the spirit of Shanghai, pooling wisdom and excellence with liberality and generosity, it further expands the breadth and depth of the cultural exchange between Shanghai and the rest of the world. SICA thereby has greatly contributed to making Shanghai a truly international metropolis.

Contact Shanghai International Culture Association (SICA) Address: 5F, No. 1 Building, 543 Xinhua Road, Shanghai, China Code: 200052 Tel: 86-21-64730940 Fax: 86-21-64729306 Website: www.sica.sh.cn

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT 「While I was Sleeping」(detail) Endi Poskovic From The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012 2012年报

Cultural Performances and Exhibitions, 2012 Annual Report PART3 3

☆ Painting Exhibition “Luis Chan’s World” Held in Shanghai

On February 29, 2012, “Luis Chan’s World”, a painting exhibition co-sponsored by SICA and Shanghai Art Museum, and co-organized by Hanart Gallery of Hong Kong and the Luis Chan family, was held on the second floor of Shanghai Art Museum. Mr. Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, Mr. Li Lei, Curator of Shanghai Art Museum, Mr. Johnson Chang, the exhibition curator, and others cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony. Mr. Yan also gave an address on behalf of SICA. The exhibition featured over 100 pieces of works by Luis Chan from the 1940s to

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the 1980s. The exhibits were mainly provided by the Chan family and collectors from home and abroad. Luis Chan, whose family was originally from Guangdong Province, was born in 1905 in Panama. He then moved to settle in Hong Kong in 1910 with his family. He was the former President of Hong Kong Art Club. Greatly influenced by the Western modern art, his works differ significantly from those of his contemporaries from Chinese mainland such as Lin Fengmian and Liu Haisu: they show a unique style regarded as “integrating the art of both the East and the West, while depending on neither the traditional nor the modern style.” He traced keenly the changes of art, from the British scenery in the early time, to the Modernist experiments in the sixties, and then to the post-sixties painting of urban fantasy. His works integrated both the Eastern and the Western art into a precise depiction of psychological vision in the changes. The magical surrealist paintings in his later period were rather a subconscious portrayal of the new urbanites. This event was the first large-scale retrospective exhibition of Mr. Luis Chan in Shanghai. It provided an excellent opportunity for art circle in Chinese mainland to access and understand this unique first-generation Hong Kong art master who was endowed with the most prominent modern consciousness. The exhibition finished on March 11. Media like Shanghai Morning Post, , Art Finance and Shanghai Securities News reported on the exhibition.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART3 3

☆ “Fantastic Dreamland: Exhibition of Con- temporary Australian Photography” Unveiled in Shanghai

The grand opening ceremony of the cultural event “Fantastic Dreamland— Exhibition of Contemporary Australian Photography” was held on the afternoon of April 27, 2012 at Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center. The exhibition was co-sponsored by Shanghai International Culture Association, Australia Meou Arts Investment PTY LTD, and Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center. Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary General of SICA, Alice Cawte, Australian Consul-General in Shanghai, Liu Bo, Curator of the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, Sun Yongkang, General Manager of Australia Meou Art

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Investments, Lin Lu, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Photographers Association, and others attended the ceremony. The exhibition showcased 61 pieces of works by Sonia Payes and Jane Burton, two outstanding representatives of Australian female artists. Sonia Payes’s works convey a kind of elusive and flying beauty, full of subtle and thought-provoking changes under a mystic and imaginary veil. While Jane Burton, with more classic approches, extends thickness into the complexity of the era. Their surrealist world of image is full of classical charm, leading the viewers to transcend the worldly boundary into a mysterious realm for a dialogue with the innermost being. The year 2012 marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. SICA, through cultural exchanges and integration, hopes to promote mutual understanding between the two countries, and to strengthen the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Australian people. Media including the Liberation Daily, Wen Wei Po, Xinmin Evening News, Shanghai Moring Post, Youth Daily, Global Times and Metro Express covered the exhibition.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART3 3

☆ Beyond Boundaries: “World Music Shanghai 2012” Unveiled Grandly in Red Town Creative Industry Park

On April 28, the event “World Music Shanghai 2012” saw its grand opening ceremony in Red Town Creative Industry Park. The event was co-organized by SICA, the Publicity Department of the CPC Changning District Committee, Changning District Bureau of Culture, SMG Arts and Humanities Channel. It was also supported by Shanghai Municipal Office for Development of Spiritual Civilization and Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League. Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, Zhang Weimin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Changning District and Director of the Publicity Department, Qian Xiaoru, Deputy Director of SMG Arts and Humanities Channel, attended the opening ceremony. Zheng Jiayao addressed on the ceremony and announced its opening. Chen Zhenmin, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Office for Development of Spiritual Civilization, and Wang Xiaoming, Deputy Director of SMG, watched the opening performance. “World Music Shanghai” was launched in 2008. It is now growing into a major

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event of music in Shanghai after receiving support and nurturing from all the community in the past four years. This year, SICA continued to hold the event with the theme of “Unique Beauty of Live Music”, and invited 9 top music groups from all around the world to present performances. From April 28 to May 6, performances were given on five stages located in different venues in the city, so that the citizens could experience world-class live music. Participant music groups of “World Music Shanghai 2012” were also invited to perform at a special concert of world folk music at the first Shanghai Folk Culture Festival 2012, which attracted a total number of 200,000 spectators. Media including Liberation Daily, Shanghai Morning Post, Oriental Morning Post, Xinmin Evening News, Global Times, Shanghai Arts and Humanities Channel, and ICS of STV made special reports on the event. Annual Report PART3 3

☆ Exhibition “25 Years of American Experience: A Retrospective on Ink Painting of Professor Jiang Qigu and His Students” Held in Shanghai

On the morning of May 29, 2012, the opening ceremony of the exhibition titled “25 Years of American Experience: A Retrospective on Ink Painting of Professor Jiang Qigu and His Students” was held at Xuhui Art Museum in Shanghai. The exhibition was co-sponsored by SICA and Research House for Asian Art in Chicago (RHAA). Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, Tang Hao, Curator of Xuhui Art Museum, Gao Xianli, Vice President of Chinese National Academy of

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Arts and Curator of China Arts and Crafts Museum, and Chen Jiu, Curator of Duolun Museum of Modern Art, were present at the opening ceremony. Jiang Qigu, born in 1956 in Shanghai, started his study at Shanghai Normal University Art Department in 1979, and at Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) in 1987. After obtaining his master degree in 1999 from AIC, he continued his teaching and artistic practice in the Institute. He is now a professor at AIC. In his over twenty years of study and teaching in the states, he has been endeavoring to promote Chinese ink painting and culture. He has also cultivated a number of students who show heartfelt love for the art of ink painting. This exhibition featured 40 pieces of ink paintings by Jiang Qigu and his students, including a series of abstract works, new body paintings, works themed of Zhuangzi’s Dreaming of Butterfly, landscapes and his students’ works. The Chinese traditional skills and awareness of ink painting deep-seated in Jiang’s artistic expression, when combined with the Western experience, gains new vitality. Jiang integrates perfectly in his works the Western and the Eastern artistic techniques and awareness, and employs the Western artistic elements in presentation of the characteristic world of Chinese ink painting. Media including Liberation Daily, Wen Wei Po, Xinmin Evening News, Shanghai Morning Post, Youth Daily, news channel of STV, Xuihui Daily, and Xuhui Cabled TV made either exclusive interviews or special reports on the exhibition.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART3 3

☆ New Era in Sino-Korean Relations, New Chapter in Cultural Communications: Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra Give Performance in Shanghai

At the invitation of China International Culture Exchange Center and China International Culture and Art Company, Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra gave a performance at the Concert Hall of Shanghai Oriental Art Center on August 5, 2012. The performance was organized by SICA, as a part of the series of events in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations. Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1962, presents more than 100 excellent performances for the audience each year. It has performed the magnum opus by various

P_26+27 schools of composers from the classical age to the modern time. They have also been performing with a number of world-class conductors and performers. Guided by the renowned conductors like Kim Vladimir, Vankl Kavodoski and Alexander Anximov, Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra is growing rapidly into one of the influential orchestras in Asia. In 2002, the orchestra visited China for the first time, so the performance this year was the second time for the orchestra to perform in China again after ten years. Li Xincao, an inf luential conductor in Asia, was specially invited for this performance. He has made frequent appearances on stage in both China and South Korea in recent years, so he was an old friend to the South Korean audience. In 2009, he started to serve as music director and principal conductor of the Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra at the invitation of mayor of Pusan. The audience sang special praise for the performance of the Chinese piece Ode to the Red Flag, saying that the Korean orchestra interpreted very well the famous Chinese modern music. The orchestra also invited Kim Suli, the beautiful Korean violinist, to perform with them. She was the gold medal winner in China International Violin Competition in 2011. Her play of the Sibelius Violin Concerto was highly regarded by the audience. Shostakovich’s 10th symphony was played in the second half. The audience were still immersed deeply in a mood created by the performance when the last note disappeared in the air. Kim Jeongkee and Lee Dong Seok, Korean Consul-General and Deputy Korean Consul-General in Shanghai, together with Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, were present at the concert. China Culture Daily and a number of media covered the performance.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART3 3

☆ Integration of Culture, Celebration of Olympics: Art Exhibition “Tony Cragg: Sculptures and Drawing” Opened in Shanghai

On September 7, 2012, art exhibition “Tony Cragg: Sculptures and Drawing”, saw its opening as the first exhibition ever unveiled in the museum. The event was co-organized by SICA, Cultural and Education Section of British Consulate-General Shanghai and Shanghai Zendai Himalayas Art Museum. Brian Davidson, British Consul-General in Shanghai, David Elliot, Art Director of British Council, Liu Zhengyuan, Vice Chairman of SICA and former Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, Wang Chunjie, Curator of

P_28+29 Shanghai Zhengda Himalayan Art Museum, and the artist Tony Cragg attended the opening ceremony. In the past few years, China and Britain have held the Olympic Games successively, and the British Pavilion has had an excellent presentation in Shanghai World Expo. To celebrate the 40 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Britain as well as the opening of Olympics in London, British Council and Cultural and Education Section of British Consulate-General China organized a large-scale comprehensive art event called “UK Now”. The event, lasting from April to November, 2012, was a grand gathering of British art and creative industries. Covering almost all forms or art, “UK Now” featured about one hundred world-class cultural events varying from exhibitions to concerts in 16 Chinese cities. Endeavoring to promote and strengthen people-to-people cultural exchanges, SICA had a successful cooperation with the Cultural and Education Section of British Consulate-General Shanghai and Shanghai Zendai Himalayas Art Museum in organizing “Tony Cragg: Sculptures and Drawing”, one of the events featured by “UK Now”.. Tony Cragg is one of the greatest Britain artists who are still active. As an artist, he has been committed to breaking through material, formal and technical limitations of different artistic media. The materials he uses in creation include ceramics, Jesmonite, plaster, wood, steel, glass, steel, stone, copper, etc. The exhibition in Shanghai also saw many of his paper works. He won the Turner Prize in 1988, the Pippen Brook Sculpture Award in 2002, and the Japanese Imperial World Culture Award in 2007. He was also awarded the British Empire CBE Medal in 2001. The exhibition provided Shanghai spectators with a perfect opportunity to appreciate closely Tony Cragg’s sculptures and paintings, and also added luster to the cultural development in Shanghai. A number of media including Liberation Daily, News, Sina.com, and Artron.net had reports on the exhibition.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART3 3

☆ “World Music Shanghai 2012 (Autumn) : Romantic Huangpu River” Opened Grandly in Lujiazui

Hosted by SICA, the 5th weeklong cultural event “World Music Shanghai” themed “Romantic Huangpu River” had its grand opening in Lujiazui, the financial center of Shanghai, on Oct. 18, 2012. Wang Weiguo, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Pudong New District Committee, Guo Rong, Deputy Director of Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone Administration Committee, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President of SICA, Yan Limin and Ding Honggen, both Deputy Secretaries-General of SICA, were present at the opening ceremony. A performance titled “Salute to Wang Luobin, the Chinese Master of World Music”

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kicked off “World Music Shanghai 2012 (Autumn): Romantic Huangpu River” on the evening of Oct. 18. Wang’s classic works, such as The Girl from Dabancheng and Youth Dance, were performed by renowned Chinese singers Zhao Lei and Wu Ningyue, the lead singer of Buyi Band from China. The festival continued the next two nights with world music concerts performed by 12 bands, including BYGA (France), Noukilla (Mauritius) , Fingertips (Portugal), Panjir (China), and Buyi (China). Since its inception in 2008, “World Music Shanghai” has set its mission and objective to make Chinese music part of world music, providing a brand new platform for musical and cultural communication between China and the rest of the world. “World Music Shanghai” lays stress on modernity and audience interaction. Though introducing a range of outstanding musical pieces, it aims at popularizing world music, enhancing people’s appreciation of music. This will promote the development of world music in China, and provide the audience with intoxicating audio-visual experiences. The event demonstrated SICA’s continuing commitment to serving the public. As an attempt to introduce world music to a larger audience, a photo exhibition was held in Halcyon Art China from Oct. 22 to 24. The exhibition featured the previous four years of “Shanghai World Music Week,” as well as other world-famous international music festivals, enabling visitors to appreciate better ideas behind world music. Local media coverage of “World Music Shanghai” could be found in Youth Daily, Oriental Morning Post, Shanghai Morning Post, Shanghai Evening Post and Daily News.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART3 3

☆ Make Further Achievements on the Basis of the Origin: “The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012” Unveiled

Jointly held by Shanghai Artists Association, SICA, Shanghai Art Museum, and Art School of Shanghai University, “The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012” had its grand opening at Shanghai Art

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Museum on October 30th, 2012. Mr. Shi Dawei, Vice President of China Artists Association and President of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mr. Chi Zhigang, Vice President of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mr. Zheng Jiayao, Vice President of SICA, Mr. Yan Limin, Vice Secretary-General of SICA, and Mr. Wang Jun, Vice Executive Secretary-General of Shanghai International Art Festival Organizing Committee and President of Shanghai International Art Festival Center, were present at the opening ceremony. Back in 2010, the first “Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition” held by SICA, with global urbanization as its topic, was well received by the printmaking circles home and abroad. This year the biennial exhibition was again held as part of Shanghai International Art Festival. It rendered new presentations both in content and form. The number of participating foreign artists and their artworks increased remarkably, making it an international exhibition of printmaking art in the real sense. A number of 52 printmaking artists from USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Spain, Greece, Ukraine, Austria, Poland, South Korea, Bangladesh, Mainland China and Chinese Taiwan attended the event. On the basis of the ancient art form of woodcut, the artists presented in their 122 overwhelming artworks multifold transformations, innovations and certain combinations with various forms of modern art. Through the exhibition people could see the great efforts made by these artists in renewing themselves, perceive their placid state of mind and sincere attitude in creation, and feel the respect they show to tradition and skill. The works also testified the artists’ self-consciousness to approach contemporary life and culture. On October 31, 2012, the participating artists from America, Britain, Poland, Austria, South Korea, Mainland China and Chinese Taiwan held a seminar titled “The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012” at Shanghai Art Museum. The seminar focused on the topic of woodcut, the origin of printmaking as well as the art form with most originality and historical connotations. The participants not only touched upon the role and possibilities of traditional art forms in contemporary art, but also probed into the relationship of traditional and contemporary art. They also expressed their own academic views on how to go back to the origin and dimension of printmaking art in the new era. The seminar exhibited the unique experience and feelings that the artists obtain in the new time, and served as a link between the past and the future in academic sense.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT 「Gliding Doll Series: Swimming Pool」(detail) Song Kexi From Exhibition of Art in Contemporary Shanghai 2012 2012年报

Foreign Exchange, 2012 Annual Report PART4 4

☆ A Second Bloom Is More Fragrant: SICA Organizes Performance at the third “Inter- national Children and Youth Music Festival Iguazu” Argentina

From May 20 to June 1, 2012, a Chinese delegation of 22 people participated in the third “International Children and Youth Music Festival” held in Iguazu, Argentina. Organized by SICA, the delegation contained a folk music group from High School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy, and was warmly welcomed by the organization committee of the festival, delegations from related countries and the Argentinean audience. The visit was a wonderful continuation of SICA’s participation in the second “International Children and Youth Music Festival” held in 2011. To ensure the

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success of the cultural communication, the delegation had made meticulous preparations in costume selection, repertoire design, and brochure production. With joint support from Ministry of Culture of China, Chinese Embassy in Argentina, China International Culture Association and SICA, the cultural tour of the delegation to South American kicked off once again. On May 21, after over 30 hours of flight, the delegation dynamically took part in the opening ceremony of the Festival. The classical melodies of Chinese film music like “A Man Shall be Self-Determined”, “Water of Honghu Lake”, “Shaolin Temple”, “Azalea”, and “A Song to Heroes” resounded through the air of the remote South America. The music, sometimes fresh and melodious, sometimes sonorous and powerful, sometimes soft and rhythmic, won enthusiastic praise and admiration of the local audience. The integration of different cultures stepped over the language barriers in an instant, and narrowed down the distance between the Chinese and Argentinean people. On May 26, Mr. Yang Chuanying, official from Cultural Section of Chinese Embassy in Argentina, came from Buenos Aires to watch the show. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy, Mr. Yang extended cordial greetings to the young performers, expressing his gratitude for their efforts to overcome all the difficulties in participation. In addition, he wished that they could do their best in the ensemble performance, and thus exhibited the unique charm of Chinese music. He also wished the performance a great success. In the ensemble performance, the Chinese artists performed with greatest enthusiasm, and won deep admiration and prolonged applause with a piece named “Kung Fu”. On the second day after the closing ceremony of the music festival, Ms. Andrea Merenzon, Director of Art and Stage from the organization committee, issued to the young Chinese performers Arts Award of the festival. She cordially invited SICA to organize young artists once more to participate in the 4th “International Children and Youth Music Festival Iguazu Argentina”. The curtain fell at the festival in a joyful and peaceful atmosphere. This visit was accompanied by journalists from China Central Television and China Radio International. They made special interviews and reports on the performance. Annual Report PART4 4

☆ Photo Exhibition “Glamorous Shanghai, Splendid Expo” Opened in World Expo Yeosu Korea

On July 23, the international symposium themed “Inheritance, Study and Application of World Expo Heritages”, co-sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and Television and Information Office of the Shanghai Municipality, and organized by Shanghai World Expo Museum, was held in Yeosu, South Korea. More than 100 officials, experts and scholars from various official participants of Yeosu World Expo and the International Exhibitions Bureau attended the symposium. It was of the largest scale and the highest level among the conferences

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held since the opening of World Expo Yeosu. The same day also saw the opening ceremony of the photo Exhibition “Glamorous Shanghai, Splendid Expo”, which was co-sponsored by SICA and Information Office of Shanghai Municipality, at the venue of the symposium. The 34 photos exhibited were representative works of a number of renowned photographers in Shanghai. Themed “Glamorous Shanghai, Splendid Expo”, the exhibition presented to the spectators once again the splendor of World Expo 2010 and the charm of Shanghai as a modern city through the lens of Shanghai photographers, who captured all aspects of the city in their works. The exhibition played a fairly favorable role during the symposium, leaving the attendees deeper impressions on World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. Loscertales, Secretary-General of the International Exhibitions Bureau, Kong Dong- Suk, Chairman of Organizing Committee of World Expo Yeosu Korea, Wang Jinzhen, Vice President of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee of China Pavilion at World Expo Yeosu, Hong Hao, Secretary-General of Shanghai Municipal Government, and others attended the symposium and watched the photo exhibition. Media including News Channel of STV, Wen Wei Po, Xinmin Evening News, the Oriental Morning Post , and Eastday.com had reports on the events.

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☆ One-Week Event “Shanghai Horizon” in Celebration of the Year of Chinese & German Culture Held in Germany

To celebrate the Year of Chinese & German Culture in 2012, SICA and Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles co-organized a one-week event called “Shanghai Horizon” in Hamburg, Germany, on August 3, 2012. As a large-scale biennial China-themed event held by the Hamburg Municipal Government, “China Time: Shanghai Horizon” renders an important platform for exchanges between China and the European countries. With World Expo being held in Shanghai, the one-week event “China Time: Shanghai Horizon” held in Hamburg in 2010 provided local residents with a chance to understand further China and Shanghai. The event was highly regarded by German spectators.

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The one-week cultural event, in celebration of the Year of Chinese & German Culture in 2012, contained two parts: an art exhibition “Dimension of Ink: Invitational Exhibition on Shanghai Contemporary Ink Paitings”, and a photo exhibition “Memory of Shanghai”. “Dimension of Ink” was unveiled on August 3 at Shanghai Yuyuan Garden in Hamburg. The unveiling ceremony saw the attendance of Xing Weiping, Deputy Chinese Consul-General in Hamburg, Julia Dautel, Commissioner of International Cultural Exchange from Hamburg Ministry of Culture, Dr. Carsten Krause, Dean of University of Hamburg Confucius Institute, and Geng Baosheng, Chinese Director of the Institute. The exhibition “Dimension of Ink” featured paintings by 12 Shanghai artists, namely, Wang Jie-yin, Zhou Changjiang, Ji Ping, Chen Qi, Chen Xinmao, Cai Guangbin, Zhang Hong, Han Song, Shan Zheng, Ding She, Pang Fei, and Sun Yijian. Although the exhibited works fall into different categories of fine art, they demonstrate identical artistic practice and value. Therefore, these works provide more perspectives and possibilities for study and development of Chinese ink painting. As another part of “Shanghai Horizon”, “Memory of Shanghai” was held from August 9 to 26 in Hamburg City Hall. Julia Dautel, International Cultural Exchange Commissioner of Hamburg Ministry of Culture, hosted the opening ceremony on the morning of August 9. The ceremony also saw the attendance of Xing Weiping, and Germany photographers Enver Hirsch and Martin Kummer. Cao Jianguo, Vice Chairmen and Secretary-General of Shanghai Photographers Association, gave a speech on the opening ceremony on behalf of the Chinese exhibitors. He expressed a wish for enhancing Sino-German art and cultural exchanges, as well as strengthening the friendly relations between Chinese and German people. The Photo Exhibition featured dozens of photos of urban life in Shanghai by photographers from both China and Germany including Cao Jianguo and Shan Liyuan. The mainstream media in Hamburg made comprehensive coverage of this event.

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☆ “Exhibition of Art in Contemporary Shang- hai 2012” Held Successfully in Melbourne, Australia

The evening of August 8, 2012 saw the grand opening of “Exhibition of Art in Contemporary Shanghai 2012”, co-sponsored by Shanghai International Culture Association and the Australian Meou Art Investments PTY Limited, at the Deutscher and Hackett Exhibition Hall in Melbourne, Australia. Mr. David Payes, Vice Chairman of Melbourne Art Foundation, Mr. Philip R. Garve, the collector of Australian aboriginal art, the sculptor Ms. Lisa Roet and many other local artists attended the opening ceremony. Ms. Yang Xuelian, President of the Australian Meou Art Investments, and a delegation from SICA were also present at the ceremony. This exhibition was a concomitant of the Melbourne Art Biennial, which familiarized the delegation with the most vivid and lively contemporary art of Australia and the favorable artistic environment in the country. The enthusiastic atmosphere of the biennale helped the Shanghai exhibition attract spectators and artists. A total number of 40 paintings by 7 Shanghai artists of different generations were exhibited. Some works contain rich content of folk culture, some reflect the conditions and considerations in China in the mid of globalization and localization, while some others adopt a change in the expression of ink painting with the help of audacious exploration. Obviously these artists kept in their mind the reality of China, while transcending narrow self-consciousness. In the meantime, they adopted diverse and individual expressive approaches. The works exhibited were highly praised by the art circles of Australia, and some local art institutions and artists looked forward to the bright future of cultural and art exchanges between Shanghai and Melbourne. 出访交流

Art mirrors the vitality of a city; through it people can understand the actual spirit and the special emotion of it. Meanwhile, art exchanges can set up a bridge of understanding and dialogue across the East and the West, as well as across the northern and southern hemispheres. Either in their interpretations of each other’s society, or in their analysis of artistic style, similarities between the two cities can be easily traced, enriching the significance of the exhibition. The year 2012 marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. SICA, through cultural exchanges and integration, hopes to promote mutual understanding between the two countries, and to strengthen the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Australian people. Annual Report PART4 4

☆ Art Exhibition “Life: Paintings by Young Artists in Shanghai” Spreads Friendship in Columbia and Cuba

To strengthen cultural exchanges between China and the two countries of Columbia and Cuba, and to promote mutual understanding among people of these countries, SICA, Modern Art Museum of Bogotá (MAMBO), and Cuban National Plastic Arts Commission jointly organized the art exhibitions called “Life: Paintings by Young Artists in Shanghai”. The exhibitions, respectively held in Colombia and Cuba, featured 25 works of contemporary oil paintings, sculptures, and installations. In early September 2012, a five-people delegation headed by Ding Honggen, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, and Zhang Weiqing, Deputy Director of Information Office of Shanghai Municipality, attended the opening ceremonies of the two art exhibitions respectively held in Columbia and Cuba. Founded on July 27, 1955, MAMBO is located in the historical and cultural center

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of Bogotá, Capital of Colombia. It features a rich collection of art treasures of Colombia, Latin America, Europe and the United States, and Asia. The works exhibited were created between the end of the 19th century and the contemporary time. And the museum is one of those with richest exhibits in Columbia. During the exhibition in Columbia, Lyu Desheng, Cultural Counselor of Chinese Embassy to Colombia, Maria Elvira Ardile, Director of Curatorial Department at MAMBO, Daniel Nieto, Director of Information Office at MAMBO, together with others attended the opening ceremony, and had heated conversations with Ding Honggen and Zhang Weiqing. Lyu Desheng expressed his appreciation and encouragement for the organization of such a cultural exchange in Colombia. He hoped that that SICA could organize more diverse cultural events of Chinese characteristics in Colombia, saying that the Embassy would be supportive of the effort to display Chinese culture worldwide. On September 10, the delegation paid a visit to Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center in Havana, Cuba, where the exhibition was held from October 26 to November 25. The delegation had a dialogue with Cuban friends. Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center was founded on February 28, 1983, as a part of the Cuban National Plastic Arts Commission. The center aims at researching on and promoting contemporary visual arts of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean area, with a focus on the works by Wifredo Lam, one of the most famous painters in Cuba. The main task of the center is to organize the well-known Havana Biennale. It also provides exhibition space for the event. Ms. Magrarita Gonzalez Lorente, Art Director of the Center, received warmly the delegation, and introduced the preparatory work for the exhibition of “Life”. She particularly introduced the history and status quo of the Havana Biennial as a large-scale art event that attracts artists around the world. Chinese artists, including Cai Guoqiang and Yang Fudong, can also be found in recent Biennales. However, only limited number of Chinese artists participated in the exhibition due to the long distance between the two countries. Ms. Lorente expressed her hope that SICA could play a role of a bridge, introducing and supporting more Chinese artists to participate in the Havana Biennial, so that more local people may have the chance to enjoy art from China, a friend to Cuba. “Life: Paintings by Young Artists in Shanghai” was warmly received by people in Colombia and Cuba, to an extent that is beyond our expectation. The reasons of its popularity are threefold: first, the works exhibited are outstanding and glamorous; second, the exhibition comes from the remote East; and third, the communications between the two sides prior to the exhibition were adequate and efficient. The cooperation parties in Colombia and Cuba expressed their keen hope for closer contact and more cooperation in the future. The success exhibition of “Life: Paintings by Young Artists in Shanghai” in South America filled a gap in the cultural communications between SICA and the two related countries, laying solid foundations for its broader cultural cooperation and exchanges in the future with South American countries.

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☆ “Invitational Exhibition on Shanghai Contemporary Ink Paintings” held in Greece

On September 24, the opening ceremony of “Dimension of Ink: Invitational Exhibition on Shanghai Contemporary Ink Paitings”, co-sponsored by Shanghai International Culture Association, Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the local government of Exarhia District of Athens, was held in the District Government Arts Center. Madam Yang Guohua, wife of the Chinese Ambassador to Greece, Chen Xiao, Cultural Attaché at Chinese Embassy, Mr. Dimitris Maravelias, Governor of the District Government, Ms. Eva Mela, President of Greek Association

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of Artists and all the members of the Shanghai delegation of artists attended the opening ceremony. The representative of the local government delivered a warm welcome speech, and the representative of Shanghai also gave a brief address, expressing their gratitude to the warm reception of the hosts, and pointing out that the event was of extraordinary significance thanks to the rich cultural deposits and solid foundations for exchange, which resisted the negative impact from the present global economic downturn. Greek artists also performed wonderful Greek folk music on the opening ceremony, and the atmosphere was warm and friendly. A selection of over 40 ink paintings by 14 outstanding young artists was presented on the exhibition. The works exhibited revealed to the spectators the contemporary artists’ practice and exploration in ink painting, and shed light on the new trends and achievements in their inheritance and development of this artistic expression. The exhibition captured the interest and attention of the visiting Greek artists. The event evoked profound responses among the Greek art circles, and was reported by several media including the China Greek Times.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART4 4

☆ “Lingering Charm of Ink: Chinese Character Art of Gu Gan and Pu Lieping” Opened in Spain

On September 26, 2012, a press conference was given on the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Lingering Charm of Ink: Chinese Character Art of Gu Gan and Pu Lieping”, which was co-sponsored by SICA and Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM, Valencia Institute of Modern Art), a Spanish museum. Ms. Consuelo Ciscar Casaban, Curator of IVAM, and Mr. Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, respectively delivered addresses on behalf of the two organizers. The opening ceremony also saw the attendance of Marta Alonso Rodriguez,

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Minister for Culture and Heritage in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports of greater Valencia area. Ms. Rodriguez spoke highly of the exhibition, and expressed her admiration for the modern flavor in Chinese ink painting, in which she could feel Chinese artists’ inheritance and innovation of the ancient art. The exhibition presented 50 works by Gu Gan and Pu Lieping. The art of Chinese character can be dated back to the mid-eighties of the last century as an innovated art form. Gu Gan is the leading figure in this artistic innovation, and Pu Lieping has been cooperating with him for more than ten years. Casting new light on the symbol of Chinese characters, they have been exploring, interpreting and presenting them in a totally different way. Through new integration and combinations of the line in Chinese characters and color in ink painting, they endeavor to present Chinese characters to the world as an artistic expression. This new artistic exploration and attempt has won the attention and recognition of the art circle at home and abroad. With this exhibition, SICA aimed at bringing the art of Chinese characters to the whole world, presenting to the public the strong visual impact and perfect expression originated in the flawless combination of color and line, of fullness and blankness, and of passion of aesthetic experience and symbol of Chinese characters. Ms. Consuelo Ciscar Casaban, Curator of IVAM, marveled at the profound connotations of Chinese characters. She pointed out that the works by the two artists, in addition to their strong aesthetic impact on the spectators, was capable of evoking their psychological echo: they give rise to a conceptual and philosophical elevation in people’s aesthetic pleasure. This exhibition attracted the attention of many media. Spain’s National Television (TVE) had a special report on the event.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT 「Agua Calmada」(detail) Xiang Qinghua From STATVA EXHIBICIÓN DE JÓVENES ARTISTAS SHANGHAINESES DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO 2012年报

Academic Conferences, 2012 Annual Report PART5 5

☆ International Symposium “Exogenous and Endogenous Growth of China’s Finance in 2012” Held in Shanghai

International Symposium “Exogenous and Endogenous Growth of China’s Finance in 2012” was held in Shanghai on March 31, 2012. The symposium was sponsored by division of Science and Technology of SICA, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) Modern Financial Research Center, and Shanghai Social Sciences Association. Zhao Xiaoju, Executive Deputy Dean of SUFE School of Finance, gave a welcome address. Li Jian, Director of division of Science and Technology of SICA, addressed the audience on behalf of the hosts. The inflation, debt deterioration and increases in the price of bulk commodity across the world, Li said, challenge the macro-control and financial supervision and regulation in China; at the same time, further financial globalization raises new issues concerning international financial stability. Therefore, there are a couple of issues that China must deal with properly in her development, such as how to prevent the impact of global financial crisis upon endogenous growth of China’s finance, how to build effective financial supervision, regulation and control system, how to maintain the fundamental function of financial system in distribution of resources, and how to guarantee stable and healthy development of China’s financial system. During the conference, Mark Spiegel, Deputy Director of Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, gave a presentation titled “The World Economy and China’s Monetary Policy”. He argued that the American economy has recovered at a

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modest pace, its employment begins to increase, its consumer market also works well, and the long-run inflation expectation remains stable. In the meantime, export increases considerably, and Asian market is now the major export destinations. As a contrast, economy of the Euro zone is worse, so the economic growth in the West will be slower than that in Asia. In China, Spiegel maintained, interest rates is higher than that of international market, capital accounts are not opened up; and the country adopts policies of limited floating exchange rate and sterilized intervention. In such circumstances, a drop in interest rate in other countries will lead to an increase in hedging cost and currency supply, and finally lead to inflation. Therefore, China should consider hedging cost first, reducing government intervention and employing a relatively loose monetary policy. In his keynote speech, Yin Xingmin, Deputy Director of Fudan University China Center for Economic Studies, also pointed out that the most optimized monetary policy should be based on a balance between inflation and production. When the pressure of inflation has eased at present, monetary policy should be relaxed rather than tightened. Hou Keqiang, Assistant Professor from SUFE School of Finance, contended that impact of requirement and influx of hot money pose remarkable challenge to China’s economy. In order to maintain economic growth and low inflation, China should endeavor to seek internationalization of RMB, cultivate domestic government bond market, promote marketization of interest rate, and reduce constant account imbalance. In the symposium, participants illustrated new possibilities in maintaining stable growth of China’s finance through sufficient communications and analyses. They also proffered indispensable reference for monetary and exchange rate policies making in China. The participants unanimously agreed that constant academic communications and interactions will provide powerful support for financial policy making in China, and promote the development and prosperity of Chinese financial market.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART5 5

☆ International Symposium “Development of China’s International Strategy: Concepts, Trends and Impacts” Held in Shanghai

Co-organized by SICA, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) and Nanyang Technological University S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore, international symposium “Development of China’s International Strategy: Concepts, Trends and Impacts” was held in SASS from June 15 to 16, 2012. Huang Renwei, Vice President of SASS, and Kwa Chong Gua, Head of External Programmes, RSIS, were invited to give opening remarks respectively. The symposium saw the participation of experts and scholars from famous think tanks in China, US, Japan, Korea, Singapore and UK, as well as diplomats from these countries. The participants had deep and candid discussions on topics like “The Rise of China: Strategic Position, Impacts and Trends”, “China’s External Environment,

P_54+55 Challenges and Their Relations to International System”, etc. They contributed beneficial suggestions on how China can properly cope with the U.S. strategic shift, maintain regional security, and improve relations with neighboring countries. The participants emphasized a point that, although the rise of China and the global strategic shift of the U.S. are two important driving forces in redrawing the security map of Asia-Pacific region, attentions should also be paid to regional powers such as Russia, India and Japan, as well as to the uprising states like South Korea, Australia and Indonesia. The restructuring of Asia-Pacific pattern is not determined merely by China and the U. S.: the security pattern in the region is also affected by many factors, such as rise and decline of traditional powers, development of geo-economics, deepening and expansion of regionalism, the spread of non-traditional security threats and emergency incidents like Great Japan Earthquake. It was unanimously agreed that China, with her gradual merging into international community and the increase in her national strength, should stick to the principle of “keeping a low profile, while making positive contributions”, coordinate her internal and external situations, make smarter use of economic, diplomatic, cultural and other resources, so as to elevate her international influence and enhance her international image. In this way, China can promote her relations with neighboring countries through providing public products.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART5 5

☆ International Seminar “China Studies from the Perspective of Communication” Held in Shanghai

From July 3 to 4, 2012, the international seminar “China Studies from the Perspective of Communication” was successfully held at Center for American Studies, Fudan University. The seminar was co-hosted by Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences and SICA, and was undertaken by the journal Academic Monthly. Scholars from many renowned universities and institutions of the US, Japan, Korea, Chinese Mainland, Chinese Hong Kong and Chinese Taiwan attended the seminar, discussing the shifting and deepening of China Studies from the perspective of communication. The opening ceremony was hosted by Shen Guoming, Secretary of Party

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Leadership Group and Full-time Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences. Qin Shaode, Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, and Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, addressed the forum respectively. In his address, Qin Shaode said: “There is a stirring of interest in China studies throughout the whole world. This is inseparable from the tremendous progress China has made over the past 30 years. However, China is a large country, so its politics, economy, culture and history constitute an enormous and complex research subject. Therefore, China studies calls for comprehensive research and synthesis from multiple perspectives, so that the subject could be appropriately understood and expressed. In this respect, communication is an appropriate perspective. I hope that scholars could base their research on China, on the realities of contemporary China; I hope they could ground their research on the achievements in various disciplines, and employ proper methods used in these disciplines.” In Zhen Jiaoyao’s speech, he said: “Communication and exchange are the bases of cultural prosperity. Contemporary China is a fast changing nation, and different perspectives and dimensions are needed to understand China. Otherwise we would be ‘losing our traces of the Lu Mountain simply because we are inside it.’ The seminar ‘China Studies from the Perspective of Communication’ is just such an interdisciplinary approach.” During the two-day seminar, attendees discussed many topics, including mass culture in China since Ming and Qing Dynasty, popular culture and its creation and communication, culture image and its theory, the spread of the Western symbols in China, China’s image in specific Western contexts, modern Chinese movies and censorship, implications of “Ba Gua” (gossiping) culture in contemporary cities, political discourse in popular film and television programs, etc. From the perspective of information communication and mass reception, centering around the concepts of reading, communication, medium and China, the seminar witnessed a heated discussion about topics related to China studies, covering the interdisciplinary perspectives of Communications, News, History, Literature, Linguistics, Arts, Culture, and Law. Through discussion and communication, the participants hoped that they could jointly pioneer new methodologies for China studies. Annual Report PART5 5

☆ International Seminar “Rise and Development of the BRIC Countries: an Outlook for a New International Order” Held in Shanghai

The international seminar“Rise and Development of the BRIC Countries: an Outlook for a New International Order” was jointly held with success by SICA and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Institute of International Relations on September 12. Scholars and experts from think tanks and financial institutions of US, UK, Brazil, South Africa, as well as domestic scholars from Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, attended the seminar. The participants had heated and in-depth discussions on the following topics: the rise of the emerging economies represented by the BRIC countries and its profound impacts on global order, the strategic consensus and political differences of the BRIC countries regarding international issues, and the mutual trust and cooperation among these countries.

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Positive studies of world economy by the participants revealed a shift of power in international pattern as a result of the collective rise of the emerging economies represented by the BRIC countries. GDP of the emerging economies now constitute 50% of the global GDP, which enables them to be on equal terms with the developed countries. The driving force of future growth is also shifting from the West to the emerging economies. Although there were signs of economic slowdown in the BRIC countries like China and Brazil, there is still remarkable room for economic development because the urbanization and modernization in these countries are accelerated, and their mutual economic ties are more and more strengthened. The participants also pointed out that the rise of the emerging economies resulted from the shift of the current international structure. It was also a great driving force to transform a single-polar world into a multi-polar one. The postwar US-dominated global order does not adapt well to the changes brought forth by globalization, and cooperation among other countries is therefore necessary in order to maintain global economic balance and the stability of international order. The BRIC countries could cooperate on global issues like poverty reduction, food security, financial stability, economic growth, health care, and sustainable growth. With global governance as their goal, the BRIC countries can strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation. They can engage themselves in the current world structure led by the Western powers, and promote reform in international mechanism, so as to create a more inclusive, more democratic, and more diverse new order in various fields like politics, economy, society and culture. It was commonly agreed that, despite the collective rise of the BRIC countries in economy, these countries differ significantly in historical traditions, cultural conventions, religious beliefs, political and legal systems, etc. Furthermore, there is a lack of deep mutual understandings among these countries. These factors impede the establishment of solid mutual trust among themselves, with which they can cooperate in international affairs. The priority concern of the BRIC countries remains in the domain of economic growth, and it is therefore preferable for them to enhance mutual understanding on the basis of economic cooperation. Apart from this, there is an urgent need for the BRIC countries to boost top- down exchanges and cooperation at all levels and in all areas, so as to lay a solid foundation for establishing a platform for policy coordination on the part of the emerging economies.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART5 5

☆ The 9th “China International Finance Forum” Held Successfully in Shanghai

From October 28 to 29, 2012, the 9th “China International Finance Forum” (CIFF) was successfully held on Chateau Star River, Pudong district, Shanghai. The forum was co-hosted by SICA, Shanghai Banking Association, Shanghai Insurance Association, Private Equity Association of Shanghai, Shanghai Venture Capital Association and Shanghai Private Equity Association. It was a grand annual financial event held by SICA. Officials from People’s Bank of China, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, EU Committee, the European Financial Stability Facility, Asian Development Bank etc., experts from renowned academic institutes at home

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and abroad, as well as professionals from well-known organizations and corporations in the financial sector attended the forum. Attendees amounted up to over 200. On the forum, Kakshmi Venkatachalam, Vice President of Asian Development Bank, gave an overview of economic development in Asia-Pacific region. He talked about the achievements of China during global economic downturn, and provided advices on how to boost financial innovation and to enhance financial service for real economy in China. Staffam Nilsson, Chairman of European Economic and Social Committee, Klaus Regling, CEO of European Financial Stability Facility, and others gave detailed introductions to the European sovereign debt crisis as of concern to the participants. They also expatiated on topics like the solution to the European debt crisis, economic ties between China and Europe, and new growth points in global investment. Professionals from the economic and financial sectors, such as Gao Xiqing, General Manager of China Investment Ltd., Brunno E.Raschle, Executive Chairman of Switzerland Adveq Asset Management Company, and Hyun-Chan Cho, Chief Representative of China-Mongolia Area of International Finance Corporation, also provided opinions and suggestions on China’s financial service and real economic growth. The forum brought about many constructive, rational and operable policy suggestions and opinions on how China’s finance industry can promote and serve the real economic growth in the post-crisis era, resulting from heated discussions among participants from different countries and various sectors. Economic policy-making and supervision departments in China, drawing on the experience and lessons of foreign financial industry, is endeavoring to promote China’s financial innovation, and to enhance financial services for real economy through policy guidance and support. The suggestions and opinions from the forum will render valuable support for these endeavors. On the closing ceremony, Fang Xinghai, Director of Shanghai Municipal Office of Finance Service, presented to the participants an overview of the development of Shanghai as a finance center. In this process, as he pointed out, Shanghai attaches much importance to the linkage between financial service and real economy, making continuous efforts to bring forth a beneficial interaction, in which financial industry promotes growth in real economy, and real economy growth in return lays solid foundations for finance innovation. Consequently, the interaction establishes sound basis for efficient, smooth, and rapid development of the financial industry and national economy of Shanghai, as well as of China. 「Heading South 3 The Happy Land」(detail) He Kun From The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012 2012年报

Foreign Visits & Receptions, 2012 Annual Report PART6 6

☆ Cultural and Art Delegation of Young Elites from Montreal Visted SICA

Eleven members of a cultural and art delegation of young elites from Montreal, one of the sister cities of Shanghai, visited SICA on the morning of July 10, 2012. Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, and others received the delegation, exchanging ideas about each other’s work. The visit of the delegation was an implementation of Memo on Friendly Cooperation and Exchanges 2010-2012 signed by the two cities. It was also an effort made by SICA to strengthen and expand cultural communications between Shanghai and Montreal. As one of the institutions that undertake the task of cultural communications

P_64+65 between the two sister cities, SICA has conducted a number of people-to-people cultural exchanges between Shanghai and Montreal in recent years. For example, the exhibition “Four Seasons in Norman Bethune’s Life” was held in Montreal Park within Shanghai Century Park in 2009 and 2010, and SICA organized a “Photo Exhibition on World Expo 2012 Shanghai China” in Montreal City Hall last May. This delegation, led by the youth committee of the city, was comprised of members from various arts and cultural institutions in Montreal. These members are also young leaders in cultural and art circles. During their 9-day visit in Shanghai, the delegations members aimed at familiarizing themselves with the cultural environment in Shanghai, seeking partners in the field of culture and art, building up interactive cooperation, working out possible cooperation projects, and thus laying solid foundations for future cultural exchanges between the two cities. In the dialogue with the leadership of SICA, Members of the delegation expressed their wishes for strengthening ties, seeking cooperation, and promoting cultural exchanges with SICA. Zheng Jiayao also conveyed to the delegation SICA’s cooperation concepts of integrity, fairness, openness, and professionalism. Based on his sum-up of the experience of cooperation between both sides, he put forward proposals for principles, methods, and future possibilities of cooperation. He also rendered specific suggestions for enhancing the cultural exchange between the two parties in the next two years. The delegation members expressed their gratitude for SICA’s warm reception and their agreement with SICA’s suggestions for the reciprocal exchanges. They said they would take these opinions and proposals back to the committee for further evaluation, with a hope that more fluent and efficient exchanges and cooperation could be achieved. After Meeting, SICA hosted a banquet in honor of the delegation members. The visit ended in a delightful and friendly atmosphere.

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☆ Delegation of American Jewish Celebrities visits China

At the invitation of Center for Jewish Studies Shanghai (CJSS) and Shanghai International Culture Association (SICA), a delegation of American Jewish celebrities visited China from July 6 to 12 in 2012. Members of the delegation were mostly from the circles of education, law, medical health, industry and commerce. They have established a long-term friendship with China, and have been actively participating in various amicable events launched by the Sino-US friendship organizations, such as financing Chinese students going abroad for study, making donations and contributions to China’s poverty-stricken areas, etc. In the past years, the delegation members have been making positive contributions to the development of Sino-US relations. Toccaya, head of the delegation, has written many books about the Chinese people rescuing the Jewish refugees during World War II. And the visit was the 30th time for him to bring a delegation to China. At the CJSS, the delegation listened to an introduction given by Professor Pan Guang to the general situation of Jewish refugees in Shanghai during World War II as well as the moving stories of Shanghai people helping them overcome difficulties and survive. They also visited the former Jewish ghetto in Hongkou District, having conversations with the old neighbors of the Jewish refugees. The delegation members were impressed and moved greatly when seeing fairly good reservation and repair of

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the old homes of the refugees. They also spoke highly of the contribution made by Chinese government to the protection of the site. Seeing the vivid historical photos in the exhibition hall at the CJSS, Toccaya said he was always appreciative of Shanghai people whenever he came to the city, because he cherished a deep love for Chinese people and immense gratitude for the help they offered during World War II. He said that they would come to China every year, and would come together with their next generations. They would tell their descendants not to forget the moving history, letting them know that the Chinese people will always be good friends of the Jewish people. All the members of the delegation thought the visit a great success. They hoped that similar exchanges would be further strengthened. The visit not only enabled them to feel once again the deep friendship between Chinese and Jewish people, but also enabled them to witness the attention-capturing historical achievement made by Chinese people. They said they would introduce the situation to their American friends when returning home, with a hope that more friends in the United States would come to visit China, so as to experience and understand the real situation in the country.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART6 6

Receptions in 2012

On February 9, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, and Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with Krzysztof S. Smyk, Polish Consul- General in Shanghai, and two of his colleagues.

On February 13, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, and Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with a delegation of four people from American Asia Society headed by Vishakha N. Desail, President of the Society, and Robert B. Oxnam, Honorary President of the Society.

P_68+69 Foreign Visits & Receptions, 2012

On February 21, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, and Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with Dr. Evgenios Kalpyris, the newly- appointed Greek Consul in Shanghai, and Euthymios Athanasiadis, Director of Information Office at Greek Consulate- General. Both sides discussed the arrangements made for “Shanghai Week 2012” in Athens, Greece.

On February 22, Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with Yuriko Luisa Garces Lee, Deputy Mexican Consul-General in Shanghai, and Emmanuel Chavez Martinez, Deputy Consul.

On March 1, Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with Magdalena Rosell Bertran, Director of Office for Cultural Affairs at Spanish Consulate-General in Shanghai, and two of her colleagues.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART6 6

On March 19, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, and Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with Mehrdad Rakhshandeh, Officer for Cultural Affairs at Consulate-General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Shanghai, and one of his colleagues.

On July 10, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, and Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with a cultural and art delegation of 11 young elites from the city of Montreal, Canada.

On August 30, Zheng Jiayao, Vice President and Secretary-General of SICA, and Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with a delegation of 20 people from the National Ballet of Serbia.

P_70+71 Foreign Visits & Receptions, 2012

On October 17, Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary-General of SICA, met with Vincent Ward, a New Zealand artist.

On November 9, companied by Yan Limin, Deputy Secretary- General of SICA, Liu Zhengyuan, Vice Chairman of SICA, former vice mayor of Shanghai received famous artist Mei Baojiu, head of the Mei Lanfang Peking Opera Troupe of Peking Opera House.

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT 「Paisajes Shanghai Cubo Mágico 2」Tang Shu From STATVA EXHIBICIÓN DE JÓVENES ARTISTAS SHANGHAINESES DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO 2012年报

Summary of Cultural Exchanges and Foreign Visits, 2012 Annual Report PART7 7

Events Hosted or Participated by SICA in 2012

Event Time Venue Hosts & Undertakers

Bulgari: 125 Years of Italian Shanghai Aurora Aurora Mureum, Bulgari S.p.A., Feb. 17 - April 17, 2012 Magnificence Museum and SICA

Nostalgia: East Asia Mesuem of Contemporary Art, Shanghai Mesuem of Contemporary Art Feb. 18 - May 1, 2012 Shanghai, Korea Foundation, and Contemporary Art Exhibition SICA

SICA, Shanghai Art Museum, Hanart Painting Exhibition “Luis Feb. 18 - Mar. 11, 2012 Shanghai Art Museum TZ Gallery of Hong Kong, and the Chan’s World” Luis Chan family

The Second “Meet in SICA, Bureau 3, Information Office Shanghai” Essay-Soliciting Mar. - December, 2012 Shanghai of the State Council, and Shanghai Activity Library

International Symposium Shanghai University “Exogenous and SICA, SUFE, and Shanghai Social Mar. 31, 2012 of Finance and Endogenous Growth of Sicences Association Economics (SUFE) China’s Finance in 2012”

Cultural and Education Section of American Photo Exhibition Shanghai Gallery of French Consulate-General in April, 2012 “Car Taker” Art Shanghai, Shanghai Gallery of Art, and SICA

“Fantastic Dreamland: Shanghai Urban SICA, SUPEH, Australia Meou Art Exhibition of Contemporary Apr. 27 - May 13, 2012 Planning Exhibition Investments PTY LTD Australian Photography” Hall (SUPEH)

SICA, the Publicity Department of the CPC Changning District Committee, Changning District Bureau of Culture, Shanghai Sculpture SMG Arts and Humanities Channel, World Music Shanghai 2012 Apr. 28 - May 6, 2012 Space, Xujiahui Shanghai Municipal Office for (Spring) Green, , etc. Development of Spiritual Civilization and Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League

Newsletter of Shanghai International Information Office of Shanghai May, 2012 Shanghai Communications: A Municipality and SICA Collection Published

Glorious Course and its Shanghai Photographers Association English Translation May, 2012 Shanghai and SICA Published

P_74+75 Summary of Cultural Exchanges and Foreign Visits, 2012

Event Time Venue Hosts & Undertakers

International Symposium “Comparative Studies in Shanghai Academy of SICA and Shanghai Academy of May 5 - 9, 2012 Sino-Amrican Legal Social Sicences Social Sicences Culture”

International Symposium“The Sino-American Economic Fudan University, May 9, 2012 SICA and Fudan University Cooperation and Shanghai Competition in Post-Crisis Era”

Organization Committee of the The Third “International Festival, China International Culture Children and Youth Music May 20 - Jun. 1, 2012 Iguazu, Argentina Association, SICA, and Shanghai Festival Iguazu Argentina” Theatre Academy

25 Years of American Experience: A Retrospective SICA, and Research House for Asian May 20 - Jun. 12, 2012 Xuhui Art Museum on Ink Painting of Professor Art in Chicago Jiang Qigu and His Students

The Second “Exhibition on People’s Government of Changning China-Japan-Republic of of June, 2012 District, Shanghai Creative Industry Korea Handicraft Art Gift Association, and SICA Innovation”

Shanghai in the Eyes of Information Office of Shanghai World Photographers June, 2012 Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai People’s Published Publishing House, and SICA

International Symposium “Development of China’s SICA, Shanghai Academy of Social Shanghai Academy of International Strategy: Jun. 15 - 16, 2012 Sciences, and Singapore Rajaratnam Social Sicences Concepts, Trends and School of International Studies Impacts”

Heart-to-Heart: An Exhibition of Calligraphy Shanghai Huangpu Shanghai Federation of Returned July, 2012 and Painting by the Library Overseas and SICA Middle-Aged and Old

International Seminar “China Fudan University, Shanghai Social Sicences Association Studies from the Perspective Jul. 3 - 4, 2012 Shanghai and SICA of Communication”

Reception of the delegation of SICA and Center for Jewish Studies Jul. 6 - 12, 2012 Shanghai American Jewish celebrities Shanghai

Reception of the cultural and art delegation of young Jul. 10 -19, 2012 Shanghai SICA elites from Montreal, Canada Annual Report PART7 7

Event Time Venue Hosts & Undertakers

SICA, Shanghai Municipal Photo Exhibition Administration of Culture, Radio, “Glamorous Shanghai, Jul. 21 - 26, 2012 Yeosu, Korea Film and Television, Information Splendid Expo”(at World Office of Shanghai Municipality, and Expo Yeosu Korea) Shanghai World Expo Museum

International Project “Joint Construction of Shanghai Astronomical SICA and Shanghai Astronomical August, 2012 Sino-Ukrainian Space Observatory Observatory Surveillance Network”

A One-Week Cultrual Event “Shanghai Horison” in SICA and, Shanghai Federation of Celebration of the Year of Aug. 3 - 26, 2012 Hamburg, Germany Literary and Art Circles and Hamburg Chinese & German Culture Ministry of Culture in 2012

China Conert Tour 2012 Shanghai in Celebration of SICA, China International Culture the 20th Anniversary of the Shanghai Oriental Art Exchange Center and China Aug. 5, 2012 Establishment of Center International Culture and Art Sino-Korean Diplomatic Company Relations

Exhibition of Art in SICA and Australian Meou Art Contemporary Shanghai Aug. 8 - 15, 2012 Melbourne, Australia Investments PTY Limited 2012

China International Culture Performance of the National Shanghai Daning Association, SICA, and Shanghai Aug. 28 - 30, 2012 Ballet of Serbia in China Theatre International Culture and Art Exchange Co. Ltd.

Shanghai Social Economic & Culture Communion Association,Xia Zheng Ethnic Custom and Folk Shanghai East Asia Nong National Culture Education Sept., 2012 Culture Exhibition 2012 Exhibition Hall Development Foundation, Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and SICA

International Symposium SICA, Shanghai International Studies Shanghai International “China, Israel and a New Sept. 4, 2012 University, and American Jewish Studies University Middle East” Foundation

Cultural and Education Section of the Shanghai Zendai Art Exhibition “Tony Cragg: British Consulate-General Shanghai, Sept. 7 - Nov. 18, 2012 Himalayas Art Sculptures and Drawings” SICA, and Shanghai Zendai Museum Himalayas Art Museum

International Symposium “Rise and Development Shanghai Academy of SICA and Shanghai Academy of of the BRIC Countries: an Sept. 12, 2012 Social Sicences Social Sciences Outlook for a New International Order”

P_76+77 Summary of Cultural Exchanges and Foreign Visits, 2012

Event Time Venue Hosts & Undertakers

Shanghai Federation of Literary and Invitational Exhibition on Art Circles, Shanghai Artists Shanghai Contemporary Ink Sept. - Oct., 2012 Greece Association, SICA, and Exarhia Paintings District Government of Athens

Lingering Charm of Ink: SICA and Instituto Valenciano de Arte Chinese Character Art of Sept. - Oct., 2012 Spain Moderno (IVAM, Valencia Institute of Gu Gan and Pu Lieping Modern Art)

“Life: Paintings by Young SICA, Modern Art Museum of Bogotá Artists in Shanghai” in Sept. - Dec., 2012 Columbia and Cuba (MAMBO), and Cuban National Columbia and Cuba Plastic Arts Commission

Romantic Huangpu River: Lujiazui Area, SICA and China International Culture Oct. 18, 2012 World Music Shanghai 2012 Shanghai and Art Company

SICA, Shanghai Banking Association, The Ninth China Shanghai Insurance Association, and Oct. 28 - 29 Shanghai International Finance Forum Private Equity Association Of Shanghai

The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai Artists Association, SICA, Shanghai International Oct. 30 - Nov. 10, 2012 Shanghai Art Museum Shanghai Art Museum, and Shanghai Printmaking Exhibition University College of Fine Arts 2012

99 Art Center, Cosmos Series: Paintings Dec. 5 - 8, 2012 Shanghai University SICA and Guoneng Energy Group by Hua Niao College of Fine Arts

Shanghai New Council Meeting of SICA Dec. 12, 2012 SICA Jinjiang Hotel

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report PART7 7

Foreign Visits 2012

Country/ Partners/ Date Events Organizor Region Parties to Visit

May 20 The 3rd “International Organization Committee - Argintina Children and Youth Music SICA of the Festival Jun. 1, 2012 Festival Iguazu”

Jul. 21 Photo Exhibition “Glamorous Information Office of Organization Committee of - South Korea Shanghai, Splendid Expo” Shanghai Municipality World Expo Yeosu Korea 26, 2012

Aug. 2 Shanghai Municipal “China Time: Shanghai Ministry of Culture, - Germany Federation of Cultural Horizon” in Hamburg Hamburg 10, 2012 and Art Circles

“Exhibition of Art in Aug. 2 Contemporary Shanghai - Australia SICA Melbourne Art Foundation 2012” During Melbourne 11, 2012 Biennial

Sept. 3 Modern Art Museum of “Life: Paintings by Young - Columbia & Cuba SICA Bogotá & Cuban National Artists in Shanghai” 14, 2012 Plastic Arts Commission

“Dimension of Ink: Sept. 23 Shanghai Municipal Exarhia District Government, Invitational Exhibition on - Greece & Turkey Federation of Cultural Athens, Greece & KÜSAV, Shanghai Contemporary Ink Oct. 2, 2012 and Art Circles Turkey Paitings.”

Sept. 25 “Lingering Charm of Ink: - Spain Chinese Character Art of Gu SICA IVAM in Spain Oct. 2, 2012 Gan and Pu Lieping”

P_78+79 Summary of Cultural Exchanges and Foreign Visits, 2012

Events Held by Shanghai International Culture and Art Exchange Co. Ltd. in 2012

No. Event Venue Date

Dec. 30, 2011 1 Big Screen Drama Caocao People’s Grand Theatre, Shanghai - Jan. 2, 2012

2 JJ Federation 2012 Shanghai Shanghai Fashion Center Jan. 16, 2012

3 S-Party Concert 2012 Guangzhou Tianhe Stadium, Guangzhou Feb 18, 2012

4 L'Arc〜en〜Ciel World Tour 2012 Shanghai Shanghai Mercedes-Benz Arena Mar. 10, 2012

5 China Mobil Wireless Music 2012 Shanghai Shanghai Wanping Theatre Jun. 10, 2012

Jun. 3 Performance of The White-Haired Girl by Puyang, Hebi, Zhengzhou, Zhumadian, 6 - Shanghai Ballet in Middle China Xinyang, Wuhan 6, 2012

7 China Dance Delight2012 Shanghai International Gymnastic Center Jul. 22, 2012

Concert by Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Concert Hall, Shanghai Oriental Art 8 Aug. 5, 2012 Establishment of Sino-Korean Diplomatic Center Ties

9 Shoko Nakagawa 2012 Shanghai Concert Opera Hall, Shanghai Oriental Art Center Sept. 1, 2012

Sept. 27 Large-Scale Musical Drama Jinggang 10 Gansu Grand Theatre, Lanzhou - Mountain in Lanzhou 28, 2012

Oct. 10 “Romantic Huangpu River: World Music 11 Lujiazui Area, Shanghai - Shanghai 2012” 24, 2012

th Oct. 19 The 6 Zhujiaojiao Water Village Music 12 Zhujiajiao, Shanghai - Festival 2012 21, 2012

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT 「Alley Dwellings in Shanghai Ⅱ」(detail) Rong From Exhibition of Art in Contemporary Shanghai 2012 2012年报

List of Council Members Annual Report PART8 8

List of Council Members


Ye Shuhua


Wang Zhongwei Wang Xinkui Liu Zhenyuan Qin Shaode

Wang Zhan


Anna Chan Chennault

MEMBER(in Chinese order)

Arts, Literature&Sports(27)

Vishakha N. Desail Ma Bomin Wang Ningqin Wang Zuoxin

Ye Xin Bei Zhaojian Hans-Georg Knopp Liu Jian

Sun Xinhua Lv Zhongping Chang Tsong-zung Wang Dawei

Wu Feifei Xiao Gu Sugitani Takashi He Juncheng

Maria Cruz Alonso Antolin Yu Shi Zheng Jiayao Chen Xiejun

Chen Heliang Zhou Zhigao Shi Dawei Yan Limin

Huang Jiaoqi Cao Jianguo Tu Xinshi

P_82+83 List of Council Members

Humanities and Social Sciences(15)

Ding Ximan Ding Honggen Wang Bangzuo Guan Yuqian

Li Lunxin Song Chao Hua Jian Zhang Jiaming

Yi Xiaoli Yao Weiqun Zhang Gui Zhuo Nansheng

Yoon Dae Euh Fan Yongming Pan Guang

Economy and Finance(12)

Shi Lei Wang Jiemin Zhu Youhui Zhang Zhichao

Shen Lei Fan Hongxi Yang Jianwen Hong Minrong

Xu Ziwang Yan Kejia Xie Lingli Tu Haiming

Science and Technology(15)

Liu Wei Sun Jinliang Jiang Shiliang Ji Guang

Hua Jianning Roger Yu Shen Xuechu Hong Guofan

Liang Jincai Xu Zhizhan Gu Jianren Qin Huanlong

Zeng Fanyi Shi Qianghua Zhu Junhao

Grand Total: 76

Overseas Members: 18

2012年报 上海市对外文化交流协会 Shanghai International Culture Association ANNUAL REPORT