M.Asrul Hasby, Muhammad Muhlisin English Departement, Faculty of Language and Art Education Mataram Institute of Teacher Training and Education

Abstrak: This thesis is aimed to know the figurative language in soledad song.The method of the research was descriptive qualitative, where in this research, the researcher as object of the study the key instrument the data gathering used four steps such as: Documentation technique, identifying, coding and listening. The data analysis used data reduction,data display, and drawing conclusion or verification data. From the discussion it can be concluded that the lyric of Westlife’s song use six figurative language: (1) hyperbole (2) personification (3) metahor (4) paradox (5) symbol(6) paralellism. The researcher found fourteen expression from that and the most frequently appear is hyperbole and paradox. Therefore the conclusion of the research was six kinds of figurative language that appear in Soledad Song by westlife. Keywords: Figurative language

A. INTRODUCTION used to hide the true meaning in song, and Song one of literary work created by it is also used to give wise message for the someone to entertain the public for all ages, reader or hearer. ethnic and race, song has several stanza and The researcher of this study will focus on every lyric in stanza sometime is written finding out the type of figurative language to similar or different for expressing the be investigated in the song Soledad by west meaning tone to create the fun internalize, and life.The writer interested to analysis lyrics of enjoyable in listening every song. Westlife song because in lyrics many Message, critical, meaning, and value expression from singer that are imagine about cannot be separated in creating the lyric of the condition or situation which singer got. song in order listener or fan not only consider Related to the description above, the as entertains for themselves but also as writer studies figurative language used in knowledge that might be able to decide selected lyrics of Westlife songs. Besides, the anything advantage or disadvantages in their writer found some kinds of figurative life. language used He also studies about the The song Soledad by Westlife one of meaning of figurative language used in song was written by presenting beautiful selected lyrics of Westlife songs. words, and hidden meaning that adequate to The writer formulated research question reveal the meaning, message, value, and they are as follows, What are the types of language style by applying many theories figurative language in the Soledad song by branch of linguistic or literature figurative. Westlife? There are two kinds of language. They are In this research the writer focuses on the literal language and figurative language. The types of figurative language in soledad song literal language has meaning as it is uttered. by Westlife. Literal language refers to facts without any B. REVIEW OF RELATED exaggerations. Then, figurative language LITERATURE usually is used in song, poetry and fiction, 1. Concept of literature and also in every speech. applicable teaching a. Definition of literature reading class. Where this strategies can be According to Rene wellek & Austin warren making students understand, because it can (1990:3) said that Literature is a creative help how the way easy to read and effective to activity, a work of art. Literature is often said improve reading achievement. to be a school of life in that the author tend to Often time, figurative language exist in comment on the conduct of society and song because of it belongsto element and individualsim society. characteristic of song. Figurative language is

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 407 JISIP, Vol. 2 No. 1 ISSN 2598-9944 Maret 2018 In this research the researcher choose drama,discussed below,is technically a type of weslife’s song as the subject. According to prose) The most typical varieties of prose are Wikipedia weslife were an irish boy novels and short stories,while other types band,formed in july 1998 and disbanded in include letters,dieries,journals,and non-fiction june 2012. originally signed by Simon (also discussed below) prose is written is Cowell and managed by ,the complex sentences and organized in group’s final line-up consisted of Nicky, paragraphs, Instead of focussing on sound, Bryne, Kian, Egan, Mark Feehilyand Shane which is what poerty does, prose tends to Filan, Brian Mc Fadden was a member from focus on plot and characters. july 1998 until his departure in march 2004. c. Drama The researcher interest in this song Any text meant to be performed rather because many people known this song but do than can be considered drama (unless it’s a not know about what figurative language poem meant to be performed,of course) in which contain in this song. Beside that, this layman’s terms, dramas are usually called song has many figurative language which are plays. When written down the bulk of a drama able to analyze as literature of student is a dialogue,with periodic stage derictions knowledge. such as “he looks away angrily. 2. Element of literature d. Non-fiction a. Extrinsic elements This there non-fiction, a vast category Extrinsic elements of literature were that is a type of prose and includes many composed of several Elements.According to diffrent sub-genres. Non-fiction can be wellek and Warren (1990:65-262). creative, such as the personal essay, or b. Intrinsik Elements consist of six terms: factual, such as the scientific paper. 1. The theme of the theory story: is what e. Media was said in the story. The newest type of literature that has 2. Characterizations and characterization: been defined as a distinct genre is media. This characterization and disposition means categorization was created to encompass the the name of a character in the story, along many new and important kinds of text in our with his character society today, such as movie and films, 3. Plot: The plot consists of forward website, commerials bilboards and radio flow,reverse,and mixed. programs. 4. Story background: story is divided into 2. Concept of figurative language the background atmosphere, time and 1. Definition of Figurative Language place. Figurative language is a kind of 5. The mendate of the story:mendate story language that the speaker says less than what was the message delivered by the author he means or more than what he means or the to the reader. opposite of what he means of something other 6. Perspective of the author: the point of of what he means. That is why we cannot view is divided into two,namely the first- interpret the meaning literally from the person perspective and third person. expression. Thus, the research will be 3. Type of literature conducted to classify what kinds of figurative a. Poetry language used in westlife songs further more This is often considered the oldest from to interpret the meanings of figurative of literature, Before writing was invented, language in the songs. oral stories were commonly put into some sort 2. Kinds of figurative language of poetic form to make them easier to a. Hyperbole remember and recite. Poetry today is usually Hyperbole is a kind of figure of speech written down,but is still sometimes that contain exaggeration in amount,size or performed. characteristics that mean to give emphasis in a b. Prose statement or situation to intensify,to increase Prose can be defined as any kind of the impression and influence. written text that isn’t Poetry (which means

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 408 JISIP, Vol. 2 No. 1 ISSN 2598-9944 Maret 2018 b. Personafication Symbol is the written notes in music or the Personaficationis comparison figure of letter atanding for the chemical elemnts speech which comparehuman characteristics (Maryanto:2005). to non human object, or abstraction ideas, 3. Westlife’s Biography (Tarigan:1986). Westlife Formed : July, 1998 - 3. Parallelism Sligo, Ireland. Parallelism is a kind of figure of speech Westlife Members : , to equal uses the words or pharases which , Mark Feehily, have the same gramatical form. These equals Quote from Shane Filan : "Believe it or can be sub clause. This figure of speech not, we're actually very clever fellows." created from comparable grammatical fbrm. The history of Westlife : (Tarigan:1986) Westlife is an Irish pop band formed 4. Metaphor on 3 July 1998. The group's original lineup Metaphor is a imaginative used of a word comprised Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark pharase to describe somebody/something as Feehily, Shane Filan and Brian McFadden another to show that they have same qualities who left in 2004. Currently, Filan and Feehily and make the description more forceful. serve as the band's lead vocalists. 5. Irony Over years of their career, Westlife's Irony refers to words with an implication music has evolved from teen pop to a pop opposite to their usual meaning.Ironic sound, with an emphasis on ballads. All of the comment may be humorous or mildly band members are songwriters, although most sarcastic (Mc Arthur,1996:532). of their hits have been composed by external 6. Paradox writers, most notably Steve Mac and Wayne Paradox is pair if ideas,wor.Images of r Hector. On 1 June 2008, Westlife marked attitudes which are,or appear to be self- their 10th anniversary with a concert in Croke contradictionary. (Tarigan :1986) Park, which saw more than 83,000 7. Euphemism fans attending the special occasion. Euphemism is figure of speech which Putting Westlife Together: more delicate as reflacement of crude the use Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, and Shane of a mild, comforting,or evasive expression Filan were 3 of the 6 members of a group that takes the places of one that is taboo, called IOU out of Sligo in northwestern negative, offensive, or to (Mc.Arthur, Ireland. They were discovered by Boyzone 1996:387) manager Louis Walsh after releasing the 8. Antithesis single "Together Girl Forever." The Antithesis is a kind of figure of speech remaining 3 members of the group were which arrange the comparison between two dumped and Nicky Bryne and Bryan antonym that is the word which have McFadden were recruited to take the place. contradiction semantic feature. One of the Biggest UK Pop Acts of All (Tarigan:1986). Time 9. Simile Westlife have quickly become one of Simile is a figure of speech ,in which a the most successful pop groups of all time in more or less fanciful or unrealistic the UK. Westlife set a record when their first comparison is made,using like or as (Mc 7 singles debuted at #1 on the pop singles Arthur,1996:935) charts in the UK. When their single "You 10. Symbol Raise Me Up" debuted at #1 on the UK pop Symbol is visible object,place,person or chart in 2005 it was Westlife's 13th #1 placing experience by giving some further meaning them behind only Elvis Presley, the Beatles, than what it is. Sometimes the learners will and Cliff Richard for the most #1's of all time. representation which repeated over and over Westlife Profile: again . (Uswantun hasanah thesis :2012). 1. Shane Filan Full Name: Shane Steven Filan Nick Name: Shane, Steven

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 409 JISIP, Vol. 2 No. 1 ISSN 2598-9944 Maret 2018 Birthdate/place: Sligo, July 5th 1979 Nevertheless, song has their own Mom & Dad: Aunty May, and Uncle Peter identity and they function differentially from Brothers: Finbarr, Liam, Peter jr speech or poetry, it is possible to note at least Sisters: Iyvone, and two others. three features of songs as Griffe, (1992) Address: around Leeds Road. He has a big stated: restourant there. a. Song convey a lower amount of 2. Mark Feehily information than poerty,even though Full Name: Mark michaelpatrickFeehily poetry can be heard,we usually read it, Nick Name: Freddie, Mark which permits longer and more dense Birthdate/place: Sligo, 28 Mei 1980 information. Mom & Dad: Aunty Merry, and Uncle Oliver b. Song has more redundancy than Brothers: Colin and Berry (Mark is the 1st poetry,song achieve redundancy by devices son) such as the borrowing of lines from other Address: Artane Road 11 C, Hazelwood, songs, provebs, catchphrases,and cliche as Sligo, Ireland well as aliteration. It is this high degree of 3. Bryan Mc Fadden redundancy that makes songs sound so Full Name: Bryan Nicholas Mc Fadden simple, especially when compress to the Nick Name: Bryan, Deutzy complexity and subtlety of poetry. Birthdate/place: Dublin, April 12th 1980 c. Song has a personal quality that makes the Mom & Dad: i'm forget listeners reacts as if the song were being Sisters:Suzane song for the personal personally. Song Address: Artane, Dublin create their own world of feeling and 4. Kian Egan emotion, and as it is pranticipated in the Full name: Kian John Franciss Egan song, it is song embodies myth and Nick Name: Kian, Trigger everybody steps into it. Birthdate/place: Sligo, April 29th 1980 C. RESEARCH METHOD Mom & Dad: Mom Patriciyah and Dad Kevin 1. Research Design Egan To obtain data properly in the study, this Brothers: Tom, Gavin, and Colm research applied the qualitative descriptive Sisters: Marielle, Vivianne, Fenella, and Me method to answer the statement of the Address: Artane Road 37a, Hazelwood, Sligo problem stated in previous chapter 5.NickByrne Qualitative data usually in the form of Full Name: Nicholas Bernard James Adam words rather than member.Qualitative Byrne research is conducted throught an intense Nick Name: Nicky and/or prolonged contact with a “field “or life Birthdate/place: Dublin, October 9th 1978 situation (Miles& Huberman,1994: 6) Mom & Dad: Aunty Iyvone, and Uncle Nikki Bogdan and Biklen(1982: 27) mention Brothers: Adam characteristics of qualitative research as Sisters: Gillian follows: 4. Concept of Song 1. Descriptive ,as data collected is the form Song Definition of words or picture rather than member. Song is a work of art in the form of sound and 2. Inductive data in which researcher does composition that express thoughts and not search out data or evident to prove or feelings of the creator throught the basic disapprove hypotesis. elements of music rhythm, melody, 3. Morever , the characteristics of descriptive harmony, and form or structure of the song qualitative research are that the key and expression as a unity (Jamalus ,1988:11) instrument of the research is the While (David Brainbridge, 1999:50) a song researcher herself and having the research work is one consisting of music,exclusive of in nature . any words or action intended to be sung, spoken or performed with music.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 410 JISIP, Vol. 2 No. 1 ISSN 2598-9944 Maret 2018 2. Data The researchers described the data and The data in this study is analysis of explained the data obtained based on the figurative language insoledad song by theory of figurative language in the form of westlife. paragraph or text to make easier the 3. Source Data researcher began describing the lyric The source of data in this study are : descriptively. a. Soledad song lyric by weslife 3. Drawing conclusion/Verification www.azlyrics.com The last step of the researcher is drawing 4. Technique of data collection conclusion, it has done by summarizing the To analyze the data found in the result of the analysis and writing soledad song ,the researcher applied some recommendation for the later research.the steps in analyzing the data as follows: researcher verified the validity of data to the 1. Documentation Technique consultant or the lecture that expert with the It is used especially for library theory. documentation studies.Sunarto (2001:155) D. RESEARCH FINDING states that there are many forms of document This study presents research findings write inscription,minutes of meetings,and and discussions related to statement of the literary works that have correlation to the problem. Based on the problem of statement topics which are studied. this study was conducted to find out type of 2. Identification figurative language which is used in Westlife After the writer understanding all the song of the title “Soledad”. lyric that the writer identifyed the song The song is “Soledad” released on 6th based on the types of Figurative language in November 2000 from Coast to Coast Album. “Soledad “song by westlife’s To make this research more detail, researcher 3. Coding written the lyric of Soledad song. The activities of writer wrote every Soledad code and classified the figurative If only you could see the tears in the language,The writer gave code to the data world you left behind and classified the data based on the theory If only you could heal my heart just used by the researcher in “soledad song” by one more time westlife’s Even when I close my eyes 4. Listening There's an image of your face The activities of researcher listened And once again I come to REALIZE the song,from the first stanza until the end of You're a loss I can't replace stanza and understanding the meaning at Soledad...... every lyrics. It's a keeping for the lonely 5. Technique of Data analysis Since the day that you were gone After all of data collected, the next step Why did you leave me done to analyze the data.Tecnique of data Soledad analysis that was used qualitative analysis. In my heart you were the only According to Miles and Huberman And your memory lives on (1994:458) states that the analysis of the data Why did you leave me through procedure as follows: Soledad..., 1. Data Reduction Walking down the streets of After collecting the data, the next step is data Nothingville reduction Data reduction is the process of Where our love was young and free selection,concentration, and simplification Can't believe just what an empty place from the rough data into the main data about It has come to be figurative language in “soledad” song by I would give my life away Westlife If it could only be the same 2. Data Display Cause I conceal the voice inside of me That is calling out your name

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 411 JISIP, Vol. 2 No. 1 ISSN 2598-9944 Maret 2018 Soledad...... Symbol is written notes in music or It's a keeping for the lonely the letter atanding for the chemical Since the day that you were gone elements (Maryanto :2005) Why did you leave me 6. Metaphor Soledad...... Metaphor is a figure of speech which In my heart you were the only conciseely compares two things by And your memory lives on saying that the one is the other (Mc Why did you leave me Arthur,1996:653) Soledad...... E. DISCUSSION Time will never change the things Furthermore, the types of the figurative you've told me language found in Soledad song above After all we're meant to be love will indicates that the singer or Westlife was using bring us back to you and me many figurative language in his song in order If only you could see to express his feeling, thoughts, and mind. Soledad...... This is done since this song tells us about the It's a keeping for the lonely deepest feeling toward someone called Since the day that you were gone Soledad. She is one of the girls who evokes Why did you leave me the singer’s feeling and emotion of love. So, Soledad...... this song brings us to the top of language use In my heart you were the only that is figurative language. And your memory lives on F. CONCLUSION Why did you leave me Based on the findings presented in the Soledad ...... chapter IV, the writer gets some conclusion as follow: b. Kinds of Figrative Language That From the discussion it can be concluded that Found In Soledad Song the lyric of Westlife’s song used six types of 1. Hyperbole figurative language. Through five figurative Hyperbole is a kind of figure of language: 1) Hyperbole, 2) personification, 3) speech that contain exaggeration in metaphor, 4) paradox, 5) symbol 6) amount, size or characteristics that paralellism from the six figurative language mean to give emphasis in a statement or ,the writer found fourteen situation to intensify, to increase the expressions from that. And the most impression and influence.(Tarigan, frequently appear is hyperbole and paradox. 1986: 55 ) G. SUGGESTION 2. Personification Related to the result analysis on the lyrics Personafication is comparison of West life’s selected songs, the writer of the figure of speech wich compare human thesis have three purpose and suggestions to characteristics to non human object, the students, teacher, and further researcher. abstraction ideas. (Tarigan, 1986: 17) 1. Suggestion for students 3. Parallelism The student should be open mind that Parrallelism is kind of figure of speech English is very important. Moreover, study to equal uses the words or pharases which about figurative language that usually used in have the same gramatical form. These song, poem, etc. The using figurative equals can be sub clause.This figure of languages is to make the song, poem or our speech created from comparable daily speaking more interesting not only in grammatical. (Tarigan,1986) listening but also in reading and writing. 4. Paradox 2. Suggestion for the teacher Paradox is pair if ideas, wor images or Related to the contribution to the English attitudes which are, or appear to be self- teacher, it is hoped that this study can be a contradictionary.(Tarigan, 1986: 77) complement for other literary studies 5. Symbol especially about figurative languages, when teaching listening, writing and reading.

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