Vol. 151 , THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2005 No. 3 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was The legislative clerk read the fol- vided further that there be 30 minutes called to order by the Honorable NORM lowing letter: of debate under the control of Chair- COLEMAN, a Senator from the State of U.S. SENATE, man CHAMBLISS, 15 minutes under the Minnesota. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, control of Senator HARKIN, and 15 min- Washington, DC, January 20, 2005. utes under the control of Senator DAY- PRAYER To the Senate: TON; provided further that at the con- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- clusion of that time the Senate proceed of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby to a vote on the confirmation and nom- fered the following prayer: appoint the Honorable NORM COLEMAN, a Let us pray. Senator from the State of Minnesota, to per- ination with no intervening action or Almighty God, our rock and fortress, form the duties of the Chair. debate. You put the mountains in place and TED STEVENS, Finally, I ask that the President bring silence to roaring waves. We cele- President pro tempore. then be immediately notified of the brate and sing because of You. You are Mr. COLEMAN thereupon assumed the Senate’s action. a strong tower where we find safety. Chair as Acting President pro tempore. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Strengthen our faith and forgive us for pore. Is there objection? The Demo- f doubting Your power and providence. cratic leader. Help us see Your hand in the orderly RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. REID. I ask that the consent be transition of governmental power. Re- WHIP modified to delete the time for Senator HARKIN and Senator DAYTON. mind us that You place leaders in their The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- positions of authority. Thank You for pore. The majority whip is recognized. this great land and for the many free- pore. Is there objection to the modified doms we sometimes take for granted. f request? Without objection, it is so or- We appreciate Your faithfulness and SCHEDULE dered. Your mercies that are new each day. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on Today, lead our lawmakers so that ask unanimous consent that following behalf of the majority leader, I will an- Your name will be honored. Protect the vote on the Johanns nomination, nounce today’s schedule. The Senate them from hidden traps and sustain the Senate proceed to the consider- has convened on this ceremonial day them through the lengthening shad- ation of Executive Calendar No. 2, Mar- for the purpose of considering some of ows. garet Spellings, to be Secretary of Edu- the President’s Cabinet level appoint- Lord, as we pray, we remember How- cation; provided further that there be ments. We had hoped and expected to ard Liebengood, Senator FRIST’s faith- 45 minutes of debate under the control consider the President’s appointment ful chief of staff and a former sergeant of Chairman ENZI, 15 minutes under the of Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of at arms. Comfort and sustain all of us control of Senator KENNEDY, 10 min- State but, unfortunately, I understand who are grieving his loss. We pray in utes under the control of Senator LAU- there is an objection on the other side Your blessed Name. Amen. TENBERG, 10 minutes under the control to moving to that nomination today. of Senator WYDEN, and 10 minutes f So in a moment I will propound several under the control of Senator DODD; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE unanimous consent agreements for the provided further that at the conclusion President’s nominations. The Honorable NORM COLEMAN led of that time the Senate proceed to a Before I do, I say that if we get these the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: vote on the confirmation of the nomi- agreements, there will be no rollcall nation with no intervening action or I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the votes today. United States of America, and to the Repub- debate. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f Finally, I ask that the President indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. then be immediately notified of the ORDER OF PROCEDURE f Senate’s action. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Mr. REID. I ask that the consent be APPOINTMENT OF ACTING consent that at the conclusion of my modified to have Senator KENNEDY PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE remarks and the remarks of the Demo- have Senator LAUTENBERG’s time if The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cratic leader, the Senate proceed to ex- Senator LAUTENBERG does not claim it. clerk will please read a communication ecutive session for consideration of Ex- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to the Senate from the President pro ecutive Calendar No. 3, Mike Johanns, pore. Is there objection to the modified tempore (Mr. STEVENS). to be Secretary of Agriculture; pro- consent?

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.000 S20PT1 S78 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Without objection, it is so ordered. there would be a problem on that side RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I for any amount of debate we would The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ask further consent that at 3 p.m. on have today or tomorrow, so therefore I pore. Under the previous order, leader- Monday, January 24, the Senate pro- ask that on Tuesday, January 25, at a ship time is reserved. ceed to executive session for the con- time determined by the majority lead- sideration of Calendar No. 1, Carlos er, after consultation with the Demo- f Gutierrez, to be Secretary of Com- cratic leader, the Senate proceed to ex- MORNING BUSINESS merce; provided further that there be 2 ecutive session for the consideration of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hours of debate on the nomination, 1 the Rice nomination; provided further pore. Under the previous order, there hour under the control of Chairman that during Tuesday’s session there be will be a period for the transaction of STEVENS and 1 hour under the control 9 hours of debate equally divided be- morning business with Senators per- of Senator DORGAN; further, that at the tween the two leaders or their des- mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes conclusion of that time, the Senate ignees. each. proceed to a vote on the confirmation I further ask consent that when the of the nomination, with no intervening Senate resumes the nomination on f action or debate. Wednesday, January 26, there be an ad- EXECUTIVE SESSION Finally, I ask that the President ditional 40 minutes of closing remarks then be immediately notified of the equally divided between the two lead- Senate’s action. ers or their designees. NOMINATION OF MIKE JOHANNS The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Finally, I ask that following that de- TO BE SECRETARY OF AGRI- pore. Is there objection? Without objec- bate, the Senate proceed to a vote on CULTURE tion, it is so ordered. the confirmation of the nomination The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I with no intervening action or debate, pore. Under the previous order, the ask unanimous consent that today, fol- and that after the vote the President Senate will now go to executive session lowing the confirmation of the be immediately notified of the Senate’s and proceed to the nomination of Mike Spellings nomination, the Senate pro- action. ceed to the confirmation of Johanns. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The clerk will report the nomination. Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of pore. Is there objection? State; provided further that there be 2 The legislative clerk read the nomi- Mr. KENNEDY. Reserving the right nation of Mike Johanns, of Nebraska, hours of debate equally divided in the to object, and I do not intend to object, usual form, and that following that de- to be Secretary of Agriculture. I was wondering if my colleague from The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- bate the Senate proceed to a vote on Massachusetts, Senator KERRY, has the confirmation of the nomination pore. The Senator from Georgia. any time within that time? Mr. CHAMBLISS. I yield as much with no intervening action or debate. Mr. REID. Mr. President, if I could, I The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- time as he may consume to my col- ask the consent be modified to reflect league from Kansas, the former chair- pore. Is there objection? the speakers for the Democrats at this Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving man of the House Agriculture Com- time: Senator BYRD, 1 hour; Senator the right to object, we have Senators mittee under whom I served, my dear BOXER, 1 hour; Senator REED of Rhode who have been engaged in matters re- friend, PAT ROBERTS. Island, 30 minutes; Senator DURBIN, 30 lating to what is going on around the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- minutes; Senator KERRY, 20 minutes; world who, for the confirmation of the pore. The Senator from Kansas. Senator LEVIN, 15 minutes; Senator Secretary of State, wish to be able to Mr. ROBERTS. I thank the distin- KENNEDY, 15 minutes; Senator speak. We have squeezed the time in as guished chairman of the Agriculture LIEBERMAN, 10 minutes; Senator closely as we could, and we have 41⁄2 Committee, and, I might add, the new CORZINE, 10 minutes; Senator SALAZAR, hours we need on our side. This has chairman of the committee, for yield- 10 minutes; Senator FEINSTEIN, 10 min- been explained to the Republican lead- ing this time to me. I look forward to utes. ership. working with him. On behalf of the We would, of course, be willing to I would say to all my colleagues, we man whose job it is to feed America in move forward on that tonight and to- have only 5 minutes left, so there a troubled and hungry world, we could morrow, but there are the inaugural would be no additional time but for the not have made a better choice—I am festivities, and we all understand that. fact that Senator BOXER has indicated using the editorial ‘‘we’’—for a man to It certainly does not seem untoward in she likely will not use her whole hour. lead the Senate Agriculture Com- any way that the Senators have some She is always most courteous with mittee. He brings to the job extensive time to speak before this most impor- other Senators, and she will be happy experience and commitment to rep- tant nomination, and I say as a matter to give some of that time on Tuesday resent not only the producers of Geor- of passing, at the White House today I to other Senators, if necessary. gia but those all throughout the Na- had a fine conversation with The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tion. So I thank the Chairman. I look Condoleezza Rice, and she said her pore. Is there objection? forward to working with him. main goal was to make sure she was Mr. KENNEDY. I withdraw my res- I rise today to speak on the nomina- confirmed by the time the President ervation. tion of Governor Michael Johanns of gave his State of the Union speech be- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Nebraska to serve as the next Sec- cause she had a trip scheduled to go pore. Does the acting majority whip retary of Agriculture. But first I would overseas after that. This confirmation modify that request? like to thank our outgoing Secretary will take place, at the latest, sometime Mr. REID. I ask to modify that re- of Agriculture, Secretary Ann Wednesday. So she will be able to make quest. Veneman. Ann has been a longtime and that with a lot of time to spare. So I The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- dear personal friend of mine. While she object. pore. Is there objection to modifying now has accepted a new challenge as The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the consent? Without objection, it is so head of UNICEF; that is, the United pore. The objection is heard. ordered. Nations Children’s Fund, I want to per- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, The Democratic leader. sonally thank her for the 4 years of some of us were just at a luncheon Mr. REID. I apologize to the acting service she has given to this Nation. where I had a chance to speak with the leader. Senator BIDEN has indicated he Her steadfastness on behalf of agri- current Secretary of State who is anx- is going to get 20 minutes, but he is culture was inspiring to us all. So to ious to get back to tinkering with his going to speak in favor of the nomina- Ann Veneman: A job well done. cars. So he will note that objection tion. He said he could get that from Her legacy will be her commitment with some regret. Senator LUGAR. to trade and food and agricultural se- As I indicated, we anticipated an ob- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I curity, which is in the best interest of jection. Senator REID had indicated yield the floor. all Americans. On her watch she dealt

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.011 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S79 with some of the most difficult issues the nomination of Governor Johanns. I, is obviously familiar with the issues any Secretary could ever face: first, a of course, rise to support that nomina- that are important to farmers and threat of foot and mouth disease al- tion by the President of the United ranchers. most as soon as she took office, later States of Governor Michael Johanns of He has been a leader in the Western followed by BSE issues and the intro- Nebraska to serve as Secretary of Agri- Governors Association on drought duction of something called Asian soy- culture. issues, and has led five trade missions bean rust, which is a very severe prob- I, too, want to first thank our out- to expand overseas markets for Amer- lem. She handled all of these problems going Secretary, Ann Veneman, for the ican agricultural products. well. And she also established a plant great job she has done. She has faced I want to emphasize that all of us and animal disease monitoring system. some very serious challenges over the who have been involved in agriculture, Again, that will be her legacy. last 4 years. I have continually pointed as I have from the legislative side for I also wish Governor Johanns all the out to folks involved in agriculture, as the last 10 years, know and understand best as he becomes our new Secretary I have spoken to groups around the that the future and survival of the of Agriculture. It will not be an easy country, the terrific job she personally American farmers is their ability to ex- job, and he knows that. Secretary as well as her Department did relative port the finest quality of agricultural Johanns will be forced to confront to the potential BSE issue that arose products that are grown anywhere in many of the same issues Secretary in the northwestern part of our coun- the world. Those export markets are Veneman faced. He will face food safe- try several months ago. critical. Governor Johanns brings a ty and security surprises that will I thought it was a prime example of particularly unique strength and per- make it all the more important to con- the difference in the way our system spective to that aspect of agriculture. I tinue to protect the safety and security works, particularly under APHIS, am very pleased about that fact. of our food supply and the agricultural which is an organization that does ex- He has also been a leader on other sector. actly what it is supposed to do, and issues that are critical to the very di- He will also face challenges with re- that is to make sure animals are in- verse mission of the U.S. Department gard to budget pressures, the farm bill spected in an appropriate way before of Agriculture. He has been a strong reauthorization, and also continued they come into the United States, voice for rural economic development. competition—I want to emphasize versus countries that simply do not He is a past chairman of the Governors this—if not an outright ambush to U.S. have in place the mechanisms that we Ethanol Coalition, and knows the po- farm programs through the World do to try to prohibit this very terrible tential of value-added agriculture. He serves as chairman of the Governors Trade Organization. That is going to be disease from spreading among live- Biotechnology Partnership, and has a very big challenge to all of us. stock. I thought Secretary Veneman fostered electronic government and Mike Johanns is up to and qualified herself, by engaging immediately on technology applications in his State. for this task. I had the pleasure to visit this issue, showed strong leadership. I On January 6, Governor Johanns ap- at length with the Governor prior to believe it was because of that that this peared for his nomination hearing be- his confirmation hearing. I attended issue faded very quickly, as it should fore the Committee on Agriculture, the entire hearing. Actually, I had the have. Nutrition and Forestry which I have Following September 11, we have had gavel when we moved the nomination. the privilege to chair. For nearly 3 a continuing issue of food security. We Knowing the Governor from a neigh- hours he answered questions on a wide have been very fortunate, but I believe boring State, I can tell you he has a range of subjects, and made a clear and it is more than that. It is a situation passion for this job. He has committed positive impression on members of the where we have had strong leadership in to do well on behalf of our farmers, committee. His compassion and under- USDA, under Secretary Veneman, that ranchers, food safety, and our nutrition standing of the issues was so evident has been on top of the issue of food programs. that committee members voted to ap- The Department of Agriculture is an safety. As a result of that strong lead- prove his nomination that same day by immense agency, and he is well quali- ership, we have not encountered a po- a unanimous vote of 20 to zero. fied for this task. He was raised on a tential terrorist attack on our food Today in his inauguration address, farm. He understands agriculture. Most system. the President made a direct outreach important, he is someone who will be a I compliment her for the great lead- to all Members of the Senate, and bully pulpit champion, if you will, for ership she has shown. She was willing showed a willingness to cooperate in a production agriculture. He is the type to come to my State early on in her bipartisan way to try to enact positive who will certainly be willing to sit on tenure. Having grown up and been in- legislation in this body. the wagon tongue with the farmers and volved in a peach farm in , I am very proud of the fact that the ranchers, asking for their advice and she particularly appreciated coming to committee which I chair in a very bi- their suggestions. a peach farm in Georgia where, as I partisan fashion, including the Pre- I have heard many stories from the told her, we grow much sweeter peach- siding Officer, voted out unanimously Kansas producers on the northern bor- es, but that is always for debate. the nomination of Governor Johanns. ders of Kansas who have told me of But she made herself very knowl- To my ranking member, , crossing the border to Nebraska, not edgeable of southeastern agricultural I appreciate his cooperation in this ef- for a football game but simply on busi- issues, which are a little bit different fort. He has been very forthright in his ness, walking into the local coffee from California issues. I appreciate her discussions with Governor Johanns, shop, and there they would run into from that standpoint. We wish her well and he has also been very forthright Governor Johanns and he would be car- in her new endeavor, and I know she is and forceful in his support of Governor rying on the coffee shop conversations going to be very successful there. Johanns for this nomination. with his farmers. This is the kind of I want to say on behalf of Governor I congratulate the President on his man we want in this position. Johanns that he is extraordinarily well choice to lead the Department of Agri- President Bush has picked an out- prepared and qualified for this new culture for the next 4 years. standing candidate in nominating Mike challenge which the President is giving I appreciate Governor Johanns’ com- Johanns, the former Governor of Ne- him. mitment to continue an outstanding braska. I look forward to working with He grew up on a dairy farm in Iowa. record of public service, and I rec- him. I urge my colleagues to support He served two terms as mayor of Lin- ommend to my colleagues that they all the swift approval of his nomination. coln, NB, and he is in his second term support his nomination. I again thank the distinguished as Governor of that State. He has At this time, I yield such time as he chairman and yield the floor. shown outstanding leadership during may consume to the Senator from Ne- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- his tenure as Governor, which will braska, Senator HAGEL. pore. The Senator from Georgia. serve him well in managing the diverse The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. CHAMBLISS. I thank the Sen- and important activities of the Depart- pore. The Senator from Nebraska. ator from Kansas for his very kind ment of Agriculture. As leader of a Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, thank comments and also for his support of major agricultural State, the Governor you.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.014 S20PT1 S80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 I first offer my congratulations to Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, the posi- We also included a very robust con- the new chairman of the Senate Agri- tion of Secretary of Agriculture, in my servation title in the 2002 farm bill, one culture Committee. We are pleased estimation, is one of the most impor- that was touted by the president when about Senator CHAMBLISS’s new assign- tant, yet too often unheralded, posi- he signed the bill into law. Unfortu- ment and responsibilities. I very much tions in the Federal Government. Good nately, many of those initiatives, in- appreciate his taking on these new re- leadership by the Secretary is vitally cluding the Conservation Security Pro- sponsibilities at a time that will be important in my State of Iowa, where gram, have been undermined by fund- critical for American agriculture as we agriculture is critical to our economy ing cuts and too-often poor execution. I work our way toward the reform bill, and we treasure our way of life in small have talked with Governor Johanns as well as central issues that will face towns and rural communities. Yet no about these problems, and I am hopeful our country directly connected to matter where one lives, we all depend that we will work together to fulfill American agriculture. on agriculture for food, fiber and, in- the promise of the farm bill and move I rise this afternoon to add my con- creasingly, for energy and other farm- forward on these important conserva- gratulations to the President’s nomi- based products. The day-to-day respon- tion initiatives so that farmers and nee for Secretary of Agriculture, the sibilities of the Secretary of Agri- ranchers have the tools they need to be Nebraska Governor, Mike Johanns. I culture truly touch the lives of every the best stewards of the land they can have known Mike Johanns for many American as well as millions of others be. years. We have worked very closely around the world. We also have a history of bipartisan over the last few years. He has ably It is my pleasure to congratulate cooperation to meet our responsibil- served the State of Nebraska during a Governor Michael Johanns of Nebraska ities to alleviate hunger and malnutri- difficult time. on his confirmation to be the next Sec- tion through Federal and international As the Agriculture Committee noted retary of Agriculture. I have spoken food and nutrition assistance. And in- in its hearings for Governor Johanns, with Governor Johanns in some depth creasingly, we face compelling chal- he is eminently qualified. His back- on several occasions and believe he has lenges in improving diets and nutrition ground is well known. He is prepared, the qualities and potential to be a very in order to promote healthier and and he will be a very effective Sec- good Secretary. I might add, his Iowa longer lives. retary. pedigree is certainly a plus. I also Many other issues important to pros- I might add, one of the reasons many thank and commend Secretary Ann perity and quality of life in rural of us are so enthusiastic about Mike Veneman, as she departs, for her good America must be addressed ranging Johanns doing this job is that he un- work and her cooperation and commu- from providing broadband access to derstands not only American agri- nication with me, as well as the same boosting locally owned businesses and culture but he understands trade. He between our staffs, over the years. jobs to ensuring opportunities for fam- understands geopolitical strategic As we look ahead to the next 4 years, ily-size farms and independent pro- issues that are connected to our agri- there are many challenges and many ducers. culture, our economy, and trade. opportunities ahead. We passed a good I am optimistic that we can make He understands that these great farm bill in 2002, President Bush real progress in addressing these and issues of our time are woven into the praised it and signed it. For the most other challenges in food, agriculture same fabric. They are within the great part it has been working, but too many and rural issues. I welcome Governor arc of national interest for America. of the key initiatives in that bill have Johanns to Washington, congratulate He has the kind of stature and the kind suffered from misguided or delayed im- him on his confirmation as the next of character that we never see enough plementation. Yet even though we Secretary of Agriculture and remind of in Washington. For those reasons, and for many oth- stayed within our budget in writing the him that my door is always open. ers, I am enthusiastic, as are so many farm bill, since then agriculture and Mr. NELSON of Nebraska. Mr. Presi- of us, about Mike Johanns taking on farm bill funding has been very damag- dent, the United States is blessed with the job of Secretary of Agriculture. ingly siphoned off. Those budget an abundance of natural resources and We will miss him in Nebraska. His threats seem certain to intensify. The cutting-edge technology that leads the steady leadership has brought Ne- risks to food safety and security from world in agriculture. We all agree that braska through a difficult time of defi- bovine spongiform encephalopathy or the richest resource of American agri- cits, not unlike other States. He has other animal and plant diseases con- culture is its people the—farm and performed not only well but he has tinue to make headlines. The new Sec- ranch families—whose efforts drive the built a value-added system not only in retary will have to deal with some very productivity of our Agriculture indus- our economy but in our government in serious issues many of them very soon. try for food, fiber and fuel. Nebraska. He will be succeeded by a At the same time, we have some American agriculture today is a com- very able Lieutenant Governor, Dave great opportunities in agriculture and plex business, very different from what Heineman, whom we also wish well. the rural economy; that is, if only we it was even a decade ago. Adoption of As I conclude, I add my thanks to will seize them. I am encouraged that modern technology, improved mecha- Secretary Veneman’s service to our Governor Johanns understands the im- nization, and changing methods of pro- country and to American agriculture portance of capitalizing on these oppor- duction, marketing, and financing by over the last 4 years. She too has had tunities, specifically value-added agri- energetic farmers and ranchers has to deal with many of the culture spanning the range from pork changed the landscape of our rural uncontrollables that are part of that and beef to the great potential to areas. Our producers, diversified by size portfolio—a difficult job. She deserves produce energy and biobased products and enterprise, support an economic recognition for the kind of job she has from farm fields across the country. system that is, without doubt, the envy done. She has done it just as Mike For instance, we adopted a provision of the world. Johanns will do his job—with class, in the farm bill to require all Federal It’s critical to understand the diver- with dignity, always reaching out to departments and agencies to give a sity of American agriculture and how others, as well as working closely with preference to procuring biobased prod- it influences our daily lives—whether the Congress. ucts whenever feasible thus creating a we work or we don’t work in agri- The last point I will make is what- huge potential market. While USDA culture or whether we live or we don’t ever was said by the Senator from Kan- has issued final rules to carry out this live on a farm. This is why I support sas about Nebraska football is not to program, nothing will actually be pur- the nomination of Nebraska Governor be taken seriously. chased until a list of eligible products Mike Johanns to lead this agency that Other than that, I think my time is is published. I have urged Governor is responsible for the safety of meat, up. Thank you, Mr. President. I yield Johanns to move to implement this poultry and egg products, for opening the floor. program fully and without further new markets and reopening those cur- Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, we delay in order to begin realizing the rently closed to U.S. agricultural prod- will not ask for bowl scores at this economic and environmental benefits ucts, for providing food aid to those time. of this biobased initiative. who have the need, for protecting soil,

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.018 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S81 water and wildlife, and for admin- the Secretary of Agriculture. I have Governor Michael Johanns as our next istering food nutrition programs. said repeatedly, and believe thor- Secretary of Agriculture. Governor Johanns’ qualifications to oughly, the person who will administer Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise lead the Department of Agriculture the farm bill and build for the future of today in support of the nomination of are—at the core—his upbringing and agriculture in America needs to be Governor Mike Johanns as the Sec- his receptiveness to change and diver- somebody with Midwestern agricul- retary of Agriculture. As the Governor sification—essential elements for an tural experience. Governor Johanns of Nebraska, and a fellow Mid- industry driven by ingenuity and fair has that kind of experience and that westerner, Johanns has a strong back- competition. perspective and in my opinion will ground in agriculture and is well suited Nebraska is a world-class leader in serve the administration and the coun- for the role of Secretary of Agri- producing a high-quality, abundant, try well. culture. and affordable food supply. It leads the Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, today I was able to meet with Governor Nation in total red meat and dry bean the Senate is expected to confirm the Johanns yesterday and I was very im- production, and is a significant player nomination of Governor Michael pressed with his view on the future of in the production of alfalfa hay, corn, Johanns of Nebraska to be the next agriculture, food safety and rural grain sorghum, soybeans, winter Secretary of Agriculture. issues. The next four years are going to wheat, livestock, and popcorn. As we vote on this nomination, we be an important time as we face the re- Nearly 8 million acres of Nebraska’s should all recognize just how impor- authorization of the farm bill, food field crops benefit from irrigation, tant this position is to America’s farm- safety concerns, nutrition and trade. through approximately 24,000 miles of ers and ranchers. Beyond that, the Sec- Agriculture is important to my home streams and rivers, reservoirs and retary’s responsibilities touch the lives State of Illinois. Illinois is one of our aquifers. In recent years, the impor- of every American consumer as well as country’s most important agricultural tance of maintaining water quality and millions of people overseas. This is a contributors. Illinois farm land, which quantity in times of severe drought point that is being made daily as we accounts for about 28 million acres, is conditions has added to the complexity seek to provide the needed food aid and considered some of the most productive of agricultural production. Mike assistance to those who have suffered in the world. More than 76,000 farm Johanns has governed in these times of such terrible losses as a result of the families in the State produce corn, soy- great uncertainty and is well aware of recent tsunami. beans, wheat, beef, pork, dairy prod- the continuing needs to deal with these There isn’t any question that Amer- ucts, and specialty crops. Illinois is the most difficult times. ican agriculture faces significant chal- number one soybean-producing State Governor Johanns presents a list of lenges on many fronts. It is incumbent in the country and number two in corn. qualifications that will be of consider- upon all of us to be the strongest advo- Illinois ranks second nationally in the able benefit not only to Nebraska and cates we can be for our producers and export of agricultural commodities the Midwest, but throughout the na- their communities. However, the Sec- with nearly $4 billion worth of goods tion. retary of Agriculture is unique. The shipped to other countries each year. He is an experienced leader and a Secretary must provide national lead- The State’s agribusiness activity is vi- strong advocate with solid common ership and advocacy to promote a brant. From the Chicago area to Deca- sense solutions to the difficult ques- greater understanding of the important tur and throughout Illinois, agricul- tions presented to him. We’ve talked role our agricultural producers play in tural processing employs thousands of about the need for a bipartisan ap- our own society and the world. people. And researchers at the Univer- proach in this important job and I The Secretary’s role must be more sity of Illinois as well as at other insti- know he agrees how important that than just the spokesperson for the ad- tutions, continue to help provide an- will be. ministration on agricultural issues. In swers to some of the most common as I look forward to continue working fact, I believe that one of the most im- well as the most complex, agricultural with Governor Johanns, as Secretary portant responsibilities of this position questions we face. of Agriculture to improve drought is to be an advocate within the admin- Since Governor Johanns was the past monitoring and forecasting, to advance istration to ensure our producers, con- chairman of the Governors’ Ethanol renewable fuels initiatives increasing sumers and rural communities are not Coalition, I know he sees the potential the use of ethanol and biodiesel in our short-changed in the domestic and of value added agriculture. Adding val- transportation fuels just to name a international policy and political proc- ues to commodities adds real promise few. In addition, the opportunity to esses. for boosting farm income and jobs and create new and innovative rural devel- Governor Johanns will have a very economic growth in rural America. Illi- opment programs and reverse the trend big job as we confront the pressures nois ranks second in the nation in corn of out-migration from the smallest that are being placed on agriculture as production, with more than 1.5 billion communities has never been more im- a result of the budget deficit, weather bushels produced annually, and is the portant. Today’s nominee not only has related disasters, increased food safety nation’s leading source of clean-burn- the leadership experience but he also and bio-terrorism concerns, environ- ing ethanol. Corn grown in Illinois is has the experience of having worked to mental issues and opportunities related used to make 40% of the ethanol con- develop such programs. to agriculture, the economic develop- sumed in the United States. In Illinois, Governor Johanns and I have dis- ment needs in rural America, and the roughly one in every six rows of corn— cussed and agree that it is important level of insecurity that an increasing approximately 280 million bushels—is for the Secretary of Agriculture to number of farmers, ranchers and rural the source for ethanol. work in a bipartisan manner with Con- main street businesses are feeling as a As the Secretary of Agriculture, Gov- gress. With a Farm Bill reauthoriza- result of globalization. ernor Johanns will face unprecedented tion effort nearing, I look forward to I am hopeful our new Secretary of challenges in protecting the safety and working cooperatively with him to de- Agriculture will provide the leadership security of our food supply. velop a practical approach to our na- necessary to address these issues in a The recent discovery of two more tional agriculture policy that will sup- way that advances the interests of all cows with BSE, or ‘‘mad cow disease,’’ port and promote our agriculture prod- agricultural sectors while enhancing in Canada reminds us that we cannot ucts and producers. The new Farm Bill the appreciation of Americans for our ignore the threat of BSE. We must should further the goals of consumer agricultural heritage. shore up the firewalls that prevent safety and confidence in our nation’s Two weeks ago I supported the action BSE from spreading in this country, to food supply, without compromising the of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition give American consumers confidence ability of our producers to compete— and Forestry Committee to advance that the beef they feed to their families freely and fairly—in the global market- this nomination to the full Senate with is safe to eat. place. a positive recommendation. Today I We need a scientifically sound test- I was pleased to learn of the adminis- offer my support for the action the ing program that will tell us whether tration’s selection of Mike Johanns as Senate is about to take in confirming our BSE control efforts are working. A

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.023 S20PT1 S82 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 surveillance program should include working towards the goal of developing I am optimistic that Mr. Johanns older cattle that appear healthy but a single food safety agency. will implement mandatory Country of that can still harbor BSE. Almost a I would also hope that Johanns plans Origin Labeling, COOL, which, while year ago, USDA promised to include to play a key role in advising the ad- signed into law by this current Presi- cattle in this population in its surveil- ministration on the appointment of a dent under this most recent arm Bill, lance, but still hasn’t started this test- new food safety chief to replace the has yet to be implemented. It is with ing. outgoing Elsa Murano at the Food increasing frustration that our pro- We must stop feeding cows to other Safety and Inspection Service. We need ducers await the benefits of this com- cows, the practice that is thought to a person in this important position mon sense program, and while it has have led to the spread of mad cow dis- that has a commitment to food safety been no secret that the administration ease in Europe. We have had a feed ban over other agricultural interests as the is not favorable toward a mandatory in this country since 1997, but we need agency faces challenges including im- food labeling program, I am hopeful plementing a strategy to keep Mad to close loopholes in the ban and redou- that Mr. Johanns will honor the voice ble our efforts to make sure that the Cow disease out of the country. In my meeting with Governor of Congress and of the American pro- ban is being followed. ducer and move forward with the im- We must make sure that the parts of Johanns I was pleased to hear him mention trade. As I mentioned before, plementation process in a reasonable cattle that pose the highest risk of in- and honorable manner. fection are being correctly and com- Illinois ranks second nationally in the pletely removed. export of agricultural commodities The business of agriculture is becom- Our primary goal should be to pro- with nearly $4 billion worth of goods ing increasingly challenging for our tect the health of the public, and the shipped to other countries each year. small farmers and producers. Market health of the animal herds in the Japan has closed its markets to our concentration and vertical integration, beef for over a year. We must take a United States. unreasonable contract obligations, I look forward to working with Sec- strong position to reopen this market. maintaining and developing export retary-Designate Johanns to make sure Our trading partners have got to be markets to garner a fair commodity our nation’s BSE prevention and con- held accountable for dealing with our price, and a serious disconnect between country in a straightforward way. trol program earns and deserves the urban and rural America are driving As the leader of a major agriculture our smaller farmers out of business on public’s confidence. state, Governor Johanns is familiar An issue I care deeply about is food a daily basis. It is with no small sense with issues of importance to farmers safety. When HHS Secretary Tommy of urgency that I emphasize the need to and ranchers. I will support his nomi- Thompson announced he was stepping address these issues. I am hopeful, that nation as Secretary of Agriculture and as promised, Mr. Johanns will main- down last month, he noted several look forward to working with him on tain an open door policy for members items of unfinished business that the issues facing the Department of Agri- of Congress to discuss these issues and government must address. Among culture. them, he mentioned the importance of Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I will arrive at reasonable policy solutions improving the nation’s food security. vote to confirm the nomination of Sec- that are valuable and substantive for Secretary Thompson said that he retary-Designate Mike Johanns to the agriculture producer, in South Da- worries ‘‘every single night’’ about a serve our Nation as United States De- kota and across America. massive attack on the U.S. food supply. partment of Agriculture, USDA, Sec- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, as Thompson said: ‘‘I, for the life of me, retary. It is with no small obligation or the U.S. Congress begins its 109th ses- cannot understand why the terrorists minor imposition that this honor and sion, the Senate is performing its con- have not, you know, attacked our food responsibility fall upon Mr. Johanns, stitutional duty of providing its advice supply, because it is so easy to do.’’ as he functions in his best capacity to and consent on the President’s nomi- If this is not a clear call to action, I fairly represent our varied and diverse nees for cabinet positions. don’t know what is. regional issues in American agri- I take the Senate’s responsibility to I hope to count on Secretary Johanns culture. Our national agriculture sec- evaluate Presidential nominations for support of legislation I plan to roll tor is highly fractionalized as States very seriously. The process is impor- out in the next few weeks that will seek to ensure representation for spe- tant to ensuring strong leadership at give the Agriculture Department and cific commodities and Farm Bill pro- the very highest levels of the federal the Food and Drug Administration the grams, and I am concerned, however tools they need to improve the security optimistic, that Mr. Johanns will do government. It also provides an oppor- of our food supply. his due diligence to ensure our South tunity for Senators to have focused dis- My bill would give these agencies au- Dakotan and plains states interests are cussions with nominees on issues of thority to oversee implementation of well represented at the Federal level particular importance to their respec- food security measures at food proc- and by USDA. tive constituencies. essing plants; give these agencies the Of immediate concern is the current Today the Senate will confirm sev- same recall authority over food that status of the beef industry. While eral nominees, including the nomina- agencies like the Consumer Product USDA forges ahead with their final tion of Nebraska Governor Mike Safety Commission exercise over toys; rule to allow the importation of live Johanns, the President’s selection to and improve information coordination Canadian cattle and ruminant prod- succeed Secretary Veneman at the De- among the food safety agencies to dif- ucts, I am alarmed for the implications partment of Agriculture. fuse potential threats to the food sup- on our beef sector and our producers’ While I am not a member of the Sen- ply. ability to make the bottom line. I am ate Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- I also hope Secretary Johanns will be concerned for the inaccessible export tion and Forestry, I am confident that able to see beyond the bureaucratic markets that continually seem less Chairman CHAMBLISS, ranking member morass that has developed at the agen- reachable with USDA’s treatment of HARKIN and the rest of the committee’s cies charged with the safety of our food this issue. I am continually dismayed members conducted a thorough exam- and help us move towards making the that USDA appears to place the inter- ination of Governor Johanns’ record. I vision of creating a single agency re- ests of Canadian cattle producers above will support the committee’s rec- sponsible for food safety a reality. the interests of domestic producers, The Centers for Disease Control and and I am hopeful that Mr. Johanns will ommendation and vote in favor of his Prevention estimates that 76 million place this issue at the forefront of his nomination. people suffer from food poisoning every agenda while assuming his position as That being said, I have come to the year, with children and the elderly suf- Secretary. I am hopeful that Mr. floor today to express my thoughts on fering a disproportionate amount of Johanns will listen to the voice of the two specific agricultural issues that the most serious cases. We need, at the American agricultural producer and are important to Washington state’s very least, to improve the coordination recognize the immediacy and timeli- renowned beef industry: mad cow dis- of the food agencies’ oversight while ness of the issue. ease and country of origin labeling.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.028 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S83 On December 23, 2003, the first known have in place to prevent further cases Last Friday, I sent a letter to Sec- case of mad cow disease ever discov- of mad cow are robust and comprehen- retary Veneman and Governor Johanns ered on U.S. soil was found in Wash- sive. requesting that this audit being con- ington State. The discovery sent a rip- It was reassuring to hear Governor ducted by APHIS inspectors be given ple effect across the country as U.S. Johanns state, during his nomination time for a full and fair analysis. I think ranchers watched in shock while our hearing, that working to regain ex- it is prudent for the USDA to provide trading partners closed their doors to ports to Japan’s market is priority the time and resources necessary to U.S. beef exports. number one for the U.S. beef industry. reach a determination as to the safety An investigation was conducted and As I know the Governor understands, of Canadian beef before we reopen our DNA tests confirmed that this cow access to these markets is the key to border to its importation. likely originated in a herd from Al- bringing prosperity back to U.S. cattle I believe that USDA must reevaluate berta, Canada, but this was little con- producers, feeders, processors and beef reopening the border should serious solation to consumers here and abroad packers. No one understands the im- non-compliance of feed regulations or who immediately began to question portance of the Japanese and South lapses in Canada’s enforcement of mad whether U.S. beef was safe to eat. Korean markets better than the ranch- cow firewalls be uncovered. ers in Washington state, who exported While the exact cause of infection Reestablishing the once dominant nearly $250 million of Washington beef could not be confirmed, it is widely ac- global market share enjoyed by U.S. to these markets in 2003. It is hard to cepted by the science community that beef producers is ultimately about overstate the extent to which Wash- this cow became infected while eating product reliability and consumer con- ington ranchers and the U.S. beef in- contaminated feed before Canada had fidence. dustry at large continue to suffer from implemented its 1997 ruminant-to-ru- It is vital that we address Canadian minant feed ban. the loss of these exports. Although progress has been made, re- safety issues now, so that we can pre- The Department of Health and vent running the risk of importing po- Human Services, Food and Drug Ad- cent discoveries of mad cow in Canada could present a major setback to our tentially unsafe products. While I un- ministration and U.S. Department of derstand that reopening the border is Agriculture responded by announcing a ongoing negotiations with Japan and South Korea if it is determined that important to the Canadian beef indus- number of new rules to strengthen pro- try, our primary responsibility is to tections over the human food. Most im- the risk of mad cow in Canada has not been adequately addressed. ensure the safety of our food supply portantly, USDA and FDA banned spec- here at home. ified risk materials, such as brain and Canada’s discoveries of mad cow on January 2 and January 11 came just As world markets continue to con- central nervous system tissues from days after USDA announced a rule rec- verge becoming more and more inter- entering the human food supply. These ognizing Canada as a minimal-risk re- dependent, securing our domestic food materials have been shown to present gion with regard to the mad cow dis- supply requires much more work than the greatest risk of transmitting mad ease. it once did. We have an opportunity to cow disease through cattle herds and to The USDA defends this decision by aid our consumers by implementing humans. citing the results of a risk analysis mandatory country of origin labeling. Unfortunately, FDA failed to stand that the agency conducted in 2004. firm on its stated commitment to close I believe such labeling is important That analysis examined the reliability for two major reasons—first, the secu- four specific loopholes in feed regula- and adequacy of Canada’s mad cow fire- tions, measures that Acting FDA Com- rity of our food supply; and second, the walls in eradicating this disease in its American consumer’s right-to-know missioner Crawford made a commit- herds. The agency’s analysis deter- ment to do on January 26, 2004 and where their food was produced. mined that Canada had a robust and In 2002, I joined with my Senate col- something that I believe was and is comprehensive system in place to ad- necessary to fully ensure the safety of leagues in support of the farm bill, dress all of the necessary risks of which, among other things, required U.S. beef. transmitting mad cow disease and had As we know, feeding ruminant parts that the USDA implement mandatory implemented proper safeguards to en- country of origin labeling standards by back to ruminants represents one of sure the safety of its beef. the greatest risks of spreading mad 2004. These provisions were supported Thus, the USDA published a minimal by a wide margin of members in Con- cow disease and that’s why the U.S., risk rule in the January 4, 2005 Federal like Canada, implemented a rule to ban gress, receiving nearly two-thirds sup- Register. That rule will authorize the port in the House. Even so, some who this practice in 1997. But existing feed reopening of our border to the importa- loopholes, such as the poultry litter have fought the implementation of tion of Canadian live cattle under the mandatory country of origin labeling loophole and plate waste loophole age of 30 months and other beef prod- every step of the way. allow for the possibility of ruminant ucts from cattle over the age of 30 Last year, Congress decided to push materials to find their way into rumi- months beginning on March 7 of this back the date of implementation of nant feed through cross contamination. year. To address this possibility, I intro- However, Canada’s latest discovery of mandatory labeling until September duced legislation during the 108th Con- mad cow on January 11 has raised seri- 2006 on all goods except for fish and gress, entitled the Animal Feed Protec- ous questions regarding the possibility shellfish. The justification was that we tion Act, which would ban these mate- of non-compliance of feed regulations needed to ‘‘reconsider’’ its economic rials from being used in any animal in Canada and questions as to the reli- implications. feed. This is important legislation that ability of Canada’s system to enforce While I understand that labeling will will strengthen existing feed rules to its mad cow firewalls. Because the cow come with increased costs, I believe help mitigate the chance of cross con- was determined to be less than seven that a failure to establish full account- tamination and ensure that ruminant years of age and thus was born after ability as to where our food is coming materials are not accidentally fed to Canada implemented its 1997 ruminant- from could end up costing our con- cattle. to-ruminant feed ban, many have spec- sumers, businesses and government far Although my legislation did not pass ulated that non-compliance of feed more, should tainted beef or other un- last year, I plan to reintroduce the rules represents the most likely source safe products enter our food supply. Animal Feed Protection Act for consid- of this infection. Whether in the case of an outbreak of eration during the 109th Congress next In responding to this discovery, Ad- mad cow or a biological terrorist plot week. U.S. beef is arguably the safest ministrator Ron DeHaven of the Ani- that infects food imported into our in the world, but even so, critical ex- mal and Plant Health Inspection Serv- country, we need to have a definite and port markets including Japan and ice, APHIS, announced that the agency immediate system to target the source South Korea still remain closed to U.S would expedite sending a technical of our food and, if necessary, provide beef exports. It is imperative that we team to Canada to investigate the cir- the American people a clear way to do everything possible to prove to con- cumstances surrounding these recent identify the food and stop consump- sumers abroad that the measures we discoveries. tion.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.005 S20PT1 S84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 The expansion of international agri- formation indicating the country of or- businesses play a vital role to rural cultural trade has exponentially in- igin be included on the final products communities, and it is the job of the creased the options available to Ameri- that ultimately reach the consumer. Senate Agriculture Committee and the cans as they peruse the shelves at their This is an important issue that Con- United States Department of Agri- local grocery store. Imported foods are gress must address. culture to help those communities pre- grown in widely varying conditions Families sitting at the dinner table serve this way of life and ensure that it around the world, often in countries should not have to wonder about what will sustain many more generations of with drastically different regulatory went into the food they eat. They families. Governor Johanns has assured contexts that allow the utilization of should be provided the information to me that he understands this and that pesticides and growing practices which know what they are consuming. To put as Secretary of Agriculture he will rise are banned here in the U.S. it simply, consumers deserve better ac- to meet this challenge. As I previously stated, I support la- countability. One of the first important challenges beling for the benefits that it will bring Cattlemen in Washington State are that Governor Johanns will have to ad- to ensuring safety, but also because I proud of the beef they raise and are dress is the issue of mad cow disease believe that American consumers have willing to trust their livelihood to the and the Canadian border. The Governor the right to know where their food choices made by informed American must direct the Animal and Plant comes from. We have no control over consumers. Health Inspection Service, the Food the methods utilized by other countries The USDA stamp should represent Safety Inspection Service, as well as to produce their goods, but we can con- the quality and safety of American work with the Food and Drug Adminis- trol whether or not foreign products products—not a mark that in some in- tration to thoroughly examine and maintain the information necessary for stances will mislead consumers into fully understand the implications that American consumers to make an in- just thinking that they are buying reopening the border to Canadian live formed decision. American quality. A product’s country cattle will have on farmers, ranchers, American consumers must be able to of origin should be information that is consumers and agricultural organiza- assess information on imported prod- included all of the way from the border tions and industries across the U.S. ucts to determine whether it is impor- to the store shelf. In addition, the Governor will have tant to them. Last fall, Craig Grub, a Medical Lake the challenge of reviewing the testi- Today, consumers are increasingly rancher said: ‘‘Consumers deserve to be mony and comments of farmers and faced with the daunting task of sifting able to make an educated choice. They ranchers, consumers and other agricul- through vast amounts of packaging should have implemented Mandatory tural industries and organizations and labeling to obtain the information labeling years ago.’’ Producers like Mr. whose livelihoods and families will be most critical to them. Grub support mandatory county of ori- directly impacted by USDA’s decision. Americans, for too long, have been gin labeling because they understand I look forward to the Governor and knowingly exposed to foreign products and appreciate the importance of food USDA’s review of each of these items without being provided with adequate safety and consumer choice in Amer- and, as a member of the Agriculture information. ica. Committee, will enjoy our further dis- The issue of labeling our agricultural Regardless of whether we work cussions on their findings and final de- products, including beef, comes down through the legislative or rulemaking cision. to this: Do we want consumers to have processes, I believe that the implemen- Furthermore, this ongoing mad cow confidence—and do we want consumers tation of a greater standard of account- issue underscores another challenge for to have choice? Even though public ability over imported products is im- Governor Johanns as well as a matter opinion surveys show that U.S. con- perative to better ensure food safety of vital importance: country-of-origin sumers want to buy american products, for our consumers here at home. labeling, COOL. American consumers those consumers don’t always have the There is a lot of work that remains have the right to know where their information necessary to make that in order for this country to achieve food is coming from, and I think that choice. this goal and I am confident that Gov- common sense dictates that if we can I know that most consumers from my ernor Johanns is committed to work- label where our shirts and socks are State would much rather buy and con- ing to this end. I will vote in support of made, we can surely label where our sume U.S. beef. This is because it is im- his nomination. I am eager to begin meat and food comes from. I hope that portant to them that they are able to working with him on reopening Asian Governor Johanns will work with us to rely on the quality of the product and markets to U.S. beef as well as to col- ensure that COOL will go ahead once the safety of methods used in its pro- laborate and promote opportunities for and for all, as passed by law. duction. all U.S. agricultural products abroad. During Governor Johanns’ nomina- It is important to Washingtonians Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I rise tion hearing in the Senate Agriculture that the beef they purchase comes from in support of the nomination of Gov- Committee, he spoke about the need to a cow that was fed under American ernor Johanns to be Secretary of Agri- encourage and explore biotech opportu- standards for feed safety—beef that had culture. I very much look forward to nities, open new markets, and provide to be processed under strong American working with him on issues of impor- expanded opportunities for produc- standards and beef that has met a set tance to ’s rural commu- tivity in agriculture. Important value- of standards that allows consumers to nities—its ranchers, farmers, agri- added initiatives such as these will be feel confident of its safety and its qual- businesses and consumers. an essential factor to ensure a viable ity. I also look forward to putting into future for rural areas. Some will argue that we already use action my own experience as a farmer Toward that end, early next month USDA labels to indicate whether beef and rancher and learning from the ex- the President will release his budget is produced in the U.S. however, the perience and leadership of the Gov- for the upcoming fiscal year. That will grade label from the USDA, which a lot ernor from Nebraska, a neighboring provide a good indicator of his prior- of consumers might think means that State that is struggling with many of ities for rural residents across the beef was American made, is often the same challenges that Colorado country. In last year’s budget, the ad- stamped on packages that contain im- faces. ministration cut funding for rural de- ported beef mixed in with just a small I anticipate that Governor Johanns velopment and eliminated or severely percentage of American beef. will be confirmed today, and that is as limited funding for programs to get Under the Federal Meat Inspection it should be because he has a lot of rural communities broadband access, Act, cattle and other bulk or non-proc- work waiting for him. promote rural investment and help essed products must be clearly labeled I fear that many in the country do rural firefighters. Knowing of the Gov- as to their country of origin. However, not recognize the challenges facing ernor’s commitment to expand oppor- once those products are brought into farmers, ranchers and rural towns in tunities for rural communities, I look the U.S. and value-added processing oc- Colorado and across America today. forward to his help in protecting im- curs, the law does not mandate that in- Farming, ranching and agri-related portant programs such as these.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.006 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S85 Earlier this week, I also received forward to working with Secretary nation hearing before the Committee written answers to questions I had sub- Johanns on this issue in the months to on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- mitted to Governor Johanns. While I come. estry, which I have the privilege to certainly appreciate Governor There being no objection, the mate- chair. For nearly 3 hours he answered Johanns’ timely reply, I also look for- rial was ordered to be printed in the questions on a wide range of subjects ward to hearing more detailed answers RECORD, as follows: and made a clear and positive impres- on the questions that he did not re- U.S. SENATE, sion on the entire Committee. His com- spond to, including an important issue Washington, DC, January 10, 2005. passion and understanding of the issues to Colorado that has to do with a pro- The PRESIDENT, was so evident that Committee mem- posed development at the base of a ski The White House, bers voted to approve his nomination area at Wolf Creek Pass. Washington, DC. that same day by a unanimous 20 to 0 DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: We are writing to vote. The Governor also spoke of the im- commend your strong statements during the portance of the spirit of cooperation. I Mr. President, I congratulate the Presidential Campaign in support of the President on his choice to lead the De- agree that we must cooperate to pro- Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program. vide our rural residents with increased Your pledge to work toward reauthorization partment of Agriculture for the next 4 rural development and sustainable ag- so that ‘‘dairy farmers all across this coun- years. I appreciate Governor Johanns’ ricultural opportunities as well as rea- try can count on the support they need,’’ is commitment to continue an out- sonable commodity supports and eligi- critical. standing record of public service and I bility guidelines to ensure that federal Under current law the MILC program is set recommend to my colleagues that they to expire at end of September of 2005, two supports go to the family farmers who all support his nomination. years prior to other farm bill programs. We Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I are the intended beneficiaries. Part and are seeking a two-year extension of MILC to parcel of protecting our family farmer strongly support the confirmation of bring it in line with other agriculture sup- Margaret Spellings as the eighth Sec- and rancher is ending the monopoliza- port programs. To allow MILC’s expiration retary of Education. Ms. Spellings is a tion of the meatpacking industry and would eliminate a critical safety net for longtime public servant who for the helping small, family agri-businesses dairy farmers at a time when milk prices are past 4 years has served as President to compete. on the decline. We greatly appreciate your expression of Our family farmers, ranchers, and Bush’s chief domestic policy adviser. In support for extension of the MILC program her White House efforts, she has helped rural business people deserve fair farm, and look forward to seeing that commitment implement policies on education, rural development and conservation reflected in your Fiscal Year 2006 budget. We health, labor and housing. Her famili- programs as well as a safe food supply hope to work closely with your Administra- arity with America’s students and and other policies that help create tion in active support of the MILC extension teachers will prove invaluable in her more successful communities. legislation in the coming months. new role managing our public edu- I send my thanks to Governor With best wishes, cational system. Johanns for his service to Nebraska Sincerely, ARLEN SPECTER, Ms. Spellings also assisted President and his willingness to serve the Federal MARK DAYTON, Bush when he was Governor of our Government, and I look forward to HERB KOHL, home State of Texas, where they working with him on these important PATRICK J. LEAHY, worked together on a number of impor- issues. U.S. Senators. tant education programs including the (At the request of Mr. REED, the fol- Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I Texas Reading Initiative to improve lowing statement was ordered to be urge my Senate colleagues to support literacy, the Student Success Initia- printed in the RECORD.) the President’s nomination of Gov- tive to eliminate social promotion, and ∑ Mr. KOHL. Mr. President, I support ernor Michael Johanns of Nebraska to the State’s accountability standard the confirmation of Mike Johanns to serve as the Secretary of Agriculture. which is the forerunner to the No Child be Secretary of Agriculture and look Governor Johanns is extraordinarily Left Behind Act. Because of her edu- forward to working with him in my ca- well-prepared and qualified for this cational accomplishments, each year pacity as the ranking member of the new challenge. He grew up on a dairy the United States develops more quali- Senate Agriculture Appropriations farm in Iowa. He has served two terms fied teachers, better facilities and su- Subcommittee. We will have occasion as Mayor of Lincoln, NE, and is in his perior resources. to work together on many different second term as Governor of that State. A veteran of the Texas Association of topics in the months to come. He has shown outstanding leadership School Boards, Ms. Spellings knows One topic of particular interest to me during his tenure as Governor which firsthand the advantages afforded by is the Milk Income Loss Contract, will serve him well in managing the di- education and has pledged to ensure MILC, program. This counter-cyclical verse and important activities of the every child acquires the skills nec- support program was included in the Department of Agriculture. essary to realize the American Dream. 2002 farm bill and provides critical As leader of a major agriculture I am proud to support her in that ef- safety net for America’s dairymen. state, the Governor is obviously famil- fort, and to support her confirmation In 2002 and the first half of 2003, dairy iar with the issues that are important so she may continue her important prices reached 25-year lows. During to farmers and ranchers. He has been a work. that time, the MILC program provided leader in the Western Governors’ Asso- Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I rise dairy producers with much, needed as- ciation on drought issues and has led today in strong support of the con- sistance. It helped to preserve the pro- five trade missions to expand overseas firmation of Mike Johanns to be Sec- ductive capacity of Wisconsin’s dairy markets for American agricultural retary of Agriculture. As the former farms and stemmed the tide of losses products. Governor of Nebraska, Mike Johanns that dairy farmers had experienced in He has also been a leader on other knows how important agriculture is to previous periods of price downturn. issues that are critical to the very di- this country. Through his dedicated Unfortunately, the MILC program is verse mission of the U.S. Department public service he has shown a great un- scheduled to expire in September 2005, of Agriculture. He has been a strong derstanding of the complex nature of 2 years earlier than the rest of the voice for rural economic development. the industry and the problems facing farm bill commodity programs. I be- He is a past Chairman of the Gov- it. lieve that is unacceptable and will be ernors’ Ethanol Coalition and knows Growing up on an Iowa dairy farm, joining soon with a bipartisan, multi- the potential of value-added agri- Mike Johanns learned from an early regional coalition of Senate colleagues culture. He serves as Chairman of the age that agriculture is the backbone of to introduce legislation that would ex- Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership this great nation. For over two cen- tend the MILC program. and has fostered electronic-government turies, hardworking men and women I ask unanimous consent that a let- and technology applications in his like Mr. Johanns have dedicated their ter that several of my colleagues and I state. lives to protecting the vitality of the recently sent to the President on this Mr. President, on January 6th Gov- food and fiber industry. The nomina- topic be printed in the RECORD. I look ernor Johanns appeared for his nomi- tion of Mike Johanns for the position

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.009 S20PT1 S86 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 of Secretary of Agriculture is a tribute poor working conditions. It was a con- bipartisan support of her nomination. I to his commitment, and I have no troversial bill, but the Governor was thank Senator KENNEDY and his staff doubt that this commitment will bring determined to stand up for the right of for helping us bring this nomination to distinction to the position of Secretary his workers to safe working conditions. the floor in a very timely manner. of Agriculture. As he put it, ‘‘people have a right to a In addition, I am joined by Senator Throughout his professional career, safe work environment whether they ALEXANDER, who will be the chair of Mike Johanns has been committed to earn five or fifty dollars per hour.’’ the HELP Committee’s Subcommittee the wellbeing of America’s farmers and As Secretary of Agriculture, he will on Education and Early Childhood De- ranchers. As Governor, Mr. Johanns continue to grow and strengthen our velopment. emphasized the importance of value- farm economy. There will be chal- We look forward to working with Ms. added agriculture, renewable fuels such lenges, including protecting the food Spellings in her new position. as ethanol, and job creation in rural supply, and developing alternative en- I yield the floor. areas. Additionally, Mr. Johanns has ergy sources like ethanol. But Gov- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- demonstrated a keen knowledge of ernor Johanns’ lifetime of experience pore. The Senator from Massachusetts. international trade policy, a subject and leadership makes him superbly and Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I con- that will continue to increase in impor- uniquely qualified to meet these chal- gratulate my friend and colleague, tance as the world moves towards a lenges. Senator ENZI, on his appointment as more globalize economy. I look forward Governor Johanns says his father the chairman of our committee. He is to working with Mr. Johanns to ensure cried when he learned that his son was my favorite chairman to the year 2007. that future trade agreements with the going to become a lawyer instead of a I thank him very much. food and fiber industry are treated eq- farmer. I hope today is cause for cele- I am glad to withhold if the Senator uitably. bration. desires. As always, he is very gracious, Mr. Johanns has also been an impor- I look forward to the swift confirma- but I am glad to wait until he has com- tant leader on drought policy, a subject tion of Governor Johanns, and I look pleted his remarks. Then I intend to that is very important to many com- forward to working with him to keep talk about education. munities in the west. I believe that America moving forward. Mr. ENZI. I concluded my initial with his experience in this area, the Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I statement, and I will see if another is country can move forward in estab- know of no other speakers on either necessary. lishing a concrete and coherent side. I yield to the ranking member if he drought policy that provides tangible I ask that all time be yielded on the so desires. benefits for those affected by this seri- nomination of Governor Johanns for Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I sin- ous problem. Secretary of Agriculture. cerely look forward to working with I know that Mr. Johanns will serve The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- my friend from . We had a the agriculture community the utmost pore. All time is yielded. great tribute the other evening from integrity and fairness and I look for- The question is, Will the Senate ad- various education groups. Senator ENZI ward to working with him in the fu- vise and consent to the nomination of met with more than 95 different ture. Mike Johanns, of Nebraska, to be Sec- groups, and in his typical fashion said Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, it is with retary of Agriculture? he was willing to sit down and listen to great pleasure that I rise to support The nomination was confirmed. each and every group. It was a bold ac- the nomination of Governor Mike The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tion on his part. It is a clear indication Johanns to lead the Department of Ag- pore. The President will be imme- he is going to be an active leader in the riculture. I applaud the President for diately notified of the Senate’s action. field of education as he has been in so his outstanding choice. The Nebraska Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I many other areas of our committee. Governor enjoys strong support from move to reconsider the vote. I join with him in the strong support both sides of the aisle, including from Mr. ROBERTS. I move to lay that of Margaret Spellings to serve as the his two home State Senators, CHUCK motion on the table. Secretary of Education. HAGEL and BEN NELSON. The Gov- The motion to lay on the table was There is no more important position ernor’s nomination was approved agreed to. in a President’s cabinet. And I believe unanimously in committee and I ex- f that Margaret Spellings has the knowl- pect swift action on his confirmation edge, commitment, and leadership to THE NOMINATION OF MARGARET today. improve the quality of education Governor Johann’s story starts in SPELLINGS TO BE SECRETARY across our land. Mitchell County, IA, on his family’s OF EDUCATION The strength of America depends on dairy farm. Long hours working on the The legislative clerk read the nomi- the strength of our public schools. farm taught him the demands of the nation of Margaret Spellings, of Texas, Education is the key to opportunity business, the hard work, discipline and to be Secretary of Education. and a strong economy. Our schools and resiliency it takes to succeed in agri- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I rise today teachers prepare young Americans to culture. It also taught him a deep re- to bring before the Senate the nomina- compete and succeed in a an ever- spect for the land and a sturdy work tion of Margaret Spellings to be the changing economy. ethic which he says defines him to this Secretary of Education. Education is key to our national se- day. On January 6, the Committee on curity. We cannot protect America and As Governor of Nebraska, Mr. Health, Education, Labor and Pensions maintain our progress in the world Johanns has been a true friend of held a hearing to review the qualifica- without skilled and well-trained citi- America’s farmers and ranchers. He tions of Ms. Spellings for the position. zens. has traveled the world to open new As chairman of the committee, I am Edcuation is the key to good citizen- markets. Nebraska is the largest beef pleased to note that the committee ship. Good schools can shape the char- processing state in the country and the members found her qualifications to be acter of our citizens and train Ameri- fourth largest exporter of agricultural exemplary and well suited to the Cabi- cans to participate in our democracy, products. Under Governor Johanns’ net level position. She has been enthu- to serve our country and our commu- leadership, Nebraska’s exports to China siastic and well informed. nities. have more than doubled, from $51 mil- As the President’s domestic policy In short, our schools are key to the lion dollars in 1999 to $110 million in adviser, Ms. Spellings was instru- American dream. 2003. mental in developing the No Child Left From our earliest days as a Nation, He has also been a tireless advocate Behind Act, and other important legis- our country’s founders understood this. for his State’s agricultural workers. As lative initiatives. John Adams, in drafting the Massachu- Governor, he developed the Today I stand with Senator KENNEDY, setts constitution in 1780, affirmed that Meatpackers Bill or Rights to protect the ranking member and the former education of the people was ‘‘necessary the mostly Hispanic work force from chairman of the HELP Committee, in for the preservation of their rights and

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.021 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S87 liberties.’’ And many other States pand access to high schools and propel Federal level ought to be able to put since have included similar commit- America forward. together the kind of package so they ments in their founding documents. In the 1940’s, the GI Bill opened the are able to attend college. We did that With every new age and each new doors of college to a great generation in the 1980s. challenge, part of the genius of Amer- and launched a renewal of our econ- Twenty years ago in Higher Edu- ica is that we have adapted. We have omy. risen to the challenge. As Thomas Jef- After Sputnik’s launch, we passed cation Aid, we had almost 60 percent of ferson reminds us, ‘‘Every generation the National Education Defense Act to the assistance in grants and 40 percent needs a new revolution.’’ I believe that ensure our global competitiveness and in loans; now that has reversed. Now the revolution for this generation at national security by providing low-in- we find 58 percent and 41 percent in this time is to master our own destiny terest college loans for students study- grants. As a result of this development and guide the currents of globalization ing math, science and foreign lan- and phenomena, there are hundreds of for our own purposes. guages. thousands of children in this country No nation is guaranteed a position of Again today, we face national and who do well and are admitted to the lasting prosperity and security. We international challenges to achieving finest schools and colleges and univer- have to work for it. We have to fight the American dream—some new and sities of this country who will not at- for it. We have to sacrifice for it. And others familiar. tend because they do not have the re- above all else, we must equip our citi- The destructive forces of poverty and sources. That is wrong. We have to ad- zens to use their God-given talents to inequality continue to prove obstacles dress this. compete in the global economy, not by to opportunity and progress. Inter- lowering their wages but by raising national challenges, such as A college education means more their skills. outsourcing of jobs and the rising in- today than it ever has. Today’s demand The price of failure is enormous. Al- vestment of other nations in mathe- for highly skilled workers has moved ready, millions of Americans have seen matics and science, mark a new global beyond the 1950s, when only 15 percent their good jobs shipped overseas. Last standard to drive the world’s economy. of jobs required advanced skills. In year, the new jobs created here at In the face of these changes, we need 2005, more than 60 percent of all jobs home paid 41 percent less than the jobs a national education strategy to assure require some post-secondary education. lost. And American families are finding that America can advance—not re- Of the fastest growing jobs, half re- it harder and harder to make ends treat—in the days ahead. As President quire a college degree and the other meet—harder and harder to live the Bush challenged the nation in his Inau- half require strong information tech- American dream. gural Address today, we must ‘‘bring nology skills. To restore that dream in a global the highest standards to our schools.’’ economy, we must remove every obsta- To meet this goal, we must do more Despite growing demand, in the fu- cle to our vision and look beyond the to see that No Child Left Behind truly ture, it is estimated that the number of horizons of today. Of course, we must means no child. college degrees earned will slow to one- strengthen our economy so that it It’s not just a slogan. For us, it’s a third of its current rate. works for everyone. And we must in- moral commitment. It’s a solemn oath Yet, last year, 400,000 college-ready vest in new growth industries that will to our children, to parents, and to com- students didn’t attend a 4-year college create the well-paying jobs of the fu- munities that we will fight for them on a full-time basis because they ture. every single day. couldn’t afford to do so. Most of all, we must stand with all It’s a promise that they will see Americans to ensure that they have qualified teachers, afterschool inter- In America, surely we can agree that the skills and the opportunities they ventions, and supplemental services. cost should never be a barrier to a col- need for the future. We must encourage It’s a promise that they will see high lege education. the study of math and science, and academic standards, research-based in- There is another area I want to men- once again create a culture of innova- struction, and targeted help when they tion. I know my colleagues are here tion and progress in America. need it. and want to speak. I will not take more That’s the mission of the Department It’s also a promise that every child than my share of the time. One other of Education in these times. counts—Black or White, Hispanic or It is why I welcome President Bush’s very important feature I hope we can Asian, rich or poor. Our promise to work with the administration on is nomination of Margaret Spellings to be leave no child behind means that chil- the next Secretary of Education. early education. I touched briefly on Ms. Spellings has an impressive dren with disabilities receive access to college. I think we have to do a great record on domestic policy. During her 4 a highly-qualified teacher and to the deal more in the areas of math and years in the White House, she has individualized support that they need science. When you look at what our worked on a range of issues for Presi- to succeed in school and in life. It competition is doing in China, in India, dent Bush, including transportation, means that schools are held account- in terms of math and science and engi- able for their progress, too. housing, health, and labor. neering and research, we cannot take Most impressive is her work on edu- No Child Left Behind is an expression of our basic values that we’re willing for granted our own prosperity and our cation. Ms. Spellings has been a con- own national security. sistent champion for improving and to make the tough choice and the hard strengthening public education, from sacrifices to invest in and improve our The best dollar invested in children her days as an advisor to Texas Gov- public schools, because they are the is in early education. This chart shows ernor Bush to her later role as the ever widening gateways to opportunity results from the High Scope Perry Pre- President’s principal advisor on the No and success for every one of our chil- school Study, in Ypsilanti Michigan, Child Left Behind Act. Over the years, dren. which has been peer reviewed, the Bee- she has worn many different hats in Our commitment cannot stop there. thoven Early Childhood Program public education—advocate, parent, We must do more to help students pre- Study, and the Chicago Child/Parent and policymaker. Her steadfast com- pare for college, afford college, enter Centers Study in Chicago. They all mitment to children and to the institu- college, and complete college. reached the same conclusions: with tions that serve them has never I point out briefly what has been hap- early education a young person is more wavered. pening when we look at the costs of likely to complete school, more likely I look forward to working with her in college tuition that are effectively out to get a skilled job, less likely to be the years ahead to strengthen our of control. From 2001 to 2004 or 2005, held back a grade, and less likely to the increase of public college education schools and universities, and forge a need special education. The results are national commitment in education. for 4 years has increased 35 percent. There has been an effort to recognize dramatic. The results are even more More than a basic value or a founding dramatic that they are more likely to belief, education has been a force to everyone has some role in making col- complete high school on time. move America forward. It has been the lege affordable. The individual has a engine of the American dream. role. Some have resources, others do The wonderful book Jack Shonkoff During the industrial revolution, we not. If they do not have the resources wrote, ‘‘From Neurons to Neighbor- made a national commitment to ex- but have the academic skill, we at the hoods,’’ brings together three National

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.005 S20PT1 S88 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Academy of Sciences Studies. All of We should make college free—no loans port for this nominee. Margaret them reach the same conclusion, that whatsoever—for any student, regard- Spellings does not always say no. She the opportunity to make progress with less of their family income, training to is not always going to say yes, but she children in the earliest of months, vir- become a math or science grade school is not always going to say no. We on tually since the time they are born— teacher. this side of the aisle are looking for- even prior to the time they go to Head Second, even for those not going into ward to working with our chairman to Start or a preschool program—is im- teaching, we should make college and try to make a real difference in en- mense, and we have the proof. graduate school tuition free for middle hancing the quality of education for This is an area Mrs. Bush is inter- class and low-income math and science children all over this country. ested in. I am very hopeful we can find students. These fields are critical to I thank the Chair. common ground and work on this area. America’s future and we should dedi- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- I believe that every child in America, cate resources toward strengthening pore. Who yields time? upon reaching eighth grade, should be them in particular. The Senator from Wyoming. offered a contract. Let students sign it, Third, we should expand the capacity Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I yield such along with their parents and Uncle of colleges and universities to educate time to the Senator from Tennessee as Sam. The contract will state that if future scientists and engineers by he might consume. you work hard, if you finish high growing the Tech Talent program at The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- school and are admitted to college, we the National Science Foundation. Tech pore. The Senator from Tennessee. will guarantee you the cost of earning Talent enables colleges to hire addi- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, a degree. Surely, we have reached a tional math and science faculty, de- while the chairman and Senator KEN- stage in America where we can say it velop additional math and science NEDY and Senator DODD are here, I and mean it—cost must never again be courses, make sure that math and want to say that I appreciate Senator a bar to college education. science classes are small and accom- KENNEDY’s remarks and strong support We must also inspire a renaissance of panied by up to date lab facilities, and for Margaret Spellings. I appreciate math and science in our schools and supports paid summer internships for the work he and MIKE ENZI and Senator colleges. Over the last 30 years, Amer- math and science college students. DODD have done in education and early ica has fallen from 3rd to 15th in pro- Finally, we can’t expect to maintain childhood education, and I hope that is ducing scientists and engineers. In a a competitive standing in the global a signal that over the next couple of major study released last month, we economy without paying attention to years we can do more together. ranked 29th among 40 industrialized education in the early years. Learning Senator KENNEDY and I worked on nations in math. begins at birth, and research has prov- legislation that affects American his- This revival begins in our elementary en that what we do for our children’s tory, and we have another pending bill and high school classrooms. early education and development does on that. Senator DODD and I have Last week, President Bush called for more to ensure their success later in worked together on legislation that af- increased investments in the training school and later in life than any other fects premature birth. We have some of math and science teachers in our investment. differences of opinion, and we will middle schools and high schools. This Today, two-thirds of fourth graders make those differences of opinion, but is an important first step. are not proficient readers. Less than a I am confident at least the chairman In addition, the courses that students third of American students are pro- and I, and I believe Senator KENNEDY take—as well as the quality of teach- ficient in math and science. And one- and Senator DODD, will work together ing—matter greatly. We know that the third of students who begin high school higher the level of math courses that on Education Committee issues to do fail to earn a diploma. our very best to make sure we put chil- students take in high school, the more Early education can change all of dren first and our country’s competi- likely they are to earn a bachelor’s de- that. Students who participate in high- tive position first. I relish the oppor- gree. quality, comprehensive early childhood tunity to work with them. I know of no National standards in math and programs are less likely to be held three more effective Senators than the science have existed for more than a back a grade, and less likely to need chairman, Senator KENNEDY, and Sen- decade. We ensure that those standards special education. Later on, they are are competitive with international more likely to complete high school on ator DODD. I wanted to say that while norms, and align them with the skills time. Later in life, they are more like- they were all here. I once held the same job President that students need to be successful in ly to hold a skilled job or a college de- George W. Bush hopes Margaret college and in the workforce. We gree. should offer incentives and supports for It’s time that we made early child- Spellings will hold. I was appointed schools to develop and implement rig- hood education a priority in America. Secretary of Education by the first orous standards and courses. High We need to ensure that every child has President Bush. As I said at the hear- standards and high-quality curriculum access to a high quality early edu- ing for Ms. Spellings, at my first Cabi- are the pillars of reform in our schools. cation program. net meeting I learned that not every- We must strengthen the pipeline of We need to coordinate the wide vari- one in Washington thinks it is the math and science into higher edu- ety of programs and services currently most important job in Washington, be- cation. In the 1950s, after the launch of available for children. And we must cause I learned at my first Cabinet Sputnik, the National Defense Edu- also ensure that all those caring for meeting that the Secretary of Edu- cation Act resulted in a doubling of the children have the skills and qualifica- cation sits at the end of the Cabinet federal expenditure in education, and tions necessary. If we are to expect table and is the last to be evacuated in helped secure the advancement and quality care for our children in these the case of a crisis. In fact, I used to later dominance of the United States settings, then they need quality teach- tell my friends, if they woke up in the in the arms race and in the global ers, who are supported, trained, and morning when I was in the Cabinet and economy. adequately compensated to do the job. saw me assuring them that everything But today, out of 15 million college America has always dedicated itself was all right, they should know that students, less than 400,000 graduate to expanding opportunity and embrac- everything was not all right because with a bachelor’s degree in math, ing the future. These are our highest that would mean they had worked all science, engineering, or technology. values, and we must draw upon them to the way down to rest of the Govern- Only 75,000 go on to obtain Master’s de- approach the challenges that lie ahead ment before they got to me. grees in those fields. We need a new Na- with strength, skill, and confidence. But I agree with what the Senator tional Defense Education Act. In short, we must stand ready to em- from Massachusetts said a little ear- We can double the number of future brace the American dream by improv- lier. I do not think there is any more American scientists by 2010 if we pur- ing the quality of education in Amer- important job in Washington than that sue three key strategies. ica. of Secretary of Education, who does First, we need more and better math Mr. President, I urge our colleagues not manage education. Education is in and science teachers in grade schools. and friends to give overwhelming sup- the homes and communities and

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.029 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S89 schools, and it is paid for, 93, 94 per- search universities and those national Government that follows them to the cent, outside of Washington. But the laboratories. And just as they were for school of their choice. We ought to con- Education Secretary can help our the last 50 years, they will be for the tinue to respect that autonomy and not President put a priority on education. next 5, 10, 50 years the key to our abil- restrict it. A lot of improving education is sim- ity to keep our standard of living. We Colleges of education, distance learn- ply valuing education. I used to say need to remember that we are only 5 to ing, community colleges, increased down in Tennessee, when I was Gov- 6 percent of the population in the spending for the physical sciences that ernor, trying to get our State to value world, and we may have a third of all support our research efforts, political it more than that, the reason the Min- the dollars. Now the rest of the world correctness in colleges and univer- nesota schools are better than the Ten- is going to be catching up, and they are sities, the relationship of research uni- nessee schools is that in Minnesota already doing that. versities and the National Labora- they value education more, that we India and China are busy keeping tories, having an administration-wide were valuing fast cars and football their brightest people home. They are inventory of all the Federal Govern- games and they were valuing high busy working on building greater uni- ment does in support of higher edu- scores in math and science, and we versities. While we may be taking for cation would help us put a focus on were getting the fastest cars and they granted this superior system of higher higher education, and the fact that bet- were getting the highest scores in education we have today, Senator KEN- ter schools, colleges, and universities math and science. NEDY pointed out the rising tuition. I mean better jobs. So having the President and respec- will tell you why the tuition is rising. There are two or three other areas I tive Members of the Senate put this It is not because the Federal Govern- hope the President and the new Sec- upfront and having a competition for ment is not putting more money in. It retary will pay attention to, such as who can have the best ‘‘better schools’’ is because the State governments are finding more ways to involve parents program and the best new initiative, putting in less. in the education of their children by that is the way we should be doing it. In Tennessee, when I left the Gov- giving them more choices of edu- I look forward to that. ernor’s office in 1987, 51 cents out of cational opportunities. I believe the ge- I believe Margaret Spellings can help every State tax dollar was being spent nius behind our superior system of col- President Bush complete 8 years as a on education, and 14 cents on health leges and universities is because we genuine education President. Because care. Today, it is 40 cents on education, don’t try to run them from here. We re- she knows him. She worked with him and 26 cents on health care; and health spect the autonomy of the universities in Texas. She helped him introduce one care is going up. That same story is and we allow students money and allow of the strongest accountability pro- true in virtually every State in the them to choose the schools. If it helped grams any State has. She was able to country, and the money that was being create the best colleges, I don’t know work with the Congress, helping him spent on education and now being why we don’t use more of that to help work in a bipartisan way with the No spent on health care is coming, for the create the best schools. Child Left Behind bill, in a very strong large part, out of higher education. So A third area is to make sure we are example of bipartisanship, not just a if we shortchange higher education, we spending Federal dollars for children passive one. But to continue to support are shortchanging our ability to keep age 0 to 5 as well as possible. This is an it, she worked for the school board as- good jobs in the United States. area the Senator from Massachusetts sociation there. We have a number of other issues mentioned. It is one in which the Sen- So she knows the President. She that have to do with higher education ator from Connecticut is interested. knows the subject. She knows politics. that we need to focus on. Visas for for- The Federal Government spends $18 to She knows the Congress. She knows eign students: The Senator from Min- $21 billion a year through 69 different the White House. And she ought to be nesota has been as active, perhaps programs that dedicate part of their good. So I am delighted the President more active, than any other Senator in budget toward early education and care has chosen her. I look forward to work- pointing out there is a dramatic drop programs that serve children under the ing with her. in the number of foreign students at age of 5. That is in addition to all the Now, Senator KENNEDY and Senator our universities. People might say, so money that goes to children because of ENZI made some mention of a few sub- what? They do not speak English very the Medicaid Program. The Depart- jects they believe are important, espe- well, anyway, when they teach courses ment of Education administers 34 of cially important right now, that they in graduate school. those 69 programs. We ought to take a hope the President and his new Sec- Here is so what. They are among the look at the spending of the $18 to $21 retary will put a focus on. I would like smartest people in the rest of the billion and find out how well it is being to do the same, in brief. world, and they come here, go to our spent. No. 1, I would like to see this new universities, and they create ideas and Head Start is just about a third of it. Secretary and this President establish jobs for us. They help make our univer- Head Start is not all we do for early a point person within the administra- sities the best. France, Germany, India children. We ought to see where the tion for higher education. One of my and China are trying to keep them gaps are. We ought to understand what great regrets, as I left the Secretary of home, and we are making it hard for the States are doing, what the cities Education’s office in 1992—other than I them to get here. We are going to pay are doing, and then see what else the had to leave it because we lost the elec- the price for that. Federal Government might need to do tion—one of my great regrets was I did The President has made some com- additionally or what we might change not go to the first President Bush and ments about year-round Pell grants. to do better. say: Let me be the point person for all We have held a hearing about that. Next, make sure No Child Left Be- the Federal Government does on higher Senator KENNEDY talked about the ade- hind is funded, flexible, and working. education. And why is that? It is be- quacy of Pell grants. We need to look The President has asked us to expand cause the National Academy of at that. I believe our universities are it to high school, or has indicated his Sciences estimates that one-half of our strong because, first, we recognize intention to do so. We ought to take a new jobs since World War II have come their autonomy. look at what we are already doing first from advances in science and tech- In other words, we don’t tell them and see if there are some lessons that nology; in other words, from our brain- what to do. We encourage autonomy, we need to learn from how No Child power. That is where it has come from. and then we give the money to stu- Left Behind was implemented in the And much of that advance in science dents and let the money follow the stu- first 3 years so that we can avoid any and technology has come from about 50 dents to the academic institution of mistakes we made when we consider great research universities and the na- their choice. We don’t say you can’t go going on into high school. tional laboratories we have that are to Notre Dame or you can’t go to Ye- I am a convert to No Child Left Be- run by the Department of Energy. shiva or you can’t go to Howard. Sixty hind. I am a convert primarily because No other country in the world has percent of American college students we have a third of our eighth graders anything that compares with those re- have a grant or a loan from the Federal who score below basic on reading and

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.030 S20PT1 S90 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 math, which is disgraceful. At least we ferent ways to restore the civic mission cation. The mission of the Department need to know that and need to know of our public schools. of Education is ‘‘to ensure equal access who is falling behind. But this is a There is a lot to do. I believe there to education and to promote edu- huge program, and there is a lot to are three great challenges facing our cational excellence for all Americans.’’ look at: Achievement in State stand- country: One is terrorism; one is pre- If we succeed in making our education ards, what constitutes highly qualified serving our common culture; and one is system as good as it can be, there is no teachers, the choice in supplemental keeping our jobs in a competitive national priority that will not benefit. service provisions, how No Child Left world marketplace. And the key to If we do not succeed, we leave things to Behind affects rural areas as compared that is brainpower and education. Bet- chance. So I believe that the Secretary to urban, the very important U.S. his- ter schools, colleges, and universities of Education is one of the most, if not tory subject and learning English sub- will mean better jobs. And with the ex- the most, important positions in the ject. And we need to look at funding. perience that we have in this Chamber President’s Cabinet. Last time I checked, the President and the high level of interest we have Ms. Spellings comes to the Depart- does not appropriate a penny. The Con- in education and the history we have ment of Education with strong creden- gress might as well give itself some had recently of bipartisan cooperation, tials as a policymaker in the area of credit for this. Federal funding for K–12 we ought to be able to make some sig- education. She currently serves as the is up 36 percent. That is a lot. It is as nificant progress. Assistant to the President for Domes- much as Senator KENNEDY said tuition I look forward to being a part of that, tic Policy. In that role, she is respon- was up in the last 4 years. State fund- working with Chairman ENZI and sible for the development and imple- ing, at least in my State, is up about 11 Ranking Member KENNEDY. mentation of White House policy on percent. So Federal funding for kinder- I thank the Chair. education, health, labor and other ele- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- garten through the 12th grade is up ments of the President’s domestic pore. The Senator from Wyoming. three times as much in the last 4 years agenda. Prior to her White House ap- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I thank the pointment, she worked for 6 years as as State funding for kindergarten Senator from Tennessee for his total through the 12th grade. But still we one of Governor Bush’s senior advisers, enthusiasm on this issue. We are so for- a role in which she had responsibility need to take an honest look to see. tunate to have him as the chair of the We put some new requirements, for the development and implementa- Subcommittee on Education and Early through No Child Left Behind, on State tion of his education agenda. Many of Childhood. You have just seen a dem- and local governments. Did we properly the initiatives she worked on were in- onstration of the passion that he puts fund that? That is an appropriate ques- corporated into the No Child Left Be- into education. Of course, he has cov- hind Act, NCLBA. In fact, Ms. tion. We should ask that question. ered it from the perspective of being Finally, I would like to see more Spellings was one of the administra- Governor, of being a college president. work done on the subject that Senator tion’s primary architects of the No Probably more important, he has cov- KENNEDY and I and the new Democratic Child Left Behind Act, working with ered it from the perspective of being Members of this body, and others, to leader, Senator REID, have worked on. the Secretary of Education of the That is restoring the civic mission of craft this law. United States. Now as a Senator, he is As Ms. spellings said at her hearing, our public schools. The President going to make a difference in policy by there is no more important obligation talked about that today in his inau- pursuing that committee vigorously, as each of us has to the American people gural address: What does it mean to be we can tell from his comments. than to educate our citizens. Like her, an American? He gave the kind of I also appreciate the earlier com- I believe that a high-quality education speech I hoped he would give: What are ments of Senator KENNEDY and the tre- must be available to each and every the values in our country? What is im- mendous cooperation that we have had American regardless of where they live, portant to us? We can get all the pro- not only on the hearings that we have their economic status, whether they grams later. He did that beautifully. had but also on the personal discus- attend urban, rural or suburban The late Albert Shanker, President sions on the workload that we have by schools, and whether they are a first or of the American Federation of Teach- September 5, when 28 reauthorizations fifth generation American. I was im- ers, once said the reason we have pub- expire. We have to get those done. pressed at her nomination hearing by lic schools is to teach the three Rs to I thank the Chair and yield the floor. the breadth of her knowledge and her the immigrant children and teach them The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ability to respond to a wide range of what it means to be an American with pore. The Senator from Connecticut. questions on so many aspects of edu- the hope that they will go home and Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I am glad cation policy. Her intimate knowledge teach their parents. We should be em- our colleague from Tennessee has re- of No Child Left Behind will be the key barrassed that the lowest score that mained. People may assume I am ful- to successful future implementation of high school seniors make on the na- filling some collegial courtesy to ex- this law, and I am hopeful that she is tional assessment for educational tend comments about the experiences up to the task of working with this progress test is in U.S. history, our of the members of the committee, but body to ensure that a greater degree of own history. If we don’t know our own as Senator ENZI has just said, we are reasonableness is taken into account in history, we don’t know why we are in very fortunate to have LAMAR ALEX- implementing it. Iraq. We don’t know why we say any- ANDER as a Member of this body and as I do not in the least question this thing is possible. We don’t know why a member of the Committee on Health, nominee’s qualifications or commit- we say no child is left behind. We don’t Education, Labor, and Pensions. The ment. She is in these respects truly im- know why we debate illegal immigra- Senator from Wyoming touched on the pressive. I do, however, question the tion. We could have no discussion in experiences that Senator ALEXANDER policies of the administration she is the Senate Chamber that made any has had, except one, and that was as a duty-bound to represent. sense at all unless we had some under- Presidential candidate. He spoke elo- I had high hopes when this adminis- standing of U.S. history. quently, throughout those months in tration came to office. I supported Senator REID and I cosponsored legis- which he sought the highest office in what is widely touted as this adminis- lation that passed last year to help cre- the land, about the importance of edu- tration’s landmark education initia- ate summer academies, presidential cation. So, we are fortunate to have tive, the No Child Left Behind Act. academies for the teachers of American him on our Committee. I supported No Child Left Behind be- history, and congressional academies I can’t tell the Chairman of the Com- cause I care about improving the qual- for students of American history. Sen- mittee how much I look forward to ity of education in America for all of ator KENNEDY and I will introduce working with him as well. I am opti- our children. I believed that this law again this year legislation that will mistic about the work we can do on the would help to achieve this goal by es- add State-by-State tests and NEAP Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- tablishing more rigorous standards for tests in U.S. history, giving States that sions Committee. measuring student achievement, by option so they can compare their I will support the nomination of Mar- helping teachers do a better job of in- scores. We are looking for many dif- garet Spellings as Secretary of Edu- structing students, and by providing

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.032 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S91 the resources desperately needed by A college graduate earns close to years ago that any nation that ever ex- our schools for even the most basic ne- double the amount of an individual pects to be ignorant and free expects cessities to help put the reforms we who has only graduated from high what never was and what never pos- passed into place. Regrettably, the school. Without additional financial sibly could be. That was his statement high hopes that I and others had for No aid in the form of loans—and more im- at the beginning of the 19th century. It Child Left Behind have not been real- portantly, grants—many American stu- is just as true today. That is why the ized. The law is being implemented by dents may not be able to afford a col- nomination before us is of the utmost the administration in a manner that is lege education. Prohibitive costs may importance. inflexible, unreasonable, and unhelpful be keeping some of our best minds from I yield the floor. to students. fulfilling their dreams of a higher edu- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Worse still, the administration’s cation. And yet, this administration CHAFEE). The Senator from Oregon. promise of sufficient resources to im- has done virtually nothing to make Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I do not plement No Child Left Behind’s much- college more financial accessible. want to turn this into a bouquet-toss- needed reforms is a promise that has Qualified students with the will to ing process, but I also want to com- yet to be kept. Currently, the law is achieve should be given the change to mend our friend from Wyoming. I think underfunded by $9.8 billion. As a result do so. Until recent announcements of he is going to do an excellent job in his of the failures of the administration to expanding the Pell Grant program, this new position. At the end of last year, fulfill its commitment to our Nation’s administration has done little if any- we got a little bit more flexibility in schoolchildren under the Law, children thing to give these students that terms of the interpretation of Leave No and their teachers are shouldering new chance. And while I am happy to hear Child Behind Act because of the efforts and noteworthy hardships. Students, that higher education is receiving long with respect to hiring of rural teach- teachers, administrators, parents, and over due attention, I am concerned by ers, and I thank him for his work on communities, are struggling to work indications that the administration that, and certainly the bipartisan firm with requirements that are often con- may pay for new initiatives simply by of Senators KENNEDY, DODD, ENZI, and fusing, inflexible, and unrealistic. And cutting others. ALEXANDER is a force to contend with, they are struggling to do so without Outside of funding, I am concerned and I am looking forward very much to the additional resources they were about President Bush’s proposal to working with them. promised to put them into place. move Head Start from the Department The confirmation of the Secretary of As I have said on numerous occasions of Health and Human Services to the Education by the Senate, important as in the past, resources without reforms Department of Education and to it is, is not the only important develop- are a waste of money. By the same change the program’s focus to reading. ment in American education this week. token, reforms without resources are a I do not object to exploring innovative I am sure many of our colleagues have false promise—a false promise that has ways to help children read. However, it heard about the remarks made by Har- left students, their teachers, and tax- is the comprehensive nature of Head vard President Larry Summers this payers, grappling with new burdens and Start that makes a difference for poor week, remarks that in effect said little help to bear them. children. Head Start is just as much women may be underrepresented in Just last week, the President an- about ensuring that children have math and sciences because of innate nounced a new education initiative proper health care, dental care, vision differences between men and women. that would expand No Child Left Be- and hearing screening, as well as I spoke with Dr. Summers this morn- hind testing at the high school level. screening for developmental delays. ing. He made it clear to me that he is New testing, combined with new re- Head Start is about the social, emo- acutely aware that remarks he in- quirements already scheduled over the tional, physical, and cognitive develop- tended to be thought-provoking crossed next 2 years—including the deadline for ment of children. To focus only on cog- the line. He knows that as president of teachers to be highly qualified—will re- nitive development would ignore the one of America’s most distinguished in- quire a great infusion of resources. And other pillars of school readiness. We stitutions, his views are heard world- yet, we have recently been told that need to be cautious about changing a wide. I expect he will continue to ex- one-third of the States will see a de- program that does so much good for so press his contrition to the Harvard cline in No Child Left behind funds this many children and families. Our focus community and educators around the coming year. need to remain in the development of country. No Child Left Behind is not the only the ‘‘whole’’ child. I have devoted a lot of time to this law which remains underfunded. I sill support Margaret Spellings’ issue myself. In 2002, when I became Today, the Individuals with Disabil- nomination because she is well-quali- chairman of the Subcommittee on ities in Education Act, IDEA is funded fied for the position and has dem- Science, I pursued this issue on a bipar- at less than half of the 40 percent we onstrated seriousness of purpose. How- tisan basis, particularly with Senator committed to provide when we passed ever, my concerns about the nominee ALLEN of Virginia. Today I ask my col- the law 30 years ago. This means that are not her personal qualifications but leagues the question of what ought to States continue to bear more than the policies of the administration she be on the table at this point, and that their fair share of responsibility for represents. I pledge my best effort to is what is going to be done now, what meeting disabled students’ needs. work with her and others to find com- is going to be done immediately, to States that, mind you, are facing as- mon ground. But, by the same token, I create more opportunities for girls and tronomical deficits as a whole. States will respectfully dissent where this ad- women to advance in science, math, en- that often have no choice but to pass ministration pursues policies that I be- gineering, and related fields? these costs on to municipalities which lieve are harmful to our Nation’s chil- It is very seldom, when a problem then pass them on to everyday, average dren. such as this comes up, that there is lit- American taxpayers through their Again, even though I am supportive erally a tool right at our fingertips to local property taxes. of this nomination, it does not mean solve the problem, but in studying this Just as disheartening is this adminis- that Ms. Spellings is going to agree issue, in holding hearings on this issue, tration’s lack of support for student fi- with the Senator from Connecticut on I became convinced that title IX of the nancial aid. Since coming into office, it everything. I suspect she will not. But Education Act can be the key to ensur- has done little to help the average I know when I make a call to her, I ing gender equity in critical academic American taxpayer send their children have somebody on the line who will lis- fields for women. to college. The maximum Pell Grant ten and will consider sound arguments Here is how title IX reads: No person award remains frozen at $4,050 for the about why or why not we ought to do in the United States shall, on the basis fourth consecutive year, enough to pay certain things. I very much look for- of sex, be excluded from participation just 34 percent of the average annual ward to working with her and this in, be denied the benefits of, or be sub- cost of attending college. In the mean- committee in the coming months. jected to discrimination under any edu- time, public college tuition has gone up I have often quoted Thomas Jefferson cational program or activity receiving 35 percent over the last 4 years. who made the comment just over 200 Federal financial assistance.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.014 S20PT1 S92 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 It means any institution receiving and science education was the second It is a noble and good effort for us to Federal funds must make sure that biggest threat to our national security. think about how can we make certain women are treated equitably. It warned that only the threat of a young girls as well as young boys have In the Senate, and certainly around weapon of mass destruction in an the opportunity to learn more about the country, there is a common mis- American city was a greater danger. In science and math and to make careers conception that title IX is about fact, the Commission unanimously con- of science and math should they choose sports. I think very few people are cluded that the danger from under- to do that. I would like to urge some aware that primarily, at its roots, it is investing in math and science and fail- caution in the application of title IX to an academic statute. Athletics are cer- ing to reform math and science edu- cause that. We may want to be more tainly where we have seen the most cation was greater than the danger selective in our approach. progress under title IX. Before title IX, from any conceivable conventional I watched the good title IX can do. I 1 in 17 girls in school played sports. war. was president of a university which Now it is 1 in 2.5, or 40 percent. I do not see how America can meet saw a fantastic women’s sports pro- So I ask my colleagues, imagine if its national security needs if it is not gram, as an example, develop because those same changes could be seen in giving women a fair shake as it relates of that—at the University of Ten- math, science, and engineering, from to opportunity in math and science. So nessee. At least it encouraged that. the 20 percent of science undergradu- on this Inauguration Day, I call on the But it might have some unintended ates who are women today, to 40 per- new Education Secretary, the indi- consequences because, in many cases, cent or 50 percent; from the 6 percent vidual we will shortly confirm, to take girls are doing better than boys. Al- of engineering professors who are this message of economic fairness and most every liberal arts college in women today to 40 percent. national security to heart. America today is having a hard time The potential of title IX is enormous. The remarks that Dr. Summers has recruiting males, not females. In many Enforcing it in academic fields could made, which have triggered such de- of the graduate professional schools revolutionize the study and application bate, have generated a new and impor- across the country we are finding grow- of math and science in our country. tant discussion about this issue. As the ing numbers of women, which is a won- derful development, and they are in the Educators of good conscience should Senate confirms a new Education Sec- majority. Were we to begin to apply not wait for a Federal reprimand to retary, I believe there is no better time too strict an application of title IX, we comply with a Federal law that bene- to return our attention to the issue of might find it restricting money spent fits all of us. Title IX ought to be a how this body can advance opportuni- for females because they are doing bet- guiding principle in hiring, tenure, ties for women in math and science, scholarships, and lab space for all ter than the males. not by writing any new laws but by en- One of the greatest problems affect- scholars on all the academic campuses forcing the laws on the books. around our country. Title IX can fi- ing our country is why African-Amer- Colleagues, I would say—our new ican males are not doing as well in nally give women studying science a chair is here—it is one thing if Chair- fair shake where they have not gotten high schools, so I would like to discuss man ENZI has to get together with Sen- that some more. I appreciate his bring- one before. It does not sound like a tall ator KENNEDY and Senator ALEXANDER order, but it is not happening. Unfortu- ing it up. I am glad I was here to hear and Senator DODD and write a whole it. nately, the Federal Government is not new law. Here we have a law on the Second, I have read the comments taking the lead in terms of tackling books, but the conception is that it is about Dr. Summers and his comments. the issue. just for sports, and it has been a good He may wish he said what he said in a For example, I asked the General Ac- sports statute. What I am saying is we little different way, but I am also a lit- counting Office to examine whether the can revolutionize opportunities for tle concerned about the controversy. I Federal Government is following the women in math and science if we use understand what he said is he raised law and enforcing title IX. What the the law as it was originally intended. the question: Is it possible that there is General Accounting Office found was Go talk to our former colleague, Sen- an innate difference between men and disappointing at best. They looked at ator Birch Bayh. Senator BAYH, who women that might contribute to the the Department of Education, NASA, testified before my subcommittee, said smaller number of women who study the Department of Energy, and the Na- this was primarily an academic stat- math and science and make careers of tional Science Foundation, and they ute, and he would very much like to it? found that little or no efforts were see it used for opportunities for If he were a politician on the Senate being made to ensure compliance with women. floor, he might think twice about say- title IX requirements for grantees get- The conversation I had with Dr. ing that because he might be misinter- ting Federal dollars. Of all the agencies Summers this morning certainly was preted. But if you are on the campus of reviewed, the Department of Education not over when we hung up the phones. a university, you are supposed to be was the only Federal agency that con- What began as a controversy this week able to ask questions, even questions ducted any title IX compliance re- I hope is going to end with a bipartisan that are a little offbeat, even questions views. But they have not conducted a effort, like the one that Senator ALLEN that are incorrect. I can guarantee single review—not one—since 1995. and I launched several years ago, to you, having been temporarily on the The Federal Government is not doing make sure there are more opportuni- faculty there at Harvard with an ap- its part to ensure that title IX is being ties for women and girls to enter the pointment, there are many more bi- enforced for women and girls with the math and science fields. That is what I zarre ideas than that that are regularly ability and the desire to work in math intend to pursue. I intend to do it on a asked and regularly expressed. So he and science. I have asked Secretary of bipartisan basis, working with our new may be wrong; the answer to the ques- Education Paige and the President chair and colleagues whom I know tion is no, there are no innate dif- that title IX be enforced as intended. share this interest. ferences between men and women that But today, colleagues, I formally call I yield the floor. contribute to the reason why fewer on the individual who will shortly be Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, how much women follow math and science, but I confirmed as the Secretary of Edu- time do I have remaining? think certainly a faculty member of cation, Margaret Spellings, to work to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Harvard or the president of Harvard ensure that girls and women in our fed- ator has 26 minutes and 56 seconds. ought to be free at least to discuss the erally funded schools do not suffer dis- Mr. ENZI. I have been requested by question without being roundly con- crimination in math and the sciences. I the Senator from Tennessee to yield 3 demned across the country. will tell you, it is an issue of econom- minutes to discuss the issue that has I thank the Senator from Oregon for ics, and it is also an issue of national just been brought up. his thoughtful comments. I would love security. A report from the Hart-Rud- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I to talk with him more about whether man Commission on National Security am glad I was here to hear the Senator the application of title IX would actu- to 2025 warned that America’s failure from Oregon. I want to think about ally have some unintended con- to invest in science and to reform math what he said and make two comments. sequences, consequences he might not

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.036 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S93 intend. I hope on all of our campuses parents that adequate funding would be from a continuum that starts in early and universities, even presidents are provided to ensure that the various re- childhood to grade school, moving on free to ask questions and have a free quirements relating to teacher quality to college and beyond—is central in inquiry. I believe that is why we have and accountability could be imple- maintaining America’s competitive those institutions. mented without creating an additional edge. To meet this goal, adequate fund- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- financial burden for States and local ing of our public schools and post-sec- ator from Oregon. communities. Additionally, States ondary institutions is necessary to Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I will not were assured that sufficient flexibility keep our students on the path toward belabor this. I do believe I have to would be provided to States for the de- achievement. I am confident that Ms. make a couple of responses with re- velopment and implementation of Spellings will uphold this responsi- spect to the remarks made by the dis- State plans to meet the requirements bility as the head of the Department. tinguished Senator from Tennessee. under NCLB. Regrettably, these two Meeting the needs of learners at all The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the key goals have not been met. ages and targeting approaches that Senator from Wyoming yield time? The nomination of Margate Spellings prepare them to be successful is a pri- Mr. ENZI. I yield 2 minutes for a is an encouraging development regard- ority. By investing in education, we quick response. This is a very impor- ing our national education policy. Mar- are empowering our economy. I am tant topic. Everybody has a common garet Spellings brings to this office eager to work with Ms. Spellings on interest in making sure there is a qual- very significant credentials, including strengthening our education system, ity in education all the way through. I her service as the principal education making sure that every student reach would appreciate the comments of the advisor to President Bush during his his or her full potential and improving Senator from Oregon, briefly. term as Governor of Texas. She is rec- the quality of life for all families. Mr. WYDEN. I want to say first of ognized for her expertise on education Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I rise all, I am talking about enforcing a law reform and has distinguished herself as today in strong support of the con- that is on the books. All I am talking Assistant to the President for Domes- firmation of Margaret Spellings to be about is the original intent of a law tic Policy. Additionally, Margaret Secretary of Education. Margaret that is on the books, which is applied Spellings played a key role in develop- Spellings has devoted her career to primarily to the academic field—not ment of the No Child Left Behind Act. working to improve education for chil- Most importantly, Margaret sports. dren in Texas and across the Nation. Spellings nomination represents a won- I want it understood that I am not Her experience and dedication make derful opportunity for the Department talking about anything new. I am talk- her eminently qualified to serve as of Education to work more closely with ing about enforcing the law that is on Secretary of Education. Congress, States and the education the books. Margaret Spellings is the ideal per- Second, making sure that I am spe- community in a realistic implementa- son to work with States and Governors tion of NCLB. Congress supports the cific with respect to what the Senator of both parties to achieve the goal of goals of improving teacher quality and from Tennessee has said, all I am talk- raising student achievement for all ensuring that students are fully pre- ing about is that women would get an students in all schools. As the Assist- pared upon graduation to meet the equal shot at all of the slots in math ant to the President for Domestic Pol- challenges of the 21st century. It’s ab- and science. We know there can be dif- icy, Ms. Spellings has been responsible solutely essential, however, that the ferent results based upon the qualifica- for the development and implementa- Department of Education be a strong tions of an individual. And universities tion of White House policy on edu- and realistic partner in the implemen- don’t need to have the exact same cation, healthcare, labor, housing and tation of the Act. State and local offi- number of men and women for every many other elements of President cials and educators must also be as- position on their faculties. But what I sured that they will not be saddled Bush’s domestic agenda. She has also want us to do—and what title IX is all with extraordinary unfunded mandates served with distinction as the senior about—is make sure that women have or regulations to comply with the act. advisor to then-Governor George W. an equal shot at all of the slots that I commend Margaret Spellings for Bush in Texas with responsibility for are available. It seems to me, if we her commitment to education and am State education policy, and as asso- don’t do that, we are not complying pleased to vote in support of her con- ciate executive director of the Texas with the law that is on the books. firmation as Secretary of Education. I Association of School Boards. I will tell you that we are not going look forward to working with her on Throughout her professional career, to be able to meet the economic and critical education issues on a national Margaret Spellings has had in-depth national security needs of our country. level and to addressing the very real discussions with teachers, administra- The Senator from Tennessee is al- concerns of educators and school offi- tors and school board members. She ways very gracious. I am anxious to cials in North Dakota on teacher qual- understands about school reform and work with him in these areas. I want to ity, especially the issue of highly the Federal role in education. In Texas, make sure and emphasize that I am qualified teachers and education fund- she was responsible for developing and talking about equal opportunity—an ing. The No Child Left Behind Act implementing the State’s strong school equal shot. That is the call that I am must be an initiative of cooperation accountability system, and she was making today on the floor of the Sen- and partnership among all parties in also instrumental in the State’s strong ate. the education community and the Fed- reading and charter school efforts. As a I yield the floor. eral Government if it is to succeed in top domestic advisor to the President, Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, earlier improving education for our children. she was integral to the development of this month, the Senate Health, Edu- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, the No Child Left Behind Act, which is cation, Labor and Pension Committee today the Senate will consider and vote producing solid improvements in read- reported to the Senate the nomination on the nomination of Margaret ing and math for America’s students of Margaret Spellings for confirmation Spellings as the new Secretary of Edu- and is helping students by trans- as Secretary of Education. I am very cation. I will support her nomination. forming our public education system. pleased that the nomination was Ms. Spellings is a capable leader, hav- The fact that President Bush has unanimously reported and I intend to ing been principally involved in shap- chosen one of his closest and most vote in support of her confirmation for ing education policy on both State and trusted advisors to become Education this important post. Federal levels for over a decade. Her Secretary is a clear sign that education Over the past 4 years since passage of commitment to working on both sides will continue to be a top domestic pri- the No Child Left Behind, NCLB, Act, of the political aisle and alongside our ority for this administration during there have been—and continue to be— teachers and educators illustrates her the next 4 years. I look forward to many questions regarding funding and dedication to strengthening our working with Margaret Spellings in her implementation of the Act. During this schools. new role as Education Secretary to period, promises were made to Con- In today’s global marketplace, ensur- help make public schools great for gress, the education community and ing access to high-quality education— every child.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.038 S20PT1 S94 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, it is my entire time that we allowed, and there to ensure that he receives the kind of great pleasure and honor to support were none at the hearing we had for education he will need to find a good the nomination of Margaret Spellings her. job, and the constant training and up- to lead the Department of Education. During that hearing, we discussed grading of skills to ensure that he will Ms. Spellings has been a close and the President’s education agenda and be able to keep it. trusted adviser to the President for the future of the educational system. I was just reading a book called ‘‘The over a decade. She will bring to the We asked Mrs. Spellings a lot of ques- Jobs Revolution.’’ A child starting post both local and national experi- tions about her views on these issues school today probably will not be able ence. In Texas, Ms. Spellings led the and about her plans to continue to im- to do like his parents or grandparents Texas Association of School Boards prove our schools. We were all im- did, starting one job and continuing and advised two Governors on edu- pressed with her answers. that for 30 years and then retiring. The cation policy, including then-Governor It was evident from the comments of average child starting school today Bush. In Washington, she has served as the Members there that Mrs. Spellings will have 14 different careers. Here is the top domestic policy advisor to the enjoys strong bipartisan support. I the key part: Ten of those haven’t even President and was one of the key archi- think that has been shown here today, been invented yet, which means the tects of the historic No Child Left Be- too. level of education that we have now hind Act. As her record clearly shows, Mrs. has to have the flexibility to teach Ms. Spellings has earned a solid rep- Spellings is no stranger to the issues of them to get the continuing education utation as one of the sharpest minds in education that will affect every child to get the new jobs so that the best education policy. She is passionate and every schoolroom throughout the jobs are maintained in the United about America’s schools, and more im- United States. States. portantly, passionate about America’s As the President’s domestic policy Someday my grandson will take his school children. Like all of us in this adviser, Mrs. Spellings was the key place in the workplace, and we must chamber, she believes that every child part of the effort to emphasize the ac- make available to him, and to every has the right to learn. Education is the countability and the importance of get- worker who will give our workforce an path to achieving the American dream. ting results in the classroom as part of advantage, a lifetime of learning to en- As a result of her work on the No Child the No Child Left Behind Act. sure that the United States retains its Left Behind Act, students of every Thanks to that important legisla- competitive edge in the global market. background are making strides. tion, our Nation’s classrooms are more Mrs. Spellings understands this—the As the Secretary of Education, Ms. effective. They are more efficient. fact that the workplace isn’t what it Spellings pledge to improve the No They are places of learning, and our used to be. In this global, technology-driven Child Left reforms and extend them to children are benefiting from that. economy, school can never be out. To- the high school level. She is also com- Mrs. Spellings believes, as I do, that day’s workplace demands an ever- mitted to enhancing college aid to as- every school can be a good one, and changing workforce that can adapt to sist older and disadvantaged students. every student can be a star student. the requirements and skills of the new As she told the HELP committee, re- It is no secret that good skills lead to high-tech jobs that are in such high de- forms to No Child Left Behind need to good jobs. Maintaining those skills through a lifetime of learning will lead mand. be sensible and workable. Keeping workers’ abilities current to a good career. Ms. Spellings’ nomination comes to will be vital if they are to continue to That has been my experience as a fa- the Senate floor with strong bipartisan find every job they will need to support ther of three college graduates, and support. She was unanimously voted their families and maintain consist- also the husband of a wife who got a out of committee. Both sides of the ently higher standards of living. aisle recognize and honor her leader- college graduate degree on line from As chairman of the Committee on ship and experience. In Ms. Spellings, the while we Health, Education, Labor and Pen- America’s education system will have a were here in Washington. There is a lit- sions, I am looking forward to working thoughtful, flexible, and effective lead- tle time difference between here and with Mrs. Spellings on these issues and er. Wyoming. A lot of her classes started many more—such as the importance of Karl Rove once said that Margaret pretty late at night. But she stuck using advanced technology to improve Spellings is the most powerful woman with it and got a graduate degree. All our rural schools. in Washington, whom no one knows. As of us are proud of her for that. As we work to address this and the a key Cabinet Secretary, she will be I am proud of all three of my kids other challenges of rural school sys- one of Washington’s most luminous who have their degrees. One of them is tems, we must continue to be flexible stars. a teacher. She has gotten a couple of in our approach. I am pleased to support her nomina- degrees since she became a teacher. That is the only way we can ensure tion. I expect a swift and overwhelm- One of those got her a certification to every child has access to a quality edu- ingly bipartisan vote to make Ms. be a principal. cation and that our school systems are Spellings America’s eighth Secretary I get comments from that lobby very run in a manner that makes more of Education. strongly. I am so pleased with the com- sense for the population they serve. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I yield my- ments I get. Having spoken with Mrs. Spellings, I self such time as I need to conclude I would also be remiss if I did not am certain she shares my concern this debate. mention my sister, who is a business about rural education and that she will We have had a wonderful afternoon major for the Sheridan School District, work together with this Congress to talking about some of the basic edu- which is one of the big school districts continue to make the changes that will cation policies that we need to be on in Wyoming. She is actually the smart- be needed to keep our educational sys- top of for the kids of this country. I am est of us two children. She is also an tem and the lifetime of learning it excited about the bipartisanship that accountant and does an outstanding must provide moving forward. has been shown in this discussion this job of keeping track of every dime of As committee chairman, I am hon- afternoon. education money and informs me of ored to be able to join the distin- We have had a pretty good covering ways we messed up the law when we guished ranking member of the com- of a lot of the different issues that will were doing that. I get a lot of good ad- mittee, Senator KENNEDY, in sup- be coming before the Health, Edu- vice from there. porting the confirmation of Mrs. Mar- cation, Labor and Pensions Committee. But it is also my hope as a grand- garet Spellings to be the next Sec- But, of course, the real purpose of this father of a little boy who looks at me retary of Education. discussion was to have a very brief dis- with trusting eyes certain that his I am extremely pleased that we cussion on the approval of the nomina- grandpa has it under control—and just worked in a bipartisan manner in order tion of Mrs. Spellings to be our Sec- looking at him, I can tell that he is to have Mrs. Spellings confirmed by retary of Education. I am pleased there counting on his grandpa and the other the date of the President’s second inau- were no adverse comments during the parents and grandparents of this body guration.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.020 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S95 Today, this body has the opportunity The same thing can be said of the and seen my colleagues in the House to confirm an excellent nominee with Governor of Nebraska, Mike Johanns, and Senate. There were some amazing the skills, with the experience, and the who has been tapped by the President hats being worn. There are very few character to help bring our students of to serve as the new Secretary of Agri- other times my colleagues would wear all ages and backgrounds along the culture. He and I had a very positive one. We had Senator BAUCUS and Sen- pathway to fulfill their own version of conversation and dialog yesterday. He ator HATCH in cowboy hats, Senator the American dream. I am confident we is from Iowa originally. He went to law DEWINE in his bowler, Alan Greenspan can do so, and provide our children and school in Nebraska and made it his with his Yankees baseball hat—quite students of all ages with an effective home. He was elected Governor. Having an array, not to mention Justice advocate at the Department of Edu- grown up on a dairy farm in Iowa, he Scalia’s hat, which I cannot describe. cation. understands farming first hand. We had I say this by way of introduction. Thank you, Mr. President. I think all a very positive conversation. He suc- There is a style issue here that some- Members who wish to speak on this ceeds an excellent Secretary, Ann one should report. I thank Mr. Stein- have spoken. Veneman, who now will go on to be the berg for bringing this historical notion I ask unanimous consent that all head of UNICEF. to our attention, that the inauguration time remaining on both sides be yield- Mike Johanns was an excellent today raises questions which I am sure ed. choice by President Bush and was con- an enterprising journalist will follow The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there firmed without any debate or con- up on. objection? Without objection, it is so troversy. I say that because many peo- Let’s go to the substance of the ordered. ple think when it comes to the Senate speech and what happened today. Mr. ENZI. I ask the Senate to pro- floor it is nothing but a fistfight every Clearly, there were disappointments on ceed to the vote. single day. That is not a fact. We will the Democratic side of the aisle. Many The PRESIDING OFFICER. The disagree, but in many instances the Members worked long and hard for our question is, Will the Senate advise and President’s recommendations are ap- colleagues JOHN KERRY and Senator consent to the nomination of Margaret proved without controversy and with- John Edwards on their candidacy. I Spellings, of Texas, to be Secretary of out debate. Every White House prays served as vice chairman of the Demo- Education? that every recommendation, every cratic National Committee and trav- The nomination was confirmed. nomination, and every bill will have eled to many of the battleground Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I move to the same outcome. That is never the States on their behalf. I saw an out- reconsider the vote. case. We will do our best to work with pouring of volunteer support for that Mr. DURBIN. I move to lay that mo- this President. Coming together today, campaign that I had never seen before tion on the table. in this session, immediately after the in any previous campaign. There was The motion to lay on the table was inauguration, is an indication of our ef- also an outpouring of small donations, agreed to. forts to do so. an indication of the interest the Amer- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f ican people had in that campaign. President will be immediately notified Of course, there was a bitter dis- of the Senate’s action. INAUGURATION appointment among those on the f Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I will Democratic side with the outcome on speak for a moment about the inau- November 2. I am glad Senator KERRY LEGISLATIVE SESSION guration we just attended. First, I ad- came forward on November 3 and said, Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, if there dress an issue of style which was clearly, that he was conceding the elec- is no further business under any unani- brought to my attention earlier this tion and that America should move on mous consent, I ask to be recognized to week in Chicago. One of my acquaint- with its new President, President speak as if in morning business. ances is a columnist for the Chicago George Bush, who was then reelected. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Sun-Times. His name is Neil Steinberg. Many people contacted me and ex- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Steinberg recently wrote ‘‘Hatless pressed the sadness and bitterness and Mr. DURBIN. Thank you, Mr. Presi- Jack.’’ It is the story about men wear- disappointment, as you might expect, dent. ing hats in America. It was a good con- after a hotly contested election. It is a f versation we had about his book. fact of life that America is very closely It starts with the premise that some divided politically. Had one State, the NOMINATIONS 44 years ago today with the inaugura- State of Ohio, gone the other way and Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, first, let tion of John Kennedy, there was a the electors pledged to JOHN KERRY me congratulate the new chairman of change in fashion in America and men rather than to President Bush, we the HELP Committee, the Senator stopped wearing hats. Mr. Steinberg would have sworn in JOHN KERRY today from Wyoming, for his leadership. I debunks that notion but goes into a as President of the United States. The wish him the same level of success for very interesting history of not only margin in Ohio was 118,000 votes. So everything he brings to the floor—that John Kennedy wearing a hat but also still we see our Nation divided, blue it be both bipartisan and moved hats in America. States and red States, though there is through so quickly. I think our deci- People remember that inauguration a lot of commonality within those sion to move the Secretary of Edu- 44 years ago. Seven inches of snow fell States on issues of importance. cation so quickly was the right deci- the day before. Some 3,000 soldiers were I listened to the President’s speech sion. I was happy to join in that vote. on the street overnight shoveling the today. It was a good one. Many people I wish the chairman the very best in snow, using flamethrowers to try to mistakenly believe the inaugural ad- his new assignment on the committee. melt the snow to make way for the in- dress is the State of the Union. It is There are several nominations that auguration the next day. not. Most Presidents use the inaugural are likely to move through with equal The inauguration started an hour address to make a statement that will dispatch—if not today, within the next late. Senator Kennedy, of course, be- stand the test of time, that will last few days. came the President and gave his fa- through history. It does not address It has been my honor to meet with mous speech: Ask not what America the morning paper so much as the sum- the new Secretary of Commerce-Des- can do for you but what you can do for mation of what has happened in Amer- ignate, Carlos Gutierrez, who was for- your country. Robert Frost was at that ica over the last year, two, three, or merly the CEO of Kellogg, and is now occasion. People seem to remember four. That is what President Bush did taking on this post. He is new to Gov- there were no hats there, that John in his speech today. ernment but he brings an amazing per- Kennedy did not wear a hat. They mis- I thought the direction of that speech spective to the Department of Com- takenly blame him for killing an in- toward freedom was an important merce. I am certain his nomination dustry. point. It is one that every American will move through very quickly. I am I wish those same people could have and every American President would certain he will do a very good job. been out today for the inauguration share—not only that we value our own

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.041 S20PT1 S96 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 freedom but want to see other nations real complaint from local school ad- working at his desk saying we need his reach that same goal. I agree with the ministrators, Governors, that we have leadership to make certain Social Se- President completely. created a Federal mandate for testing curity will last into the future. He also spoke about what the free- and accountability but no resources to Well, that is a good thing. Each doms would mean to Americans. He is take care of the problems. When we President should address that. But we not the first President to address that identify special ed students or students need to see the particulars, and we issue, of course. We can all remember from struggling families or disadvan- need to ask ourselves, is this President the famous speech by Franklin Roo- taged households who are not doing proposing a privatization, even a par- sevelt, the ‘‘Four Freedoms’’ speech, in well on tests, what do we do as a Fed- tial privatization, of Social Security his address to Congress on January 6, eral Government to help the school dis- which will in fact cause a cut in bene- 1941. trict? fits to Social Security recipients? If Franklin Roosevelt, in that speech, In my home State of Illinois, we are that is the President’s proposal, I laid out what he considered to be the in a desperate situation. School dis- think he is in for a struggle. four essential human freedoms: first, tricts are bankrupt all over the State. Many of us view Social Security dif- freedom of speech and expression ev- We have had a terrible time because of ferently than some on the other side of erywhere in the world; second, freedom the turn down in the economy. Our the aisle. We understand there is a of every person to worship God in his Governor is struggling to balance his challenge in Social Security. But keep own way, everywhere in the world; budget. The amount of money for edu- this in mind: If we do nothing on Cap- third, freedom from want, which trans- cation certainly should be increased. itol Hill in Congress about Social Secu- lated into world terms means economic Instead, the Federal Government iden- rity, absolutely nothing, Social Secu- understandings, which will secure to tifies problems, creates this category rity will continue to make every single every nation a healthy peacetime life of so-called failing schools, and then payment every year with a cost of liv- for its inhabitants everywhere in the does not provide the resources to take ing adjustment until at least 2042, 37 world; and the fourth, freedom from care of the problem. years from now, and perhaps 2052, 47 fear, which translated into world terms In a few weeks we are going to see a years from now. Those are the esti- means a worldwide reduction of arma- budget resolution from this adminis- mates from the experts. So we have be- ments to such a point and in such a tration. When it comes to education tween 40 and 50 years of Social Secu- thorough fashion that no nation will be and all that we have heard on the Sen- rity making every payment if we do in a position to commit an act of phys- ate floor and the President’s speech, nothing today. ical aggression against any neighbor the real test is, will we put the re- I believe, and many share it, that we anywhere in the world. sources there? Will we put the money can do something today. We can make That speech of the Four Freedoms there? commonsense changes in Social Secu- was given about 12 months before the Secondly, there is the whole question rity that are modest, which would, attack on Pearl Harbor. As we read of health care. If you want to talk when played out over 40 or 50 years, about the freedom from fear, we put it about what most families and individ- much like the miracle of compound in- in the context of what followed: one of uals need in America, it comes down to terest, make Social Security strong, the bloodiest wars in the world. What basic health care. Ask any Governor in not just for 40 or 50 years but 60 or 70 President Bush spoke to was the free- this Nation the importance of Med- years or beyond. That is what I believe dom from fear from terrorism, recount- icaid. That is the program, of course, we should do. ing our tragic national experience on the Federal and State program, to pro- The reason I believe it will work is I September 11. He also talked about the vide health care to people who are dis- have seen it work. I served in the freedom from want, which President abled or in lower income categories. House of Representatives in the 1980s. Roosevelt raised, as well. We all want Ask them what their concern is. Their President Ronald Reagan, a Repub- the people of this country to have the concern is that the cost of Medicaid is lican, came to Tip O’Neill, the quin- best. We all want to do our part to going up substantially and that the tessential Democratic leader, and said: make that happen. Federal Government is not providing We have a problem. All of the babies We just heard an extraordinary ex- the resources. As a result, many of born after World War II, the baby change between Democrats and Repub- these Governors worry that people boomer generation, will show up for licans in the Senate on the issue of today depending on Medicaid will not Social Security, and we will not have education. What struck me in listening have the Federal funds to match the the resources. We need to make to Senator ALEXANDER of Tennessee, State funds to make certain that Med- changes today in the mid-1980s to take Senator ENZI of Wyoming, Senator icaid is viable. care of a problem we can foresee in KENNEDY of Massachusetts, and Sen- Seventy percent of all Americans in 2010, far into the future. And we did it ator WYDEN of Oregon was the com- nursing homes today depend on Med- on a bipartisan basis. We made monality, so many things they agreed icaid—70 percent. A substantial num- changes, some popular, some not, some on, the importance of education. We ber of our children depend on Medicaid very modest in nature, and look what will see in a few weeks how important for their health care, and a substantial happened: Social Security bought more education really is. This administra- number of pregnant mothers about to longevity and more stability because of tion will present to Congress its budget deliver depend on that same Medicaid those changes. resolution. We can give a lot of speech- program. If President Bush is coming to us and es in the Senate, we can pledge that we Watch carefully when the President’s saying, make the modest changes so have great interest in issues, but the budget comes forward. See what the that Social Security can be strong in real test is if we put our resources and funding for Medicaid is. See if the the future, then I will sign up for that. our energy behind those interests. President’s budget will also address On a bipartisan basis, we owe that not The budget resolution is the first this aspiration of freedom from want only to those who are to retire, work- test. We can look to that budget reso- when it comes to health care. ing today, but to future generations. lution to see if the values of the inau- Another issue that is very timely in But if the goal here is to privatize So- gural address are expressed in the the news is the future of Social Secu- cial Security, is to take from the So- budget of the President. It is one thing rity. We are still waiting. We have cial Security trust fund resources we to speak of those values on January 20; heard some generalities from the Presi- are already counting on to pay to retir- it is quite another to present a budget dent, his general goals, his general as- ees and to put it into the stock mar- resolution which meets that test. pirations when it comes to Social Se- ket, which some are suggesting, I think We can look to several items. First, curity reform. There is an ad playing the President is in for a battle because will there be more money for No Child on Washington, DC, television that if we are going to privatize Social Se- Left Behind? This is a program I voted shows Franklin Roosevelt signing the curity at the expense of cutting bene- for, a program of accountability in bill into law to create Social Security fits to Social Security recipients, then schools to make certain that the kids in the 1930s and then quickly switches I am afraid there is going to be a great are progressing. But there has been a to a color photo of President Bush resistance on both sides of the aisle.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.045 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S97 Wait for the President’s State of the tremendous problems with the elec- but equal branches of Government. I Union, wait for his budget resolution, toral system in Florida, and then we take my constitutional responsibility wait to see if the promise in values had the race decided by the U.S. Su- just as does the President of the United that were articulated in the inaugural preme Court. But America being as it States. address will be played out in the actual is, the minute the Supreme Court made We as Senators have constitutional budget presented to Congress in the fu- their decision, Vice President Gore and obligations to which we swear every 6 ture. That is what we have to do. the rest of the country recognized that years when we take our oath of office There are a lot of hungry people in the election was over. There wasn’t a and fulfill our contract with the people America today. There are a lot of fami- window broken; there were no riots; no of our respective States. Speaking for lies anxious to find work. There are a one was hurt. The inauguration went those on this side of the aisle, we are lot of people who have jobs today that forward as if President Bush had won going to work as hard as we can to live are not quite what they were a year by 10 million votes. That is what our up to the expectations the American ago. We have lost manufacturing jobs country is all about. We are a nation of people have in us. We may be elected as across this country. We have health in- laws, not a nation of men. Democrats and Republicans, but we surance costs going up dramatically, It is my hope that today will usher in don’t serve as Democrats and Repub- not only hurting businesses but labor a new beginning in Washington. I say licans. We serve ultimately as Ameri- unions as well. Schools are struggling that because we have had a lot of par- cans. There are so many areas where to do their job. We are in a much more tisan rancor and squabbling. I hope we can find common ground, we need competitive world. that now gives way to a spirit of bipar- not look to areas where we can squab- But I think what the President said tisanship. Frankly, we didn’t get much ble and be partisan. If we work to- today was a message of hope; that if we in the last 4 years with the new tone. gether on the areas where we have can come together as a nation, regard- The President said he wanted to be a common ground, it would take every less of our political persuasion, that if uniter and not a divider. For reasons I waking minute the Senate has. I look forward to being the new we can be honest about the challenges, don’t fully understand, that never took Democratic leader, working with this and if we can give a little on both sides place. caucus and working with the President to work out compromises, the country I spoke to the President the day after and my Republican colleagues to find can, in the future, as it has in the past, the election, and it was a pleasant con- ways that we can keep our commit- rise to the occasion. I look forward to versation. He clearly indicated at that ments to the armed services, those being a part of that process. time that he wanted to reach out. He serving in uniform in Iraq, Afghani- Mr. President, I yield the floor and said: I haven’t another election, and I stan, Korea, the Balkans, all over the suggest the absence of a quorum. want to do my best to get along. That world, as they are serving to keep The PRESIDING OFFICER. The is my take on what he said to me. I Americans safe. The war on terror is a clerk will call the roll. hope we are able to go forward on the war for which we must be vigilant, and The assistant legislative clerk pro- message the President delivered to me. we will do everything we can to sup- ceeded to call the roll. This country needs unification. We port the armed services of our country. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- have been divided too long. One of our immediate tasks must be Today we had a little lunch after the imous consent that the order for the to put our Nation’s fiscal house in inauguration ceremony. Of all the quorum call be rescinded. order. There can be no question about speeches the President has given, his The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the need to do that. We are spending objection, it is so ordered. speech there, which took less than 5 more money than we are taking in as a f minutes, was the best he has ever de- government. We are spending in excess livered. I commented on that. It was A CALL FOR UNIFICATION of our resources by far too much. There because he delivered the speech recog- is much work to be done to strengthen Mr. REID. Mr. President, every 4 nizing the tremendous responsibilities education, expand access to quality, af- years, at the time of the inauguration, he has as President of the United fordable health care. it is a festive time in America. It cer- States. You could tell by listening to I don’t talk about bipartisanship just tainly is a time of celebration in Wash- and watching him the emotion that he in theory. I have had the good fortune ington, DC. I have had the good fortune felt. I was very impressed with that. to work with Senator JOHN ENSIGN, a of being able to be here on a number of I trust and hope that the President’s Republican. JOHN ENSIGN and I are occasions. expressed feelings today go forward in from the State of Nevada. Six years As I look back, the thing that stands the months and years to come. I say ago we were in one of the most dif- out—Democrat and Republican—is how that because the American people are ficult, bitter races, not only in the his- cold the weather is. It is always cold. It counting on us. People from Rhode Is- tory of the State of Nevada but the his- is always a question of how cold it is land, people from Illinois, people from tory of our country. That race was ulti- going to be. I had the good fortune, his- Nevada, people from all over the coun- mately decided by 428 votes. Here it is torically, of being able to serve here in try are depending on us to work to- 6 years later, and JOHN ENSIGN is now a the Senate when we canceled an out- gether to tackle the immense problems member of the Senate. door inauguration ceremony for Presi- facing this Nation. JOHN ENSIGN is a loyal Republican, dent Reagan. It was so cold it simply We on this side of the aisle—the aisle and I do my very best to represent the could not be held outside, and the that we talk about so much is right Democratic Party. But because of our crowd had to be thinned down by thou- here—all 45 of us have stated privately work together, the work of Senator sands and thousands, and people and publicly, we will work with the REID and Senator ENSIGN, we have jammed into the Rotunda behind us. President. But I do say this: We will worked on that which is important to Even though it was cold outside, it was not shy away from living up to the val- the State of Nevada and, we believe, to still warm inside at the second inau- ues and priorities we believe are impor- the country. We have worked together guration of President Reagan. It is a tant in our country. We are serious in in a bipartisan basis. That work has time when we put political differences tone and in context. We will work with been beneficial to our country. aside and honor the American presi- the President. With the spirit of the inauguration dency. He took an oath of office today. We close to our hearts today, I look for- I have had a lot of microphones all saw that on national television. ward to the great debates ahead in the shoved in my direction today. Each of People don’t often see us every 6 years great debating society we call the Sen- those times I tried to recognize the when we take the oath of office. During ate. I am optimistic and confident that day. The day is to honor our system of his remarks following taking the oath today could be a new beginning. But it Government. of office, he praised the wisdom con- will only be a new beginning if the tone If we look back 4 years ago, there tained in the document we call the that is set today is carried forward in was a situation where the man who was Constitution. That document lays the years to come in making our coun- elected President received fewer votes forth the separation of powers within try the country it has the potential to than the person he beat. We had the our Government, the three separate be.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.048 S20PT1 S98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 COMMITTEE FUNDING LEVELS [From USA Today, January 17, 2005] stretches of the parade will still be quite ac- KENTUCKY FAMILY HEARS INAUGURAL CALL cessible to the public. Mr. FRIST. On January 6, I engaged Phyllis Clark, school services coordinator in a colloquy with the distinguished (By Bill Nichols) for Flowing Wells School District in Tucson, Democratic Leader, Senator REID, con- LAWRENCEBURG, KY.—When Franklin will be bringing several dozen eighth-graders cerning the budget assumptions for the Roosevelt was sworn in as president for the to the inauguration for the second time. She next committee funding biennial pe- third time in 1941 under the shadow of poten- worries that her kids won’t be able to tour riod, subject to appropriations. I stated tial U.S. entry into world war, the program the White House because of the security. that the committee funding budget as- read: ‘‘Inaugurals take their drama from the ‘‘This year I told the kids that I really don’t sumes an across-the-board freeze budg- temper of the times.’’ think we’ll get to go in,’’ she says. Dave Disponett, a builder and passionate But Clark also says the event is also an op- et, with salary baselines adjusted by Republican activist in this traditionally portunity to show young people that they COLAs of 3.71 percent in 2005 as ap- Democratic city of just under 10,000, agrees. have to live their lives to the fullest, even in proved by the President pro tempore in On Thursday, when President Bush takes an age of terrorism. ‘‘We’ll still go. And if early January; 3.3 percent assumed for the oath of office for a second term, something happens, we’ll look after each 2006, and 3.5 percent assumed for 2007, Disponett, 69, will attend his sixth inaugura- other and take care of each other,’’ Clark although both the 2006 and 2007 actual tion with his wife, daughter, son-in-law and says. ‘‘We can’t be so afraid that we don’t go COLA amounts remain subject to the 10-year-old granddaughter—who is on inau- anywhere.’’ approval of the President pro tempore. guration No. 2. NOT GIVING IN TO TERROR Based on preliminary calculations, The Disponett clan, like thousands of The Disponetts couldn’t agree more. Last other visitors who are descending on Wash- both Senator REID and I assumed cer- week, they were busy preparing for their trip ington, are bracing for a very different inau- tain funding levels, subject to appro- to Washington. Ten-year-old Anna-Marie, guration this year. ‘‘I imagine there are the daughter of Lois Ann Disponett and hus- priations. We have now received final going to be lines everywhere, but what can band Todd Hyatt, recently found her coveted financial calculations for an across- you do?’’ Disponett says. It is the nation’s $80 ball gown on sale for $20 at a Louisville the-board freeze including the pre- first since the Sept. 11 attacks, and extraor- department store. viously identified COLAs. To achieve dinary security precautions are in place. Dave Disponett’s rising influence as a GOP our fiscal goal, aggregate funding lev- But as demonstrated by the treasure trove activist and fundraiser in Kentucky has els would be: March 1, 2005–September of inaugural memories and memorabilia— given his family increasingly better inau- 30, 2005: $51,783,793; October 1, 2005– ball tickets, programs and photographs— gural access since their first trip in 1969, which Dave and his wife, Brenda, believe was Semptember 30, 2006: $90,923,102; and that Disponett has saved, this mix of pag- eantry and politics always manages, for good their first trip outside Kentucky. Campaign October 1, 2006–February 28, 2007: or bad, to reflect the mood of the nation. finance records show Disponett gave $2,000 to $38,704,409. These funding levels in- Spectators seem to come for a party but end the Bush re-election campaign last year, clude, but do not separately allocate, up with a little piece of time. while Brenda gave $2,750 to the National Fed- the additional 10 percent allocated to In 1969, Disponett watched friends climb a eration of Republican women. the committees in the 108th Congress. I light pole on a Washington street to avoid Disponett’s life as a Republican began in believe this reflects the intent of the Vietnam protesters who had thronged to 1953, when he went to register to vote and negotiation between the Democratic Richard Nixon’s inauguration. The trip was told by an Anderson County clerk that there was no point in registering as a Repub- leader and myself. marked Disponett’s first time on an air- plane; he was 33. lican since no Republican candidates could Mr. REID. The majority leader is cor- get elected in Lawrenceburg. That struck rect. The preliminary calculations that Twelve years later, he was moved to tears as crowds listened to transistor radios to Disponett as not exactly in the democratic we were provided did not accurately re- hear news of the release of the U.S. hostages spirit, so he registered Republican. In 1967, flect our goal of an across-the-board in Iran as Ronald Reagan was sworn in 1981. he helped elect Louis Nunn as Kentucky’s freeze including the COLAs. The aggre- ‘‘That was the most exciting day of my first Republican governor in 24 years. That gate funding levels identified today by life,’’ Disponett remembers. His daughter began Disponett’s side career as a Repub- the majority leader accurately reflect Lois Ann, 47, who attended her first inau- lican Party power broker, which facilitated guration at the age of 10, says the experi- his family’s ritual of watching a president the intent of our agreement. get sworn in. Mr. FRIST. I thank the Democratic ences she had were almost impossible to ex- RICH MEMORIES leader for his comments. plain to her schoolmates back in Lawrence- burg. ‘‘Most people couldn’t grasp it,’’ she That first year, in 1969, the Disponetts f says of the celebrities and dazzling gowns. didn’t to Inaugural Balls, because, they re- TRIBUTE TO DAVE DISPONETT ‘‘It was just a world totally beyond their call, they couldn’t afford the $100 tickets. comprehension.’’ She felt, she says, like a They were also fairly dazzled by the Wash- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I real-life Cinderella. ington scene. rise today as our Nation celebrates the The family didn’t go attend Nixon’s sec- SECURITY CONCERNS 55th Presidential Inauguration to pay ond-term inauguration in 1973 because of fi- tribute to Mr. Dave Disponett, a fellow Inaugural historian Jerry Wallace, retired nancial reasons, but headed back in 1981 for Kentuckian who is in Washington, DC from the National Archives, points out that Reagan’s first inauguration. They remember heightened security for the ceremony is not the excitement of the crowd when the 52 U.S. to attend his sixth inauguration. new. Both of Abraham Lincoln’s inaugura- Dave is a dedicated member of the hostages were released by Iran, and that the tions found troops on Washington’s streets, National Christmas Tree—kept dark because Republican Party—a man I am glad to and the 1861 event was held under threat of of the hostage crisis—was turned on at last. have on my team. He has been a wit- assassination. Woodrow Wilson’s 1917 inau- ‘‘I get goose bumps just thinking about it,’’ ness to history with the swearing in of guration, held as the United States consid- Lois Ann says. President Richard Nixon in 1969, Presi- ered entering the First World War, also was By 1981, Dave Disponett also was on his dent Ronald Reagan in 1981 and 1985, marked by a show of force. way to becoming a GOP insider. He has a President George H.W. Bush in 1989, Wallace worries, however, that precautions signed photograph of Reagan from the occa- President George W. Bush in 2001 and for this year’s event could dampen the abil- sion, on the back of which is a note from the ity of average Americans to enjoy the day. late Lee Atwater, Reagan’s political direc- again today, January 20, 2005. At least 6,000 police officers—some of them Dave is in the Nation’s capita1 today tor. In 1985, the Disponetts were connected heavily armed—will patrol Washington’s enough to have been invited to attend balls, with his wife, daughter, son-in-law and streets, searching ticket holders and onlook- though Lois Ann says she was surprised that 10-year old granddaughter—who is al- ers as F–16s, F–15s and military helicopters they were so crowded and featured so little ready following in her grandfather’s patrol the skies. dancing. From George H.W. Bush’s inaugura- footsteps by attending her second Pres- ‘‘I find all this security just very oppres- tion in 1989, Dave Disponett proudly shows idential Inauguration. sive,’’ Wallace says. ‘‘The whole dynamic be- an unopened commemorative bottle of Earlier this week USA Today pub- hind an inaugural is not to be exclusive at Korbel champagne, which he bought for $25. lished a story about Dave and his fam- all.’’ After eight years of Democratic rule, the ily, ‘‘Kentucky Family Hears Inau- Charlie Brotman, a 77-year-old Washington family returned to their inaugural haunts in gural Call.’’ I ask unanimous consent public relations executive who has been the 2001, where they had the pick of events be- Inaugural Parade announcer for the past 48 that the full article be included in the cause Sen. Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Re- years, says security for the presidential publican, was a key inaugural organizer. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. viewing stands on the stretch of Pennsyl- That year also marked Anna-Marie’s inau- There being no objection, the mate- vania Avenue in front of the White House gural debut. And while she fell asleep in her rial was ordered to be printed in the will be tighter than any he has experienced. father’s arms during President Bush’s inau- RECORD, as follows: Brotman believes, however, that earlier gural address, the experience does seem to

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.016 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S99 have had an effect. She recently asked her moted, in 2002, to her present position of academic excellence and social re- grandfather how old he would be in 2030, as public affairs specialist. sponsibility have enriched the lives of when she will be 35 and old enough to run for Ms. Soelter served on the Board of its students and its state’s citizens for governor in Kentucky. Dave Disponett now Directors: in the early 1970’s for the a century. I congratulate the faculty, says he has a compelling reason to live to be 94. Billings Multiple Sclerosis Society, staff, alumnae, and students of the Col- Charlie Brotman, the Inaugural Parade an- Helping Hands from 1991 through 1993, lege of St. Catherine on their 100 years nouncer, says that despite the security and and from 1994 to 2000 for the Billings of excellence. I know that they will exclusivity now associated with inaugura- Community Center. continue their great tradition for the tions, the event remains a moment of na- Jan has participated in local, re- next 100 years. tional ceremony that touches even the most gional and national workshops and f cynical Americans. ‘‘Fathers and mothers conferences. She has also received ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS tell me they want to take their children, so many local, regional, and national their kids can tell their kids that they were awards and recognition for her employ- there. It’s all about the memories.’’ For the Disponetts, it certainly is. Their ment with the Social Security Admin- IN RECOGNITION OF GEOFFREY job now is to try to keep Anna-Marie from istration. ‘‘ROCKY’’ MYERS, RECIPIENT OF becoming too nonchalant about going to the When Jan Soelter retired on Decem- THE 2004 GAGLIARDI TROPHY ber 31, 2004, we lost a very dedicated inaugurations. When her mother told her re- ∑ Mr. CARPER. Mr. President. I rise cently that this year, she’ll actually get to and caring public servant. She is an in- today to recognize and congratulate dance at a ball, Anna-Marie answered, ‘‘Well, spiration to us all, and a tireless work- Geoffrey ‘‘Rocky’’ Myers, the senior what else would you do?’’ er for the cause of Senior Citizens. I strong safety at Wesley College in f have personal knowledge of Jan’s dedi- Dover, DE, who has been named the re- TRIBUTE TO SAMANTHA LOUISE cation, drive and commitment, not cipient of the 12th annual Gagliardi only to her profession, but more impor- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, as I was Trophy. This award is given annually tantly to the people she worked with, to the outstanding football player in sitting at the West Front of the Capitol and the citizens she worked for. Thank on this Inauguration Day listening to the NCAA Division III and is the Divi- you, Jan, for your service to our coun- sion III equivalent of the Heisman Tro- the speech of the President and the try. hopes of all the speakers for a fresh be- phy. His recognition demonstrates the f ginning, I kept thinking of another success that comes from hard work, fresh beginning that occurred yester- THE COLLEGE OF ST. CATHERINE perseverance, and the experience of a remarkable team as well as a dedicated day when our daughter Kate presented Mr. DAYTON. Mr. president, I rise coach, and the support of an out- her husband Howard with a second today to offer my heartfelt congratula- daughter and her daughter Bess with a standing college. tions to the College of St. Catherine, in The Gagliardi Trophy was presented sister, Samantha Louise. St. Paul, MN, on the celebration of its to Rocky on December 16, 2004, in While the hopes for a new beginning centennial year. St. Catherine is our Salem, VA, in the presence of his proud of an administration are always tem- country’s largest Catholic college for parents, Gilbert and Cheryl. Unlike the pered by time and reality, the hopes women. Its numerous academic Heisman, this trophy, sponsored by which spring from a new baby are achievements would be impressive for a Jostens, Inc. and administered by the boundless. college of any size, but for an institu- SJU J-Club, recognizes excellence in And so, at the inaugural lunch today tion with fewer then 5,000 students, academics and community service, as in Statuary Hall, Senator WARNER and such accomplishments are downright well as athletics. his wife Jeanne and General Myers and spectacular. A native of Bowers Beach, DE, Rocky Mrs. Myers, as well as our other lunch Since its founding 100 years ago, the attended W.T. Chipman Middle School partners, raised our glasses in con- College of St. Catherine has expanded and Lake Forest High School through gratulations and best wishes to the its student body from high school and his sophomore year and finished his President and Vice President, but also lower division college students to in- high school career, graduating second graciously and gleefully raised their clude associate, bachelor’s and grad- in his class, at Caesar Rodney High glasses with my wife Barb and me in uate degree candidates in more than 60 School in Camden, DE. At Wesley, salute to the birth of our grand- fields. In 1937, St. Catherine became Rocky played in all 10 games of the daughter Samantha Louise. the first Catholic college to be awarded 2004 season for the 8–2 Wesley College I know my colleagues will forgive a chapter of the national honor soci- Wolverines and totaled 124 tackles, 62 this burst of a grandfather’s pride as ety, Phi Beta Kappa. of which were solo tackles, along with we undertake the serious business be- Today, the College of St. Catherine 62 assists. Rocky also had 6.5 tackles fore us. continues to distinguish itself as a for a loss of 20 yards and five intercep- f leading institution for women’s edu- tions for 84 yards. A ‘‘Football Ga- cation. Its Women of Substance series zette’’ National Player of the Week, TRIBUTE TO JAN SOELTER features lectures and performances of ECAC Co-Defensive Player of the Week Mr. BURNS. Mr. President, it is my theater, music, and dance by female and three-time ACFC Defensive Player privilege to honor a very special speakers and artists from around the of the Week, Rocky ranks 11th nation- woman for her nearly 25 years of serv- world. In the classroom, the college’s ally with 12.4 total tackles per game, ice with the Social Security Adminis- new Centers for Excellence focus on the 13th with 1.7 passes defended per game tration. Jan Soelter was raised in Bil- role of women in such diverse fields as and 30th with 6.1 solo tackles per game lings, MT, and was a Billings Senior public policy, spirituality, and health. this season. High School graduate. Jan furthered Annually, the College of St. Cath- Rocky was named to the All-ACFC her education at Eastern Montana Col- erine graduates more nurses than any and All-ACFC Academic Team for all lege, now MSU–Billings, and graduated other college or university in Min- four years of his college career. One of with honors, obtaining a combination nesota. It is second only to the much only three Division III players and 15 of degrees with a major in psychology larger University of Minnesota in the total scholar-athletes, Rocky was and a minor in art. number of public school teachers it has named to the National Football Foun- Ms. Soelter was hired as a Service educated and placed in the State’s cap- dation and College Hall of Fame’s 2004 Representative at the Billings Social ital city of St. Paul. National Scholar-Athlete Class. He is Security Administration in January of Along with all of the Minnesotans the only wolverine to be named a team 1980. She was rapidly promoted to data whose lives have benefited from the captain three consecutive years. review technician in 1981, claims rep- talents, professionalism, and leader- In addition to his expertise and agil- resentative in Bozeman, MT, in 1982, ship of St. Catherine’s outstanding ity on the football field, Rocky is a 4.0 and transferred back to Billings as a graduates, I would like to say thank academic record student who is major- field representative in 1985. Jan found you. The College of St. Catherine’s ing in biology with a minor in chem- her true calling when she was pro- commitment to the highest standards istry. He was selected for his academic

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.026 S20PT1 S100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 achievements and leadership on cam- standing work and service to the men Lloyd met his wife Joan while in col- pus and in the neighboring commu- and women of the U.S. Army. Under lege at Susquehanna University. They nities. Rocky has done volunteer work Jesse’s leadership, the Anniston Army married on June 14, 1970 and now have with the youth reading program at Depot’s revenue more than tripled and two children, Sharon and Jeff, and one North Dover Elementary and in the the direct labor hour execution more grandchild, Ashley. Guidance Office of the Dover Central than doubled, all in a recent 3-year Over the past 3 decades, Lloyd has Middle School. He has also spent time span. taken the jazz ensemble at Newark helping the senior citizens of Fred- Jesse has been a catalyst in business High School to national competitions erica, DE, relocate to their new senior development and partnering efforts including the Mobile Jazz Festival in facility and was a camp counselor at that have established Anniston Army Alabama, the Berklee Jazz Festival in the St. Thomas More Middle School Depot as a leader within DOD in such Boston, and the All-American Jazz Fes- Youth Basketball Camp. efforts. In November 2000, he was in- tival in Orlando, as well as numerous At Wesley, Rocky was a member of strumental in partnering efforts be- jazz festivals in the tri-state area. the Student-Athlete Advisory Com- tween Anniston Army Depot and Gen- Lloyd and the Newark High School mittee for the past three years, as well eral Dynamics for the production of band have performed in 105 field show as a Wesley College tutor for four the Army’s Stryker vehicle to support festivals, 107 parades, 385 football years. Rocky’s academic achievements brigade combat teams. As a result of games, 148 concerts, 193 jazz festivals, include a nomination to the ‘‘USA his efforts, the partnership developed 158 pep assemblies, 144 special perform- Today’’ Academic All-American, Na- production capabilities and began ac- ances and 34 graduations. The music tional Dean’s List and U.S. Achieve- tual production within a few months at department has won over 925 trophies. ment Academy College All-American Anniston with the first Stryker pro- From 1978 to 1988, Lloyd directed the Scholar. duced in March 2002. The result was First State Symphonic Band in over The Gagliardi Trophy is named for fielding the vehicle on time in spite of 110 concerts and 500 rehearsals.∑ John Gagliardi, legendary head coach a nearly 1-year delay to the contract Lloyd’s memberships have included: at St. John’s University (SJU) in award due to protests from other bid- Delaware Music Educations Associa- Collegeville, Minnesota, where he be- ders. As of November 2004, 625 Strykers tion, National Band Association, Inter- came the most successful coach in col- have been produced. national Association of Jazz Edu- lege football history with 409 wins on Jesse L. Poor is to be commended for cations and the Music Education Na- November 8, 2003. Gagliardi currently his exemplary achievements and serv- tional Conference. has 421 career victories in his 56 years ice to the Nation. Jesse’s steady, calm, Described by his friend of over 30 of coaching, 52 of those being at SJU. and visionary presence has fostered the years, Jonathan Wittman, Lloyd is a College Presidents nominate their top successful melding of the 5,600 civil- jovial, friendly kind-hearted man. He student-athletes for this award. The J- ians, military and contractor members always looks for the humor in life, and Club Board of Directors narrows the of Anniston Army Depot into a cohe- finds a way to use humor positively field to 10 finalists and a national se- sive force supporting the Army’s readi- and as a way to get his point across lection committee selects the winner. ness. His vast expertise in depot main- when teaching. He is personable and Dr. Scott Miller, President of Wesley tenance, focus on production and effi- easy-going man who enjoys life to the ciency, coupled with high quality College, nominated Rocky. In the fullest. standards, set the stage for an im- words of Dr. Miller, ‘‘Rocky is a stu- Lloyd plans to work part-time after proved financial posture. Jesse’s com- dent-leader of significant note. Stu- his retirement with students and mitment to the goals and ideals of the dents like him emerge only once in a teachers at the University of Delaware. Army is without equal and reflects generation. The fact that he is an ath- He also plans to spend time on his hob- great credit upon himself, the U.S. lete makes his accomplishments even bies, which include travel, photog- Army Materiel Command and the U.S. more noteworthy.’’ raphy, and woodworking. Army. Today, I rise to extend congratula- Through his tireless efforts, Lloyd I wish Jesse and his family the best has made a profound difference in the tions and best wishes to Rocky Myers now and into the future.∑ and his family and all of the fine stu- lives of thousands of students, while dents, athletes, coaches and faculty at f enriching and enhancing countless Wesley College that helped to make RETIREMENT OF LLOYD H. ROSS lives in the first State. Upon his retire- this award possible. We wish him fun ∑ Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I rise ment, he will leave behind a legacy of times relaxing in the California sun today in recognition of Lloyd H. Ross commitment to public service for both this summer and the best of luck as he upon his retirement from Newark High his children and grandchildren and for pursues graduate school in the fall.∑ School in Newark, DE, after more than the generations that will follow. It is f 34 years of dedicated service. He is a my privilege to congratulate Lloyd on a truly remarkable and distinguished RETIREMENT OF JESSE L. POOR man with a kind heart, diverse inter- ests and great abilities. Lloyd em- career. I wish him and his family only ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I rise bodies the best of Delaware. the very best in all that lies ahead for today to pay tribute to Jesse L. Poor, Lloyd was born on August 25, 1948 in each of them.∑ Deputy to the Commander, Anniston Nicholson, PA. He graduated from Sus- f Army Depot, United States Army quehanna University in Pennsylvania TRIBUTE TO ORLAND BERGENE Tank-Automotive and Armaments with a B.S. in Music Education in 1970. Command upon his retirement from He then went on to complete his Mas- ∑ Mr. BURNS. Mr. President, it is my Anniston Army Depot and a life of ter’s in Music Education at West Ches- privilege to honor a very special man service to the Nation. Born in ter University in 1974. Lloyd has also for his 431⁄2 years of service with the Crestview, FL, Mr. Poor earned an as- done postgraduate work at Peabody Social Security Administration. Mr. sociate of applied science degree in per- Conservatory, Berklee College of Orland Bergene was raised in Circle, sonnel management and supervision Music, University of Delaware, Ithaca MT, graduating from Circle High from Gadsden State College, a bachelor University and Villanova University. School in 1955. He graduated in 1960, of arts degree in history and human re- During the last year of his Master’s with a degree in Business Administra- source management from the Univer- program at West Chester University, tion, from Rocky Mountain College in sity of Alabama, and he is also a grad- Lloyd received a job offer from Newark Billings, MT. Mr. Bergene and his wife, uate of the Harvard University Pro- High School. He commuted from West Judy, were married in 1965 and have gram for Senior Executive Fellows. Chester to Newark for the year, and two children, Steven and Jana. The work that Jesse Poor did during then moved to Newark. The rest, as Mr. Bergene has helped citizens ob- his tenure at the Anniston Army Depot they say, is history. Lloyd has been a tain disability benefits and informa- has been exemplary. His dedication is fixture at Newark High School ever tion through the Social Security Ad- evidenced by the number of awards he since and became an institution there ministration, by beginning his career has received in recognition of his out- over time. as a Claims Representative in Billings,

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.026 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S101 MT, in June 1961. Realizing his poten- the special assistant for the B–1B pro- so willing to put their country before tial, Orland was promoted to Field gram to the deputy chief of staff for re- themselves. The answer is that we find Representative in 1965, Operations Su- search, development, and acquisition, these people in places like Norman, pervisor in Grand Forks, ND, in 1971, and from 1983–1985 commanded the 2nd OK, where service to our country is an and Staff Officer at the Denver Re- Bombardment Wing, the Strategic Air honor beyond all others and its own re- gional Office in 1973. Command’s largest operational unit. In ward. Mr. Bergen was selected for the Staff his last Government assignment he I offer my gratitude and congratula- Development Program in January of held the dual positions of Director of tions to Jim for all he has done in 40 1975 and became the Public Affairs As- Special Programs for the deputy chief years of service to our Nation, and sistant in the Regional Office in Den- of staff for research, development, and wish him and his wife Tammy my very ver, CO, in August of that same year. acquisition and Director of Low Ob- best wishes in their well-deserved re- He moved to Pueblo, CO, in 1978 as As- servable Technology for the Defense tirement.∑ sistant District Manager and was reas- Department. f signed as branch manager in LaJunta, Our Nation owes Jim Evatt a debt of CO, in January of 1993. Orland served gratitude just for his Air Force service, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE on a variety of details in the Denver re- from his combat assignments in Viet DURING ADJOURNMENT gional office and the Colorado Dis- Nam to his intimate involvement in ability Determination Services, until the development of stealth technology. being reassigned in January 1994 and When Jim retired from the Air Force ENROLLED BILL SIGNED coming home to Montana to his he went right to work at Boeing, intent Under authority of the order of the present position as district manager in upon continuing to contribute to our Senate of January 6, 2005, the Sec- the Social Security Administration’s Nation’s defense. He has held numerous retary of the Senate, on January 6, Billings District Office, as their dis- positions over his 18 years at Boeing, 2005, during the adjournment of the trict manager. to include President of the Information Senate, received a message from the When Mr. Bergene retired January 3, and Communication Systems Groups; House of Representatives announcing 2005, we lost a very dedicated and car- Executive Vice President of the De- that the Speaker has signed the fol- ing public servant. He is an inspiration fense and Space Group; Vice President lowing enrolled bill: to us all, and a great teacher to many of Marketing and Strategic Analysis; H.R. 241. An act to accelerate the in- who have worked for and with the So- Director of Strategic Analysis and Ad- come tax benefits for charitable cash cial Security Administration. I have vanced Development; Program Man- contributions for the relief of victims personal knowledge of Orland’s dedica- ager for the Grumman/Boeing/Lock- of the Indian Ocean tsunami. tion, and commitment, not only to his heed AX fighter aircraft team for the Under the authority of the order of profession, but more importantly to Military Airplanes Division; Director January 6, 2005, the enrolled bill was the people he worked with, and the of Advanced Product Development; and signed by the President pro tempore citizens he worked for. Thank you, Director of Preliminary Design. (Mr. STEVENS) during the adjournment Orland, for your service to our coun- Jim Evatt’s contributions to our Na- of the Senate, on January 6, 2005. try.∑ tion’s defense over the last 5 years are f f particularly noteworthy, during which time he has been indispensable to the RETIREMENT OF JAMES W. EVATT EXECUTIVE REPORT OF progress of America’s missile defense COMMITTEE ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, today program. Jim became the program I take the opportunity to note the im- manager of the Groundbased Midcourse The following executive report of pending retirement of James W. Evatt Defense program, or GMD as it is now committee was submitted: from The Boeing Company and con- known, shortly after Integrated Flight By Mr. LUGAR for the Committee on For- gratulate him for his 4 decades of serv- Test-5 ended in a failure. eign Relations. ice to our country. First he led Boeing’s examination of *Condoleezza Rice, of California, to be Sec- retary of State. In all the debates over defense pro- that failure, and then was rewarded grams we often forget the human di- with the opportunity to lead GMD’s in- *Nomination was reported with rec- mensions of these issues. It is all too dustry team. In combination with ommendation that it be confirmed sub- easy to think of programs by their Major General Bill Nance, now retired, ject to the nominee’s commitment to names and forget that real people work Jim focused the GMD program on those respond to requests to appear and tes- hard every day to make a difference in activities which were necessary to tify before any duly constituted com- the defense of our country. evolve the program from what was es- mittee of the Senate. Jim Evatt has been one these people sentially a demonstration to a de- f for the past 40 years, first during 22 ployed system. That they did this dur- ORDER FOR PRINTING OF years of service in the Air Force and ing a period of time in which the execu- INAUGURAL CEREMONY then these last 18 years with Boeing. tive branch was focused more on pre- To day that the emergence of our Na- serving the ABM Treaty as the so- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tion has been a remarkable success, called ‘‘cornerstone of strategic sta- ask unanimous consent that the pro- one we can be so proud of, is due in no bility’’ than it was on protecting ceedings from today’s inaugural cere- small measure to the fact that we can America, Americans, and American in- mony be printed in today’s CONGRES- claim remarkable people like Jim terests from the threat of missile at- SIONAL RECORD. Evatt among our most devoted citi- tack is truly remarkable and some- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- zens. thing for which future generations will out objection, it is so ordered. Jim was born in Norman, OK, less be grateful. f than 6 months before the United States In the year prior to fielding ground- entered World War II. Jim attended the based interceptions at Ft. Greely, AK, INAUGURAL PROCEEDINGS University of Oklahoma for a year be- Jim again assumed direct responsi- Inauguration of George W. Bush, fore deciding that the Air Force Acad- bility for industry’s conduct of the Thursday, January 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m. emy was the right place to be. After GMD program. I am confident that our The Joint Chiefs of Staff assembled graduation he served with distinction Nation’s deployment of interceptors is on the President’s platform. in the Air Force in Viet Nam, first fly- due in no small measure to the leader- The Diplomatic Corps assembled on ing B–52 missions and then flying the ship and dedication of Jim Evatt. the President’s platform. O–2 aircraft as a forward air controller. I could go on at some length, but to Members of the House of Representa- He held positions in a variety of assign- do that would only embarrass this tives of the United States, led by the ments as a pilot in both the Strategic humble, God-fearing patriot. We some- majority whip, ROY BLUNT, and the mi- and Tactical Air Commands. Jim was times wonder how our Nation came to nority whip, STENY HOYER, assembled part of the B–1 Joint Test Force, was be so great, where we find Americans on the President’s platform.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.003 S20PT1 S102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Members of the Senate of the United firm their solemn oath of obligation to commend them to Your care. Give States, escorted by Senate secretary support and defend the Constitution. them courage to carry out their duties for the majority, David Schiappa, and The inaugural ceremony is a seminal and courage to face the perils which Senate secretary for the minority, moment in our Nation’s history. It is beset them and grant them always a Martin Paone, assembled on the Presi- the culmination of a triumphant demo- sense of Your presence in all that they dent’s platform. cratic process that for centuries has do. Former Speaker of the House of Rep- placed power in the will of the people, Finally, today, we are especially resentatives, Newt Gingrich, accom- and a unique moment when our leaders grateful for this inauguration which panied by Mrs. Gingrich; former Vice stand before the Nation and take an marks a new beginning in our journey President and Mrs. Dan Quayle; the oath to uphold a set of principles cho- as a people and a nation. We pray that Governors of the United States and its sen by those people. It is a time when You will shower the elected leaders of territories; the President’s Cabinet, all Americans can unite in apprecia- this land, and especially George, our and the Supreme Court of the United tion of our great Republic, while look- President, and Richard, our Vice Presi- States assembled on the President’s ing to the future with confidence and dent, with Your lifegiving spirit. Fill platform. vision. them with the love of truth and right- The 42nd President of the United This ceremony, like the shining dome eousness that they may serve You and States, William Jefferson Clinton, and of the Capitol above us, is an enduring this Nation ably and be glad to do Your Senator Hillary Clinton, and the 39th symbol of America’s strength and sta- will. Endow their hearts with Your President of the United States, Jimmy bility in both challenging and pros- spirit of wisdom that they may lead us Carter, and Mrs. Rosalynn Carter as- perous times. As President Ronald in reviewing the ties of mutual respect sembled on the President’s platform. Reagan said in his first inaugural ad- which form our civic life so that peace (Performance by Mr. Wintley dress, ‘‘Freedom and the dignity of the may prevail with righteousness and Phipps.) individual have been more available justice with order. The daughters of the Vice President, here than any other place on Earth.’’ We pray that You will strengthen Elizabeth Cheney Perry and Mary Che- The price of this freedom at times has their resolve as they lead our Nation ney; the 41st President of the United been high, but we have never been un- seeking to serve You in this world, and States, George Bush, and Barbara willing to pay that price. that this good and generous country Bush, and Mrs. Jenna Welch, accom- Since we last met here, America has may be a blessing to the nations of the panied by the daughters of President been challenged and it has responded to world. And may they lead us to be- George W. Bush, Jenna and Barbara those great tests with strength and come, in the words of Martin Luther Bush, assembled on the President’s steadfast courage of conviction. We re- King, members of a beloved commu- platform. sponded by continuing to be a beacon nity, loving our neighbors as ourselves (Performance by Mr. Guy Hovis.) of hope that has led so many from the so that all of us may more closely Accompanying the wife of the Vice shadow of tyranny into the light of come to fulfill the promise of our President, Lynne Cheney, Chief Admin- freedom. Founding Fathers: one nation under istrative Officer of the House, Jay Today, we honor America. Today, we God, indivisible, with liberty and jus- Eagen; Assistant Secretary of the Sen- celebrate the ever expanding opportu- tice for all. All this we ask in Your ate, Mary Suit Jones; Mrs. Tom DeLay, nities of her people. And today we also most holy name. Amen. and Mr. Paul Pelosi assembled on the honor the brave men and women of our Mr. LOTT. Ladies and gentlemen, President’s platform. Armed Forces who have sacrificed to please welcome the Chief Justice of the Accompanying the First Lady, Mrs. guarantee our freedom. Supreme Court of the United States, Laura Bush, Secretary of the Senate, (Applause.) the Honorable William H. Rehnquist. Emily Reynolds; Clerk of the House, They are standing vigil today to (Applause.) Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleas- Jeff Trandahl; Mrs. ; Mrs. J. spread peace and freedom throughout ure to introduce one of today’s most Dennis Hastert, and Mrs. William H. the world. Since 1789, Americans have popularly acclaimed mezzo-sopranos, Frist assembled on the President’s gathered in peaceful, dignified cere- Ms. Susan Graham of Texas, to sing platform. monies to reaffirm the authority of our Inaugural coordinator for the Joint ‘‘Bless This House.’’ chief executives. So it is in that tradi- (Performance by Ms. Susan Graham.) Congressional Committee on Inaugural tion that we gather here again today Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Susan. Ceremonies, Lura Nell Mitchell; Senate looking out over the expanse of great- Ladies and gentlemen, please join me Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Keith Ken- ness that is America to celebrate our now in welcoming the senior Senator nedy; House Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Nation, to commemorate its rich his- from Connecticut, the Honorable Kerri Hanley; Senator WILLIAM H. tory of achievement, to advance the in- CHRISTOPHER J. DODD. FRIST, and Representative TOM DELAY trepid hopes that reside in the hearts (Applause.) escorted Vice President RICHARD CHE- of our citizens, and to give thanks to Mr. DODD. Thank you, Senator NEY to the President’s platform. God for his blessings upon us all. LOTT. President and Mrs. Bush, Vice Staff director for the Joint Congres- In that spirit, I call now on the Rev- President and Mrs. Cheney, fellow citi- sional Committee on Inaugural Cere- erend Doctor Luis Leon, who will de- zens, the Vice President of the United monies, Susan Wells; the Sergeant at liver the invocation. Dr. Leon. States will now take the oath of office. Arms, Bill Pickle; the House Sergeant Rev. LEON. Let us pray. His wife, Lynne, and their daughters, at Arms, Bill Livingood; chairman of Most gracious and eternal God, we Elizabeth Cheney Perry and Mary Che- the Joint Congressional Committee on gather today as a grateful people to ney, will hold the family Bible. I now Inaugural Ceremonies, Senator TRENT enjoy the many blessings You have be- have the honor to present the Speaker LOTT; Senator CHRISTOPHER DODD; the stowed on this Nation. of the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House, J. DENNIS We are grateful for Your vision which Honorable J. DENNIS HASTERT, to ad- HASTERT; Senate Majority Leader WIL- inspired the Founders of our Nation to minister the oath of office to Vice LIAM H. FRIST; Representative TOM create this democratic experiment as President RICHARD BRUCE CHENEY. Mr. DELAY, and Representative NANCY one nation under God, indivisible, with Speaker. PELOSI escorted President George W. liberty and justice for all. (Applause.) Bush to the President’s platform. We are grateful to You that You have Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Vice President, Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, Mr. Vice brought to these shores a multitude of please raise your right hand and repeat President, Mr. Speaker, Members of peoples of many ethnic, religious, and after me. the U.S. Congress, Reverend Clergy, language backgrounds, and yet have The Speaker of the House of Rep- fellow Americans, welcome to the U.S. fashioned one nation out of so many resentatives, J. DENNIS HASTERT, ad- Capitol and the 55th Presidential Inau- cultures and traditions. ministered to the Vice President the guration, where in a few moments Even as we celebrate this great mo- oath of office prescribed by the Con- President George W. Bush and Vice ment, we remember before You the stitution, which he repeated, as fol- President RICHARD B. CHENEY will reaf- members of our Armed Forces. We lows:

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.053 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S103 ‘‘I, RICHARD BRUCE CHENEY, do sol- force of history that can break the (Applause.) emnly swear that I will support and de- reign of hatred and resentment and ex- America will not pretend that jailed fend the Constitution of the United pose the pretensions of tyrants and re- dissidents prefer their chains, or that States against all enemies foreign and ward the hopes of the decent and toler- women welcome humiliation and ser- domestic; that I will bear true faith ant, and that is the force of human vitude, or that any human being as- and allegiance to the same; that I take freedom. pires to live at the mercy of bullies. this obligation freely, without any (Applause.) We will encourage reform in other mental reservation or purpose of eva- We are led, by events and common governments by making clear that suc- sion, and that I will well and faithfully sense, to one conclusion: The survival cess in our relations will require the discharge the duties of my office of of liberty in our land increasingly de- decent treatment of their own people. which I am about to enter. So help me pends on the success of liberty in other (Applause.) God.’’ lands. America’s belief in human dignity Mr. LOTT. Ladies and gentlemen, (Applause.) will guide our policies, yet rights must please welcome internationally ac- The best hope for peace in our world be more than the grudging concessions claimed mezzo-soprano, Ms. Denyce is the expansion of freedom in all the of dictators; they are secured by free Graves, to perform ‘‘American An- world. dissent and the participation of the them.’’ (Applause.) governed. In the long run, there is no America’s vital interests and our (Performance by Ms. Denyce Graves.) justice without freedom, and there can Mr. LOTT. That sets the tone for deepest beliefs are now one. From the be no human rights without human lib- what we are about to do. day of our founding, we have pro- erty. Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me claimed that every man and woman on (Applause.) great pleasure to introduce the Chief this Earth has rights and dignity and Some, I know, have questioned the Justice of the Supreme Court of the matchless value because they bear the global appeal of liberty—although this United States, the Honorable William image of the Maker of heaven and time in history, four decades defined by H. Rehnquist, who will administer the Earth. the swiftest advance of freedom ever (Applause.) seen, is an odd time for doubt. Ameri- Presidential oath of office. Justice Across the generations we have pro- cans, of all people, should never be sur- Rehnquist. claimed the imperative of self-govern- The CHIEF JUSTICE. Raise your prised by the power of our ideals. Even- ment, because no one is fit to be a mas- right hand, Mr. President, and repeat tually, the call of freedom comes to ter, and no one deserves to be a slave. after me. (Applause.) every mind and every soul. We do not The Chief Justice of the United Advancing these ideals is the mission accept the existence of permanent tyr- States, William H. Rehnquist, adminis- that created our Nation. It is the hon- anny because we do not accept the pos- tered to the President the oath of of- orable achievement of our fathers. Now sibility of permanent slavery. fice prescribed by the Constitution, it is the urgent requirement of our Na- (Applause.) which he repeated, as follows: tion’s security, and the calling of our Liberty will come to those who love ‘‘I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly time. So it is the policy of the United it. swear that I will faithfully execute the States to seek and support the growth Today, America speaks anew to the office of President of the United States of democratic movements and institu- peoples of the world. All who live in and will, to the best of my ability, pre- tions in every nation and culture, with tyranny and hopelessness can know the serve, protect, and defend the Constitu- the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in United States will not ignore your op- tion of the United States. So help me our world. pression, or excuse your oppressors. God.’’ (Applause.) When you stand for your liberty, we (Applause.) This is not primarily the task of will stand with you. The PRESIDENT. Vice President arms, though we will defend ourselves (Applause.) CHENEY, Mr. Chief Justice, President and our friends by force of arms when Democratic reformers facing repres- Carter, President Bush, President Clin- necessary. Freedom, by its nature, sion, prison, or exile can know America ton, Members of the United States Con- must be chosen and defended by citi- sees you for who you are, the future gress, Reverend Clergy, distinguished zens, and sustained by the rule of law leaders of your free country. guests, fellow citizens. and the protection of minorities. And The rulers of outlaw regimes can (Applause.) when the soul of a nation finally know that we still believe as Abraham On this day, prescribed by law and speaks, the institutions that arise may Lincoln did: ‘‘Those who deny freedom marked by ceremony, we celebrate the reflect customs and traditions very dif- to others deserve it not for themselves; durable wisdom of our Constitution ferent from our own. America will not and, under the rule of a just God, can- and recall the deep commitments that impose its own style of government on not long retain it.’’ unite our country. I am grateful for the the unwilling. Our goal instead is to The leaders of governments with long honor of this hour, mindful of the con- help others find their own voice, attain habits of control need to know: To sequential times in which we live, and their own freedom, and make their own serve your people you must learn to determined to fulfill the oath that I way. trust them. Start on this journey of have sworn and you have witnessed. The great objective of ending tyr- progress and justice, and America will At this second gathering, our duties anny is the concentrated work of gen- walk at your side. are defined not by the words I use, but erations. The difficulty of the task is (Applause.) by the history we have seen together. no excuse for avoiding it. America’s in- All the allies of the United States For a half century, America defended fluence is not unlimited, but fortu- can know we honor your friendship, we its own freedom by standing watch on nately for the oppressed, America’s in- rely on your counsel, and we depend on distant borders. After the shipwreck of fluence is considerable, and we will use your help. Division among free nations communism came years of relative it confidently in freedom’s cause. is a primary goal of freedom’s enemies. quiet, years of repose, years of sab- (Applause.) The concerted effort of free nations to batical—and then there came a day of My most solemn duty is to protect promote democracy is a prelude to our fire. this Nation and its people from further enemies’ defeat. We have seen our vulnerability and attacks and emerging threats. Some Today, I also speak anew to my fel- we have seen its deepest source. For as have unwisely chosen to test America’s low citizens. From all of you, I have long as whole regions of the world sim- resolve, and have found it firm. asked patience in the hard task of se- mer in resentment and tyranny, prone (Applause.) curing America, which you have grant- to ideologies that feed hatred and ex- We will persistently clarify the ed in good measure. Our country has cuse murder, violence will gather and choice before every ruler and every na- accepted obligations that are difficult multiply in destructive power and tion: The moral choice between oppres- to fulfill, and would be dishonorable to cross the most defended borders and sion, which is always wrong, and free- abandon. Yet because we have acted in raise a mortal threat. There is only one dom, which is eternally right. the great liberating tradition of this

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.055 S20PT1 S104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Nation, tens of millions have achieved tained in our national life by the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebra- their freedom. truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the tion, a witness said, ‘‘It rang as if it (Applause.) Mount, the words of the Koran, and the meant something.’’ In our time, it As hope kindles hope, millions more varied faiths of our people. Americans means something still. America, in this will find it. By our efforts, we have lit move forward in every generation by young century, proclaims liberty a fire as well—a fire in the minds of reaffirming all that is good and true throughout the world, and to all the in- men. It warms those who feel its that came before—ideals of justice and habitants thereof. Renewed in our power, it burns those who fight its conduct that are the same yesterday, strength—tested but not weary—we are progress, and one day this untamed fire today, and forever. ready for the greatest achievements in of freedom will reach the darkest cor- (Applause.) the history of freedom. ners of our world. In America’s ideal of freedom, the ex- (Applause.) A few Americans have accepted the ercise of rights is ennobled by service, May God bless you, and may He hardest duties in this cause—in the mercy, and a heart for the weak. Lib- watch over the United States of Amer- quiet work of intelligence and diplo- erty for all does not mean independ- ica. macy; the idealistic work of helping ence from one another. Our Nation re- (Applause.) raise up free governments; the dan- lies on men and women who look after Mr. LOTT. At this time, I would like gerous and necessary work of fighting a neighbor and surround the loss with to present a unique performance com- our enemies. Some have shown their love. Americans, at our best, value the bining the U.S. Marine Band, the Navy devotion to our country in deaths that life we see in one another, and must al- Sea Chanters, and the Army of Herald honored their whole lives, and we will ways remember that even the un- Trumpets, performing ‘‘God of our Fa- always honor their names and their wanted have worth. thers.’’ sacrifice. (Applause.) (Musical performance.) (Applause.) Our country must abandon all the Mr. LOTT. Please stand as Pastor All Americans have witnessed this habits of racism because we cannot KirbyJon Caldwell will deliver the idealism, and some for the first time. I carry the message of freedom and the benediction, and then please remain ask our youngest citizens to believe baggage of bigotry at the same time. standing for the national anthem, (Applause.) the evidence of your eyes. You have which will be led by TSgt Bradley Ben- From the perspective of a single day, nett from the U.S. Air Force Band. Fol- seen duty and allegiance in the deter- including this day of dedication, the lowing the national anthem, please re- mined faces of our soldiers. You have issues and questions before our country seen that life is fragile, evil is real, and are many. From the viewpoint of cen- main in place while the official party courage triumphs. Make the choice to turies, the questions that come to us departs the platform. Pastor Caldwell. Rev. CALDWELL. Thank you, Sen- serve in a cause larger than your are narrowed and few. Did our genera- OTT. Let us pray, please. wants, larger than yourself, and in tions advance the cause of freedom? ator L O Lord God Almighty, the supply and your days you will add not just to the And did our character bring credit to supplier of faith and freedom, how ex- wealth of our country, but to its char- that cause? acter. These questions that judge us also cellent is Your name in all the Earth. (Applause.) unite us, because Americans of every You are great and gratefully to be America has need of idealism and party and background, Americans by praised. O God, as we conclude this courage, because we have essential choice and by birth, are bound to one 55th inaugural ceremony, we conclude work at home—the unfinished work of another in the cause of freedom. We it with an attitude of thanksgiving. American freedom. In a world moving have known divisions which must be Thank You for protecting America’s toward liberty, we are determined to healed to move forward in great pur- borders. After all, as the Psalmist re- show the meaning and promise of lib- poses, and I will strive in good faith to minds us, unless You, O God, guard the erty. In America’s ideal of freedom, heal them. Yet those divisions do not territory, our efforts will be in vain. citizens find the dignity and security of define America. We felt the unity and Thank You for our armed service per- economic independence, instead of la- fellowship of our Nation when freedom sonnel. And it is with unswerving boring on the edge of subsistence. This came under attack, and our response thanksgiving that we pause to remem- is the broader definition of liberty that came like a single hand over a single ber the persons who have made the ul- motivated the Homestead Act, the So- heart. We can feel that same unity and timate sacrifice to help ensure Amer- cial Security Act, and the G.I. Bill of pride whenever America acts for good, ica’s safety. Thank You, O God, for sur- Rights. And now we will extend this vi- and the victims of disaster are given rounding our personnel, their families, sion by reforming great institutions to hope, and the unjust encounter justice, their friends, and our allies with Your serve the needs of our time. To give and the captives are set free. favor and Your faithfulness. Deploy every American a stake in the promise (Applause.) Your host from Heaven so that Your and future of our country, we will We go forward with complete con- will for America will be performed on bring the highest standards to our fidence in the eventual triumph of free- Earth as it is already perfected in schools, and build an ownership soci- dom. Not because history runs on the Heaven. ety. wheels of inevitability; it is human I confess that Your face will shine (Applause.) choices that move events. Not because upon the United States of America, We will widen the ownership of we consider ourselves a chosen nation; granting us social peace and economic homes and businesses, retirement sav- God moves and chooses as He wills. We prosperity, particularly for the weary ings, and health insurance, preparing have confidence because freedom is the and the poor. our people for the challenge of life in a permanent hope of mankind, the hun- I also confess, O God, that each free society. By making every citizen ger and dark places, the longing of the American’s latter days will be better an agent of his or her own destiny, we soul. When our Founders declared a than their former days. Let it be unto will give our fellow Americans greater new order of the ages, when soldiers us according to Your words. Rally the freedom from want and fear, and make died in wave upon wave for a union Republicans, the Democrats, and the our society more prosperous and just based on liberty, when citizens Independents around Your common and equal. marched in peaceful outrage under the good so that America will truly become In America’s ideal of freedom, the banner ‘‘Freedom Now,’’ they were act- one nation under God, indivisible, with public interest depends on private ing on ancient hope that is meant to be liberty, justice, and equal opportunity character—on integrity, and tolerance fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of for all, including the least, the last, towards others, and the rule of con- justice, but history also has a visible and the lost. science in our own lives. Self-govern- direction, set by liberty and the Au- Bless every elected official right now. ment relies, in the end, on the gov- thor of Liberty. O God, I declare Your blessings to erning of the self. That edifice of char- (Applause.) shower upon our President, George W. acter is built in families, supported by When the Declaration of Independ- Bush. Bless him, his family, and his ad- communities with standards, and sus- ence was first read in public and the ministration. I once again declare that

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.058 S20PT1 January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S105 no weapon against them shall prosper. sions of S. Res. 105 (adopted April 13, PROGRAM God, forgive us for becoming so 1989), as amended by S. Res. 149 (adopt- Mr. MCCONNELL. On Monday, fol- ensnarled in petty partisan politics ed October 5, 1993), as amended by Pub- lowing morning business, the Senate that we miss Your glory and forget our lic Law 105–275, further amended by S. will begin debate on the nomination of purpose. Deliver us from the evil one, Res. 75 (adopted March 25, 1999), and S. Carlos Gutierrez to be Secretary of from evil itself, and from the mere ap- Res. 383 (adopted October 27, 2000) the Commerce. We have not received any pearance of evil. Give us clean hearts appointment of the following Senator requests for a rollcall vote on the so that we might have clean agendas, to serve as a member of the Senate Na- Gutierrez nomination and it is ex- clean priorities and programs, and even tional Security Working Group for the pected we will be able to dispose of clean financial statements. 109th Congress: Senator WILLIAM H. that nomination on a voice vote. And now unto You, O God, the one FRIST of Tennessee (Majority Adminis- Therefore, no rollcall votes are ex- who always has been and always will be trative Co-Chairman). pected during Monday’s session. We the one King of Kings and the true will continue to work through the power broker, we glorify and honor f President’s nominations as they be- You. Respecting persons of all faiths, I come available. We will have more to humbly submit this prayer in the name APPOINTMENT say with respect to the voting schedule of Jesus Christ. Amen. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The next week. f Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, I also remind all of my colleagues UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- pursuant to Public Law 94–304, as that we were able to lock in a time MENT—EXECUTIVE NOMINA- amended by Public Law 99–7, appoints agreement on the nomination of TIONS the following Senator as Chairman of Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of the Commission on Security and Co- State. We will debate the Rice nomina- Mr. MCCONNELL. As in executive operation in Europe (Helsinki) during session, I ask unanimous consent that tion throughout the day Tuesday and the 109th Congress: Senator SAM the nominations to the Office of In- vote on that nomination on Wednesday BROWNBACK of Kansas. spector General, except the Office of of next week. f Inspector General of the Central Intel- f ligence Agency, be referred in each ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, case to the committee having primary ORDERS FOR MONDAY, JANUARY JANUARY 24, 2005, AT 2 P.M. jurisdiction over the department, agen- 24, 2005 cy, or entity, and if and when reported Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if in each case, then to the Committee on Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I there is no further business to come be- Homeland Security and Governmental ask unanimous consent that when the fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- Affairs for not to exceed 20 calendar Senate completes its business today, it sent that the Senate stand in adjourn- days, except in cases when the 20-day adjourn until 2 p.m. on Monday, Janu- ment under the previous order. period expires while the Senate is in re- ary 24; I further ask that following the There being no objection, the Senate, cess, the committee shall have 5 addi- prayer and the pledge the morning at 5:09 p.m., adjourned until January tional calendar days after the Senate hour be deemed to have expired, the 24, 2005, at 2 p.m. Journal of proceedings be approved to reconvenes to report the nomination, f and that if the nomination is not re- date, the time for the two leaders be ported after the expiration of that pe- reserved, and there then be a period of CONFIRMATIONS riod, the nomination be automatically morning business until 3 p.m., with the Executive nominations confirmed by discharged and placed on the executive first half of that time under the con- the Senate Thursday, January 20, 2005: trol of the majority leader or his des- calendar. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ignee, and the remaining time under MARGARET SPELLINGS, OF TEXAS, TO BE SECRETARY objection, it is so ordered. the control of the Democratic leader or OF EDUCATION. his designee; provided that at 3 p.m. f DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the Senate proceed to executive ses- APPOINTMENT MIKE JOHANNS, OF NEBRASKA, TO BE SECRETARY OF sion, as provided under the previous AGRICULTURE. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The order. THE ABOVE NOMINATION WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO Chair announces, on behalf of the Ma- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THE NOMINEE’S COMMITMENT TO RESPOND TO RE- QUESTS TO APPEAR AND TESTIFY BEFORE ANY DULY jority Leader, pursuant to the provi- objection, it is so ordered. CONSTITUTED COMMITTEE OF THE SENATE.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:46 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.060 S20PT1