![Senate Section](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2005 No. 3 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was The legislative clerk read the fol- vided further that there be 30 minutes called to order by the Honorable NORM lowing letter: of debate under the control of Chair- COLEMAN, a Senator from the State of U.S. SENATE, man CHAMBLISS, 15 minutes under the Minnesota. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, control of Senator HARKIN, and 15 min- Washington, DC, January 20, 2005. utes under the control of Senator DAY- PRAYER To the Senate: TON; provided further that at the con- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- clusion of that time the Senate proceed of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby to a vote on the confirmation and nom- fered the following prayer: appoint the Honorable NORM COLEMAN, a Let us pray. Senator from the State of Minnesota, to per- ination with no intervening action or Almighty God, our rock and fortress, form the duties of the Chair. debate. You put the mountains in place and TED STEVENS, Finally, I ask that the President bring silence to roaring waves. We cele- President pro tempore. then be immediately notified of the brate and sing because of You. You are Mr. COLEMAN thereupon assumed the Senate’s action. a strong tower where we find safety. Chair as Acting President pro tempore. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Strengthen our faith and forgive us for pore. Is there objection? The Demo- f doubting Your power and providence. cratic leader. Help us see Your hand in the orderly RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. REID. I ask that the consent be transition of governmental power. Re- WHIP modified to delete the time for Senator HARKIN and Senator DAYTON. mind us that You place leaders in their The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- positions of authority. Thank You for pore. The majority whip is recognized. this great land and for the many free- pore. Is there objection to the modified doms we sometimes take for granted. f request? Without objection, it is so or- We appreciate Your faithfulness and SCHEDULE dered. Your mercies that are new each day. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on Today, lead our lawmakers so that ask unanimous consent that following behalf of the majority leader, I will an- Your name will be honored. Protect the vote on the Johanns nomination, nounce today’s schedule. The Senate them from hidden traps and sustain the Senate proceed to the consider- has convened on this ceremonial day them through the lengthening shad- ation of Executive Calendar No. 2, Mar- for the purpose of considering some of ows. garet Spellings, to be Secretary of Edu- the President’s Cabinet level appoint- Lord, as we pray, we remember How- cation; provided further that there be ments. We had hoped and expected to ard Liebengood, Senator FRIST’s faith- 45 minutes of debate under the control consider the President’s appointment ful chief of staff and a former sergeant of Chairman ENZI, 15 minutes under the of Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of at arms. Comfort and sustain all of us control of Senator KENNEDY, 10 min- State but, unfortunately, I understand who are grieving his loss. We pray in utes under the control of Senator LAU- there is an objection on the other side Your blessed Name. Amen. TENBERG, 10 minutes under the control to moving to that nomination today. of Senator WYDEN, and 10 minutes f So in a moment I will propound several under the control of Senator DODD; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE unanimous consent agreements for the provided further that at the conclusion President’s nominations. The Honorable NORM COLEMAN led of that time the Senate proceed to a Before I do, I say that if we get these the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: vote on the confirmation of the nomi- agreements, there will be no rollcall nation with no intervening action or I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the votes today. United States of America, and to the Repub- debate. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f Finally, I ask that the President indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. then be immediately notified of the ORDER OF PROCEDURE f Senate’s action. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Mr. REID. I ask that the consent be APPOINTMENT OF ACTING consent that at the conclusion of my modified to have Senator KENNEDY PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE remarks and the remarks of the Demo- have Senator LAUTENBERG’s time if The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cratic leader, the Senate proceed to ex- Senator LAUTENBERG does not claim it. clerk will please read a communication ecutive session for consideration of Ex- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to the Senate from the President pro ecutive Calendar No. 3, Mike Johanns, pore. Is there objection to the modified tempore (Mr. STEVENS). to be Secretary of Agriculture; pro- consent? ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S77 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:21 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.000 S20PT1 S78 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Without objection, it is so ordered. there would be a problem on that side RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I for any amount of debate we would The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ask further consent that at 3 p.m. on have today or tomorrow, so therefore I pore. Under the previous order, leader- Monday, January 24, the Senate pro- ask that on Tuesday, January 25, at a ship time is reserved. ceed to executive session for the con- time determined by the majority lead- sideration of Calendar No. 1, Carlos er, after consultation with the Demo- f Gutierrez, to be Secretary of Com- cratic leader, the Senate proceed to ex- MORNING BUSINESS merce; provided further that there be 2 ecutive session for the consideration of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hours of debate on the nomination, 1 the Rice nomination; provided further pore. Under the previous order, there hour under the control of Chairman that during Tuesday’s session there be will be a period for the transaction of STEVENS and 1 hour under the control 9 hours of debate equally divided be- morning business with Senators per- of Senator DORGAN; further, that at the tween the two leaders or their des- mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes conclusion of that time, the Senate ignees. each. proceed to a vote on the confirmation I further ask consent that when the of the nomination, with no intervening Senate resumes the nomination on f action or debate. Wednesday, January 26, there be an ad- EXECUTIVE SESSION Finally, I ask that the President ditional 40 minutes of closing remarks then be immediately notified of the equally divided between the two lead- Senate’s action. ers or their designees. NOMINATION OF MIKE JOHANNS The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Finally, I ask that following that de- TO BE SECRETARY OF AGRI- pore. Is there objection? Without objec- bate, the Senate proceed to a vote on CULTURE tion, it is so ordered. the confirmation of the nomination The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I with no intervening action or debate, pore. Under the previous order, the ask unanimous consent that today, fol- and that after the vote the President Senate will now go to executive session lowing the confirmation of the be immediately notified of the Senate’s and proceed to the nomination of Mike Spellings nomination, the Senate pro- action. ceed to the confirmation of Johanns. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The clerk will report the nomination. Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of pore. Is there objection? State; provided further that there be 2 The legislative clerk read the nomi- Mr. KENNEDY. Reserving the right nation of Mike Johanns, of Nebraska, hours of debate equally divided in the to object, and I do not intend to object, usual form, and that following that de- to be Secretary of Agriculture. I was wondering if my colleague from The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- bate the Senate proceed to a vote on Massachusetts, Senator KERRY, has the confirmation of the nomination pore. The Senator from Georgia. any time within that time? Mr. CHAMBLISS. I yield as much with no intervening action or debate. Mr. REID. Mr. President, if I could, I The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- time as he may consume to my col- ask the consent be modified to reflect league from Kansas, the former chair- pore. Is there objection? the speakers for the Democrats at this Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving man of the House Agriculture Com- time: Senator BYRD, 1 hour; Senator the right to object, we have Senators mittee under whom I served, my dear BOXER, 1 hour; Senator REED of Rhode who have been engaged in matters re- friend, PAT ROBERTS. Island, 30 minutes; Senator DURBIN, 30 lating to what is going on around the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- minutes; Senator KERRY, 20 minutes; world who, for the confirmation of the pore. The Senator from Kansas. Senator LEVIN, 15 minutes; Senator Secretary of State, wish to be able to Mr. ROBERTS. I thank the distin- KENNEDY, 15 minutes; Senator speak.
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